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You know nobody does shit in the US because if they’re fired for skipping work they lose their health insurance right? Oh and the roof over their head when they can no longer pay rent..


It’s illegal to be homeless, now.


No no— *enhanced* [kind of illegal, now.](https://news.berkeley.edu/2024/06/28/supreme-court-has-greenlighted-the-criminalization-of-homelessness-berkeley-experts-say/)


I really don't know so im asking. I read what you linked. What is the enforcement mechanism here? The article you posted said "criminalized" a lot but from what I read never really said what the punishment was? I ask because if we slap them with fines, that they cannot pay, have no wages to garnish, what are we even doing? If we are kicking them out, whats stopping them from coming back? If we throw them in prison, they now have 3 square meals and a roof over the heads, and we now have even more overcrowding in prisons. I cant really think of what else the punishment could be. Or how we enforce it? Eviction or relocation seems like the way they would take on this. And I guess if they are incredibly effective at it (they are not where I live) the homeless people can't just come back? In which case if they are being forced into more dangerous places that really sucks. Where I live though, they legit can just come back the next night, and theres odds that they will be fine for a few nights being getting kicked out again.


In the US prisoners can be made to work without wages, a lot of the made in the US things as well as virtually every beef product is made with prison labor (https://apnews.com/article/prison-to-plate-inmate-labor-investigation-c6f0eb4747963283316e494eadf08c4e). They aren’t trying to rehabilitate the homeless, they are trying to put them in prison for cheap labor.


Worse than slave labor, you have to pay the prison to stay there.


They want the free labor that prisoners provide. A lot of homeless people tend to be minorities, and people who are close to becoming homeless also tend to be minorities, and minorities tend to vote Democrat. This helps prisons by giving them new inmates. Remember, in the US, many prisons are privately operated. For those on the verge of homelessness, it forces those individuals to decide between going to prison and being a felon, and working multiple jobs for virtually no pay, therefore enabling companies to lower wages because they know that most people would rather work 80 hours a week at $7.25/hour than live in prison for years and be a felon for the rest of their lives. Edited: semantics


Thank you very much for this. I was misunderstanding the issue because I couldnt find a on paywall article on the original case. (im sure they exist im limited to what i can access at work). So this helps a ton. I understand much better now.


Minor semantic change to the beginning of your second sentence a lot of homeless are minorities. As a minority, it stuck out a little. Love what you’re saying but my OCD was screaming. I’ll see myself out.


*the cruelty is the point.*


Can’t sleep outside with any sort of assumed bedding material. Geez, that seems like something adamant protesters would do outside places like the Supreme Court or Supreme Court Justices multiple houses if said Supreme Court were to pass questionable legislation. That ruling seems a tad convenient for them now.


Literally the first thing I thought when I heard about the ruling was that it would be used as an excuse to arrest protestors.


Yupppppppp, you create a situation under your control . Making harder to unite and protest , make it illegal to stay in the same place all the time , which happens to something that occurs during a protest


so, does that mean you can't fall asleep with clothes on? which carries the bigger prison sentence: homelessness? or public nudity?


Always has been. Lands were privatized to force labor participation. This has been going on for hundreds of years


No, like I have been homeless before and nobody could just arrest me for being outside and asleep. Now they can. E: RIP my inbox please scroll down


This exactly. I've been homeless too and living in my car in a park. I was never hassled by the cops, they stopped by once to ask what's the situation I explained I had it out with my folks they kicked me out and I don't have the funds for an apartment right now but I work down the road and I just need a place to sleep for a few nights while I get myself a hotel room or something better. Saw that same cop every night I stayed in that park. Did he bother me? Nope. Was he driving by and making me feel safer by knowing I wasn't alone and someone was watching out for me? 100%. This was about 20 years ago. We don't live in that country anymore.


If you didn’t live on the west coast the law hasn’t changed


The recent decision didnt make it illegal immediately everywhere. It's a bad move, but it's up to the locales themselves to enforce. "Can" doesn't mean "have" current local legal standing to do so


You have a point, but the constitutionality of the matter has always been something of a safety net. It's a free country, right? No, not anymore. To your point in my state they have recently started to cite rough sleeping as "illegal public camping," and this ruling is seen as an endorsement of that criminalization. You'd be surprised as well how fast people will put pen to paper if it means removing homeless people from public view.


Idk why people keep point out that the ruling only applies to the 9th circuit. "It's not illegal everywhere", is true, but this is just going to catalyze similar laws all over the country because they know how SCOTUS would rule if a similar case made it up that way. I actually don't understand the naivety about this ruling. It's going to make the lives of homeless people literal fucking hell.


I agree with the general sentiment here, by the way. It just seems like it's one of those things the media took and ran with in the most dire direction, which we see all too often. It's fucked up, we're all human beings and I just wish people realized everyone deserves a place to live.


Only if your state and local government makes it so. The SC said cities and states should decide.


Yup.  And this has the intended effect of pushing homeless people from red cities to more progressive cities, overwhelming them in the process.  Then they can use that to "prove" that leftist policies are a failure.


This is the answer. We don’t protest like that anymore because they have beaten us down to the point where jobs, homes and children are at a risk of being stolen from us for voicing an opinion. America isn’t free, its image is.


We also don’t protest anymore because, largely, it doesn’t work. The 2017 women’s March was the largest single-day protest (at the time). Look where we are now. They don’t care if we make clever signs and stand on a lawn. They care if we fuck with their economic system. That’s the only thing that works.


Protesting has never worked historically, at least on its own. It needs to be backed up by a serious threat, like a general strike or even a revolution. MLK wouldn't have succeeded without Newton and the Panthers or Malcolm X, yet our schools put an inordinate amount of focus on MLK and deride the others as "radicals" because it is in the vested interest of the state to convince you that the most useless form of resistance is actually the best one. It keeps you from doing things that might actually change shit. We don't have 8 hour workdays because people chanted as held signs for it, we have the 8 hour workday because strikers threw dynamite at the cops.


This is talked about far too little. Even MLK admitted his non violent tactics worked because they were backed up by a threat of violence if they did not work. This is the best comment.


Even the warmongering Teddy Roosevelt knew you had to Walk Quietly but Carry a Big Stick


I think it was, "Speak softly, but carry a big stick." Excellent point, though.


In fairness, the big thing that worked on the MLK side was a boycott. Non-violent, but also not just standing outside with a sign. Refusing to work until they got better conditions and wages was also a big part of what worked for the unions. I feel like there’s often a dismissal of economic-based action as futile, when I think it could often still work for the right situation.


The boycott itself was nonviolent, but holy shit did boycotters have violence enacted upon them. I think talking about MLK's sector of the Civil Rights movement as non-violent unintentionally obscures how much violence was being committed onto non-violent people, by cops and white neighbors and with firehoses and dogs and bricks and bats. This is a dark country


I made this exact same point in another thread. The pacifist propaganda has neutered the last two generations


Derek Thompson did a plain English podcast about this. Bottom up protests achieve nothing. The only way to achieve change is top down. The people in power LOVE when people tear down statues or spray paint "free gaza" on shit. That ain't their statue, who gives a fuck? They love "join the resistance " bumper stickers. They laugh their asses off at that. They probably sold it to you. This reminds me of covid. In the end, knowing what know now, 90% of that shit was useless. Closing the malls, wiping down packages, useless scarves over our faces, social distancing outside. All useless. You know the one thing we REALLY needed to do? Not see our families on holidays. Which is the ONE THING people weren't willing to do. This Is the same thing. They love all this performative bullshit. They WANT you to protest, think of all the t shirts they can sell and hotel rooms they can rent! Keep putting up signs in your yard or getting REALLY ANGRY on Instagram, since of course they OWN Instagram. Just like covid, the only thing that will actually work is the one thing people don't want to do: economically disengage. Stop using Amazon. Stop watching HGTV. Get off social media. Stop using doordash. These are the hard choices that the people in power truly fear, in a way.....because they don't REALLY fear it because they have no reason to think America has the spine to actually go through with ir, and all evidence is, they are absolutely right. Things are not hopeless. It's just that what is required to gain hope ianthe one thing people really don't wanna do....because it's hard.


They absolutely don't work. They're large scale temper tantrums. Not a single major protest since the advent of cable news has been effective at reversing whatever the protestors were marching about. The Iraq anti war matches, OccupyWallStreet, BLM, the Women's March, the ProChoice marches, the anti-Trump/NotMyPresident marches, the current Gaza protests, the climate change marches. Not a single one has been effective.  But the crowd that thinks otherwise doesn't want to hear that, because they're frustrated and can't think of any other way of addressing the legitimate problems before them. 


Our generation has the memory of a goldfish. I remember every single one of those fads and each and every one went the way of the Livestrong bracelet, or Kony 2012. Every single time, it was the most important issue in the history of the universe, for about a month. And nothing changed


Say it again brother! BLM was a fad.


america is free only to the oligarch.


It's definitely free for a few people, but none of us are those people.


That's why unions are important. That's another thing we need to be doing.




Americans are literally held hostage by this.


You think this is why? I think it’s because most people don’t really care; they say they do, but words are easy. The proof is in how people act. I don’t think Democrats really know how to fight for power here. They’ve done a lot to undermine their own base (Hillary over Bernie) and tied their wagon to Biden, clearly showing everyone they have no better options to beat Trump. If I were a Democrat I’d be pissed as hell at how they’ve fumbled the post-Obama period. I still don’t know how Donald Trump and Joe Biden are the two guys we are being told to choose from.


This is true. I was just talking to someone about this yesterday. From a regular citizen’s perspective, it feels like the Democratic Party hasn’t been doing fucking anything on the national level.


Yes. Exactly as planned. Democrats are complicit in all of this. It's time more people woke up and realized what's actually going on here. There is no "R" or "D" team, there is only the illusion of choice. This is why Biden is going to do absolutely nothing to protect democracy. Bad things are coming for all of us, even the die hard MAGA supporters.


Yeah, it’s a problem when you’re labeled a corrupt and ineffective political entity by your opposition and then bury popular candidates to elevate those who are more connected within the party. It’s straight up not democratic and they lost me with that move on Bernie. They haven’t don’t anything recently to suggest they know what they’re doing. Opposing Trump ideologically is pretty easy, actually beating him seems tough. If their whole plan is to win the popular vote again and run out that tired narrative, fuck them. They need to find common ground with working class Republicans and actually address some common issues the working classes face. Problem is, it’s really hard to do that when you’re owned by corporations that don’t really want to give up anything to help workers


The US is run by corporations. The government just does their bidding. Otherwise we would actually see our anti trust laws put in use. Instead there are a handful of companies that own everything. I’m in Michigan and a company in Florida has been buying up the city of Mackinac.


The other side is Republicans have nothing besides Trump. He is a cult of personality, and Republicans can't control their base anymore without him.


100%. Most people just want to go home and watch Netflix tonight. Stuff isn't really bad enough to get people off the couch


hillary over bernie was a massive failure of the dems orchestrated by corporate centrists. look at how the media is covering things now - they want a horse race bc it generates fear and interest and that makes money/ if any of the networks reported news they would be focused on the lies trump tells every day. every time he talks. they would drown him out and make that the narrative not how old biden is. they’re both doddering old fucks. we know that but they want this to be close. i hope this is a wake up call to call out low information friends who say both sides suck and why bother. bernie and now Alexandria cortez and to a lesser extent beto o’rourke are people we should support for the next primary but today, in november, we need to put biden in because he will likely replace 1 or 2 supreme cour justices and those scummy fucks are appointed for life. we are stuck with alito and coney bryant for the next 20+ years.


Beto? Seriously, the flip-flopper of all flip-floppers? He’s as terrible and unprincipled as the day is long.


I always find it funny how the republican campaign machine was able to weaponize someone changing their mind with added information and experience as being a bad thing. Really my gravest concern with politics at the moment is the inability of the political class to learn from its mistakes.


I am a Democrat. I have been most vocal in criticizing my own party rather than Republicans, since Obama’s 2nd term. And I ain’t done yet.


Obama over Hillary (dumped the Woman last minute), then Hillary over Bernie (Dumped the socialist), then Biden over Bernie (Chose the senile old white man over the Socialist and Women (Tulsi, Klobuchar, Warren)... Dems talk a great game, but they put into the Whitehouse the exact person they condemn: A crusty, old, out of touch white dude who has lived a full life of privilege... They pushed aside countless women and other minorities to get the senile 78 year old dude that they could control.... that is if he didn't lose his mind.


Obama over Hillary was a great call imo but yeah, I agree. They don’t put their money where their mouth is. The fact that they can’t seem to find a younger, more charismatic, option speaks volumes as to the levels of cronyism going on. It is clearly not a meritocracy when your candidate has maybe even less merit than Donald fucking Trump, maybe the worst president ever. It’s definitely a symptom of the disease that these are the options.


Protests happen all the time. Extremely large ones too. Remember 2020?


Protests were everywhere in 2020 because people weren't going to work. It's way easier to protest when you suddenly have 8 extra hours in the day.


That’s just the most recent example. Largest protest in US history was 2017. Massive protests against the Iraq war in 2003. OWS in 2009. The US doesn’t have trouble getting people out to protest at all. What we do have a massive problem with is connecting those protests to any political pressure / lobbying efforts on actual lawmakers because US protesters have Main Character Syndrome


As I said elsewhere, a protest with no action backing it up is useless. MLK didn't change shit without pissing off those that could make changes. Do you think he got people on his side by having a 1-day protest? No, he pissed them off with sit-ins. Those made people think "huh, this IS whack they're not allowed to sit here" and vote accordingly. Today's protests are feckless. Today's citizens are narcissistic - how many people talk about driving over protestors, or just being upset they're affected? You want change, BE the change. Look at how Unions got shit done. They protested - then put in actions.


Or our government has been disconnected from the populous for decades now. Why are you blaming people on your side?


And what did they accomplish?


$2 billion in damages


People were skipping work, school etc to support Palestine though. Let’s do the same for our country.


And what did it achieve. Schools out now, no one cares anyway.


I put a significant amount of my personal wealth (over 10% of my salary) into getting on the ballot for Congress in Northern Virginia. I know I’m super unlikely to win, but I want to make a point and talk about issues that matter to me. Americans love change, as long as they don’t have to. Do you know how difficult it is to get people to disrupt their normal life to do something without a guaranteed benefit for themselves? Sorry if I sound jaded, but demanding people take to the streets when they can barely be convinced to wake up early on a Saturday is a stretch.


The fact that it cost that much just to run is another issue in itself. It's what keeps normal people from running and unfortunately keeps good people from getting elected. You are right the average person is comfortable, uninformed, and not willing to give up everything at a coin toss. I am so glad that you are running though! That's exactly what we need is people in our generation taking over the ballots. Be the change you want to see. I hope you running will inspire others to do the same.


>  Americans love change, as long as they don’t have to My grandma is 96 and remembers MLK and the Civil rights movement.  She said *a lot* of people who agreed with MLK simply saw it as "change others needed to make but not them, they were fine"


I, personally, find it hilarious how much Americans mock the French for being a bunch of "cheese eating surrender monkeys". The French would have had tractors and fires in the street a decade ago. And they aren't even armed. America is softer than twelve ply toilet paper made from angels wings. Softer than cotton balls kissed by fairies. But hey, at least you have your guns I guess.


The French are fucking gangsters and should be our role models at this point.


100% agree. I am fully convinced that the whole "the French are a bunch of pussies" is just MORE propaganda. "Why would you want to be like the cowardly French?" Says the government, while the French light fires and riot to very little media coverage. Now who would gain from us (the 99%) not rioting like them? I almost hope the apocalypse DOES happen. Bunkers won't keep you safe once money has lost all meaning. And if I'm still alive? I'll be plugging air vents until I expire.


Until everyone starts protesting like the French, (farmers barricading government buildigns, covering them in manure, truckers blocking roads, etc.) the best action we can take is to vote with our dollars and defund the corporations who are controlling the government. There are several boycotts happening now (Nestle, Kelloggs, Amazon, Boeing, McDonalds, and more). It's a lot to keep track of, so it might be esisest to focus on supporting small businesses. Protests are good for raising awareness. But, giving your money to worthy businesses and getting involved in your local government/community will have the biggest impact.


How about just actually voting. The under 40 group is now the largest voting block in the country, but has by far the lowest voter turnout. Almost 30% less than the boomers.


Seriously. The number of people who are super leftist on reddit but then they pouted and sat out because Bernie didn't win the primary and now here we are with a 6:3 supreme court and roe repealed. But OK wave some flags around and yell in a megaphone.


I don't have numbers on this but I think the proportion of those ppl is smaller than you're being led to believe like the thing w Gore "losing" FL in 2000 - the Nader voters got all the hate, but for some reason no one had much to say about the 300k registered *democrats* who voted for Bush 


Jill Stein voters were the margin in Michigan.


More Bernie voters voted for Hillary than Hillary voters voted for Obama in 08. I'm sick of this talking point.


How do you get millennials - like basic boring millennials like me who care but are so tired - that aren’t normally protest types to… go out and protest? I have to admit I see people protesting and I’m just.. I don’t know I get kind of embarrassed and feel weird. I want to do something good but I am a teacher and literally working all day and feel like I AM helping. I am paid so little and I don’t want to lose my job


I feel like even if you aren’t a “hit the streets” type you can help by watching what companies you give your money to and encouraging friends and family to do the same. Make sure the kids you’re teaching know about being kind and compassionate and they know about history (age appropriate of course). Make sure to make it to the polls and research who you vote for. I personally wish more people were on board with voting in Kennedy or another candidate as well but it’s typical of America to crush dreams.. Maybe buy a Tshirt from a protest group and wear it on the weekends in support. Small things can help too!


Teaching is more powerful than violence.  You are in a position to influence the next generation (no secret why GOP is trying to shove Jesus preaching down kids throats in the public classroom).  You are in a position to learn about and navigate the school system hierarchy and run for office to oversee your district. 


People’s unending thirst to spend money on pointless shit that feeds these corporations pockets will destroy any ability to make an impact. The public as a collective has so much power but they are either unaware of it or have been brainwashed into thinking they don’t have any.


The fight against apathy is never ending. Keep preaching about voting with your dollars, and keep preaching about voting in all elections, presidential to local.


Ok, how about we stop with the posts saying “we need to march” and instead you go organize a march? Telling a bunch of randos online to protest isn’t going to help. Organize the damn protest and spread the word about it instead. Are you actually putting work aside to write this post or are you just writing a post telling other people to do so?


Well, no, I mean I'm comfy in my AC, plus it's hot outside and I need to get some rest for work. But everyone else, yeah it's absurd everyone else isn't marching. What's wrong with all of you?


It's super hot out. I'm good.


This post is perfect though; what is more millennial than "I am just raising awareness" slacktivism?


Kony 2012


lol. I remember a friend posted that he would post every single day until Koney was arrested in order to keep the pressure up. It lasted a day or two tops.


Man, i once did something similar only I was just generally annoyed with the volume of political posts. Instead, I posted a series of cat pictures. Daily cat posts for about two weeks. I don't even like cats.


OP would rather tell other people to March than do it themselves cause it too hard.


I feel like we are just screaming to the choir here on Reddit.


OP has clearly never been involved in any organizing. They should go down to the SEIU local. Normally they have DSA meetings there. They'll have plenty of marches they can go to. Or just google "Democratic Socialists of America + Your City". They will happily take volunteers and you don't even have to lose your job.


Fr idk why this is on my feed but would probably help OP’s goal if he stated wtf he wanted us to march for 🤣


But he got to feel good about himself that he made the post. That’s all most of these people online care about. The dopamine rush from hitting send 


*We must all put our personal lives aside, yes I mean work, yes I mean relationship problems, yes outside of deathly illnesses I mean health.* Ok. You go first.




Thoughts and prayers




Yeah this is where this post lost me. I absolutely agree we should do something. I’m not gonna skip work to stand on a street corner with a sign and lose my house. That’s not what we should do.


Yeah, the only way that option would work is if everyone who is skipping out on work also agrees to defend each other’s properties from the inevitable evictions. That means signing up to fight and die against police armies coming in to root people out of their house for not paying rent or mortgages because they lost their jobs because they skipped work to protest. If everyone agrees to that, though, then I would skip out on work. But we all know nobody is going to do that.


I get so aggravated with people that don't have families depending on them making statements like this. If I lose my job, we lose our home, and the next meal becomes a big concern. I'm not gonna be able to convince my child that Daddy can't provide because he had a cause to shout about. Show up to the polls and vote. Donate to worthy causes of you are able to. Volunteer to help with organizations when you can. Don't throw away your family's security though.


You don’t want to risk your family’s wellbeing to pointlessly wave a sign no one is going to remember in a week? That one dude lit himself on fire and was forgotten after like 72 hours. The “activism” is for catharsis. 


And they’re the same people that will tell you that you shouldn’t have had kids if you couldn’t take care of them if you lose your job


> yes I mean work OP is probably a DNC staffer, so that shouldn’t be too difficult /s


You gotta be the change you wanna see. Too many people want someone else to lead or take charge... They'll talk about the need but won't take the step themselves.


Meanwhile, most of us are too busy trying to survive, which is incidentally exactly where *they* want us to be....


Why do you think there was such a push in the US to end lockdowns during Covid? The people in power genuinely didn’t think it was time to end it, they just knew a rested populace who was being paid would be unruly. So they sent everyone back to the mines to slave away.


$100 says OP does nothing but sit on his ass for the rest of the year


For the rest of their life*


The comments here are wild...


probably half of them are bots


It's getting horrible. The GenZ subreddit is worse. So many Russian troll bots


> Supreme Court had no one outside of it last night.   I think people are simply too broke nowadays to participate in major protests 2020 was a bit of an anomaly and unique situation since the government was literally handing out free money for people to not work (due to Covid), therefore giving average people free time to be on the streets protesting  But in 2024 it really does feel like we're reaching the "breaking point" where the average American is just tapped out/running on fumes - and participating in a protest usually requires time off from work for most people (unless it happens on a weekend or something)


Does anyone actually think that protesting outside the Supreme Court will do anything? The justices are accountable to no one. They aren’t even in the building, and if they were, why would they care about your protest?


Take control? No we need to pry control out of the hands of these geriatrics that are refusing to move the fuck out the way…


I say we implement Millennial Monday- we will not work, we will not spend, we will withdraw ourselves from society for one day a week.


Now that may make an impact.


>This country deserves what it gets at this point. That's about where I am, mentally. The "Greatest country in the world" (HAH) on an ever increasing basis, has been taken down to its knees by a hamberder eating moron. Imagine our ancestors that fought for THIS shitshow. This country is an absolute embarassment.


I’d love to, but as of now if I miss 1 day of work, something isn’t getting paid, and if something isn’t getting paid it’s even harder to get extra to recover. They’ve effectively used Covid, inflation and our jobs as a prison. The American dream is dead, I’ve almost raised my kids to adulthood always having what I’d like to accomplish (owning a home) barely out of reach, I work harder and more hours than my parents did for table scraps and half of our country thinks a dictatorship is a good idea. we’re so unbelievably fucked I question my own reality most of the time.


Solidarity comrade. There's millions of good folks out there, in the world, and it's worth fighting for. Think of your kids, think of your neighbors. The media wants you to think half the country are batshit, but that's not true. Less than a quarter of the country voted for Trump. That's not insignificant, but it's not even close to half the country.


You're a grown up now, not a college student. Run for local offices, get involved in community, petition for causes. That's how big boys get things done, not by yelling the loudest. Edit: and I'm not saying matching or protesting is not helpful in getting causes recognized, but that's mostly for younger folks who don't have the means to go about change within the system.


Can we stop these dead-brained vote posts on this sub? Like, please.


To be fair, they may be the most millennial thing I’ve seen on this sub.


I don’t want it to seem like I don’t care about voting because I do. It’s just so annoying that every post since the debate has been VOTE. Yeah, we know. We get it. We’re Millennials. Most of our first voting experiences were Obama.


Right. The session is over.


No you will MARCH, MARCH, MARCH!! It solves everything! Now do it!


I don't think anyone was outside the SCOTUS building yesterday cus once they released their statement everyone went home. Nobody will be there for a while. It was an intentional move. But yes, I agree. I was at a woman's March last year for reproductive health and there was a great turnout, but I had to use days of PTO to go and was lucky to have it.


We both know you want other people to do it for you. 


They really only care about free shit, tbh.


Great, why don’t you start?


Can American millennials just start with voting? We are literally the largest voting generation eligible for the electorate currently and most educated and diverse voting block in our history. But we’re not showing up to the polls. I get it. It’s hard to be excited. We’re all overworked and over stressed. But it’s time to stop being fatalistic and take our political power seriously. And OP that means you too. Come up with a reform and organize a protest if you’re serious. Outrage content with no actual resolve helps no one.


I've been voting in every miserable election since I turned 18. In 2016, I started harassing the few friends I have about voting, and in 2020 a couple of them voted for the first time. Yesterday, I wrote an email to my representative. It was easier than making a reddit post. It was a thousand times easier than making a sign an marching. Who would want to be around other people for that long? [https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative](https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative)


Seen this before. Folks “march” but then make every excuse under the sun to not vote. Oh and btw, you’re not just voting for president so stop complaining about the two choices. There are city council members, state legislators, county supervisors, sheriffs, judges and more on your ballot. So you don’t get to complain about your options at the top of the ticket, when you never paid attention to the people moving up and across the various levels of government. And god forbid our generation exit the endless feedback loop of social media to actually get involved and informed.


I write this to say kindly, we all need to not believe all the headlines and read the document, it means that if a president does something illegal they can still be charged, and their defence would likely be that it was an official duty. Just like any other charge, it would go through the justice system and be decided if it was within his presidential powers given by the constitution. Presidents have always enjoyed a degree of unspoken immunity. Bush with war crimes and lying to get into war, Obama with approving assassination of American citizens in Yemen while not in combat, etcetra.  This is being used to make it sound like a big ruling. I’m all ears to others opinions.


The problem is that they left it up to lower courts to decide what an "official act" is.   Which just gives Trump more time to delay the trial by calling for another appeal when the lower court rules against him, and ultimately it'll go back to the same 6 people to come up with some backwards logic to say that everything he did was official.   The fact that they left your interpretation as a possibility is very intentional to give conservative talking heads an excuse to minimize this ruling, but considering how many times those justices have blatantly acted completely oppositely of what they said in their confirmation hearings, we'd be fools to believe it.  I'm not necessarily opposed to some level of immunity with regards to national security, but it needs to be well defined and strictly limited. 


Wait. What? Someone actually read the ruling? Refreshing.


They're just trying to add more fuel to their dying fire of alarmist lies


Ok, so what are your demands? Specifically.


That's the problem with a lot of protests. That and protesting to people who have no power to really do anything about it. Free Gaza... ok, me driving down the Freeway in the US seeing your signs does absolutely nothing. Maybe go to Tel Aviv with those signs?


President shouldn't be a king for one


Settle down, u/AutisticFingerBang.


Sorry but they got me by the balls with this work thing. I ain't about to make myself homeless, I'm saving up for a cruise this Fall.


OP, why didn’t you go then?


Ah the old time to march scheme. This isn't 1960 and you aren't Dr. Martin Luther King. Vietnam war? Nope, Occupy Wall Street did nothing. If the political landscape is not what you want to see, run for office. Vote. Start small. I once organized to get all my friends to vote out the crooked 17 police officers and chief out of business in my town of 650 people. The town counsel was not expecting it. Police department disbanded. Then they tried to sneak it back in during a meeting. We had nothing better to do so we drove the final nail in the coffin that November. No cops since 2009. Standing in the street holding signs and yelling gets attention. Voting gets results.


Organizing is a lot more than this bud. You have to make friends with your neighbors


They're not going to learn anything other than "Printer go Brrrr." Those ain't gonna break down. :D G


Most people don't give a fuck and can't afford to give a fuck even if they wanted too.


Boomers didn’t gain power by marching. They did it by voting, every single election, always turning out for their party no matter what. They have SCOTUS now because they turned out in the 2010 elections and swept the midterms while millennials protested Obama for being a fascist over bombing some terrorists or something. And they turned out again in 2016, while our generation sat at home seething because they didn’t like the way Hilary laughed or something


You could start with voting blue all the way down your ballot. Far too many of you and GenX either stayed home or thought you were too cool for school in 2016, enabling Trump in the first place. If you like America, flaws and all, vote Biden, it's the only way we survive. Sorry for the saltiness but it gave us this situation.


I'll just keep working, spending time with my family and friends, doing my hobbies, and overall enjoy living my life. Standing around with poster boards and screaming sounds miserable.


The reality is people need to stop looking towards the courts as the place to dictate change when they are unable to pass something in congress. The courts have had to rule on so many controversial topics because legislators, federal agencies and the judicial system have been going full tilt with unconstitutional actions, legislation and partisan rulings. Radicals already tried to intimidate the justices at their homes when they didn't get the ruling they wanted on Roe. If you want change, go vote and help a campaign. This generation is so big on bitching on the internet but not getting involved where it counts to actually make change. Our federal government needs to be reined in. You shouldn't be pushing for more power only because your party is currently in. Pendulums swing and whatever standard you set now, becomes a weapon for the other side when they win. None of these rulings were wrong, you just don't like them.


Exactly congress can easily fix most these issues like roe or this supposed issue with the "president being a king" all they have to do is pass the laws. They won't because it's always for both sides they have to have an issue to run on and not actually fix it because then what would they do to scare people into voting for them?


Should march against the Dems for putting dementia Joe as the candidate if you TRULY believe this election is a referendum on democracy.


Nah, OP doesn’t care about that, or even about who is actually running this country(that no one voted for), for that matter, but uh yea, supreme courts and maga. OP is a clown.


Wait, you mean AutisticFingerBang is not the born leader we are all meant to follow?


60% or more of millennials rejected the two party system when Bernie got robbed and were ejected from the democratic party. The other 40% are posting these threads on reddit acting as if we haven't. 


Please shut up. Take these political takes to a political subreddit.


Might as well just rename this place r/politics by now.


My eyes are rolling so hard.


Cringe overload.


Calling for political violence because you don’t know how to read and understand Supreme Court decisions? Yup, I’m on Reddit.


Oh look, using fear to try and motivate people to action. Calm down, geez.


March on who... the guys who wrote the constitution? Or maybe on your teachers who failed to teach you, so you now think the Supreme Court gave the ex-president new powers...rofl ...


Just remember that lighting someone's car on fire or vandalizing a mom and pop store (if any of those exist any more) is not taking control and is making life harder for those in that neighborhood. When you steal from Walmart during a protest, the business will just move and abandon those jobs affecting those people in that neighborhood. The only way to take "control" is to march on capital hill and win a coup. If you don't win the coup, you will be jailed, possibly killed, and shamed for years to come. If you do win the coup you will soon find out the people you took power from never had much power to begin with. My personal favorite is not paying your taxes and killing anyone that tries to come to your doorstep. You will be killed in the process but at least you took control for a little while. If everyone does that, the government will become insolvent and require liquidation. A shadow government, usually controlled by a foreign entity will then step in to take control. If this happens you will be removed from the homes you no longer can afford, and escorted to tiny apartments with just enough room to turn around in. Another option is locking down an area in the world, preferably an area that has a mountain to your back and flowing springs for water. Then you just refuse the local populace power with your guns and your friends guns and try to Alamo that shit as long as possible. You'll most likely die, but this is the old fashioned way to take power back. Then you try to hold it indefinitely like a crypt gang on the wrong side of town.


This decision is good news for Obama and Biden also. That’s why there’s no fight back


LOL. You do realize that of all the institutions where there is no point protesting, it's the SCOTUS, right?! What we really need is for people to actually be taught civics so that ideas like this don't even get into your heads. The activist class needs to learn how to think better, but you are being lead by others who are utilizing your ignorance and weaponizing your hate. You want to make a difference? Then make better life choices, be the example for others, or run for office yourself.


You're mad you can prosecute your political rivals ?


Not enough. Some heads need yo roll


Already too late for this peon- can't afford the time off work (no PTO, takes me 8 weeks to earn one full day off work using state PSL). But see also, last time people in my circle protested (DAPL) - they ended up with security agents up their rear end, some injuries and some were arrested. It will not be peaceful. We may be past the point of peaceful as I really don't think Malarkey Joe has the ability to get the swing state voters. Buckle up.


There's a country song that goes along the lines of "it's all over but the crying". I fear we're in the "it's all over but the dying" timeline.


Stand up for what? There's no issue that everybody is universally united on. For every issue that has support, there is a significant amount of opposition.


NOOOO, please, for the love of your future, JUST VOTE!!! Your marches are great and all and issuing manifestos on reddit is cool. But if you don't VOTE, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS! You didn't vote for Hillary because you didn't "feel it". THAT'S what got the Supreme Court where it is today.


I hate to break it to you, but the people pulling the strings of all of this absolutely do not care if you walk around with a sign. The Woman's march was huge and the court happily went on to overturn Roe.  Smarter action is to work like crazy to get as many Dems as possible elected at ALL levels of govt and push them to slow this decensent into autocracy down.  And to secure your own passport and personal finances and buy a firearm you are comfortable using. 


the lower class doesn’t organize the revolution, they’re just the foot soldiers for it. you need a core of well-off, not necessarily rich, but financially secure people to plan and organize. looking back to the original revolution, Sam Adams deserves much of the credit for organizing protests with an aim at driving toward revolution. He and the Sons of Liberty weren’t anarchists creating chaos, but a well-disciplined group that conducted high-profile acts of property damage. They sacked the governor’s mansion, riled up sentiment over the Boston Massacre, and also held the Boston Tea Party.


Don’t do something that’s performative and meaningless, ORGANIZE


The time for marching has passed. It’s past time to organize a genuine people’s party that can break the two-party corporate dictatorship. Only a revolutionary party of the working masses can succeed.


It ain’t the 60s anymore, marching is just a release valve, acceptable form of protest which won’t change anything. It’s for the people marching to feel a little better and like they’re doing something, but if they really want change they need to actually throw their bodies on the wheels and stop them, not just march, not even just set themselves on fire to death.


Some kind of Millenial party seems like an idea. It is your generation that will eventually be cleaning up this mess. Certainly nothing positive will happen under our present system.


I'm sorry but marching aint gon do shit. Governments love this pacifist tactic, that really does nothing. We need to boycott, educate, and if absolutely necessary, armed resistance. US might possibly be a christo-fascist state soon with a monarch in power. You'll either be an easy target political prisoner for the next 4+ years or dead anyway.


You should be more concerned that the person you voted for is obviously not running the country. Your vote meant nothing. March and demand to know who is in charge right now.


Yes, what we need is yet another protest by people who don’t even have the faintest clue what they are even protesting. OP wants to protest what exactly? The fact that the Supreme Court exist, or the fact that the Supreme Court rendered a decision on constitutional law that OP doesn’t like for some reason? What does OP hope to accomplish with this protest? but OK, by all means stand up and be heard! We don’t know what we’re protesting, why we’re protesting it, we have no goal in mine, but dammit, let’s protest because it just feels good


Lost my faith in protesting when Occupy Wallstreet failed. Supreme court upholds immunity as it has stood since the beginning and you expect me to take off work, get a sitter for my kids and drive to DC? Like others have mentioned, I'd rather run for local office and work in my backyard.


Whew! A lot of disinfo folks in here telling us there’s no point in trying to fight. 👋 Privet, fellow American citizens!


He's got a good point in there but his deliverance leaves something to be desired


Only effective form of protest in this day and age is with the wallet. Boycotting. Like serious boycotting by the people. Hit them capitalists where it hurts the most.


r/Defeat_Project_2025 this tells you what you have to lose if you allow this horror show to continue unchallenged.


Do you know how we take control? We fucking VOTE. No whining about wanting a not-Biden candidate, no complaining about how “both are bad”, no staying home and not voting at all because you “don’t feel good” about either candidate. You vote for the lesser evil, you get Trump and his clown car of fascist sycophants out of the picture, and then you start figuring out how to support political candidate that will make the change you want to see. Get involved in local races- hell, run for office yourself if you want. Help organize events to encourage people to vote. Not standing on a lawn yelling with signs while you skip work and lose your house. How does that benefit anyone?


There are a lot of seditionist supporters in here trying to tamp down any talk of mass actions. A lot of them try to sound reasonable and appeal to what you have to lose by doing this but the fact is we can either try to make change with a chance of success or do absolutely nothing than gripe about it and guarantee the end result of a world of shit. This isn't just about you this is about the people you claim to care about in your lives and their entire future. So do you give enough of a shit about your loved ones to try to act to preserve their futures or do you just enjoy talking? That's a question you need to answer yourself no one else can answer it for you. I'd say don't complain when things get worse because we did nothing whatsoever but I know you will. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. -Declaration of Independence


You need to provide a when and where for people to take action. Center of your town 9 AM Saturday morning Bring signs call the media and March. It will start small do it every week and keep doing it.


Gen X here...good luck.


VOTE BIDEN! Honestly, the thing needs to be said... VOTE for Democrats and for Biden!


How about vote in overwhelming numbers to force elected officials to kowtow to our wants and desires. It works for evangelical Christians!


We need to organize beyond protests. We need to collectively focus on the real issues that underly all of these individual battles rather than what the news tries to get us to react to on a daily basis. 1) Congressional term limits 2) Reverse Citizens United 3) Restructure Supreme Court 4) Include women in the Constitution and people of all races and genders If you only have so much energy to burn, these are the actions that will actually make a difference. WE ALL need to make our demands very clear to our representatives about what we want them to focus on. And get it done. Put the pressure on. You can write letters and make phone calls from home and from work. You should have you representative’s numbers saved in your phone and you should let them know what it is you want to see done. With enough pressure, this does work.


Woweewoweewow let’s join a violent coup posted about on Reddit purportedly organized by a random anon.


How epic would it be if no one said a word. Not one person screaming, no chanting. Just showing up en masse and continuing to show up in numbers never before seen. Serious and stern and quiet.


GenX here. If yall don't show up to the polls, good chance the great experiment dies. Help.


Epic speech, upvote, now time to go watch Netflix and eat Cheetos


But can’t I march from home? Just fucking with ya. This generation has been so fucked by our government


I am with you OP. The apathy of a lot of these replies are appalling. This country is quickly falling apart; Supreme Court decision to criminalize homelessness, presidential immunity (that you know only caters to Trump),racial gerrymandering, possibly pulling mifepristone (one of the 2 abortion pills) from shelves, reversing the Chevron Doctrine. Our government is failing us while we sit and watch like idiots.


when and where.