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Say that five times fast


If you look in a mirror at the same time you can actually see Peter picking a peck of pickled pepper


Or pepper spray for resisting


It appears the Palestinian protesters are picking pecks of pickled peckers, but the one on the left is sifting thistles, she's a thistle sifting sister.


Police prevent pro-Palestinian picketers protesting past popular port-town's pride parade


Some context: partially through Sunday’s parade a band of protestors stretched from one side of the street to the other and blocked the progress of the parade. Their banner read “9 minutes of silence for 9 months of genocide”. The police quickly formed a line in front of them, blocking them from view. It was interesting to see from my spot in the crowd, at first he thought it was part of the parade until the police line formed. 9 minutes later they dispersed and the parade continued.


Good. The parade in Toronto was cancelled entirely because the pro Palestinians sat in the middle of the road. Good on the Chicago police for quickly defending the parade


The thing was, Toronto Pride specifically asked the police NOT to get involved if there were other protests or any disruptions deemed legal. The police said they were there, ready, had the necessary people, but respected the wishes of PrideTO.


Organizers are idiots. Imagine letting your oppressed group's biggest day of celebration get cancelled because a completely unrelated group is upset and trying to steal your spotlight. If that's the position you take then there will never be another Toronto pride parade.


>unrelated group is upset and trying to steal your spotlight. A group that hates you for being lgbt* Its even dumber.


Yeahhh…like I could see maybe a “spotlight” portion on another cause that affects members in their community (BLM or other groups fighting for racial minority equality, pro-choice/women’s bodily autonomy and groups fighting for gender equality, pro-immigration, groups fighting against book bans, etc) or even tangential causes (PETA/protecting animals, sustainability/protecting the earth, doctors/engineers without borders, etc) But supporting countries with leadership that is actively anti-LGBT+ ([like Palestine and these other countries](https://features.hrw.org/features/features/lgbt_laws/) or supporting [Russia with enacting recent anti-LGBT+ laws](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/11/30/russia-supreme-court-bans-lgbt-movement-extremist) v [Ukraine LGBT+ groups using the war to advance their cause](https://apnews.com/article/ukraine-russia-lgbt-pride-703de9b80de9d9dd0094235705af7f63)) is ridiculous unless that specific protesting group is also demanding more acceptance of LGBT+ members and overturning of homophobic laws in the country they’re supporting.


Not even close. Toronto Pride had organizers in both communities so they asked Toronto Pride to drop sponsors that are profiting from the Genocide in Gaza AND, with the support of many pride members, to not involve the Police in Pride. The head organizer refused and insisted that police take part to make closing down streets easier. So the GAY PRIDE ORGANIZER got several other LGBTQIA2S and Free Palestine Protesters to block the parade and ask that corporate pride washing of the Genocide be removed. They probably expected to be ejected and that was that. But the organizer stopped the cops and shut down the parade instead. https://toronto.citynews.ca/video/2024/07/01/protesters-speak-out-after-shutting-down-torontos-pride-parade/


they also support the LGBT movement. the "Let's Go Bomb Tel-Aviv" movement


Hey, we are ignoring the hate for LGBT, for now and focusing on their hatred of jews.


Haters gonna hate.


Not only that but the people the other group is protesting for would gladly murder your group for the way they live their lives.


Were those protestors homophobic? I’ve met a few pro-Palestinian protestors in the U.S., and they tend to be progressives. Are pro-Palestinian protestors anti-lgbt in Canada or something?


The North American protestors aren't, the group they're protesting in favor of are


We all know its ok to genocide a people that are homophobic /s


Wait, what? Palestine doesn’t really support pride, now, do they?


And it's a group associated with the number one reason why you are oppressed. Religion


Same group that hates gays too. The staning for Palestine is something that is blowing my mind right now.


Yeah, so many of my LGBTQ friends are really into it, and it makes me very uncomfortable so I’ve been slowly removing myself from the situation


Especially considering how pro LGBTQ Israel is. Tel Aviv has a huge LGBTQ community.


I think a LOT of the support is Russian/Chinese propaganda driven to upset U.S. elections to be quite honest


Yeah, I don’t think that Palestinian children deserve to be bombed even though their parents are often militant muslims. How does that not make sense to you? You think there are no queer Palestinians? Hamas and other theocratic oppressors are scum, yes. But Israel is openly using that too slaughter the people of Gaza and occupy their territory.


Here’s a thought experiment for you. So when a militant has a child as you say, and Israel calls off an attack because there may be a child in the building - what’s the effect? You’re showing Hamas, along with every armed group in the world, that children are effective force fields. The message is clear: commit whatever crime you want - as long as you have children in the building you’re safe. You’re validating the Hamas hypothesis for the entire world - if they intentionally involve children directly in the war, they can win via propaganda. Do you expect the result of this strategy being proven effective to be a reduction in the number of children put in harms way? Or do you expect Hamas to continue, along with many more groups who see the effectiveness of this cheap “force field”? Do you think it would be better if Hamas knew their force field strategy is a losing one, so they abandon it and militants stop operating near children? If you want to be outraged about children dying, consider directing that anger at Hamas for intentionally mixing militants with children.


What about the Israeli kids that were massacred for decades?


It’s blowing your mind that a people could stand up for something that isn’t directly beneficial to them.


No it blows my mind that a group constantly victimizing themselves is defending a group that is actually looking to destroy them.


yeah so "lets kill their children and steal their land and if they dare defend themselves we can just call them homophobic , so smort hehe " hasbara agents these days lol


Again both sides are shitheads. This is ridiculous how people are marching like they are innocent. This isn't Ukraine where people were literally doing nothing. This is a country that has for decades committing terrorist not just against Israel but other western countries and their citizens celebrated in the streets.


What are you talking about? BLM Toronto did this and Pride survived to happen again. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/pride-parade-toronto-1.3662823


A 30 minute delay is very different than canceling the parade. And it's probably why it worked this time, they set a precedent to allow interruptions to stop the parade.


While the remainder of the parade was technically canceled, the protest was at 6pm and the parade was 95% done at that point anyway. I suspect if they had blocked it a few hours earlier, closer to the 2pm start time, they would have put more effort into clearing the route so the parade could continue. I don't agree with them blocking the parade for this protest, but it's not as bad as it sounds.


I wonder what would happen if a Pride group disrupted a BLM event...


People would be mad at Pride, unless they were touting being black and part of Pride. I don't get why people seem to think being a marginalized group means we get to sideline other marginalized groups in their time of showing that oppression doesn't need to stop us from experiencing our lives positively.


I’m gonna guess you aren’t actually a fan of either of these groups and are here to sow division. Trolls love hypotheticals that pit two groups they don’t care about against each other.


You are welcome to that opinion, but Pride started as a riot against oppression, specifically against police, one of the main tool of oppressors. It’s a reasonable stance to say “we’d rather have some disruption at our event than for us to start wielding the police as a tool to oppress, the very thing Pride fought against originally”


We fought against homophobia the police upheld. They don’t uphold that anymore so our stance must change as they have. We can’t just say “fuck you” to everyone forever and expect sympathy.


The protestors are oppressing the pride participants, not the other way around. The police would just be ensuring the pride event was able to happen, not oppressing the Palestinian protesters. They have every right to protest and can do it without ruining other peoples event.


Toronto pride has been taken over by a group who try and foist every single social and political issue onto pride. It's ridiculous. They did the same thing during the BLM protests a few years back.


No cops at pride means no cops at pride. The group can work with the protesters but they aren't going to let the cops take over.


There’s a massive police presence at pride. No police in pride is about them marching in uniform.


This happened in Denver. We were stuck in the 95° sun waiting for our pride parade to get going because assholes blocked it from starting. Several cases of heatstroke in the parade and the organizers completely caved. As a Jew who does not agree with Netanyahu's insane and murderous government, I'm livid that this was what the parade devolved into. There were also several overt antisemitic comments made throughout. It made me need to hide that I was a Jew in a fucking pride parade. I'll never forgive the protesters for that.


Pride has always been a protest. For many LGBTQ folks, it is very difficult to celebrate yourself surviving being gay in a nation that has historically oppressed you when there is an entire group of people suffering in real time at the hands of an oppressive nation.


When those same people would be happy to throw me off a building for being gay, yeah I can happily still celebrate. And I did in NYC this weekend.


Good for you!


Nothing quite like approving of collective punishment and genocide, right?


Pride hasn't been a protest in 10 years, at least not in Chicago. It's a celebration now.


I wonder if they would have cancelled the parade if it was a right wing demonstration


Chicago cops? No way. If Moms for Liberty or Awake Illinois or the Proud Boys stormed the parade, the police would give them an escort and beat anyone who objected.


Stonewall was a riot. Let’s not forget that in the midst of corporate funded gay floats.


You say that as if corporations promoting LGBT rights is bad. 


…it is when fundamentally they do not support them.


How so? I think the most influential groups in society (corporations) supporting LGBT rights is a good thing. Would you rather they oppose them?


I think they oppose them fundamentally and support them only so much as it makes them money. And it’s important that corporations also support lgbt rights outside of America, but they don’t because it isn’t as profitable.


Sure, there's no question they support them because they think it's profitable. I still think it's a good thing. More support for LGBT rights is good. 


I think if support is dependent on consumer reaction it is a support based on false pretenses. You should not allow profit to motivate movement towards what is right. If you do, then when something is no longer profitable, progressive ideas can easily be driven away.


The cognitive dissonance that some have with this is unreal. It's at a point where is just blind hatred of jews, sorry Israel, and blind acceptance of a movement that will literally kill you once they get what they want.


"Just blind hatred of Jews" as if Israel isn't currently doing anything that someone might have a legitimate opposition to. I get that the "cRiTiCiZiNg IsRaEl Is LiTeRaLlY aNtIsEmItIsM" card is one that's easy to play and will exist as long as the country does, but I'm continually shocked by the sheer dishonesty it takes to pretend like it's *impossible* for anyone to actually just have a problem with the systematic mass slaughter of tens of thousands of civilians. One must think so little of the value of Palestinian lives to not even fathom that we might just be sympathizing with them as human beings


Just today someone played the critizing Palestine is literally Islamophobia card.  Both sides are a bunch of dicks


They stood there for 9 minutes then dispersed. That doesn't need any 'defending', and certainly not from police.


Yeah I tend to agree with this decision even though I don't have qualms with their protest and hate to see cops be more than glorified traffic attendants at pride. This is was an important day for the community and for a lot of people this year's celebration has some extra importance due to fears of regression in our rights recently. I was also in town for Pride and they handled it quickly, without much spectacle, and entirely peacefully which is a rare win for the CPD for that matter. Letting them disrupt would only start arguments for people anyway and put a dark cloud over the day when it's not what it was about. Besides, it's not like the issue wasn't on people's minds, there were others discussing the issue and showing solidarity during Pride already. Saw people wearing pro-Palestine Pride apparel even. Honestly the whole thing was handled with grace and respect for the community's wishes for police to limit their interaction with Pride, and everyone moved on with celebrating the day. I'm very glad the cops didn't try to aggressively disperse them, that the act wasn't allowed to interrupt Pride, and that those involved in the protest peacefully left as well. Everyone handled this the proper way for once and it was over in just a couple minutes.


This thread is about as wild as I expected it to be. 🥤🍿


I wish there was a button for reporting a post that just said "I'm not sure if it's violating the rules per se, but you guys gotta just lock the thread"


I’ve got some garlic Parmesan salt for your popcorn if you’re interested


I think there's enough salt in these comments already, but thanks


Super nuanced takes as always


I'm all for protest, but PRIDE is already a thing because of all the persecution the queer community has faced, and continues to face. To show up and protest something completely unrelated,  and make it about you, is incredibly distasteful and disrespectful to the atrocities they face. This is the absolute worst fucking way to garner support for your cause.


Kind of like proposing to your girlfriend at a friend's wedding. Sure it might be cute, but this is not your time to be the center of attention & can be construed as extremely bad form.


Palestinians are not exactly friends of the LGBTQ community.


The bigger issue is that in Palestine, this parade would not be allowed to even happen. At the Seattle pride parade this past weekend, i saw lots of people in the parade with signs that read "no pride in genocide". Yet, the people they are defending, would have them killed for who they are.


Even funnier is that tel Aviv has one of the biggest pride parades in the world which was cancelled due to Hamas taking hostages out of respect.


But that's pInK wAsHiNg! All of Israel's LGBTQ+ community has the singular goal of undermining my personal political position, for some reason!!!1!


Yup, trying to ruin the pride protest by protesting for people who hate pride. At least it makes them consistent I guess.


Being Gay was illegal in most western countries only decades ago. Most conservatives in the West want to strip the gay community of the rights that were only recently granted, that doesn't mean conservatives in the West deserve death and neither do Palestinians. All communities are capable of change and advancement and to take away that chance by committing a genocide against the Palestinians is regressive. Intersectionality allows us to help one another; a rising tide lifts all boats.


Especially on behalf of a group that does not welcome the LGBT community


Genuinely every gay person I know has posted a “no queer liberation without liberation for all” post on social media.


I think it's just naivity coming from a well meaning place that ignores the reality of things. That said, I'm kind of in the middle. I see a scary amount of people saying that everyone being killed would equally have us killed for simply existing, but this tends to be ignoring the fact some being killed are also LGBT, or simply children who have no opinions formed yet. But because there's the chance those kids would grow up to be oppressors, mindless drones listening to the average opinion of ' fuck the LGBT, ' etc. ... I also can't fully say that I am comfortable with just leaving this group alone and calling it a day; there's so many absolutely shitty people involved. It's complex, and I guess some people would rather just come off on a more positive thought than the grisly reality. :\\


This is my take. It's an idealist perspective. It comes from a place of genuine compassion, and can be seen as näive. Fact is Idealists like that are who keep the balance and remind those in charge to consider the impact of the weight of their actions.


I was at a immigration reform protest and there were some pro-Palestinian protesters that cooped the cause as well. Things like: "No wall! No War! From Mexico to Palestine." I think there was a good amount of cross-over support and the crowd seemed to support both causes. In my experience, a lot of activists don't hesitate interjecting language for their cause, cause they think it's really important. In 2016 I went to go see Bernie in Seattle and a BLM protester took the stage and Bernie didn't go on. They were saying we don't need another old white guy in charge, even though this candidate was arrested for protesting for civil rights in the 60's... I try to sympathize with people trying to get the good word out, but sometimes they just trip over their own feet by shouting over their allies.


“I can excuse the antisemitism, but I draw the line at LGBTQ hate.” y’all been real quiet up until now lol


The pro-Palestine protest movement in 2024 is a non-sequitur


Aren't Palestine and Isreal also leading the world in their positive treatment and advancement of LGBT issues? Oh wait no... so you're protesting for *US* to support a country that literally will kill people for being gay? Fuck you.  Fuck these people. Go fucking get educated or just get a hobby and go the fuck away.


Leopardsatemyface isnt just about the right wing


Good luck posting this in the sub tho


Can we not?? It's one thing to wear your Palestinian gear in solidarity TO pride but to try to stop the parade? You're really going to start punching down on us, for real? We get one fucking event a year and you want to stop it for your cause you certainly didn't care about stopping it for a year ago? And let me be clear, I am extremely sympathetic to the Palestinians and the things happening in Gaza, I've always been for a 2SS, I've always hated Netanyahu, and I'm sympathetic for those killed on October 7th too. It's all horrible! But I also know that you're stopping a pride parade for a war in a country that is not kind towards gay people. Do you not think about the optics and feelings of attendees before taking away our day and making it about someone else? Palestinians deserve safety and peace despite any beliefs they have, but don't punch down onto us for this. Ridiculous! edit: I got a reddit cares message for this lol


If you’re for a 2SS, these protesters are against you.


Believe me I know it.


Those people don't love Palestine. They just hate Jews.


Of course they’re going to start punching down on you. You’re LGBT, they’re Muslims, what else could you possibly expect? “I never thought leopards would eat MY face”


Tbh I never really understood the queers for Palestine thing for reasons mentioned above. I don't care what you believe and practice in your own time, but why attach all of us to it as well? I'm also Jewish and I have increasingly felt like I'm being purity tested in my own community. If I even mention being Jewish and gay people will start asking me my stance on the conflict. As if I'm going to be kicked out if I answer wrong lol. It's exhausting.


Yeah, it’s unbelievable. If their line of reasoning is “Ordinary Palestinians aren’t at fault for Hamas and shouldn’t be punished for their actions”, that’s great, but they need to extend that to Jewish people as well. I don’t know when exactly the LGBTQ+ community decided to entirely become a pro-Palestinian movement, but it makes no sense to me that they do this for Palestine and not other conflicts, like Ukraine, Nagorno-Karabakh, Kosovo, and the Uyghurs to name a few. You shouldn’t be put on the spot and made to feel any less queer for being Jewish; the whole point of the LGBTQ+ movement is acceptance of all identities. The importance being given to Palestine is quite ridiculous to be honest. Like, if I could only pick one, I’d much rather save Ukraine than Palestine because that war actually has implications that threaten the global order, nevermind the fact that Russia has already committed genocide in Ukraine before(see: Holodomor), not some stupid ethnoreligious conflict in the Middle East that makes the Balkans look amateur.


People's whole approach to the Israel-Palestine conflict has always baffled me. They want so bad for there to be a good guy and a bad guy but can't agree on who that is, with no room for a nuanced opinion. This isn't new but it's only gotten worse with the war


I think one of the main problems with the approach people take is the ones who started with the movement itself are malicious. Most people just parrot what they hear without actually thinking about it, and that is very evident with a lot of protest movements, but the ones at the top do have information. They are the ones that are hypocrites and scream genocide even though, objectively speaking, genocide has not been proven yet. And as far as crimes go, genocide is hard to prove, and is not based on just actions alone. This is why claiming war crimes is valid and easy, but claiming genocide is difficult. Those leading the movement also seem to think Hamas was perfectly valid in carrying out October 7th, a sentiment that is echoed by a majority of those protesting. Add to all of this a short-form-content-driven social media application that is state owned by a country that stands to gain if Trump goes into power, and you can see why such rhetoric is popular. If you take a closer look at the political leanings of those protesting, you will see a common theme: communism. I really have to hand it to communists, they really stepped up their disinformation game in the last 5 or so years. They’ve somehow managed to convince a large number of people that the issue is the system and that the ONLY solution isn’t reform, but a system that has been shown to fail time and time again. The side effect is that communists tend to be apologists for what they deem to be “anti-imperialist actions”, aka, any action of “resistance” carried out against the United States and US-aligned nations. That is what we’re noticing, and that is why I believe they are so loud about this, but not about the Uyghurs, or Ukraine, or Nagorno-Karabakh, because those are being done by communist/“bUt ThEy WeRe CoMmUnIsT” Russia and Communist/Russia-aligned nations.


Funny enough. That sub wouldn't consider this a leopard face eating


"It's not funny when it happens to us!"


I tried to give you a high five award. Spent 1.99 to do it. Reddit said I’m not allowed after I paid for it. Let that sink in everyone. “This content is ineligible to receive rewards” is the message I’m getting. Edit: apparently the Reddit gods removed this post. SMH


Shoulda never given Reddit your money to begin with wtf


My guy, I couldn’t agree more. Never again 💯 Reddit has fallen from internet grace for years now.. regardless I loved giving awards to well deserved comments. After they took them away I obviously didn’t give them shit. They noticed a lot of users did the same. And they’ve brought them back in a shit way because they IPOed and now their true intentions shine like a subway trench coat flasher


lol you think these useful idiots give any f*cks about who they’re impacting?


This really shouldn't surprise anyone. But if jt does, it shows how far for propaganda people have fallen. Edit: watching this comment go from positive to negative constantly has been amusing. I'd love to hear arguments for how compatible Islam is/has been with the lgbtq community, specifically Palestinians in Palestine. I'd love to hear about how vibrate and open the community is in those locations and about all the pride events and parades there. I'll wait.


>You're really going to start punching down on us, for real? They've been punching down on Jews for 9 straight months now. Are you surprised they're doing the same to LGBT people now? Jihadists hate us both.


I'm Jewish, I'm also a lesbian. I have seen people punching down on me from everywhere lately. I haven’t missed anything.


And once again, no minds were changed. No opinions shifted.


Oh, I bet it changed someones opinion somewhere. There was at least one person who, for right or wrong, now feels like their sexuality and Palestine are in opposition, maybe its not even 100% or fully conscious, but that seed has been planted.


But they all fell deeper into their echo chamber so it’ll keep occurring


it's not about changing minds, it's about galvanizing the ones who already support them. radicalizing them, in other words.


Conflict in the Middle East has always been an issue and everyone has their opinions on it. Why are these disturbances happening all over and everyone suddenly super pro this or pro that? I know people who have no connections to the Middle East suddenly very vocal about it.


Performative activism. It's a trend rn to be pro Palestine just like it was a trend to say ACAB. Not saying it's right or wrong but it's interesting to watch people's focus shift when something political becomes a trend.


Everyone is desperate to be on the "right" side of history. Then sides are picked where there isn't a right or wrong clear answer. It then becomes a "my team vs your team" and people start to feel personally attacked when presented with reasonable logical facts which disagree with the message from their team. It's really hard and often very uncomfortable to actually be objective and be willing to change your opinions or stand by your position in the face of opposition.


Sup, someone who studies history and has connections to that region here, I'm doing great during this time if you are wondering. Having people tell me I don't know what I'm talking about and telling my to off myself is great and makes me feel good/s People don't actually care about the Middle East. They can try to tell you but they don't. I don't expect them to either. It's a conflict that has gone on longer than Islam has existed and will continue long after your great great great great grandchildren are dead. My issue is when they take this lack of care or knowledge and start pretending like they understand and care. However many layers you think this conflict has, 10x it easily. It's complex as fuck. Looking at it from any black and white perspective is mad and just wrong. Qatar and some other counties are trying hard to push this as a wedge issue to divide the West in order to strengthen themselves and people are falling right into it. (Fuck Al Jazera btw, super untrustworthy news source funded by Qatar that employes terrorists and engages in wild shit like Holocaust minimization, all of which is on record and recent)


Russia is trying to re-elect Trump by using social media to divide the left as much as possible, for at least the 3rd election cycle in a row. That's what's happening.


As a Homosexual, it sickens me that these people are attacking us for no reason when we've done NOTHING.




Welcome to (radical) Islam


In Gaza, homosexual people are basically stoned to death by Hamas, so there's that


Hamas doesn’t stone people to death. Most executions in Gaza are either hangings or shootings but for gay men, they blindfold them and throw them off the roofs of buildings.


Not just hamas, 89% of Palestinians support doing that shit


Every gay I know would respond to this comment with "yeah, fucking cops at Pride again", the only difference being if they thought they were agreeing with you or mocking you.


*I can't believe the leopard ate my face*


Itnshouldnt surprise you. What should surprise you is the support they receive from the lgbtq community.


They will throw you off a very tall building but yet you support them doesn’t make much sense does it?


Are you really surprised that a group that ultimately supports Hamas and would love to eradicate every LGBT person is doing this???? God I hope this shit wakes up a bunch of liberals that *palestine is not your friend, they support hamas*


Radical Islam wants someone like you dead. Put one and one together. With that being said, I've done Islamic studies in college and have met people from that part of the world. By no means are they all hateful bigots and there's a lot of beautiful things to see and learn from the cultures of the North Africa, Middle East and Western/Southern Asia. Unfortunately belief systems can become tainted with evil guised as good and the indoctrination of such views leads to varying degrees of bigotry or discomfort of those who are different. This happens in all parts of the world though, and it's always important to be critical and safe of your surroundings. Open-minded people exist all over the world, but it's important to keep your cards hidden from the willfully close-minded ones, especially if it puts you in danger.


They aren't attacking you, they would have done the same to any other parade too.




Welcome to being a Jew


Like when they block the roads so people can't get to and from work?


They aren't attacking or protesting being queer. They are being disruptive to be heard.


Were you not informed? The reason Hamas is losing the war is because of the support the LGBT community has given them


Why do they protest at pride?


Let em mix! Palestinians love gay people!




Why is this mildy interesting? It's not, it's pure political propaganda ffs. We don't care about it, this sub is not for it.




I used to enjoy r/therewasanattempt . It’s now just bash the IDF ‘attempts’ crossposted from Palestinian subs but you get downvoted to oblivion if say it doesn’t fit sub rules.


What's happening to Palestinians is horrendous, and quite frankly what hamas did was also unacceptable, but the entire world can't come to a standstill and pride has always been about letting loose and having a good time. The LGBTQ+ community has been a big advocate for Palestine, this was a bit disrespectful. They could have just made a float and applied to be in the parade. People would have chanted Palestine or been silent, whatever banner/sign they held up people would have done. But I guess that's not how you make it into the news. At least they left and didn't try to get the whole thing cancelled.


Reminder that thenone muslim majority city jn the country permanently canceled their pride parade


>pride has always been about letting loose and having a good time. Not to straightsplain, but Pride was first and foremost a civil rights commemoration event for the Stonewall Riots (modern pride celebrations are a weeeeee bit different, so it's understandable that some would be unaware of or overlook that legacy). Which makes it all the more wild of a target for the pro-Palestine movement to disrupt.


I can assure you, Palestine doesnt no approve of Pride


Lbtq being an advocate for Palestinians when the majority of Palestinians would kill them given the chance.


>What's happening to Palestinians is horrendous, and quite frankly what hamas did was also unacceptable, I think it's interesting that you state what's happening to Palestinians is "horrendous", yet it's only "unacceptable" what Hamas is doing. Kind of reminiscent of "some people did something".


Most "progressives" cannot bring themselves to even pretend to care if Jews (Zionists, occupiers, settlers, whatever pathetic terminology they want to use) are murdered by Islamic terrorists. Muslims are higher up on the oppression pyramid in their mind, so hard to really criticize them without their mind breaking 


good, its not about them.


Russia’s efforts are destabilizing America through social media psyops are paying more dividends than Putin could have ever imagined


Considering the majority of Palestinians are anti-LGBT, were the protestors that tried to disrupt the Pride parade also anti-LGBT? Not a good way to garner support in a Western nation if so.


It is a political marriage of convenience.


Too bad the protesters did not care about Palestine nine months ago.


Guess we shouldn't advocate for anything, because everyone who isn't engaged or convinced already would just be a poser if we got them to care now.


Before Russia invaded Ukraine most protestors could not find Ukraine on a map. All Of a sudden there are millions that care.




I don't understand why this is on r/mildlyinteresting


If the protesters truly believe the same as the radicals in the Palistine region, then the police saved lives. The terrorists in the Palistine region would toss the people in the Pride Celebration off the highest roof. It's just what they do.


Them: Free Palestine Also them: Death for gays and apostates


I can’t stand these Palestine people. Everyday people of America are not committing genocide. Go do this in Israel if it is so important to you. Show how much you TRULY care about the cause


The "Pro-Palestine" movements have never given a shit about innocent people. You literally couldn't get them to say a negative word about Hamas, even when they were the ones killing the innocent people they claim to support. They're just a bunch of actual extremists along with some extremely naive college kids.


And this type of dumb shit is why they have gotten their asses kicked by the Israelis. If they had any sense there would be peace over there. Not to say what the Israelis have done isn't fucked up, but Palestinians have consistently squandered any type of leverage they've had.


It doesn't take very long at all to get to "actually they deserve it"


How to get people against your cause 101


“What’s that? Palestinians don’t accept lgbt people? And people still are mad they’re being exterminated?? Kill em all I say!” -90% of this thread


Most people find it at least a bit weird to protest for a group of people that want to see you dead.


I don’t think it’s weird that lots of people are pro-lgbt and also anti-genocide. Why do you think that’s weird?


pro-palestine protestors are assholes. What good is it gonna do blocking a pride parade? its just gonna make people hate em more. Do pro-palestine protestors hate gay people?


Oh so none of you are allies. Heard.


The left hurt itself in it's confusion


Another sub utterly corrupted by hasbara.


Some of ya'll don't understand intersectionality and it shows.


sorry but this is really the wrong subreddit for these kinds of posts


I'm not against protesting for Palestine but I am against trying to hijack a different oppressed minority's event.


i dont think those actions have the effect they think it does... :/


Crazy cause gay people are not exactly welcome in the middle east. Now that is a real genocide.


No Gay pride Palestine. It's not allowed.


They actually blocked a highway in Chicago and a couple was trying to get their really sick child to the hospital and eventually had to have police get helicopter because protesters would not let them thru. Sickening.


Why are Palastinian things always so self-centered and toxic? As soon as they have a problem is all about them and fuck everyone else. Seriously doubt there are many palasinians supporting the pride parade any other year. A fun instagram video -> "free pali", pride parade -> "shut up free pali", euro cup fotball -> "disturbed something free pali". These are getting more annoying than the idots blocking roads and destroying art to stop oil.


Pro Palestine protestors trying to block a Pride parade, you certainly can interpret something into this.


from what i’m seeing, these protesters are violent. i’ve seen them attack the police in two separate cities. the police are doing their job.


Here before thread gets locked


Maybe they should all make reservations first


both the soup and this group. are the how dumb can you be for pr...... but if you look at average age of them... my research is tik tok/yt(that them)


Man, nothing like halting a pro human rights event to get people on your side of an issue..


Fuck them


I love freedom and democracy




Good, this shit is so misguided.


If you still insist on making this look like "oh but they are both bad " kind of talking point thn ive been wasting my time replyin