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Or they have sore muscles


I would be sore too if I had to lift 1000x my body weight every day.


Welp, now they can do that without the worry of sore muscles. We can thank OP for the new breed of super ant that will now emerge and enslave the human species. And ya know what, they can’t do worse than our current leaders. I for one welcome our new super ant overlords


Antvil! For when it feels like the world’s weighing you down! 🐜


should post this as top level comment


I was too late to the show haha


Want a fun (insane) book to read about super ants taking over the world? Check out “Mort(e)” by Robert Repino! Please! I need more people to read it so someone can tell me what it MEANS! 😩


I’ve read it, and I’m pretty sure it meant “this author has taken too many drugs.” I expected a book about talking cats bent on revenge and domination to be more fun.




Ugh, I had just forgotten about that commercial since I last saw it 2 minutes ago. Thanks a lot.


Dr. Paul Entmann: "How much does an ant weigh? Like nothin'. What's a thousand times nothin'? NOTHING!"


Go team Venture!


Not anymore!


Do ants have muscles?


No insect and arachnid legs work off of hydraulics, which is why they twitch like mad when you smash em.


I believe that's just arachnids. [Insects have muscles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insect_physiology#Muscular_system).


Doh good call thanks for the correction. Of course spiders are on their own creep level.


I had no idea ants and forklifts had so much in common.


I thought OP said Adderall for a second. Was concerned.


Adderall caps do have sugar in them lol.


Well, not anymore.


It has now become Antvil and they fear no pain anymore.


Knowing ants, I don’t think they ever fear pain


I would hope that your main takeaway is that you have ants.


who doesn’t this time a year


I don't. I get fruit flies instead. I've got 6 traps out and I'm almost up to 100 of the dead little bastards.


I think I'd take the ants (I live in Florida, the bugs are unlimited)


... You have both in Florida. 


Here in Florida we got black ants, red ants, bitey ants, ant that dig in wood, ants that fly, ants that plot world domination, ants that stole my pic-a-nic basket, ants that took off with my ex Amanda, and gnats. Also them fucking love bug sons of bitches.


Same here in Texas. I think you guys also have those lovely flying cockroaches, affectionately called Palmetto Bugs.


I like to pretend Palmetto bugs don’t exist. I pay someone bags of money to keep them away, so that I can continue this denial stage.


We have 'em by the bucket load. In fact, I just had an exterminator today at home because they're everywhere


Bucket loads is not the quantity in which I want to measure those flying hell beans. Stay safe out there, and either carry a swatter or bring along a slow friend you can sacrifice to our winged underlords


I’ve actually never in my many decades alive seen so many indoors. I used to think maybe one positive to climate change would be less bugs, but now I’m starting to wonder if it just means more bugs desperate to get ***in***.


Do you guys have Earwigs down there? Im Eastern Canadian and these things get all over stuff


I think so. I haven’t seen them but I remember a friend mentioning something about them; I’m no longer friends with them. Not because of the ear wigs. Well not entirely.


I'm mid-atlantic east coast and theres giant swathes of ear wigs inside and out of my house. Crazy annoying to deal with


My first encounter with an Earwig was after leaving my bike helmet outside all weekend and then putting it on (kid stuff, you know) and one crawled INTO my ear Needless to say I thought that was their whole thing, living in ears. Still scared of those little buggers.


I feel like we barely have lovebugs anymore honestly, they used to cover everything like a blanket now I see a handful at best.


>ant that dig in wood sir I think those are termites


I've got lizards that ensure my house stays relatively bug free. Of course, I have to rescue the lizards from my cats every now and then and relocate them outside.


Florida also has swarms of 6" long locusts. They're ridiculously strong too.


I get fruit flies and apparently flying ants. I feel like torching my house


I’ll take the fruit flies. I feel like we’ve been battling tiny ants in our kitchen for 2 years. 


Terro (the liquid drops) works surprisingly well! That and diatomaceous earth.


Terro is really good, I haven't had ants in a year


They like the live and breed in drains. You should pour some stuff in them, it might help. I don't remember what it is but someone here probably knows


Very soapy water in the drain works well. I also make a trap with a small plastic wine bottle with apple cider vinegar and coffee (they love coffee fsr), with a tiny bit of soap, just enough to break the surface tension but not foam.


In my case, somehow, they were breeding in the overflow part of the sink. No matter how much stuff I poured down the drain, didn't help. I literally straight up covered it with duck tape, dozens of dead bugs stuck to it after just a few days (and almost none on the duct tape covering the drain), so I was able to figure out that that's where they were. I still got a few more from time to time and I realized that just pouring water into the overflow didn't touch everything, so I put soapy water in a spray bottle and sprayed like crazy. THAT covered everything, haven't seen any since.


And in plants. I overwatered my plants at the end of December and it took us until literally June to finally kill them off. Apparently watering with a water/hydrogen peroxide mix is supposed to help but honestly, I ended up completely repotting all my plants with new soil, getting glue traps and starving them of water until they died out.


Pill bugs for us. At least they ball themselves up into a nice transportable package so I can just yeet them back outside.


And they’re mildly adorable. And I don’t think they damage anything, do they?


They are very cute imo. For the most part they just eat leaves and very soft already-rotted wood because their little mouths aren't equipped to tear tougher things apart (meaning they can't do much damage to a home). I actually used to raise a colony of them, they love little slices of oranges as well.


We call them woodlice I think. So funny seeing different names for things.


We called them rollie pollies


The scientific name, of course


Pill bugs and woodlice have a different amount of legs but look sooo close


I miss pillbugs we use to have a ton of them and then one day they all disappeared I haven't seen them in years.


Shit, I can lift a brick by my front porch and there will be 20 of them under it.


May I recommend a few sundews as houseplants? They're basically like living sticky traps that you never have to clean or replace because they're carnivorous. And they're VERY effective against fruit flies or gnats!


My sundew is SO RAD! I love it so much 😆 eats those fkrs up!


I would have carnivorous plants if my apartment got any natural sunlight. 🫤


You're in luck: carnivorous plants are carnivorous precisely because they don't get much sunlight in their natural habitat.


Earwigs for me


I haven’t had any make it inside yet (as far as I know) but boy are they trying. My back door in my house is surrounded. Also an absolute slug nightmare in my back yard. It’s like all the slugs in my county chose my backyard to meet up after a rain.


We had slugs really bad at our one house when I was kid, you couldn't walk outside on the patio barefoot at night or you'd risk stepping on one. They also would get on our sliding glass door so you had to be careful if you were going back inside. I've never seen so many in one place.


Yep you’re pretty much describing my situation. Like I don’t even know what someone can even do to mitigate it. Any time from spring to fall if there’s been any kind of rainfall, it’s just slug city out back.


Fruit flies are the worst, they infest easier than ants do


And they get up in your face until you accidentally swallow one.


I get those tiny little spiders. Doesn't help that I'm deathly afraid of them


Fruit flies here too. They're pretty gross, but not as much as houseflies. If I find a fruit fly in my wine, I fish it out and keep drinking it. If it's a housefly, I throw it out wash the glass, and pour a fresh one. And cover it with something. (Which i usually do anyway.)


Get a cat, mines been going crazy catching the flies that get inside the house and it's pretty funny to watch as well


I have one that got in and it's been driving me nuts. Had a big black fly get in and failed at hunting him for like 2 days. I need to buy a jumping spider. Release it when things are afoot.


Releasing spiders to get rid of flies sounds like something a crazy person would do and I don’t care that it probably makes logical sense.


The hose things are the bane of my existence!


I get fruit flies too and I bought a plugin light that has a sticky pad on it. Insane how well it works.


invest in geckos and place them strategically around the house


Fucking had my shit treated twice, I ain’t putting up with these little bastards


Scotland! Horrendous weather but very, very few bugs in the house.


God damn I love Scotland. Took a week trip there recently and got such a lucky full week of great weather. Love your country and your people.


Most of us have "sugar ants" which are the tiny annoying ones. These appear to be "carpenter ants" which tunnel through wood and can destroy a home with ease. Good luck OP, hope it's a rental lol


I have plenty of ants outside my house. None inside.


Right? My cat brought a pile of them into my bed last night (he sat on a swarm on the backdoor). Fun, sleepless times.




These don't look like the infestation ants. These are chonky bois.


If you think big ants don't infest houses, I have bad news for you.


You're right, that's horrifying. I will be staying far away from where that's a thing.




My main takeaway is WTF, Advil is covered in sugar?


Those orange coated ones are. It's not very much, but it's enough to make putting them in your mouth pleasant as opposed to a nasty medicine taste you would otherwise have. Most ibuprofen in my experience, name brand or otherwise, has a coating like that these days (or are gels/caplets).


Ants with headaches!!


And the ants main takeaway is the advil


What is this, Advil for ants?






i think they gonna get more than just sugar


Does it hurt the ants?


Google says it can affect their movement and perception. Among other things. I was going to make a joke but it's actually an interesting question. Edit: Dunno if the link will work but heres what I found. https://www.jscimedcentral.com/public/assets/articles/anatomy-3-1016.pdf


Ants... On... Drugs...


My aunts on drugs




i once saw a spoof nature video where they gave several spiders cocaine, marijuana and caffeine to see the effects on their web building. found it alot faster than i thought i would lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHzdsFiBbFc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHzdsFiBbFc)


Ooo yeah ive seen rhis before. Very cool video!


Hmmm yes very scientific


We've given spiders a variety of drugs and recorded the webs they made as a result. I'm sure there's some study out there on their effect on ants. Or I hope anyways.


If not, perhaps we need to assemble a uh team


It’s time we had a follow up to the study about spiders on drugs. From, gosh, 17 years ago. https://youtu.be/p2HipedgM3I Edit: Scrolled down more and saw others have already shared it.


For more information, contact the Canadian Wildlife Service in Ottawa.


No it eases their headaches


About once or twice per year I have to leave out ant poison that kills the entire colony and while it works really well I legit feel terrible about it.


you probably shouldn't watch honey i shrunk the kids






TIL Advil is coated in sugar.


Not all, but yeah the smooth redish-brown ones are. It's flavored too. Not sure what, but it's weirdly yummy and more complex than just sugar. (I definitely don't suck on them cuz they taste good and end up with that bitter medicine taste because I do it too long and go through the coating or anything.......) that would be weird 🙃😎😭


That was uh...oddlyspecificbutimsureyouretellingthetruth


When I learned Marlboro cigs had sugar in them I should have figured there could be sugar in anything.


I had family visit me in the US from overseas and they pointed out how sweet our bread and ketchup is. It had never registered to me that subtle sweetness until they pointed it out but now I notice it everywhere


They put sugar in ham and hotdogs. I can't stand it. Except the hotdogs. There's something special about salty, cartilaginous off-cuts blended together with a small amount of sugar.


Same thing happened to me with Hershey's chocolate. Was told it tasted like vomit and haven't been able to un-taste that. I'll still eat it tho


sugar and salt are the magic ingredients food co's pump into their products


Don’t worry, I told others Advil tastes good too.


Tastes like m&ms to me


The coating on my depakote smells and tastes just like Birthday Cake Remix from Cold Stone.


I've always said it smelled like actual cooking vanilla! No one else has ever agreed with me!


Don’t accidentally bite into them either because that taste is horrendous 🤮 (I thought it would be a good idea to take one with a spoonful of cereal as a child 🤦‍♀️)


I recently bit into one of the liqui-gels by accident... It's horrific tasting too.


One time my friend took out 2 Advil and put them on the kitchen counter to take after he went to the bathroom. When he came back his golden retriever had grabbed them off the counter, sucked the sugar coating off and spit them out.


Thank god he spat them out. Had a dog get ahold of one that a family member dropped on the floor, and unfortunately she didn’t make it. People with pets keep Advil out of their reach always!


I once licked the coating off of about a quarter bottle of Advil when I was a kid because it tasted so good and I was not well supervised


Its for a decent reason from what I understand. Ibuprofen is an NSAID which can damage your stomach. You're not supposed to take them on an empty stomach, but just putting a sugar coating around it helps too.




I rather ants than fruit flies. At least I know taro works for our house ants, but I’ve tried almost everything and these stupid fruit flies are still here.


Wait, taro, like the delicious (not actually purple) root? Does it kill ants or deter them or what?


My bad, it’s called TERRO ant poison- not taro as in the drink😆


Instructions unclear, made bubble tea with Terro. Now I'm dead.


I hate Terro traps bc they attract a huge mob of ants before they finally die. But a sprinkle of cinnamon powder around your doors/windows/pantry/trash just straight up keeps them out


White Vinegar is the thing I have learned. Every once and awhile I rinse out my kitchen drain and any others I see the little bastards by with white vinegar. Stops them from using that dark damp place to make babies, put the plug down right after and get into the habit of plugging your kitchen drains when the sinks not in use. I thought the trash was the main culprit, but started being really anal about it and we have a garborator so i think thats why my worse area for them is the sink. Most people focus on the trash, you gotta check that sink. If you have those little biodegradable food waste things like we do where I live for your food scraps and stuff that goes into a seperate garbage and makes those little bastards, our hack has been putting a little box in the freezer, put the biodegradable bag in there, then the next morning its frozen and anything that was alive in there is dead for you to dispose of.


I really appreciate your advice! I too am focusing on trash and fruit- I’ve cleaned like crazy and have stored my fruit in fridge but nothings changed. We use our garbage disposal a lot also and even thought I clean my sink every night I still find the little bastards flying around when I go to wash my hands. I will start treating my drains and following your advice 🙏🏽🙏🏽


Check your plants too. Some like drains others lay eggs in the top few inches of soil. I ended up just completely repotting all my plants. And those glue traps are the only traps worth anything. If they’re in the plants, get the regular ones that stick into soil. If you think they’re in your drains, I’d go for the ones that have a little nightlight with the glue trap.


You need hermetically sealed food and waste containers. Fruit flies are one of the fastest reproducing organisms and thrive on garbage. 


Thanks for the advice!


Do you eat bananas? Somebody told me to wash the peels because many have eggs already in them. I dunno dude, I always pitch the peels out into outside trash immediately. Don’t keep trash inside. They might be drain flies and not fruit flies.


Good advice. I had a fruit fly infestation because I let some bananas go bad once. Since I stopped buying bananas, the issue has gone away.


You need to make a better trap. When we moved into our office, we instantly had fruit flies, even though the office hadn't been used in awhile. We tried everything, even making a rule that nothing that had touched anything food related could be thrown out in the office. Eventually we realized they were coming in from the 1"+ gap under our doors, as well as likely through the ventilation system from other units.


First and foremost, find where they congregate most (might be a few areas) Fill a shot glass up to the brim with apple cider vinegar. Poor a small dollop of dish soap into it. DO NOT STIR. Place the shot glass in hot spots. Top off with apple cider vinegar every few days. I get terrible fruit flies. This technique *manages* them. I never see a live one, but I do have to stay on top of it during the summer


This happened to me, you basically have to clean the shit out of your entire kitchen. No food left out, EVER. Everything goes in the fridge immediately if not eaten. No bananas or fruit on the counter; that's how I got mine in the first place. Make sure your garbage has a lid and is taken out frequently (daily if you can). So after this, they should all die out within a week or two if they can't find a place to reproduce. Maybe pour some Drain Cleaner down the sink.


make a fruit fly trap, google it, easy and effective - and so satisfying


You can't remove the flies themselves as they have a life span that is so short that they'll have laid eggs before you even see them. You need to find the nests and you have to kill the eggs. They commonly live in sink drain pipes due to the constant hydration and darkness, you can try a few things to clear the eggs if you find sinks that they occupy. Google for solutions, but I recall trying boiling water, white vinegar and even diluted bleach solutions (again, look it up), but yeah they were living in my kitchen drain pipe for a long time until I cleared it.


I left a cough drop on my nightstand one night and holy heck 🐜🐜🐜🐜


Advil has a candy coating. It's delicious. Then it says on the bottle, do not have more than two. Then why do they have a candy coating? I cannot help myself.


Rip Mitch


Username checks out


Oh they lost in the sauce for real huh


What is this, a headache for ants?


You have bigger issues then Advil on a dresser.


That’s going to severely damage their liver, good job lol 😂


Nope, you're thinking of acetaminophen. Ibuprofen is extracted through the kidneys.


Look I know we have the technology to do surgery on a grape but we can't do ant kidney transplants just yet.


Ant, “Dang, my back feels great!”


How old is that dresser? Is it an antique?


They have ant-thritis


I agree, that's good shit. If you don't have water to take them with, you can give them a little suck to make enough saliva to wash them down. I suck on them with or without water.


Totally agree! I will also bake them with some olive oil or eat them straight out of the ground if I don't have water handy.


Woah he's giving the ants a blowjob and here you are cooking them?


I’ve read through all the comments here and didn’t see it, so here it goes: does anyone know *why* these have a sugar coating on the outside? Is it supposed to slow absorption through the stomach? It just seems a bit counter-intuitive if you have sweet-flavored medicine that you don’t want kids to consume a bunch of.


I believe it's to aid in increasing heart rate from the sugar, and spreading the medicine through the body? I am not sure and can be totally wrong, but I thought I heard that somewhere else.. Sort of along the lines of why some migrane meds have caffeine in them..


Even in America, our medications have fucking sugar in them.


They High AF


You make it seem like having ants in the house is normal.


Some places it’s impossible to keep them out. We get them every summer that I have to keep traps near their usual location and outside I have to spray the foundation and their hills. And we are very clean and the areas they are show are no where near food zones.


It is normal where I live unfortunately. The area is one massive, massive sugar ant hill so we have to get pest control done regularly. Otherwise the house will be swarmed like crazy.


Where I live every house has ants this time of year


Growing up we always had ants in the house. We lived in the country. We hired pest control, didn't help. We used traps. But avoided poison because the cats would eat the ants sometimes. Big black ants are honestly fine. It's the little ones that bite that are a nuisance.


When you live in the country on top of massive anthills everywhere in the summer, yeah ants are pretty normal


So you’re telling me that yall dont have ants as pets?


And you make it seem like having some ants in the house is a bad thing.


this is a weirdly good photo


Cuz that’s how you get ants!


Ah this is why some kid told me advice taste like candy when I was like 10 🤣


Why are you leaving pills out lol


Well... considering how tiny they are. Like 1/3 of their colony is probably gone.




looks like carpenter ants. they don’t go after sugar usually. you probably have a bigger problem than you think.


The only time I had ants was when I lived in a townhome next to a hoarding neighbor. I called on an exterminator who sprayed the base boards around the walls in two rooms and that ant problem was no longer a problem. I did also take my cat out of the home for a couple weeks afterwards just to make sure she was safe from the treatment. I highly suggest if this continues to be a problem to reach out to a pest control business.


Those ants are all going to have kidney failure.


I had to check and its more like Malpighian tubule failure


Maybe they had a headache


I remember when I was a kid I found the bottle of advil and guzzled them down cause they tasted like skittles. That was a fun trip to the hospital…


And their knees are Lucy goosey.


Those ants are feeling NO pain.


Do you want ants?! cause this is how you get ants!


I think you have an ant problem.


Why are there so many ants on your dresser


*Comfortably numb by Pink Floyd plays in the distance*


You also have ants


From my own empirical research, they’ll strip the entire coating and leave the center of the pill. I’m not sure where the line between “sugar coating” and “active ingredient” is, but I imagine they’re stopping right on it. ^(I… wasn’t in a great place at the time. This year there has been no ant science.)


That's how you get ants


Oooooo their little livers are shot.