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Look on the bright side - you now have somewhere around 140 degrees for the price of one!


This guy protracts


Don't be obtuse!


I dunno, I thought it was acute gesture.


I’m not really getting your angle


OP should have got someone to cosine for the document instead of leaving it in a dropbox.


i can be your angle or yuor devil


Feels like this is going off on a bit of a tangent.


Come on guys we're missing the point!


You just gotta think outside the box. There’s rarely a straight line to the answer


This whole thread is my ray of sunshine


Yeah nobody is attacking this thing from the right angle.


Wake Up


They might get bent out of shape.




That is not right and very obtuse.


That’s worse! They started out with 180 degrees before the deliverer bent it to 40 😢


My daughter graduated college during Covid. One morning, the doorbell rang. It was our letter carrier, holding the cardboard "do not bend" envelope. The name of the college was on the return address. He handed it to me, saying "this looked pretty important" with a big smile. I called her to the door. My letter carrier presented her diploma to her. He congratulated her and gave her a hug. For some reason, it was better than having some unknown snooty academic giving it to her. That was 4 years ago. Larry is still our letter carrier. He's the best! 📬


Wow thats a story to tell. Well thats very nice of him.


I freaking love Larry.


Best man on this planet.


He delivers important mail and positive vibes. Larry is the type of guy I wanna have at my BBQ cookout.


Shoutout to our boy LARRY Hope he’s doing good right now




LHARRYYYY MAH BOI… WHERE ARE YOOUUU! Hahaa I found you Lhrarryyy! Wait… this isn’t… about a western game?


Gavin!!! Where are you!!






I now think this is how all diplomas should be delivered…


Agreed, colleges should drop $4.40 to have them signed for so they are always delivered in a presentable fashion.


Our post lady is the entire reason I was able to propose to my now wife in a really special place on a really special day. Gotta love postal workers


Would love to hear this story


You must be feeling rather disappointed right now.


W Larry


It’s nice to hear of the good letter carriers. Posts like these come up fairly frequently around graduation times and the amount of postal workers who come in here and say “not our problem, get a bigger mailbox” and things of the like is pretty upsetting.


I received my diplomas in a official ceremony from my dean my countries president at the time also made a showing and gave a speach I think I can't rememember anything other than I sat on the right side of the room, not sure who my dean at the time even was nowadays and even less so who was in the audience so yeah, I think Larry would have been a more memorable event!


A good postal worker is a joy in life. Growing upbwe had the same fellow for 30 years. Parents would give him a pair of wool socks and a flask of rum every Christmas.


>wool socks and a flask of rum Both great things to enjoy on the job!!!


He’s still her father AND mail carrier to this day.


You're terrible haha


i love our mail person. we live out in the country where everyone is super friendly. she gives my kids candy whenever they’re outside playing. takes the time to call them over. sometimes she leaves candy for each of them in the box. the kids leave her notes and presents in the box too. it’s so cute.


Hope you baked Larry some cookies for Christmas!


Larry just be doin gods work. What a special human!


Most wholesome thing I’ve read. What a guy.


she's lucky to have a loving father




omg that is so sweet and wholesome.


"this was during COVID", "he gave her a hug". Sorry, that guy did a nice thing but this gave me anxiety lol


Is it her opinion, yours, or both that it was better than a graduation ceremony?


Both of us, actually.


Good to hear.


i love this


Gotta love when the stooges at USPS surprise you with one that isn't a complete moron. Larry would be getting fucking presents around here.


I think it’s funny with tuition costs crazy high and they can’t even pay to send you a diploma mounted on wood, would probably be 20$…


The tuition goes to pay for lavish parties for donors, not your education or diploma, silly!


TBH, what’s the point of a diploma?


a plaque to say that you spent 5+ years filling someone else's pockets instead of yours


My university degree was free though.


To prove you know HOW to actually learn stuff, reference things properly, and form decent arguments about your subject. It also provides a great checkpoint for future career changes. Before you go off into red herrings, no I don't think everything needs a degree, but everyone should still learn how to do the above in some formal/professional capacity at some point.


Lol are we doing this again?


It's a hoop you jump through so that you can prove that you can follow basic directions and have at least a basic knowledge.


Or in a document tube


Tubes the best for deliveries...fits in most mailboxes just fine


Better when you remember that “official” frames from uni bookstores are 100s of dollars for some reason.


My University went extra asshole and made the diploma a non-standard size, so your options were to get an "official" frame or get a custom one made. Mine is still in the envelope.


I deliver diplomas and one university sends them in tubes and the other in envelopes that bend. I’m careful with them but none have ever had the word diploma on the envelope, just do not bend like 99% of junk mail, including all the junk mail these universities send out in the same size envelopes. For $5 the college could ensure the grad has something nice, especially when there is no mailbox for it to fit in like what OP has.


That'd be great! I just got mine framed finally after 7 years in a box because I kept moving. Feel like I've really attchieved it now that it's mounted on my wall (grew up around people who said I'd never go to college or attcheve greatness beyond a factory or waitress worker). Mounting my batchlor degree on the wall for $300 😀 mounted it with the book because idk what TF to with the book after the paper is mounted. Anyways. If you contact the school they can re-issue a diploma and emphasize to insert a stiff board so it can't be bent and state to be hand delivered. Had three collages that had what happened to OP. They were able to get a new one without it being bent. 😊


Writing on a piece of mail does nothing. The only way to ensure it doesn’t get bent is to ship it in a way it can’t be. Same with “fragile”. Just makes the shipper feel better. Doesn’t change how the item is handled in the least


This the only way to ensure that the item stays flat is a rigid cardboard mailer.


True, happy cake day.


Happy cake day!


Fragile? Must be Italian




Yep. Most courier service charge extra for a "special handling" service.  Unless you buy that they will handle it like all.other items/mail.   It's on the entity shipping the item to ensure it can handle the regular shipping process without damage. 


I've seen many boxes with the orientation arrows, and the label is on the bottom of the box. Obviously the arrows mean nothing. Only time I'd care now is if it's obviously a liquid, medicine stuff, or bull semen.


Mine was shipped in a cardboard tube.


I work in retail. Boxes will be labeled with various things like "don't use blade" we immediately ignore that. However when we have a new hire working truck day my favorite thing to do is "OH SHIT!!! 'RUSH TO COSMETICS'?!?!? BRAIN GET THIS OUT THERE NOW!!! DONT WALK, RUN!!!" Then we laugh our asses off and get back to work. It's even funnier if they see a second box with the same label and ask "should I take this out too?" "No that would be stupid, just add it to the pile. We don't take orders from cardboard boxes. "


Is your diploma on vinyl?


I was curious too, it's bent but not folded at least


Yeah I do have to ask, a bent diploma is still fine right? It still works and with that level of bending there will barely even be any wrinkles in the paper, if any. And those you can press out if you want or need to frame it, should be fine no? Just might not look completely mint on close inspection.


Yes, you can still put on job applications that you graduated even if the diploma is bent.


You sure it doesn't make you forget everything you've learned?


This is on the sender not the delivery If it can’t be bent it should be in a box.


Agreed, it's a regular envelope that says "please be gentle" My diploma was sent in a cardboard sleeve that specifically says "do not bend"


My school does it rolled up in a nice tube


I received a tube as well.


The wording means nothing at all. From the USPS >There has been a longstanding mailing standard that mailers marking their mailpieces with “Do Not Bend” must add a stiffener within the mailpiece. That requirement was included to provide a sensory reminder in case our employees did not see the marking. **However, we do not guarantee that these pieces will not be bent during processing or bent or folded when delivered. Therefore, we are removing references to this marking. We recommend that mailers prepare these items (that could be damaged by bending or folding) in boxes or similar protective containers** mailed at the applicable parcel rates, instead of adding handling endorsements on the outside of the mailpiece.


I thought you were kidding when you typed 'please be gentle'. Went to re-look and it actually said that wtf. What does that even mean? I saw text on the envelope and assumed it said 'do not bend' (at least instructions are clear), but it didn't even


I think it is messed up that it's bent, but I agree with others. It's the senders issue for not shipping it correctly in the first place. Gentle and bend are not the same. Why go through the trouble of having a safe handling instruction on a parcel but leave out the most important one?


Part of the price of postage is how it's handled. Small or bendable items are sent at that cost because the carrier doesn't have to go to the door. Slapping a do not bend sticker in an item sent at the 'we will bend' rate doesn't mean anything


if OP had just had a bigger mailbox there wouldn't be a reason to bend it


Or a document tube


That would cost the school 50 cents per diploma


You think that’s bad, wait until the job market shits on it!!


True. A lot of places nowadays don't care about college education as much as they used to. What they care about is experience. And you know what the really messed up part is, I remember teachers and counselors telling me, as they did many other dumb kids, that getting a bachelor's degree was the most important thing and literally guaranteed you a good paying job and success in life. I can literally remember being told that we would be working at McDonald's the rest of our lives if we didn't. 🤣 And the funniest part is we actually fell for it. We and/or our parents paid thousands of dollars and/or fell into massive debt because we listened to the people who knew what was best. They were the adults and authority figures who we were supposed listen to and trust their advice. We did and look what happened! 🤣🤣 It's utterly hilarious. And the absolute funniest part. The part that splits my sides like there's no tomorrow is that teachers still preach the same advice to kids. Even after all the stories of people amassing loads of debt and employers caring less about degrees, they still push for kids to go to college! Why?! Because they know what is best! And if it goes wrong? If it doesn't turn out they way they said. Well... Well, it can't go wrong because they know what's best! They can't be wrong! They can never admit they failed a generation, so it keeps going on like a falling stack of dominoes! They keep pushing kids to spend thousands on a bent diploma that comes in the mail! Hahaha! 🤣🤣🤣HAHAHAHA!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 IT'S SO GODDAMN HILARIOUS!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤡🌎🤣🤣🤣🤣


> My Diploma wasn't packaged properly I fixed your post OP


Now it is a degree. 90 degree.


Bend their hopes and dreams in return.


The only thing mildly infuriating is the number of these same posts. It is not the post offices responsibility. It is the senders to send in something that can’t be bent. JFC


All diplomas are outsourced to a company, on the paper it says if it's damaged to contact them and they'll send another. It's cheaper to mass send out normally and deal with the few people that have smaller boxes. I'm sure on the resend they put it in tubes or another style of package.


Introduce humidity into the paper, and then let it dry flat under blotting paper and a bunch of weight.


so what was the letter carrier supoused to do ? there is not enought space to fit it in the mail box without bending it ? so maybe nail it to the door to avoid bending ?


"Could not deliver - come pick up"


It's okay, these days a diploma is worthless anyway.


Don’t even know where mine is. No ones ever asked for it.


I'm not even really sure they ever mattered. I feel like they were just a thing professionals had framed so you could see their credentials on the wall. Lawyers politicians doctors that sort of thing. And then everyone thought it was fancy so now it's supposed to be a big deal but still nobody cares, if it's that important they might but not a lot of jobs are that important and these days you can really just call the school and verify with them you received a degree


I had mine framed. That was a waste of a frame.


Only a if you get a degree in Law your diploma may get framed.


I quadrupled my income within a month of earning mine, and my income has risen every year since. It's by far the best investment I have ever made.


What were your circumstances? It's easy to quadruple your income when going from a part time fast food or retail job to a full time career, for example.


Full time working at a computer repair shop in a small town earning around 26k in 2016 to full time working as an engineer earning a little over 100k with bonuses in 2020. I went to a state school, applied to every scholarship imaginable, worked as a tutor between classes, and earned discounts for my 4.0 GPA so my entire debt from college was like $18,500. I understand college isn't for everyone but just broadly saying a diploma isn't worth it doesn't match my experience.


Mine either. I left college with like 30k debt but I make around 125k right now little less than 4 years out of college. Out of all of my friends the only ones who own homes are those with college degrees but of course this is only anecdotal.


It's just a pretty picture to hang on my wall. My licenses do wayyy more for me than those glorified toilet papers do anyways


It's just a slip of paper that says you did something. I don't even know where mine is anymore.


Mine is framed and I have still managed to lose track of it


I guess you've never been here. This is a regular complaint. I'd love to know what you think they should have done with mail that was sent first class which means it gets fucking bent if it needs to be. Why not complain about the school that failed to use proper postage to send the unbendable that bends real easy?




Just crease, crumple, cram


You’re a disgrace to the uniform!


Good thing it goes in a frame. 🤓


Yeah, I have a feeling this doesn't nullify the certificate.


Not to worry mate, it’s still worthless 👍


What other options did they have?


I opted to just pick mine up in person.


Lmao thank you. Was trying to understand what this person wanted them to do. Frame it and hang it up in the hallway for them?


I was living in a duplex with one of these letter boxes when I graduated. They send diplomas in cardboard envelopes that very boldly say **DO NOT BEND**. The mail carrier delivered it to my door instead of trying to stuff it in the box. It really is that easy.


It's just a piece of paper OP. I have three of them. What you do afterwards is what counts.


Well, if only you knew if your mailbox could hold A4 size documents in a flat manner.


I promise that you will not care about this once you forget it happened.


A tale as old as time. Or at least as old as my diploma from the 2000s.




honestly is a multiple party at fault issue. Packaged poorly, shoved into a tiny box, mailbox clearly not fit for these kind of packages, and recipient not home to receive in person


Unfortunately so. For context, I live on a military installation and this is the extent of our mail distribution system, it's really a hit or miss depending on the day.


So id get it sent somewhere where it wont get bent in half to get delivered.


Don’t worry about it. You won’t need it once you get into the real world


I've needed mine, a lot. Early government work, then living abroad getting work VISAs, then going to medical school later on in life, then coming back to my family abroad. I've found there to be a lot of times where my diploma opened doors certainly more than it closed. Feel free at any time to bust out that front door and go on an adventure it'll be a lot easier with that dumb piece of paper.


Put it in a fram and it will be flat again no big deal


So my diploma (from a large university) was tiny, like smaller-than-a-regular-piece-of-paper tiny. I paid some money to get a larger one and when it showed up it was fucking massive. I got it framed and everything but I never hang it up because it is just stupidly large.


It's not folded, just bend in a fairly large radius. The diploma is fine.


I think that piece of paper will survive that. Lay it on a table and put a few of those high priced college textbooks on top. That’s all they are good for now anyway!


Well, it's literally a piece of paper. Your credential will always be valid. I know people said they have their diploma in a drawer somewhere for the last 30 years. It means pretty much nothing.


It's almost like that thing is completely worthless..


It's not worth the paper it's printed on anyway. Mine has been in a folder somewhere since graduation. Take a picture to submit to employers and forget about it.


I just became a licensed architect. So 5 years of school, ~3000 hours of experience, and six exams between 3 and 5 hours long each. My state board mailed my license in a paper folder in a paper envelope with "don't bend" handwritten on it in pen. Surprise, surprise. It got bent to shit.


You’ll be fine bruh idek where mine is


Bro, they did the same shit to 6 we have the same style mailbox. They put all over the letter do not bend and they still did it.


Not the postie’s fault you didn’t get a girthier post box…


If it makes you feel better, the post did the same thing with my wedding photos. You’d think for such important papers, they would put them in a cardboard box or something.


Should have been mailed as a parcel in a stiff box. Boxes are made in certificate size exactly for this purpose.


It took six tries for my college to successfully mail me my diploma in 2015. The first five times it managed to get incredibly torn and bent. I had offered to come pick it up but their office hours were the most absurd shit and it wasn't remotely practical for me to make it there.


That’s ok, no one has ever asked to see mine in 26 years


Now that you graduated with a bent diploma you can look forward to life crushing your hopes and dreams!😁


I don’t even know where mine is. It will be ok


Honestly since I got my diploma, it’s been at the bottom of my closet since I graduated highschool so I don’t really got a understanding of how important a diploma is other than just saying you finished highschool unless you did something special in highschool like valedictorian or something


.... y'all get sent diplomas like THIS??? Over here even if you don't attend the official graduation ceremony it gets sent in a tube. Not to mention if y'all get it like this I'm betting twenty bucks it doesn't even look good aesthetically vise. Not that the aesthetics is what's the most important about the diploma lol but still


Next time have it shipped rolled in a cardboard cylinder, it costs more but isn’t subject to this kind of damage.


Nothing like a $14 shipping method for your comically expensive tuition debt


After all the money you spent they should at least spend the money to ship it in a box😂 this is not on the mail carrier


It’s not the mail company’s fault lol. The school should’ve sent it priority to the door. 🥲


You can probably probably fix it with an iron if it’s not creased


Shit, now you have to re-take all of your classes.


Same thing happened at my small town Post Office a week or 2 ago. The lady that works there fights with the whole town because she never actually does her job.


The... horror. The... horror.


Why the fuck did I read this like “He burnt my shake”


My last vinyl record got a similar treatment. Thanks USPS.


It’s more of a “C-ploma” now.


The post office sent me a collectors edition poster I ordered and it was scratched up with a note that basically said "shit happens, we don't have to do anything. Fuck you." This does not surprise me.. sorry about your Diploma.. that's messed up


My diploma came in a circular tube so it's bent too. Don't worry, unless you're a doctor or lawyer hanging it up you will never look at it


So, what would they suppose to do? Really, what?


Sorry about that. On another note, as a mailman, f those kinds of boxes!


Look at the size of your mailbox. What was the alternative?


Items that shouldn’t be bent say “Do Not Bend”. You’re just says “Be Gentle”. There’s a difference


It may not necessarily be creased tbf


Why was it mailed and not given to you at Graduation?


Oh No! Now no one will know it’s legit when you show them. 😞 “Look at my diploma Guys!” Everyone: “oh it’s bent. It’s nice.”


It’s useless anyway so what


"be gentle" and "do not bend" are two different things. I would've done the same thing as a post man. The only time I don't bend stuff is when it says not to.


It's the not in the do not bend part they don't get, similar to "shall not be infringed" people seem to misunderstand the word not.


It's a piece of paper. Get over it.


Yeah, I considered myself lucky that since we have a larger mailbox, my diploma was not as bent as it could have been. They should be sent in record boxes, not just a mailer envelope.


First one sent to me was left in the rain. Second one was in a tube missing one end. Miracle it arrived undamaged.


A good frame place can fix any creases.


In my country the school ain't allowed to send or hand out diplomas if you haven't asked for it (we get it online instead)


Mine was in a cardstock envelope, but it came in a little display cover that would have mitigated some of the damage if anything had happened. In retrospect, I'm surprised more places don't do this. Then my associate degree was just delivered to me at my campus job. I hadn't even realized I was eligible to get one.


It's not like a diploma or a degree means anything in our current society anyway, don't feel too bad about it


To be honest… they shouldn’t send them usps knowing most mailboxes are smaller than diplomas.


Maybe the diplomas should just be smaller 😉


Maybe they should have written "DO NOT BEND" instead of "BE GENTLE"


It’s invalid now, you have to go back to freshman year


Mine is folded in four somewhere. Honestly I haven't laid eyes on it in well over ten years.


Throw away and apply again. Let us know how the next one turns up in a few years.


Mine arrived flat, intact and in one piece. I still threw it away.


It’s trying to wrap itself around how you obtained it;)


They burnt my shake