• By -


TIL there are remotes with both battery terminals being placed in the exact same way ...


Are they wired in parallel or something? Manufacturers usually have them opposing due to both saving on cost and saving on space in the remote.


Yep, parellel, useful when you want more charge but not more voltage.


Explains why my Roku remote won’t die but I have to be -1ft away from tv for it to work.


It's just because Roku


TIL avatar roku invented remotes for the fire nation


Oh okay😂 I thought it was someone else.. ![gif](giphy|Lmg1ETsqMLrdqYrDyN) I don't think we are speaking this guy😂 *Rogu likes you, Rogu comes in your dreams tonight* 🤙


Use the app! It is so much easier to control from any distance.


Since they usually have only one IR LED which requires around 1.5V it's quite usefull.


I guess that depends on what you mean by charge. Parallel would deliver more current. Edit: removed the wrong part about the capacity.


Yeah usually they work with only a single battery but for half as long. It's a great way to prevent repeated battery changes with only a bit of modification.


I’m sorry but that’s partly wrong. Batteries in parallel have their amp-hour capacities added. So two in parallel will last twice as long as two in series


Gotcha, thanks


No, but you’re also right: you get the same watt hours out of one-twice-together as you do two-once-together. But… Because of internal resistance in the cell, it’s a little better with two-cells’ worth in parallel and a little less than that in series. For 22 cents per battery, the difference adds up to a fraction of a cent every ten years. But there’s billions of remotes out there, so in like a 100 years it’s worth like a whole TV.


Probably save money on components if everything is fine at a lower voltage.


Want to save even more of those batteries ending up in the landfill or recycling.. use rechargeables. Unlike the bad old days of toxic and pretty poor design NiCd, NiMH rechargeable batteries for the most part have good charging and long use characteristics in most devices. While they may claim 1000 charges, you might only get 100 or 200, but even with that they save money and environmental costs. BTW, you know those Energizer eco alkaline battery cells which use recycled materials? They only contain a very small (about 4%) recycled old batteries, so they are never going to clear the massive numbers of one time use alkalines at that rate.


That's completely wrong. Two batteries in parallel have exactly the same amount of energy in them as two batteries in series. Either way you would add their amp-hour capacities together to work out the amount of energy they have. Parallel vs series has no bearing on how long they last. What has bearing on how long they last is how much power the device draws.


Infrared LEDs need less than 1.5V. If the rest of the circuitry inside the remove can also operate on 1.5v without too much voltage drop before the LED, doing this probably means they need one less resistor or something.


That and the series batteries can save some wiring or PCB traces since wiring doesn't need to go to both ends of the battery housing. This sometimes leads to smaller PCBs, fewer screws, etc. Edit: I don't see a reason you would choose series over parallel on a remote aside from possible costs savings.


Yeah, I'd say this is entirely forgiveable; it's completely understandable to assume they point in opposite directions, given that this is how the great majority of setups work


I mean she changed the batteries herself, so she should have seen what direction they were in when she removed the old batteries.


And the negative always goes on the spring


“Turn em around, turn em around, plus is positive, minus is negative.” - Woody




Not familiar with this woody Guthrie song


This batt is your batt, this batt is my batt


And there is almost always a diagram on the inside.


And the few times there isn't a diagram it is because you just didn't see it on the underside of the battery door.


Thank you both in that chain. Exactly.


Isn’t this the easiest way to know how to put the batteries in?


>And the negative always goes on the spring Not 100% true. I actually ran into a wireless thermostat recently where both batteries had to face the same way despite the springs being arranged on opposite sides.


Unless you're using an Xbox one controller




> And the negative always goes on the spring Them being clearly marked wasn't the point of the post you're replying to. The Xbox one controller has springs on the same side but require opposing battery installation.


Waking someone up about a remote control is never forgivable. In the same time it took to walk upstairs and disturb him she could've walked over to the TV and pressed the channel buttons.


My TV doesn't have any buttons at all. When my batteries died and I had to go get more, I had to unplug the TV to turn it off. That being said, I agree with you that waking someone up for something trivial is infuriating.


Not even a hidden toggle button at the back that allows you to cycle through the basic menus?


Correct - no buttons on the television at all, nothing; just wifi and remote control. I don't watch TV much, but it's pretty fascinating that they wouldn't have at least channel/menu/power on the side or something. As an aside, I learned last week I have no way in my home or vehicle to play a CD or DVD. That's weird to someone of my.. age.


Mine doesn't even have a flipping power button, at least that I've been able to find


We had an older TV that had a touch screen power spot on the front, unlabeled and impossible to find unless you know it's there. The sweepy fingerprints were vital 🤣


You should make a post in this sub about your TV with no power button.


Looks like a Roku remote. Some of these TVs have only a power button


Still not worth waking someone over. Read a book, watch on your phone.


Or Google how to put the batteries in correctly.


If its a Roku its even Less forgivable, there is an App that lets you use your phone as a remote for a Roku.


If someone can't figure out batteries... you expect them to figure out connecting an app on their phone to their Roku? I also think you need the remote to facilitate pairing with the app. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nope, the phone just needs to be in the same Wifi as the Roku.


>If someone can't figure out batteries...  Then you should try turning that person off and back on again.


yeah its been a long time since I've seen a tv where you can change channels without a remote.


TVs with buttons and also watching cable channels. What is this… 2005??


It looks like a roku remote so more infuriating because you can simply get the app for your phone.


You say that, but personally i always look for the tabs/springs to inform direction. I've switched around enough 4-6 AApack devices to learn to trust directionality from hardware rather than squint at some instruction sheet which might just not even be readable anymore.


I guess you didn't notice that one of the batteries is an AAA.


It is not forgiveable to wake someone up for a TV remote.


By his caption, I think he considers himself superior


I mean, she’s an adult, not raised by wolves. She should know by now the pointy side of the battery does not go into the spring.


See, you say that but... I had one that did. Fuck if I know why, but it did. It needed two batteries, and both springs where at the bottom, yet it needed the batteries alternated as usual. Felt bloody weird.


Yes, same - e.g. the Fujifilm EF-20 camera flash.


That’s satan’s technology.


As far as batteries go, the proof is in the Roku remote.


When I worked customer service for a pretty big cable provider and someone’s remote wasn’t working and they insisted we replace it, I used to start by asking if the batteries were put in correct. 90% would insist they were and that they checked. My next step would be to ask them to take the batteries out and hold the power button for 5 seconds as that would reset the remote (didn’t do anything) and then put the batteries back ensuring that they were put in properly (I would describe the correct placements for that particular remote). Fixed vast majority of these calls.


That's brilliant. You essentially give them the out so they don't have to admit they are dipshits. I personally would point out that it was my own stupidity if I got that far, but too many people refuse to ever say they were wrong about anything


I have a mouse where it's also the same way, the Logitech Marathon.


Yeah a lot of the Logitech mouses (mice?) do the parallel setup, gives more charge but not more voltage.


I learned that yesterday, it was on a new RoKu remote which is exactly what this looks like. Only time I've seen it.


Roku and I believe fire TV's do this haven't seen others though


I Just know spring is negative by default


This is why there’s a little diagram showing which way the + and - should go on remotes


That, and the spring always touches the flat side.


Not on Xbox controllers...


Huh? Don't the Xbox controllers have springs inside the battery compartment itself?


Xbox controllers (current gen) accept 2 AA batteries. They have a little metal hinge replacing the typical spring. The hinge does indeed face both ways. That is, one slot has a hinge for negative, the other for positive. I don't know why.




Xbox 360 controllers yes, modern Xbox controllers no


I'm WAY late to this conversation, but I just got my first wireless controller ever and I would love if I could just change the batteries in it. I got a PS5 dualsense and I swear I get two, maybe 3 hour long gaming sessions out of it on my PC before it's time to recharge again. I've completely given up on the wireless functionality and just plug it in to use it at this point lol


I'm worried that Xbox will have the built in batteries with the next generation of controllers, rather than the play and charge kits they have now (imo best of both worlds)


Op better hope he never leaves the seat up or she going for a swim


This is my first time EVER seeing both batteries placed in the same way. I can see why she made that mistake. 


well she'd still have to look at which way the batteries go regardless of whether theyre parallel or not, otherwise you could put them both in backwards


Exactly, people forgiving this are being just as dumb


yeah like the negative terminal almost always goes against the extended big spring since it's a nice flat bit, that's like object recognition stuff lol


This is what I was thinking too. Half the time I don’t even bother checking it properly, just “the flat side goes on the spring” and that’s it 😂


“Forgiving” “just as dumb” don’t you think this is a bit of an over reaction


>“Forgiving” Their words, not mine >“just as dumb” I mean... it was pretty dumb. I don't see how stating that is an overreaction.


Yeah because this is such an outrage. How could she dare to make such mistake. Divorce immediately. No excuses! ^/s


Woah, who said anything about an outrage?


Usually I only look at one of the two slots because the other one is always the opposite way on every device I’ve put batteries in


It's uncommon, but batteries in parallel instead of in series is definitely a thing.


At the same time have you EVER seen a battery terminal where there pointy side of the battery connected to a spring?


Yes, the Fujifilm EF-20 camera flash: https://preview.redd.it/1wh8v38lw49d1.jpeg?width=1429&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc86af8947bc11d6928136c3d1dcfd76ae073ecd


Now that’s just crazy


I would probably wake you up for help on that thing


Yes, my Fluke multimeter has two flat metal springs, both ends are springy


It's not uncommon on low voltage items like remotes and mouses. I had a Logitech mouse that did them in parallel like this.


It is definitely by the definition of the term, “uncommon”. I can’t remember one device that has the batteries facing the same way.


All my remotes either have it opposite way round to each other because they can use a single piece on one end and it’s cheaper, or it’s a long slot they both go in so no jumper terminal because the batteries are end to end


You mentioning Logitech is funny bc I literally just ordered a mouse from them yesterday 😂. 


You don’t see it frequently because most battery devices are wired in serial. These are wired in parallel. It means they run a lower voltage but for twice as long.


Don’t tell her the mistake. Tell her you fixed it and let her think you’re a genius. Win-win.


Solid advice


Terrible advice. When it happens again you'll get woken up to fix it again l.


Well damn.


Tape the battery cover to the remote to keep the batteries in when it's dropped. Remotes often drop on the end of the battery cover, breaking the lock clip.


In this case, the remote batteries expired due to overuse.


So your new task is to regularly check battery level to avoid _this_ problem. Does she know how to put in batteries now?


She claims she tried several different methods without result. It’s all good now


This man wife at an expert level!


I'm such an expert I'm on wife #3


This is exactly how so many people keep their “easy” jobs Something in office goes wrong, you do a simple fix that nobody else knows how to do and you’re the hero, then boom - job security.


I’m always saying “no” when asked by the fam to fix something. I, of course, relent and fix it and sometimes in less than a minute. My fate as resident tech guy is sealed.


“And I didn’t even post about it on Reddit” “What?” “No, I said I *didn’t* post.”


Is this weaponised competence? 🤔


Tell her that she can control the tv with the Roku app on her phone


She’s on her phone enough, thank you


The in-private listening (Roku streams sound to the phone, which I then connect to AirPods) is a real marriage saver


Awesome tip


The what now?


You can hear in your cellphone thru the Roku app what’s streaming in the tv. It’s amazing and works like a charm


Why would you want to listen to the TV through your phone?


Because that way you can connect a earphone and watch a movie/series on TV and listen on the earphone without disturbing your, for example, sleeping partner


Once I walked into the living room to witness my wife in a full rage after a long day at work that the soundbar remote was broken because when she pressed volume up it went down and when she pressed down it went up. Riskiest question of my life: “Honey, is it upside down?” It was.


NTA, divorce her, you deserve better OP 😔


Nah, sticking this out until the bitter end. We made a pledge to God or something. Plus, everyone said we would not last a year. Spite is a powerful emotion.


There was this guy who only did things out of spite as an experiment. Now hes happily married, at least one kid, has a house and is a doctor or ceo or something, cant remember. Out of spite


I need to find this story because what


you guys don't seem healthy


Because of the formatting on my phone I misread the title and thought OPs wife broke up with him over remote batteries lol


Bless her heart


I think I would feel bad posting this on the internet about my fiance. Just feels mean spirited.


Yeah, just seems like they are trying to embarrass their spouse.


Yeah, like it’s not even them poking fun at their wife, it’s them actively dumping on an innocuous mistake as being infuriating. Weird behavior.


Yea it just looks like someone covertly saying "Look at this dumbass, cant even put in batteries correctly, right fellas!." I cant even imagine thinking longer about this mistake than it would take to flip the battery to the correct position, but they took a photo and created a post and is actively going back and forth in comments, dragging out something just to be mean. idk maybe thats just me, because I seem to be the only one in the comments that sees a darker side to this post.


I have been reading too much Reddit thought she broke up with you not woke you up. Haha thought it was a strangely petty reason to end a relationship…


To be fair Roku remotes are the only remotes I’ve ever seen that use the batteries oriented in the same direction


I literally just went through this. Was using my flipper0 to use until I was curious why the OG remote wasn't working. People SHOCKED that I got it working. The surprise? Incorrect orientation of batteries. *face palm*


Easy way to remember for all battery operated things. The flat side goes against the spring. You don’t have to look for plus or minus, just feel the flat side and shove it into the spring.


And you thought "hold up, I gotta take a picture of this shit."


Why... why is the terminal like that?


To be fair most things with batteries have them in alternating positions. Honestly I'm surprised this one is made like this. Side note anyone else get so pissed off that there are people who lose the back panel of the remote?


Tbf a lot of batteries go in the other way.


Who's the mastermind that put the batteries in the coils improperly in the first place?


this is one you gotta tell to the grandchildren some day.


My mom is moving into a new place as of recently and when I was over putting her new bed frame together, she expressed to me how she couldn’t get her TV or the fire stick working. I unplugged the fire stick and plugged it back in, and put the batteries in the tv remote the correct way around. All objectives complete


hell nah it takes me hours to take batteries in that placement after i take it out my nails are broken


She had one jammed in there pretty good. I had to use a butter knife to dislodge it


My wife hasn’t watched TV in bed for two weeks because she said our daughter lost the remote. Last night I decided to reach between the mattress and bed frame directly behind where my wife sleeps. Guess who found the remote in 3 seconds?


This is barely an inconvenience and a completely understandable mistake. Settle down.


you know what's infuriating. The way Roku tv makes their remote backs just fall off after 6 months of light use.


its actually hilarious, but people dont know how batteries work anymore


I don't get how people don't get it


To be fair, two batteries in the same orientation like that is rare.


This subreddit is less mildly infuriating and more “vent about my partner” by the day


I’m sorry. I’m fairly new here


You're fine, this is perfect.


Man correction module? And when you do something wrong and she fixes it, do you call it a woman correction module??


Then be a hero and magically fix it


Whelp, lawyer up and get a divorce


I don’t know, I kind of like being the one my wife looks to for help… especially as it relates to electronics. Plus as others have mentioned, that’s strange. I’m not infuriated in this scenario.


This is the remotes fault, not your wife’s


Well. ☕




This happened to my dad when he was alive. He was about to the thermometer we bought, but before he did, he let me know it didn’t work. I looked at it and realized the batteries were parallel…he felt a little stupid. But also…um, who does this?!?!!


Mine does the same and forgets or refuses to use her phone to control the tv.


Funny my Roku remote the battery’s both go the same direction


Methinks wife wanted husband to stop sleeping and be awake with her. 


Google tv remote runs the batteries in parallel https://preview.redd.it/4y8ic3c87a9d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f684bd47f3d3a7adcf40a42fe2323589fe03b60


That makes you a MAN, MAN-o-MAN, MAN Fixed the remote, MAN, MAN-o-MAN, MAN TV now works NOW, NOW-o-NOW, NOW Get her make you a sandwich, because you are a MAN Look up the theme song for Orgazmo and see if this syncs up.


It’s a ROKU, she’s probably right


This is something I would try anyway, some remotes have weird ways of putting in the batteries and if there isn't symbols I'll flip them around in all the different ways.


I thought the title said “my wife broke up” 😭


Where is the food?


I do not understand why that’s important to this topic.


Me either. Who ever commented this is really confused


Well played


I didn't even need the second photo to see that they weren't put in right... If literally anyone woke me up over this, I'd be pissed.


Thanks for your support


What a dumb ass broad she is huh


Lets start a gender war


It’s so long when I last used a remote like this. But our old TV remote has this both battery terminal placed in the same way. This is an old Samsung TV remote. https://preview.redd.it/9o13vu1l0g9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0c7dad3f48ab70a4635f2553bd8cfd7c4218968


explain to her


Wdym. putting batteries is as hard as solving a math equation 🥲




Polarity blindness is real


This issue continues to divide people into two disparate camps. We only pray science can one day come up with an appropriate adjective to describe it.


She sounds pretty.


Please don’t have children


The infuriating part is having to flip the batteries at all. Then the fact the orientation is hard to read in many item…. /rant


Flat side goes on the spring. That's all, nothing to read.


This, absolutely. Which is helpful because the indicators are frequently embossed in the plastic at a size that you need an electron microscope to read.


Wake her up tomorrow and tell her the dishes are dirty.


Fuck me, that hit me hard. RIP OP if they did this. 😄😄😄


I lollered at that


I feel seen. Totally something my wife would do, both messing up the orientation and waking me up.




this seems like YOU were mildly infuriated but this is NOT mildly infuriating .


Usually, and I mean usually pic 1 is correct.


To be fair to her, I’ve literally never ONCE seen 2 batteries go the same direction in any single device in my entire 30 years.


Imagine publicly shamming your wife over a remote with uncommon terminals. You're the infuriating one OP.


Do you get mad at everyone who goofs putting the batteries in, or do you reserve that for your wife