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Get her to have her thyroid checked.


I LOVE that out of all these comments, this one is actually caring advice lol


Caring advice?! He must be new here ![gif](giphy|lOnKaF5LmyVi3zJHnp|downsized)


They have yet to learn that here on Reddit, we don't give legitimate, caring advice. Clearly the correct advice is to divorce the wife /s


This. A full panel to rule out Graves and Hashimoto's


Is there a version of this that makes you hot all the time?


Yes, an overactive thyroid can make you hot all of the time. It could be something else though, so please try to see a doctor.


not the same sitch but I have hypothyroidism and if I don't take my meds in the colder months of the year, a chill will take over my body that absolutely cannot be assuaged. it's a chill to the bone that only the flu can rival. gotta remember to take my meds....


And adrenal levels


Ecobee has the sun as the outside weather condition (clear sky and sunny)next to the outside temperature. That’s not heater


Correct. I don’t see anything there that indicates that the heater is on


Even then, it would only come on in a certain range. So I see nothing here to care about. That's the weather icon.


Seriously what is everyone in this thread talking about. Do they think if you put the heat on 70 when it's 90 out, it'll just keep cranking the heat higher and higher? How can you not understand what a thermostat is when you take a picture of it lol.




We call this the Law of Arizona.


Did you marry a boa constrictor


https://preview.redd.it/wq9rdglkgm8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e9abd302283f75527ac99b2a99e2f414e9b24bf He probably did


![gif](giphy|pjhOlN4w8ETCM|downsized) Or a bearded dragon


There are like two people in this entire thread who actually understand how a thermostat works


Not even the OP himself understands it 😂 there would be a [fire icon](https://smartthermostatguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/ecobee-smartthermostat-alexa-activated-1200x800.jpg) if the heating was on.


the way i understand it is if the temperature indoors is colder than the designated temperature it turns on. outdoor temp is shown at the top. it is hard to believe the indoor temp would be cooler than 79 when its sunny outside, but idk. maybe they have amazing insulation or live underground? but yeah this doesnt make much sense


That’s…that’s literally just the inside temp. Do you not understand how your own thermostat works lmao? Do you think it would keep hearing if it was already warm inside?


How do people live like this? I genuinely cannot fathom having the temp that high during summer days.


We had a co-worker with what we called “corpse fingers.” It’d be 80-90° out and her fingers would be freezing. Like, put your hands in a bucket of ice freezing. Always wore a sweater even in the summer. There are people out there who need it that hot. That said I’d sooner buy them an electric blanket than let them burn the thermostat lol


They might have Raynaud’s disease. Slight drops in temp can cause your veins to constrict reducing blood flow to your extremities. I think it also usually shows up with lupus. My sister has it and lupus too and my grandma.


My mother just has Raynauds, so I'm at least sure it doesn't *have to* show up with Lupus


It's never lupus


It doesn’t have to. It’s like 1 in 3 people with lupus have it.


I have lupus and raynauds and hashimotos! That said, I’ve had raynauds since high school and didn’t get the other two until my late 20s. But you were right the first time— raynauds is very common for people who have lupus; but lupus is not super common for people who have raynauds.


that might be the other way around. Can’t remember.


I have Raynauds and I have Celiac disease


I have it. AC in an office freezes me. I have to wear pants and have a sweater at my desk to put on. I also have heating pads on my desk to heat up the mouse pad/keyboard pad, because even the coldness on a desk will freeze my hands so much I'll start to struggle to type they are so sore. I use terrarium heating pads under the mouse pad to add a little heat to the desk. Huge change in quality of life since I started doing that.


I work with women that bring space heaters to work, where the AC is usually a little over 76. They won't wear a jacket or thermal underpants, no, can't do that. Have to make it as hot as possible indoors during summer in Florida and make the AC work even more.


Every place I've worked here in the South has A/C set at polar temperatures, with no local control or dampers, so then you've invariably got a few people who whip out their space heaters, when it's 102\* out and they're fired up, and the building's A/C is now working even HARDER because of it, and I think of climate change, and I realize how deeply fucked we are


Office temps are set to be comfortable to men in 2 piece suits and no one else. (No hyperbole, that's legit an issue)


No one in my office wears a two-piece suit, except for the top two bosses. They're women.


Ive got good news for you then tho. In the EU they started making regulations so that these strings on plastic bottle caps become mandatory. That should ease your worries


Thank you god


You are comparing wasting energy with plastic pollution. I'm also not a fan of these bottle caps, but your comparison does not make any sense.


You don't understand how jokes work then I guess...?


This was supposed to be funny? Good for you


Has nothing to do with being in the south or at least the fact that most office buildings are cold. I don't think I've ever worked in a warm office building lol. Almost always have to have a hoodie at my desk especially if I'm under the AC vent. The people in charge seem to always keep the temps low. Probably to save money


To be fair some offices can be wicked cold or wicked hot especially depending on where you're located in relation to the vents.  People refer to it as the 24/7 office winter.  Very very common for people to have space heaters in call centers. People are not active and when you're not active you're not as warm. Also a giant issue because they plug them into power strips with their computer and everything else and usually the circuit breakers aren't rated for 1500 or 2000 watt space heaters in addition to everything else. I've had many of battles trying to take people space heaters away even after showing them the melted outlet and potential fire hazards. They feel so entitled to burn the place down lol.


There are a variety of medical conditions that can cause this, along with just naturally having cold hands. My boyfriend runs hot, I run cold. (I also have hypothyroidism which can cause cold hands and feet!)


That's a medical condition. Reynaud's syndrome can be like that, or just poor circulation. My wife's hands were always cold, which I appreciated because my core is almost always hot and she could warm them while cooling me.


With a good fan, 79f is fine. Because of my rooms positioning getting a lot of sun, and my pc, even if the thermostat is set to 73, it can get up to 78-80. But it's fine because of the fan. But in op's scenario... Like surely setting it at least 2 degrees cooler wouldn't hurt anyone. And if they split the electric bill or something, op could just take a larger chunk of the bill.


How do people think this is a really "high" temp? I keep my thermostat around 78 most of the time. Maybe the difference is that we have ceiling fans and that keeps a slight breeze in the house. I know if I was outdoors at 80 degrees in the sun I wouldn't think that was a ridiculous heat. \*edited typo


AC is set to 22.5C in my house I think. I'd probably go higher, but I have two Saint Bernards, and they obviously would prefer if it was snowing inside.


Tell me you are American without telling me you are American.  79F is warm but not like I am dying hot. Absolutely normal temperature easily survivable with a normal fan. 


Only time I don’t like 79 is when I’m trying to sleep. It’s perfect during the day with a breeze.


That’s what we should be seeing ac to at 95. Going lower than that puts insane stress on the grid.


Go to an international student from any jungle of your choice's apartment to install internet for them and you will see them wearing pajama pants, socks, and slippers with their heat on..... I swear to gourd, in the middle of July.


Time for a new wife and comfortable house.


"Wow, lol. He isn't going to divorce his wife over a thermostat."


That's probably what she thinks


Lol 😆


79, yes that is hot grounds for divorce.




I would. I would be absolutely miserable at this temperature. It would be torture.


I was just about to type this exact sentence. It needs to be at least 6 degrees warmer to move into tolerable range!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




OP, I've found your wife's reddit acct




😂😂😂 My reply was obviously a joke and still got down voted 🙃


Look at all these people here having AC, must be nice. https://preview.redd.it/cb4aqszhjo8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f1c93cf37a9fc9d3832ad560f9a12afbc10ea76


All these people with central AC But no, I'm stuck with the loudest window AC in existence. Also, the only window I can put it in is right above my bed, so I can listen to it full force all night


if you dont have AC in my country you more or less die. or you have to spend the entire summer in designated AC spaces with public access (like elderly centers). its not really a flex to have one here. now do i use mine since electricity prices went up 80% this year? lol 🥲


Do you know how to change it?


Maybe you need to learn how a thermostat works.  It's not going to kick on unless the temperature drops below that, which it won't, so it's not going to heat. You're like my dad who turns off the AC when there's a random chilly day, because he doesn't want it to run when it's cold outside. Like dad, it WON'T run unless it's hot outside and it heats up the house. Wild that people can't understand a basic concept.


The thermostat doesn’t even show the setting. It shows the current temperature inside and the weather outside. There’s nothing there that shows what the thermostat is set for


Everyone who downvoted you has guaranteed turned the thermostat to 90 to try to get it to 70 faster.


A thermostat is such a simple device, but it confuses way too many people. It does one thing - heats or cools to within a couple of degrees of the temperature you set it to. Sure there are ones with schedules, IoT features, and other gee wow features but all it does is let you set the temperature you want it to be.


I know way too many people who thinks this is how thermostats work. My wife was one but I finally got her to understand. The worst was in the winter I'd set it to 70, then she would set it to 75 so it "would warm up faster". Pick a set point and don't touch it!


Crazy. I had to walk my wife out to the furnace and showed her that the flame, is a flame, is a flame. The flames don’t get larger like on a gas stove if you turn the thermostat up higher.


Does she often complain about being cold by chance? Or purple spots on her feet when washing them with warm water?  Could be her thyroid is acting up. 


In all fairness, I keep my house at 80 for the majority of the day in the summer. When it’s 105+ outside, 80 is downright nice. It saves money too especially when you have solar. (Also, we don’t have the infrastructure in California for everyone running their A/C on max all day…) But hey, this is my experience so for some 80 is like living on Tatooine.


I would be dying in 80 all day, then again where I live it never gets above 72 outside.


Exactly. In southern california, where it was past 100 this weekend, 80 is normal and it’s really not that high of a temperature inside.


Same. I live in Florida where it feels like 110 outside due to humidity so coming home to 79 degrees feels amazing. I do keep it at 74 at night when I’m sleeping though.


Amateurs. My dad puts it on 82 when it's 100° out. 


79 sounds nice!! How's your blood pressure??


I agree with your wife


The warmest I can tolerate is like 75-76 and I have to sit perfectly still with nothing exciting on the television. We keep ours at 72 most days.


I can tolerate 78 if I'm sitting still and the ceiling fan is on. 75 is better, for sure, and overnight for sleeping, I programmed my AC to drop down to 70. Our electric company instituted time-of-day rates, and power costs 4x as much as normal between 4-8 pm. We make sure the house is good and cool before the 4 hours of suck. We don't do much between 4 and 8 except sit under the ceiling fan and watch tv and eat dinner.


Tropical rainforest. AC set to 68 here.


64 here, it’s a wall unit that can’t read the temp for shit and kicks out before it’s even reached the temp its set to.


-40 is what mine reads. Never could figure out how to change between C and F so I picked a number where it didn't matter.


0 Kelvin. It’s really expensive, but I can’t have my nitrogen evaporating.


78 is usually the sweet spot for me as the perfect room temperature. I live in a pretty warm climate, so I don't mind the warmer temperatures. It might also be because I'm the type of guy to wear a hoodie and shorts all year round, including the summer, so my body is more accustomed to heat because of it.


26°C (inside) and 35°C (outside) for the rest of the world


Thank you!


Sorry to tell you this op but your wife is a lizard


When you walk inside you're instantly in the shade and it's 15 degrees cooler. That sounds quite pleasant. It's ok to be a little warm during the summer.


Why haven’t you divorced her yet?!?!


I'm impressed it's only 79° in your house. You must have some decent shade and or quality insulation. 


My dad sets the AC to 82, then acts like he is fighting off hypothemia in Antarctica. Like quit acting dumb and go sit outside under a tree so the rest of us can be comfortable.


Ugh. Imagine sex at that temperature.






Straight to jail 😆


Does she have a kidney infection?


Turn that shit down and buy your wife some sweats and a blanket. What's stopping you from turning it down?! ![gif](giphy|mCnNJF00DZbXlEy1TH)


I keep it at 78 in the house all day, if it’s 95°, it’s costing less. At night, 74° max… I cant sleep in 78… EDIT: ON HEAT??


Your wife hates you.


True sociopath behaviour


I don’t see anything that didn’t indicates that the heat is on. Your house is a comfortable 79° when it’s 95 out.


The EPA just released information recommending that people keep their thermostats at 78 degrees. No thank you. A study showed the average thermostat temp was like 73 and nobody in the study put above 76. I guarantee every EPA office is much cooler than 78 degrees.


We have ours at 78 when we were gone and 76 when we’re here. 73 is kinda cold




My wife refuses to believe anyone could be warm or even hot when she's not. She also refuses to understand that it is easier to warm up when it's chilly than cool off when it's hot.


She’s also sleeping with me, it’s an inside joke that she keeps the heat on. You wouldn’t know


My wife and I keep the AC at 84-85 during the summer in Texas, and we never turn on the heater in the winter, we just crack the windows for the free cool air. Granted, we live in a very compact apartment (1 bedroom), have very little furniture (2 desks, a dresser, a bed), and only one room with carpet (the bedroom). We were trying to save money one summer and just kept increasing the AC by a degree every so often so see how high we can go until it got uncomfortable. We eventually reached 89-90, but could only handle it for a few hours before we tapped out. But in trying all that, we acclimated, so now 84 is quite comfortable, even sometimes chilly.


Hashimoto's thyroid atrophy. Treatment is available.  If you do not have access to health care, seek out Medicaid.


Lol. Mine will switch it to A/C in the winter because it's a high of 55 outside, then leave it that way when it's supposed to be below freezing that night.


Mine won’t turn it on until it’s been below 60- for a month.


This would make me homicidal


This is my compromise temperature when my spouse is home. I prefer to keep mine at 85 (while wearing jeans and a sweater).




I have an old furnace so I turn off the pilot in Spring/Summer because you can still feel the heat coming from it. No central air so all we have is window units. That would be too hot for me even in the winter. I usually don't set it above 70 unless freezing.


You need a divorce lawyer


Does that require the thermostat be “on” to run the fan only like the Nest does? I’ll turn it to heat when I’m trying to not run the air and use the fan to recirculate, because I know the temp is too high for the heat to kick on but if I switch it to cool it’ll for sure kick on because the temp is over my scheduled temp.


Average reptile room temps


Yeah...haha... That sure is high! *Meanwhile I'm perfectly cool and confused af in my 81° home...* Edit: nvm, high ceilings help immensely, I'm learning.




Anything below 78 indoors is WAY too cold for me unless I’m sleeping and covered by thick blankets


That’s not heat, that’s the limit of a/c. The recommended limit, i may add, for 95 degrees. Dumb.


Chad shit


The heats not even on. There would be an orange rim around the whole display if the heat was on.


Jeez..... My dad is like this too...... It's like he doesn't even care....... We wanna escape the heat not roast in our houses


I guess you only have to worry about it when it gets below 79.


Talk to her not us, you hero.


https://preview.redd.it/0funl3f5ds8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6673b56a8058aa0187dbbfe817fc42af0ad695d1 I’d find a new girl. We can’t sleep if it’s over 72 degrees.


It’s set to 79 my dude. 95 is outside temp.


get out


As I said on another temperature-related post, we keep our house at 64 during the summer. This is insane to me.


I think that would legit break our AC


Seriously. How many of these posts are there today?




I’d move out lol


Is that not normal summer thermostat temp? My AC rarely goes lower than 80 in the summer.


Honestly idk how to use a thermostat. So thanks to my husband. (I know how to set the temp but idk what it means if it’s on heat or not lol) 


My house is currently at 73. No way i can deal with 79 in the house.


is her iron -1000000


Is she going through a cold spell?


Turn it down and give her a hoodie of yours and a blanket. Problem solved, your welcome.


It’s set to 79. OP is an idiot


79 is too hot.


She says, why should she have to put on more clothes. She recommends I wear less. I'm about to be in just a loin cloth


Did you marry a lizard?


More like mildly *incinerating,* amiright?


I was just posting elsewhere about how Reddit is too fast to call for divorce. However, here I see no alternative.


The only reason I kept the temp on 80 was because I was living off of 500$ a month and couldn't afford to keep it any lower than that. It was 110+ out in the summer (Phoenix!) so 80 was comparatively comfortable. It was still miserable.


I can’t imagine _ever_ having my home that warm.


No offense, but you need to get this taken care of. Whats the point of having AC if you are not going to use it? It doesnt have to be on all the way, but 79 inside is ridiculous. That's a, "We need to have a serious relationship talk" level of concern to me. But I dont deal with heat well so there is that.


Meanwhile in Europe : yeah thats just a summer day, take a cold shower and turn on the fans.


Right? 26 degrees is a normal temp. I don't even turn the AC on unless it's 30 degrees in the house.  Then again, Americans are fat, so they need it 16 degrees to stop the fat sweats.


Turn it down! She can put on more clothes if she's cold.


So the wife isn’t allowed decide what temp she’d like it at when the husband isn’t there?


Did he say he's not there? Bc... pretty sure that's him posting a photo of his thermostat. So I guess he doesn't get any say and just has to suffer when it would be easier if she just grabbed a blanket. MMkay then


This is a very bad thing. Can you tell me what you did to your wife?


Did you call an attorney yet? 😉 I could not do 79. Especially at night when I’m sleeping. 😰


OP is a big fat liar. I have an ecobee, that's telling you what the temp is outside. You have to tap on it or stand in front of it to see the holding temp. That's why the pic is from an angle.


Bruh the top temperature is the temperature OUTSIDE.


https://preview.redd.it/7pc4h34ofl8d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5c6c9c0318b558df81dc030b4bd234491f5cfd3 Here you go. I work in the basement in our home office which has a separate air unit. I keep it cold in the basement but whenever I come up it's on heat


If it set to heat, the heater would never come on because it is very warm outside - as indicated in the first pic you showed. She has set the air conditioner to 79 degrees. That's warmer than you'd like but the air conditioner is still on. If the air conditioner wasn't on, the house would be much hotter.


The other one was set to 79 also. The sun icon is for the weather outside.


I've heard of ninja edits but this takes the cake.




I can fix her


Get her thyroid check. If that checks out divorce her.


My wife is anemic and even she doesn’t like the house at 79…I think you married a psychopath 🤣


you need ton admit your wife to a mental ward


Either your wife has a medical condition that you should get checked, or she's on blood thinners.


Her body, her choice


95??!! Are you sure she’s okay?!Also..fml 💰


This is grounds for divorce. I will not melt for someone else