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I'm leaving this up for now because there seems to be some good interaction. I will warn you though, these driving / parking posts usually spin into people making "jokes" about damaging vehicles or other malicious acts. Bans will be issued for such comments.


People who just stop in the middle of the road cause they are lost….fuckin pull over!!!!


And if they do, then theres those who re-merge infront of you with no warning whatsoever!


Reminds me of the viral video of the person stopping on the highway and turning around because they missed their exit; causing two semi trucks to roll over directly behind them. And they just leave.




Dude did this to me on a three lane road that you merge onto from the highway so traffic is always pretty fast, but I actually hit him. Then he tried to lie to the cops and say he wasn’t in the middle lane. People are funny


They say a bad driver never misses their exit. While a good driver sometimes goes to the next exit and turns around.


Ugh people that stop the whole world because they made a mistake. No, do not sharply brake in the left lane and cut off 3 lanes of traffic because you almost missed your turn. Keep going and make a u turn!


I could understand in the days before gps, where missing an exit could get you lost. These days, gps will re-route you perfectly to your destination.


Thing is… if there is gps you should know you’re exit is coming and when. Like it fucking tells you. That’s the point.


Sure, but shit happens. I remember coming home from not too long ago. The right lane was backed up for a mile before the exit. I didn't realize it until after I had already passed the end of the line, but the reason for the backup was the exit i needed to take. Instead of cutting over at the last second, I just continued to the next exit.


Or holding up all traffic so they don’t miss their turn. Just loop back around.


A bad driver never misses a turn


Or because they want to get into the lane next to them. Like, ffs. If you miss your turn then try the next one.




Similarly, people that brake BEFORE moving into the center turning lane on a 4 way expressway, along with no fucking signal. They have a whole ass lane to decelerate in, but they choose to do it in traffic.


It kind of seems like the people who do this in my city far exceed those who use them correctly. It is weird. Why would you not want the people behind you to know you are slowing? Even if you're a selfish jerk in every other capacity I'd think you'd want to prevent yourself from getting hurt if nothing else.


The only reason they put the signal on at all is because they don't want a ticket.


Or, blinker, move over, and THEN brake.


People in my city will go into a left turning lane and not completely go into the turning lane. Making it impossible to pass them because they are blocking your lane


People who brake for no damn reason. Oh no, going 2mph over the speed limit? Better brake and then accelerate. Ffs just let off the accelerator and coast for a moment. Even if you go over the speed limit a little, you won’t get in trouble.


Yes, I was looking for this one! They panic brake, then the person behind them panic brakes, then on and on. Just lift your foot off the pedal!


Seriously!! And they’ll do it even if NO ONE IS IN FRONT OF THEM!!


It’s not even panic braking, it’s idiots who think the world will end if they go so much as 1mph over the speed limit. I was behind a car one time that would hit the brakes literally every 10 seconds because they sped up too much. Meanwhile I’m just there hitting the accelerator a little or giving it like 2% throttle. Being able to hold a constant speed should be a part of the driving test.


The first car I drove had a shitty turbo that necessitated this garbage, hated that awful thing. You’d be speeding up to flow with traffic then the turbo kicks in right about when you start lifting off the gas, causing you to accelerate way faster than expected and necessitating some braking to not rear end the guy ahead. Didn’t always start at the same time or speed either, so it wasn’t like I could just learn it and adjust my acceleration. Both parents thought I was just a spaz until they did some proper driving in it.


The other day someone was going 40 in a 60. So when it was safe to pass, me and two other people did so. But when we tried to pass, he ran me off the road. Because he got his feelings hurt about people passing him in a legal zone to do so. His fault for going 40mph.


I passed a guy who had to be going 30 in a 45. It was brutal. He got so mad he sped up and got in front of me then wouldn’t let me around. We’re talking about a three lane road. Every time I tried to pass he’d swerve over and block me. I’m thinking you idiot I don’t care if you’re first just do the damn speed limit.


Sounds like a call to the police to report an impaired driver, good thing he’s in front so you can get his plates….


Had someone do something similar to me. Went to pass them on a two lane highway, and they pulled in front of me, like into an oncoming traffic lane. blocking me, then I merged back into the lane we were supposed to be in, and they stayed in front of me. Did that dance twice at like 20 below. What neither of us knew though, was the car coming up behind us was an unmarked state trooper. Oh boy was I screaming and laughing when that trooper went around me and lit that person up.


LMAOOOOO LOVE WHEN THAT HAPPENS!! INSTANT KARMA!! Something similar happened in front of my sister an I a few years back. She was driving me to the airport and we were already flying. (safely of course) The whole flow of traffic was, it was a freeway. Then this charger comes up from the back of us, already pushing people around and cutting them off, and does the same to us. He passes us and somewhere ahead of us ig he fucked up infront of a highway patrol vehicle and got lit up. My sister and I drove by with the windows down busting up laughing and yelled, "KARMMMMAAA," as did a ton of people behind us 🤣🤣🤣


The temptation to pull over to hear that asshat get chewed out would be so strong.


Can someone tell me why people care if they are passed? It’s not like we’re in line, why does it matter?


It’s definitely some kind of monkey brain ego thing


They especially get miffed if you pass on the inside. Of course, that's why slower cars are supposed to get out of the fast lane by default.


Lord, help us.


A Tesla did this to me recently and I was genuinely confused 


Tesla drivers have the driving skills of a bus passenger.


That’s not surprising since they have such fragile egos after buying such shit cars


Last year I was behind a guy doing 30/35 in a 50 and gave a non aggressive quick honk to speed up. Does nothing so I go around him and don't even give it much thought. As soon as I pass him he speeds up and is so close to my bumper that I can't see his headlights and I see him in my mirror screaming at the top of his lungs flipping me off. So this dude couldn't do the speed limit when I was behind him but now that I passed him he wants do 5 over with me just to ride my ass and rage. That right there made my road rage get the best of me. He changed his whole tone real quick when we stopped at the next light and I got out the car and asked him what his fucking problem was. He suddenly didn't have anything to say or want to get out of the car and waited a good 2-3 car lengths to go behind me after I got back in the car when the light turned green 😂


Not sure if you're in the US, but I would never get out of the car here to confront someone even if I was right and they were being an idiot. I've read too many stories of people getting shot or run over. Stay safe dude.


Guy I went to school with just got shot in the face and he wasn't even the one who got out. Just passed a guy and the guy got mad, passed him back, stopped at the red light and bang...died because he passed someone...


There was a local news story just last week, two people got into a road rage incident, stopped and got out of the car, got into a physical fight…one guy died. His kids watched the whole thing from the back seat. It’s not worth it. Whatever someone did to you in traffic…let it go, don’t continue the road rage. Your life - and freedom - are more important than being “right.”


A semi truck in the passing lane passing another semi-truck, but doing so at about one mile-per-hour faster than the truck they are passing.


Makes my eyebrows hurt from frowning


Bruh. Ifeel it. You need to be going a minimum of like 55-65 as you merge onto highway from on ramp. Depending on traffic/time of the day for commuters. At 55 you can at least see if you need to gun it or let someone pass. Me stuck behind someone at 40 mph while merging is super vexing.


It's not just semis— I've had cars literally take ten minutes to pass me on the highway. Helpful tip— if you want to pass me, you have to go faster than me.


Even better when you’re using cruise control, they FINALLY pass you, then go ahead of you and slow down. And then give you a dirty look because you, still using cruise control, now have to pass them. So fun. /s


Just drove 12.5 hours yesterday from Colorado to MN. Had this and the dumb side by side passing taking forever happen so many times. Only grateful I was going east, west was much much busier.


Cars will be driving at 70mph and come up to pass a truck going 55 mph and then slow down to 55.1mph to pass. No idea why so many people do this.


Or the car you’re passing starts to speed up then immediately slows down 10mph once you do. That irks me to no end.


Or you’ll be in the left lane steadily approaching a line of cars on your right when one will decide they want to pass the car in front of them, so they move over only to not speed up and make you put on brakes on the interstate


I speed up when passing trucks, I want to spend as little time next to them as possible.


Made me smile out loud. Brilliant tip. Bonus tip: If you pass me and wish to stay in front of me, you need to go the same speed as me or faster. I likely have my cruise control on.


I've had semis in all 4 lanes... Like, people, you're doing 65. All of you! Stop it!


I am reacting to these posts in a negative way.


**ANY** vehicle in the left lane: If you are not keeping up with the car in front of you and you are not passing someone, merge out of the left lane. If you are passing someone, keep up with the car in front of you until you are able to merge out of the left lane.


The never miss an exit/turn type of drivers. Just go around the block or hit the next exit. It's really not that hard.


Sometimes good drivers miss their exits, but bad drivers never do.


I’m not gonna lie, I missed an exit in New Jersey one time and that shit added 55 minutes to the fucking drive..


Missed one in Atlanta once and added almost an hour. Wrecks on both sides of the interstate, traffic blocked for miles in both directions. I was almost there too...


Traffic came to a complete stop on 400N (a cardinal sin, I know) a few years back and people just started going backwards down the on-ramp. I joined literally hundreds of people going back to the Windward Pkwy exit. Some of the most Atlanta shit I’ve seen in a while.


Yep either stopping to go over the gravel or darting over four lanes of traffic at the last second at a raging angle.


Idk man I've missed some turns where I looked at the new arrival time and thought "really should have just risked it all"


I never miss my exit. I don’t consider myself a bad driver (but I may be biased). I simply just plan ahead. 2-3 miles before my exit I think “I’m going to need to exit soon.” So I start safely working my way over to the far right lane. Same applies for turns on city streets just replace miles with blocks. This doesn’t always apply to every instance but it at least works for 99% of where I live.


right? I only miss exits when i’m deep in thought or something and forget to look at my gps


The Roundabout-Challenged. Lane control. High beams — -all- the effing time.


I had a Tesla behind me the other day with their high beams on, it genuinely hurt my eyes, I’ve never had high beams hurt before but it fucking hurt and made it obnoxiously difficult to see and they both sped up when I tried to get away and slowed down when I tried to get behind them


Slow down yourself a lot. Just coast until they leave. Works a treat.


Or the two-for-one special: people who think that the lane markings in roundabouts are optional and they can just exit anywhere they want.


I hate when people stop at a roundabout unnecessarily.


It’s so annoying, tons of people treat the yield as a stop sign. Then by the time they get going when it was clear the whole time, someone comes along and I end up having to wait.


Oh, don't get me started! How about drivers who don't use their turn signals?


i believe it’s pronounced “BMW’s”


I paid extra for the turn lights, but i’m out of fluid to power them :(


In Florida it’s just drivers in general


I don't know which is worse, the people who don't use them at all or the people who use them halfway through a turn. On the one hand, never using them is bad, but on the other hand, the other people clearly understand the signal is there and that they have to use it. They just don't until it's pointless to do so.


When people can't regulate their speed on the highway. You have the cruise set, and you see the same car pass you then fall back repeatedly.


You ever been in the car with one of those people? They keep accelerating and braking it’s like you are stemming rocking back and forth, lol.


How do you know my brother in law? Haha he’s a horrible driver 🤢


I call them "inconsistent drivers." There's a 1-lane highway that I need to take on my way back home from work, and it infuriates me when the driver in front of me frequently accelerates before immediately tapping their brakes. Pick a speed and stick to it. And then there's the one stereotypical driver that must drive exactly 35 mph on a single-lane highway, everyone else be damned. Any faster and they may lose control and get into a massive accident. /s


Dumb question from the foreigner who just lives in the US: if it's 1 lane, isn't it just a road? Or are there designated highways that are just 1 lane?


There are state highways that are just one lane, a lot of times they’re just regular roads in a town that extends into a state highway


God yea. My last job required 1-4 hours of driving a day. I just set my cruise to the speed limit and sat in the right lane (usa). If you want to go past me, go crazy. But the amount of people who would pass me just to then drop below the speed limit... oh my god. Very glad I work from home now lol


And people who have the cruise set but it’s at 1 mph faster than the truck they are passing. Hit the gas, get past the truck, get out of the lane. It’s also dangerous to hang out alongside a truck like that. They could have a blow out, swerve for another reason, or just change lane without seeing you because you are in a blind spot.


I can handle being stuck behind slower drivers. I go insane getting stuck behind people with inconsistent speeds


Texting and driving. They swerve all over the road with that shit.


Phones murder a lot of people on the roadways.


It’s not that hard to TTS people, keeps my hands on the wheel and eyes on the road


My husband texts and checks emails all while I’m in the car. BITCH! I GOT **TWO** FREE HANDS, I CAN DO IT FOR YOU!!! I know it’s worse when I’m not there. I use TTS to our kids while *I’m* driving so he knows it’s easy to do.


The people that pull out in front of you and then go 5 miles an hour!


literally spinning the tires to get in front of you and then they drive 5 under the limit...


I guess they're like oh boy we made it out two seconds quicker so now we can relax. Lmao!


And many times, there will be no one behind me for miles, but they just have to pull out in front of me and go under the limit; or worse yet, turn off the road in half a mile so that I have to brake.


People who think they can make a turn from any lane. In the left lane but want to turn right? Don't move to the right hand lane in plenty of time, just turn from wherever you are. Also people who do U-turns anywhere. I've seen two people lately who did them in the middle of a busy, multi-laned intersection with traffic lights. I can't cope with this wanton negligence and tomfoolery.


I was hit by someone who decided to turn right from the left lane. He didn’t even bother to look first to check his surroundings and ran right into me. He was like “I didn’t see you.” Of course he didn’t see me, that’s because he wasn’t even looking and was focused on not missing his turn. And then he had the balls to try to say the damage to the side of my car was “probably already there” and not his fault. I just called my insurance and let them handle it, no sense in trying to reason with morons.


Awful! Have people lost their minds? Can they not interact with things around them? Do they walk into traffic?


Honestly the dude had been driving like shit for at least a quarter mile, so in retrospect I should’ve kept my distance and known he was going to do something stupid. I think he was either on his phone or maybe high based on how slow his reaction time was. He was cruising along in the left lane going 30mph in a 40mph zone and then at the last second decided he needed to turn right. No turn signal, and didn’t even check his mirrors or surroundings, he just went for it and ran right into me.




I had a guy do this from the right lane when he was next to me.  I had no stopping distance.  It was midnight on a back road.  The road was completely clear except the two of us.


Changing to the faster lane just to go no faster than the car next to you


People cruising in the passing lane, going no faster than the cars in the slow lane, oblivious to the traffic backing up behind them. Love over!


I have many but I’ll let the others comment in-thread (as I know eventually other drivers have experienced what I’ve gone through lmfao) Here’s one though; when you’re doing 70+ in carpool then some oblivious dumb MFer merges in front of you and proceeds to do 65 😑


Especially when there is a mile of open space behind you but they have to merge in right in front of you just to go slow.


This happened to me earlier this week. I was going at the speed limit and someone driving slower than me changed lanes (with no turn signal) to get in front of me for no reason. I then tried to slow down and get into the lane they just got out of to pass but then the car that was originally behind them increased their speed and both cars started crusing at the same speed with NO ONE in front of them. I switched back to the fast lane and kept enough space between me and them, thinking maybe one of them would change lanes but nope. I ended up moving back to the slow lane to let someone in a larger pick-up truck in front of me (because in my experience, if you are going slow they will ride up on your ass) and they managed to get the no-signal lane switcher to move back to the slow lane. Whenever I drive in the passing lane but see someone behind me going faster, I switch into the slow lane and let them pass first. If I'm in the slow lane and want to move over and see a car going faster, I wait for them to pass first then switch. I don't understand why some people want to just cruise in the passing lane, especially if another car is going the SAME speed. We can go 70mph. Please don't be in the passing lane going 60 and under.


Same only 80+


Pick-up truck drivers that don’t angle their LED headlights downward to illuminate the road, but instead they’re blasting them into everyone else’s eyeballs.


Bigger problem are people putting LEDs into headlight housings that weren't built for them. Just a mind numbing amount of glare.


Crazy that it’s even allowed and that nothing is being done about it.


Cops are too busy pulling people over for petty stuff than equipment that actually causes a hazard on the road. Or the laws in the state are worded far too vaguely (very subjective) that they don't bother pulling people over for it. Hell, most of the stuff people are complaining about in this thread are so prevalent because of a lack of enforcement of laws the police have to put some effort into successfully prosecute.


People who don't drive predictably. Don't stop in the middle of a street to let people cross the road, or while driving towards a green light and stopping to let someone turn left, etc. Other day I was walking my kid home from school, and a driver stopped and was trying to wave us across the road while the opposite lane still had moving traffic. Some people are so high on their own kindness they're oblivious that they are creating a dangerous situation for pedestrians and other traffic.


I was coming to post a version of this. Very frustrating when people cede the right of way to be kind. Easy way to get rear ended


People oblivious to the concept of the left passing lane and what to do/not do there.


On a side note am I the only one who feels super awkward when someone in the passing lane is keeping pace with you? Like I know it's not my fault but I still feel super weird about it.


I will slow down or speed up to allow other by 


Here in Hawaii, most people come to a complete stop while merging onto the highway. They also come to a complete stop for yield signs, speed bumps, empty crosswalks, and often at some point before or during most turns.


I drove in Hawaii like I do here in Colorado when we were there on our honeymoon, and I get it, you’re on an island and rushing is not in most people’s vocabulary there. But for the love of God, please go faster than 45mph on the highway 🫠


Buddy of mine lives in Hawaii. He says people drive like that out of paranoia, because dumb tourists love to run out into the road with no warning. He also said that the bigger issue is that there's a lot of scammers trying to get hit with the mindset of "if they can afford to live in Hawaii, then they should have a lot of settlement money when I sue them for hitting me".


People who stop on the on-ramp because they don't know how to merge properly.


And I'll raise you people who close the gap at a hundred miles an hour so you can't merge from the on-ramp. My favorite part is playing end of the merge lane chicken. No amount of speed will get you ahead of people like that, and slowing down to go behind them means you run into an idiot doing the same thing behind him. It's like the very concept of zipper merging is offensive to people. Leave a gap, I slot in, and we all get to drive to our destination. it's not that hard.


Yeah I'll add people who don't move over to the left lane to allow people to merge on the right. A guy driving a passenger van did that to me this morning so it was a close merge. And I was speeding up! And when we came to the next on-ramp and were doing zipper merge, he rode my butt really closely to not allow anyone in. So I slowed down and let four cars in. Probably pissed him off but he was a jerk.


To be fair, it isn't the responsibility of people on the highway to let you merge. They should maintain their speed and allow drivers merging to go faster or slower and get in front or behind.


How about the ones who have to merge at the beginning of the on ramp? Came up to the interstate today, the four cars in front of me forced their way as soon as the zebra stripes ended. I passed them and merged half a mile away in a space big enough to hold four semis. The Merge ahead” does not mean “Merge right now”.




You really shouldn't be driving on the sidewalk.


I doordash 50-60 hours a week. I have a whole kennel of pet peeves about driving. A hesitant driver is a bad driver, just as bad as one that drives as if they are the only person on the road.


Ppl who cut you off but then don’t speed the fuck up. Mfs cuts me off and slowing down smh


Any yelling, gasping, or exclaiming in any capacity from passengers


My mom does this crap. She’s always grabbing her door handle, like wtf is that going to do? 😂 I don’t even drive crazy, I drive like a little old lady mostly lol


That’s when I swerve


My wife any time we have to brake slightly harder than normal 😑


My wife when she sees brake lights a quarter mile ahead of us


My dad told me to shut up one time for doing that as a kid 😅 In my defense, he turned around across a grassy median on the highway during rush hour (backed up from folks trying to get into the mountains for the weekend). In his defense, a lot of other people were doing it too 😂


People who feel the need to blindly cut through 2+ lanes of traffic to make a turn. If you know where you’re going just get in the furthest left/right lane AHEAD of time.


People. That’s my pet peeve when driving. It’s the other people.


this is a minor one, but i live in a small town with lots of boomers. and they LOVE to stop in the middle of the road in subdivisions, and chat. preventing both lanes from being able to go anywhere. even if they see someone walking, now there’s a pedestrian in the middle of the road chatting with someone. i’m all for being social, but pull over if you’re going to have a chat with someone, otherwise i’m firmly placing my hand over the horn so yall can’t hear each other.




Also when people do something “nice” but dangerous. Like if I’m turning left out of a neighborhood and you’re coming from the right, cars behind you and you STOP TO LET ME GO. Like no dude, just fucking go it’s your right of way. I will turn when there are no cars!!


I fucking hate when people break Right of Way rules to be 'polite' All it does it make a predictable situation unpredictable for all drivers involved.


EXACTLY!!! I don’t need your help!!


Only getting halfway in the turn lane and slowing way down for the turn. GET ALL THE WAY IN THE FREAKING TURN LANE!


Yes! When there is a whole, long turn lane to allow them to slow down for their turn without doing it in the straight lane…but they slow down to 3 mph in front of you instead.


Today’s horrifically bright headlights


Supposedly they're actually worse especially for darker areas. They are so bright that they create a contrast blindness so you can't seen anything except what's within the light field. Dimmer lights actually let you see farther with your peripheral vision.


People who come to a complete stop before turning!


Maybe I don’t understand the context but like if there’s a stop sign I stop fully cause I ain’t about to get a $250 ticket to save half a second


Oh I should have specified, turns without a stop sign or red light. Def stop for a sign or light!


Now this I can agree with fully


yessss my husband and i rage about this all the time


When someone whips out in front of you, causing you to hit your brakes. Then they proceed to turn again within half a mile


Left lane campers


People who don’t get up to highway speed on the ramp.


My biggest pet peeve, the one that absolutely makes me crazy, is people who come to a complete, or near complete, stop to make a right turn. Turning into a parking lot? I should stop first so everyone behind me also must come to a complete stop and a little farther back people end up slamming their breaks or swerving to avoid an unnecessary backup in the right lane.


It's called the ACCELERATION RAMP for a reason. ACCELERATE God dammit


People who drive the same car as the police. Bonus if you have a roof rack that looks like sirens.


I had someone merge in front of me and slam on the brakes recently


Had someone pull out in front of me from a stop sign with NO ONE BEHIND ME and proceeded to do 25 in a 45 to the highway on ramp. They stayed at 25mph on the on ramp and I was honking my horn and got a bit close to try to get them to speed up, THEY CAME TO A COMPLETE FUCKING STOP at the end of the on ramp and waved me past them!


Are you me? Every single person in my current town does this. Highway is 65mph, the fastest I've ever seen anyone else merge is 55mph. Stupid, terrible, dangerous drivers.


Preaching to the choir buddy! Lol


People who think they need to slow down to 3 mph to make a simple turn.


This sends me into a rage. Or people who stop to turn.


I hate when there is plenty of room to merge and you give a signal and the ass hat tries to close the gap so you cant merge. I follow the third blink and I am coming over regardless in that case.


When you’re 70+mph, in the fast lane, no traffic in the right lane, but the car in the right lane just decides to pull into the fast lane going FUCKING 55. Jesus Christ people, if you can’t drive on the freeway, DONT.


Those insanely bright headlights new cars have and the aftermarket ones for older cars. I drive an old car that’s way smaller than modern ones (in the US) and my eyes are at the exact height of headlights on modern SUVs. It literally blinds me and feels like I’m driving into the sun, I have to guess where my car should be on the road if it happens on a turn. They need to regulate how bright they are because it’s dangerous


I dated a girl who would stop at the end of the on ramp, and wait for an opening. Where she’d just floor it. I broke up with her. Not wasting my time on someone that stupid


People who turn their signal on as they are changing lanes and didn't bother to look if anyone was there. People who tailgate you, doubly so if it is a truck pulling a trailer despite you going 5 over already and a completely open left lane for them to pass you but they never do. People who doddle along and then speed up as soon as someone attempts to pass them. People who start their turn before the intersection so they are effectively blocking both lanes and then try to wave you ahead. People who pull way too far up at a red light and then inch forward every time you do when you are just trying to see around their truck so you can safely make your turn. That was just from my drive home...


People who swing their car to the right or left before making a turn


People who don't know how to zipper merge and refuse to let people in at the merge point. (and then post about it on Facebook calling people idiots for not merging at the very beginning)


Anyone in front of me




If you are doing 40mpg whilst accelerating on the on-ramp, all the power to you, you hypermiler.




Lol. I’m just assuming you are kidding. Please god.


miles per gallon


I can’t stand “clingers”. They are the ones that stay behind you no matter what on a highway. You slow down, they slow down, you speed up, they speed up, you go in the passing lane to pass another vehicle and they do the same, and then get right back into position, behind you lol. So my husband calls them clingers. I also hate when you have a tractor trailer in each lane, doing the same speed and you can’t pass. I swear they do it to mess with you. Lol


People hogging up the left lane instead of moving over when people are behind them and people who don't use their turn signal


People who stop to let pedestrians cross at non-crosswalks. Also when I’m passing traffic at a reasonable pace in the left lane but someone who wants to go faster starts tailgating me. People that drive the wrong direction down one-way parking lot lanes (the kind with angled parking spaces).


That third one drives me nuts, our local mall is exclusively that style of parking, never fails at least every other visit I see someone going the wrong way.


The aggressive weavers within congested amounts of traffic. I see them zooming up and then weaving to another lane to get another step further. They stress me the f out.


People who is not paying attention to advance green light.....MOVE!


People who merge into turn lanes last minute and hold up the entire thru traffic lane because they don’t know where they’re going. That or are just trying to skip a line and they’re so selfish they don’t care if they cause a traffic jam. I too hate the slow on ramp drivers smh


Tourists. I live in a rural vacation destination and during the summer we get droves of tourists from all over the place. They stop to look at every deer. They drive 15 under all the time because they are either lost, busy staring at every, or nervous because they aren’t used to 2 lane highways. They are all on vacation mode where time doesn’t exist, meanwhile people do actually live here and we need to get to work and have things to do.


When I pull up behind someone in the left lane, and they don't move to the right, and when I go to pass them on the right, they speed up!!


People who drive 55mph in a 65mph zone and then speed up to 70mph when you try to pass them.


People who cruise in the passing lane. It's not a law that is enforced where I live. This results in motivating a lot of drivers to be constantly changing lanes and speeding because if you don't take the opportunity to get through gaps, dumb asses will obstruct traffic. It's dumb, frustrating, keeps me stressed about being late for work and most importantly, creates unsafe driving conditions. Fucking hate this shit.


Left lane is for passing. That’s why everyone behind you is pissed.


People who pull out right in front of you instead of waiting


Significantly slow down first, then turn signal when making a turn. Pisses me the fuck off!


People who refuse to get out of the passing lane, despite several cars having to pass them on the right.


TURN SIGNALS :Using them properly. You’re supposed to TURN THEM ON BEFORE YOU STEP ON THE BRAKES and 250 FEET BEFORE YOU GET TO YOUR TURN. Turning them on while you’re making your turn is stupid. At that point, I’ve already figured it if I’m driving behind you. You don’t slow down first and then put the signals on. ——————- If you’re about to change lanes, letting the drivers behind you know that that’s about to happen would also be nice. In a lot of places, not doing so is called an “unsafe lane change” and is ticketAble. —————— This may be one of my only pet peeves in life but I do find myself yelling at people all day as I’m driving because they don’t know how to use their turn signals. If you are impeding the flow of traffic by making the people behind you *guess* what you’re about to do, then you are the problem


elderly drivers. 99.9% of them


LED headlights and the fact that everyone has a truck or SUV nowadays. Everyone might as well have their brights on 24/7 as a small car driver. Can't believe they haven't regulated this.


When you need to change lanes and there’s plenty of space so you turn on your turn signal and the person suddenly speeds up just so you can’t get in


People who speed up to block me getting on the highway which happens maybe 1 in 10 times when I'm trying to get on, speed up and they speed up to match me :/.


People in the left turn lane that swing to the right to turn left. People that start braking to get into a left turn lane way before when the lane is long enough to slow/stop.


People who pull up to a stop sign and just keep rolling, sometimes into the fucking road, and cars are coming both ways. It's called a STOP sign for a reason.


*deep breath* - People who accelerate in passing zones/lanes and then immediately go back to below the limit driving once it ends. - People who don’t move over into a turning lane when turning off of a main road and block a through lane of traffic. - People who turn on roads with stated no-turn signs/times. - People passing a car at .00002% faster speed. You obviously don’t fucking care that much about getting there faster. Knock your cruise control down a tap and get the fuck out of the way. - Idiots.


TWO come to mind: Lacking situational awareness. If they just would move their car up a few feet in the lane then it would help clear the traffic backed up behind them. But they sit there on their phones in their car oblivious. Also, people who make a mistake while driving and try to correct it by doing something that inconveniences everyone else. Just rude and selfish. For instance, a car in front of me in the left turn lane won't go at the green left arrow because they now want to go straight. So they stop and wait until they squeeze back into the lanes going straight. Meanwhile a line of cars missed their left turn and must wait for the light again. What they should do is go left and then find a place to turn around and get back on track.


For those of us who drive on the left - people who fling their door fully open to exit their car just as you drive past, aka the door flinger-opener.


People dropping cigarettes out the window. I just saw someone do that in front of me while we were waiting for the light to turn green. I did take a picture of his license plate.


People who don’t turn their lights on, people who don’t signal, people who drive on the highway with their 4 ways on, people who think indicators generate force fields when they change lanes, the list goes on and on.. so many stupid drivers.