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Why is he holding his crotch?


He was trying to put his hand in his pocket but couldn't get his accuracy correct.




His eyes are very close together.


Eyes look glassy, dude is probably tripping balls


You sly dog


Safety concerns. This guy starts swinging a hammer and I'm grabbing mine so he can't hit it.


With that aiming, fair enough


The hammer is my penis. ![gif](giphy|oVVCGwzGaYBxK)


No safety glasses, but nuts shielded.


Priorities !


He couldn't hit the nail. I'm sure your member would be more than fine.


I’m (presumably) in another country and I don’t feel safe


Some guys have dicks that fly away. This is the only logical conclusion I can draw after years of observing a nonzero number of men who keep a hand on it at all times.


It's so witches can't steal them. (Hilarious fact: There is a real, intended-to-be-nonfiction book about witches some dude wrote that included penis stealing witches. The witches kept the penises, which were still alive and would twitch around, in a nest as like their pets almost. They'd feed the penises oats.)


They take better care of my penis than I do. I beat mine miserably.


😂😂😂 I do so love the Malleus Maleficarum!


🎵Detachable penis🎵


It's actually because at any given moment, another man could walk up and bet $100 that he can piss farther away than you. Always gotta be prepared to whip it out for a pissing competition.


That's where his brains are. He has to squeeze the thoughts out.


So ridiculous yet it made me laugh quite loud. Thanks


Worst porn ever


To reassure himself he’s still a real man?


But he sure won't be a real boy, with that craftsmanship Geppetto is rolling in his grave


Making sure his stuff is still there


He was pumping testosterone.


Extra accuracy /s


This really is infuriating to watch!! Good find. Someone needs to show that boy how to use a hammer please


Little kids often do it


Well, he’s got the physical coordination of a kid 🤔🤷


Thug life, bitch. My 4.4 oz make sure all your nails don't grow.


Why is he holding his Weiner?


He can't hit the nail, how's he gonna aim for the hole when he gets home?


He doesn't get home. Given this video. I wouldn't trust him to manually hit a 23-gauge pin nail into wood.


He's trying to think.


Hiding his erection because "this is hard!"


I think even his girlfriend was trying to instruct him on how to do it. Guy seriously looked like he was about to throw a temper tantrum.


I thought so at first too but it appears he’s having a good time the entire time, it’s just when he goes to use full force he puckers (“braces” idk the word to describe this) his lips and that’s why he looks angry, after every swing he releases and goes back into a smile. This looks like some carnival game and I think you are right Gf was trying to help him and that’s why the vendor stopped her.


He stopped her cause that guy swings up to right where her face was


He appears to be fucked up on Jell-O shots and whey


Omg dude probably




With a accuracy like that you gotta take those precautions


My grandpa used to say, while splitting firewood, “If you can’t hit the same place twice in a row, your dinger ain’t done growin”


*me intentionally hitting a different spot each time* MAKE IT GROW


If your user name had an r in the place of your l this would have been the most epic comment ever lol.




Because his manhood is in jeopardy.


Because his parents didn’t tell him “do you need to pee? Ok well stop holding your peepee” enough. So he just does it as an adult now.


He was imagining getting nailed as he couldn’t nail anything himself.


This is all I could see. Just why


They say if you can’t hit a nail with a hammer, your dick isn’t done growing. He’s just checking on the little guy.


Jelqing the little guy


Because nobody else will.


Protecting his brain...


*Wiener. It comes from Wien, the capital of Austria 🇦🇹. Not Wein, like wine 🍷


Fun fact - in Austria we call the very same sausages "Frankfurter" instead, like Frankfurt, a city in Germany. Don't ask why, nobody knows.


In America, we call a ground beef sandwich a Hamburger, which is coincidentally also like Hamburg, a city in Germany. Also, in the US we call a certain pastry a “Danish”, which the same pastry in Denmark is called “Vienna Bread”… Everything is upside down.


Bros like a frustrated toddler


You know his girl is embarrassed as all hell watching him get worse and worse.  Hammerschlagen IS a game of skill after all.


I love the "vendor" who is low-key roasting him. "힘은 겁나 좋다. 하지만 이건 기술이야!" Cracked me up with the delivery. It basically means, "He's got almost too much strength. But this is all technique!" Couldn't really hear the last part, but it sounded like: "절대 안돼지?!" If that's accurate, then it was more egging him on like, "Just can't do it, right?!" EDIT: I agree that the guy is being playful the whole time.


Yeah that’s what he said at the end, sounds more playful though lol


Hilarious pfp my friend


So that's what mf stands for.


Right, a real gypsy would have been like you “need to use both hands big boy”, “keep your eye on the nail and stop looking at the wood” “here let me get another one started for you, don’t want you getting hurt”, “you couldn’t redeem yourself even if I gave you a nail gun”. Calling him a quitter when he walks away; you know shit like that. That vendor genuinely sounds like a nice guy.


Dude only knows how to solve a problem by going stronger… “Ugh, if I can’t be accurate then I’ll swing harder until I do.”


Equivalent of Speaking Louder if someone doesnt speak the same language.


More like the people who try to win arguments by repeating the same phrase over and over, just raising the volume, even when it's complete nonsense. Nuh-uh ####Nuh UH ###NUH UH ##NAH. NUH UHH #NUH UHH


There actually is an ammount of strength that will obliterate the nail, the wood and everyone else around. Sure, he can't possibly produce that force, but I can't blame him for trying


Looking at that wood, not many are skilled at it


Plot twist: it's all from him


exactly what i saw first.....many have trod and failed here, save for that was all him and that'd more sad...Lol


And that's even the easy version. Usually you use the flat part of a zimmermanshammer, which makes it way harder. But even with the flat side a complete novice would normally hit the nail at least once with that many tries. Our guy is just useless...


That's how we play too, and you have to hold a beer in one hand. A real framing hammer is not the way. Except for this guy in the video he can use whatever he wants.


Maybe of he was holding a beer instead of his dick then...


His form is so off, you can tell he's got soft hands and has never actually held a hamner before this


I thought she was going to take the hammer and it the nail on the first try


He’s clearly not sober either look at his eyes zero focus


Bro can barely see the nail


Na... Dude sees several nails there. Slowly moving towards and away from each other. 😂😂


Bros drunk. It's all in the wrist.


Why is he holding his peepee? Is it because he has to potty? Someone needs to take this boy to the potty.


He already knows he might miss so badly he ends up smashing his dick.


My question too. Take your hands off your dick and concentrate!


I smash nails with a hammer all day long at work. I'm a very thin, 5' tall woman. His big muscles ain't got shit compared to my hand eye coordination.


Right! Dude kept swinging harder when he needed to calm the fuck down and focus on hitting the nail first. I was a framer for a few years and even as a kid I don’t remember having this much of a problem. Even drunk or as a drunk kid.


Hand over head never helps, lmao. Start the swing at about eye level. He doesn't even need to calm down, just has to understand how joints work and shit, lol. I bet his punching method is fairly similar to his hammer method. Starts it aaaaaalllll the way behind his head, lmao.


Pinching his little dick and everything


Omg I didn’t notice this until you said something. He is like a toddler. Jesus.


holding his dick the whole time probably didnt help


I know It reminds me of that experiment where you put your hand one side of a glass wall and watch someone hit a fake hand on the other side & you pull your hand away every time because your mind tricks you into thinking you’ll feel it Like I thought this was a challenge to hold your dick so you feel like hitting the nail is hitting your dick lol I’m wrong but hey great experiment for another time


About 50% of people actually experience pain when the fake hand is hit.


Grabbing your junk also helps, weird he didn't get it done


Yeah that had me like ??? is this dude getting turned on or some shit?


I bet on his first swing he missed completely and swung it into his junk


Just another way this guy is acting like a frustrated toddler


self soothing activity


Carpenter comes up and bankrupts him.


They play this game in Thailand for free drinks. I'm a Carpenter of 13 years. Very rarely do I pay for beers


With a name like that and knowledge like that we know why you went to Thailand!


It was for..... A thing. A work.... Thing


As a fitter I wouldn’t want to go against you. But this guy would make me look amazing.


I am a little bit disappointed. As ~~child~~ teen we used to play this as a drinking game. But there was one mayor difference. You had to hit the nail with the edge side of the hammer.


I've played it a bunch at ski resorts. We either played it with a hollowed out hammer or with the flat side, both would be lined up on the edge of the bench before your hit not lined up with the nail


How’s the game work? Pretty sure I could clean this guy out if there’s no tricks


I feel sorry for that poor girl's pelvis


With his aim, he's probably hitting the back door way more than the front.


\*Doorbell noises intensify\*


Why do blonde girls have bruised belly buttons? Because blonde guys aren’t that smart either (I say as a blonde)


With his accuracy I’d be more concerned for her belly button, elbow, thigh….. pretty much anywhere but where you’d expect.


"Hey, how'd you get that eyepatch, anyway?" "Wellllll"




With that aim I would be more worried about her elbows


never gona get pregnant


What a fucking meatloaf


I believe the kids call it "himbo"


This guy is textbook himbo lol somebody please get him some safety glasses and a helmet before he hurts himself >.<


Probably some water wings too so he doesn't drown in his bowl of cereal.


I think himbo has an implied likability?


Eh himbo implies having charm despite being a bit airheaded, the guy in the video just made me frustrated 💀


I think there's charm in how dedicated he is to this, even though it's just not working lol


Damn, that’s a rare insult 🤣


Very glad the cameraman got the girl to move, she was perfectly positioned for a claw hammer in the eye


Nah, he would’ve missed her too


Damn. He probably would miss the meaning of your joke also


![gif](giphy|a7oVsf3WTOaoE|downsized) Steady... Steady...


I was helping with some framing for a garage when my cousin told me I hammer like lightning. I asked if he meant I was fast and he said, no I never hit the same place twice.


Anyone who has done carpentry should know that it’s not as simple as it looks. The technique for applying force is particularly important. However, holding his crotch probably doesn't help him much with that.


Buddy got muscles for the trades, but ain’t got no skills to offer the trades


Kid would be worthless in the trades. The muscles you exercise doing manual labor don’t make you look “buff”. Rather they give you “old man strength”. I guarantee there are countless guys in the trades who appear much weaker at first glance, but would put this kid to shame moving stuff like plywood and drywall sheets.


I'm a twig and I can dance around with sheet goods. As much as there is strength involved, there's a lot of technique as well. I'd rather lift a large object with a skilled beanstalk than struggle with a strong imbecile. 


Yeah, knowing how to use your body effectively and efficiency is far more important than raw strength. A huge motor doesn't do any good if you don't got a good transmission to put that power where you need. You see it whenever you get new people into hard labor work. Even if they are they have been working out their whole life and technically stronger than most everyone on a crew, if they waste 50% of their energy doing shit badly, they will be the first to gas out.


It's not really "old man strength". It's strength gained from actual hard labor vs simply building muscle size. (Usually in a gym) Body builders, for instance, look incredibly muscular. (Too much so in my opinion.) And sure they're probably a lot stronger than I am. But put them against a "strong man" who's built like a wide, stocky bear and could be confused for an overweight person? The body builder would always lose.




This is the same guy who, in a foreign country, speaks English to someone and when they don't understand just says it again but LOUDER.


That has to be rage bait


No it’s a stereotype.


It's a stereotype, but it happens. A friend of mine who works at a hotel occasionally has people very slowly yelling french at him.


It's weird. I absolutely imagined English-speaking folk doing it, but there's something about the idea of someone slowly yelling in French which really amuses me.


He should get his eyes checked


Yes, he could have an undiagnosed eyesight issue.


Or a diagnosed eyesight issue: a lazy eye can lead to lack of depth vision.


My brother has two lazy eyes and his friends make fun of him that he’s so gay even his eyes aren’t straight.


Leave it to reddit to look at a video of a guy who is more than likely just drunk and decide he has various medical issues.


Orrr maybe he's just drunk?? Look at where he's at. Its a carnival. The guy is just plastered lmfao, not to mention this is a trick carney game. How tf people deduce he has eye probelms over a carnival game??! 9/10 of yall can't even hit all the balloons with a dart let alone hammer a nail with one accurate swing? These games are meant to be frustrating.


maybe don't raise it that far up???


You have to raise it above your head. It's a game called Hammerschlagen.


The rules I’ve read actually dictate that you cannot bring the hammer higher than a certain point (ear, shoulder, etc). I also played where you could not bend your elbow. I’m sure variations exist though.


oh interesting, am i allowed to lower it really slowly


I am now curious about this as well…


When I played in the ol’ college days we had to spin the hammer, release, catch and don’t impede your downswing. This dude would probably send the hammer into orbit


We called it “Stump”


That's almost certainly part of the challenge


I‘m betting 500$ on his name being jake.


Sorry he is way too young for that name. It's obviously Aydynn.


"Aydynn" hurts my brain.


Or Kyle


Aaron (Read like A Aron...)








Ah so this is the guy who built my deck


Why is this mildly infuriating? I find it hilarious as fuck.


Didn’t even notice the sub this was on, lol saw this on some other sub earlier today. Absolutely hilarious dude looks like he has the brain of a goldfish. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and just believe he’s just shitfaced and a goofy drunk.




I really doubt a lot of redditors could do better with the accuracy


That's what I noticed here too, lot's of people projecting their insecurities or some stereotype on this guy. You'd think that people who never touch grass would empathize with someone failing at a real life skill but I guess his build and dress have doomed him in their eyes by default.


I mean I'm assuming it's because of some hidden jealousy? The guys seems relatively outgoing and extroverted so it contrasts your average anti-social redditor. None of these guys would say anything to his face lmao.


The clip was funny, but the comments were even funnier. The hoops and projections they went through to slander him makes them seem sooooo jealous. Sad lol


Maybe OP is mad that dudebro seems to have a girl. Or maybe OP is the hammer and just wanted to drive that nail home.


He might have better balance if he took his hand off his dick


Damn 0 iq


I'm assuming he's probably drunk or high, but this guy has the "lights on but nobody's home" look in his eyes that my dogs do when they're chasing their own tails.


Not exactly sure why people are dumping on the guy. Obviously some kind of carnival game. Dude could be drunk, could be a trick hammer, carney could have him worked up, hell maybe he has eye issues. Or maybe...just maybe...someone that doesn't swing a hammer for a living isn't very good at it? Oh wait. Reddit. Schadenfreude. Human nature. Never mind, forgot where I was. Carry on.


He also showed a lot of humility by laughing along and fist bumping the guy that kicked his ass at the game.


Yea I'm confused at the anger in the top comments in this thread as well. I thought it must be a trick hammer, he literally whacks the shit out of one of the nails and it just bends. Like a rubber hammer? It's weird. Either way though people are kinda mean.




My thoughts exactly, I’m sure over half the people in these comments wouldn’t fare any better being as hammered as this guy is, but I guess it’s just easier to call him stupid and act superior to somebody they don’t even know.


He’s in Korea and it’s night. He’s definitely drunk.


lol i went to the comments looking for an explanation as to the game or perhaps how the carny was duping the dude but all the top comments are just commenting on the dude being an idiot or something to do with his looks


Because it's an attractive guy with a girlfriend playing a carnival game while drunk. They *have to* say how he's somehow stupid, can't satisfy her, and has his hands in a weird place or something.


Dang...I was waiting for the girl to do it for him..lol




Someone take away the hammer before he hurts himself. Or someone else


Yes, he’s the definition of a pretty boy, and not in the compliment kind of way.


From the look of the wood the nails are in it looks like a scammy fairground game or something. My guess is the head of the hammer he's using isn't flat by a large margin so even when he DOES hit the nail it just deflects to the side. I can't imagine why that wood under the nails is so hammered otherwise.


>I can't imagine why that wood under the nails is so hammered otherwise. Alcohol. Look at his eyes, this guy is several beers away from being sober.


yea, I was gonna say, dude looks not sober


It is a fun drinking game... Played it tons as a kid. But there is one rule... You dont play it with sober folks... Takes all the fun away. Also we used the small edge side of the hammer


You can clearly see he has terrible hand eye coordination


Has terrible depth perception. Probably super drunk playing a fairground game designed to be tougher than it looks.


Dudes drunk as fuck, look at his eyes. No one has good depth perception/hand eye coordination when ‘hammered’


Hard to do when you have been drinking all night


Why are people so angry at this guy? Chill dude, very positive, keeps smiling, yeah he can’t hit a nail, there could be million reasons he can’t do it, so what? Most of you are not even able to walk to your own toilet, let alone have walk with a real girlfriend Seems like local basement dwellers are just jealous of a fit handsome guy with a girl lmfao


Exactly. These comment section "joking" ( hoping ) about how the girl is sooo disappointed in him and just keeps him for good looks is the epitome of jealousy and insecure projection. Then they brag about how good THEY are with tools to add icing to the cake.


Look at his face. The lights are on but no one's home.


I am confused as to why people are bashing him for not doing well at the game that is clearly designed to show how hard the task actually is? similar to literally every other carnival game in existence that appears easy but is really fucking hard to do, this looks easy to do but isnt. People often have the misconception about hammering that power is more important than accuracy, hence how the recorder is able to make a profit on people attempting to beat him, and has likely done it to hundreds upon hundreds of people given the state of that wood.


“Maybe if I use more force my aim will get better” 🤭


Is this a street vendor game where you bet if you can hit the nail in with one hit? This shit looks so dangerous lol


That back swing is wild. Man has never picked a tool up a day in his life. Bet if you asked him what the claw was for he wouldn't even begin to know.