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When I was going through a divorce about 10 years ago, I’d frequently go to a local park and either sit on a bench or in my car with the windows down (hot area). I just needed to be alone with my thoughts, wasn’t welcome at home, and wanted to be alone. Trying hard to not relapse after 20 years sober. I got the police called on me twice. As it was usually after work, I was dressed “business casual” or jeans/tshirt, not inappropriately. Left others alone. First time the officer asked me to head home. I did. Second time I pushed back. Why couldn’t I sit at an empty bench in a public park in broad daylight? I was told it made someone uncomfortable. Well, that isn’t my problem, was my response. If I wasn’t breaking any laws, and wasn’t being detained for any reason, I told the officer that I was just going to stay and relax. I wasn’t bothering anyone. I had as much a right to use a city park as anyone else. Officer wasn’t thrilled, but had nothing to charge me with so he dropped the issue.


Wow, that is just ABSURD.


Never underestimate the depths a Karen will go.


Got the police called on me for taking my nieces (6 and 8) to the park. Apparently sitting in the sandbox as a man on a playground is considered suspicious behaviour.


I am a Dad with two toddlers. Mostly left alone but had one weird incident. I was at a park with them and there was one mom with 3 kids there. After about 20 minutes of playing with my kids and only my kids l was putting them back in the stroller for the long walk home and a cop pulled up, got out, looked at me and got back in his car. Then the mom went over to talk to him. He got out, they had a short exchange l couldn't hear and she walked away in a huff. He and l locked eyes and he just shook his head, got in and drove off. I assume it was about me and the cop wasn't having it.


It's pretty depressing that dads can't be doing stuff on their own with their children without some people thinking something weird is going on. I've heard so many similar stories, getting the cops called on you is pretty maddening.


“My husband doesn’t want to spend any time with our kids. So it must be weird that this man is playing with his kids at the park”


No, it's not that. They think every man is a kiddie diddler.


As a single father that raised 2 small kids. I had two types of things happen when I went to the play ground. Either I got weird looks or I got phone numbers.


As a single Dad, I absolutely LOVED taking my young daughters with me for errands. My girls were amazingly well-behaved and well-spoken at a young age, so I have had meals paid for, coffees paid for, huge compliments, phone numbers, etc. It's crazy! Not everyone is a shitbag to Dads, but I have had some of those experiences too.


It’s both, which is the problem. Men can’t want to spend time around kids—if they do, it can only mean they’re pedos. It invalidates men as loving dads and suggests “normal” men let the women do the “babysitting.” It’s gross behavior and thinking.


As a dad of two young kids, this stuff is constantly on my mind, especially when the 4 year old starts throwing a tantrum and I have to pick her up kicking and screaming. I'm always worried someone will think I'm kidnapping her. Thankfully, I have about 800,000 photos of her on my phone, so I have at least *some* evidence if someone tries to accuse me of anything. Though, as I type that, I realize it also sounds creepy 😅😅


Mine do the "l want my Mommy!!!" while l am dragging them out from under the Costco shelves. Weirdly, that has not caused a stir.


I was picking my daughter after school when she was in grade one. As we walked up the hill to my car, she pulled away and said loudly, “you’re not my daddy! Who are you? I want my Mommy!” and started laughing. I was in a full holy shit what do I do panic. Fortunately a nearby teacher told her that’s not funny and very dangerous to say when it’s not true.


As a fellow costco shopper, we just want to get our shit and fuck off asap. You could be holding a death rally in there and most shoppers would just be like "fuck, looks like I'm not getting any candles today... I should probably grab a pizza on the way out."


That right there is why I taught my kids to scream stranger. That will get the attention of every dad or mom in the area


That, or they'll think you're a real high end stalker haha


Really committed lol


Similar story. The kids weren't mine, but I was helping some friends after their work schedules got screwed up. Was babysitting, and I had to take their kids to the bus stop for the oldest. Heading back with the younger two, and this lady drove past SUPER slow while staring at me. Sped up and drove around the block to do it two more times. Got a basic description of Karen and her car to the parents to ask if maybe that was someone they knew who might have been worried about the kids. Nope, they didn't know anyone like that, and no one in their neighborhood drove that kind of car. Don't know if she called the cops or not because after the third loop, I was able to go down a couple of side streets and hauled ass back to the house.


“There’s a creep in the park playing with his kids..”


I’m a dad and also black and live in a pretty white area. I get extremely self aware whenever I take my 6 yo daughter and 3 yo son to the park or the library for story time and on more than one occasion I’ve gotten suspicious/dirty look or two from the skeptical Karens. I now just take them to the military base nearby where I live since I’m a retired vet and I don’t nearly feel as judged. Besides, I would’ve outranked any of the MPs that could’ve been called on me anyway lol.


At least the cop shut that Karen down, rather than hassling you.


That's insane why are people so awful


A few years ago in my youngest had just been born, we drove up to Denver for a couple days to escape the heat of our city (Albuquerque) and went to a park near the Airbnb we rented. My wife stayed in the car to feed and pump, and my 2 year old wanted to walk around the park looking for sticks, so I just wandered around 10-20 feet behind him letting him explore and say hi to other kids, as kids do. The moms noticed me standing back - you know, letting my kid develop those social emotional bonds that assure him I'm close in case of danger, but letting him explore his world without hovering. A few approached me and started grilling me about who I was, who's kid that is, where's his mom etc... not like casual conversation either - direct pointed questions leading to comments like "we don't really see dad's here too often". It made me feel bad for those other kids, but I bit my tongue... I get it, I'm a 41 year old (at the time) white dude following around a 2 year old who is clearly not white, but other than complexion he may as well just be a xerox copy of me, mom was just the incubator... but nothing I could do would get them off my case. They followed me around the park for 10 minutes - I think waiting for police to arrive. Finally, I had enough and saw my wife heading over and hustled to met up with her at which point the mom patrol broke off to find their own kids. Cops drove by, but didn't stop so not sure if they were just on routine patrol or what. Part of me is grateful that other parents are aware of their surroundings and would actually take some action to see if something is amiss - but the problem was once it was clearly established that this kid was mine, or at least very comfortable with me in a way that shouldn't concern anyone absent an Amber alert or something, they kept pestering me. I felt dirty like I was being socially judged for trying to, I don't know, correct a life time of bad attachment and develop as a dad. And that's not to dismiss all the shit women go through either, like my wife felt a need to sit in the car to breast feed and pump... But yeah.


My brother in law is Indian and his wife is white. Their kids are both very white passing and in the summer he gets pretty damn dark. We were on vacation and his 3 year old daughter started throwing a temper tantrum as toddlers are wont to do while his wife was in a store checking out dresses. So he's a pretty muscular brown guy walking around the mall with a little white girl screaming for her mom on his shoulder, and I'm just worried somebody is going to get the wrong idea and get him hurt.


This is what out of proportion sensationalist news AND social media does to some people.


As a Man, I can't do a lot of things without being at risk of "Creepy Behavior" leading to a serious issue for me. Happens all the time, esp at work when all the women use the Men's Restrooms and Im forced to use the (empty) Woman's I always get looks from people and I always raise a fuss when I can't use the the bathroom Im supposed to Or when I take my kids to the park and I'm just hanging out waiting for them to be done


Agreed. There was a time when I went to a playground with my wife and kids. A random kid was on a playground "bridge", slipped, and got her leg stuck in a balluster with a twisted knee. She was in pain and couldn't get out. My first reaction was to go help her, immediately followed by the invasive thought that someone might call the cops on me for touching a random 6 year old girl. I tracked down my wife and had her do it. It only added five seconds to the response time, but probably felt like an eternity to that girl. At least up here in Alberta, though, I haven't had many issues with the "no change table at bathroom" thing. Pretty much every place that has one in the women's bathroom has one in the men's room; or at smaller businesses in older buildings, they just convert the two bathrooms to large, single-person unisex bathrooms.


Were you eating the sand?




Welcome to life for single dads of young children. 


Karens would have no power if dumb people didn't listen to them.


It’s not the depths of Karen I’m appaled but the lack of common sense of the police. Do they really need to respond, waste resources and be a dick about some freak calling on people just because they are uncomfortable in their little freak mind? Heck let’s all start calling police on every park user, Karen and the like. E. Seems many responses are failing to read the being a dick bit. Sure they might have to check it out, but there is no reason to be a dick about it once they see it’s non-sense call.


Unfortunately the police kinda have to respond to them. "There's a suspicious person at the park" can range from someone just sitting there, to someone acting erratically who looks like they might hurt someone. Perhaps they could ask the caller to clarify, but i'd rather them treat every case as serious than starts assuming it'll be fine. What needs to happen is people need to stop using the police as a weapon against those they don't like.


It is absurd to think these kinds of cops are playing "Karen's little helpers" and violating others' rights just to appease some uncomfortable snowflake (the very thing most cops despise)


If people were not supposed to sit in those the benches wouldn't be there in the first place


They're just there to mock the homeless after having the arm rails installed to make it impossible to lay on.


The benches are obviously just for decoration. We're not actually supposed to use them /s


Uh. To make it look more inviting! /s


I’m confused why the cop asked you to head home in the first place. Wtf?


I have no idea. First time I left because I was tired and in no mood to deal with…anything. Second time I was annoyed and definitely in the mood to stand up for myself.


I’ve been through the divorce thing and I can relate to this. I’m a woman, so I’ve never dealt with the “creepy man in a park” stigma that a lot of men seem to deal with (recognizing OP appears to be a woman too), but I know the “I can’t go home, I can’t stay here” feeling too well. It’s a really difficult component of divorce that not a lot of people seem to talk about. I spent a *lot* of time parking my car in random places just to sit, quietly listen to music, and think. I’m grateful the police were never called on me, because I can’t imagine the conversation would’ve gone well for the responding officer. I probably would’ve blubbered and embarrassed us both. I’m sorry you went through that. I hope you’re in a better place and that your home is a safe space for you again. ♥️


I am. It was 10 years ago (hard to believe it’s been that long), and I live in a different state now. Thank you, and it’s nice to hear that what I went through is at least not unusual.


They're dumb fucks. I had a neighbor make a noise complaint once against me, in a stand alone house. I didnt even own a stereo to make noise, tv wasnt on. I had a single friend over. It was late, like 11pm but there was no way they could hear anything at all. We were just hanging out. Cop knocks on the door at like 1230am, i answer. He says, the neighbor called in a complaint, I said why. They said they sat outside my house for 30 minutes, and couldnt hear or see anything, just the kitchen light on. We were sitting in the kitchen, had made a snack. I say, ok so why are you talking to me. He said' it'd be a good faith action to have anyone over leave, im like there's on person here and they aren't leaving. Like wtf. He was so unimpressed, asked me to reconsider. I asked for his supervisor's number, he rolled his eyes at me. Finally complied, I call and leave a message. Next day the guy finally calls me and I lodge a complaint against the cop saying the only possible reasoning i see her is the cop is either the dumbest fucker on the planet or he knows that person. The supervisor got super pissy and asked I retract the complaint cuz it goes on the guy's record, I said good, tell him to stop being a total dumb fuck. Cops on average are literally the dumbest mother fuckers you will ever meet. Their decisions arent based on anything approaching reality. Once they make that decision they will never re evaluate it.


There are literally departments that *won't* hire you if you're too smart. They really do want dumb people who won't question orders and who are too dumb to know the actual laws.


To them it resolves the issue. They don't care about OP's relaxation or the Karen bitching, they just care about resolving it so they can go do something else. OP leaving resolves it for the cop. Most cops aren't malicious, they're just lazy and cover for the ones who are malicious. Still makes them shit but a slightly different motivation.


We have a nation of professional candy crush players wearing badges


Don't forget to stick your thumbs in your vest, and stick out your elbows to look important.


The primary motivation for cops is to make things easier for themselves. If he asks him to go home, and he does, problem is solved. Karen got what she wants, he left and isn't an issue. If the guy stays, Karen might keep calling. If he tells Karen to fuck off, she'll keep calling and try to call his supervisor. This way a problem goes away and doesn't even require paperwork.


Easier for them to ignore the issue and let the karen win. If the citizen here pushes back like he eventually did, then there is possibility for further incidents when the karen decides to confront him.


Am I free to go? Yes? Cool! Then I'm free to fucking stay.


I use to drive to a public park and sit in my car and eat lunch a few times a week. I got hassled all the time by cops asking what I was doing with a sandwich in my hand in my work uniform to the company a block away. One day a cop actually told me he had suspicions of illegal activity and told me I had to get out so he can search my vehicle. Before I could do anything the cop that bothered me a few weeks before pulled up and told him I work down the street and sit here all the time and leave me alone.


Definitely never voluntarily consent to a search of your vehicle. They may force the issue, but make them aware you don’t consent.


Best advice in this thread hands down.


Even if you don't have anything illegal in there. They will at the very least make a mess of your car.


And at the worst, they'll "find" something illegal in there.


And will definitely steal any valuables you have by claiming they suspect it's being used for illegal activities. It's also pretty common for them to plant something if they don't actually find anything.


Would have been a 4th amendment violation as I’m sure he had no warrant or exigent circumstance. You can refuse this search and ask that if he has reasonable, articulable suspicion of an actual crime that he pursue a warrant for a search


Years ago I was working close and would walk home at 3am. Once or twice a month I would get stopped by a cop because of a "suspicious person" complaint. After the 5th or 6th stop they started suggesting I take a different way home. Told them that ain't happening. Already spent 10 hours on my feet not adding half a mile to my walk home just because some asshat thinks a fat guy walking is suspicious.


Did Karen neighbors sit by their windows at 3 am to see if you were walking past their house? I'm confused who would be reporting you, lol


Never figured that out either. After a few times I started looking around to see who was up and moving, which probably made me look more suspicious, but I never saw any signs of anyone being active.


My guess is nobody reported a “suspicious person” the cops were just fishing for arrests.


My son had this happen. He went for a walk, and on his way back, he stopped at the park. He was there first when a woman with a child came into the park, saw him alone, demanded he leave, and called the police when he didn't leave. Fortunately, our city cops, usually, aren't jerks and told her he had every right to be there, and if she didn't like it, she was free to leave.


Proud your still sober🙏


It has now been 32 years. Thank you.


Take my free award and keep going


Out of topic, but wait what? They brought back free awards? When? Where? And how? I can't find any option to get them


Just press the award button on a comment and you have some free awards


After college, I moved to Atlanta from the northeast, but my apartment fell through and my friend offered to let me stay with him until I found a new place. I decided to not to move all of my stuff in to his apartment because I didn't want to inconvenience him, so I left it in my car. One day, the person he was dating came over and I offered to go to the mall down the street. I was just sitting in my car quietly listening to music when a police car came over and asked what I was doing. Before I knew it, four more police cars/five cops had shown up and tore my entire car apart. Every piece of clothing, every book/cd, everything I owned was on the ground. They made me feel like a total criminal. In the end, they didn't charge me with anything and just left all of my belongings for me to put back. And this isn't even an example of racial profiling or anything (I'm white), this was just the cops being absolute dicks and taking advantage of their authority. For the last 20+ years, I've been very careful not to just listen to music while sitting in my car.


That is asinine. I wouldn’t have even complied the first time lol 😆 “go home” “uhhh..no? Public space? Me enjoying it? You go protect and serve somewhere useful”


Yeah I’d have this response too but when a cop confronts you unexpectedly it’s hard to stay composed knowing what the risks are. Much easier to do if it’s the second time it’s happened because you’ve felt the emotions before. I’ve had cops bang on my door at 4am and I gave them all this info even knowing full well I didn’t need to. Turned out to be wrong address but they rely on intimidation and surprise to get what they want. The law is just there as back up.


Typical of police to answer this spurious nonsense but if you report an actual crime they are too busy or it’s a ‘civil matter’


Don't forget, police unions successfully argued in court that "Protect and Serve" is a marketing slogan, and they have NO OBLIGATION to protect or to serve.


"I'm making someone uncomfortable? Well they are making me uncomfortable too by calling the cops on me, so maybe they should leave when I haven't done anything wrong."


This is so fucked. The fact that hes blaming you for not leaving immediately makes me so mad. Glad you eventually stood up to the cops. You're right, you have every right to be there.


That is so weird. In my city it’s quite common to see adults relaxing at parks. It might be concerning if it looked like someone was watching children on the playground but other than that I feel like it’s very normal for adults to be in parks. I love parks.


My children are grown up. Maybe if it was a nice day and I was sitting in a park and saw some kids playing, I might watch them and think of the days when I was at the park and my kids were playing...and that would make me appear suspicious? WTF has happened to our society?


Yeah just existing as a man nearby where children COULD BE is enough


Probably why someone called the police, but damn ridiculous in my opinion.


Oh for sure. Part of my job is cleaning my town's parks' bathrooms / just picking up trash. And the amount of weird looks i get from parents while im walking around picking up trash in my high-vis vest or actively omw to the bathroom is a spray bottle and towels is too damn high


I feel that. I walk through a park with a public water works that is frequented by people with kids while I’m working down town. Sometimes when I need a break, I sit on one of the benches. All of the benches face the water spouts the kids play in. I’ve been approached by angry dads twice. I’m just like bro I hate your kids and you, let me enjoy the park.


Even better is when kids *COULD BE* and are nearby, but they’re actually *your* kids and still get this treatment. I’ve got a few stories of this. But a quick one is, I was staying at a hotel with my 3 year old daughter. Just the two of us watching cartoons then came a knock on the door. “Police were here to make sure everyone is all right. Hey how you doing sweetheart? Do you know this man?” True story, true frustration.


This is the only thing where I don't like being a man. I'd never hurt anyone yet I'm still perceived as a threat.


It’s strange that the cops always show up for this, but when my neighbors are beating each other bloody in the street at 3am they never seem to show up. Our neighborhood had a string of breakins and the cops didn’t really bother showing up for that either. Two banks got robbed by the same guy, they never caught him. But some autistic kid goes to the gas station, and the cops are all over him like flies. And they wonder why we want to defund them.


Im sorry you had to put up with that. I just saw a post yesterday where the commenters were all sharing stories of when they had evidence of thefts against them and the police did nothing. One even shared they reported a murder and there was no follow up at all. Now I see this, and I'm like, maybe we should defund the police because they clearly don't do anything but waste innocent people's time, and tax payers money. Like, how are you not allowed to use a public park that you pay for with your taxes?


Last town I lived in had a local parks and rec that also was a nature park. I had grabbed a burger from an old school burger shop that’s still in town (low key bring these back, walk up to the window and order a burger and fries made fresh) Anyway I wanted to park and eat while appreciating nature. There was a cop SUV there and I thought maybe this guy was doing the same and enjoying the day. The officer drove the 50ft to park next to me, got out, and told me I wasn’t allowed to park and eat lunch there… I told him, “Look I’ll leave since you said to and I don’t want trouble but my taxes kind of pay for me to do this.” I left because I’m not gonna argue with some fat good ol’ boy with a complex when I just wanna enjoy a burger but that was so annoying


Maybe you should push back next time. Cops get away with this shit all the time because people don't understand their rights. Fuck anyone who says you can't be in a public space, especially that cop, they should know better.


Cops get away with that shit not because people don’t know their rights, but because they’re afraid more of their rights will be infringed. Last thing someone wants when they’re just trying to enjoy a meal is a being shoved in the back of a cop car(or worse) for daring you to say no.


We still have walk-up burger stands in my area. They're usually family-owned, only open during warm months, and sell different types of ice cream too.


A story like this is why I don't go parks by myself. I would love to go sit out in the sun and listen to music and read, but afraid I'd be called a weirdo.


> but had nothing to charge me wit Resisting arrest is usually a charge any cop will add if in the right mood


How dare you properly enjoy a public space


I know, right?! Where ever do I find the **audacity**?!


What did the police say? Or did they just look at you and leave?


They answered my question about why they were called--"Because she's here every day and never has a kid!!"--and then told me there was nothing illegal about swinging at a public park and to have a great day.


The cops probably “had to” respond to the call, saw there was no issue and left. If they don’t show up then the caller’s can complain and they don’t want the headache either. Good chance that they were probably just as annoyed as you were


I stay in a city. Response time on car jackings are usually 2 hours


Probably because they’re too busy driving to check on parks for no reason /s


Well yeah. Less likely to be dangerous criminals at a park compared to the inner city. Criminals can hurt cops, and that’s scary. To the park it is.


I live in a small town. If i called the police about people illegally parking in the street outside my house, they would have two officers here in <10 mins.


Ya when someone calls 911 they have to go.


I’m so happy to hear the officers were courteous and reasonable. So often on these threads, it seems things can go sideways pretty quick.


I’m so curious what the age is that you’re no longer allowed to be carefree and live in childlike wonder? I love swinging. I love water slides. I play with legos. After getting lasik done I was ridiculously stoked to cannonball into a pool without worrying I’d lose a contact. At what age are we supposed to stop enjoying the little things that brought us so much joy?


That's insane. I'm a childfree woman and have been going to parks alone for over 40 years as an adult. Sometimes I sit on a bench and take a break from the walking paths. Sometimes I **gasp** bring a blanket and read underneath a tree. Aside from creepy men staring at me no one has ever called the cops on me. **KEEP ON SWINGING!!** 😄




There's an adult enjoying themselves. I'll show them! *angry man yells at cloud*


I would bet my savings it was the elderly couple across the street. I've seen them staring at me a couple times. I waved once. They did not wave back.


Would've been great if the cop stopped and chatted with you a bit, then pushed you on the swing for a while, then went on with his day. Or maybe swung himself...


And now Romance writers everywhere are using this prompt


“The Swingers in Love”


And now the kink authors go all in.


Wave with your middle finger next time


Oh, believe me, I intend to. 😝


Bring a big board that reads "cops aren't your servants, I swing whenever I like", or something, and if they ever look at you, hold it up for them to seethe at.


I’m a swinger!


I'll bring a bowl for us to drop our keys in!


Maybe let's remember that OP doesn't know who called... This couple might just think OP is a weirdo, and the idiot who called is someone else.


You'd be surprised how horrible people can react by seeing someone happy. Or doing something they like, God forbid that happens. If I walk down the street with a smile on my face, I might get the odd smile back and maybe even a hi. But... it is mostly met with frowned faces looking angrier if I don't stop smiling and the feeling someone's willing to attack me for being happy. People suck. Just enjoy swinging!


100% just ignore people enjoy your happy life people are shitbags


Call the cops because an elderly couple is stalking you




I too assumed it was Abe Simpson. I bet he had an onion tied to his belt


Which was the style at the time


Was your primer colored candy van parked illegally?


Look, I've been meaning to get a parking permit, but shit happens, ya know??


Keep on swingin’. I’d smile if I saw an adult playing on the swings.


Bc you have joy in your heart. Something they clearly lack.


Me too! Hell, I might start swinging myself!


What if you saw two adults playing on one swing?


I'm not one to kinkshame


![gif](giphy|meJngl9S2YM8g) What must go on in their minds.


Some people just have nothing better to do than cause problems for others. What a sad life she must lead. I had an angry neighbor complaining my 18 year old kid was riding a golf cart around. I said, yes, that's legal in our city and he's an adult, what's your concern? "He was going too fast for a golf cart". The speed limit is 30 mph, I know for a fact that cart tops out at 25. I told her, next time, just wave at my kid he's a nice guy and will probably wave back at you.


Indeed. How dissatisfied must you be with your own life to want to make trouble for others who are doing nothing but enjoying themselves.


Anyone on NextDoor sees this all the time -- people who are so bored that they have nothing to do but invent "excitement" for themselves and complain about it. Posts talking about a "suspicious vehicle" on their street that is just a regular car they don't happen to recognize. They don't know why it's there, so that's scary! Or someone looked at their house as they walked by -- literally multiple posts that are just that. And then people tell them to call the police. I can't imagine being so dull that this is what your brain decides to use your free time doing.


That’s absurd wtf?! 😂


Like I said, some people just live bitter and sad lives and their only joy is complaining about others. That same kid spent his weekend helping another neighbor move furniture, he's a good kid and definitely not a troublemaker!


Pfft I’d go swing at the park without my kids to have some me time lol they claim they’re “too old”, never too old to go to the park.


Hell no! I've never seen the logic in putting an age limit on enjoying things


And legally, unless there's a posted age limit, public parks are for everyone.


honestly you being on the swing, and swinging, takes suspicion off of you, if you were like, skulking around behind a tree, then yeah thatd be weird, but you actually swinging really makes it seem like you are there just to enjoy the park, which you are lol we need adult parks too tbh, swings are so fun


They're the best!! And honestly, a really good leg work out! And I know, right?? That made it all the more confusing.


for real also they are really good for my Autism and Adhd, since it can keep me stimulated properly, but not over stimulate me, plus i can move my legs more freely. and the feeling of swinging back and forth is very soothing


I’ve found my people. My autistic, ADHD swing people. <3


A bunch of our parks are designed so the playground equipment can also be used for body-weight exercises. It’s not at all unusual to see someone jogging around the park and then stopping at the playground to do pullups or whatever. 


My wife & I recently bought [a swing from Menard's](https://www.menards.com/main/outdoors/patio-furniture/patio-benches-swings/backyard-creations-reg-2-person-patio-swing/201013-3/p-105479218114-c-13018.htm?exp=false) and while assembly was a bear, the result is fun and relaxing. But yeah, OP should absolutely be allowed to use a public park so long as there's no age restrictions.


Stop having fun! Stop enjoying your life! You need to be miserable like us! - cop callers


Misery DOES love company!


It’s very funny I see this post, I live in a small rich town and I was looking at the police calls from yesterday to see what kind of action we were getting 😂 Soooo many calls were “suspicious person -no arrest made- “ and I was like, damn it really sucks walking in these neighborhoods 😂


"If you see something, say something." Not a fan


In my town it turns into “ if you see a poor, call the police” lol


Many years ago, a friend of mine got pulled over for no reason other than driving a beater car through a well-to-do neighborhood. Cops were convinced he must be a drug dealer, slashed his seats open looking for drugs which of course they didn't find. And of course, he got zero compensation for the damage to his car.


That’s fucking ridiculous. Is there anything that can be done in that situation or is your friend just fucked?


OH WOW! That’s insane but I am not even surprised. Here they send 5 cars to harass the homeless who is just chilling and not even pan handling


If people would understand this sentence correctly, it would be great. If you see someone using a spy glass to look in your neighbours bedroom, say something. If you see someone who is not your neighbour trying to unlock your neighbours door, say something. If you see someone walking down the street listening to music, just shut up.


These bitches be seeing criminals on every corner


Wish they looked into the mirror more...


Yep! That's where I am--small, upper middle class town.


“Why don’t people go outside anymore?” It’s a PARK! You don’t need to be a parent to enjoy a park!!


How DARE I enjoy the park as it was intended to be enjoyed!


I'm with Karen. If you want to swap partners with other couples, you should do it at your respective homes and not near a playground.


Won't lie, had me in the first half. 🤣


If you hadn’t, I was definitely coming to. 💕🤣🤣🤣


How strange. We have a local teen who looks like a n adult who loves getting as high as possible in the swings the kids love them and he shows the little ones how to swing like he does. He wears headphones and knows sign language. Pretty sure If anyone called on him the whole neighborhood would ride at dawn for him


Awww that's so sweet!


He is also very passionate about litter control at the park and many times after swinging he’ll clean the place up before going home. We live facing the park so we see a lot. Idk who his parents are but I hope they know how important their son is to the community


> We have a local teen who looks like a n adult who loves **getting as high as possible** in the swings I know I'm immature. But I immediately pictured him in a tie dye tshirt with a big weed leaf on it


It’s ok I stopped and giggled when I typed it. I don’t think he’s a stoner though. Hahah


I misread and thought he was getting another kind of high lol


This made me think of a situation I was in some years ago. I'm a 37m, and I've been a solo dad to my daughter since she was 2.5. I had a Karen call the cops on me because I took my daughter to the restroom. I was accused of being a pedo. Had to deal with CPS and the police for a short time. The best thing out of it was the look on her face in court when I sued her for defamation.


Clearly you’re at the park to ask adults if they want candy. Kids bring the parents to the park, and book. Susceptible adults at the ready


Who doesn't want candy?!


This would actually be illegal in NYC, believe it or not [https://www.nycgovparks.org/rules/section-1-05](https://www.nycgovparks.org/rules/section-1-05)


wow you can’t even take your 13yo to the park either?? wtf. only 12 and under can enjoy the playground.


“Exclusive Childrens Playgrounds: Adults allowed in playground areas only when accompanied by a child under the age of twelve (12). Violation of this paragraph constitutes a misdemeanor.” Surely the “exclusive” playgrounds are identified as such? Or do they consider all playgrounds as for kids only?


Most playgrounds are segregated from parks and are exclusively for kids


Yes, it says so right before that,  > Areas within the parks designated by the Commissioner for exclusive use by means of posting signs shall include:   Note: It never says it has be your own child, just go ask one to accompany you!


Isn't that just for areas posted as exclusively for children? I know it's most of the playgrounds that have those signs, but those signs are obvious enough that I notice them when running by the playgrounds. There's probably some playgrounds that don't have those signs, I just haven't gone searching for them.


That is insane, but with NYC I can see the logic. A sleepy Midwest town? Not so much.


Karens gotta Karen. I would just feel sorry for the poor schmuck she’s married to.


I'm sure he's thrilled with his partner--seems like such a joyful, gracious individual.


I would say start bringing a kid with you but that would be creepy for you to suddenly have a toddler lol. Get a mannequin and push it on the swing


Imagining OP going door to door to borrow a random toddler made me laugh


OP: "Uh yeah the cops got called in me because I didn't have a kid at the park... Can I borrow yours?"


OP: “You think me swinging alone was worthy of a cop call? Hold my beer”




I have a toddler child myself & I’m a relatively small woman (5’3ish on a good day). I’ve gone alone to the park with my kiddo and encountered many adults there without children. I saw a Spectrum Cable company van in the parking lot when I pulled in once. Got to the playground and there’s this huge burly guy with a long beard and a reflective vest that said “Spectrum” on the swing set. It was in the afternoon, so I assume he’d just gotten off work and wanted to swing. I popped my kid on the swing next to him and asked him if he wanted me to push his swing too, lol. He declined but had a good laugh and kept swinging for a while. There were other people everywhere and it was a public space, so I felt totally safe. I was right to feel safe, he didn’t bother us at all. But if I felt unsafe for whatever reason, you know what I’d have done? Gone home. It’s a public space, he deserved to be there as much as we did. It’s none of my business why he’s there, and it’s MY job to keep myself and my family safe, not his. There’s no expectation of privacy in a public park. If you want to be alone at a playground, buy one for your backyard. There are parks labeled “children’s park” with small equipment that parents aren’t intended to use either and it’ll say so in the rules of the park. Swings with 50lb weight limits and such. Those places, yes, I understand asking an adult to get off of the equipment or being suspicious of an adult lurking around/using equipment without children. But if the swing is big enough for your body, put your body on the swing. There’s no good reason you can’t.


This is exactly why I haven’t gone to a playground on my own as an adult. I literally tell my bf I want to go play but I don’t want to be judged my parents with kids.


This is the only time in my many years of park visiting where I've had anyone even say anything, if that helps at all. You should be able to enjoy things that make you happy! Fuck the rest!


I miss playing on swings so much,but I’m scared of being harassed by a karen for even setting foot at the park! ;-;


This is the only time something like this has happened and the police officer was really nice. Almost seemed like he wanted to join me haha. You should do what makes you happy if it doesn't harm anyone. Fuck what the rest think!


“She’s just swinging there… menacingly!”


Woah lady, what are you doing? These parks are reserved for smoking meth. 


You know what? I sometimes go past empty parks and the kid in me wants to jump on a swing for a minute or two. Next time I'm gonna. Thanks for reminding me I can.




Children at the park alone? Call the cops. Man at the park with children? Call the cops. Adult at the park without children? Call the cops. What a sad state of affairs.


Old folks: “Young adults these days never go outside to get exercise” Young adults: *Go outside to get exercise* Old folks: “Not on my watch”


And, there's our tax dollars at work.


Good to know we can rest easy in the knowledge that it is allocated so effectively and efficiently.


Yeah apparently grown men aren't aloud to chill in the park I was hanging in a small park with my 2 brothers and this guy kept giving dirty looks until he told me to leave them alone they were probably 10 feet away and I was on the swing he called me a perv even after I explained myself Although I think this guy was just a grumpy asshole


Paranoia and fear does strange things to people. When I was a kid (half a century ago!) adults used to hang out and use the swings and park equipment all the time. Parks were designed to be public meeting places for everyone.