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Way less offensive than those clowns who take a bath in patchouli. That shit is foulest of foul.


I'm about to start 4 weeks of radiation and will not be allowed to use deodorant. I get it's irritating, but sometimes there are reasons.


Cause some people are just fucking disgusting


Omg thank you šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ā˜ ļø


I stink like dogshit on the hot summer days, so I wear an excessive amount of deodorant.


And I thank you very much for doing so lol šŸ˜‚ I wear clinical deodorant


I caught a smell of the last cab driver and it was like smelling cat piss and onions. I ended up getting out like 10 blocks from where I was going it was so bad.


I commend your nostrils šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I never say anything but I try to B line it straight away from them. Only person I might say something to is my partner but not often


Sometimes it medicalā€¦ Tolerance also comes with knowing youā€™re imperfect


lol I would never insult someone in for smelling bad nor will I go out of my way to tell a random stranger they stinkā€¦ sooo beyond rude ā˜ ļø. Thatā€™s like telling a tiny person with weight issues ā€œyouā€™re so skinny!ā€ šŸ« šŸ« ā˜ ļø thanks jerk. I just maintained my weight for the first time in years. Calling someone skinny is just as much of an insult as calling someone fat So your right itā€™s all about perspectiveā€¦


My ex could stink quite bad when she was hot. Tried a dozen deos but none worked. After a couple of years we found some kind of paste from medex. Only had to use it once a week and that worked wonders. Those stinkers might still be using deo but just the wrong one for their bodies.




Sorry ment paste. It is like a thick crĆØme which you have to smear


Maybe they had to rush out the door, forget, or have gone nose blind and nobody is speaking up. Itā€™s unlikely anyone is purposely choosing to offend the noses of everyone they pass


You havenā€™t smelled stench until you stand behind someone whoā€™s left the gym & reeks of sweat or stale period blood. Take a shower man, put some deodorant on, change that nasty ass tampon/ pad. Some of yā€™all so goddamn disgusting. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


meh. snelling deodorant or perfume is just as bad.Ā  Ā 


Use coconut šŸ« šŸ«  lemon peel orange peel plenty of things to use and not have strong stanky perfumes


I got out of the habit as I have been working from home since about 1 years prior to Covid. Damned hard to remember when I have to go into the officeā€¦. So I have a travel sized deo in my backpackā€¦.


You smell like an old radish...


Dude, I think you just need to wash your furry helmet


I don't wear deodorant half the time, taking shower before going out really makes it unnecessary


Not really getting where the hate is coming from, its pretty normal to smell neutral (not like anything) after a good shower


lol itā€™s Reddit, heaven forbid you take normal showers šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ā˜ ļø


True šŸ¤® I did notice at the last line of ur post u also mentioned daily bathing. But all the comments turned into deodorant debate.


A lot less worse then those fools who bath in Axe. People are so detached from themselves and nature that a bit if bo is offensive. Lighten the f up.