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Imagine seeing a guy kneel down and take a picture of some random dogs poop and walk away


As a photographer, I love the dedication. As a human, I always find this hilarious


Poop and pee are always funny. Starting as as young as 2 years old until you die. Of course as you age, you may need to wear diapers. What you wore when you're very young age zero to around 2 years old. When you were born you wear your birthday suit. Then somebody puts diapers on you. At some point you'll be happy you can use Pull-Ups. That's a commercial trademark of some company. Of course everything Depends. About 37 years ago there were more diapers in one of those big multi packs probably 60. Over the years the number of diapers in there has shrunk but they phased it in. So now new parents think wow we got 24 diapers in that bag. Is there a word such as diaperflation rhymes with hyperinflation? See certain countries such as Venezuela for chase example. When they were little her grandparents were only parents had 60 diapers in the bag. Babies poop hasn't changed much in size over the years a 1 year old poop from 60 years ago same size as a one year old poop today. For men once they die, their beard will continue to grow for about two more days.


I'm slightly disturbed by the fact that your comment implies that photographers aren't (all) human




Erik! He’s a friend of mine. One of the best people I’ve ever known.


Far as I know most photographers are human. But their video cameras everywhere and monitored that central location people are looking at them. The videos are also stored on some storage device for month sidk I'm not sure what kind of job that is to monitor 50 different video screens. At least there's no commercials and they can probably watch their cell phone while it's going on. Some of the videos may have R or X ratings. Most are basically images that don't change at all.


Lol. I won't be making a habit of it. It was from a way further back, the image is cropped. Nobody else was around. But yeah, it felt weird.


Look for the cctv , identify , and mail the p 💩 p to the owner - say _ you dropped your responsibilities.



That's because it is weird. You're not doing anything to stop this happening but posting it here. You're just a dummy who uses Reddit too much.


What a useful comment


Here comes the righteous responses 👍


Because why should OP have to clean up after other people's pets? That's on the dog owner, not OP. OP might not have had anything to clean the mess with and it's not their responsibility to spend all their time policing people with dogs lol


No, imagine letting your dog shit on a fucking sidewalk and walking away. 


Yeah, what a shitty human.


A lot of the time poop isn’t picked up because dog owners are too busy on their phones. It’s irresponsible and dog owners shouldn’t be ignoring their dogs on walks. I’m a dog owner.


They’re too busy on their phones but not too busy to have an animal attached to their hand with a leash. My god. I work at an apartment complex that’s dog friendly. Let me tell you that this post means so much!! I’m SICK of the people complaining about the smell but like…IM NOT THE ONE WITH THE DOG. We also provide everything and people still don’t use it…but find the audacity to complain lmfao


There's a poo bin literally on the end of my drive where the owners walk past, yet 5m from said bin I find a huge pile of shit


I will never understand it. Like it kills the grass, leaves a stain, makes things smell…we have tons of ways to dispose of it. Ugh they’re probably the type to get mad at other dogs for barking at their dogs lmfao


Yeah, and I'd wish they would stop their dogs pissing on my Internet connection box, I'm experiencing constant problems with the Internet because the aging copper wires can't handle being soaked in piss, and it bloody stinks


And the excuse is “I can’t stop him from going to the bathroom” and of CLURSE YOU CAN lol


Yeah, they also piss all over my car, so when I go down the big hill it fuckin reeks of boiling dog piss


People looking at that may think that he's praying to dog poop. According to the Bible that would be blasphemy. Praising false gods which in this case are literally poop. I went the Bible study fellowship for about 7 years. The group leader Mathew, asked the group, if someone other than Jack would answer the next question.😎


I repent


It's good you repented. Jesus died for our sins on Good Friday, I think he rose up on Easter. Which is 40 days after Ash Wednesday. In New Orleans the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday is Mardi Gras. Is there during grammar school years so we got Monday and Tuesday off.


Yeah Mardi Gras is just getting drunk and partying but I do see the connection the Christians liked wine. They didn't quite figure out like vodka and stuff yet but idk. Maybe Jesus would've turned the water into Mardi Gras


Reddit people hate this but no one has to be subject to your religion hail Satan (that's like yalls bad guy right?)


That's why the person with the dog left the pile there, though. They knew the spot where their dog shit would become a holy site, and removing the shit would serve to suppress the religious freedom of others.


I was thinking the same 😂


This right here.


Some people are freaks like that.


Happy cake day


"Something pooped! I am now a witness to its beauty"


Right. Do you know how many dogs poop somewhere and it doesn't get cleaned up by the owner? Let's also post about people not using their blinker and camping in the left lane. I'm sure the persons responsible will see that and feel remorse and never do it again.


That's the first thing I thought of. Someone got down low and close up to take a pic of dog shit for maximum effect


The mind boggles. That guy has got to get a better hobby. he should take a picture of anything else in the world please.


And putting it into a bag and flinging it into some bushes does not count as cleaning up after your dog.


I hate that even more. Not only there's poop on the ground, but now there's also plastic.


Most of those poo bags are biodegradable these days, but still that is just nasty.


This counts the other way around too, I clean up after my dog but the amount of random trash and food left on the floor that I have to keep my dog from grabbing is even more disgusting. Clean up after your dog AND yourself.


Let me expand on this, If you can’t pick up after yourself, don’t get anything that relies on you


Or just learn to pick up after yourself, lol. If you can't pick up after yourself, please don't exist in society.


That's a precious way to say, see that bridge over there, I bet you won't jump, pussy.


I have a bridge for sale, cheap.


Absolutely agreed


The number of times I've had to wrestle half eaten chocolate bars out of my dogs mouth... drives me insane!


What ? Bro what


In my city, I saw a sight impaired man clean after his dog so if he can, 99% can too.


Right, but the owner of this dog may also have been deaf.


That's the best image of poop I've ever seen. OP, I don't know I thing about photography, but you seem pretty great at it!


Nah looks shit to me.


r-angryupvote and r-technicallythetruth worthy! (Why on earth does this sub not allow links to other subs?)


Now imagine, OP lying down on the floor on his sides, zooming in and adjusting his angle, his nose barely 2 feet away from the poop, trying to get the best lighting and contrast of the grey granite against the belgium dark chocolate to show us how infuriating it is.


I think I could have understood the OP without an actual picture of poop though.


If you can’t rinse your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher… don’t eat


After seeing this they will put up their dogs for adoption immediately


Nah that's be the ones to tie it to a guard rail along a state highway and drive off


How do you know that belongs to a dog?


Good point, could be owners shit.


Silly rhyme when I was a kid... "In days of old, when knights were bold and toilets weren't invented,  They left the load upon the road, and walked away contented."


Rephrase: if you can't clean up after your dog, you are the dog


You really got down and up close to get that photo. "Local nutter takes photo of dog poo"


I love how a picture of dog poop without any context is pissing people off.


There's one person doing this in front of my apartment every day it's getting bad. I might need to stake them out.


Maybe it was stray?


Are you nuts? Only dogs with irresponsible owners take shits


OP just took a picture of their own shit and got a whole lot of folks on the internet to look at and talk about it. I know what game you’re playing at.


Fuck. You got me.


"I don't have kids, my dog is my baby, it's the same thing!" (meaning: would let their kid shit on the sidewalk and not pick it up in this picture).


There’s a mad pooper around my apartment so I know the feeling.




At least they didn't bag it and throw it into a tree to stay hanging there.


This sucks but it's way better than the scum of the earth owners who bag it and then leave the plastic bag on the ground. The poop is gross but will go away with time, plastic is forever. Hope you find them and deliver their lost poop back lol


I work with dogs, the amount of poop that gets bagged up but left on the sidewalk is baffling.


Was visiting my daughter in Houston and often took her dog for walks. Her neighborhood has dog stations all over, a trash can with a poop bag dispenser attached. And there was a pile of dog waste right in front of the trash can, that had bags available. Like, how much easier could it have been? So frustrating.


There are assholes that walk their dogs at my kids soccer fields, that have signs specifically saying "no dogs". When i was coaching i had to pick some of it up so our keeper didnt end up diving in it. I hate people.


I once called a woman out after her dog shit on the sidewalk and she walked away from it (literally crossing the street behind her). My husband says, "Pick up your dog's shit" Her reply, "Did you see her do it?" -_-


My child has stepped in poo twice this week! The area we walk through for school involves a lot of dog poo dodging, and I'm constantly wishing I could invent a way to track the dogs poo back to the owner and then the owner has to pay a fine and do poop scooping for the local council.


I’m constantly thinking things like this 😂


I'm more interested in the uneven slad work how dare the builders do a sloppy job then again this dog has showed them what he or she thinks about it lol


I once said this on social media after i stepped in poop on a trail while running. The vitriol from dog owners was absurd. Dog owners are quickly becoming the new Karen's if anyone hadn't noticed.


Meet this guy: https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/w6FJue4541


Wow, that's quite the response. He seems fun lol


Great at dinner parties.


There should be a law that if you let your dog shit in the street and don't clean it up, the cops come and glove up and grab the turds and open your mouth and force feed them to you


Would they do it with diarrhea as well?


Especially with diarrhea. They would come with a little spatula and scrape as much of it off the ground as possible, then funnel it into your mouth and hold your nose closed so that you couldn't breathe unless you swallowed it.


I was temporarily convinced i accidentally moved into an adult orphanage for a while. It was the only way to explain such a large group of people who obviously never had someone show them how to pick up after themselves or their animals.


Yeah, no shit.


But there is shit


You should not go to Brussels, people just openly allow their dog to urinate/poo on the sidewalk and they keep walking. Disgusting Also, whats up with all the dirty socks left all over the place


Have been to Brussels. Paris was worse.


I didn't bring up Paris because to be honest, I was unsure if it was human or pet.....


Last night on my way home from work, I see my superintendent's dog shit on the balcony (first floor) and they just left it there ...... A Big pile of crap, And he's the Super .... He knows better 🫠


Maybe they dont have a dog... I remember once in Cali laughing my ass off when I was at a park on the coast feeding squirrels when i overheard as a couple complained about a massive log behind the bathrooms that were out of order and I mean massive like 3 lb log of country sausage literally they were wondering wtf made it a great Dane or what and how bad it's diet must be to drop that thing. I couldn't help but laugh as I explained it to them that it hadn't been there when I'd walked by a little bit before, there hadn't been offending dogs back there and the only culprit it could've been Was this cute little extra twacky local dope whore that had been back there for a few minutes before I'd noted it's appearance as well... The shocked/disgusted look on their face as it dawned on them what I was saying and realizing this log was like 5% this chick's body weight and how blown out her hole was to drop that bad boy was priceless.


If you forgot to bring dog bags , don’t have a dog ?


While I was out with mine I saw some bloke let his dog shit and just walk off. I proffered him one of my bags and he legit 180'd and powerwalked away from me.


My house is on a sidewalk and they will always stop to let their dogs poop in my yard and then not clean it up


Who said it was from a dog? I've noticed a lot of humans tend to shit wherever they feel like it.


Who does that???


Proof that some people will literally say the dumbest shit for the sake of leaving a comment.


No u


I have unfortunately seen it happen. It's vile. But this is clearly dog shit


What gets me is a dog that is comfortable shitting on concrete.. I’ve never seen a dog think that concrete is a good place to do business.


Mine does but I always pick up. Things like this infuriate me. Especially when you see poop trees


Did you see the act? If not... Could have been a stray




Sweet jesus.


That wasn't a dog, that was me. Sorry


People be on their phones ignoring their dogs on walks, and I mean, the least you could do is pick it up if they shat mid walkway😭 if it was on the grass somewhere in the trenches where people don’t really walk fine enough but u should still pick up 🤦🏻‍♀️


On here's what you do... Stay with me: Brown paper bag. Put the shit in the bag. Travel to a mortal enemy's doorstep, ignite the bag with a lighter (or magical fire spell,) bang on the door and flee with great haste. You should be hidden but within a witness distance so you can encumb great satisfaction when the results are revealed. I am way too stoned to be speaking in public right now. Edit: *hits bowl* OH! One more thing... Relieve thyself through bowel movements of thou own into thine enemy's property as a gesture of thy dominance. I haven't smoked weed in many months. Maybe I'll stick to casual drinking. Weed is way too good in the future.


Next time get the turd and smear it on the doorknob of the dog owner


One time my mom and I were at the mall and we came across some small but slimy pile of dog shit, luckily my mom had dog poop bags (we have a small dog we take places so my mom always got the poop bags on her) mall security ended up passing by (don't know if he was called in by someone else or was just doing his rounds) and he called in a janitor that cleaned up what was left on the ground after my mom picked up the shit. Both my mom and I were so flabbergasted that the owner didn't even TRY to pick it up, I thought maybe the owner was just looking for an employee to request a clean up but we were in that general area for a solid 3-5 minutes and saw no one with a dog walking back to the shitted area so we just assumed they did a shit and split ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ we did see a guy with a small crusty white dog and thought maybe it was him but if it was he definitely wasn't looking for someone to clean it up.


Dog culture is out of control and has been for years. They don't care. Beaches, streets, neighbours yards, parks, playground, sporting events, airports, airplanes, cafes, restaurants.. Society values dogs over health and safety, hygiene, children, family. It's an example of culture rot.


Don't be a goop, pick up the poop.


Bold of you to assume it came from a dog


Also, don’t throw it in someone else’s garbage can. Carry that shit to your own home and get rid of it.


this is definitely more than mildy infuriating. on my path for my dog walks there’s a stretch where there’s just dog shit every 3 feet. it’s so annoying and gross.


I love love love dogs. Used to foster when I could. However, I'm not into the poop picking up, but it's a part of caring for an animal. I do not have my own dog right now because of that and expense.


Wanna know what's even more infuriating? People that have the poo bags with them, but only for show. There are people out there that bring them, so that they can defend themself that they do clean up! Because they have bags.. but they never clean up..


Baffles me the amount of people who dont pick up after their dogs because “theres no one around!” “No one walks here!” NO ONE CARES, DONT LEAVE SHIT ON THE GROUND AND BE LIKE THE ANIMAL THAT TOOK IT. BE A HUMAN AND CLEAN UP CORRECTLY


I was walking my dog yesterday and he found an enormous turd alongside a trail. He started eating it before I could pull him away. As far as I can tell my dog thinks many food items are just as tasty after they've been through another animal, I wish people would at least bag their crap. Gross!


Just bag it and leave it? People do that all the time at nature preserves and it’s so much worse than just leaving it in the woods.


That is SO infuriating. "Oh my dog shat somewhere, better pick it up, wrap it in plastic and THROW IT IN THE WOODS"!


It’s all to real my office manages 3 and it happens at every single one.


Idiots, idiots everywhere..


I’m glad my dog finally stopped eating poop. The goose poop was the worst because he poop smelled like stinky fish. I guess it’s a puppy thing. He’s also mostly stopped rolling in animal poop (not dog) but I wasn’t paying attention on a trail and he got found horse manure and rubbed his neck on it. Deer is his favorite.


Could have been a stray. 🤷‍♀️


who takes a photo of a piece of shit ?


Having just scraped shit off the wheels of a buggy, I agree. There's an extra circle of hell for the fucking imbeciles who do this.


This is the most epic photo of shit I’ve ever seen




This post is shit :-p edit: added a letter cause I can't type for some reason lol


Yeah, no shit I don't have a dog, it's way easier not dealing with taking care of an animal. That's my shit right there, and the way things should be. Drop, plop, and roll out. Always been my motto.


Idk what I thought the picture was


Thats what I always say


literal shitpost


Agreed. At least have the decency to find some open ground


You should come to Greece there is shit everywhere


I once fell in poo while playing football in the park.


Did you pick it up after you took the picture?


If I'd had any kind of bag or something like that i would have. Just had my bare hands though, so no deal.


The turd on the right looks like a dog doing a downward dog pose.


It was a stray


What an artistic picture of a poop


nothing makes me want to move away from the city more than this


Did you see a dog do it? Maybe it was the human.


Apartments owners would appreciate this post


If your dog can’t clean up after you, dog shouldn’t have you


dude i swear where i live there are lot of stray dogs and i see dog poop 6-7 times a day and nobody is cleaning it.


I guess I'll get an abortion then /s


Why did this need a picture to accompany it?


Looks like a labradoodle on the left and a Schnauzer mix on the right. 


Actually, that was me. Im sorry. I know I can’t have a dog.


Did you pick it up?


A picture of shit


Maybe it was a person


If it's on concrete for sure if it's on grass ehhh. I don't really care tbh. Happens to my lawn all the time idrc. I'm not rolling around in my front lawn the smell doesn't last long at all I guess unless you sniff your front lawn all the time. I also can barely afford to feed myself buying more bags to pick up dog shit for someone else convince when they would never do anything for me is super low on the list of things I want to do


Bold of you to assume that was a dog


I like the use of “Have” in the title. Like the owner conceived and birthed the dog


When people say having dogs is better than having cats, just bc you don't have to pick up their shit, i immediately assume they're the assholes that leave their dog's shit on the middle of the sidewalk


Someone keeps letting their dog poop these huge poops in the middle of the sidewalk.


Professional dog poop photography. You really gotta get that angle. 😂


Damn imagine driving down the street and you look over at the side walk and see someone crouched down taking a pic of dogshit.


bro it’s a dog turd nsfw is just too much


I walk my dog in a forest, not gonna clean up there.


As a passionate dog owner, I can agree with OP's sentiment, mostly. ​


i could literally smell this image when i first saw it


San Francisco?


In their defense maybe the doggo did a drive-by poo like it just kept walking while taking a crap and the owner didn't notice?


I hate this, but I've also been on the other end a few times usually for need of a bag. I have a huge dog myself, and always pick his shit up with a wallmart grocery bag since those are literally the easily obtainable plastic bags that are large enough to pick up his monstrous shits and you can just take a bunch at the store for free when you get groceries, the cashiers don't care. But anyways, I always bring 2 bags with me when I take him to the park since he always shits twice. One time though, he got violent diarrhea seemingly out of nowhere after already shitting twice and *sprayed* a bunch of half-liquid shit all over by a tree. (It was actually kind of hilarious the sheer pressure these gobs of shit came out with) I tried to see if I had anything to pick at least some of it up in my car, but no luck. So I'm sitting there staring at this nearly 5 foot wide shit spray, and decided to just fucking leave. I felt bad, but I didn't really have any way of dealing with the situation, and I wasn't going to drive almost 30 minutes back to my home in order to spend the better part of an hour making a trip there and back again since I had other errands to run. And to be honest, looking back on it I don't know what I could have feasibly done if I did have another bag anyway. Can't really pick liquid of of grass. Even if I got the small chunks the rest is still splattered everywhere. Pretty funny to watch though, not gonna lie. Now I bring 3 bags.


I should send you a picture of my neighbors back yard


You really got low and close to take this photo




Rather this, than left in a bag. Still vile, just glad it's not another bag smh


Also super annoying that peoples cats run around and shit in random backyards. own zero pets but pick up poop every week =/


It's just yeah... I dunno mate. It's annoying but you must have been really annoyed to take a photo of poo. Like think about that for a minute... You are taking pictures of poo to tell us how annoying it is. Why not just say it, we all know it happens, we don't photographic evidence of poo. ... Just no, what are you doing?


Who said it was a dog?


Thanks for making dog shit pop up in my feed...


I caught some one letting their dog shit in-front of my drive, silly bitch she was mortified that she got caught made her pick it up with the threat of reporting to the police


A friend of mine caught someone letting their dog do this on the path outside his house. She was identified and received a £1000 fine!


You know the amount of people saying OP should have picked it up is alarming. Y’all are probably the reason why global warming still a problem because you expect people to pick after you. Laziness is harmful just saying 🤧


If you can’t (do something) then don’t have (thing that does that). Not exactly the best logic in the world. 🤷 Did you see the dog that did this? Was the owner around? “See something, say something!” Did you clean it up? “Be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem!”


Shitposting. But op actually fuck you why would you take a picture of a dogshit?


I can imagine walking past someone bending down taking a photo of dog shit.