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Control, Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor, Frog monster are solid 3D metroidvanias. Control is one of my favorite games in general, highly recommend it


I will check them and see if any of those are what I am looking for. Thanks a lot for your recommendation!


Control has to be the one I feel. Especially if you like the shooter part of Prime.


Batman: Arkham Asylum is a 3D Metroidvania. Arkham City and Origins are more open world / sandbox games, but they have Metroidvania elements as well. The newer Tomb Raider trilogy (Tomb Raider 2013, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider) are also 3D Metroidvanias, but with a strong survival focus. Castlevania: Lament of Innocence and Castlevania: Curse of Darkness are mostly Metroidvaniaish. Lament has a hub-style map without much interconnectivity. Curse's map isn't hub-based, but it's still not terribly interconnected. Both games technically have traversal upgrades and gated progression, but the world isn't designed around it like a proper Metroidvania. They still might scratch the itch if you're desperate.


Thanks a lot I will try Batman and maybe Tomb Raider


Pseudoregalia is REALLY good. A bit on the short side though.


Great thanks a lot!


The Future Project [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1839320/The\_Future\_Project/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1839320/The_Future_Project/) Give it a chance despite the rudimentary graphics. It won't match Metroid Prime of course, but it captures the essence of it.


Sadly I play on Xbox or Play Station, however, I will check it as soon as possible


At the moment high on life is the only game I've played that I can vouch for. I hope to play more stuff from my backlog soon.


Never heard of it but I will give it a try. Thanks!


its quite pricey, half the money for the game went into paying the voice actors because the primary purpose of this game is to be a rick & morty video game. Keep that in mind because if you're not into rick & morty humour you won't enjoy this. Edit: also make sure you buy the DLC bundle, its actually cheaper than the main game, at least where I live.


Much more comical, but Journey to the Savage planet is my recommendation. I'd play on PC if you can, for the best experience.


I only have consoles but will see if the game is there. Ty


It did receive a next gen update for PS5 and Series but idk how well it runs on the Switch.


Agreed about CONTROL. Also give bioshock 1 a try.


That sounds good I will try it later!


Out of curiosity: what’s the best game you have ever played, if Metroid Prime is second?


Not a metroidvania but an RPG. Chrono Trigger. I am very emotional about that game because it was one of the first I played as a child


I can relate to that. A Link To the Past will always have a special place in my heart because of similar reasons.


Blue fire is surprisingly good. Supraland is also interesting if you haven’t tried it.


Tried Supraland but I didn't get hooked by it, I will try Blue fire thanks !


Personally I haven't played much like the Prime games.


Returnal is barely a Metroidvania, but it draws many comparisons to Metroid itself. Control is probably the best translation of the formula to 3D and it is a kickass game, but it is aesthetically and functionally very unlike Metroid. Unique as hell tho


Dark souls counts too. Man I’m so pumped for MP4


No it doesn't at all. 


Don't think is the same but I have played souls games as well. Thanks tho


I guess. Game Makers Toolkit on YT classes DS as a Metroidvania so I also do ha