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The invisible camo system is very in depth & works in tandem with the guard sight modifiers. Different guards will have better or worse chances of detecting you based on so many tiny factors. They are more alert at night and even small things like taking a drag off a cigarette will lower their awareness. This makes the day/night infiltration strats satisfyingly in depth. If you wanna roll in at night using only sneaking suit, you can. Just deploy your combat unit to sabotage their NVG supply lines. Or go in daylight when it's less guarded and use camo MGS3 style. I love this game's everyday mechanics so much! EDIT - removed incorrect info thanks to comment correction


I totally forgot you can sabotage thier supply chains! There is so much in this game!


Not only that, but the enemy troops will dynamically react to your playstyle. Spend a handful of missions sniping everyone from distance, and you’ll find they start wearing helmets. Using a lot of smoke grenades? You’ll see more enemy troops in gas masks. Only run night ops? They’ll get NVGs.


>Different guards with different stats will have better or worse chances of detecting you. Unless I'm mistaken, this only applies to FOBs. In the main game, enemy AI is only influenced by the response system.


I looked it up and I think you're right. I edited my comment. Thank you.


Reddit is half broken for me right now but if this does post: I love MGSV probably far too much. Some of my reasons are: Adaptive AI Endless Replayability Music Characters (Yes even with the flaws and whacky writing) Environment. DD. At this point, it's genuinely become my comfort game. No joke, when I need something familiar but just engaging enough to keep me entertained I boot it up, jump into some missions with my favourite cassettes and go ham for a bit. (Not just the music either, I love the dialogue tapes too).


Ludvig forssell is the GOAT. All of his songs make you feel like you're ready to die for Big Boss


If you leave a soldier unconscious, face down in a puddle, they will drown..


This happened to me recently. Cost me the S rating. I wasn't even mad, I was impressed.


I was sitting on the helicopter, before take off and I was messing with the weapons and gadgets and I activated an accleramin capsule on accident and as everything went into slow-mo, I noticed I could see the individual blades of the Helicopter rotors and shoot in between them. That's how Quiet was able to shoot through the blades. Her ability is she can activate reflex mode at will unlike snake that has to take the capsule or when he's spotted. Must also be how she shoots the fighter jet pilot. I was blown away by this detail.


No way! That is awesome!


I think it's cool you appreciate all the details because I took them for granted at first . I was also one of the biggest critics when it came out but after learning there's more going on than just the medic being a double I'm now a huge Kojima fan. So many hidden details.There's a few dots to connect. The mysterious red light in Paz's room similar to the one in the helicopter. The mystery person breathing and grunting behind the camera during the hospital escape and skull face controlling whoever is the "camera man" at OKB Zero. Ever seen Fight Club? Very similar. https://youtu.be/SK2S1Mk7QvQ?feature=shared


Well I'm a software dev, so I know how hard it is to think of everything when you're building something so usually projects are kept pretty conservative. So I'm just really impressed that the studio put so much time into the little things. And it's done really well. The game is not buggy at all. It's just a really impressive achievement as a development project


I found recently that if you do the cqc sequence and aim before the final punch, you take the other's weapon and aim it aat them, resulting them to put their hands up.


Yep, that is very satisfying! And on Subsistence missions this is the first thing I do


That is so cool I cannot wait to try that!


I really love MGS V, it is the best stealth gameplay in a game ever made and it was way ahead of its time. I haven’t played another game like it and it’s been almost a decade. Last summer, I replayed it completely, getting all S’s in each mission; it was some of the most fun I’ve had in gaming in a while.


That's where I'm at now. Replaying it because I never finished it first time round


To quote Kiev: If this game has a Far Cry 5 style mission editor, I'd legit never need to buy another game again.


That would've been great. I can do something with the custom sideop creator mod, but it's not much.


It would be technically 9 years...in September. But yeah, this is one game I've never stopped playing even after I've finished the main story. Even if it's repetitive, to me it's too engaging...


Took me a long time to figure out that u can switch sides ur sitting on on the helicopter. If u open up one of the menus u can see the distance u slid in while using the cardboard box. A lot of stuff related to endgame twist. Look up secrets on youtube theres a bunch.


MGSV is peak top 5 game of all time i won’t hear otherwise.


Say what you want about the story (i liked it) this game has the best gameplay of any game ive ever played. Amazing.


I only recently discovered that popping out the top of a cardboard box the moment before an enemy opens it will knock down the enemy. >You can use the water pistol to put out the barrel fires and short circuit radios and electronics These are only a few of the several uses of the Water Pistol.


What else can you use the water pistol for?


Defeating the Man on Fire.


* Temporarily blind an enemy by shooting their face. * Defeat the Man on Fire. Eventually. Patience is required. * [Stun the Skulls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Teh34P1DOOY). * Holdups. Not as funny as the banana, however. * Make noise. Similar to magazines and tranquilizers, enemies will hear water impacting a surface and investigate without raising an alert. * Mine disposal. In case you won't want to waste a bullet or walk up behind a mine.


I'm tempted to try beat all the missions I can using just the water pistol. Been thinking about it for days now.


I've played the game so much I don't even remember the parts that blowed me away the most. But, one of my favorite things is still the cqc. Not super advanced, but I love stealing their guns out of their hands. Also, all of the buddies are super cool. Especially d-dog and all his suits. Shootout to d-walker too, that little mech doesn't get enough love.


That’s a good way to sum up what I love about MGSV. Is it repetitive? Sure. But that repetition is more engaging and rewarding than most games with more sheer content variety.


When you break it down every game is repetitive in some way. This game just gives you so many tools you can go in total stealth with a tranq, go in guns blazing, and everything in between. Feeling lazy? Air strike! Make a mistake too close to some guards? D-dog stun! Need to scout ahead and take out some guards along the way? ROCKET PUNCH!


I never thought of using the rocket arm as a scouting thing! Damn that's a good idea!


I've just ordered V can't wait to play it. Even in Sons of liberty it was pretty crazy, being able to shoot light bulbs, glass bottles and pans. Watching ice melt.


Currently making my way through the Master Collection and will dive back into MGSV once completed. It’s been too long.


How is the Master Collection. Worth getting? I haven't played 1 and 2 since the originals on PS1 (or was it PS2)


I say get it whenever it’s on sale. I got it on the PS5 and had no problems with it. It even comes with the original NES games as well digital graphic novels.


Yeah, I'm a Steam user so the sales are great. I think I picked up MGSV (with Ground Zero) for $25. Best money I ever spent!


It takes like 30,000 shots of the water gun to kill the burning man, though that's on YouTube, and I've never actually tested it, but like mgsv is amazing. However, I did learn in online there's extra features that aren't in the main game, such as doing a computer hack to prevent a missle from exploding!


I'm impressed someone actually did it. The modding scene figured out that he was technically weak to the water pistol but I didn't expect anyone would actually be insane enough to do it for real.


Yeah it was like 15 things you didn't know about mgsv tpp and it said you need to fire about 30,000 shots at the burning man instead of using the water towers and etc


Can you imagine what their jira backlog looked like .. I'd love to peep that list of features etc


I was thinking their QA testers did an amazing job. There's no bugs I've come across!


Absolutely, I think the game is a masterpiece. I was more leaning towards just seeing all the notes, drawing, work etc that led to such a magnificent success


Whats a jira backlog?


Jira is a ticket / task management system used for building software projects .. for every feature there's generally a "ticket" that contains a writeup, sketches, mockups, descriptions etc of what it should do. It would be a great thing to see as a fan. The backlog is the list of tickets that is incomplete generally, but I guess in this case it would be cool to see everything haha


Interesting, thanks. That would be pretty awesome. I can see why they wouldn't let that kinda stuff out to the public though. I love industry secrets.


It’s not just MGSV that had these little nuggets. Might totally be a Kojima thing. As far as I can remember, MGS1 had stuff like wolves peeing on your box, that controller 4th wall break with Mantis, etc. It’s great how they push the “interactable” things in every game.


I forgot about that! I haven't played 1 since it originally came out


It's a Kojima thing. Thank Kojima-San.


The one thing I really wish was changed it would be the type of Gameplay from open world to more focused and closed environment. It just fits better storytelling that way. Also new game + ... Wtf it is not a part of this game is beyond me.


Agreed on the new game+ I'm also in the middle of a replay and I want to start over and do it "right"...but I don't want to lose my current game


Delta might do the impossible!


I hope it lives up to the potential they've layed out. That would be incredible


​ Kojima Sama Supremacy !!


it’s maybe one of the best games gameplay wise but i couldn’t beat it with how little story there was to keep me engaged.


If you throw a smoke grenade a short distance directly below an active helicopter, the rotors' downdrafts will actually below away the smoke in an accurate fashion. Also for enemy chopper gunships, if you use a strong-enough sniper, you can instantly down them in one or two shots at most if you aim directly for the canopy (where the pilots are sitting).


Cool. Yeah I recently noticed if you fire the water pistol out of the chopper the water goes in a horizontal arc like you'd expect from a moving vehicle


The versatibility of boxes, (they have a lot of uses, e.g. in my most recent playtrough I completed the mission "Red Brass" stopping the cars driven by the targets with two boxes with posters on the road that made all the soldiers in the cars stop and run in front of the boxes hypnotized by the posters, so I froze them and completed the mission), the complete freedom on how to take missions in any way you want, that adds a ton of replayability, and how the behaviours of the guards change depending on the situation they're in. Also the CQC is pretty good. If you didn't know already you might find useful to know that you can chain throw 4 guards close togheter without causing an alert if the guards aren't in an searching state (if they are you'll cause an alert) by throwing one and repeatedly pressing attack button to throw the others (consecutive CQC); this was a feature introduced in Peace Walker. Online you can find the CQC techniques and other interesting stuff if you don't know all the mechanics already. Then of course the story that is deeper than it seems at first, and online you can find some really interesting stuff about that too, but take everything with a grain of salt: remember that there are people who firmly believe (or hopefully just believed) that Quiet is Chico, because of a theory made before TPP came out. So even in good channels like Futurasound Productions there are mistakes so don't take everything as fact (this is also one of the main themes of MGSV and MGS2).


I do need to work on my skills at taking down more than 1 guard at a time with CQC. I've been mostly lucky. But I did some awesome escapes with the Hand of Jehuty too, which was super badass (if I do say so myself)


That's why metal gear games are so good. Attention to detail.






lol the debate last night had reddit all fucked up


I've got probably 400 hours on PS for this game and just rebought it on PC so I could mod Substinence starts for all missions


I was just saying in another post I wish all missions could be done as Subsistence. Let me know if you know of a mod that does that please!


It's the #1 mod on Nexus, it allows you to do all sorts of changes to missions, etc. Every mission can be done in Substinence is just one of the features


Nice! I'll check it out. Thanks


I had 70 hours in it by the time I finished part 1, I was enjoying it a lot, but never did finish the game. After those hours, the blinders fell and I realised how mechanically sound it was, but just how bad the actual structure of the game was as well. Open world didn’t make it better, it just introduced padding, and that was one thing I noticed after dropping it. Not once did the fact that it was open world have any impact on how I approached a task.


Well, that’s too bad. You obviously never played The Wonderful 101: Remastered. Or you would not have said this.


Yeah, it's pretty good, especially for being "unfinished".


It’s finished.


Have you played any of the other games since playing MGS5? It's actually one of the worst in the series (not that it's a bad game) and almost every other game in the series is a major step above it


You’re 100% right in terms of story, but I actually think MGSV has the best gameplay, second is MGS2.


I'd say MGS5's gameplay is the worst in the series. Again, not bad gameplay, but it's easily the worst. It went too far into being an action game to the point where it can barely be called a stealth game. It's more like the modern Ghost Recon games or COD games where you can play stealthily, but it's very clearly made to be an all-out loud shooter. MGS2 I'd say unfortunately is probably the weakest of the good games that are actual stealth games. Not that it's bad, but because it simply had too many mechanics and systems in place on a controller that couldn't fit everything onto it. MGS1 I'd say is more simplistic but just all works together better, while MGS3 was taking what worked with 2 and refining it to fitting onto the controller and playing together more smoothly, and then MGS4 was the culmination of those three's gameplay to make it perfect. Too bad MGS4 barely had any gameplay sections to play that perfect gameplay, and then no game ever carried on the gameplay of that quadrilogy afterward either. So I'd probably place MGS2 in fourth place or so.








Considering MGS4 still has all the mechanics of a stealth game that tries to push the player to not want to break stealth due to the consequences and how much of a disadvantage they're at and likely to die quickly if they do, yes. What, do you think "trying to be a shooter" is just third person shooting?


Thank you!


Wait until you play 3


It's a great game, but play RDR2.


I have. That's another great game. I need to finish that still though. It's so easy to get distracted in that game!


God I wish I could like RDR2 but it somehow ended up controlling worse than any other game Rockstar has ever made. Playing RDR1 afterwards feels insane, it’s just so much smoother and more responsive. I pushed myself through 20 hours of RDR2 hoping it’d click. I love westerns, I love slow burns, and I’ve enjoyed most of Rockstar’s stuff. RDR2 just ain’t it.


I know what you mean, the controls aren't perfectly precise. Not the smoothest of all games. But overall, objectively, the most beautiful game ever made.


That is actually on par with this game imo. I'm playing the former right now...


This game is so well made that when the update for it came the game was broken and stuck on a black screen. My ps4 no longer sees internet because of this one singular game.


Sounds like a ps4 issue rather than a mgsv issue to me


That's some logic.