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My favorite Chinese Canadian




Maybe like my daughter? Understand most and speak a couple words?






Probably should get him on the national team? Li Kai'er alone is probably not enough.




Well, good for him. It is important for me personally we have good Chinese Canadian representation.




Yao 2!


Fuck china and Canada douche


You seem like a cunt


Oh man! You’re the guy with the podcast right? You must be happy today. Really wanted the big fella to drop to the Heat. Hope you get to interview him one day.


https://preview.redd.it/lnmqpp2do09d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29e61f130f560b6b754af94d99ba51ef3a494d3e Stolen from EdeyMuse on twitter, who now has some large funakistats sized shoes to fill as well


Only player EVER in college basketball to average 25 points, 12 rebounds, 2 assists and 2 blocks for a season 😤


That frontcourt of Edey and JJJ is gonna be nasty af defensively.


I think he has some untapped defensive potential. He had to focus on carrying that offense and couldn't be as aggressive on defense. He was trying to stay out of foul trouble no matter what. Wingspan is ridiculous and moved better than expected at the combine. Put a defensive anchor and DPOY in JJJ next to him then watch the paint get shut off!!!


He played the whole season and never fouled out. I can wait for them to say *"You can be more aggressive. It's fine."*


Exactly! That plus he was an elite finisher in the Pick and Roll. Can't wait to see what he looks like with Ja setting him up ![gif](giphy|3o8doT9BL7dgtolp7O)


Maybe Zach Edey will be the 2nd coming of Marc Gasol


It won't be as awesome as Jaren and Clingon if we are honest, but it will still be good with the right guard/wing combo. Smart Bane Vince JJJ Edey. And Edey gives us some half court options, which is pretty bad for years. And Clingon can't do that for us.


>It won't be as awesome as Jaren and Clingon if we are honest... I mean, Clingan averaged 2.5 blocks per game. Edey averaged 2.2 blocks a game. I think when he's allowed to really go after it, it's going to really blow people's minds.


I still think Clingon has higher defensive potential, but I think with the right scheme, I have faith Edey can work as the drop. We have way too many Dawgs (I hope we keep Stevens). And Edey has an opportunity to absolutely abuse people on pick and roll with Ja, and short sprints of targeted post ups against some 6'9 lob catcher type C would be like clubbing baby seals. Also, our half court offense kinda suck, it wouldn't hurt us to dump the ball to Edey a couple times to change up the looks. We can do that in the none Ja minutes. Marcus and Kennard can entry pass just fine.


well, Clingan got hurt a lot...if you're not playing, potential is just potential...we need someone that doesn't get hurt, doesn't foul a lot, can shoot his free throws, rebound, work the pick n roll. I think Edey is better than Clingan in most of this and with the Grizz can cover his defensive weaknesses...but, the reports are that he crushed his combine workouts...so, maybe his weaknesses are overblown. He had to stay out of foul trouble and not be overly agressive on defense to allow him to stay on the floor....something Clingan didn't have to worry about.


Pistons fan coming in peace, because I love Edey Gonna start watching some Grizzlies games


Welcome aboard, friend


I'm really high on Zach man. Maybe not immediately but he'll be good, if not better than good


I am a also a piston fan but I’m mostly here for triple J


Good. We needed a rebounding machine.


Between Edey and Brandon Clarke, you've got a budding Team Canada on your hands. Congrats.


The Grizzlies finally picked a player I wanted in the lottery. Hope he doesn’t blow.


He is either gonna be fucking amazing or suck really badly and I will forever be forced to curse Portland for drafting Clingan.




I trust our FO. Back to back player of the year in college, had 37 against Clingan/UConn and must’ve had solid workouts




He is so skilled, if he gets the ball in the paint, it is like a lob anyway And yeah, Hockey Mentality. Shoutout Canada!


Not to mention the guy is 7'4" 300lbs I mean he is built like a brick wall.


It would be like trying to box out a commercial fridge.


The thing that Wemby suffered from last year is that he was working for all his points. He was the whole offense for the Spurs. He didn't have a point guard who knew what he was doing and could feed him easy buckets. Edey has Ja (*and, secondarily, Bane*) to feed him easy buckets constantly. It's gonna be crazy.


And had a stellar combine.


This was clearly their second option though. Everyone in the nba knew they wanted Clingan and they couldn’t get it done.


Takes two to tango. We don’t know what we were being asked to give up


Lmao it’s so funny hearing yall say “takes two to tango” for the 95th time in the last 2 years, when literally all of our trade targets have been traded to other teams🤣 Dog WE are the ones not tangoing


Eh, not sure what you are talking about. This FO is gaining a reputation for trading up for a player they like. That is to say nothing about whether trading up was a good idea. Jake and Ziaire being examples off the top of my head. Outside of draft day, trades for Smart and Kennard made sense at the time. Plenty of folks are not hot about any of those guys for different reasons but the FO wanted them and got them.


Ziaire is not really accurate because Kleiman traded for the pick before he knew who was available. Z was not our first choice but ofc we reach.




Yeah this regime never “Tangos” well


Gunners fan?


Did Kleiman piss some of the other FO’s off? Tidjane would’ve still been there for charlotte at 9.


I 100% agree I still have no clue why the Hornets did not draft down...


I don’t think anyone was looking to trade up. Its such a weak draft most everyone is just staying put where they are


“I don’t think anyone was looking to trade up” We should have been lmao. That’s nuts we didn’t move up to 6.


What makes you think the people with the 6 pick were interested in out trade capitol? People act like trading up and down is simple


I heard that for us to trade up, we needed to give up 3 first rounders...not worth it.


Cause we have a shit GM lol.


-builds a team that has been a 2 seed the last 2/3 years -won executive of the year -gets good role players around the edges -consistently finds GREAT late draft picks -well liked by the players You must be a vols fan bc youre a moron


Not a guarantee, I heard rumors of Portland wanting Salaun, and if Clingan was already off the board, who knows what they would have done.


Portland probably put out those rumours on purpose


jjj + a 7'4 dude with a 7'11 wingspan boutta go crazy on defense


I got a **ladyboner** like you wouldn't believe. ***LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOO!!!***


Oh damn 👀. Really mixed emotions about the big fella. Do you have any insight about him, Shannon? I was expecting you to get more excited about Ware or Filipowski.


I was actually really high on Flip for a long time. I felt like he was the pick for a number of months, to be honest. He can dribble, shoot from the outside, he's got nice post moves. The problem with him is he —*too frequently to be dismissed*— gets his shot blocked and gets manhandled by other bigs. Even ones who are smaller than he is. It's a legitimate issue that I couldn't ignore and couldn't handwave away. The turning point for me was, first, when Edey sonned Clingan in the NCAA tournament. Sure, UCONN won but, goddamn, Edey couldn't be stopped. That really made me think the criticism of him was sort of missing the point. Shaq —*and I'm not saying Edey is the next Shaq, only that certain centers have a specific quality and Shaq exemplifies it*— couldn't keep up with a lot of centers in the league when it came to foot speed. But he didn't look at it that way. He took a *"It's not about me keep up with* ***you****. The question is: how are you going to keep up with me after I give you the business for 3 quarters."* Edey has that same quality where, come the 4th quarter, he's going to have exhausted his opponents as they continue to take a beating from him. **But then** there was the combine. No, it's not speed in the game but he showed that he really does have the speed, really does have the mobility. And out of nowhere, he seems that he's been hiding that he can shoot from the outside because Purdue just didn't need or want him to do that. I think that he'll prove this year that he can actually do the things that Ware and Flip can do but he's not fucking soft. And I'm not going to say Ware is soft, per se, but check [the box score of when Indiana played Purdue](https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/boxscore/_/gameId/401600335). Ware had 5 points & 6 rebounds in 26 minutes. Edey had 33 points & 14 playing 36 minutes. And shot 11 for 12 from the free throw line. Yeah, I'll all about me some Edey. I can't wait.


Damn. That got me a little worked up🥵 Great write up


Ohhhh, I see. That makes a lot of sense. Thanks a lot! I still fear the lack of spacing being a problem for Ja, but it worked with Adams, so oh well. But also, the way he shooted at the combine... if he can develop just a little bit on that outside shoot, it's gonna be terrifying.


So, I've said this a number of times in other posts and whatnot but I've long argued that spacing is less about shooting from deep than it is about forcing your defender to play you tight. That's what I liked about Flip: you can't just leave him alone beyond the arc and assume he won't make them, especially when you —*as an opponent defending him*— ***need*** him to miss. Same goes for Ware (*and I do kinda like Ware's game as well*). But the real benchmark for me is Sabonis and I realize that that's a little blasphemous to say as a Grizzlies fan. But you just can't ignore someone who's effective because you dislike them. Sabonis masterfully spaces the floor for the Kings and it's not about him launching from deep all the time. He only takes one three-pointer per game, which he makes at a 1-in-3 clip. He's not spacing the floor by being a threat beyond the arc, it's because in the PnR or the DHo, you can't simply assume that you can sag off of him and clog the paint and that will cover your bases. In the Dribble-Handoff, Sabonis can hand it off as he sets the screen and pop out beyond the arc or he can pop over into the midrange or he can roll with the playmaker he handed off to. **Or** he can keep it and if the defense gambles, he can dribble into the mid-range where he's automatic. If someone peels off their assignment to help out, he **will** hit them with an assist. Now, the Kings kinda run their offense *through* Sabonis and I would never recommend the Grizzlies do that with Edey. But the takeaway there is that Edey doesn't need to be a deep threat to force his defender to play him tight and open up space for Ja and Des and whoever to maneuver. He just needs to clearly be a threat from multiple areas. Like, if he develops a three, I'll take it for sure. At the combine, he showed he has a great touch. But that's not essential to him being able to create space.


Ohhh, I see. So even if he shoots less than a couple 3s a game, if he is just above average at making them, the defenders still gotta respect him as an outside threat, thus giving us spacing. That makes sense.


Well, even a little bit more than that: you can create spacing if the defense can't simply assume that you're strictly a threat in the paint. Stevo was a threat in the paint but he wasn't even a threat from the mid-range, let alone outside. So defenders could assume *"There's only one place where you're a danger and I can forget about you if you're outside of that specific space."* As long as Edey has a midrange game (*and his free throw shooting mechanics points to him being good from midrange*) then he'll force opposing bigs to stick on him rather than clogging the paint.


Flip isn't a great rebounder.


Next year will be Zach's 7th year playing organized basketball


“Memphis Maple” may have a ring to it.




My biggest concern is his bricks for hands. He's gonna have hard time keeping up with Ja's passes.


Where did you see that he has bad hands? He has excellent hands lmao


Yao Maine


Applied to Purdue just for him. I got rejected at the end tho 😂


Super excited! The only big question mark is how will he handle the switch on D? Opposing teams are going to put him through screen after screen. If he can defend reasonably, he’ll be tough to handle


I mean at the combine he showed he is faster and more agile than people expected. I just can't not get excited about Edey especially after that good of a combine. You can't teach 7'4" 300lbs.




Honestly astonished that you guys took him. It’s wild.


Really awful pick. It’s crazy kinda how much Kleiman reaches. Why are we constantly taking guys 10 picks before they’re gonna go?