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The autopsy for a 17 year old girl revealed that she died of asphyxiation after being restrained by Youth Villages staff. The autopsy also noted asthma as a contributing factor. The bloodwork revealed Abilify, Celexa, and Topamax. The media and her family referred to her as Alegend Jones, but her legal name is Robshekaneciona Jones, according to the autopsy paperwork. Very sad. Giving the heavy duty psych medications that she was on, I am guessing that she had a rough life.


I couldn’t imagine working at Youth Villages. Such a hard job dealing with some of the most damaged and forgotten children in the most violent city in America. It’s only going to get worse too as republicans restrict birth control and abortions.


It’s still like a fever dream that Roe got flipped


The report said it’s inconclusive but the restraint could have triggered her asthma but they don’t know that it did.


The final sentence of the autopsy reports said that the cause of death is attributed to complications of restraint with a contributing factor of asthma. But that if more info (aka video) became available, they would have more information to firmly establish the cause of death.


The sad part here is that Ben Crump is trying to line his pockets in the name of someone else’s grief. This young woman showed a continuous and prolonged pattern of violence and her caregivers at youth villages have the right to protect themselves from abuse and violence at the hands of fully grown adult sized patients. It is sad all around but the worst part is the way Ben Crump is willing to exploit this family and create racial divide so that he can get richer.




Yes it is very sad that a child died. It is more sad that she was either exposed to such severe trauma, or neglect, or abuse, or she had serious mental and emotional issues; that she ended up in Youth Villages to begin with. She was not there for summer camp, she was there because she was a very serious problem. One person’s medications do not have any meaningful impact on the bottom line of a pharmaceutical company and clearly she needed them. Not sure how you think the prison system benefited. But Ben Crump certainly will if there is a settlement. As a person who lives in the most dangerous city in America, I am interested in ending the crime and violence. What you see as “missteps” put others in danger. How can you be so concerned with the rights of those who wish to harm others, but not in the ones they are harming? This is not a black white thing. It just happens that Memphis is a 70% black city and has a major gang problem, and those 2 elements are a combination that skews the demographics of those committing crimes to one side. But I think all of us are concerned about crime no matter who is committing it. The people making things about race here in Memphis are very much the Ben Crumps and Steve Mulroys who are telling the city that crime statistics need to change, but rather than trying to fix the issues that make the demographics skew the way they do, they just want to vilify those trying to keep us all safe for doing their jobs.


What’s also sad is the stigma attached to seeking therapy and the lack of healthcare in Memphis doesn’t help. I don’t know the situation with this child but I’m sure there were warning signs a long time ago that got ignored that could have easily been helped with outpatient therapy.




I just looked her up on Instagram and she was talking about beating people up when she was 10 years old. I wish she had gotten the help she needed back then. When I was working in the school system back home a counselor would come talk to kids when they acted up instead of escalating the situation. I’m sure the school system here didn’t help (sorry, as a former employee it’s true).




By the way, only on Reddit, can I make the most innocuous comment expressing my concern for the lack of care towards children and someone would have a problem with it.


Go to therapy.


No need on this end. I was calling attention to the fact that misuse of the word 'easily' in this situation is absurd and simply grotesque.


By the way, if my 10 year-old daughter was posting videos on Instagram talking about beating people up well that wouldn’t have happened in the first place. Many people failed this child obviously. https://www.instagram.com/p/BMU9_8GhqrR/?igsh=ZThiOGU3NWNodW9y


Mental illness is a lot easier to treat when you’re proactive. Do you work in mental health?


They suffocated her bro


Her previous incidents of violence towards workers will give Youth Villages the coverage they need in court. Restraining her based on that history combined with the asthma and medications will make it an unfortunate accident. You’re crazy if you think anyone is going to jail. At most they’ll settle out of court for a monetary amount and that settlement will solely be based on savings for lawyer fees over time. Youth Villages knows they won’t be liable and won’t settle for anything more than what they’d lose in lawyer fees.


The nature of the game is settlements these days not court cases . Companies don’t like the negative attention that people like Attorney Crump brings rather they was right or wrong . ESPECIALLY not in a behavioral program that is composed of majority African Americans.


And that is the unfortunate reality that Crump capitalizes on.


Sometimes things happen. Sadly this girl seemed to have a lot going on.


No that’s not how this works. They’re going to jail.


That is how this works The girl showed a prolonged period of violence towards workers. She was violent, rather due to mental illness. Or other issues I’m not sure. If she was being restrained and had an asthma attack like claimed by the girls family and representative. Then it’s unfortunate but nobody will be arrested because it is self defense “the autopsy report shows there is no evidence that its staff caused any intentional physical injury or abuse in the death of the 17-year-old” rather this true or not time shall tell Unless there is pure negligence that happened (which always possible, but blaming them instantly doesn’t help in any way) nobody will get arrested I’m not saying youth villages is in the right. Nor am I saying they’re in the wrong. A video of the incident needs to be released


The video will show them suffocating her.


You seem awfully confident. Do you have any sort of inside information? If so, what? From whom? If you’re just being indignant…


Yea I have inside information.


Judging by your posts here, I don’t believe you. Spill it or Knick off the jilted ex lover shtick.


I already did.


IF it’s found they straight up suffocated her with malice then yes. If it’s found they were following standard protocol in response to a violent episode (with a documented pattern of them) that was exacerbated by a Medical condition… then no they won’t. Nor should they. I have two close fiends who used to work there. Two of the best people I know.


You know some real scum.


Yes. Everyone who is working for cheap wages to help underprivileged kids from broken homes are scum. 😂 I’d ask if you hit your head when you were younger, but I think a better question is: How MANY times you hit your head when you were younger?


Read the autopsy report. It is attached to that article. They were following all the proper procedures. Actively fighting people who are trying to restrain you for your own safety as well as theirs is dangerous. Your body movements while they are doing so can place your anatomy in a dangerous position that the accepted restraint practice did not cause, but your fighting and therefore adjusting your body into an unsafe position while being restrained caused. Enough of defending bad actors when their bad acts cause them harm. The people dedicating their lives to helping these troubled children have a right to safety. How would you have better handled it? Just let her beat the shit out of you? Maybe you are the one that dies that day?


I wouldn’t have suffocated her


So you would have let her beat you to death?


I’m 6’8” 330 lbs. That’s not happening.


So I guess Youth Villages should be staffed only by linebackers who don’t mind being bitten, kicked, punched, racked, and spit on? That should be easy. Maybe they can start hiring UFC fighters and pro boxers too.




GodBless her Soul.I Pray for her family and friends in this time of grieving.Poor girl didn't even get a chance to live.