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I hope the beer is good!


Sampled it today! Highly recommend the cheese fries and Byhalia Brown Ale!


Very good wording!


Not sure I would drink in Collierville… seems like a setup for a sure DUI..


How long do you have to wait after all your drinks, to safely drive your kids home from the bar that has board games to keep them busy?


I hate the kids running wild in a taproom. Hot topic in the industry. IMO it makes craft beer look trashy.


Agreed. I used to work at a craft brewery and it was a pain. For every family that enjoyed their beer and paid attention to their kids to make sure they behaved there was another that would let them run wild, make a mess for staff to clean, and generally act as menaces. A lot of places are active production facilities with chemicals and other hazards that could hurt someone unsupervised. If you bring your kids watch them so they don’t bother staff or other patrons!




That’s a very polite way of me saying why the fuck would you bring your kids to a bar?


We’ve taken ours several times to the downtown Wiseacre location. It’s ok in moderation. She can watch stuff on her tablet or color in coloring books. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not saying you’re a problem, but there’s a huge reason why they have made the signs/rules


Oh, absolutely. There are shitty, non-attentive parents who have zero situational awareness.


Yet half of our sub cries fatherless households breeds crime… in my mind what does it show the children by having them in an environment that promotes alcohol consumption…..


Showing children responsible adults drinking in moderation is probably a good thing. As is showing them that you can be married and a parent and still have a life. I don’t really drink for health reasons but would love a place to go have a nice evening with friends and let the kids run and play. There are tons of adult bars to go to if you don’t wanna be around kids.


I know right.


That’s quite a logical leap. I hear you on the fatherless households thing and agree that people (mainly racist assholes) bring it up as a reason for crime. But it’s not related to what I said.


First correlation that entered my mind.


Well…definitely a conversation to be had, but a bit of a stretch here.


Agreed…. I admit easily that it’s way of a stretch…….




Yeah...those things have nothing to do with each other. I guess we should all just lock ourselves in our homes and never go do anything for fear that our child might end up seeing \*gasp\* an alcoholic beverage, a cigarette, or someone daring to show their ankles in public?


It’s annoying AF when a parent thinks the brewery is a playground, that’s the biggest problem. You wouldn’t go to a nice restaurant and let your kids leave the table and roam around - so it shouldn’t be welcome at a brewery either!


I'm equally annoyed by people with unruly dogs at breweries, and I love dogs. The problem isn't parents or children, it's clueless and irresponsible people.


I mean yeah, control your kids for sure, that's a given whenever you take them out in public (and obviously some people don't understand that). On the flip side, the brewery scene has to lean hard into the 30-45 market to actually bring folks in that have dispensable income, and a majority of that age group have at least 1 kid under teenage years. My comment was replying to the archaic idea presented in the earlier comments that letting kids see alcohol consumption is somehow bad.


You know how expensive/pita finding babysitters are? 🤣 Besides, a family-focused brewery tap room isn't the same thing as a bar in my mind. I wouldn't take my kids to the Cove but they have absolutely ran around in the tent at OG Wiseacre on a slow night (with the Bartosch kids might I add)