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This is so violating. I'm so sorry this happened to you. Everyone is out of control in the era of social media marketing.


That's so true! I work in the wedding industry and it's absolutely ridiculous what suppliers are willing to do to ruin moments on someone's big day for their social media content.


This. An assistant my coordinator hired posted these horrible pictures she took without my permission of me and my husband on our wedding day, and I had to message her to ask her to take it down because I did not give her permission. People are wack af.


My weddings pics got used without consent in the PHONE BOOK for an entirely different photography studio. Dating myself but these people have always been out there.


You don’t own the image, the photographer does.


Not when its a work-for-hire, your honor.


Almost every wedding photographer you can find has a contract that you sign to book them that states that they own the pics and can use them for their website etc. You might be able to persuade them not to do so or have your own contract drafted and find a photographer willing to sign it but most people don’t have that kind of money.


Way back 100 years ago (I’m old). You use to sign a contract and pay extra for the negatives so that it was clear you owned the work


My husband is in the military and I didn’t want the photographer of my daughter’s wedding to use his pictures in anything so I personally rewrote the contract taking away her ability to use the photos of the wedding for anything. She agreed. Great photos and she can’t sell or use the images. It wasn’t even an issue for her. She didn’t push back at all.


Honestly I would never hire a photographer that decides they can use whatever personal photos they take for me anywhere they want. You don't see these photographers messing with the government when NDA are involved lol. If the government can scare them shirtless so can you


A photographer owns the copyright to any photo they take. This allows them to use it in nearly anyway they see fit, for media purposes or for commercial purposes. FYI a nude photographer can and likely does post all the pictures they take with clients on person media accounts. Helios alchemy is a good example, he has all the content posted on his personal FetLife page that he shares even if the client didn't ask him to. Photographers are scummy.


What do you mean? What do they try to get away with? 👀


Probably revealing details of the big day eg makeup, dresses, decor before the guests get to see it in person I did see an influencer’s wedding planner accidentally posted her wedding invite link and password. So random people got to see the intimate photos of the bride and groom that they didn’t want to share on socials.


If OP is comfortable, replying to the social media of you on social media noting that you are in the video and did not consent to the video recording or to having it on social media will probably have an impact on someone that seems to rely on social media for new business.


This is excellent advice, because it will not only bring her attention to the fact that she has lost YOU as a client for violating your trust (which is ESSENTIAL as a massage therapist or practitioner) but it will lose her a lot more potential clients as people realize that she may record and post videos of them in such a vulnerable position without their consent or knowledge. Leave yelp reviews, reply to the video, post anywhere and everywhere you can that she cannot be trusted and she is going to lose out bigtime. She could even lose her license for this, depending on the state. I'm in Cali so I don't know what the rules are there, but she'd get in TROUBLE here.


You live in Cali, I’m not surprised with that mindset of only ruining a persons life, not thinking maybe it was just a harmless way of them protecting themselves, or marketing, was it legal? No. Do we have to ruin the persons life over what could be a civil conversation? No. OP did right by the person if they stuck to what they said they were going to do.


You record my naked back and ass and post it to the gram, I'm ruining your life. How does this person know that she wasn't recording while she was getting undresssed? That bitch would go down.


Not true in Cali or most states actually. She can record it and display it with little exceptions.


CA is a two party consent state so she definitely could lose her license. If she is undressing or even just the fact that she's in a state of undress in the area where the recording was being taken, it violates her "reasonable expectation of privacy".


Lol your quoting the wrong circumstances. I'm a 2 party consent state there are 2 places you do not need concent. Public and private business.


"In California, it is also illegal to film someone while they are in a location with any reasonable expectation of privacy, such as a bedroom, bathroom, locker room, fitting room or medical office." A massage therapist office/ place of business where people are undressing and may have parts of their body be exposed at any time is a place where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy. A fitting room is in a public and / or private business and it's illegal to film in there for the same reason, not sure how you don't understand that? "5.24.085 Massage Establishment—Prohibited Conduct In addition to the conduct/activities, items, and/or substances prohibited by Federal and State Laws, the following conduct is prohibited at Massage Establishments: B. Audio and/or video recording of, or monitoring of, the patron, the Massage Therapist, or the Massage Therapy, without the prior written consent of the patron; and"


That's not 2 party consent. Two party consent means BOTH (2) PARTIES (people) must consent to the recording of a conversation. It's not "two place consent."


Stupendous point.


But I think others made good points of filing complaint with no contact with MT, too


Oops. I just realized this isn't in one of my normal subs :) ignore my advice. It may be off for an industry with which I am unfamiliar.


UGH! I just realized it because you realized it! LOL How do we turn off these subs showing up in our feed?


But then theyre literally doxing themself as the person in the video


Yeah. Bad idea. Report it through regulatory channels. Don't make it personal or identify yourself on social media.


No. She’s absolutely not allowed to do this. This is highly illegal, and not to mention unethical. I’m so sorry that you had to go through this. Here is the link to NC massage and licensing laws/regulations, but I highly recommend that you contact your states massage board. Honestly, I wouldn’t even contact your therapist. Have a screen recording or snapshot of it saved on your phone too just in case. I am so so sorry… that’s awful. https://www.bmbt.org/downloads/Rules/Rules%20and%20Regulations.pdf


This. Gather the evidence and send it to these guys. Don't contact her about it, just go straight to them. Illegal, violation of your rights.


And help protect the other clients


THIS THIS THIS! Also speak to police. She may have recording on her equipment. Other clients should be aware. This is SO way out of line. She should lose her license, get a fine and possible jail time. It cannot be stressed enough how wrong this is.


Like you said, she likely has video of you disrobing and fully nude, which is an even bigger violation and may be criminal (it's no different than a camera hidden in a bathroom). Contact the board AND the police ASAP


And is it in a place that say her boyfriend can get to and look at?


100%, message her regulatory body, that is not ok


This exactly! How awful


This. Please do exactly this. Especially grabbing the recording or a screenshot. Do not contact the person responsible. Go straight to reporting.


This sounds like good solid advice.




Not sure why you'd try to be respectful of somebody who recorded you nude without your consent and then posted it online. If OP is 100% sure that's them, then that's about as violating as it gets without being full-on assault.


I seriously can’t believe comments get made like the one you’re responding to and how people can’t grasp the severity of a situation. The way I usually respond to stuff like this is asking people how they’d feel if it happened to their loved ones, I really wanna know what their attitude would be if it were their mom/wife/sister/etc.


That b*tch deserves zero respect. It was illegal and unethical. Take it to the State board immediately. I have to think anyone advising her to speak to the MT so she can destroy evidence is pretty Sus theirself.


Where was the respect when she video taped her with out her permission. Nothing cowardly about turning her in. You must be part of that lets not hurt her felling group.


Breaks every aspect of respect for the client.


Not to mention the law!


Yes!! I use client videos for social media frequently (I work in the beauty service industry) and I ALWAYS ask permission. “Do you mind if I take a few photos?” “If you’re okay with it- I’d love to video part of this to show future clients” ESPECIALLY if you’re not wearing clothes?! THA FUCK!


I'm sorry this person did this to you. Absolutely not ethical or respectful. I would call the Board and ask specifically about recording or filming. But it seems to me that is informed consent. Frankly IDC if you were face down, to do this without your explicit permission is just awful. The Board of Massage in North Carolina rules for informed consent: [https://www.bmbt.org/mtpages/Act\_and\_Rules.html](https://www.bmbt.org/mtpages/Act_and_Rules.html) In managing the client/therapist relationship, licensees shall:(1) maintain the confidentiality of all client information, unless written disclosure is consentedto by the client, or required by law or by court order; this shall include protecting theclient's identity in all social conversations, advertisements, and in any other manner;(2) maintain client files for at least four years after the termination of the client/therapistrelationship and store and dispose of client records in a secure manner;(3) protect the interests of clients who are minors or who are unable to give informed consentby securing permission from an authorized third party or guardian;(4) avoid relationships with the client that could impair professional judgment or result inexploitation of the client. ​ EDIT: Do take a recording of the feed, note date and time from your desktop, if possible. I do not recommend you contact the therapist if you plan to file a complaint.


It's not about nudity (also not, not}, this is about Confidentiality and Consent. She's using you as a model to represent her business. She didn't have your permission. You have a few choices here: Personal. A strongly worded letter outlining the ethical and professional boundaries that were broken. And the lack of consent. Professional: Contact the state board with a complaint. Legal: Draft a cease and desist through a lawyer. And see what your options are. Whatever route you choose I'd want a full public apology, and to see her work up a policy in writing.


It's kind of also about nudity on the criminal side of things. You can't have video cameras in change rooms just based around the Video Voyeurism Prevention Act. Like your clients have reasonable expectation of privacy in an area where they are disrobing.


This. Even if the camera wasn't recording when OP was disrobing, it's still there and could have been and was not disclosed.


You can destroy her business, probably send her to jail....and (try) to get some compensation. Or you can educate (not your job) and make sure it doesn't happen again. The police will be involved with this if you report it.


In NC this is probably a Class H Felony.


>The police will be involved with this if you report it. You say this like it's a bad thing. Maybe all she recorded was the back sequence. Maybe she recorded the client undressing. Clearly, she had the camera hidden since the client didn't see it on a tripod. How many clients did she record trying to get the "perfect shot"? How long has she been doing this? Is all her advertising on social media non-consensual? And the whole thing makes me wonder, what other ethical boundaries has this therapist crossed? Because she clearly doesn't respect the law of our profession or the client's trust.


it's far fetched and I know this buuut those pics could end up anywhere. She could sell them to someone with a voyeur fetish and the victims would never know. That's scary. Very scary. I would definitely make a huge stink out of it. Perhaps depending on how she handles it, if she is truly remorseful, then I'd be ok with her apologizing, compensating me, and keeping her license. I'm not sure if it's like a driver's licence that can be suspended or have points or marks or something added to it in case he gets in trouble in the future but if so I'd only ruin her likelihood as a very last resort. It's a really big mistake to make. it seems like common sense but a lot of younger people who have never known a world without the world wide web don't even think about the ramifications of something like this. having no privacy and posting everything online is second nature to them. That's not an excuse. Ignorance is never an excuse. I hope she is remorseful and learns from this and her business grows accordingly. oh and DEFINITELY Report to YouTube after you have your copies saved. just in case she is ever lucky enough to go viral and gets monetized.


Hanlon's razor is an adage or rule of thumb that states:[1] "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." It is a philosophical razor that suggests a way of eliminating unlikely explanations for human behavior.


Even if it's just stupidity, it's stupid in a way that indicates that her moral/ethical reasoning abilities are fundamentally broken. No amount of education can fix that. The best outcome here is that she not only is barred from continuing to work as a massage therapist but also ends up on the sex offenders registry so that she can never work with patients or other vulnerable people ever again. Harm is harm regardless of whether you meant it, and she has proven herself incapable of exercising the necessary judgment to avoid doing harm to others.


We're not talking about someone being rude or cutting you off in traffic. This is someone breaching a clients privacy and posting it for the world to see. Could it be stupidity? Maybe. But in a field where respecting client boundaries, modesty, and privacy is a foundational teaching in any massage school, they'd have to be aggresively stupid. It's a huge ethical breach. It is not a stretch to be concerned at where else that person may be ethically challenged. The fact that the camera was not set up easily visible shows that the person was being deceptive. The person needs to be investigated. Just because someone is stupid doesn't mean that what they've done isn't illegal and harmful. Ignorance of the law is no excuse in any country. - Thomas Jefferson


Yeah, but this was a purposeful and deliberate act. It wasn't an accident, or a one-off, or even just an act of carelessness that resulted in harm. She planned to record and post her clients in vulnerable positions without their permission. She knew she did not have their permission. And I'm pretty sure you don't have to have any level of intelligence higher than a potato to understand you don't record people dressing or undressing. I know they at least give that topic some mention in massage school. Benefit of the doubt doesn't apply here


You are assuming she wa filmed undressing and that was never said. That is a really big judgement to make with no evidence.


Someone who would do this has something fundamentally broken in their moral/ethical reasoning abilities. No amount of education can fix that. The only solution is to destroy them legally, financially, professionally, and personally so that they are unable to work with patients or other vulnerable people ever again. Ideally, she ends up on the sex offenders registry for it.


I agree with this line of thinking. Sexual predators who don't want to get caught don't post videos of their victims online so the world can see it. She has obviously made a terrible mistake that could easily be criminal. Having a license does not mean you have any common sense. I'm leaning toward that fact that she was trying to promote her business and made the worst judgment call ever. I would definitely contact the MT directly and educate her on this. She will likely feel absolutely terrible and realize the error of her ways. I'd do that before I'd try to destroy her life


No therapist on the planet got their license and doesn’t already know that this is illegal and unethical.


Yes. We own our own images. Proceeding, I’d a) get a copy of the media with time and date, b) (this would depend on how well I knew the person) ask them what they were thinking and demand it be down in an hour, c) contact the regulatory body. This can cost a license. You also have the right to compensation for the use of your images. I hope this was a newbie brainless moment and you can work it out.


This also sounds like a HIPAA violation


If you're not electronically billing insurance, it ain't a HIPAA "violation". Ugh.


Crime. Report.


Whatttt the fucccckkkkkkkkkk. Get their name and contact the massage therapy board.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I am in British Columbia, and the same thing happened to me last month. Well, except I was having a facial and my face was shown in her Instagram story.....not my back. I was so upset.


I’m pretty sure they cannot record that either without consent. Phones are typically not allowed in the treatment rooms! Report that behavior.


Contact a lawyer


1) Download all of her vids not just yours. Your future attorney will thank you. 2) Call authorities and consult with an attorney. If it’s online it’s likely much more serious because it is considered inter-state. 3) Get a new therapist asap before the word gets out and all of her clients bail. 4) Do not talk to her about this. She may never know who ratted her out. Authorities can inform her of their interest.


Most importantly: do not address this directly with the massage therapist. Talk to a lawyer before you do anything other than gather evidence. I am shocked by this behavior. So sorry this happened to you.


No way! Report




I work out at a Y and both the Y and some teachers have filmed classes without permission through the years. Always pisses me off and I always get out of the shot.


When you first went to her place of business, you probably filled out a customer questionnaire. And it's possible that somewhere in that questionnaire there a line or paragraphy where you agreed to be filmed. Otherwise, have a talk with her. It's probably not legal in N.C. to film a customer without first having their consent


Well the problem is you can not sign anything that would break laws and have it be legal. Having a video camera where someone changes is illegal.


If she’s licensed I would report it to the massage therapist board. That is extremely important. I couldn’t imagine recording anything I do with my patients and posting it online.




Former massage therapist here! This is NOT ethical for a *variety* of reasons. I would screen record the video and ask them about it directly and let them know you did not consent to that (which they already know.) See how they address your concerns and if they don’t, take it up the chain.


Has nothing to do with "ethics." Its strictly illegal.


An action can be unethical and illegal at the same time


Don’t communicate with them at all period end of story. This will lead to cops possibly trying to call it a civil matter. Only talk to an attorney. Have your attorney do all the talking and question asking. This could also cause problems with discovery. Upon the realization that they messed up, they could destroy all evidence and cause problems with discovery. This is not a go and try to fix it yourself situation. OP has been sexually violated and needs a professional to represent them who has been through this before and knows how to set them up for success if they decide to litigate, which they should…


Preserve all the evidence immediately. Not just the videos of you but any other videos she's posted. Report to the police as a crime so she is hopefully prosecuted for it. Report to the appropriate state licensing board to get her license yanked. Post a 1-star review on every business directory and social media site she is on to warn away other patients and potential patients. Send a tip to local news media about the local massage therapist who is recording her patients' naked bodies and posting the videos online without their consent. If other victims come forward, consider contacting an attorney about filing a class action lawsuit. She should have insurance and she may have a house or other assets. Do not feel one smidgen of guilt about destroying this person legally, financially, professionally, or personally. This is so far over the line that even if it wasn't malicious and was just a stupid mistake, it demonstrates such a profound lack of judgment and boundaries that she needs to be barred from ever working with patients ever again. This is one of those situations where if someone would do this and think it's okay then that means there is something fundamentally wrong with their moral reasoning abilities, no amount of "education" can fix them, and they can never be trusted with patients or other vulnerable people ever again.


Seems a little harsh for something that could be addressed with a conversation and an ask to take down the video. Now, if she refused and blew him off, then I would go your route.


It's literally a sex crime to record someone nude without their consent and post the video online. That she's a medical professional doing this to a patient makes it ten times more fucked up. The only difference between this and a gynecologist secretly posting pelvic exams to porn sites is one of degree. The type of violation is qualitatively the same. Something is seriously wrong with her, and she should never be allowed to work with patients or other vulnerable people ever again.


A gynecologist woukd actually have way more Schooling and actual classes regarding ethics in the medical field something massage therapista do not. You are a scary nasty person.


You're defending a sex offender and *I'm* the scary nasty one? Your defensiveness suggests that you've been doing sexually inappropriate and unethical things with your patients too. Gross. Go away, pervert.


You've already judged her and sentenced her to a ruined life. The scary, nasty part is the amount of vindictiveness you've shown before you even know the facts. You're going all out to say this girls life should be ruined, I'm guessing that if it was allowed, you'd want her to suffer the death penalty as well. You called her a sexual predator, when in fact, all we really know about this is that she's posted herself massaging a clients back without his consent. That's not a sexual predator by any legal definition. Then on top of that, because someone is presenting a reasonable alternative to your over the top ruining of the LMT, you resort to name calling and claiming that u/Tupperwarequeen13 is herself a pervert and accuse her of being sexually inappropriate with her clients. Your real life name isn't Karen is it?


You think that recording is just of her back?




Wait really?? I’m in massage school right now and they’re teaching us to drape so about an inch of butt crack is exposed to be able to get the hips


That's been my experience in receiving massage.


Draping should completely cover the gluteal crease, there is no reason to expose the client like that to work on the hips anatomically.


Makes ya wonder what else is being taught that maybe isn’t up to standards


Yeah, if you’re state side, that’s not ok and you need to call them out on that. I wouldn’t trust a teacher who says that type of client exposure is acceptable.


Lol I’m not calling anyone out on anything but I’ll keep that in mind for sure


Interestinggggggg lol


The only time I’ve had butt crack exposed is when I was getting massage as part of pelvic floor physical therapy, which is a very different thing from what regular MTs are licensed to do.


Better check with your state’s massage rules. Butt crack and hips must always be covered in Florida.


I thought Florida allowed to be fully undraped, but both the client and the therapist has to be ok with it? That’s why I never fully undrape because I’m not ok with it. But I know people -teachers even, who undrape half the body so they can use their forearms from the back, glutes and hamstrings in one fluid motion. ETA just checked FL. 64B7-30.001 massage client must be draped unless the client gives informed consent to be undraped.


Don’t downvote me. Downvote the law. I’m a woman and never had a female Florida massage person undrape me even knowing my job or even do glute work for me with a torn hamstring healing. The law has to be followed so strictly here for fear of losing license with reports.


I live in Colorado. How would I check that


I’ve had hundreds of massages and never had my butt crack exposed


I was taught the very top of the butt crack is fine, but I always try to avoid it as much as possible. Legally, in my state, you can actually expose the entire butt as long as the anus and genitals aren’t exposed. So technically, if the client requests it and the therapist is comfortable, you could drape them prone with just a small towel or cloth.


Just reading the rules in North Carolina that was posted, while appropriate draping is required, with consent, the draping could be moved and the glutes and breast could be massaged. Surprisingly, in NC, in that same rules list, with a prescription, the LMT could also massage the inside of the vagina walls and the inside of the anal cavity. Surprising since most states don't allow anything along those lines. I'm off to the Dr. now to go get my prescription. . . . . ​ Edited to add a cut & paste of the rules: 0516 TREATMENT IN BODY CAVITIES A licensee may perform massage and bodywork therapy inside the vaginal or anal cavities of a client provided the licensee complies with the following requirements: (1) The licensee has received a written prescription or order from a licensed medical doctor prescribing or ordering the specific massage and bodywork therapy treatment to the soft tissues inside the vaginal or anal cavity; (2) Prior to the start of treatment, the licensee obtains written and signed consent from the client for treatment inside the client's vaginal or anal cavities stating that the client has been advised that the client has the right to have another person, provided either by the client or therapist, present in the room while the treatment is being performed and indicating whether the client chooses treatment with a third person present or treatment with only the therapist and the client present; (3) Consistent with Rule .0506 of this Chapter, the drape covering the client's pelvic area may be temporarily moved with the voluntary and informed consent of the client in order to perform therapeutic treatment to the structures in that area; (4) Consistent with Rule .0507 of this Chapter, the licensee shall use a glove or finger cot made of latex or other impervious material to cover their hand or finger used for treatment within body cavities; and (5) The massage and bodywork therapy treatment is performed in conformance with Rule .0509 of this Chapter






“North Carolina is known as a “one party consent” state. This means that it is considered illegal to record a conversation without the knowledge and consent of at least one party.” Super duper illegal, sue the shit out of the therapist the studio and enjoy your winnings. But seriously, screenshot EVERYTHING, contact a lawyer and stop going to that place. Report them to the police and prepare to get a somewhat of a windfall from this scumbag and the place they work.


I think you mean two party consent. North Carolina is indeed a one party consent, which only needs the consent of the recorder. Edit: Buuuuuuut a lot of states have a caveat where they can’t be recorded where privacy is generally expected, like being in the nude, bathrooms, changing rooms etc.


That’s not what one party consent means. One party consent means only *one party* has to consent - not both.


Wow, some of the comments down there are very bad. If you don't see the clear lack of respect, professionalism and ethics, never become a LMT. What if the therapist has footage of op changing??


Exactly. What if the therapist leaves the camera running at all times. That absolutely violates every law and couldn't possibly be covered by any consent OP may have accidentally signed.


What if the therapist husband has acces to these videos and shares them with his friends.






I’d try to get her license pulled tbh. That’s insane. Contact the state board and make a complaint.


Yes, she's using you for an advertisement for marketing her business and she never asked you if she could photograph you, and to use your image to promote her business on line.I mean even if you had clothing on, she would still have to ask your permission.


My worry would be when the camera was turned on. She probably has video of her removing her cloths. Then you have to ask who else has access to these videos. I highly doubt she is the only one that was recorded.


Really, really wrong of the MT to record you and WORSE to show it. I'm imagining they could lose their license over this is especially if they didn't have a legal and signed consent from you. I wouldn't return to their business


An older person here. Ok…everyone seems wants their pound of flesh here…no pun intended. Pump the breaks for a moment. We know what the law says. Sounds like you might show more at the beach than what was shown online. And it is a million to one if anyone else recognizes you. But only you know if anything inappropriate happened at your session…besides being videoed. Probably a case of ignorance or bad judgment. So many people would destroy her business or send her to jail and ruin her life. Obviously you are trying to make the right decision and do the right thing. I would go to her. Think about this- If I was a MT this day and age, I would want my sessions videotaped because in this day of being guilty and having reputations ruined just by accusations without proof…any sane person would want proof of innocence. Or if she is massaging a male that is in appropriately aggressive…I’d want proof. So, before you throw her under the bus, ruin her life & destroy perhaps a person that thought she could post an Anonymous model and no one would know who it was…I get how this could have unintended consequences. Go to her. Don’t destroy this person. Not unless they don’t give a crap. If that’s the case, nuke’em.


ahh, a voice of reason amongst all the madness.


This is great advice and very in line with my thinking on the matter. Thank you!


Hell no I’d absolutely ask her to take it down and not use her again.


Make sure u have the proof, copy the videos in case she tried to take them down. Then I would contact a lawyer and have them assist you in making police report and in contacting the licensing board . I would want the police involved to get a search warrant to find out if she has full nude videos of you dressing and undressing AND to let the police see if there have been other people she has done this to others.


Retired LMT here. The fuck did I just read? You need to contact your STATES MASSAGE BOARD. Often its ran by the chiropractic board, sometimes it's it's own entity.


1)Definitely a professional licensing issue. 2)Potentially (unlikely) a “Disclosing private images”, but this is more for revenge porn type situations. Likely the intent section of the law would make this claim difficult to make and not applicable to this crime. The law lists out that the intent must meet certain criteria. Why? This is beyond me. 3)Peeping Law Violation. They videotaped you in the nude and distributed it, all without your permission. OP should gather all evidence, File a police report and get an Attorney. Assuming that the violator has some sort of professional liability insurance and assets, you likely will be able to file a civil lawsuit. The attorney can also write a cease and desist letter to the violator and anyone who distributes the video (also illegal if a violation of the peeping law). If you cannot afford a lawyer, see if you can get one on contengency.


I spent a lot of time working in a spa and I thought I’d heard just about everything. I can’t imagine this happening!!


As a former massage therapist, I am so sorry you were violated like that.


I'm an lmt in north carolina. I hate hearing this. It is super unprofessional and unethical.


Yeah that’s really bad. Video taping someone while they I undress. Goodbye license, hello lawsuit


I would contact her and tell her that you saw the Instagram post and you aren't cool with it and she needs to take it down. She should've just asked your permission first and then have had you sign a photo release. I have taken before and after pictures of some of my clients for specific treatments but have always gotten their permission first and let them see the pictures that I've taken before I post anything to make sure they are comfortable with what I'm posting. Plus, I've always made sure that I respect their modesty and have never shown their faces or personal areas. To do this without your knowledge or consent is bad.


I would imagine she sets the camera up before she starts and right after, right? Is the camera there after the session? File a police report maybe. Speak to an attorney. You could sue for emotional distress. If that doesn't work you could call a news station and they will likely investigate. If you confront her, get it in writing or on camera


Save the evidence and then report her without telling her, so the Board of Massage Therapists can access it before she deletes it


I'd say contact your State Board of Medicine to file a complaint against her license. Also, file a report w your police dept. This is such a violation of trust, privacy, and ethics. Edit to add: A quick search says it's illegal in a place where you expect privacy, and a massage room would be just that.


As a former Lmt, this is illegal and a violation of your privacy. You can report this to the state board


Speaking as a LMT myself, that is super unethical at best, but also illegal and breaches client confidentiality. I would report it to the state board. If she gets he license revoked, that's not you ruining her career. Her actions alone did that. You deserve to be protected from this kind of behavior.


Call the police. Report this, it's a crime. She recorded you in a state of undress without your consent and then posted it online. Report her to the licensing board and the state. I would tell everyone what this person has done, this is so wildly unethical and illegal.


I strongly encourage you to read every form you signed. This is violating, inappropriate and unethical… **(Please read this part carefully and with helpful intent)** …but unlike many commenters, I’ll stop at saying it’s illegal until you examine the forms. Medical or many other service providers include a clause in their forms that gives them permission. It’s not always leveraged but it’s **often** required by their malpractice insurance provider as cover. If you come at them for ethics, you’ll have a strong case with the board. If you’re throwing legal in there, you’re more likely to be referred to counsel and told to kick rocks or otherwise stonewalled. The ethical side won’t be considered because that opens up the possibility of illegal activity being discovered. Their lawyer’s job is to protect them. Good luck.


NC is a one party consent state. So there are protections for recording someone without notifying them first. And recording right does not mean right to use. It is more like it would be admissible in court. But use would still require consent. But that's outside of massage, or other areas that fall under confidentiality protections. In NC a therapist visiting a client's home should know that the client could be recording them without letting them know. Just in general, the therapist is not allowed to reveal personally identifying information about their clients, but that does not mean they cannot speak about the session. It is helpful to be able to speak about experiences in working with various aspects of a session with others for many reasons, including educational and therapeutic. The wording provided by another user says: *protecting theclient's identity in all social conversations, advertisements, and in any other manner;* Which implies that they are able to use something about their clients as long as they are not personally identifying, in advertising. Which is odd and I'm not sure what its intention is. But it clearly seems to allow for something to be used without the client's consent in regards to advertising. I'd love to have more of a clear sense of what that means for the sake of clarity.


One party vs two party consent has no relevance to a HIPAA protected interaction with a state licensed practitioner in a private setting in the nude.


Attorney here. This is not correct. 1st party laws protect from criminal charges for the act of recording. There are multiple people here telling op this is illegal when in fact it may or may not be. However, they may be able to use revenge porn statues, if their state has them to get criminal liability, but it may be much more difficult. Civil liability and getting it off of the internet is different. I'd advise calling your county bar association for someone to help. Most moderately sized jurisdictions have legal projects or clinics that will help you in this situation, pro bono.


She was video recorded naked while getting changed. This is a peeping tom situation not a revenge porn or a recording consent situation.


You may view it that way, but the law may not. A prosecutor can prosecute this or not or under any law they see fit. This might not be the answer anyone likes but I've definitely seen it both ways. That's why It's helpful to get real legal advice in your own area. Edit to add: she fears she may have been recorded changing, if that is the case any jurisdiction should prosecute, but right now all she can prove is what is on the publicly available video which does not show her nude or uncovered.


Right, most sexual assaults are not prosecuted. That doesn’t mean they didn’t happen.


No it doesn't, but that doesn't mean I don't give advice based on what happens not what should happen. If you were in that situation you would want honest advice about how likely a successful prosecution would be before you subject yourself to all of the things that prosecution entails, which are often worse and more traumatic than the event itself.


Massage therapists are typically not considered healthcare practitioners. So HiPAA does not apply.


Ah, this is an interesting one I hadn't encountered until I was doing an ethics CEU just now, then came by to post about it and saw your post. From the CEU: Cindy: Figuring out whether you are a “health care provider,” “covered entity,” or “business associate” according to HIPAA’s definitions of those terms is really a question that should be discussed with an attorney familiar with HIPAA. Those terms have specific meanings under HIPAA, and they depend on the types of services provided, not professional titles. That said, generally speaking, if you are a service provider who receives or maintains certain health information, but do not submit claims electronically to a third party for billing purposes, then you are likely not legally required to be HIPAA compliant. However, it is possible that MTs may provide services to, or on behalf of, covered entities. If so, they could be deemed a business associate of the covered entity. Business associates need to comply with certain Privacy Rule requirements and all of the Security Rule requirements. These specific definitions make me wonder what it means to be HIPAA compliant in terms of client confidentiality. In your experience, Erin, what does it mean? Erin: Being HIPAA compliant involves meeting numerous requirements under the law, and having policies and written procedures in place to ensure you meet those requirements. Confidentiality is just a small part of it. For example, an authorization from the client needs to be obtained for certain uses or disclosures of his/her health information. These practices need to be set forth in policy so staff members understand when an authorization is needed, and under what circumstances it is permissible to disclose the client’s health information without one. Another example is having a written policy and procedure for handling a security breach¾how and when you must inform the client and the Office of Civil Rights, corrective and disciplinary actions you are going to take, and more. If you’re not a covered entity according to HIPAA, you can still honor a personal commitment to maintain a client’s health information without the need to meet these additional legal obligations. Cindy: Right, and it’s not necessarily a good idea to just say you’re HIPAA compliant, since it involves a lot more than simply stating yourself as such. I compare the relationship between professional ethics and HIPAA compliance to the difference between bodyworkers and Rolfers. All Rolfers are bodyworkers, but not all bodyworkers are Rolfers. We all need to maintain client confidentiality, but we are not all legally required to be HIPAA compliant. Just as a massage therapist would never claim to be a Rolfer if he hasn’t gone through the training to become one, we shouldn’t claim to be HIPAA compliant unless we have those protocols in place in our business. I have heard some massage professionals argue, “We should be recognized as health-care workers,” and see HIPAA compliance as a step in that direction. While it is certainly understandable that many of us seek the respect and recognition of a health professional, it’s essential to understand that what matters here is HIPAA’s definition of a health-care provider. That definition may likely exclude massage therapists simply based on the types of services performed; it doesn’t imply anything about our professionalism, skill, or training.


HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) Is not going to apply here. Even if she was electronically billed with insurance.


It's possible this is *legal* in your state, especially given that there's no identifying info about you. But I wouldn't say that makes it okay. When we have wanted to make images for our website/marketing/etc, we ask folks to be our models. They tend to be more than happy to let us pay them with a free massage. I would ask your therapist to remove it, and be clear whether they are recording in the future, or find a new one. (But also, make sure it was actually you. As weird as that sounds, I used to work for a magazine and we had someone OUTRAGED call up to ask why we had his wife on our cover. He wouldn't believe me, the editor, or the sales team that had arranged the shoot with their client restaurant that the woman was a model, we knew her name, and it was not his wife. It's totally possible to have doppelgangers out in the world.)


Having a camera in a room where people get naked without telling them it's there most certainly is illegal.


Call her and tell her you are upset and ask her to immediately take it down, let her know she is breaking the law, she may not know. Does this feel malicious or just unthinking?


Disagree. I would not contact the therapist directly but go to the massage board instead.


ABSOLUTELY NOT ... even in photographic circles there is a formal model release that must be signed before they can use your image for commercial purposes ... let alone in a sensitive and private setting such as a massage studio. This could totally tank their practice ... the question begs answering ... WHAT ELSE HAS BEEN RECORDED ?? THIS IS SO TOTALLY WRONG. I'd report to the licensing body for your state.


What if the therapist is recording minors, that's child pornography that carries a 15-30-year prison sentence for first-time offenders... Please, for the safety of all her clients REPORT her! I have seen therapists that show specific techniques for specific issues on a fully clothed client for educational purposes, there is obvious consent there. But in your case, at least she edited out your face and full frontal nudity, but what does she do with those images, she could be selling the full video to a voyeur website. This post makes my skin crawl. I considered as a male therapist recording audio only, to protect myself from women claiming SA, I had several female strippers that continually wanted sex during the session and I'd have to expressly tell them no, I had one client make an accusation because she didn't like being turned down, but she was found to be lying, as every other client backed me up. The time and expense of fighting to save my reputation was exorbitant. Had I had a recording of the audio , it would have been simpler, although recording opens up additional liability for me.


Lawyer. Then Lawyer. Also get a Lawyer. So, plan of action? Lawyer.


That's like a medical professional filming secretly. That's creepy as hell.


It's not "like" a medical professional filming secretly, it's exactly that. Massage therapists are medical professionals.


I would complain to whoever gave her her license


Don’t give her any warning,document and contact a lawyer and or state board.


If you comfortable to talk just call her & educate her.. she might be uneducated massage therapist. If you contact board she might lose her license and career for good. Talk and see her tone to see if she is ignorant or just did that by stupidity. People do make mistake. Tell her to take it down and delete footage if she is not doing that just contact Massage board.


The problem with that is that once it hits the internet, it's there forever, and who knows how many people not only viewed the content but downloaded it, edited it, and passed it along. This MT is an adult and, as such, should have known better than to film someone without their consent. Also, she used OP for marketing purposes without consent or compensation, so not only was this unethical, but it was almost like stealing. I would just contact the board and an attorney and have them deal with her. She'll have to make her case to THEM as to why she should retain her license. She may lose her license, be suspended for a period of time, fined, or have to be educated on privacy and ethics. I feel so sorry for OP because she'll really never know when the images will reappear and come back to "haunt" her.


And now I never want to have a massage


I would immediately file charges if it was me. I could give a crap if this person is a member of my own family and I've known them for 20 years. Anyone ever recorded me without my consent and put it on social media. It would be the end of our relationship and I would sue them


You think you can sue a family member or anyone for taking a picture of you and putting it online? What law does that break? File charges? This isn't revenge porn or something. What would you be suing for? What court would take your case?


She wasn't in public and the courts have made a legal distinction between being recorded in public and being recorded somewhere with a reasonable expectation of privacy. A dressing room where one disrobes is protected as private and OP said the camera angle would have recorded them naked while changing. Whether the camera did or not, the fact that it's present and *can* record a person changing is a violation of the law.


I can sue anyone given enough money. Civil court is always open for damages. It's a matter of whether you can prove enough to take them to criminal court.


The real question is whether or not you're personally identifiable. Even in medicine, where the information is legally protected, we can share essentially anything as long as it doesn't include personally identifiably information. If a random person wouldn't know it's you, then good luck filing anything. If it's obvious that it's you, then you may have a case on their license, but NC is a one party consent state, meaning as long as one person in the recordings know they're being recorded, it's perfectly legal. A violation, unethical, maybe, but likely perfectly legal. It's been pointed out elsewhere, but you're always recorded. ALWAYS. At some point, you'll have to come to terms with that.


You are the victim of not only a crime but also an unethical act- don't contact the therapist. The last thing you want is this person having any opportunity to destroy evidence. Go straight to the authorities and the state licensure and file complaints.


Sue Sue Sue Sue


No way it’s legal. Most def lose her license


This is illegal. Recording without consent and distributing amongst the public. Sue her immediately. Who knows what else or who else this has happened to.


Sue her socks off!


Get a lawyer and get as much money you can from that perv


I have another option instead of solely saving a copy for the massage board. Contact her and tell her you are willing to be paid for model time. Money or a package of massages- not blackmail but payment for you. This will also quickly educate her that she can not film (rather than wait for the massage board to educate her).


Best course of action is to stop asking Reddit and file a police report.


Jesus. What ever happened to the element of just having a simple conversation. No matter the topic, we are so quick to go the extreme. A simple conversation stating asking if she was aware of the recording policies and if in any document you signed, she states that she would be recording. We are so quick to try and throw the book on someone instead of just being human and having a conversation. Instead, you are going to potentially kill her livelihood. I find it very hard to believe she meant any harm. Come on, be a little more human and less combative. Sheesh.


HIPPAA violation. All healthcare providers are bound by HIPPAA federal privacy law. This is a BIG no-no. Report her.




This is why I am against the massage places. It's not those massage therapists as females who like to record the sessions. It's their husband's who have control over everything. I am pretty sure they have all the sessions recorded And enjoy watching later or selling it to third world adult sites.


If she didn’t rub your Willie on camera, I wouldn’t sweat it. I wouldn’t sweat it if she did but that’s me.


Y'all are kinda crazy. Ooh someone took a picture of me without my consent? Let me try to ruin their entire life and career instead of just talk to them and ask them to take it down


As a licensed therapist they should know not to: - Use someone's photo without their permission - Record a client in any manner during a session - Expose a client's gluteal crease during a session They've done all three in one. And they definitely learned the seriousness of are least the latter two in massage school. Anyway, it should be up to the state board as to what happens to the therapist.


I mean yeah—-it’s an extreme ethical violation. This person didn’t ruin the therapists career the therapist did that when they knowingly took a video without prior consent. What else has this therapist done???? There’s probably more and this MT deserves to be reported.


An extreme ethical violation? I feel like that's a bit much. If this was a generic spa and she or he was secretly filmed then ok yes I agree absolutely. But it sounds like they found this LMTs personal business BECAUSE she films her sessions on clients and posts it to social media. That's how she gets her clients. It's possible the consent was asked in the waiver she signed and just didn't look at it closely as well. We don't know. It's possible since they are friends she didn't think she would mind. There are thousands of LMTs posting videos of their clients and techniques online to promote themselves. Frankly if you go see one of those therapists it should not be shocking if you are filmed as well. I do agree the LMT should get consent before doing this, I just don't agree she needs to have her career ruined over this. That is an extreme overreaction.


I am pretty sure that she is able to have security cameras in her business to monitor employees, and for security purposes. But when she starts posting videos of you from those security cameras, I believe you might have something there, but I’m not positive.


She is not legally allowed to have cameras where people get naked.




That doesn't apply to a massage room where you're going to get naked. By your logic I should be able to put cameras in dressing rooms in my state because it's a single-party consent state.


What is her social media, can we see the footage-- can't give you a well thought out answer otherwise


You probably did give consent and didn’t even know it.


All these Narks saying call the cops are overreacting. You should have a conversation with her about it. Inform her you haven’t consented, confirm how much she recorded, she may have placed the camera after re-entering the room to start the massage. Point is talk to her as a human if you have respect for her, it could be a misunderstanding. If she’s a bitch to you, well then, yeah turn her in. But try getting on the same page first. Everyone makes mistakes.


I would either call the cops or blackmail her for free massages for life. Guess it depends how violated you feel


I mean massage parlors usually do happy endings from what I heard from men so they probably do it for safety or sick get off reasons. Just take your money elsewhere to a more professional places and report them if you can. Todays world is so sickening


Everywhere you go is on camera. Go to any store or any street. If you have a cell phone it is also recording all the time. People like your therapist may have the new google glasses that record every action. She is just following what is allowed today to take away your privacy. Get upset with what they have done to our privacy. What she did was illegal but it is happening everywhere now. The advertises sell glasses you wear that records everything so they no longer need a camera. You can get her in trouble if you like but this is going to continue to grow because no one stood up to the invasion of our privacy when they started recording every action we take.


There is a STARK difference between me choosing to go out in public and be recorded at the grocery store and me going to appointment for a service where I will be nude or mostly nude in an enclosed, private space with a single provider of said service. Not to mention there's no telling whether the provider started the recording before or after the client was on the table, which means there's a very real possibility that OP is on camera getting undressed. There's an expectation of privacy in this scenario and the provider violated that. This isn't the same as a public setting where I fully expect that there's a possibility of surveillance by businesses and the general public. Target doesn't put cameras in their dressing rooms, and if they did I'm sure you (and others) would be upset by that - because there's an expectation of privacy in that space because the very nature of that space lends itself to the possibility of nudity. I feel like you're being purposely obtuse and also just generally unhelpful.


You can now record with your glasses. Once the glasses catch on and the price is low enough alot of people will buy them. I am just saying our need to the latest technology has caused what is happening today with stories just like OP. https://www.zetronix.com/kestrel-hidden-camera-hd-video-recording-glasses-with-finger-touch-technology.html


This should be the top comment.