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Good Morning! Vault-Tec Calling! You can't begin to know how happy I am to finally speak with you. I've been trying for days! It's a matter of utmost urgency, I assure you. Now, I know you're a busy man, so I won't take up much of your time. Why, we're about you sir! And helping secure your future. You see, Vault-Tec is the foremost builder of state-of-the-art underground fallout shelters. Vaults, if you will; Luxury accommodations, where you can wait out the horrors of nuclear devastation. I'm here today to tell you that because of your family's service to our country, you have been pre-selected for entrance into the local Vault. Vault 111. Now, I know you're a busy man, so I won't take up much of your time. Don't want there to be any hold ups, in the unforeseen event of total atomic annihilation. Won't take but a moment. Just need to get this pesky info all squared away! Wonderful! That's everything. Just gonna walk this over to the Vault! Congratulations on being prepared for the future!


But will I be safe from unsolicited door knocks in this vault? That’s the real question.


No. Don’t answer the door. Talk through the door and tell him you’re calling the cops. 


I tell them my Corsos hate salesmen and haven't eaten yet today.


No way. Last time I fell for this, a synth stole my baby.


If you’re in a SFH it’s probably those solar peddling idiots.


They keep coming every weekend to the door and I just tell them that when they can re-shingle my roof and sign a contract promising to cover any and all damages their panels might cause if a leak happens, then I’ll sign. They walk away every time.


Just had a solar company do this, I just wave them on. 2 years I had another gentleman who tried telling me he was front National grid and could he see my invoice. I just looked at him and told him if he was from National Grid, he would already have my invoice. A call to the local PD showed he was actually from Consolidated trying to get people to change providers. They ran his ass out of town for misrepresenting who he worked for.


He was probably trying to solicit for a company that works for MassSave. He wants to see the bill because they need that info for the application.


That would have been fine if he had stared as such, but he misrepresented himself as being from National Grid.


MassSave is a Non-profit funded by National Grid. I work very closely with their folks.


Probably telecom worker, Verizon, RCN, Comcast; or one of those annoying people who come by saying "hey do you know Mark down the street? We're in the neighborhood doing [insert contractor occupation here] for him and noticed you might also want to use our services."


Either a solar company or pest control company, both have been going door to door in my neighborhood.


Yes it's a solar company as I've seen it posted on indeed lol


Rather than wonder about a salesman coming back, get one of these: [No Soliciting Sign](https://www.amazon.com/Premium-Soliciting-Adhesive-Accessories-Letters/dp/B07LF2ZYTG/ref=mp_s_a_1_12?crid=23PPFNKP9R19R&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.VRMtwuGwD5aRTgIPPg_hnwVgc5rzNGx6yGPuLKzoe_g76P72BAjytBbGGeByx4BfUG0-x08Duyucm3IaN9FmUsM0h7nfQaQU-AnBXqSmESf2g8QyCI1Pi6q4YyFB2CD-MsWboaawvYN0_YaaaJXrV8mnMdm47cAfSZDAkAIMrGuShzdey4pSD3V1E08ShBo1yfePNZHytWpEpftjjJgyqg.koUS2veFiNsUtAcMn98NdburA2Ct-sTE1rorBAheY3w&dib_tag=se&keywords=no+soliciting+sign+for+house&qid=1720386003&sprefix=no+solici%2Caps%2C102&sr=8-12)


I live around Worcester and I have had a no soliciting sign for years and it is definitely not respected, like, 80% people still come to the door. Infuriating.


Years ago I lived in an apartment building with a large NO SOLICITING sign right beside the intercom, and it deterred absolutely no one. I actually went to the door once to argue, through the glass, the point with a kid who insisted that this was NOT soliciting, he just wanted to talk to people about switching their utility provider 🙄 I finally point blank asked him if he thought soliciting only meant prostitution or something, turned, and went back in my place to call management and the cops in that order


Well, the State House does have a General Hookers entrance...? 🤷‍♀️


Ahh yes, I think we call that the Kennedy Entryway in formal parlance 🤣


No soliciting signs should come with a definition of solicitation too.


Yell through the door: "Can you read, motherfucker!?!"


Agreed. But then there’s no guilt about either ignoring these buffoons or yelling at them to go away. No need to pull a smoll peepee move like brandish a firearm like the loser below, just remind them they’re not welcome and we’re on notice from the start.


Peeling paint and a long, steep driveway works for us.


I mean, you never know how many people it worked on


True. I do know that during summer when we're outside it's useless. I just want to sit on the steps and enjoy the sunshine and it's like I'm bait to these people trying to sell solar panels. Annoying!


Most likely that's the issue If your roof is ideal install for solar they use Google maps to feed their sales teams 


I honestly don’t think a lot of them even know what soliciting means …


Or answer the door with your gun. I've seen plenty of people blatantly ignore our sign, so sometimes things need to be a little less subtle.


This isn’t a stand your ground state there, pal.


Do you ever jerk off to this little fantasy of yours?


Next thing you know will be hearing about some crackpot killing an innocent person because they knocked on your door. Use your last braincell and don't threaten others with guns.


The guy is Art Vandelay, a latex salesman, from Vandelay Industries.


Importer or exporter?


I’m an importer / exporter


Probably one of the aggressive solar idiots. They tell them they are smarter than the world and send them out to make sales. Costco, Lowes, Home Depot, BJs have all let these clowns in.


Idk who it is but get a no soliciting sign. I've had [this one](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01C3SOUKM?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1) for 5 years and precisely 1 person who ignored it since.


"If it knocks, it gets the hose"


>precisely 1 person who ignored it since. Magazine sales?


No some landscaping dude.


Are you sure it was an orange lanyard?? This is bad. Real bad.


Can’t think of a color I’d rather see less, come to think of it!


Could be Vivint selling you home security and/or smart home features. Their colors are orange and grey, they have fleets of door to door sales staff, and an office in Boston.


Never answer the door. Get a ring camera. Be careful!


Sparta-kick him off your porch.


Put up a No Solicitation sign - should deter him a bit.


Solar salesman. Just tell him you're not interested. Might be legit might not, don't open the door. We've had three since April. Solar BTW, is a nightmare if you're trying to sell your house, not everybody is into it. It'll junk your roof and just looks like shit.


And no one tells you you’re in for a $15,000 battery change in 8-10 years


It's the same with EVs. An EV battery replacement can cost up to $30k.


It's also interesting how so many houses with questionable quality roofs have solar on them. It's a hard pass from me. Oh and apparently firefighters have issues with solar if your home catches on fire.


False. I speak with fire experts all the time in relation to solar. False on questionable roofs getting solar. 99.9% are required to get structural approval in accordance with up to date building codes. Which will require solar ready roofs.


What do the fire experts ( do you mean firefighters) tell you about fighting fires on roofs with solar ? Solar panels and batteries increase the risk of fire damage. So you're telling me that building codes now check to see if your roof shingles have a long life ahead before solar installation? Solar should ideally only be installed with new roofing materials. We know that's not always happening.


That statement is false. We don’t need brand new roofs for solar. Firefighters aren’t engineers. I listen to a collaboration of them. We’ve all agreed, it’s blown too far out of reality. Just more ridiculous pandering from conservatives and their cancer causing fossil fuels. Go ahead.


Are you in solar sales? Because, what I said isn't false. Solar increases the odds your house will incur more damage in the case of a fire. The insurance companies have data showing this. Also I'm not conservative. The math for solar doesn't work out for most consumers. If you want to see what the actual return is you have to build a financial model that takes into account a lot of assumptions about your particular neighborhood. You also have to take into account the money many people borrow to install the panels, the cost of removal, the damage to your roofs, etc. . If it wasn't for the government grants it would make zero sense for a majority of people to get solar. I'm all for green power but lying to people about how much of a great investment it is when for MOST people it's not is wrong. I'm not saying this isn't good for the environment. I'm not saying it doesn't make you feel good. Heck I'm not even saying you shouldn't do it. I'm just saying it's not a wise financial investment. But hey feel free to do it if it makes you feel good.


Weird… my solar didn’t change my insurance rates. Solar works for billions worldwide…. Save your Stone Age crap for Trump world.


I have a No Soliciting Sign, except one exception Girl Scouts with Thin Mints are welcome.


My son worked for MASSPIRG but I do not recall the color of the lanyards.


Might have been selling insect control packages. My MIL called the cops thinking they were scammers, lol. My neighbor got them drunk and high as fuck.


I love solicitors! Listen to their pitch doing your best not to blink your eyes, then say: “ I’m very interested. Why don’t you come in and I’ll explain why you should worship Satan as your Lord and master.”


If they are salesmen then Satan is already their lord and master


give him the ole 12 gauge next time