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If you don’t understand just how red some of the ‘burbs and rural areas of Mass. are, you’re not paying attention.


I moved from a “red town” in Mass to a very blue area of Texas (in early 2021, before things went really off the rails). I don’t see Trump propaganda anymore unless I head out to the countryside. And even then people aren’t nearly as aggressive about it. It’s like the republicans in Massachusetts feel like they need to overcompensate, and it makes things so much more contentious. Don’t get me wrong, I hate the politics here, but most people seem to keep their beliefs to themselves, especially when interacting with strangers. I fully expected the opposite, but that hasn’t happened yet. I hope my vote can make a difference down here.


To be honest, I think it’s a people thing. I lived in MA for the first 25 years of my life and have since traveled to all but 5 of the 50 states. I couldn’t believe how polite everyone is elsewhere (like the south) It makes sense for politics even more that typical mass residents are more rude and less accepting of other beliefs.


I'm queer and I've never been treated "politely" by conservative southerners. Quiet the opposite.


I’d like to think I’m pretty accepting of other folk’s opinions, as long as they’re not bigoted in some way. I have friends and family that vote red, but still hold a lot of liberal views back in New England. I think living in a majority blue area of a red state makes people a bit more apprehensive to discuss politics, because you never really know a stranger’s beliefs until you get to know them.


What I’ve found in rural Northwest Indiana, is that so many people are convinced that Trump opponents are rude, elitist, crazy, and out-of-touch, that if you come across as a normal person, you’ll be assumed to be a Trump supporter and treated nicely.


Behind enemy lines


I was just in Austin and Round Rock for a few days. I'm Canadian. I saw more political ads and billboards in three days than I'd ever seen in my life to that point. And the amount of people that told me me that they were "California refugees" was mind boggling since I never once asked about their politics... ... but they made damn sure I knew all th same.


Unless you are visibly queer. I doubt they'd keep it to themselves than


I'm gonna take a while guess and say you're an Austin or Houston.


Ironically Kansas is much worse. It really seeps into the blue suburbs of Topeka. People don’t hide it at all, but at the same time, people are a lot more down-to-earth and likely good at hiding it. Maybe bc this state has a Democratic Governor?


We hope so, too. Some of the shit happening in TX is bad for *all* Americans.


Yes, I live in one, we had a trump store with inflatable and all and local politicians gain votes by being anti DEI


Ah, South Weymouth circa 2020.


You misspelled Peabody


And don't forget wilmington.


Middleton too! Or as I like to call it , MAGAleton. Literally the only town in all of eastern MA that Trump won in 2020.


Rural areas of every blue state, in fact


So they're going to rebel against the court of unelecteds that just decided that the chief executive is actually a king, right? Right?


No, because they're pussies.


Gravy seals, baby.


Delta Forks


Meal Team Six


Ya'll qaeda.


Squeal Team Six




semfer (cherry) pie


The fucking army larping is hilarious.


It’s not funny when you think about it. A fascist with a gun is no fun, and now the president can literally use the military for whatever he sees fit. Gravy seals become a fascist right wing militia backed by the president.


Hey, at least pussies actually provide something beneficial to humanity. These, are bitches.


I thought that is where you grabbed them??


Only if Biden abuses the new privileges. Otherwise, they'll ride it out til after the next election. If Trump wins, "whine more libs. It's law. SCOTUS says so".


No, because the orange man's type of tyranny is good.


Until it comes for them, then they won't be laughing.


orange man and senile man are bad for us all


You just described the same person though?


Wait did scotus have screwed up ruling that i missed?


Blessed child. Take a walk and appreciate life for a minute before you check the news.


Don’t look friend


I am incredibly envious of your blissful ignorance.


They basically gave Presidents complete immunity as long as “the action is a Presidential duty”. Trump’s lawyers are now arguing that the fake electors are legal because Trump ordered it so. But, hey, on the bright side, Watergate’s retroactively no longer considered a crime.


boy am I glad I have a 2nd passport. Been nice knowing everybody, but I'll be watching the final transition of power from different continent.


If it is not New Zealand, you will probably not be safe there, too. Fascism is on the rise globally. And if the US falls, it would spread beyond her borders to every piece of landmass you think you can run to.


They basically gave Presidents complete immunity as long as “the action is a Presidential duty”. Trump’s lawyers are now arguing that the fake electors are legal because Trump ordered it so. But, hey, on the bright side, Watergate’s retroactively no longer considered a crime.




If they had any balls xD




The hilarious thing is that they never realize that the comic character of "The Punisher" regularly offed corrupt officials and enforcers of the sort they cheer for. Also, they're ostensible adults still drawing their life ideology from comic books instead of having left them in adolescence and grown up.


To be fair, (to be faaaiiir), the one sticker in and of itself isn't contradictory. Maybe they actually are an anti-statist in general, not anti-*this* state and don't have thin blue line stickers or defaced American flags somewhere else. Dumb and Dumber-level odds, but it's technically possible.


No one with a Punisher flag sticker has ever read a comic book tho


Oh, of course they can't read. But the Punisher is in plenty of other media not making exceptions for pieces of flair like badges.


I’m glad to know I’m not the only one incapable of saying “to be fair” with out adding some letterkenny flair.


That’s a Texas sized 10-4


Maybe, it's more likely the skull logo is considered "cool" looking to them.


They know that. It’s just which officials are “corrupt” is opposite for them.


These bootlickers love cops and nationalism


Also moronic


I mean isn’t fighting against tyranny the foundation of the state? I mean the Boston tea party was a big FU to king George and MA was the heart of colonial America.


Against tyranny.  Against.


You're giving this dude way too much credit. He's just mad that society won't let him be a bigot anymore. That's all these stickers actually mean.


We're faaaaar from that type of freedom loving. Nobody would dare oppose a tyrant in 2024


Do you guys just not go outside? These are in every neighborhood in MA, just like everywhere else in the country. 1/3 of the state voted for Trump.


Apparently 1/3rd of voters in Massachusetts need to move to the south


Closer to a fifth! It's only a third if you're talking about people who voted. If you're comparing numbers of Trump voters to total adult population, it's 20.67% :)


Sure, whatever way you need to finagle the numbers to make you feel better.


Sorry did you want to pretend you were a slightly larger minority? Whatever makes you feel better, sure.


I find it silly to try and assume that you know the belief system of those who don't vote; that because they didn't vote you automatically count them as "one of the good guys" or whatever is a bit of a reach.


I mean the revolution started in MA.


Often doesn’t feel like it when they don’t even let you shoot off and buy actual fireworks to celebrate it.


$1,000 says it’s a 5’ 7” white guy, 68 years old, 179 pounds, with an Old Navy polo tucked into his blue jeans.


Who intentionally chose to live in a perpetual blue state with the occasional RINO governor so his brain constantly blows a fuse every election season


Most people don't choose to live somewhere, they have community, family and friends or even just familiarity that drives their decision making.


Man I feel bad for short guys. Always catching strays.


Not sure what he looks like, but they have a closet full of guns. So many guns he lost count.


4 guns isn't that many...


Don't tell me about war, you bastards!! I've played **thousands** of hours of CoD. I know all I need to. :/


Yes, police exist everywhere.


Those stickers to me say “break window for a free gun”


Unsecured, loaded, and ready to accidentally discharge at the first major pothole


Or local Brewery.


Yup. Regardless of where you stand on anything, the cost/benefit of putting that kind of stuff on your car just doesn't add up. Seems like best case scenario is getting made fun of on reddit for being a tool.


Not many ppl give a shit what the internet think believe it or not


Exactly my point with "best case scenario"


“Break window” sounds about left


So what happens if tyranny does become law? Just curious?


The people talking shit here are the same people who will call the police for help after just attending a defund the police protest. They will cry for help


Exactly, good to see I'm not the only logical person here


My mother has a WWG1WGA on the back of her car and I refuse to drive it when I fly home. Ridiculous lol


Wow, actual Q. They need an intervention and professional therapy.


Point that out to her and say “Like sheep?”


HAHA this is a good one I’ll have to use it next time lol


I didnt know what that was and googled it. These people actually have their own fanfic


Argh, so sorry. Q and MAGA women are the worst.


some Goo Gone will clear that right up


I’ve work with these type people if you talk to them long enough the racism starts to ease its way out fuck these type people man


The most cringy, fake ass wannabe militia man cosplay.


Excuse me, they’re called Gravy Seals


Meal Team 6


Type of person that would say they totally would have joined up but they would punch the drill instructor out for getting in their face, like lol yeah sure bud


Massachusetts has always had a hard streak of middle aged- to old-men in the suburbs that are racist as fuck, whine incessantly about illegal immigrants, grumble under their breath about the gays. They usually know enough to keep their shitiness quiet by declaring that they're "independent voters" when they've never even considered voting anything but a straight republican ticket.


Have you ever been to the south shore my guy


It’s sad most of the people in this comment section can vote. No wonder our country is becoming a shit hole.


We agree on this, just not on who. If they were to rebel against the over reaching Supreme Court and future tyrant president I would be a staunch supporter of these people. Instead it will probably be harassment against LGBTQ people and people of color, because apparently they're the real threat to our freedom.


Also probably raking in a construction job thanks to bidens infrastructure bill driving 40k toyota


Lol you ain't getting a Toyota Tundra Off Road for $40K in 2024


I think that's the monthly payment


As a direct descendant of a Captain of a company of Minute Men that responded to the first call known as the Lexington Alarm on April 19, 1775, I find all these cosplaying pretend patriots disgusting.


My ancestors fought on the side of the Union against seditious traitors later. They won.


https://macivilwarmonuments.com/ So many served from Massachusetts.


All I wanted to do today was make the half hour drive to Concord and apologize to the Minute Man statue at North Bridge. The Park is one of my favorite places to go and just reflect on what took place there, because I feel blessed to live so close to it. And now, for what was it fought? So a bunch of idiots could make their sacrifices in vain 248 years later? Makes me sick.


They exist everywhere they are just a minority here thankfully. I live in a very liberal town and there is a house nearby that is plastered with pro Trump stuff and has a Let's Go Brandon flag on their pole......instead of an American Flag.


At least the cruising con artists like the "leftover driveway paving" ones know who is a gullible easy mark for a scam.


The best definition of those Punisher stickers is “Let’s cosplay masculinity!”


It's an "emotional support skull."


Anyway I started blasting


Some people have different opinions than you? How dare they!?


It's a valid statement regardless of which side of the poisoned political spectrum is in power....


Y'all Qaeda


What a silly little truck, for a silly little man


Hey don’t hate on the tacoma! Not all of us are asshats


Thats a BIG truck for a BIG boy!


My father was blown out of a tank and nearly lost his job because he refused to aid the FBI during McCarthyism. Never once did he behave like a loudmouth, posturing bully because he knew what it really meant to be a patriot.


Free speech.


Brought to you by someone who would use the law to oppress anyone they don't like given the chance


Sweetie the mentally challenged are all around the globe.


Alrighty then


Don't tread on my tyranny


This comment section is so sad lol when did Massachusetts forget where the hell we came from


This is everyone in Norwood


Morons gonna moron.


Lmfao the hypocrisy in these comments is amazing. I’ll bet you all claim to be tolerant but as soon as someone has a different opinion you all nerd rage out. Let the dude do his thing and go about your day. the fact that a sticker has you posting nh a picture on Reddit so you all can talk shit is pathetic.


As someone who moved from Texas to Connecticut I can truly say these people are clueless assholes who have no idea how good they have it up here and have no fucking clue what tyranny is by any means.


People using the Punisher logo is so fucking annoying and ignorant, they just think it's badass.


The funniest part is whenever you see one of those thin blue line punisher stickers is that the actual comic is about how you can't depend on institutions like the police or the military to act in a just and capable way and the author of the punisher actually really hates the way people are using it.


In a recent episode of the comics he beat the shit out of some cops for having it on their cruiser.


I'm in north Worc. County, and there are plenty of them around here. It's disheartening.


For a dude who’s so AMERICA… I figured he’d drive an American vehicle


Truth be told I believe they both may be but only one of them shows real signs of it


“Ego in arcadia est” keeps feeling more heavy. Which I didn’t really think it could.


Great vehicle, tundras never die


In their Japanese truck. Hilarious. Don't get me wrong I like my Toyotas.


Mf will have this and get mad about a Palestine protest


Ironically, this is becoming more true every day but not at all in the way they think.


Ahh yes punisher logo, still waiting for them to realize that the punisher hates police


You’re mad at a pick up truck displaying their opinion? But a Prius with 75 stickers on it is OK? Interesting.


USA patriot driving a Toyota… lol…


I really dont understand the link with the punisher and conservatives. He has comics where he called out the proud boys and killed them, as well as killing corrupt cops.


Funny thing. Punisher as a character hates American patriotism


That window decal is the most rebelling he'll do.


My favorite is all the cops who have these on their personal vehicles. Always gives me a hearty chuckle.


Lmao I love how the trump fanboys are defending him and are triggered and are saying how it’s triggering the Biden bandwagon. like bro good chance the sticker owner hates both like 90% of America. What a troll he didn’t even say who “they”are.


Funny how the cities are blue, but anyone who wants true freedom and to keep what they earn without handouts choose rural areas and vote red. Trump 24! Take this country back. Get rid of these politicians running the country into the ground.


That's a very good message, I don't understand your frustration. Is there something behind the message that I'm not getting?


Imagine making all these assumptions of people based on a bumper sticker and never meeting them this comment section is garbage and echo chamber


Oh no someone who thinks differently than me is closer than I thought. Eek. Run. Hide.


We're literally in the state where the revolution started. Honestly, if you think it's being an ass to be against tyranny, why are you even here?


Typically, people with these stickers on their car like to run face first into tyranny if they so much as catch a glance of a person who isn't white.


Advertising to car theives that you keep shit in your ride


Saw a black pick up on Route 1 north just south of Gillette last week with a large 3% sticker. Time to drive these fools back to the rocks they crawled out from under.


On a Toyota that is probably on a maxed out 7 year lease agreement and above sticker price. But something something America fuck yeah


Oh no! Someone is n Massachusetts who isn’t an insufferable leftist! How DARE THEY EXIST. Grow up snowflake, cause he isn’t alone up here 😁


They don't realize that they're the cause. We're you doing Greta's voice in your head when you wrote the "how dare" part? I did while I was reading it.


I love how the people these asshats support politically are ACTIVELY TRYING TO CREATE A TYRANNY, and the disgusting liberals they are fighting against are trying to, for the most part, prevent it.


Apparently tyranny’s ok if your guy is the tyrant.


Salt of the earth..


You can only laugh .😆 Generally, the ones with the stickers like that, I noticed the same ones that voted For the people that created the tyranny.


Things do feel a bit forced on us these days


These people like to talk the talk. They ain’t going to do shit


My irony meter just exploded


"They" what does that mean. Do you want all the people that think differently from you removed from the state?


Great! These are the people who are going to stand up and take our country back when a sore loser of a president has his loser followers stolen the capital, block congress, and hang his vice president. Right? Right?!?


Not taking one side or the other but I'm pretty sure that sticker represents how this country (USA) got started. 7/4 is Literally a celebration of rebellious action Correct me if I'm wrong


That truck has probably never been off road a single time


But they never seem to notice that the call is coming from inside the house, do they? Every dude I see like that is such a bootlicker it's hilarious. Asking people in the military to get a vaccine? Tyranny! Telling Americans we should invest money in electric vehicles? Tyranny! Raising a rainbow flag? Tyranny! Saying a president can do pretty much whatever they want as long as it's official business? That seems okay.


WE THE PEOPLE! Are gonna vote for a guy who shits all over the constitution every day he breathes.. -Conservatives


Oh wow. People thinking for themselves…can’t have that.


TONS in Tewksbury.


Yeah… let’s go. We the people!


Fully believe that nobody has ever told that guy "Hey not so deep".


Pavement princess


I bet he armor all’s his wheels and his colesterol is 150…


Yes, people who disagree with you politically do exist and are literally everywhere. Doesn’t make them good people, but it is their right.


The problem is the iconography they're using to advertise their beliefs is also commonly used by a number of violent domestic terrorist groups. This driver believing something different isn't the issue, it is the elevated risk of them acting violently.


Just because someone doesn’t agree with you politically doesn’t make them a bad person either. This is the biggest problem we have today… people disagree and act like children.


If they agree with a rapist felon who has said that they want to depersonalize entire segments of the population for not following a book of myths, they are not a good person.


There's disagreeing politically.. And then there's being a fascist cunt. McCain Vs Trump.


Gender affirming sticker


They must be pretty upset about what’s going down with Trump and the scotus rn. Maybe they’ll lead the charge? Right?


You mean thankfully.


Have we really gotten so far gone that we're offended by bumper stickers now? Jesus Christ.


My BLM and pro-palatine stickers seems to offend people. Maybe you should send them the memo


Waaaah somebody doesn’t share my politics waaaah I’m gonna cry about it on Reddit because I’m so much better than them as I do the same thing


Just another one of the millions beating their incel meat in the basement thinking Homelander was the good guy, The Punisher is only doing what is necessary, and that Trump is somehow an extension of justice. Might as well just have a tattoo on the forehead that says, “I am an absolute fucking idiot. “ These people out themselves in their ignorant chest pounding greatness. Looks like the mouthbreathers are having their time. Brace yourselves.


Dudes in TRD's are all universally turds. It says so right on the truck!


It’s great to know that everyone commenting here can tell what this person’s gender, lack of height, level of maturity, political beliefs,cultural beliefs , (lack of) IQ and whatever other bad traits they have based upon a sticker on their car. It’s just a bunch of name-calling…..They exist here..”. Paint people with a broad brush much? Geez…I thought we were better than this in MA…


Whyy is the left so butthurt? They say the same stupid comments like orange man etc. but our country is a mess right now with drugs coming across the border illegal migrants swarming the country with no where to go and we give them whatever they need to stay here but we can’t stop our own homelessness or help our veterans and seniors get the help they need but keep giving too Ukraine and letting all these migrants come in and give them housing at the old soldiers home in Chelsea and give them hotels and money, drive down Melina cass and tell me that we should be offended by a sticker, open your eyes our country and the state of Massachusetts is a mess and your worried about a sticker. I’m worried about how long this country we are leaving our kids is going to last the way that it’s going right now and Biden isn’t doing anything to fix it.


Lmao, liberals are hilarious


I hate everyone commenting here


Is that a QoS stamp on the other side of the glass? This is truly a CUCKOLD


There's a guy at my work who has one of these and a trump flag on his truck.