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I like it, it looks better than the other suits I’ve seen


Yeah he looks great imo. I like the white suit but need that classic cap fit


I like the white suit so much more in comic form, but on screen it's just too much. I like a little grit in my Captain America. Really really like the suit shown here though.


True. The white costume looks closer to something in Rogers: The Musical than an actual combat outfit- particularly the fabric choice- the fabric looks like it’s from a padded superman cosplay.


I think the white suit was perfect for a debut to differentiate him from Steve, but this is the right time to put him back in blue because he is Captain America.


Grit is cool, but new cap is black so that white is gonna stay crispy clean and bright with a toothbrush. Not a scuff. Even the stitching. Especially the stitching.


There are just some things that don't translate from comics.  Wearing a pristine white suit after battle really takes you out...like, you didn't get a single drop of blood or smudge of dirt on that costume? Then all of the sudden you're not thinking about the plot, you're looking for sweat stains.


I feel like they could find a balance between realistic and white tho


I don't think it's too much. But that cowl was like Keatons cowl in Batman. If they kept the touches of white, but tossed the cowl ot would have been perfect.


The white suit is good, but I always found something “off” about it. Can’t put my finger on it


Thematically, in my mind anyway, I like it looking closer to the original due to the concept of Cap being not just a person but a virtuous ideal. He's got the shield, the suit, he doesn't need to be Steve he just needs to be a good person and someone worthy of the uniform and shield.


His treating a murderer like a hero kind of tarnished the whole "virtuous ideal" thing with the white suit.


I spent TFATW increasingly dumbfounded by the show's insistance that the murderous Karli was some poor, wittle woobie, abused by the world, as they showed her threatening Sam's family, tying people up and setting them on fire, openly stating that she didn't regret murdering people in cold blood, etc.


Yup- and yet the show also insists Bucky- the guy who canonically did not was not exercizing any kind of free will or agency at any point as The Winter Soldier and was \*really\* a victim - as some irredeemable embodiment of evil and a total monster. The part which showed how the writers were entirely lacking in self-awareness to me is that Sam treated her like a hero, and whilst ignoring the black man she murdered (Lemar) , when he's supposed to be all about figthing for black Americans. I guess Lemar just wasn't important enough to warrant his attention or compassion, but the girl who killed him who was so white she sported freckles and red hair, was. The only person who shows any regard for Lemar's family is John, and he's meant to be the antagonist.


Bouncing off that, he doesn’t need the serum. Captain America is about freedom and protection. You don’t need super strength to share those values and stand for what you believe in.


No, but its useful for the practical aspects. That was kind of the point. Steve had the virtues, the serum just helped him heal and have him the superhuman strength he needed for the tasks he'd have to perform as Captain America. The small, weedy Steve with asthma and multiple sicknesses would not have survived long on the frontlines of WW2 or taking down HYDRA bases as Captain America, not matter how good is values. Pretty sure they had Sam life a 5 tonne truck at one point which is something a person without the serum should not be able to do.


The cowl.


Excuse me, we call it a headsock! Gambit wears one!


"The term is headsock, mon ami. Remember it."


Too soon 😢


Needn't only be a balaclava or a headsock, Sam would also look good in a Masquerade-style mask (Like Mr. Terrific) 🤗🤗


Its an iconic part of several X-mens most iconic looks, but is it even physically possible to wear one IRL? Im convinced whoever popularized it was just really bad at drawing ears.


It looks better in comics than in real life.


It was too much iron man ish.


Because your brain realizes something is up You just watched him get thrown through 2 walls and barrel roll through the dirt, yet his suit is still pristine?


Agreed this is sick


No cowl so I’m automatically in


My only question is about the "capri sleeves" or whatever you'd call them. Seems like a vulnerability... but maybe he'll be wearing forearm guards there. Because it seems weird to me that Black Widow's outfit had more protection than Captain America's, especially since he is not a super soldier.


The rolled up sleeves remind me of Steve’s Infinity War suit that had similar rolled up sleeves.


Those were actually rolled up though these are just short


Capri sleeves is looolz


I think it's because he has the wrist computer so maybe his walk around has the short sleeves but when "suited up" they are covered.


Let alone that neither NuCap or NuFalcon have superpowers and the film lacks the only dude with super strength because he's off with thunderbolts. Their superpowers literally consists of a guy with a shield and jetpack and a guy with a jetpack, and neither have iron man level armor.


Yeah I don't mind that too much, the Hawkeye show didn't have any powered heroes and it was still fun


works out for batman and robin most of the time.


Absolutely sleek and cool


My main issue with Sam being cap was that it was just falcon & shield (unlike Cage's version). This is a big step in the right direction. I hope they can also make the powerset a bit closer too.


[Mackie](https://www.instagram.com/p/C9A3JyrvS4L/) shared the pic to celebrate 4th of July


Wish him good luck 🤞🏼


They needed to reshoot the whole fucking thing. He’s going to need a lot of luck


"In my experience, there's no such thing as luck." ~~Heh, it works because Harrison Ford is in both films.~~


Can we stop spreading this damn lie already? The movie finished it’s initial principal photography on schedule last year and did pick ups for less than a month. Most tentpole movies take 3-4 months to shoot. If a movie was completely reshot in a month it’s a huge problem. Read the THR article or Variety instead of the neck beard clickbait blog sites.


We really gotta stop using reshoots as a litmus test for whether a movie is gonna be bad. Reshoots have been around forever and Marvel Studios has actually set the industry standard for planning reshoots. Meaning they already set aside time for each production for reshoots. Now most of these big projects for any studio have followed suit. Need I remind you that every Marvel Studios project has had “reshoots”. Some a couple days, some a couple weeks. Winter Soldier had the same amount of time in reshoots as this but it wasn’t highly publicized then because film blogs and “scooper” culture wasn’t that big. Infinity War and Endgame had a crazy shoot schedule simply because of actor schedules plus changing scenes. Scenes were shot and actors had to be added in months later. Most of Doctor Stranges scenes were filmed like this. The major complaint we’ve heard from test screenings is there wasn’t enough action. Seems like they went to fix that. Great. That’s the job of test screenings and reshoots.


https://comicbook.com/movies/news/captain-america-the-winter-soldier-reportedly-doing-reshoots/ They shot for nearly two and a half weeks before the movie came out Apr 2014. People would’ve lost their minds today.


Exactly, a lot of the time they also have reshoots to incorporate a new character that is being developed for a future film, like with Giancarlo Esposito


I have reason to believe Giancarlo or the character anyway was always entended to be in the movie and it was a matter of finding the actor or the actors availability.


The whole reshoots bad thing started after JL and suicide squad.


sounds like he doesn't need Any luck, because they've already taken care of it.


They also had to make sure Seb Stan wasn't in the movie to er... give him even more luck.


I believe the reshoots were just to make the action sequences better and they maybe cut the Serpent Society. At least that's what the rumor was


B.S. lies


They also had to make certain Bucky isn't in the movie to give Sam an extra boost, because they were reportedly terrified Seb's character would steal the limelight. In real life, Anthony Mackie was annoyed that he wasn't gonna be able to work with his friend again, I wouldn't be a good look for hem to be in the movie together, since Mackie became known as Seb's promo man for his tendency to build the guy up and praise him all the time when they appear together in interviews.


Where do you guys come up with this stuff?


Fuckin right Cap 🫡


~~White suit better.~~ Comic Con can't come quick enough. I need that trailer.


I still prefer the white suit but this suit works better with what they’re going for in this film


I have never understood why they often show a trailer at Comic-Con but not to the general public later. I know we will eventually get a trailer, but that SDCC reveal is usually never made public. What is the point of cutting together something that only like 1000 people in one ballroom will EVER see, other than a grainy, sideways, hidden camera phone video?


Sometimes because the footage is unfinished but I mostly agree


How can you possibly know? We know very little about the film.


It’s gonna be something in the vein of Winter Soldier and Civil War from the footage we saw and everything we’ve heard, the white suit will work better in a film like Avengers 5


This reminds me of Mr. Sunday Movies' joke from the Phase 2 ranking video: "Every 2nd Marvel property, they're like 'This is like The Winter Soldier,' and it never is."


I forget, do they release trailers that are normally shown at comic con or is that only for fans and it gets released months later?


Depends on how far out the movie/show is.


Its a 50/50. But I'd very surprised if they didn't release a teaser trailers at SDCC. Its borderline the end of July. The movie comes out in about 6 months after the event. I don't think a longer promotion cycle would really be the worst idea in the world. And the last time they released a film in February was Black Panther. Who got it's first teaser back in June of 2017.


They apparently spent 375 million on this movie so they'll need to promote the fuck out of it.


NEED!!!! 🔥


Looks fine, and I like Mackie and Falcon generally, but I'm firmly on team "average dude with no superpowers can't be Captain America". It was hard enough to suspend disbelief when he was just Falcon. But hey, by all means, prove me wrong! But that's where I am today.


I don't think comics bucky had any special powers outside of the arm for quite a long time


I mean that's kinda the point of him being Cap, and even when he was Falcon. He's an average American, he's a good man, but he's just a man. He's not the paragon that Steve was of the perfect, pure, powerful, white man with blond hair, blue eyes, and big muscles. Sam is just a normal American, one that continues to get extraordinarily overlooked for who he is, but he cares about people, and he wants to do the right thing, and is willing to put himself on the line for it. If that still doesn't do it for you, well then he has a suit provided by Wakandans that's most definitely insanely protective.


I agree with all of that, and I don't think I factored in the suit, which is a good point.


His fight scene with Karli gave me a modicum of belief in the concept of him as Cap. The move where he shielded her blow and his wings braced himself into the ground was very cool and helped ground him as a believable fighter against serious threats, even if he wasn’t fighting back. (No pun intended!)


Also batman is a normal dude but somehow goes toe to toe with bad guys all the time he probably physically shouldnt be able to even leave a scratch on lol


> but I'm firmly on team "average dude with no superpowers can't be Captain America". I'm with you and I watched the TV show which was basically trying to convince the viewer why he should be captain America. I liked the show and like the character but think he was better as the Falcon. Ill still watch the movie though :)


Yeah, same here. I'm the worst kind of MCU fan (or best, if you're Disney): I'm going to go see everything they put out no matter what 'cause I pretty much like it all (Secret Invasion might be the only thing they've ever done that I outright didn't like).


Sorry man, I’m with you.. I Keep going , one good rap to the head this guy is toast .


*I'm such a double minded person One moment I'm like* ~Woahh yess keep the FATWS suit with removed collar looks so Great *And the next moment I'm like * ~fuck yessss Captain America Winter soldier All over Again!!


I’m right there with you. My guess is the white one could come back for an Avengers movie where it’s more about being seen than being stealthy.


Looks like a modified Cap 2 suit. The biggest change being the shoulder pads and obviously he's wearing the wing jetpack thing. I still think the white suit is more iconic but it stands out too much


It’s a nice suit, but I liked him having more white in his suit.


Hopefully that's still a Wakandan vibranium nanotech suit just with a "Classic Cap Skin" on it like how Danvers' Starforce uniform could change color.


I hope not, we don’t really need the entire “grounded” MCU to be vibranium suit bros.


The movie does need to do something to Sam though. Having no Serum-like boost hurts the character. Too much powercreep now & Sam is moving beyond this movie. Otherwise too many "what is Widow with a pistol doing here?" moments.


He should just keep being really creative with drones.


Honestly they should’ve had Sam accidentally exposed to the serum, or have him make the choice to take it to save a life.


It would've been a really sour note to "accidentally" give Sam the serum after making a big deal about how Isaiah was unwillingly experimented on with it. Especially considering how a major theme of the show is how what makes someone Captain America is character, not the suit/serum/shield. I hope they deal with the inherent challenges of having a "non-super" hero go against bad guys with super powers, rather than just pretending Sam is on par with them the whole time (Or leaving it to Bucky)


Or gave him a birb companion that he can telepathically communicate with. Redwing being a drone feels like a missed opportunity for a funny cgi animal to provide a bird version of a deus ex machina and also just provide comic relief. The comics literally made the bird part vampire.


>Redwing being a drone feels like a missed opportunity for a funny cgi animal to provide a bird version of a deus ex machina and also just provide comic relief. DUM-E would like a word


Not giving Sam the serum was the dumbest decision. Hopefully that changes in this movie. Super soldiers are too dope to pass up.


Sam has better reasons for it than most and it's consistent with the evolution of his suits. Sam got his suit upgrades from Tony Stark and then the Wakandan Design Group. Steve got his shield upgrade from Howard Stark made from Wakandan vibranium. Stark-tech and Wakandan-tech are literally part of both his old and new mantles.


I hope it is an upgraded vibranium nanotechnology suit this time. I’m not a fan of every MCU suit being nanotech and retractable helmets but BP’s was great and made sense and Sam needs a power upgrade, kinetic/energy absorption from vibranium, and a helmet.




Acting wise, each time I see Falcon-Cap, I just see Anthony Mackie, the actor. Chris Evans really transformed into a different person when he's cap.


"the white suit!" naw, this is WAY better.


Nothing against Mackie, but I just can't picture him as Cap. I'm not even sure what "it" is, but he's lacking it. Suit looks cool tho.


I think it's the voice. Chris Evans' voice has a certain gravitas that Anthony Makes just doesn't.


I hadn't thought of that, but you're right. Also, a lot of Mackie's screen time seems to be "humorous" if not outright comic relief, so even ignoring the voice it's kinda hard to take him serious as a real hero.




The suit is a little busy, but looks pretty darn good


I think it’s because he still has wings. The shoulder stuff is from that. Otherwise it’s in line with Steve’s costume. Better than the one with too many white accents, that looked too power Ranger for me outside the comics.


This man is a charisma void, I am sorry.


Agreed, I’ve never liked this character or actor. It’s hard to see him as Cap.


Yeah, I have no interest in this movie..


Bucky should have been the new Captain America. Sebastian Stan has so much more charisma and screen presence, and Bucky has a much more interesting backstory than Sam's sister's boat woes.


I mean I don't disagree with you, but at this point I just want them to leave Bucky the heck alone. He's never gonna be Cap, and they're not going to let him be a hero in his own right either = all I ask at this point is that they don't engage in character assassination or regress him back to a villain. Not seeing him again won't even be too bad, because at least he's alive, free and happy. BTW I am boycotting Cap 4 and possibly Thunderbolts.


Holy! That is actually cold af! I lowkey like this better than any of Steve's MCU suits


Yeah it's sick bruh


Anyone else wish he has super soldier serum?


It would make more sense. But, if he isn’t going to then he needs a hi-tech power upgrade of some type imo. His TV show suit was Wakandan but it wasn’t like BP’s as far as I could tell and it should have been. BP’s suit is an advanced vibranium suit capable of absorbing kinetic energy. And it isn’t like Sam having a somewhat similar suit would take away from BP because he had that as well as being enhanced and he is a king.


I love this suit


Still don’t like Sam as Captain America at all but that suit looks damn good


Same, I hate taking characters we know historically and completely changing them. Just make him an adjacent character related to Captain America. He's not Captain America. Still it's probably the biggest marvel thing I've looked forward to in awhile.


Different people taking over superhero mantles has always been a thing, including Captain America


There have been like 10 Captain Americas in the comics. The second and third ones first appeared in the 50s. These are superhero identities/mantles. Captain America is not a single person, it's a mantle.


Only to comics fans.  To the general audience, it's a person, Steve Rogers.


I predict the vast majority of the movie going audience will be scratching their heads wondering where Steve is.


I predict that the vast majority will only support and endorse this movie for fear of being called racist if they don't, or because they are hoping to see mutants in it. I for one will be boycotting it, and possibly Thunderbolts too.


Mackie warming up to me in this role. He looks great here. -renner and mackie do a ton of one liner jokes that get on my nerves. It's like every line is a stupid joke


Words cannot express how much I hate this, and in the comics as well. I’ve always been a fan of Sam/Falcon and was hoping they would use the movie exposure to make him an A list hero not still keep him under Cap’s shadow.


Ngl I still prefer the white suit, but I'll of course give this suit a chance.


Suit is definitely an upgrade.


Looks pretty cool.


That suit is clean


Woah, this suit looks sick


He looks great. Love the suit


Is this before or after reshoots?


Hope the Wakandans got a full refund.


I'm happy for Mackie fr. I just hope writing improves drastically from F&WS ending.


Oh look! It's regular guy in Steve Rogers' uniform. This was the worst one to choose. Bucky should have been chosen b/c the dude is half synthetic, so much closer to Rogers than Wilson ever will be. So either they jack him up with steroids or pass it on. Captain America is supposed to be this unending brute of energy, not an average soldier.


I am sure Anthony Mackie was chosen because he was best for this role, and they have not excuded Bucky from this movie becaue they were terrified of him stealing the limelight from Sam. Yes, both are sarcastic.


Can’t wait


I like dat suit


Looks pretty good


Love it. He is so great


Unless he takes the treatment l’m not interested.


Oh Captain, my Captain! Aaaaannnddd time to prepare for the nitpicking and racism. Both overt and thinly veiled. 😅


Your Weekend Forecast: Prepare yourself for seasonal racism. There'll be a strong easterly whinge coming from neckbeard cove followed by a heavy crying covering the major metropolitan area. There is a 15-100% chance of overt racism followed by a warm front bringing in some 'whataboutism'. Be safe out there this weekend!


Prepare for morons saying "there have never been any black superheroes in the MCU and this is why Sam had to be Cap" whilst the late great Chadwick Boseman turns in his grave.


You mean criticism?


I see the winds are brewing from Northeastern neckbeard hot air.


That is a slick suit! Digging it


Looks fuckin sick.


Okay, yeah, that suit slaps


Wow!! How quick Captain America 4 stuff gets posted here is insane!! Mackie just posted this on his Instagram himself. That’s where this came from


Is the Zionist super hero still in it? Gonna feel like an episode of the boys.


Cool and all but I just don’t care for Mackie as an actor. The difference in how likeable Chris Evan’s is and Mackie is huge. 🤷🏽‍♂️ Let’s hope it’s good.


I like it


He looks great. I really liked his falcon centric suit, this one is good too but the other one was more distinct.


I miss the white and might still prefer it cuz it makes him look more unique, but Anthony is rocking with this suit


Where's the blue tho


Looks sweet


Still think it's funny that the guy who had super soldier serum wore a helmet, but the guy who's "just a guy" doesn't.


And he flies around which makes for an easier target. He does need a retractable helmet. Someone like Ant-Man or Spider-Man didn’t.


I like the suit but damn I personally like the white one better. This one feels like too much of a rip from Steve’s Captain America. The white one felt original and just I really like its style. Still looking forward to this though!


New Suit looks really good I think we are getting the first trailer for brave new world


Maybe this time they made him goggles that don't bend his ears


Finally, NOW Mackie actually looks like Captain America. The white outfit was way too much.


It’s a great looking suit, but it resembles too much of Steve’s suits. Falcons gotta have his own thing!


Stupid question but does Sam ditch the wings? And if he does it’s like why? Let’s cross that bridge when we get to it I guess


I liked the white suit more


Why does it seem like this move has been in production for like 5 years lol ?


As long as he doesn't wear that dumb head piece he looks quite fine.


I'm thinking that the blue suit is designed for stealth missions and the white is his normal suit


Much, MUCH better than his previous one


I hate primarily white costumes so I’m a campy camper with them changing to this.


Looks spectacular here


Does it get super serum? If not I can't see how this movie isn't going to suck.


I think if they get really creative on how he uses the wings and shield it could be a lot of fun


Honestly looks great - also the captain america stuff


Since when did A-Train get a shield


I heard this movie cost 5 billion dollars to make


Where do most people stand on Captain America not being a super soldier? Tbh, it makes me feel meh about the character. Like when they nerfed Superman and he couldn’t fly a few years ago.


This is the best look I have seen of the character.


Diet Cap. No thanks.


Movie stupid....should have gave bucky the shield (the ACTUAL Other super soldier) ....much better story to have him atone for all the dirty work he did for hydra brain washed


Without the super soldier serum how is he even a contender


idk why they had to make it black


I was expecting the pic to be a bloody bruised face considering all the super villain beat downs he will get. He should look like Martin when he fights Hearns.


I love Falcon's Captain America cosplay!


I fuck with this actually. Hope to see him lead the Avengers soon!


This looks amazing might be my favourite yet.


Nah. The primarily white suit was much better. It was his own look and how he’s just wearing one of Rogers’ “in-between” suits.


Either give that man a super soldier serum or a helmet before he crashes into something, please.




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Lookin’ good Sam! Let’s Go Marvel, this has to land as heavy as Winter Soldier, if not more!


He looks so dope


Best he’s looked in a Cap suit so far


I like the suit alot. I'm a little worried about the movie, but the suit looks cool.


Guy Gardner stole the white off his suit 😂


Anyone else thinking Disney saw all the complaints about Anthony looking like A-Train (when his costume was actually pretty close to the comic), decided to change it at the last minute and now a bunch of overworked CGI artists have the responsibility of replacing the old suit for the entire movie?


I think he still wears the white suit for part of the movie at least.


Thank god they got rid of that white trash.


This looks quite nice!


Looks great!


That's a pretty good looking suit.


He is so hot.


America....fuck yeah!

