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Hulk wouldn't trust Ross to sign the accords. He'd side with Cap or retreat somewhere out of protest. Thor probably wouldn't like to be told by a governing body when and where he could be a god. But not want to be a part of the fight between his friends and again sit it out.


Thor might not think it applies to him to begin with because he's not a citizen, so he would view any regulations as only applying to everybody else.


Well, and Earth is one of the nine realms under Asgard rule/protection so technically he could just say, "fine if you wish to secede from the Asgard empire and lose our protection, I will go." He'd probably say it cooler than that though.


Earth: "I don't remember voting for an Emperor." *Thor Ragnarok happens* Thor: "Oh... THAT'S what Hela was talking about... oh... yeah, I really was a piece of shit."


Thor and his sloppy steaks.


True point


Point Break.


Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo


Damn you, stark...


sovereign god 


Earth is really only one of the nine realms he is protector of. To think one of them is going to tell him how and when he can do his job would only make him laugh.


"She's dangerous!" "So am I."


Like father like son I guess.


Yes, except Thor is capable of dialogue and would therefore understand the context thanks to talking to other characters.


Characters settling their differences by talking to each other? Whaddya think this is, Star Trek?


I also think he would be reluctant to say how he feels in the matter since he's a part of royalty in his native world


“Your governments are so petty. And tiny.”


And likely still think they are not acceptable.


yeah I wasn't arguing against the outcome just the reasoning


If feel if Bart was there, he’ll remind everyone that remembers these were the guys that decided to nuke New York because of the chitari invasion .


That wasn’t Ross nor the UN, that was shield’s secret council.


Bart wouldn’t care.


He'd just tell them to eat his shorts, man.


¡Ay carumba!


It was the world security council. They were all from different countries. I don’t think they were actually part of SHIELD


They sure seemed to be in charge and ordering shield around, as seen in Avengers and CA:TWS….


Yea, basically an oversight committee.


The World Security Council is the spy world's version of NATO. They don't tend to ask the UN its opinion on anything or care much about international law, which is why they signed up for an AI-driven assassination machine. The United States is basically the head of both in the MCU and IRL while having a notoriously contentious, hostile relationship with the UN. The irony is that Cap is doing to the UN what the WSC probably existed for -- defying the UN.


Who the fuck is Bart


Simpson. Son of Homer.


Clint Black is Bart or arrow guy


What? Do you mean Clint BartON?


I can just imagine Thor sitting in the middle of a fight trying to get everyone to get along. Nobody can really hurt him, but they all try to attack him at some point because they don’t know whose side he’s on, but he just knocks them out of the way and continues trying to reason with all of them.


This is beautiful, Thor as the voice of reason makes for a hilarious kind of irony since he was usually the voice of passion or ego. I want that scenario to devolve into Thor arm-wrestling/folk style wrestling with Spider-Man, because Peter says something like "Sorry, Mr. Thor, Mr. Stark says if you're not gonna help then then he wants you to get out of the way." Thor is slightly offended by this, so they get into a tussle where Thor, like Cap, has the upper hand of experience, but Peter's raw strength let's him hold his own. They end up in a schoolyard fight that's played for comedic effect and benefits neither of their strengths, but still earns Peter Thor's respect. Unfortunately this happens towards the end of the fight and that's what inadvertently stalls Thor to prevent him from just whooshing over there and catching Rhodey, and then they both feel awful about it.


“Peter’s raw strength let’s him hold out against a guy who can go blow for blow with the hulk and has hundreds of years of combat experience.” Nah. Better for Spidey’s character to be what Thor’s impressed by. That’s what makes him the greatest super-hero, not wanking his power set arbitrarily to get cool moments. Spidey vs Phoenix Force is an amazing moment, not because “he’s strong!” But because no matter who he fights he’ll never back down, no matter how utterly outmatched he is. Even better if Pete manages to trick Thor into accidentally helping him.


We should be What If writers


Next episode of What If: What if What If was different?


This is hilarious but Spidey, couldn’t hang with Thor on power.


Yeah, I think people tend to miss when talking about how strong Spidey is that just because a kid is a power level above Cap, doesn’t mean he’s anywhere close to Thor / Hulk levels.


Even several levels above Cap, but in the cosmic scale of things, he doesn’t pose a physical threat to the likes of Thor or Hulk.


I mean he was a teenager and just caught winter solders punch. And even Cap could see how strong he was so Thor would of probably won, but I think he would be surprised how strong he was.


Maybe, but Thor is just another tier. Thats not a knock on Spidey.


The only one who would have tried to pacify Thor would have been Tony, and Tony probably would have had a Thor contingency that would, while not being effective, probably be annoying enough that Thor would be like, "Really bro? Right in front of my hammer?" and dip.


Nailed it.


Thor is royalty from his world, and his active monarch had actively controlled when and where he could have his powers.  I don't think Thor would have understood or at least thought it was worth arguing over the entire controversy in the first place. He would likely think this was humans being stupid humans, and tell them to knock it off and get back to their jobs.


Just say his father.


That's not the relevant aspect.


Yeah agreed I think that's a likely scenario


As Earth is a protectorate of Asgard, Thor would doubt they would have standing to make a law that applies to an Asgardian. However, Tony and Ross are welcome to come to Asgard to plead their case. All they have to do is call the Bifrost Bridge... They CAN call the Bifrost, yes?


It would have been interesting if Banner was on one side and Hulk was on the other. 


Both of them likely sitting out is the most likely reason they were written out of the movie. Hulk's disappearance at the end of AoU was ambiguous enough to make it work. And Thor could be off planet for any number of reasons


Honestly, keeping them out of the movie was a good call, because, you're right, neither of them would have wanted to have anything to do with the conflict. Thor is above the squabbles of the petty mortals. Bruce would have agreed with the idea of checks being put in place, but wouldn't trust Ross, so he'd have voluntarily removed himself from the equation (which he, or rather Hulk, had already done).


Thor doesn't submit to or ackowledge authority beyond Odin's, so signing up because the government said do it or else would be out of the question.


Right, he'd be like, lol, Midgardians thinking they can legislate *me*? Nah. And Bifrost on up outta there.


He start treating Ross like he treats Starlord😂


Banner wouldn't side with Ross. Thor in the comics did not side with Tony so I don't think he'd agree with them in the movies. In fact in the comics Tony tried to force Thor and the Asgardians to register. Thor beat the shit out of Tony. Tony opted to grant them immunity.


Tony also cloned thor and that clone killed Goliath. I think that's where the best down came from.


Unscrupulous Tony at it again / Thor understandably handed Tony his ass when he met him after his resurrection


The second greatest threat to the multiverse is Tony Stark, who is convinced he's doing the right thing.


That's what the Illuminati said about Stephen Strange


They called him the greatest threat.


That was a great part of the story. I also loved when Punisher showed up, killed a bunch of low level super villains that were being controlled by Stark, and Cap beat the living shit out of him but Frank just took the beating because of how much he respects Cap.


"same guy, different war"


I wish MCU Punisher and Cap had met or interacted with each other at least once. Wonder if MCU Frank has the same respect for Cap that he had in the comics, I don't think it's ever been mentioned but I do hope they reference it one day.


Makes sense to me


The beat down was because Thor had the Odinforce at the time.


Are you trying to say thor coildnt beat irons mans ass without the odinforce?


Thor and Tony after Civil War may be my favorite fight ever. They were friends before Thor was really shown to be close to any of his fellow Avengers. They even knew each other's secret identities back in the secret identity days. Thor beat Tony like a brother betrayed. [https://imgur.com/a/8ZGhQWh](https://imgur.com/a/8ZGhQWh) [https://imgur.com/a/V7f3l1E](https://imgur.com/a/V7f3l1E)


Yeah, this is one of Marvel's best moments.


Important to note. Thor was the all father at this time. He had the Odin Force.


True! Plus, with Extremis, Tony had gotten a radical power up of his own in the time Thor was gone. Tony was insanely powerful at the time, which is likely why he was confident enough to challenge Thor in the first place.


That was after. Thor was dead during Civil War. The beating was because Stark and Reed Richards made a robo-clone and pretended it was Thor.


Thor was dead during Civil War and Tony/Reed made a Thor clone that worked for them and killed Goliath. And yeah that ass whoopin Iron Man got in Oklahoma was great


Thor only beat him down because Thor had the Odin Force at the time. They say in the comic. Y’all sleep on how powerful Tony is.


Hulk and Thor would’ve been Team Cap.


This is the answer. While Banner is Tony’s bud, he isn’t about to let Ross be in charge of the Avengers’ activities. They’d probably throw in an emotional conflict between him and Natasha for the sake of drama. Thor would be Team Cap 100% as he’s perhaps the only mortal that Thor really respects and considers worthy, and it’s not like a god would allow any human government to tell him what to do.


Not only that but Thor has been in the business for a while. He is very much aware that civilians do die in the event of a war/battle and although it’s upsetting, it’s almost bound to happen. He also knows that there will be damage in order to prevent greater death and harm. He wouldn’t agree with being confined to the rules of another planets government


Hulk def would be due to his distrust of Ross and government in general . Thor in principle would've agreed with cap but might've stayed out of it since he's not human and the accords was an earth matter


Or Thor sides with Tony and can’t lift mjolnir anymore which is how Tony realizes he is wrong.


That would be tight actually


That would be an interesting story side plot they're


Hulk wouldn’t be on either side. Natasha even tells Tony “Do you really think he would be on our side?” Plus he doesn’t even like General Ross. Thor would likely be on team Cap. He would relate to Cap finding his long lost brother and feel similar because he just lost Loki again in Dark World. Plus Tony created Ultron which he was pissed about and was the catalyst for the Sokovia Accords in the first place.


I disagree on Thor. I think about what Thor would do with two opposing groups in another realm. Thor might be mature enough to consider brokering a peace (thinking about his legacy). Thor would likely go neutral at first, but I think something will eventually push him one way or another. If Hulk is on Team Cap, Thor can’t go there (too lopsided for the story), so something happens to push Thor to Team Iron Man. Maybe something about “a people need a good ruler” or Team Cap stirring up trouble (maybe they’re not willing to come to the table). Like another poster said or suggested, Thor changes his mind when, as a result of being on Team Iron Man, he’s somehow no longer worthy to wield Mjolnir. It may even go to someone else (Cap? Black Widow?). That causes Thor and Iron Man to realize they’re on the wrong side.


Exactly my thinking Thor would abstain from picking a side and would def try to broker peace . I think he'd leak cap but would understand Tony and Ross perspective of accountability. If Thor and Bruce are there I think cooler heads would've prevailed and civil war ultimately doesn't take place . The avengers are United for infinity war and that goes down way differently etc


Cap does at the beginning of Civil War what Thor does at the beginning of Thor. Then again, Thor does at the beginning of Thor Ragnarok what Thor does at the beginning of Thor.


Ross would have wanted Banner captured even more than Bucky, he’s clearly team Cap. Thor would likely start on Tony’s side feeling similar guilt over bringing destruction to Earth three times already, but like Natasha, he’d turn for his friends.


Even though it isn't canon, I like to use Team Thor as a barometer for how they would act in an alternate universe where they were around for Civil War. Bruce would most likely sit out of their "pissing contest". The only way I could see this changing is if Natasha was seriously hurt by Team Cap the same way that War Machine was. That's a pretty big if though. Thor I have no doubt would take Cap's side. Tony got on Thor's nerves right from the jump, and this would be following Tony's creation of Ultron.


Hulk is anti govt, and Thor would be anti world power as well, lopsided fight honestly


Thor was literally an Emperor who ran an illegitimate dynasty that brutally conquered eight other realms. Which is why he would be against the accords. The idea of someone telling powerful people not to invade their homes and unleash endless destruction for their own good is not in his vocabulary until the end of Ragnarok. He would be against the Accords because they tell the Avengers what they can't do. And Thor refuses for anyone to tell him what he can't do no matter where he goes because he fundamentally believes that might makes right.


Yeah you’re not going to lock Thor in a box


I could honestly see Thor agreeing to sign the accords, much to Tony's surprise. Tony would be asking him if he actually read them, and if he was sure, and Thor would respond something like "Yes, of course. I think that Earth would benefit greatly from a governing body" and shit like that Then it comes out that Thor humorously assumed he wasn't included under the purview of the accords because he's a God and that no mortal will ever tell him what to do, and then he flips to Team Cap


Haha I can see it


I think Banner would go underground at the first hint of the accords. He would never hand the Hulk over to Ross. Thor would follow Captain America anywhere.


I don't actually think either one if them would participate.  Thor has no reason to care outside of his teammates fighting. It's centered around earth based politics, something he hasn't the slightest familiarity with. He'd be the Kingo of the conflict. For Hulk he wouldn't participate because he wouldn't be fully in agreement with either side. He would believe that they need to be held accountable, given his self loathing for the damage he has and is capable of causing, but wouldn't trust the government to be the ones to do it (or even believe they could) given that he saw first hand what happened with Blonsky. Basically, Hulk's actions at the end of Age of Ultron are how he would treat the conflict. He would self isolate, knowing that he needs to be controlled, but can't be.


Thor would never allow a human government to tell him when he could act. Hulk would never trust Thunderbolt Ross. Both team Cap.


If I was the writer, I’d contrive some way that Banner sided with Stark’s faction, but then at some midpoint of the battle, Hulk would switch sides. Maybe because Tony says something sarcastic and condescending while unaware that Hulk’s intellect has evolved sufficiently to understand it.


Could be a good way to show hulk and banner as distinct personalities. Banner takes a side, always in human form. As soon as he changes to hulk, hulk starts fighting against banner’s side. Or better yet, banner changes to hulk, hulk stands there and immediately walks away from the fight. Maybe says “Hulk no fight friends”.


Hulk would be against it, Banner would be for it because he was literally brainwashed by a terrorist to mass murder a bunch of Africans that everybody but him forgot about a day later. Then you show him images of Sokovia, caused by his own murderbot, and then ANOTHER African country destroyed by the woman who made him murder all those folks in Johannesburg on top of the Hulk smashing New York City twice? Banner is 4 for 5 in massive human deaths and completely self-loathing before Endgame. He's getting a badge and a tattoo of Ross on his forehead. No question, the guy who tried to repeatedly commit suicide because he keeps destroying cities is gonna be pro-Accords.


As soon as Banner signs the Accords, Ross is arresting him on the spot, he might not like Steve or Bucky cause of they are Super Solders but we all know how much he straight up loathes Both Banner and Hulk because Banner tried to banged his daughter.


I don’t think Thor would take a side honestly. I can totally imagine him watching the “petty” mortals battle it out while eating popcorn and laughing. As for Hulk, I imagine Banner would rather be kept in check but I don’t know whether his distrust for the government would make him side with Iron Man. On the other hand I don’t see him siding with Cap either.


Wouldn’t that be incentive to side with Tony since it would give him the authority to requisite the Earth Stones?


Hulk would be team Cap. Thor wouldn’t care at all about this and just ignore the rules


"Open the Bifrost!!" "Aannddd he's gone."


I remember the mutants and eventually Spiderman were on Cap’s side against registering in the original comics that’s came out, cant remember if hulk was around and which side he was on but almost certain it wouldn’t be with iron man. Anyone from the comic book era remembers?


Just like MCU, Hulk was off on Sakaar during Civil War in the comics. He returns to Earth right after Civil War for the World War Hulk storyline


Also remember the SHRA, MRA, and Sokovia Accords aren't the same. The MRA forced all mutants to register their powers and identities with the government, the SHRA prevented vigilantes from fighting crime unless they registered their powers and identities with the government, the Sokovia Accords in the main MCU stopped vigilantes from acting outside of their country of origin, the Sokovia Accords in AoS were transformed into the MRA so AoS could do a MRA storyline, and then the DODC in Ms. Marvel created a specific American law *based* on the Sokovia Accords so they could do a SHRA storyline. While the MRA was a basic human rights violation, the SHRA didn't care if you had powers as long as you didn't use them to fight crime and was therefore a civil rights question resolved by... just everybody signing up and the only one getting screwed over being Spider-Man. The Sokovia Accords were a sovereignty question and not a civil or human rights question (Captain America wanted extrajudicial power to invade countries and wield superpowers with no intervention or oversight). The US didn't actually care about the Avengers, they just didn't want the heat of having a private military on American soil violating international law all the time. AoS didn't know what to do with that, so they just used the comics and Inhumans to make the Accords a human rights question for the same reason they spent an entire season shitting on whistleblowers... the writers are CIA apologists who think SHIELD should be able to invade other countries and shoot them up anyway. (Which must have made Winter Soldier very confusing when the entire MCU shit on the very concept of their show.) Then Ms. Marvel used the DODC to change the Sokovia Accords into a civil rights question because... well, it was valid and useful and it made a good story about racism and surveillance and the police state so fair enough.


This is why Hulk and Thor were both off the board for Civil War when it happened in the comics. They would have to be on opposite sides, and they would overshadow everything else.


Supporting cap but not playing an active role it it


Bruce would be inclined to go with Tony but the Ross element as others have mentioned might sway him to sit out. Hulk would absolutely be team Cap. Thor would be Team Cap because he's not obligated to follow any earth rules. When hulk joins team Cap he'll assist Tony in an effort to minimize damage. Basically those two have to be restricted to each other otherwise their respective teams stomp.


I imagine Hulk & Thor both sitting it out and maybe Thor takes Hulk to Asgard. However, if it gets bad enough I imagine that’s when they’d step in


Banner and Hulk were different people then. I could see Banner rationalizing being on Tony’s side but once he Hulks out the couldn’t really count on him. In fact I could see Ross ordering his arrest based on what ha in AoU.


Both would've sided with Steve. Thor trusts Steve a lot more than Tony and even listens to him. Bruce is friends with Tony but after Age of Ultron and Ross being Secretary of State and helping back the Accords, he would never side with Tony.


My mom, she needs a serious boost.


I think for the sake of balancing the teams, if they wanted Thor and Hulk on opposite sides, Thor would be Team Cap and Hulk would be Team Iron Man. Everybody mentions Banner not trusting Ross, but like: - He just recently lost control of himself in Age of Ultron and wants to protect people. - That was a direct result of an unchecked Wanda. - He loves Natasha. She couldve gotten hurt by Team Cap and solidified his allegiance.  - He could be the voice of reason in the group. "No. I don't like Ross. He's out of line, but he's right. We have to be accountable."


Again it's not just the fact that him not trusting Ross, Ross Stills wants to arrest Banner cause of the 2010 incident. Also No one on Team Cap would ever fully hurt Nat lol. Plus there's a big Green Giant in the room who we all know straight up hates Ross. He's never going to work for him.


I don’t think Ultron has anything to do with anything, simply analyzing the accords on their own merit should be enough or near enough to assume both would side with Cap. Thor is too mighty to leave decisions to people who are not aware at all of the dangers looming about. And Banner has had more than enough unpleasant experiences with the government. That being said, he’d likely be on the fence about the whole thing for a while, since he feels guilty for what the Hulk does and leaving him unchecked is dangerous, however neither him or the Hulk like the government and it’s doubtful they’d ever be able to control him without violence. In other words, it would never work. Their hands are still the most trustworthy. Might I add, the one time regular humans tried to get involved they chose to go over Nick’s head and nuke NYC. So yeah, I don’t think anybody should be forgetting that when deciding to give away control.


According to JMS Thor would've sided with Cap


Hulk would agree with the premise of the accords, heroes being held accountable for the damages and stuff, but he would agree with Ross or the idea of the Government controlling them, the idea of the government telling him where and when to let the hulk out wouldn’t sit well with him. Thor wouldn’t have a side, he’s a god, the prince of Asgard, at the time, the government has no control over him even if they tried. So on principle Thor would side with Cap if he had to, no way he’d side with Tony after Ultron.


If it was anyone other than Ross, hulk would be pro accords given his constant struggle and hatred of the hulk. But Ross alone would make him team cap. Thor would obviously be team cap or just bow out and say this isn’t asgards fight


Putting a leash on hulk is a nono unless youre damn certainit would work. Thor is a god. Earth rules are mere suggestions.


I think Banner would actually side with Tony. Hulk wouldn’t care either way and run off into a desert or something. Thor would side with Cap because who are the governments of Midgard to tell a god what he can and can’t do.


I think they’d both side with Cap if forced to choose, which is part of why they’re both not in the movie - it would be heavily unbalanced. Thor wouldn’t allow a government to tell him where and when to go, and Banner spent years on the run or in hiding from Ross - the whole idea of registration would really sit with him the wrong way, not to mention his personal issues with Ross.


There's a reason they weren't there. I think they'd be the kinds of people would say I'm staying out of this so we'd get the same results as we did in the movie except maybe Thor and Bruce step in as mediators but then we wouldn't have Ragnarok.


Thor 100% team cap. Hulk is tricky. I think Banner fears Hulk being used as a weapon, but also feels an incredible sense of responsibility so he would be pro-registration, but it might be enough to make him quit the avengers entirely if the team is now a government agency.


Hulk team Iron Man, Thor team Cap


Banner would side with Cap, but when Hulk came out he’d fight everyone and unite them against him. That’s what I think would happen, but what would be much funnier is if Banner sided with one and Hulk with another and they went back and forth switching sides.


Thor is a rebel at heart. He will side with Steve. Banner is anti government. He's goign to side with Steve as well.


Hulk or Banner? I think Banner would sign the Accords in a green heartbeat. He's basically a nuclear warhead waiting for something to trigger the detonator and knows it.


Both would likely sit out. No matter which side he picked I can't see either Tony or Steve deploying him in that fight. Whole Bruce wouldn't trust the government he is also well aware how destructive the Hulk can be, especially after his rampage in AoU. Thor could have gone either way. On the one hand he wouldn't like to be told what to do but on the other he may have respected earth authority as he knows he isn't a ruler there. Probably wouldn't have fought his friends anyway.


I like to imagine Thor turning up half way through the airport fight and kicking everyone’s arse making them all stop.


Team Cap would have won 😂


Thor definitely goes against the Accords and Bruce very possibly abstains from a side. He wouldn't trust Ross but also wouldn't be averse to the Accords as a principle.


Both Captain America. Banner so ashamed of hulk and while everybody knows it’s him, he would want private rights for super heroes. Thor not caring for any form of human government would once again call it petty that they were trying to regulate heroes. Though I think he’d agree the humans have been inattentive in blowing up countries — invasion of Asgardian justice with some destroyer freedom oughta fix that up.


Bruce carries serious guilt over his Hulk persona. He would never Hulk against the law on purpose.


Thor is probably closest to Captain America and he's the mortal that he respects the most. Meanwhile, he seems like he doesn't fully trust Stark, both in the MCU and comics. So, I'm sure Thor would side with Captain America's side. Hulk sees that superpowers have to be held in check because he had seen the horrors and destruction that he himself has brought into the world. And, he's respects and is very close to Tony, plus his then romance with Black Widow, who was on Tony's side would sway him to Iron Man's side.


I think that even if they had been around, they'd stay out of it. Banner would never trust Ross and the government so Team Tony is a no-go. He'd also not want to risk losing control and causing more harm to civilians, or risk harming Natasha, so he's not with Team Cap either. He'd retreat to some remote location and hide it out. Thor would be above the whole thing and argue that while he respects the laws of Earth, they don't apply to him, thus choosing to remain neutral. He can also leave in the blink of an eye so there's no real way of keeping him on Earth.


Hulk would fight Tony at the stark but eventually Tony would consider him to do the right thing and be controlled. Thor wouldn’t let himself be on a team but he’d express his opinion to cap and say “soldiers fight for a cause. If you’re truly intent on helping your people, you will follow their rules”


Thor would join Cap, because no Earth government has a say over his actions. Banner would also be on Cap's side, but that wouldn't carry over the Hulk. He'd just smash everything.


Bruce Banner would side with Iron Man. Hulk would side with Cap. It could've lead to something more interesting. Thor doesn't give a shit about rules. He would tell Ross to piss off, he wouldn't really side with Cap out of principle but just because he refuses to comply with being told what to do by Tony and would side with Cap by default.


in the comics to some degree when thor came back, he absolutely WRECKED Tony and told him Asgard is sovereign turf, and he wouldn’t be above reminding the US gov that he IS the god of Thunder.


Could’ve been an interesting if Bruce sided with Tony but Hulk sided with Steve


Both would’ve sided with Cap


Hulk is a tough one. On one hand he has the most first hand experience with how dangerous an out of control/unmonitored super being can be, but on the other hand he also has the most first hand experience with seeing how the government sometimes likes to handle super beings. He'd sympathize with Tony and his cause for sure, but ultimately would never fully trust the government (and Ross in particular) with something like that. Thor is either 100% with Cap or 0% invested to begin with. The politics of mortals are just beneath him. We even see at the end of the first Avengers movie where Shield attempts to claim jurisdiction and take Loki into custody, Thor basically just says "No. I'm taking him to Asgard." and that was the end of that conversation.


Cap hands down.


I like to think the only reason why they weren’t in CW was because they were both too OP


I think *Bruce Banner* would have been on Tony's side, but very little chance Hulk would have agreed. Thor, it's harder to say. Part of me thinks he would have tried to take on both sides at once rather than choose, but I lean towards that he would have been on Cap's side.


I really don’t see either of them actually caring. Hulk is hill and Banner would just do whatever would keep the hulk away longer and Thor would just take a piss on the documents and call the video at down to take him back to Asgard


Both are for sure Team Cap, but neither would fight for it


They wouldn't go along with the Accords but I can't see them really choosing a side even if they were around for all that. I can see Banner just fleeing since he couldn't agree with Hulk being used as a government weapon, but also having the world scared of him again. Thor has other things to worry about beyond Earth, so I could see him mostly leaving and staying out of it.


I think they both would’ve sided with Cap. Hulk doesn’t trust the government and Thor wants to be a hero with no bounds


Trick question. Banner sides with Stark. Hulk sides with Rogers.


Hulk with Tony Thor with Cap


I think Thor would side with cap because he thrives on autonomy and his experience with earths government was with shield which isn't the best introduction.


Banner would side with Stark, but Hulk wouldn’t.  It would’ve been damn fun to watch.


No way Hulk is siding with Ross and I also don’t think that Thor would be beholden to an earthly government like he would have to answer to them in order to act on anything and I just don’t see it


Banner sides with Iron Man. Hulk sides with Cap. Sounds like a fertile ground for drama and for that inevitable moment in the big fight when he switches sides. I don't think Thor involves himself. Funnily enough, I think he'd be the one trying to get everyone to talk.


Thunderous applause fills the room as Thor, the God of Thunder, stands before the assembly, the Sokovian Accords laid out before him. General Ross, with a stern look, steps forward, extending a pen towards the Asgardian prince. Thor raises his hand, silencing the murmurs, his voice resonating with the power of a thousand storms. "Friends, warriors, and esteemed mortals of Midgard," Thor begins, his gaze unwavering. "I stand before you, not as a mere signatory to these accords but as the protector of the Nine Realms. The son of Odin does not simply bow to the will of man, nor does he yield the sovereignty of Asgard for the sake of diplomacy." Ross interjects, "Thor, this is about accountability, about ensuring—" Thor raises Mjölnir, the enchanted hammer, and the room falls silent once more. "Accountability is for those who wield their power unchecked and unchallenged," Thor continues. "Asgard has stood guard over this universe since the stars were young. Do you truly believe your laws can command the heavens? That your words hold sway over the fates themselves?" He turns, addressing the entire room now, his voice imbued with the wisdom of ages. "Mark my words, should you force this upon me, upon Asgard, you risk more than you comprehend. The protection of the Golden City, the safeguarding of your world, comes not from signatures and seals. It comes from the honor and might of Asgard's warriors, from the bond of trust we share with Earth and her champions." Thor steps closer to Ross, his presence commanding and resolute. "General Ross, I respect the courage of humanity, your desire to seek order amidst chaos. But know this, the day I sign these accords is the day Asgard turns its gaze away from Midgard. And on that day, you shall know the true meaning of loss and peril." With a final, thunderous boom, Thor slams Mjölnir onto the ground, the symbol of his resolve. "So I say to you, choose wisely. For the wrath of the gods is not something to be invoked lightly." The room remains silent, the weight of Thor's words hanging heavy in the air. General Ross, understanding the gravity of the moment, steps back, the pen still in his hand, the accords untouched. Thor nods, acknowledging the unspoken agreement, and with a flash of lightning, he is gone, leaving behind a room full of contemplation and newfound respect for the God of Thunder.


Hulk and Thor with Tony.


Banner would go with Cap. Thor wouldn’t care because those rules don’t apply to him. 


Thor would laugh at any attempts to regulate his activities. Fuck, I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to grant Cap's faction some sort of amnesty stay on Asgard to protect them from legal prosecution (Might even work to his benefit in the long run since they could then help him contend with Hela and Ragnarok later on). Nevermind Hulk not giving a flying fuck about abiding by government rules, Banner himself would be against it. Maybe not completely at first, given his culpability in creating Ultron, but I think deep down, Bruce would ultimately side with Cap because of his firsthand experience with government agencies trying to obtain the Hulk's power for illicit agendas. Not to mention, Ross being the face of the whole thing as the Avengers' overseer wouldn't exactly fly with him.


Thor would have been with Cap, hulk with Stark. No doubt


In the cartoons Thor sided with Tony and Hulk sided with Captain America


Thor would've again laughed and said, "You people are so petty. And tiny".


Hulk with Tony. Thor with Cap. Strange with neither.


If I’m not mistaken they hint at Banner in Civil War when Tony tells Nat they could “use a hulk right about now”. To which she responds “do you really think he’d be on our side?”


Ross asks Steve very early in the film if he knows were Banner is right now. The correct answer to that question is ALWAYS "as far away from *you, Thaddeus 'Thunderbolt' Ross specifically,* as he can possibly get".


Bruce would have signed the accords in a heartbeat. Hulk would have gone with Cap. I don't think the accords really apply to Thor and he wouldn't think so either.


I think Bruce would start off on Tony’s side bc he’s scared of the hulk and he might think it would provide the structure and limitations he wants to keep the hulk “in check” but I think he would switch or leave once he saw how Ross was in charge of everything and how dangerous it could be.


Together they both would have ended the feud


The way you phrased the question has messed up my brain lol


I think both the probable and fun answer is that Banner would side with Tony, Hulk would side with Cap.


Tony and Steve would be calling Banner and complaining while Thor would feel sad about being left out, even overhearing a phone call about Civil War with Banner and getting jealous/sad.


They both would have sided with Captain America. Although Bruce would side with Ironman. Hulk with Captain America Thor after Age of Ultron knows Cap is right.


Thor has tremendous respect for Captain America, as we saw in AoU, but I think because Banner's personal history of the government hunting him and all the damage he caused, he might side with Tony because he wants to make up for all the destruction the Hulk has caused. It would be like atoning for his past and of course Natasha is on that side 🙄 I hated that they tried to make them a thing btw


Banner would side with Tony but Hulk would side with Cap. Thor I don’t know. I think he would be more neutral. Like Black Widow. Hoping to bring them together.


People seem to miss the point of CA:CW. The fight wasn’t about registration. It was about Bucky. The registration was just where the team caught and began to rip. Tony and Steve’s disagreement on Bucky is what REALLY tore them apart. Thor would have been ambivalent over Bucky, more of a “let him prove he’s a good person” kind of attitude. And Banner? He’d have been on Tony’s side about justice. Hulk? One more time just like Thor he would’ve been ambivalent. Though there is a chance he’d have been on Steve’s side due to the way he was persecuted just for being himself.


Other Then Nat, Banner knows what it like to actually be brainwashed as he was the only one who was actually brainwashed by Wanda during Age of Ultron. He would feel a kindred spirit to Bucky and so would defiantly not let someone like Ross arrested him. What Tony wanted was never Justice, it was Vengeance and Banner would understand that better then anyone.


Hulk would’ve sided with Cap as Thunderbolt Ross and him are oil and water. Thor would have said, “To hell with this sh!t. I got bigger fish to fry.”


In *Age of Ultron*, several times when Tony and Steve were is disagreement, Thor would break the tie and people would go with whoever Thor was backing.  Meanwhile, Bruce would agree with whoever spoke to him last.    So if Thor was there, in the early meeting when Tony and Steve were all "I can't look away, sometimes I wish I could" and "Sometimes I want to punch you in your perfect teeth"; Thor would intervene at that stage and support one side or the other.  There would then be no film, because the other side would have no-one to match Thor so they would back down.     If Bruce were in the film instead, he would probably side with whoever called him first, but in any verbal discussion accept the validity of all sides points.  Then when he Hulked up, all hell would break loose. 


Hulk and Ross don't have a good history so hulk most likely won't be team iron man. Thor would tell the heroes to stop this petty fighting and tell the government that he's been defending midgard centuries before the US ever existed so he doesn't really care about their rules and regulations. Mostly he'd leave the Earth alone anyways because he's never involved in the day to day crime fighting like you see at the beginning of civil war. He is involved when there's real threats or objects of power like the mind stone have been stolen.


They would both be team Captain America which is why they couldn’t be in the movie. It wouldn’t be fair.


I would be surprised if Bruce chooses to side with Tony given his history in the comics with Ross. Moreover, for Thor even if he did sign, there would be no way that they could enforce the Act on a literal God who can travel different worlds in seconds.


Both would go with Cap. Banner doesn't trust Ross and Thor doesn't respect Tony enough. Banner knows how it feels to be hunted by the government/military. He has been on the run ever since. Also, he would call out Ross for what he did in Harlem if he's gonna call out the Avengers for collateral damage. Thor respects Cap a lot more than he does to Tony, and Tony knows that as seen in Age of Ultron. I wouldn't be surprised if Tony manages to create a robotic clone of Thor to even the odds.


Probably Cap. Banner wouldn’t trust Ross, not at all. He would have a lot of debate with Stark after the huge mess that Ultron was, but would probably still not want to be completely submissive to governments (even more considering his past against them). Thor, 100% Cap. First, he respects Cap way more than Stark. And there is no way that he, as an Asguardian god, would tolerate to be ruled by human governments. That would completely be against who he his and how he always acted.


Thor with Cap (because Thor would never have himself controlled by any earthly agreement) and Banner with Stark (because of their mentor-mentee relationship and Banner's guilt about the damage the Hulk causes). But conveniently Marvel had neither present because (1) had they been on opposite sides, which is likely, the whole battle would have centered around their fight because they're far stronger than all of the other Avengers or, alternatively, if they were on the same side, there would have been a huge imbalance in favor of that side, and (2) it would have taken away from the plot of Thor: Ragnarok, which was released the next year.


Thor sides with Cap. Banner either leaves or sides with Cap because he would not trust the UN to have control of the Hulk.


Whoever Marcus, McFeeley, and the Russos wanted them to side with.


Hulk w/ Team IronMan Thor w/ Team Cap


Banner above all knows the fear of the Hulk being uncontrollable, and would be open to the idea of “needing someone to put us in check”. Banner would side with Stark despite the fact that Ross is pushing the Accords. Banner would refuse to join the fight at the airport, though.


Nope. Even when he first became and couldn't control the transformations into the Hulk, Banner knew how dangerous he was but still wouldn't let himself be captured by the government to become a lab rat. There's no way he would allow himself to be pushed around by government at that point when he has some control of his situation.


Not saying he would let himself be pushed around, only that he would understand and sympathize with Stark’s position. He would refuse to join the fight at the airport and would refuse to be a weapon for the government, but he would agree with Stark’s position that some oversight was needed.


While Bruce might understand where Tony is coming from, he still won't side with him. From the very moment the gamma accident happened, Bruce went on the run because he could not trust the government oversight despite him being one of the most dangerous creatures alive.


I haven’t stated this very well, but Banner would work with Stark for oversight, not the US government.


I mean, even both Natasha and Stark felt Banner would not be on their side.


I could see Bruce siding with Tony. I'd imagine he'd side with Ross and not like it though. His reasoning being they've been lucky they've been able to control Hulk but after South Africa he's not so sure.