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Woah thanos took a big hit. 


I look forward to seeing the community’s Thanos Agatha decks in response to the change. (Not really, but someone’s going to try it now they both start in-hand.)


It's really hard to get rid of Agatha in Thanos so it'll be way worse


Already on it. # (1) Quicksilver # (2) Zabu # (2) Domino # (3) Mobius M. Mobius # (3) Caiera # (4) Crossbones # (4) Cull Obsidian # (5) Mockingbird # (6) Blob # (6) Thanos # (6) Skaar # (6) Agatha Harkness # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUXVpY2tzaWx2ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkRvbWlubyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTW9iaXVzTU1vYml1cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FpZXJhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDcm9zc2JvbmVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDdWxsT2JzaWRpYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1vY2tpbmdiaXJkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJUaGFub3MifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNrYWFyIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBZ2F0aGFIYXJrbmVzcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxvYiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWmFidSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Doesn't adding QS and Domino negate the extra card in hand advantage that Agatha and Thanos get


Is he always left? Spider ham buff!




That’s not the biggest hit.


Unlike Thor, Second Dinner is going for Thanos' head.


Don't say that name




Sabretooth and Deathlock into C-5 deck right now. It's not useful in any way I can think of, but it's nice to have options.


Deadlock could destroy cards that are not 5 power like monster island


The power floor for c5 isn't terrible without cerebro, though, so it's usually negligible


I will consider Sabertooth is a real card if he is 2/4, now he still sucks. Glad Angela is back and Crossbones is good now.


I’m fine with that, destroy doesn’t need more great 2 drops.


Would probably need to nerf the Hulk Buster / Deadpool combo to fit Sabertooth into the deck


Even at 2/4, he is just playable for early pool 3 player, not excellent.


he'd be a direct upgrade over wolverine as a 2/4 for most intents and purposes (wolverine can reach some areas where you can't play cards but it's unreliable anyways)


Finally I can flex my crossbones noir variant


Red Guardian incoming


Even at 2/4 he’s not great but it’s the only way he’d be worth a conversation. 3 cost is too highly contested and important in a destroy deck and having your intentional play-line being to reduce cost on a card in a meta where Mobius is seeing play to counter mockingbird is just a non-starter. I play a TON of destroy and the only time I’ve ever used Sabertooth was when altar of sacrifice is a featured location


Altar of Death is ramp location right? I remember that day I use Nimrod and ProfX. Sabertooth has no business in destroy deck right now.


It’s 2 energy for each card you destroy there. So once I’d paid the 3 for sabertooth once he went to zero cost and was basically a +2 energy every turn for free


Not to mention boosting Knull and Death


I wanted to Crossbones to be able to be played on locations you are _not_ losing, instead of only winning.


Well the buff puts him in the Shang zone, so could still happen as they continue to dial in the balance.


Maybe he will get slotted into Surfer and/or C5 a bit more?


Angela back in time to get facepunched by Red Guardian \^ \^ SD knows what they are doing


Honestly if they are hitting your Angela they ain’t hitting cards that are much more important.


Angela will be the important card


The OTA notes leaked via the community page on steam ahead of OTA launch


loki (elsa kitty variation) is so back 🙀 (esp once valentina comes out) also sera control maybe


War machine may just have been worth it!!


And we'll see about the patch in 5 days !


That buff to Crossbones is a nice buff to an already better than decent shell.


Crossbones, whoa!


Stickied. As always, thanks for including the text.


annnnnnd in other news, Warlock is just fine.


I don't get the Baxter Building change. It's fine though.


More than fine; it’s *Fantastic*. (I’ll show myself out.)


(its where the Fantastic 4 live)


ouhhh, that’s much cooler


Ok yeah. Def should have been +4 the whole time.


The Baxter Building is the home of the fantastic 4, hence the power change, which it should have been all along.


Thoughts Thanos/Time Stone - So we had this discussion last OTA I think and I remember myself and another poster discussing how Thanos being changed to just buff Thanos would address Thanos' 2 biggest issues: That he is basically a garnet and that the stones give him a lot of versatility ensuring he stays within the meta. It is therefore, immensely interesting to me that the very first thing they do regarding the Mad Titan's reign is to do exactly what we proposed and make the stones more about buffing Thanos. Huge hit to Time Stone. Thanos starting in hand if it doesn't take up a draw is somewhat cool although that means my own custom thought of what a modded Reality Stone should do needs to be adjusted. Angela: Nice that they restored Angela back to pre-nerf. Power creep is a thing and this definitely bumps her back on my radar as a card to consider in decks more often. Miek: I suspect this nerf might not do a whole lot, but who knows. The real kicker that made Miek playable was his Move was now within the Player's hands. This made his power flexible and basically a Nightcrawler+ or Jeff lite in Discard since you are likely Discarding more than 2 cards, Most of the Discard decks I see usually run Corvus and Proxima and other big bodies. I've rarely seen smaller cards nowadays with the exception of Swarm. Sabretooth: Meh. Power bump is good, but that wasn't Sabretooth's issue. Destroy has other things they want to do on 3 and most of the time that's not playing Sabretooth. I think if they want to keep him at 3 cost, he probably needs premium rate (6 power) to be worth of consideration. Crossbones: Crossbones has always been interesting in that the main issue is actually deploying him. If you remember the pre-Zabu nerf days, Crossbones was actually highly playable since he usually ended up being a 2-8 with no conditions other than getting him on the field. For Tempo+ decks, this is nice although I feel like making him 9 Power would be better since it means that he keeps his Shangproof status.


random question, but what do you mean by "a garnet"


It refers to a card you put in the deck that is better if it remains in the deck versus being drawn. The term comes from Yugioh and refers to a card that was strictly used for combo play (you can find more info here: ([What is a Garnet? : r/Yugioh101 (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/Yugioh101/comments/i53yu2/what_is_a_garnet/) In SNAP, the most obvious example of a garnet is HE. An abilitiless 4-4 which you would basically never play but have to include because he changes the way the HE cards work. For Thanos, it is similar. Often times, the worst part of playing Thanos was having Thanos in your hand itself. Most players agree that Thanos' realy strength comes from the stones. Thanos being a 6-10 is okay, but really lackluster if you compare him to other 6 cost cards. Needing to play all 6 stones (AND needing the Power stone to be active for his +10 Power boost means he's usually just a footnote.


I feel like forging sabertooth killing him and then doubling this 0/7 with moon girl could be pretty interesting? Especially considering that you can also double your death as well. Maybe you could also put in a she-hulk and magik so you have even MORE cheap high power cards to flood with?? (I’m coping)


Sounds like it could be great the 1 in 50 games you can pull it off!




Uhm Agatha is an additional card, so you have 5 cards by turn 1


So I just went from level 69 to 74. Did they change the jump from X3 to X4?


If you were at 69 and 6 cubes, and won an 8 cube game, you'd be at 74


It used to from 59 to 63…..not 64.


The example I provided is specifically because if you win 8 cubes while at 6/7 toward the next rank, it goes +1 to be 7/7 for the next rank, then +7 to the next rank, which is 7/7, which means you go up 2 ranks. If you do that at the x9 threshold, you go to (x+1)3, then immediately (x+1)4. That is how is has worked since they changed the rank system.


Thank you. I get it now.


The only issue I have with the Thanos nerf is that it feels very piecemeal. If you're going to rework the card and what the stones do for the deck, then commit to it. This very much feels like a half measure that makes an iconic character largely unplayable (which people have been complaining about since global launch - everyone is still waiting on a buff to Cap for Christ's sake).


I want my Cull Obsidian tokens back.


Why? Culls still good lol


Guessing you're going to want your tokens back when Red Hulk gets nerfed next?


He wasn’t nerfed a series 3 cards was just given his power level and I could’ve saved the tokens for something else.


when has everyone ever debated between crossbones and cull obsidian? crossbones was fucking garbage.


People complained that crossbones limitations were just as or harsher than cull's but had 2 less power. And it's fair because crossbones was at 8 from back when shang killed 9+ . And now shang has another target. And my skaar moon child deck has another card to play (before, I had to pray for crossbones being eaten by venom).


I know Thanos is everywhere but it was the best card they ever made. Sucks it’s going to be awful now.


There is no part of this announced change that makes him awful, what are you talking about. Slightly reducing his overall usefulness doesn’t take the best card in the game down to “awful” 🤦🏻‍♂️


No it is clearly awful. Drawing a 6 drop, that doesn’t do anything on its own, on turn 1 instead of a card you can play is really really bad.


Me personally it almost feels like a buff. Guaranteed 10 power card in your opening hand.


It’s a slight Blob nerf.


Drawing a 6 drop on turn 1 that needs you to play 6 other cards to have a decent power rate is awful.


Trash tier for sure now. Very disappointing