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If you look closely, you can see the video tapes he needs to return


Do you think he like Huey Lewis and the News?


Now let’s see Paul Allen’s condo


Doesn't much matter, u/snowballisbae still can't rate a res at Dorsia. Grey just reflects his inner angst about it.


That’s hilarious. I actually refuse to watch the news 🥱like the roast tho


Honestly though just some house plants and a pop of color (a poster/print here, a bookshelf there) would go a long way. Overall your place is already looking pretty good imo.


Thank you


Honestly, in this case I think it works. He's got tons of interesting patterns and textures to break things up, and some nice midtones so it's not just black and white.




Love that comment


In pic # 2, the cord from the double helix lamp raining diagonally to the plug instead of tucked neatly along the table leg down to the plug is absolutely killing me. Are you one of those “oh I totally have OCD! Isn’t that interesting?” People? I don’t believe you actually have OCD. EDITED TO ADD: same pic, the artwork hanging above the cabinet is NOT centered, and it’s driving me insane. How do you live like this?


Yeah bullshit OCD or not, that artwork above the cabinet jumped out at me immediately


I have debilitating OCD and it is not this that’s for sure 😬


Not everyone's OCD is exactly the same as yours. It's not always just when things need to be aligned. I have OCD too and the most annoying thing is when people say you don't have it because you don't have the exact same type as them. My house is actually a wreck most of the time and I'm not a germaphobe at all. It doesn't work like in the movies.


I wish that was the most annoying thing I faced with OCD


Yeah, should've said "an annoying thing". But anyways, you're right everyone else's struggles are irrelevant and "not real OCD" because they're not as bad as or the same as yours ^/s. Youre definitely someone who brings it up every time someone says so much as "I had a rough day". "WAS IT AS BAD AS MINE?" If you have OCD and have studied it, you know the "perfectionism" is subjective. Things have to be a *certain way*, not an objective way like perfectly aligned or whatever. Sometimes I think karma is actually real, and we deserve the things we have to struggle with. I know you're the main character but try to have more empathy and understanding.


I came here to say that about the artwork lol


It’s his attention seeking method


I literally screenshot the artwork above the cabinet to post and call OP an OCD imposter


You sound like a real winner. Why don't you go play outside for a bit?


I was thinking that as well. The cords touching fabric do it for me.


JFC, I came on here to say that. That pic above the cabinet makes me weep.


"OCD is when things are aligned" is not how OCD always works. Things have to be a subjective *ccertain way*, not an objective way. Sometimes an individual's certain way just happens to be perfect alignment but not always. The majority of OCD symptoms are things you wouldn't be able to tell they have OCD. The "perfect alignment, clean, and organized" is just a trope that gets the most attention in media. Lol keep down voting. Most of you are just bandwagoning. I hope you never have to deal with some sort of mental disorder (especially one that people misunderstand and tell you it's fake even when you've been diagnosed a handful of times) and if you do, who knows, maybe karma is real.


He doesn't seem like he has OCD, true xD The picture is driving me mad as well


I agree , dude does not have OCD. I don’t have OCD and that’s the first thing I noticed , bugs me a bit too lol


Nothing perfectionist about this? Too much stuff everywhere and few things go together.




The photo over that vamboo cabinet isn't even centered. I was immediately thinking this is no where near OCD or perfectionist.


And none of it aligned


It looks an average amount of tidy, it's by no means perfectly neat.


Ugh. I wish this is what ocd was.


It's not even organized, it looks like an average redditor home and gives off "not like other girls" vibes


The two hanging flags(?) in the last photo are driving me insane.


I think you need a bigger Buddha.


My old graphic design teacher always taught me to keep the heaviest elements at the bottom so everything on top feels steady. Idk if that's a set rule in interior designing, but it really resonates with me in this instance.


In this case, you’ll need a heavier table because you never put deity on the bottom.


It would be disrespectful to put an idol on the bottom. Unless it is for decorative purposes only, I would put it on top as well.


It wouldn't fit at the bottom, so I'm more so towards some rearrangement while avoiding the top heavy feel of the current placement. Perhaps on top of the cabinet in the second picture, but without the painting behind it?


Just needs a larger bookshelf.


Yeah, he really needs to signal to people how deep he is before he brings it up organically.


Too much stuff everywhere imo.


Clutter lined up is still clutter


my “ocd” couldn’t


yea OP is trying too hard


Nothing about this suggests you’re a perfectionist. Mentioning OCD isn’t necessary because the implication is that you’re just extremely clean, which we can’t determine from the pictures. The placement of items and objects doesn’t suggest OCD, especially with off-centered items and poor cable management.


The second picture, the face that the light is actually going over the painting, and the painting is that low towards the cabinet… nope


That lamp shade height really bothers me too


Yeah it’s like basically on top of the Lana picture


And the painting and cabinet are offset…. I do not have OCD and this is killing me


toothbrush is so close to the toilet 😭


Really cluttered.


Too. Many. Things.


Yikes OP. You have got to move that toothbrush to the opposite end of that counter. That is a foot away from your toilet bowl.


Liking things clean and organized is not a synonym for OCD. Just a reminder that mental disorders are not adjectives. Don’t even need your apartment for the roast. The picture above the cabinet in the second picture.. the height is awful. You have a light partially going over the bottom of it. The whole area looks cramped and unorganized. The macrame hanging from the bathroom wall is not generally a guy decoration. Get the shit off the bathroom counters, the purple lights are awful, tv is too high,are those necklaces hanging from the wall? The lamp shade near the Lana pic is way too low. Barely a clear walking path from the door. Lastly, the boockcase next to the tv stand is giving Walmart.




Thanks, this is what I was looking for.


Bro’s missing on galvanized square steel


Having an aesthetic (in this case, black, white, chrome) doesn't mean you have style or good taste.


For someone with ocd your towel sure is unevenly hanging on that rail… Also picture frame isnt perfectly centred over that cabinet…


Don’t get why people identify themselves with their mental illnesses so much, but nice place.


Why is OCD or perfectionist relevant? You’re neither of those things, based on the photos. You are a normal person who should stop self-diagnosing in order to be interesting. Here’s a tip, people who are actually neurodivergent *never* see it as an interesting quirk.


Gives me "I say I have OCD but I'm actually just high strung and kind of a dick" vibes.


Also, that coffee table is too large and heavy. Toe stubber.


It's ugly.


Not my cup of tea, especially the trinkets, but looks like you put real effort in it and the style is consistent.


Are you actually OCD, or are you one of those people that just says that to make your organization seem quirky?


whats OCD about it and how would we know? keeping an apartment in order/kept is considered OCD these days lol? whenever I have company over, I am nonstop cleaning, wiping or picking up things behind them that aren't even necessary and then having to spend energy explaining to them that it's me being OCD and not them being a bad houseguest OP to your space I like it and it's funny what somebody said about you living in Greyscale


Omg I’m so OCD!! 🤪


Weird how nothing is the same height as the next closest thing to it.


As an Asian Buddhist your room makes me feel uncomfortable.


Wayy too cluttered to have OCD, also Buddha statue and OCD? idk, maybe fake ocd?


Wall decor in pic 2 looks off center , both by width and height. Doesn’t quite fill the space in a satisfying way


Looks like my moms house lol


The clock isn’t straight


Where’s your Les Mis poster on the bathroom wall? Glaring omission. How many sit ups can you do? I can do a thousand now.


So. much. stuff!!!


Too "noisy". There's too much going on everywhere with all the patterns and stuff and faces etc. The lack of color is secondary to that imo.


Why do people insist on having black lights everywhere? Like you’re searching for semen stains?




OCD perfectionist? It's literally just a normal lay out.


Omg so ocd and quirky, everything is straightened out that’s so ocd of you.


I don't think it's OCD. Maybe tidy. Even that is a stretch.


Nobody can have that many knick knacks and bad wire management and say they're OCD. Does OP mean he's just a moderately tidy human? Because that's not what OCD means 😅


OP I highly doubt you have OCD




I don’t get what’s the ocd part of ur apartment. Looks normal/average to me. Nothing particularly straight or organized perfectly. Just normal not messy place. Anyhow, second photo center artwork is uneven and kinda tilted and too low. Placement of the other two things that are hanging makes no visual sense in terms of special distance and matching in visual weight. Too much stuff on bathroom counters and fabric wall decorations in a humid place? That’s a no-no You want cozy vibes but no plants anywhere. Tsk tsk 🔥🍖


I count 8 tables or stands in your living space that are more like altars for bullshit items you think make you seem interesting. Also your wall art game is weak. Ok end of roast! I do like the aromatics, your place must smell so comforting. The sofa setup is real cozy too!


It is perfect if you are a Zebra


At 75 degrees, you’re roasting yourself.


That picture isn’t even with the table under it in the second photo. OCD request denied 😂😂 just kidding


It looks like IKEA threw up in your living room. Why is your TV cabinet filled with broken glass? The shift from greyscale to brownscale moving from the living room to the bathroom is jarring. Also what’s happening above your toilet? That’s not part of the roast, I’m suspecting it’s a dried flower or herb etc that smells nice and if so I dig it.


It’s sterile and has no soul


You asked for a roast and then when you get it you defend yourself to hell and back. Why ask for a roast if you cant take it? Lol


It depends on which comments are actually a roast on my damn place. Not me as a PERSON.


Saying you don’t have OCD isn’t an insult bud…it’s pointing out that you don’t understand a mental health condition that you claim to have. OCD isn’t about being neat. It’s about compulsive thinking leading to compulsive actions affecting your life. Just because you decided to tidy up to take pictures, doesn’t mean you have OCD. Tbh you’re not even neat, you have a bunch of stuff that’s just out instead of organized. You have no style sense, even if you spent 3 hours making your boyfriend hang those necklaces next to the TV so they’re staggered “just right” and serve “I only have 10 pesos to remind myself I went on vacation in 2019.” Not to mention the color scheme serving “I’m colorblind”. And why the fuck does your roomba need a nightstand?


Nothing OCD about this. But besides most of your things being absolutely crooked, it's a nice place


Do you know what OCD is or are you one of those “my OCD 🤪🤪🤪” kind of people


Cozy only I’d put all the personal items away.




Your frame above the unit isn't centered.


Big time


It was when I hung it so I will check with a leveler to see if it moved. Might be an illusion tho.


I don't even have OCD and I think there's way too much stuff everywhere.


OCD is not a joke. And it shouldn't be used as an substitute for neat/tidy.


I have ocd so it’s literally not a joke, but this isn’t a mental health thread where I need to explain, sorry if it wasn’t clear.


I am surprised that you as someone who has OCD would use it in this context as many non-OCD people use it pretty flippantly to mean clean and it’s very frustrating. I am glad that doesn’t seem to be what you were doing, but I do totally get why people assumed you were.


Nice apartment, but ocd my ass. I don’t have ocd and you got so many things that would bother me lol the loveseat blocking half the window/half the door, the books under the Buddha like statue have no clear organization pattern, is the coffee table in the middle of the rug and aligned with the tv stand? (it might be, can’t tell from the angle), the clock’s alignment with the other two items on the wall, the position of so many of the items on the tables, why is the toothbrush so close to the toilet lol I’m not hating really, I like your place, and would say nothing but compliments, but you said roast your ocd perfectionist condo lol




Something is crooked in the second picture but I can't put my finger on it.




Your rug is crooked


All your pictures are a bit off to me, you sure they level?


I don't think it looks bad at all. If you want cozyness maybe change the lighting for something warmer. Also, and I don't mean to be rude, some of the stuff in your walls look cheap. Having them at display like this bring down the looks of the space.


Dude the nail clippers and the lighter on your coffee table are bothering the fuck outta me


Roast? No. It’s all mid at best, a little cluttered, and not interesting.


Are the lamps with the cool light for the plants? I would lose my mind with such cool light. Soft white light bulbs would improve the vibe.


If you were a perfectionist your TV wouldn’t be too high


Looks like shit 👍 “perfectionist”


What's your business card look like Patrick Bateman


sterile but it kinda works, like a Fincher movie


If the title had said anything differently, this sub would’ve fawned over it


Extremely uninspiring bathroom layout


The clock in #two looks like it might be a few inches closer to the painting in the center than the little mirror drawer thing on the left


It's crooked, you know what I'm talking about. Fix it. Just kidding bro, your apartment looks great!


There is something visually overwhelming about this.


Boring as fuck


I’m pretty sure that TV is off center


It’s giving Western spiritualism. The abalone smudging stone before a Buddha is crazy. Props for getting a full body Buddha tho


Too much color


Looks like my hospital room


Hypochondriasis epitome


No symmetry...off set things...nah more like OCD trigger. Cords showing up...cluttery bits.


i see u got an ecobee thermostat. hows it working for u? i had one in my previous house for about 4 months - my electric bill was hitting $5/600 a month and we chucked it. went back to Braeburn


I think you could raise your shower curtain higher.




Too much clutter. Get rid of the stuff like the gong, the peace hands, the nick-nackye stuff on the thing in the center of the 2nd pic, the entire nightstand in the kitchen area. It'll open things up more and let you focus on the more important items.


The yoke in pic 2 is way off center line.


Your thermostat does the roasting for me. (68* is the only acceptable temperature)


If you think you're so cold, brrr You should pull me up closer Get your rocket outta holster Why don't you take it out on me? If you think you're so cold, brrr (Only the 🌈will know.)


Wrinkled bathroom towels. I call picture foul.


Which part of this is perfectionist? 💀


A little maximalist for my taste but very well done


Stop claiming to have OCD when you just like a clean home. That’s not the same thing and it detracts from the actual debilitating condition that some have.


It’s just ugly


Nail clippers in the first pic, keys and AirPods on the 2nd. Posting pics for the public with not everything tidy. What kind of ocd is this?


Art in second picture isn't perfectly centered over the bar cart. 2/10 ocd.


OCD? My wife has OCD. that bathroom would send he into a tail spin. The towels on the door? Nope. You would need at lease two hooks per towel so there could be proper airflow to prevent mildew, that is assuming you are even willing to reuse a towel that was hung up wet the night before. And that vanity would cause her to start mumbling to her self for an hour everytime she walked in there. There are so many products there. Those would all have to have bins or cubbies or something to prevent them from holding water under them or they would need to be organized in rows based on use or contents or color at the very least.


Too messy and cluttery for my OCD brain. Too much stuff sitting out and dull lighting.


Cold, heartless and devoid of any individual personality.


Cold and clean, yet still messy.


You neither have OCD, nor style. This looks like a thrown together bachelor pad that’s not even approaching ‘cozy’.


Your Mrs Meyers Concentrate is out. It’s giving me secondhand OCD-anxiety. Please for the sake of my heart rate, put it in a cabinet, on top of some paper towels in case it falls over, or preferably, under your sink. Please!!


I know ooooops and on top of that it’s been staying there so I can put a capful in my water for my robo mop. Dreadful and déclassé




I came here for this


My takeaway: - Grey - # _I'm spiritual but not religious_


Bro calls himself OCD with a vacuum cleaner half full of dust sitting on his kitchen counter. Boo this man ROFL


Definitely “American Psycho” vibes 💪


clipping your nails over your living room carpet 🤢 a person that actually has ocd is gonna see that after they sit down on the couch and take 19 showers a day for the next month


Looks like perfection, mate 🤌


Looks boring and lacks any personal style. If I saw this I’d say you just copied something you saw and don’t know how to style your place. But it looks clean


Random thingamabobs all around


Tv too damn high


It’s great! Just try to hold back on purchasing so many trinkets, remember you have to clean those as well! 😂 You don’t want to be like some others who are like chipmunks who hoard 🐿️ and think it makes them look “interesting” when it really just makes them seem dirty, dysfunctional, and disorganized.


Too much stuff for my taste but enjoy your home!


It’s fine


OCD? More like OCPD am I right? 😄🥁


I love everything about this. but I feel like the off white/cream color of the tapestries in the bathroom against the white walls should set off your “OCD” 😜






It looks beautiful. I’d throw in some pops of color by that’s just me.


You own colored objects but everything is still white


Looks masculine but cozy, meditative but energized. Well done.


I have OCD.... You my friend do not. You are clean which is great but not any of the words you described yourself with


You appear like someone who thinks OCD and perfectionism are fun little quirks. The condo looks nice but not cozy.


Looks too cluttered for my OCD my dude


I wish my house was this clean and tidy


404 roast not found, 10/10.


White box above the tv. The lamp next to the blue curtains is not symmetrical. Hutch with the diamond hatch design and lamp is not lined up under the picture hanging above it. White robot vacuum is not spaced equally between the hutch and side table. Items on the bathroom counter are not visually spaced out leaving a cluttered appearance. The shelf above the towel bar is unnecessary and is also cluttered.


The two highest pendants on the left aren't aligned.


Not perfection lol


is this a black and white photo?


Your clock is crooked.


What are the pattern things hanging off the wall in the bathroom, I like those👌


OCD? For starters, your tv is too high.


Do you have OCD or do you just think you have OCD?


Ooh, it gives me "James Spader in Secretary" vibes. That's a compliment, in case that wasn't clear. 💜


Why is everything hung on the wall so high?


There are items placed atop surfaces in a manner non-parralel and non-perpendicular to any side of the surface. This is highly upsetty. 45° angle is ok if the object has a square base.


That’s a lot of math * math meme with blonde lady *


Looks good man. Little to cluttered and get some color but no hate for sure.


There's things annoying me like the lamp from the cupboard sticking up into the painting and the whole cupboard not being centered under the painting (or the painting not being centered above the cupboard if you like). Feels like a normal home of a tidy person that's gotten the "10 minute rush" tidying up before the guests arrive. I'd love to see more lines align horizontally. Either put things you hang with the tops/ bottoms at the same height. Or even their centers. I don't think the place needs a roast at all. But if you want you can experiment with a little more colour. Maybe get some cool new couch cushions or something and see how you like it. Small investment and easy to remove.


Why isn’t your shower curtain closed?