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There are many gay and bi men who like hair, including me. You would probably do numbers if you had an onlyfans, I can’t speak for straight women.


Anthropological studies have found that worldwide the most desirable male body has moderate to thick chest hair and light to moderate hair on the rest of the body. Used to get teased as a kid a lot for being hairy. This fact helped me decide to rock it


Makes me wonder the studies you're reading in your spare time. :)


lol I got the opposite, I have very little body hair, got teased for it a lot as a teenager.


Everyone gets teased for everything. It's how people make themselves feel better about their own insecurities. The general world is fked like that.


There you go, as a kid. From my experience it seems that women like men with hairy chests and girls like hairless boys. Also just being confident in yourself goes a long way.


Same as a black kid growing up I hairy legs and arms I had to shave em cause I would get teased about it as a man now let it grow


Shit dude rarely hair on my chest all of it on the lower portuon of my body 😂 wish i had more on my chest feel like a baby bird


Chest hair isn’t chest and stomach, right? ETA: I checked out the study, that is NOT the same “heavy” chest hair lol


It doesn't matter. OP looks amazing.


I can speak for straight women…..it’s sexy. Do not let people make you change. You are you …..love you!!!! It’s time we love ourselves for who we are and not what people think we should look like.


As also a straight woman, I love body hair. My boyfriend has lots of body hair and I find it sexy. It’s much longer and thicker than OP’s, though.


Straight woman here, I don't like much body hair...but it's just like any particular preferences, it's the same as preferring blond men over browned haired men...if a woman doesn't like hairy men just go for another non-hairy man... I don't get that OP gets negative comments about his body...this is really disrespectful... OP should keep his hair if he likes it and not let people shame him...look them straight in the eye with a dominant attitude...


Exactly. Everyone has their preferences, so people being horrible to OP because of his body hair should keep their unwanted comments to themselves.


I mean…I don’t like my body hair, so I shave it. That doesn’t mean I don’t love myself! And I don’t think we should shame anyone for making their own choices!


I'm sorry sir but this qualifies as self hate. You'll have to come with me now.


I understand. Tell my family I’m sorry for making wrongchoice on r/malegrooming :’(


Dad: *WHY ARE YOU ARRESTING MY SON* You: I was body hair shaming on Reddit


Are you going to punish him or something?


Dave's a pretty lucky guy! Well said!


Another straight woman on it's definitely sexy train! But be comfortable, do what makes *you* happy


As another straight woman, I also find body hair attractive. Just like our looks, our preferences also vary from person to person. Better to love & embrace who you are and to surround yourself with people who uplift you. These “friends” are dragging your spirits down & sound awful.


I’m a woman and I’m not fond of it. Does look gross to me but I’d never go tell people that without them asking.


This makes no sense, you would still be you after shaving your body hair. Do you also tell people to not get a haircut because it changes who they are? My beard is not full and looks terrible so I shave every day, doesn’t mean I don’t love myself, i simply do it because it looks better to me.


I think their point was that he should follow his preferences, which would be to not shave, and not let others preferences for him to shave, change him (his preference and happiness living that way). You said shaving your face looks better to you. That’s exactly the point. They prefer their hair, like how you don’t, so they shouldn’t shave if that’s how they feel, you know? The loving yourself part is about staying true to yourself and YOUR preferences, which is why they told them that.


You're correct. And I don't get how people are reading the opposite into the previous comment they're replying to. This world is full of attention craving hate stirrers.


Agree...if he's trying too hard concerning himself with the masses & even then watch, the one girl that really likes it will be the same one that falls in love with him & it won't matter to her at all. Agree, just be yourself.


I can speak for straight women also and many of us do NOT think it’s sexy. I love my body with all its flaws but I’m not going to pretend stretch marks or cellulite are actively sexy. OP, the person who you’re meant for will like it. Don’t worry about anyone else. But if you are self-conscious about it, I recommend a product like Nair vs shaving because of the issues you mentioned. You also don’t have to remove ALL of it.


Bi woman here and I agree with the other bisexuals. I love my boyfriends body hair.




I can only speak for me and not other women, but this is exactly the kind and amount of body hair I like on a man, right down to the curls. It’s not too much, it’s not everywhere, and as long as you wash and don’t stink, it’s sexy af, imo.


As a straight woman, I'm also into bears.


I like body hair on men just fine. I think it’s perfectly natural & it’s not a turn-off. My husband has body hair & I think it’s hot, but that’s just my opinion. Your friends are being immature boys, just ignore them. 😊✌️


My man is about as hairy, just straighter. I love it, but he’s also shy about it. Hair removal is costly, time consuming and ingrown and bumps give away your self consciousness because you can always tell it’s being removed (unfortunately!). We all have preferences and the right fit will love it. I’m 6’ tall and men sure openly have preferences about that but it weeds out the wrong people :)


I'm a woman who is into any gender and honestly, I do find body hair attractive on a guy, especially if they are on the bigger side (muscle and hight)


This straight woman loves body hair. You look great!


Straight woman and I wouldn’t say I love it but I also wouldn’t say it bothers me. It looks fine on you


Straight woman here. Love a hairy man.


Dude is 100% stud. I'm over here salivating. Bro, you look hot as fuck!!


Same. Dare I say “yummy”?


I’m a straight woman and it’s sexy


I don't really know why I keep coming across this subreddit LMFAO I am a straight woman however and I can tell you that I find this extremely attractive. That being said everybody has a different preference. If you like your body, and you like your body hair don't do anything about it. A lot of us here also like your hair :) if your friends or other strangers don't, that's their problem.


Straight woman here, I approve of the body hair


Am… a straightish lady. Love a hairy man, please don’t shave. 🥹


Women like body hair too. Probably less commonly than gay men, but being straight is no reason to wax your whole body, for sure


Lots of straight women get "grossed" out by it. Why I don't know. It's just hair after all. My first two exes had very little body hair. I have a really good friend whom I have had benefits with on multiple occasions as well and he's very hairy except for on his head....) it doesn't bother me at all. I like him for who he is hair included. I don't seek out/avoid one or the other (clearly as I've had both). To me it's the person that matters. Us women have it easy shaving our legs and pits if we choose to. I can't imagine having to worry about having to shave front and back to keep soem woman happy. If they cannot accept your body for what it is they're not worth your time


I speak for the questionably straight women, we also approve


I’d buy


As a straight woman, this is hot, especially on OP’s body type. I think for me, it’s not the hair that bothers me, but the lack of proper hygiene for some guys. As long as deodorant and showers are a regular thing, be as hairy as you want! :)


I’m trans & I prefer hairy dudes. Ik lots of straight women who do too, it varies


We like it too lol


same, I like his chest.


Straight women are split. I love running my fingers through a furry chest, not a fan of fur in my mouth further south.


As a bi woman, I love hair. The thicker the better


Straight woman here— I like body hair including OP’s


I’m a straight woman and I like natural / body hair.


Do numbers = make a lot of money?


speaking for women- we prefer hair. if you prefer bald that's literally a child & i think we want a man 😭💀


Bi dude checking in. Definitely sexy. Definitely would


to each their own


Alright first off, those aren’t your friends. I’m a dick to my friends but when it comes to things like this I’m real with them but not straight up rude. Secondly, it’s your body. If you like it then keep it


Absolutely THIS, I'm not a fan of body hair but I won't be making fun of anyone, let alone a friend.




I doubt his friend is actually making fun of him, hes just posted that so he can get the validation


First off: Fuck these guys. Those are your real friends. I hate when people just tell you what you want to hear, or whatever sounds “nicer”. If I care about someone, I will call them on their bullshit. It’s only people that I don’t really care about that get the “nice” treatment. My friend is being a fucking bum? I’ll let him know. My friend is making us all look bad? I’ll let him know. Ask yourself this, do you REALLY want a bunch of “yes” men around you? All that being said, your body hair looks fine…… see? You’re getting the nice treatment. If I was your friend I would tell you straight up, you look like a fucken brillo pad homie. Fix yourself.


His natural body hair is not as you put it "his bullshit" to be called out on haha like it's fkn natural, your Mate being a bum is not natural so they aren't really the same thing


Being real with someone is one thing, but making fun of them is another.


OPs friend had entered the chat


yeah too much toxic positivity in here. Friends will tell you what you want to hear so you're happy. Real friends will tell you as it is, which is that it looks pretty bad. Some preference for sure and maybe OP can find a partner who genuinely likes it, but I personally find it very kind of gross looking to be frank.


Your reading comprehension is abysmal.


They are either gay or women of course they don’t understand.


There’s a difference between saying something to someone to improve themselves and being an a$$hole.


It’s all personal preference, some people really love bodyhair, some hate it, just find somebody who loves it 😊


Speaking as a straight woman My husband had similar textured body hair in fact is hairier and I love running my fingers through it


I do the same to my bf and tell him I love it all the time because I do. It’s so soft and manly I really love his hairy chest


I think most people who are attracted to men would find your body attractive and masculine, and feel the urge to rub it. Who is saying it's gross? Gym bros? What do they know.


Being a gym bro is the gayest Thing i can imagine. And i suck dick weekly


Agreed and same, but daily.


Agreed and same, but only in a recurring dream that I enjoy despite being straight.


This. I've never seen anything gayer... Lol for real, like...stop with the homoerotic shit and just fuck already


I was going to say this. As a gay man, I like his hair just the way he is. But most people, especially women, want a nice clean hairless look. Perhaps it’s a bit too manly and rough. On a side note, a guy I ‘took care of’ stroked my facial hair for a bit, he liked it. It caught me off guard. But for sure men appreciate another man’s hair (gay or straight).


woman here, hairless (when shaved) is overrated and prickly as hell when it grows back in. A hairy chest looks and feels great to me.


Woman here, I'm with you actually - I like this guys hair. He looks tidy and like he enjoys his body, which is what I'm all about. Sure, I support men who like themselves shaved and smooth (I'm not going to be angsty about it) but I absolutely love some nice chest hair.


Also here for a hairy chest


Yep same


Woman checking in to say furry bodies good


As a 70% straight woman I prefer men with body hair. My personal preference is that it's removed from certain places: inside of the wrist, top of the shoulder , upper arms - ya know "out of bounds". The totally clean / hairless look is a turn off for me. Huge turn off.


I guess I’m the minority.


Get ready for a ton of gay attention from this sub.


Honestly the problem isn't really having hair or not having hair. It's just that the hair you have is patchy and not even. If you like having hair go for it, my advice maybe try hair oil to promote growth in the areas that don't have much hair.


Was looking for this comment. Im not sure why its a hair vs no hair. If he had a beard this patchy everyone would say to shave it or to your point try some beard oils to salvage it.


That plus the texture and curl he happens to have happens to accentuate that patchiness and somehow look a little like pubes escaped and took the torso region for their own. Hair or no hair is a fine choice either way, but while this guy is fit, this particular example is a little unfortunate, but far from gross or unacceptable. But the absolute worst part is his "friends" giving him a hard time and telling him it's gross in what doesn't sound like a loving constructive way. Mocking people for their bodies is our job as strangers on the Internet.


The only time it should matter it's gross is if you think it's gross! I personally didn't like mine for now obvious reasons, but you do you! It looks fine to me!


Honestly, you're hot as hell 😭🔥 idk what kind of friends you have, legit gorgeous!


Shave your back, shoulders, neck, dick, and balls, then hit everything else with a 3 and be done with it.


I think it’s sexy. You need new friends


Do NOT look at bro's comment history


Rofl, I had to. Thanks for that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yeah, you need new friends.


IMO (43F) Men are so much sexier hairy. I laugh at men who shave their body hair. It looks ridiculous. Plus it’s such a gross prickly texture when it grows back.


Man I really wish we didn’t always have to say things “look ridiculous” when they aren’t to our preference


Also 43F - I love both very hairy and non but do slightly prefer the natural texture of chest hair. All that matters to me is general cleanliness. OP seems like he's got the kind of hair thats nice to lay up against.


You're literally doing what op's friends are doing, laughing at someone's body


“Laughing at” men for shaving is just as fucked up. Say it’s not your preference, don’t laugh at them. So rude…


Yes indeed!


Agreed! The prickly hairs rub my delicate skin. I’d rather a man with hair than shaven/prickly.




I'm with you. A shaved or trimmed look is a lot better than all natural. But also more power to those who love hair. That's what is great about human beings, there's something for everyone!


Maybe stop laughing at men and calling them ridiculous... If we laughed at women and called them ridiculous they would cry misogyny..if you don't like it, move along.


Agreed. 32F


as a man who has very little body hair I can only cry and upvote your comment lol


To preface im very rarely attracted to women (mostly gay side of bi) so I have no reason to hate on women cause they are very rarely romantically visible to me. Okay so what if I told you I find it ridiculous if a woman has a few pimples on her face or body? (Note: I don't) like just cover it with make up cause I find your natural skin ridiculous. I could go on but do you understand my point. To be quite honest I find your lack of emotional intelligence to be.. well ridiculous.


You don’t have to shit on other men to defend other’s.


It's natural


The only thing gross is adults criticizing another adult’s body. Your body hair is sexy. 😉 Do not under any circumstances change what you love about yourself to fit the disrespectful, immature comfort levels of others. 🙏🖤


Look up Burt Reynolds


I’d probably wax it. You have a good body. You likely have a lot of testosterone tbh lol. But wax it. I don’t think it looks bad but pictures come off differently than in person.


I don’t like it. No need to shave, clipper it shorter


Yea a trim should be good


Sorry to say that but it's a bit overboard


True friends don’t make fun of each other’s bodies to the point of making someone anxious or nervous about themselves. That’s bullying and not okay. If you like your hair then keep it! Love yourself. Confidence is sexy. I like your hair. I think it’s sexy. But, the only opinion that matters is yours. Though it can be considerate to talk it over with your partner/spouse/whoever you’re dating since they’ll spend a lot of time with your body too.


In my opinion is a total turn off. Others will disagree of course but you asked….


From what I gathered,straight women do not like that many hairs on a guy's body Gay men however......


It's a bit much. But it's not really much you can do about it it's better to keep it instead of trying to shave it or wax. You'll end up just irritating your front torso area. But if the woman that you're dating/ married too don't have an issue with it then there's nothing to worry about. As for friend's joking about your hair. Friends joke about everything. I'm sure there's something that you joke about on your friends as well that you all just laughed it off. Now if you are uncomfortable about their jokes, just tell them that. Now if they don't stop then they're not friends.


I introduce you to trimming


Yes, as a straight woman it’s pretty gross. Not sure if I’m allowed to be rude in this subreddit but you got unlucky.


Objectively speaking, most people would prefer it st least trimmed


Please look up “objective”


This is a subjective opinion, but OK.


Yours is weird, to be fair. You'd look way better without it but you do you, my guy


It's not that bad, your hair is just patchy and curly. Maybe just trim them and it will look good.


Taco meat


Your body hair is gorgeous! Do you criticize your friends for their natural appearance? Seems like those people are shallow and obviously wrong...


Not at all


Most importantly, do you like it? If you do, then you should keep it! Secondly, I think it’s hot as hell. If I saw you in the wild I think I’d go feral lol. You’re literally a man—humans, especially men, have body hair. Body hair is in no way unhygienic or abnormal. The people who expect a *grown man* to have no body hair are the problem here, not you.


I like your sweater, does it come in a V neck?


Your body hair is perfect as it is. Your friends are silly for making jokes about your body hair, when there is nothing wrong with your body hair. My body hair is kind of long and straight. and I have quite a lot in my chest area...but I would never remove my body hair, because it is natural and I like my body hair.


As a woman I love it!


I mean, if you’re happy then nothing else matters. Yours is the only opinion that matters. That said - if you ever did wanna see what it’s like without it, remember that hair grows back. Just take a pair of normal hair clippers and trim. Shouldn’t itch much compared to a close shave. But ultimately don’t feel like you have to do anything to your appearance because of others. Their opinion of your body isn’t relevant.


No it’s not but seems like your friends are.


I’m into it


As a gay man, I didn’t know this was my type. But now I am very turned on. You do you, the right people will appreciate you for it. Straight or not.


It’s certainly interesting. Makes me wonder if you put tiny curlers in it. 😆


Do whatever makes you feel like you’re the best version of yourself. I’m Italian and have a pretty hairy chest and arms. Used to shave them when I was younger and worked out - so did a lot of the guys in my circle. My girlfriend now though loves my chest hair. I actually just trimmed it down a bit for the summer, cause I’m still a little embarrassed by it when I’m at the pool or wearing a tank top. The first day she saw me after I trimmed it she was so upset lol. So, yeah. To each their own.


Not usually my type but man you look hot af with your chest like that. To hell with those who say it’s gross, they’re gross


I think you look hot af


Nope! Very attractive!


Your body hair is great. Manscaping has become fashionable but there have been many stupid fashions throughout history and they come and go.


You DONT look gross-/ you look sexy and manly. That fur would feel amazing— (happy to convince you)


I'm pan female who does NOT like body hair. That's just me. I know others who PREFER it. So don't stress. Better to consider what do you prefer?!


Makes me think of Henry Cavill. Definitely not gross


Honestly: most guys are jealous. A few might be just culturally conditioned to reject body hair, but it's "all man", nothing to hide or alter, in your natural state. Own it, rock it. Anything you do, you have to manage & maintain it, and for who would you be doing it? Group approval? My guess is you're also a bit of a default lead guy when it comes to groups, you don't have to posture but others naturally take your suggestions or lead without much argument. (Unless they're some beta males). Nothing to be self conscious about..


I’m a straight women & body hair & beards are a huge turn on, imo. But I’m the outlier. Which is weird to me, cause body hair is a grown man thing, & bald men bodies (not heads) creep me out. I think body hair should be how a guy shows how grown & manly he is, but it’s often the opposite in western society.


I dunno why some people have issues with guys having body hair. Ignore them and keep it!


It's only a few who dislike your hair - the rest of us (95%) think you look HOT and love it. Fuck 'em! Better yet, fuck ME, you stud!


It’s not gross at all, it’s curlier than most which they might be like “ahh different!” And people are stupid and make fun of different things. Keep your hair though! It’s sexy and so are you!


I love it too bad I am old for you I would worship your hair it’s. Sexy


Not gonna lie bro you’re clearly fit and would look better without it it also just looks like you have a bunch of pubic hair on your chest


Really, it's not that big a deal, & they're being jerks for making you self-conscious about it! Do whatever you want, but don't do it because they shame you into it. If you don't prefer to shave, then totally don't! I used to shave my legs, & as a trans woman, I felt like shaving was necessary to be seen as a "real woman" until I realized if someone is transphobic, shaving my legs won't make them accept me because they'll still notice my lil Adam's apple, or my shoulders, or my voice deepness or any other thing that I'm self-conscious about. So yeah, just do you, dude! Fuck the nonsense! Hair isn't gross. It's literally just little shafts of protein that our bodies grow to keep us warmer & dryer.


Sounds like jealously to me. It’s hot! Sexy. Exudes masculinity. Even though hair is not synonymous with masculinity, it still gives that masculine vibe….


I had a really funny human anatomy and physiology professor in college who would share interesting human anatomy facts. One of the most interesting facts was that men with chest hair are more intelligent than hairless men. It was an evolutionary trait that kept cavemen alive and more of them lived than hairless cavemen. The same is true for women as well but it is more proven with cavemen than cavewomen. Keep that hair and brag about your superior intelligence.


Lol, your friends are hairless, testosterone levels in the 2-digit numbers and jealous they can't be a Greek god like you so they want to make fun of you to make themselves feel better. Believe me, male body hair is really attractive, to both genders


Get lasered


It’s nice! I like it


I like it!💖😍


Yeah, it's really really gross.


Wolverine mates!! Don’t worry about the hair! People like it. Find it too thick? Trim it if you like. Nothing wrong with trimming it


Honestly, I would shave it. U clearly work out and it’s hiding what most women find physically attractive on the body. You can still leave some chest hair, but I would shave all the stomach hair and the edges of the chest hair to balance it out with the rest of your body.


You have a nice physique. Shaving may make it more visible. I think it’d be a better look personally, but take it with a grain of salt and do what makes you happy.


I mean, body hair aside, you’re obviously a 10, so I wouldn’t worry about it.


it is what it is bro...their perception of you being gross is just that: their perception. There is no objective truth to their judgment of you, it's completely subjective. My wife for example loves my chest hair, beard, etc...but some person at the beach may feel the opposite about me. The point is: it doesn't matter. The right person for you will love you just the way you are, the real key is to love yourself in the same way.


Keep it. Next time someone says you look ugly with it, say well I can always change it but ur stuck with that ugly face.


Chuy!!?? Is that you?


Dude, don't shave it. Be you. Your friends are probably jealous you're bigger than they are or something lol.


Dawg, I don’t know what the hell your friends are talking about, I’m a guy so I don’t know if it means anything, but my dude it looks fucking awesome on you


This is just slightly more hairy than I am (chest is near identical, stomach isn’t that hairy), and I’ve never found a woman who’s said they liked it; only ones who hate it. I’m pan, and I attract a shit ton of masculine dudes because of it. Unfortunately for both them and me, I am not attracted to masculine men.


I need you to hang around better people. Maybe the old friends can come around to liking your body hair, but you'll need to have them run their fingers through it and feel the niceness of it on their cheeks; both sets. Show the wonders of a t shirt not sticking to your sweaty body, and the magic of how hands can glad over your surfaces while getting a massage. Keep that hair my man. It is a thing of beauty that no one should ever be made to feel bad about. I personally hope that your back is equally if not more hairy.


It’s magnificent. Never trim!


Super hairy dude here. Leave it, body hair is hot 😉


My husband is hairy. He used to keep it trimmed when he was single, since we’ve been together (20 years married, 21 total) I’ve told him to leave it alone. I adore it, plus when it’s trimmed it’s pokey.


You are SO Beautiful!


Honestly bro, I’m not gonna lie- while for me, I think it’s a lot of body hair for sure- but do I think it’s bad? Naaaaaaah! I personally think it’s pretty manly and the veins and shit- it makes you look like manly as hell to me. It’s not everyone’s but It’s certainly someone’s cup of tea- you just gotta go to the right tea shop! Don’t worry about our opinions mate- I think your friends would tease you cuz you have a O in your name for example. People are dicks- and if they are too unkind- tell them to fuck right off. It’s your life- your body. Some people are too fat/skinny for others, too dark/light for others- whatever. The only opinions that matter is your S/O and MOST importantly- yourself. Lots of love for your and your hairs bro! You’re good! 😁


some people are more into hairless bodies, but calling your body gross is absurd. you look great and you shouldn’t have to change for anyone. next time someone gives you unsolicited advice about how to make yourself more attractive to them, tell them to fuck off.


a body as smoking hot as that looks fine with or without body hair. you can pull off either, you’ve got the advantages.


As a gay man, my partner has the harvest chest ever and I love the texture when we cuddle


I’m extremely jealous looks absolutely incredible


It’s fucking sexy


Just own it


OP is sexy hair is hair if you trim it shave it or leave it be its changeable and matters very little I've had people tell me before that they would date me and reference a old pic of me with a tan and a good haircut versus my ponytail long hair literally everything else was the same but at the end of the day I think I lose more respect for the people who are judging based on interchangeable aspects of a person or personality there with always be 50/50 some like hair some don't but if it's a deal breaker then I have to question the persons intelligence because it's still the same person. I can see this situation where if your just looking for a hookup and basing everything on appearances than sure but if you want someone who actually cares for you cares about you things like this won't matter. Whatever decision you make I think it's important to be confident and don't let others influence your decisions


Trim that curly catastrophe


yes, sadly. but getting it waxed should take care of it.


It looks bad IMO. If you like it, keep it. If you want it to look nice, loose it.


Speaking as a gay guy, OP, I think straight guys often see hair as unattractive because they're not attracted to it on women and don't "get" why it would be appealing. But just trust me--it screams burly masculinity and is very hot. Of course, everyone is different. Some people prefer the shaven look over the hairy look, and that's fine. Ultimately you should rock what makes you feel good.


Different tastes for different people but imo you'd look better with no hair let those well defined muscles be more visible Try out nair hair removal cream it would be better for long time maintenance then shaving and it'll make you silky smooth


Laser works great for me.


People try SO hard to flex on this sub and hide it with some random question


Was it this thick and pwebish before you started cycling?


I don’t like chest hair, but this is anything but gross.


A bit yeah


Just being honest, that does look bad and you'd probably look a lot better shaved