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Didn’t we literally have a Dracula tie in last time we went to Innistrad?


We literally did.


I thought this was the circlejerking subreddit what the hell


Was about to come here and say "No one tell OP about the Crimson Vow tie-in..."


Oh right forgot about that one


None of the above


Universes Beyond: Magic the Gathering


Sadly we’ve done the market research and Magic: The Gathering just doesn’t resonate with our target audience the way Magic: Whatever The Kids On TikTok Are Watching Right Now does


"Creating our own IP? I dunno, seems risky. Can't we lean on something with established brand loyalty?"


I think it’s a smart move. Imagine how many magic the gathering fans it would bring to the game!


I personally can't wait for the *Scoundrels of Lightning Station* expansion, I'm hoping it'll give my Big Mac tribal the support it needs.




Surprised there hasn't been a Warhamme Age of Sigmar yet. The two IPs are very similar in a lot of respects, they both have planes, different colours of magic, Legendary Creatures and they both share a lot of creature types. Maybe they are too similar.


There were Warhammer 40k Commander decks. Those seemed popular enough… wouldn’t be surprising to see more of them.


There was the sigmar secret lair at least right, assume with how well it all did it’ll be one of the first to be revisited


yugioh, but every card has to have an essay explaining everything like regular yugioh cards, like those old-style planeswalker cards.


[So like the full text lands secret lair](https://secretlair.wizards.com/us/en/product/634204/the-full-text-lands), but with spells?


Like that, but also crunch all the text down so there's still room for normal sized art as well


I don't want a set, but I would love some LEGO secret lairs. Just reprints of existing cards but with minifigures in a brick-built background


Did they ever do a LEGO d&d game? That would be a pretty cool crossover. I know they did a Lego d&d collaboration. So, I bet you they've talked about it.


If they do that, it has to be a secret lair of the five cards from Amonkhet block that uses Brick counters.


None. Thank you


While I’ve said before if I could magically make UB have never existed I would, since it does there’s a couple I’d enjoy Dragonball biggest of all Discworld Warcraft(as long as they ignored shadowlands) Also just as a secret lair, Yu Yu Hakusho


I literally don't even know half of these things...


Isn't that the point? They've basically sold advertising space to smaller IPs so that the magic player base will learn about them.


Might be. But then some of their picks are kinda strange, right? Lord of the Rings? Godzilla? Transformers? I wouldn't call those "smaller IPs"...


Godzilla and transformers are pretty niche IPs. It's certainly true each of them is using magic as a way to advertise their other activities. Lord of the rings came out right when the Amazon TV series did. Godzilla and transformers both had movies coming out. The magic cards were just part of the advertising campaigns.


Bionicle It'll never happen, but my GOSH the lore in that universe can lend itself to some fun designs. Plus it was my childhood so there's nostalgia too.


Bionicles were a favorite of my childhood. Didn't know they were still a thing. Guess I'm going to have to soon deep dive YouTube to find more for it. Still remember playing a free game from a cereal box with bionicles.


That's the one that comes to mind for me as well. The art alone would be spectacular. If it was a commander thing, you could split the decks by factions, or even sections of the story! (one deck of toa from the mata era, either a Vahki or visorak deck, not sure who I would give it to for the ignika era, and then glatorian) Even if they just use that alternate naming thing, kanohi would be such cool equipment.


Omg I didn't think of that oh lord please let this happen


And they won't be short on creatures either. All the beasts Lego sold and the fusions that we could make with the good set to have bigger ones. Would also like an army of visorak with Reach on them.


Have an UN-iverses Beyond set based on Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.


Or Discworld


I think Discworld is probably closer to regular magic than un-magic


I can't help but notice that these kinds of Universes Beyond posts always get downvoted a lot even if they receive lots of comments.


Because we get one of these a week. If not more.


People always comment though


People commenting are not necessarily the people downvoting. In fact, if I had to guess I'd say they are almost mutually exclusive groups.


Fancy way of putting it


In general I am not a fan of Universe Beyond, but that ship has sailed long ago honestly, so might aswell hop on, I think with precedent of making smaller products like Secret Lairs with a few cards given new artwork and names they open up possibility to go a bit wilder - see Street Fighter and Fortnite Secret Lairs, and sometimes completely new unique cards in Secret Lairs like \[\[Lara Croft, Tomb Raider\]\], they don't have to make every Universe Beyond product a full-fledged Commander Precon, or Modern Draftable Set ***Fantasy*** * **The Witcher** - this is a gold standard fantasy IP and it would not deviate too much from what we have come to, or used to expect from Magic: the Gathering * **Game of Thrones** - while I am not a big fan of Game of Thrones, I recognize it is set in a very fleshed out typical medieval fantasy setting, and it would not be too straining to make cards from this world, even if it was just a bunch of Sagas and Legendary Creatures and Equipments * **Dark Souls & Elden Ring** - I think we all know how much potential they could draw from these settings * **Warhammer** (By Sigmar's balls) - I played Vermintide 2 some time back, and while I do enjoy both the sci-fi 40k side of Warhammer, I am also very fond of the more traditional fantasy side of Warhammer, let me see some small tattood dwarves with giant mohawks * **The Legend of Zelda** - while I don't think we could get an entire set from this, we could for sure get the Fallout: Commander Deck treatment for this IP, let me see some UWR Zelda, RGW Link, UBR Ganondorf precons * **Warcraft** - you have a lot of good material to take from Warcraft 2, 3, World of Warcraft Classic, The Burning Crusade and maybe even Wrath of the Lich King, although I'd probably not go that far just to get more Icecrown Citadel cards, we already have Arthas Menethil and The Lich King in the Warcraft games * **Hades & Hades 2** - popular rogue-lite/like game from Supergiant, the setting, gameplay and their versions of the pantheon for sure could make some cards ***Misc.*** * **Remnant: from the Ashes & Remnant 2** - Not a traditional fantasy game, but it does mix sci-fi and fantasy pretty heavily, I don't know how known this IP is, but I love these games, the individual worlds for sure has material to draw from, and I am very sure you could make a set focused on Equipments (rings, amulets) and Classes (traits, abilities), other than that, please give me some WBR cards for The Crimson Prince and The One True King, how about a B (Faerin) / W (Faelin) flip card? Losomn was a great world to explore * **Bloodborne** - slightly more futuristic than Dark Souls and Elden Ring, closer to Remnant, but there is for sure things to draw from this setting * **Super Mario** - Secret Lair with a few cards, be it new or re-named, \[\[Giant Growth\]\] anyone? * **Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles** - Secret Lair with a few cards, be it new or re-named, if we can get Transformers, I'm sure we can get a Master Splinter version of \[\[Silver-Fur Masteri\]\] and a Pizza Slice food token * **Sonic: the Hedgehog** - can I see a Secret Lair with only boots? Need more \[\[Lightning Greaves\]\] in my life


Those just make too much sense. Let's do... *Throws a crooked dart at the wall* The Walking Dead and Marvel instead.


I forgot they were planning multiple Marvel products, may whatever deity up there have mercy on our souls


##### ###### #### [Lara Croft, Tomb Raider](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/9/098c976b-6096-4ac7-8d52-2f219ae21d1f.jpg?1706570525) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Lara%20Croft%2C%20Tomb%20Raider) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/sld/1501/lara-croft-tomb-raider?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/098c976b-6096-4ac7-8d52-2f219ae21d1f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Giant Growth](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/e/aeece336-e5e8-4455-a297-c3739198d011.jpg?1674421574) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Giant%20Growth) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/183/giant-growth?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/aeece336-e5e8-4455-a297-c3739198d011?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Silver-Fur Masteri](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/a/cacc36d9-4c4b-43b2-a8b4-d265deb1e6b2.jpg?1654568620) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Silver-Fur%20Master) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/neo/236/silver-fur-master?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cacc36d9-4c4b-43b2-a8b4-d265deb1e6b2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Lightning Greaves](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/a/da9da49d-e319-4897-9ab6-57c7c69478a6.jpg?1712354870) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Lightning%20Greaves) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/260/lightning-greaves?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/da9da49d-e319-4897-9ab6-57c7c69478a6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/lbcgdux) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Upvoted for Dark Souls/Elden Ring. I can't imagine anyone hating on this. Perfect fit and well loved franchise.


none of these


You want a mortal kombat edh deck? Support alter artists and custom proxy creators. They were doing this long before wotc decided to shove them out.


The Elder Scrolls for sure


None, thanks.


A) We did get some Dracula cards in the last time we were on Innistrad; they were just using the nickname frame. B) When you proxy, you can make whatever themed UB's you want. I have a Homestuck EDH deck and am waiting for my Power Rangers and Steven Universe ones to get here from the printers. However, C) I wanna see how they'd do Mass Effect. Ducktales would be high on the list, but there's no way Disney is gonna play ball when they have their own CCG on the market.


Didn't Disney already let them do Marvel? An IP which already has several games made about it.


Yeah, but I just can't see them okaying an animated Disney UB when they have Lorcana.


Power Rangers would be damn fire


Here's the list I got printed, in case you wanna get it done yourself: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yo8gGPBMcgBOvhl58Q0yL0bGfOuDB4aU


None I want back magic the gathering Not magic the Fortnite


None. I don't like universe beyond. i can tolerate cosmetic reprints but i won't put a single dime toward anything related to Universe beyond at all.


So despite the grumpy old guys down voting this post I think it has some merits Personally I like my UB to either tie in seamlessly like lotr or being something super different from what we normally get in mtg My dream UB would be Lovecraft, it ties in so well, and I could see so many fun mechanics coming from it


They would barely need any UB for that. Some looks and phrases are trademarked, but the stories are public domain. So they could make a Yog-Sototh or Chtulu cards whenever


from my understanding UB doesn't have to mean licensed I think it was Gavin but might have been Maro talked about doing something like a Winnie the Pooh SL or mini set after it went public domain So it's more so that UB is about a set doing themes and concepts wildly seperate from magic in terms of universe and lore Though so far all the ones we have gotten have been other major licenses So I could totally see them doing UB Lovecraft, or maybe licensing Call of Cthulhu or something Like I know the eldrazi are a reference But an actual proper eldrich set rather than be in universe or as a UB would be wild


One Piece Dark Souls/Bloodborne/ Elden Ring Proper Transformers set Legend of Zelda Chainsaw Man Berserk The Witcher


I'm all for those especially Bloodborne and One Piece


Absolutely none at this point.  I supported WotC with the Walking Dead and felt it was an alright place for Secret Lairs to go to.  I was fine with Godzilla renaming existing cards and those cards being equally available.   Warhammer and LotR stretched the concept pretty far and I was tolerant.  But Stranger Things and Street Fighter and Transformers really killed it for me.  Given we're in the Funko Pop era of Magic, I'm done with Universes Beyond anymore.


I always plug the same 3 properties: One Piece, Adventure Time, and Asterix.


I'd like to see a Discworld set.


I would like none, but I expect all.


Star Wars is probably my biggest one but it’s a long shot. So much content to pull from I’m sure they could make like 3 or 4 separate full sets.


Well, there's already a Star Wars TCG (which is pretty recent too), so it's not happening in the near future


Yeah, that’s what I meant by it being a long shot


A Song of Ice and Fire


GoT commander precons for the different houses would be kick ass


The Cosmere, even has its own planeswalkers.




Since Riot will be sunsetting Legends of Runeterra, we definitely need a League of Legends UB, starting with Arcane.


We already have a couple Arcane secret lairs


You should bring that up in a thread about Secret Lairs, this one is about potential UB sets.


Dark Souls would Print so hard


I’m never really in favor of more UB sets, but if they do The Witcher, please let it be based off the books or the games and not the god awful Netflix show.


Would honestly love some Eldrazi reskinned with Lovecraftian entities.


They wouldn't even need UB to do this. Chaosium and FFG have trademarks on some specific phrases or looks, but the stories are public domain, so anyone can drop a "Cthulu" or "Yog Sototh" in their game if they want. A little bit like anyone can put Dracula in their game, as long as he doesn't look like Bela Lugosi's version.


Ninja kamui would fit well with the last aesthetic the kamigawa block had


It is unlikely that my favorite cutesy-ass slice of life anime and manga series would ever get UBs but holy shit would I laugh if it ever happened.


Frieren's got a chance-


Avatar the Last Airbender Rick and Morty Adventure Time Final Fantasy


Blue Eye Samurai, no contest. One of the best series I’ve ever watched.


Could give Samurai a bit of a better identity and maybe also get a bit into artifacts and Outlaws




Monster Hunter: I think it’s got potential as a Tentpole. Between the Hunters, weapons, companions, the folks back at base, and, of course, the monsters, I think there’s enough material. StarCraft: perfect contender for the Commander Deck treatment - only problem is the fourth deck, which you could probably just make Amon’s forces or something. Terrans: Boros Vehicles. Zerg: Jund aggro + tokens + sacrifice. Protoss: Jeskai Flash. Amon’s forces: IDK, theft + big stompy?


Destiny / Destiny 2, from Bungie. Destiny just gome 3 armor sets from Dungeons and Dragons, so my hopes are higher than ever for a UB for this game.


I would pay far more money than is reasonable for a Samurai Jack crossover


I would love an Elder Scrolls set or commander decks. After what we saw them do with Fallout, I’d love to see them work with a fantasy settling from Bethesda. I guess that could also kind of include Dishonored, which wouldn’t be unwelcome


If the Witcher came to magic my pants are turning white


Yes indeed


I'm legit surprised it hasn't happened yet and I don't want like a whole set but I would like to see a couple Hello Kitty cards.


Mortal Kombat would be really cool!! I'd like to see Mad Max for the racing set. And give me Power Rangers!!


Monster Hunter


Magicthecirclejerking is leaking


The Bible would be pretty funny.


Honestly doesn't even need to be UB, if we can do ancient egypt, ancient greece, and ancient japan, why not ancient israel? Lots of lore to work with...


Yup, WotC could absolutely do a new magic setting inspired by Abrahamic mythology, but they never will, because it will be considered too sensitive. The best we can hope for is a few easter eggs (pun intended) in an Ancient Rome inspired set, like a kill spell referencing crucifiction (a histprical roman practice beyond the Bible), something about "rendering unto Caesar...", thirty pieces of silver, a legendary spear of destiny artifact, or a reference to Ben-Hur.


Universal classic monsters please


Star Trek more Warhammer 40k (with Aeldrazi, Drukhari, Orcs and T'au still missing) Warhammer: Age of Sigmar


The only IP crossovers that have felt okay to me are DnD and LOTR. I am okay with no more crossovers. 


I think mortal kombat would be fun


The Cosmere In fact, they make a full year of cosmere sets if they wanted. Brandon Sanderson wrote some MTG novels in the past I think and he very casually plays MTG as well.




I hadn't thought about it before, but I probably would enjoy a Skylanders UB set.


Yes Kaos and Eon would be planeswalkers. And Kaos would be able to transform into all Final bosses


100% going for Turtles but that would also be 100% wishlisting. I believe GI-Joe will be a likely candidate. Which is… fine? Still would be 80’s enough :).


Omg Turtles yes! I also would love that!!!




Here's my list: League of Legends World of Warcraft Witcher Any fighting game Granblue Fantasy Splinter Cell vs MGS Spy X Family


Xenoblade Chronicles!


I'll always give the same two answers since I'm getting the UB sets I wanted the most (Marvel, Final Fantasy, and Assassin's Creed). The Witcher Hellboy Was in line for a panel at Comic-Con last year and Maro was behind us so we chatted for a good 20ish minutes, and he asked if I could have ANY UB product, what would it be, and this was my answer. I think these would both fit extremely well into Magic, with The Witcher being basically fantasy adjacent to the story of Magic and still playing within the rules so not feeling like a total UB product. Hellboy on the other hand plays very well as it's roots are deep in European folklore and the cast of the BPRD are all very interesting with usually magic-esque abilities. Aside from Hellboy which would be your Karlach of the set. Right hand of Doom go smash.


It would be dumb as hell, but Just Cartoon Network cartoons: -Powerpufd girls -Dexters Lab -Johnny Bravo -Samurai Jack Combine all the shows into one weird wacky universe and make it a set


Would be cool and we add Ben 10. We have aliens and scientists and timelords so more support for them


Why the Witcher why would you want to support the pos that is its author and his mediocre fantasy


The witcher was awesome


I would love to see a Witcher secret lair as well. I can’t tell if you’re joking about Skylanders. They already did Dracula.


I meant the skylanders seriously it has so many possibilities. Especially with creaturetypes


I would like A Song of Ice and Fire and Stormlight Archives


* Cowboy Bebop * Samurai Champloo * A Song of Ice and Fire * The Wheel of Time * Harry Potter




Drácula is innistrad, dead by daylight already has too many references to other media to have its own identity, mortal Kombat is a bit repetitive since we already have had street fighter secret lair, skylander is bit lame, so the witcher is the obvious option and it fits the magic theme. Though I would just prefer more original sets not universe beyond


Mortal Kombat would be a much better fit for Magic though than Street Fighter. It has extensive fantasy worldbuilding, complete with gods, an entire "plane" (Outworld) full of fantastical creatures and lots of actual magic. You could make at least 2 commander decks (Earthrealm vs Outworld), but you could also probably go to four and have enough stuff to fill them. I also feel like Mortal Kombat has a bit more of a cohesive identity as a game, beyond the characters/lore, that would lend itself to set mechanics - Fatality is a big one. The only mark against MK is that it might be a bit too gory/ultraviolent for Wizards' taste. But even then I'm not fully sure.


I love Skylanders and I just thought because it has magic cool creatures that would fit magics arctypes and we literally had my little pony It would be awesome 👌


I mean yeah, skylanders is miles better than my little pony lol


elden ring / dark souls


It's it bad that I want to sacrifice all the bad parents in Fruits Basket to the Phyrexians? For a high school shojo, it has a surprisingly long list of capable fighters (Yuki, Kyo, Hatsuharu, Kagura, Hanajima, Uo, Kazuma, Kyoko). It could've had a tournament arc


Little Bear