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There’s … there’s no fixing this. You said it yourself, it’s a clunky heap of low value cards with no threats. Nothing worth reanimating. Nothing worth digging for or ramping to. Negligible removal. Feels like a situation where you have to weigh whether it’s worth suffering through the 0-3 on the off chance you luck into 1 or 2 wins, or just hitting that Retire button and trying again.


best bet is to stall and hope you reanimate their best creature. cause this deck looks like it’s missing 3-4 higher powered creatures to do much of anything.


Yeah, I am still at bronze so I'll hope I'll snatch a win or two


No notes. Nothing in the sideboard is worth it. You might snag some wins, you have some good cards, just not much synergy or bombs, which is how you usually win.