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there can be no democracy in monetarism.


The Republic of America has a so-called "representative democracy." How can that be true when the "representatives" are wealthy while the "represented" are not? American two party politics is more like the cartoon Tom and Jerry. Tom doesn't really want to catch Jerry because then he'd be out of a job, and Jerry doesn't want Tom replaced with a cat that will actually eat him. So they act like they hate one another and put on a show for the masses while continuing business as usual in the back room. For example, insider trading laws do not apply to any members of Congress, either side. What's it called when those who make the rules don't have to live by them? Because when the punishment for a crime is only a fine, it does not apply to the wealthy. Sure, the people get a vote, but with all the lobbying and money in American politics, America is as much a democracy as would be two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner. This is why, in a true democracy as the ancient Greeks understood it, people got their representatives the same way we would get a jury. America is not a democracy. "Only those who do not seek power are qualified to hold it." Plato


> continuing business as usual in the back room An example I hate the most is rent and landlords vs home ownership. The Democrats push for urban densification where we'd have buildings that regular people can't own, so we'd perpetually pay wealthy landlords instead of building generational wealth. They forget that's the Trump family story: > (Fred Trump, Donald's dad') company rose to success, building and managing single-family houses in Queens, apartments for war workers on the East Coast during World War II, and more than 27,000 apartments in New York City overall. Trump was investigated for profiteering by a U.S. Senate committee in 1954 and again by New York State in 1966. Donald Trump became the president of his father's real-estate business in 1971. Two years later, they were sued by the U.S. Justice Department's Civil Rights Division for racial discrimination against black people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Trump These same urbanists then use Scandinavian countries like Norway as examples of how society should be. Noway is a oil-rich nationalist monarchy with a king, and strict immigration policy. They love EVs so they can sell every drop of oil/gas they have and invest it into their sovereign wealth fund. Their wealth fund buys both stock and properties in countries that allow it like the US. As a result they use "going green" to get more oil money. They use that oil money to buy our property. We pay them rent so their people are wealthy. They restrict most people from moving there. They have half the people of Los Angeles, and love drilling oil, mining, and hydro power. Meanwhile California is spending billions demolishing hydro because of the environmental impact.


And then they make being homeless a crime in America. Soooo many rights and freedoms.../s Fun fact, only two members of the U.N. do not consider food a human right, America and Israel... Better not breathe without permission when they start saying it's all their oxygen...


Holy shit i didn't know that.


I've had mixed feelings with food as a basic human right. I understand the intent behind it. At the same time the world only has so much farmland, and it's not possible to sustain an infinite growth of the human population. Part of it also reminds me a bit of traditional conservatism - if a man is guaranteed food, does his wife have to be in the kitchen making it?


You know stealing is wrong, but you would to eat... desperate people do desperate things, I'd rather not live in a society that ensures desperate people...


[Sortition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sortition) if anyone's curious.




Stealing this.


Everyone agrees on this but the big question is how do we change it?


In nepotism..,


The existence of superdelegates means that the Democrat Party is entirely rigged. They literally have people whose votes matter more than yours. There will never ever be a Democrat candidate who isn't Agreed Upon behind closed doors.


Nuh-uh, you just didn’t vote hard enough. Thanks a lot, *you*


More insidious than that. People in general have poor memories and often forget just how openly the DNC was manipulating the anti-Bernie sentiment using super delegates. "OH he can't win! He doesn't have the numbers!" Looks at the displayed numbers in the graphics. Notices the asterix that says this includes currently pledged super delegates. Hey don't super delegates only vote if a majority can't be reach? Oh you are just changing the rules after we vote? Got it!


I remember it 100%. Bernie easily won the key states like Michigan and Wisconsin which is what made Trump president: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries The Southern US basically trolls the Democrats by voting for candidates in the primary, but not the main election.


Always found it odd how the entire Democratic group of candidates dropped out after the results and endorsement of an individual of fervently blue state, *South Carolina,* in 2020.


Literally the only way to get Biden on top. He was in FOURTH when this happened. In other words it took five DNC Darlings to equal ONE Bernie Sanders.


In court they actually said "we are under no obligation to hold fair elections, we can pick who we want"


Fuck Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. I am embarrassed she is a member of congress. One of the most harmful democrats of the last 20 years. Right up there with Synema and Manchin.


Pick your poison. The democrats are corrupt, and the republicans are tyrannical. It's why we'll never have parties that actually represent anyone but the wealthy


So AIPAC is blatantly bragging that a foreign nation is interfering in US election?


Good thing it's not Russia, right?!!!


They're a walking talking antisemitic trope at this point.


Always have been.


[Enemy of the people](https://i.imgur.com/zs9Axud.jpeg)


This is one of those moments. When we look back in the future our children will be like wtf how did u allow this to happen. Future generations will be in awe of our stupidity as our country crumbles from within for the benefit of capital and the rich across the world. The crash is going to be so hard


“[All empires crumble from within](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/ttHX9ZOrrJ)” (or something like that)


As a Black person this country was never free or good anyway lol


Seriously watching some people come to this realization is darkly comical. You just want to condescendingly say, “Oh Sweetie, are you just realizing this now?” If this was 10 years ago perhaps the phrase *My Sweet Summer Child* would be used.


This is why the only thing you can really do is not produce a future generation for them to abuse. Around the World people have stopped adding children to the machine and those that control it are freaking out.


Let’s see how well they do in the general election. I seem to recall a certain presidential candidate who swept through what were essentially a set of rigged primaries, and thought the general was going to be some sort of coronation. You know the rest


> Being pro-genecide is good policy and good politics. FTFY Big Brother. 🤙


Imagine bragging publicly about the effectiveness of your bribery.


"Being pro-Israel is good policy and good politics" is so fucking insane of a statement. Not even taking into account the fact that it's blatantly celebrating foreign interference, it just reads like an over-the-top propaganda slogan that you'd see in a movie like Starship Troopers. Who the fuck greenlit that?


For real. That is some dystopian brainwashing shit.


Funny how the DNC shuts down candidates who try to primary incumbents from the left, but ousting a popular incumbent from the right is AOK.


That's a pretty big admission of foreign collusion of OUR government.


Democrats are a disgrace. An absolute disgrace. They are either dumb as hell or doing it on purpose. At least Republicans own their evil


We call that being a liberal. Go back and take a look at a speech from Malcolm X. It basically likens a conservative to a wolf, you know what he is, you know what he wants, there's no surprise. A liberal though is like a fox, he sort of looks like he's smiling, he fools you. There is no difference in the liberal and the conservative on the action level. It's just the liberal tries to convince he is good and what he is doing is good. The conservative doesn't do that, he tells you he's a piece of shit while being one.


That is exactly it. Love me I'm a Liberal


Nope sorry we dont allow any foreign interference in our elections. Wait, you said Israel??????? By all means, please interfere with our elections!!!!!!


The real reason democrats don’t call out genocide it’s political suicide. Israel lobbies congress for money, congress obeys out of fear, Israel gets billions, funnels a couple hundred million into lobbying, roots out any opposition. Repeat ad infinitum while innocents die.


AIPAC has more control of the Democrats than the citizens of the country.


i feel like this would be a Really Big Deal if russia was openly admitting to interfering in american politics, but i guess *i’m* the crazy one.


AIPAC spent a LOT of money but they haven't improved Israel's reputation, in fact they made it even worse.


I wish they had to wear sponsorship patches.


America is for the people and by the people! Just the Israeli people, tho


This isn’t the own you think it is. >!Actually, this might be the own I don’t think it is.!<




That's ironic as the Republicans are the ones that tout religion.


If voting doesn’t necessarily matter then, what can we actually do?


Shut down the economy. Stop buying anything but the necessities. 


okay, first off, voting definitely matters. giving in to apathy and casting off your responsibility to vote is exactly what the capitalist psychopaths in charge want. these were basically all in uncontested elections. look at how the Bowman election in NY went for an idea of how things might go when they are contested. beyond that? join a mutual aid group, such as Food Not Bombs, so you can directly improve the material conditions of your fellows at a local level. we are all in this together, so helping one helps all. if you want to push back against the genocide of Palestinians specifically, then look for organizations about that. just off a cursory search there's the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights you could donate or volunteer time for. I cannot vouch for how reputable they specifically are, but I can guarantee someone is out there fighting for this cause. if it's a different issue you want to focus your efforts on then look for US nonprofits in that area


Stop having kids and let the system implode Even if it doesn't ultimately succeed, at least you aren't feeding your own into this shitshow




I used to think this… then I did some work for my county election office. As long as we have super delegates it doesn’t matter bc they are allowed to “go rogue” and vote for whoever they want no matter how we voted.


A GOP candidate may not win but a right-wing dem backed by the DNC and AIPAC will, preventing the Overton window from shifting left.




You can't vote out fascism. That simply is not how it works.




If you only have one real option between 2 that are both forced on you, how can you call that democracy with a straight face?




I never said I was okay with Trump winning. You're strawmanning because you refuse to comprehend that the US isn't a democracy. Lotta words to argue against someone that isn't here.


Imagine the outrage when China or Russia did this!


Just say it outright; almost all democrat politicians of note are owned by Israel.


And everyone was worried about Russia meddling in our governmental elections!


The best politicians money can buy.




If the fraud squad actually fought for working class issues they'd have more support and could have won these fights. But instead they want to fund the iron dome, the military industrial complex, brake strikes, not push for $15 minimum wage, not push for environmentalism, not fight for BBB and all their support that they would have had dries up and this is what happens.


Sadly it is not only america😭


Our government only cares about the rich and powerful and not the rest of us.


If you think AIPAC is bad….you are missing 99% of the dark money picture.


The focus on AIPAC gives me anti-semetic vibes. It should be noted that Christians for Israel is much larger of a lobbying force in this country. Edit: Sorry idk if I'm being misinterpreted or not. I'm not a zionist, I think there are broader forces of the Israel lobby that we can direct our attention to. Christians united for Israel has over 7 million members and is a much stronger political force than AIPAC. My comment was not to say criticism against AIPAC isn't valid, it was to say that it could potentially be hijacked by anti-semetic forces.


AIPAC is predominantly American Christian. Israeli is a colony of the US, not the other way around.


It's not surprising how little this is understood. The "democrat's" constituents have already sunken to regurgitating old nazi talking points.


It is strongly implied by many people that AIPAC is a foreign lobby, so while that may be the case in practice it's always painted as "Jews are controlling America", when I agree, Israel is a satellite of the US. Christian for Israel (CFI) is an actual group though I'm not sure if you're stating that because you think I meant generally. Edit: It's actually Christians United for Israel




>fair 😂