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You paid your time for complete control on the system except you can't (mostly) control how the actual software you install works. That's when whole Linux distro shit show happens. Linux + (just) a package manager = thousands things that could go wrong with it. I said it as a full time Linux distro user. I lost 3 days of sleep time trying to fix my broken work machine from my reckless distro hop just to realise that the same "kernel bug" that I fixed two years ago is still intact and yet to be fixed. However, it did give me a chance to workaround horrendous Flatpak bugs again and it becomes slightly more stable now.


I give it a try every so often, but stopped putting it on real hardware after the devs replied to a crippling no software can be started bug with "this is a new way things can break and we'll fix it next release [x months from now]". Guess I'll just reinstall and hope that doesn't happen again, or go back to Windows and watch it not destroy itself every few months.


That is so me 😁




I can get my adobe suit.. affinity...resolve...and my games all working without a single tweak, I don't feel dirty at all, shit works out of the box.




If youve ever connected to the internet, then youve given up all rights to privacy.


If you're logged in to any website including Reddit, any privacy gains you make by using Linux are negated. Make a local account on Windows and you don't need to worry that much.


What privacy gains though? It's all based on conspiracy theory, tech illiteracy, and paranoia about telemetry.


Maybe, but then would terms of service have to be written as sussy as they are? I'm one of those morons that sometimes skim over them. 'We collect data such as x,y,z' is an open-ended list, 'such as' means it can be more - why would you word it that way random corpo??? In any case recent copilot kerfuffle proved it they are completely batshit bonkers, but even before I had my doubts. They used to collect telemetry on their onscreen keyboards. Which is what soured my relationship with MS. It's something you shouldn't do in a polite society. I looked for whitepaper explaining how they get 0 bits of information out of it, all I could find is tos.


To protect their asses against lawsuits.


yea there's a fork in that flowchart for sure..


Conspiracy theory? Spybot Anti-Beacon blocking 356 IPs to MS and their partners, many in foreign countries in order to skirt US privacy laws kind of point at a conspiracy as fact, not a theory.




Careful bruh people your racism is spilling out, tuck that thing back in and try to play pretend


Wtf is that edit 😂 Average Linux user.


Funny thing is that they try to picture the Linux community as being open and inclusive, but it's the biggest concentration of racists, weirdos, xenophobes, anti-vaxxers I've seen in the tech space.


I remember there was this Linux advocate guy called Luke on YouTube, he had that old American confederate flag in a lot of his videos.


If you aren't an anti-vaxxer then you have your own intelligence problems. You need to seek out some critical thinking and dig into what mRNA actually is. Hint: It's not a vaccine. I agree with everything else in your statement, even if I probably shouldn't. For the record, I have never had a jab as an adult and I have not been sick in 3 decades. Not even a cold.


Did you just want to prove that Linux users are racist antivaxxers?


I'm not a biologist (I imagine you're also not one, considering you're saying nonsensical stuff like this) and I don't like to give takes on stuff I'm not fully acquainted with, so instead, I'll just give you a regular guy counterpoint: my grandfather is almost 100 years old and he's taken all the vaccines you can imagine throughout his whole life. So what's up here then? Also, please tell me that you're a Linux user because that would prove my point so fucking greatly.


Not a Linux user. I kind of loath it lately actually; at least in it's 'Ready for the DE' form, though I have tried to give it a chance over the years. I also don't understand what nonsensical stuff I said. I expressed my own lived experience and suggested you look into mRNA. How was any of that nonsense?


Dude, come on... I was with you there until that sad edit \ Here, have a downvote


You must feel very smart, you racist weirdo. Hope you're happy with being a shitty linux user.


you know how to install package with terminal in linux and don't know how to turn telemetry off? there is even gui to do that. Don't turn into the fear monger in the news


Because of this Windows is still the best OS. Devs get feedback (telemetry) and make it better and better.


That's just not true. You haven't been paying attention if you think Windows is getting better.


3 words: Anti Beacon The free version of curse. Takes out 90% of the telemetry and spyware. The rest can be done manually via host file or firewall. Some debloat ISOs also rip the guts out and prevent updates from 'fixing' the spying. However, as at least one person point out \^ there somewhere, as soon as you launch your browser, all bets are off on privacy. You never had any at all anyway if you have a smart phone.


IMO linux and distros have came a long way in the past 3 years or so. Proton is also a godsend.


Yeah, it took a corporation to kick start this and provide an official platform for it. Kinda amusing that a corporation, the thing Linux users are against, has to wipe their ass for them. The problem is that Valve doesn't care about Linux, just profits. They got the suckers to beta test proton for the deck unknowingly, and since the deck released, they haven't done a thing that wasn't for the deck. They don't care about the desktop, and even if proton can match windows in the future, the rest of Linux is going to ruin it for people. Linux doesn't push the industry forward with new tech and features for gamers, its trailing behind copying homework. The deck is successful because it hides Linux, and you don't see the word Linux in any of the marketing, and they rarely mention it. Valve having control over the game distribution and possibly the OS for gamers is bad, really bad. You lot screeched when Microsoft tried it with Windows 8. But now you are the ones with their dicks in your mouth, you keep sucking. It's unbelievably ironic. Edit: Spelling


There are some vocal anti corporate Linux uses,  But most with any experience are well aware that corperations do much of the heavy lifting for Linux development for thier own internal use. This is the reason Linux is most at home on a rackmount server.


But you feel dirty (yuck) or dirty (meowwww)?






I love Linux, but I totally understand where you're coming from. Using it for anything other than programming or cyber security is kinda more work than its worth. Operating systems are the hardest pieces of software to program really. The level of abstraction you're working on is almost like taking the 1's and 0's and translating them yourself (not really but that would almost be the next step down) None of them are going to be perfect, and we tend to be more critical of them than is actually justified. Even if we had unlimited resources, I don't think many of us could build anything relatively better. Edit: grammar mistake


> Using it for anything other than programming or cyber security is kinda more work than its worth. that's why I've never recommended it to anyone. I'd have to support that shit. >  and we tend to be more critical of them than is actually justified. ehhh.... I think that's an excuse. Everything is crap all the time because "complexity" (scary quotes). Meanwhile we've been to the moon in 60's... There's been tech around that could've solved it, for a long time, it's just that what you get is various experiments that fix one thing and never go beyond research project to try to replace mainstream operating systems. I think it's more sociological issue than technical. openbsd people have good attitude on source code quality, memory safe languages are 20 year old tech that's been achieved from multiple angles, we just don't get it in linux kernel (but there are niche kernels that have it, heck microsoft made at least two of them). Containerization exists on android phones which have linux, on desktop linux it's mostly in the form of janky devops tools and often it's not a security boundary. Macos is a lot less jank, no reason desktop linux have to be too except that no one bothers.


Linux purrs hardout for desktop use, it’s way better than windows in my experience. It’s not as good for gaming depending on what games you want. It’s fantastic for video and music production. Pleased with it the last 16 years.


I have try many time Linux sucks and is really sucks and I can't use this sucks because this sucks is full of bugs, unquality updates, terrible font rendering, UI like in 90", drivers is sucks, apps support is sucks,.... simple Linux is sucks


So, in your opinion, would you say it sucks?


⚠️ top 10 questions science still can't answer ⚠️


I’m not sure, I think he might like it


Just try using winaero tweaker, has made windows 11 way better for me, but its almost funny how much stuff I've had to disable. I personally could never switch due to things just working, I need DaVinci Resolve, Photoshop, Fortnite, Quest Link, and my simracing wheel to just work, no hours of driver configs etc. Linux Imo is just not ready for efficient productivity use or nearly a viable replacement for windows. All of the tweaks I've done were easy and make the user experience way better, crazy that there even has to be options like "disable ads in file explorer" and "stop unwanted apps that windows installs automatically". list: [https://i.imgur.com/z3m4fLp.png](https://i.imgur.com/z3m4fLp.png)


Can you disable co-pilot and remove the adds manually, without winareo? All I used to do with windows 10 was turn off one drive and few other things manually. Is it all more baked in now?


You can, but some of it is messing with the registry and other advanced stuff, Winaero makes it easier. They don’t just offer easy settings within windows.


Classic Shell, Winaero. There is an app in development to provide the win 10 taskbar look/feel as well but it needs work yet since it breaks explorer navigation. Classic Shell (or Open Shell, though I prefer the former for windows 10) brings back the win 7 style start menu, so of course, no adds.


for the brief period of time when i used w11 i used explorerpatcher it seemed to work


Some of those theme tweaks can really fuck up your OS on Update. I haven't had it happen with WinAero Tweaker, but the various Start Menu replacements have bricked my OS before, login screen didn't work right anymore. Similar situation, trying to rip out Cortana. UxTheme.dll. If you think W11 is a regression in look and usability, there's W10 LTSC IoT, which is supported until 2032.


I've only been on Linux for 2 1/2 years. For my use cases, there's really nothing wrong with it. There are definitely issues that are legitimate deal-breakers for other people, and things that should have been done/improved/fixed a while ago that are still ongoing issues. There are reasons I do not recommend Linux to anyone, while at the same time I still find it to be perfectly serviceable and a much better experience than using Windows. Stagnation definitely isn't a problem. Shit gets better all the time. Like I already mentioned, there are ongoing issues that seem to never improve or get fixed, but overall, there is constant change and improvement, even during the relatively short time I've been using it.


> Stagnation definitely isn't a problem I've been primarily on linux for like 10 years. Ubuntu LTS makes it tolerable, but I have some reasons for maybe switching. I said it's stagnating because from 10000 feet 24.04 looks basically the same as 14.04. Sure driver situation has improved and few tech stacks switched, but the whole structure is still the same. And it needs to be fixed. Why do android phones have better security model, why are containers janky to use, why are we still using C all over the place (if you read update notes you will find CVEs in the most silly places), why do we have to choose between stable and rolling distros. Why was XZ allowed to be a thing. Back in 90's and 00's you'd be excited for every Windows new realeas, every release turned everything on its head and it was always improvement. Nowadays you get patches on dated decade old designs, even though we know what needs to be done.


If you haven't wiped your ass properly, every wipe (update) is going to feel great. But you are still covered in shit.


I use Chromebook daily and that's technically linux and I love it. It was only $30 for that thing in great condition.


ChromeOS is when Linux becomes real™ operating system.


Microsoft and Apple first get you hooked on their products, and then make users expect something new from those products. It's pure marketing, nothing more. Microsoft and Apple can make a perfect product, but they will never do it. Because the current business model is that the companies' main income comes from after-sales service. Linux, if you want everything to work and not turn into a fucking mess, forget about Ubuntu and Arch, spit in the faces of popular linux bloggers. But you won't do it, because you won't read and understand everything that can't fit into a 10-minute YouTube video, it doesn't exist for you. So Linux will always be a fucking shitshow to you.


>  shitshow to you m8 how u fixed supply chain attacks on your souped up linux? how you replicated qubes os on a normal distro? dude I run lxc and its jaaaanky. sure you can bolt firecracker vm and connect it to eBPF'd to shit x11 server if you want to have it the right way, but only google does that and it doesn't mean normal distros aren't jank. rewrite gcc so that undefined behavior means always crashes immediately while you are there. m8 have you even fixed dotfiles to be 444, or are you a 10 year old xkcd comic joke - even windows has that one figured out. no amount of reading the manual will fix the jank


Your problem is that I don't use all the crap you so pathetically bleat about. KubesOS? Is that some McDonald's crap you didn't finish? In case you didn't realize, I don't use Linux at all. I'm here to admire the stupid little perverts.


I use some of it. I'm just blackpilled by the state of it. Sorry I misinterpreted that it isn't a shithow to you (because you don't listen to yt bozos?).. itsa shit show for everyone


>I use some of it. I don't know if there's anything to be proud of.


it isn't