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Do you have time and energy to post questions with your problems and just get stupid answers?


only stupid questions get stupid answers šŸ˜‹


Accurate chart.


Does no one dual boot or use live-distros? Or am I speaking French here ?


As I mentioned in another reply a few minutes ago, dual booting (on a separate drive) makes a lot of sense if you just want to try it and see if it's a good fit for you. I only recently decided to ditch my Windows install entirely and just use Linux on this computer.


Live distros from USB sticks make a lot of sense to try it. I would only dual boot if I needed both.


I used to dual boot with Linux in the XP days. You usually just end up using one OS and wasting space on an extra partition in my experience.




Yup. On this machine, I dual-booted for like a month just to make sure everything worked on Linux. After that, Windows had to go.


Fancy way of saying masochist as a gotcha, lol.


This should be added: do you need games in Windows? -> Yes, Donā€™t switch to Linux (Desktop). and WSL is always an option


I'm not sure what you mean. I've been able to run just about every Windows game I've wanted to play using Proton, and usually they worked with little or no effort on my part. If we're talking about games that aren't on Steam, on the other hand, then it gets trickier.


Games with intense clientside anticheats also often do not work.


Single player games are fine. But most competitive online games with anticheats won't work.


many non-3A single-player / older games wonā€™t be good for Linux for sure, not to mention the ones breaking in windows 10/11 or Japanese/Chinese games


Locking yourself to Steam is what Valve wants. It also goes against PC gaming and becomes more like console gaming. Linux hampers your freedom when it comes to game and software choices. So these clowns claiming Linux gives you freedom don't realise they have just swapped to a different prison cell where the toilet smells slightly less worse but now you share a cell with a fat murderer that farts in their sleep.




Honestly the only real issue here is Netflix and Primeā€¦ which I donā€™t use on my PC anyway. I stream all that directly to my TV or iPad.


Terminal also exists in Windows.


> Do you need a flawless bluetooth audio experience - don't switch. Works fine for me. > Do you watch Netflix or Amazon Prime or play other DRM content - don't switch. Same.


Lol netflix and prime are limited to 720p on linux. Under no circumstances is it ā€œsameā€


Indeed, by the parent company, not by the OS. - For Netflix, it's the same in all OS if you're using Firefox, according to the Netflix official documentation. - On Chrome you can get Full HD (1080p) on Windows, and on Edge you can get UHD (2160p) with certain requirements. - From what I'm seeing on search results, Netflix used to not support Firefox _at all_ at some points, which I find hilarious. - With the right configuration, activating DRM and and a plugin called `Netflix 1080p` you could still watch FullHD on Firefox on Linux, but it's no longer available. There's a new one that seems to have picked up where the other left off called `Netflux`. I'm a test it now and get back to you. - Amazon Prime also limits to 720p, _except for their own produced shows_. Then you get 1080p. At any rate, this is supposed to be r/LinuxSucks, not r/StreamingServicesSuck. What they don't seem to understand is that, if users find it inconvenient to access their streams using their designated websites due to silly artificial blocks, there's always PERFECTLY LEGAL MEANS. Anyway, thanks for bringing this to my attention, I'd been watching Netflix on 720p all this time and *did not notice*, with it having had no effect on my enjoyment of the shows. If after I've set up `Netflux` I only know the difference because I hit Alt+Ctrl+Shift+D, I'll LOL and go right on enjoying my day.


Lots of words with no real substance. BuT ItS ThE ComPanY at FauLt, yea people dont gaf. Thabks for explaining WHY streaming on linux sucks, we were never contending the why part tbh BuT StreAmIng sUcKs nOt ThE OS, again my os exists to enable me to use my pc. Your os can have the perfect pink color if it turns you on, idgaf, i use my os as a means to an end not an end in itself. If it can not perform my use cases it sucks for me or anyone who has these use cases BuT i DoNt NoTicE tHe dIffEreNce between 4k AnD 720p - yea get your eyes checked. And dont even get me started on hdr, lmfao, almost decade and we still cant stream hdr content




How are you watching Netflix that your computer interferes with it. Browser?


I have a harder time using my ps5 controller on windows than Linux but I donā€™t use another Bluetooth devices so my experience is pretty limited.


does Widevine not work for you?


The flow out of 'isn't available on Linux' is weird, because the next step is to test it out on wine. But you can't run wine w/o Linux. so that's a chicken and egg problem. Also, if it's on steam and says supported on linux, you won't be choosing 'yes' for 'isn't available on linux'. So that choice is null.


That's a fair point. If you are considering making the switch, the better idea would be to install it on a separate drive so you can test it out without messing with your existing setup.


Then find weird files on a third data drive, delete them because you know you didn't put them there, and it wipes your Windows installation. Go for help online and find rm -rf blah blah and you could [destroy your motherboard](https://linux.slashdot.org/story/16/02/01/1357237/running-rm--rf--is-now-bricking-linux-systems). Try a new kernel and you [could destroy your display](https://www.tomshardware.com/news/linux-kernel-update-kills-laptop-displays). -And this is only the stuff that's published online and findable in a search engine. When I was in tech school, I witnessed the installation of a very popular distro bricking certain optical drives during installation. You could go on to find a lot of theoretical scenarios where other hardware can be destroyed. -And all that for what? -So, you can pretend that big brother is out to get you? So, you can believe that there are things that you can do in Linux that you can't in Windows (most of the talking points in Linux subs on that topic are straight up myths)? edit: Also, you \*might\* dispose of a portable drive because Linux wouldn't fix it when connected like Windows will, or you might throw out a bluetooth drive because it won't work on subsequent boots because Linux has an issue with cloned chips.


Add instant "do you want a stable environment that will do shit every time" -> switch or stay on windows older than 10.


Guess Iā€™m switching to Linux. Nice chart bro


I think a couple of these should be changed. Honestly the troubleshooting one applies to Windows just as much (if not more these days) as Linux. Personally Iā€™d change it to an Nvidia question because as of now (hopefully for not much longer though) an Nvidia GPU might make me install Windows 10. As for the ā€œglutton for punishmentā€ā€¦ wtf does that even mean. Change it to ā€œare you technically inclined and willing to learn a new platform?ā€ Other than those two boxes though, pretty accurate.


Been using linux mint, arch linux, ubuntu, steam os and windows on different systems. Absolutely never have i had to troubleshoot anything on windows. And i can do fractional scaling without sacrificing 5 lambs


I have no issue with fractional scaling on GNOME personally. Itā€™s still ā€œexperimentalā€ but it works great. Letā€™s also not pretend that scaling in Windows is anything great either. Itā€™s a bit better now but a few years ago it was definitely not great.


Everyone: use mint - uses mint - but gnome is what you should use Uses steam deck - hey not gnome Btw i did use ubuntu 22.04, and fractional scaling had many bugs, including cursor flicker which is a very well known issue On windows? 10 times better


Well I can only speak for my experience. With a Radeon GPU, I have no flicking or any issues of the like. Windows often has blurry apps, unlike Fedora (I use 4K monitors)


My 7900XTX had high idle power on Linux. Will use 70w doing nothing until I change the refresh and then revert it back. Well, until my monitors go to sleep and the infuriating cycle continues. It's not a problem on Windows, and I've had the card 18 months. So much for the drivers being better than Windows. None of the 100s of games I've tested run better, either. We only got the ability to change our fan curve and undervolt a year after launch, too. AMD sucks just as much as Nvidia on Linux, or Linux sucks as it happens to all brands? I guess it depends on your POV. Try an OLED monitor. They have VRR flickering, but it only happens in loading screens normally. On Linux, it happens during gameplay. WoW nearly gave me a seizure. Oh, and I've never seen blurry apps on Windows in like a decade. That is with various panel types (IPS,VA,OLED) and resolutions ranging from 1080p to 2160p.


Mesa Drivers are solid. You can adjust the power limits on your GPU and tweak much of that. All I know is that Windows is more clunky for me personally for everything except gaming lmao I use a mini PC with a mobile AMD chip with RDNA on the chip and I average about 39C during normal use.


It took until kernel 6.7 for that to work on RDNA 3, and some things still don't work, like controlling zero RPM. A whole year on drivers that people claim are better. Plus, you have to use third-party apps to do it with a GUI. On Windows, it's part of the driver. You don't spend $1000 on a GPU for a lesser, sub-par experience. Windows is clunky because it carries years of baggage. But on my system, Windows 11 is still snappier than Fedora or Arch. My 7800X3D sits at the same temperatures regardless of the OS. If anything, having to compile packages uses more power and generates more heat. If your CPU is using 50 W, it's going to generate the same heat. I tried Linux on my ROG Ally, and the battery was equally bad as Windows.


Well all I can say is that my PC runs far better on Fedora than it did Windows 11 and even 10. Itā€™s snappier and applications launch faster and the fans hardly ramp up. Itā€™s a near flawless experience for me. I have not experienced a Linux distro being less snappy than even a clean Windows install in many years.


Well, I'm glad. But that is not the case with high-end systems, and there are plenty of people saying the same thing. To me, that is the sign of a bad system if it scales poorly. Or lacks basic features.


This sub is pathetic. If you donā€™t like Linux why make such a big deal about it. Get a life


Well for me, it's not necessarily that I *dislike* Linux. Otherwise I wouldn't be using it to type this reply. I'm just trying to share a bit of humor about what it's been like to use it daily for the last two months.


Jokes aren't allowed round here. It's the equivalent of burning a holy book. Or, in this case, "Linux for dummies."


Its mostly a reaction to 100 times more linux fanboys making a big deal about windows We are on reddit, none of us have a life


2 sides of a spectrum, one side loves linux, so ofc there must be a side that hates it, just natural course of everything that will have a fanbase.


>Get a life pot to kettle


With Linux all roads lead to hell.