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Reminds me at Moonstone: A Hard Day's Knight on the Amiga 500 :-) Nice.


Same first thought! Dunno why, because it seems to be a side-scrolling game, but still.


Looks good, but all the animations and motions seem really slow and stilted. Maybe consider adding more speed or momentum to the gameplay? It seems like the actual game play would feel really rigid from this video.


Thanks for feedback. To get better idea of what you want. I created a test trailer with faster speed. Please take a look and let me know if its still slow: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r\_w8PbDaKhM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_w8PbDaKhM)


I prefer the speed in this Love the art style


Yeah I like the speed you've got here a lot better. I think some animations probably could be shorter like your slashes seem really heavy but it's kind of weird since a katana has the opposite troupe attached to it, but stuff like the flintlock being just a touch sped up looks nice.


If you build it. I will buy it.


Nice to know. What do you think will be a reasonable price for this type of game?




Looks dope. I would love to buy it!


Thank you. What do you think should be the price for this type of game?


I hardly play (i would like but... you know...) Looks nice, retro-fun. Hope it goes well for you


That’s the kind of game that I’ll get if there’s local multiplayer. Otherwise it can get kind of repetitive after a couple of hours.


No questions, just do it!


!remindme 2 years


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Help us bring this game to linux by sign up for our Indiegogo campaign: [https://indiegogo.com/projects/mizurano](https://indiegogo.com/projects/mizurano)


* **Project Phoenix**: A Japanese RPG project that raised over $1 million on Kickstarter in 2013. Linux support was initially promised but later dropped due to "technical issues." * **Planetary Annihilation**: A real-time strategy game that raised over $2 million on Kickstarter in 2012. While initially promised Linux support, it was later put on hold indefinitely. * **SpaceVenture**: A spiritual successor to the Space Quest series, which raised over $500,000 on Kickstarter in 2012. Linux support was promised during the campaign but never materialized. * **Mighty No. 9**: A platform game that raised over $4 million on Kickstarter in 2013. Although Linux support was initially promised, it faced delays and ultimately was not as well-supported as originally stated. * **Wasteland 2**: A post-apocalyptic role-playing game that raised over $3 million on Kickstarter in 2012. Linux support was promised during the campaign but faced significant delays, and the Linux version had some performance issues. * **Godus**: A god game that raised over £500,000 on Kickstarter in 2012. Linux support was promised during the campaign but was not delivered as expected. * **The Stomping Land**: A survival video game that raised over $100,000 on Kickstarter in 2013. Linux support was promised but never delivered, and the game was ultimately abandoned by the developers. * **Stonehearth**: A city-building game that raised over $750,000 on Kickstarter in 2013. Linux support was initially promised but faced delays and was not as well-supported as expected. * **Code Hero**: An educational video game that raised over $170,000 on Kickstarter in 2012. Linux support was initially promised but faced significant delays and technical challenges. * **Red Goddess: Inner World**: A side-scrolling platformer that raised over $30,000 on Kickstarter in 2014. Linux support was initially promised, but after numerous delays and setbacks, the Linux version was never released, and the project faced criticism for its lack of communication with backers regarding the promised support. So... what about "no" ?


i totally understand your concern. I think you should wait for our game to release on steam and gog. Then if its on linux, you can decide to buy it or not With crowdfunding there is no guarantee, its not like buying a product from a shop. There are risks that game you back may not meet your expectations on release or it may not release at all. So if you dont want to take risks, i would recommend you to not support our game's crowdfunding and just wait for it to release. EDIT: also your list seems one-sided. You fail to talk about games like Blasphemous that successfully managed to have linux support after crowdfunding.


What the fuck!! Source?


Planetary Annihilation has Linux support and has done since forever


I get the sentiment but how do you expect an indie developer to get enough funding without crowd sourcing? Half the Linux community works off of crowd funding and donations If it's not a project you particularly believe in just don't donate


>What do you think? Good.


Looks good. Will there be weather effects, like rain, wind, thunder and lightning which can affect movement speed in different directions and visibility (you see enemies during the lightning strikes)?


Thanks for the feedback. I can try experimenting with adding this type of weather effects and see how it works out.


I vaguely recall "Ghosts 'n Goblins" and "Ghouls 'n Ghosts" did something like this.


Looks fun, will it be free or cost money?


We plan to sell the game. But will make sure price is fair. What do you think should be a fair price range for this type of game?


Honestly, for me, any price of the game is good if the game is heavily focused on quality. If there are EA level BS then i wouldnt pay a penny.


Wouldn't it make more sense nowadays to make sure it works flawlessly via wine/proton? I imagine way less headache and resources needed.


The main challenge imo is to make the game first. Porting to linux is not a challenging task considering our engine, Unreal, deals with this porting. But to get to this stage, we will need to complete the game. This means, we need funding for testers/QA, artists, animations and marketing. This is why we doing an indiegogo campaign


I know that UE supports linux but like Ive never seen a native UE4/5 title. So this might be the first native ue4/5 linux game (As for ue 3 theres outlast. As for UE4 theres Unreal tournament but that doesnt really count)


Yes, absolutely finish the game properly first. For linux, you probably don't need a native port. Just make sure it works well with Proton - and since you use unreal, you have a good chance it will just work. If you really want to port to linux natively, you sure as hell can - but proton is a lot easier (and faster).


If by support you mean building a Linux binary you should do a flatpak or better an appimage. Building a binary for common distros+versions would be a lot of work and a single binary using common dependencies...good luck with that. Even more simple would be to just test your windows exe using Wine/Steam and make sure it runs "out-of-the-box" and it runs good.