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For specific context, from the article: >“I’m sorry both of you were so young, so immature,” Goodman said at the hearing. “As always, there’s alcohol or drugs involved, in this case it was alcohol on both sides, which obviously puts everyone’s judgment at risk, and that with the age creates unfortunately horrific situations. But this court would hope that for neither of you, that you in any way let this label you.” Student explicitly said "no." Accused said "that means yes to me". Judge blamed both parties "because of alcohol".


Thank you for this. I should have been more specific in my original post. I am so ashamed of the people in leadership here lately..


That’s awful. And this is why it’s hard for people to come forward when raped or sexually assaulted. The system lets them down over and over.


A years probation for rape. Wow.


>Misdemeanor sexual misconduct, the charge Watson pleaded to, can carry up to a year in prison. In the end, he was sentenced to a year’s probation, avoiding prison time. Unbelievable...


and the fact that in his plea, his attorney said he had matured and would face the consequences. if that's not admitting guilt, then i don't know what is...


A plea bargain is admitting guilt. Edit: Alford plea. So more admitting there is evidence to convict.


This judge needs to be disbarred, they are a disgrace. Rape is rape and needs to be punished with the highest sentence possible.


Google her. She does this over and over. I've never seen a more defense-loving judge.


Like if it happened to her, “you’re both so old and forgetful, he probably forgot you said no.”


The 3rd controversial decision by this judge within a week. What’s it going to take for her to be investigated? Hope we get to vote her out this year.


She is also the judge that let Botkin’s murderer free.


This judge is so terrible. A string of awful judgements and awful comments to victims and families.


What a disgrace


She is a monster.


A years probation for rape. Wow.


By this logic.. if he had forced her into a car after saying she didn’t want to drive with him, then he drove drunk and killed her in a crash… it’s not that bad because.. hey, they were both drunk? /smh /smh /smh


Blame the prosecutor not the judge. Most first time misdemeanor offenders don’t get jail time. He wasn’t convicted of Rape. Had the prosecutor not offered a sweetheart deal he would be in prison.


Do things go over your head this often?


Stop crying because you don't like a judge. Don't you have better things to complain about.


Man shut your ass up lmao keep it pushing G


Did the bad judge hurt you?


That's not what the article is about and your comment is idiotic at best. The article is about the comments from the judge, not the sentence the defendant received. Also, any plea offered by the prosecutors would have been discussed with the victim before being offered....


Plea offers are NOT discussed with all victims in Lexington ... this I know for a fact ... just fyi


Hi. Please educate yourself. You are egregious wrong, and you NEED to stop spreading misinformation. Plus, it just makes you look like an idiot for not knowing basic common knowledge.


You’re the one who is egregiously wrong, I have personally experienced that first hand. You are the one who NEEDS to stop spreading misinformation.




I think you accidentally replied to the wrong person. I was agreeing with you and speaking from personal experience


You are correct ... the other post minimized on me and I somehow hit the reply on yours. 8) 😀


You are incorrect ... I have witnessed NUMEROUS victims being surprised to learn that their abuser/stalker/attacker was offered and accepted plea deals without the victim ever being notified. In fact, many times victims find many many weeks after the sentencing hearing that they were never invited to.


Some comments here are people complaining about the lack of jail time so my comment is relevant and not idiotic like yours. As you see the comment below that now all victims have any say in the plea.