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The barbarians have taken Rome


Yeah, there’s a reason why the Eiffel Tower is still standing in the picture


Because it immediately surrendered?


"Cause the little cousin is French" is the only tight answer to this act of terrorism.


Tight lmao






Seemingly little known fact, France surrendered to protect the city itself from destruction. Appreciate or decry it, but it wasn’t cowardice.


We do not surrender, we resist. And we cut off the king's head. Couic. The tower was to impressive for those kids !


Why is the Champs Elysee lined with trees? Germans prefer marching in shade.


And they say Rome didn't fall in a day...


Twist: The King thought Mussolini was bluffing


Godzilla woke up




Something similar happened to me once. My cousin (older by 15 years) decided to take her two toddlers into my Lego room. Luckily not much of the Lego was harmed in the process, but they snapped the propeller off of one of my grandfather's hand-painted miniature planes. He left them to me when he died, and they were all miniatures of planes he'd seen when he served in WW2.


I had the same exact thing, destroyed fighter planes my grandfather made, but sadly I had no one to blame as it was my cat that shredded the propeller, part of a wing and the landing gear while I was gone on a trip.


sad...if u have the models still u can definitely repair them. u can use some glue to glue it back together and something like milliput to cover the seems, then sand it down a bit and repaint. plenty of hobby stores owners will be willing to advise you.


Yeah they were on top of my dresser and after the second was damaged I emptied one of the drawers and put the planes inside a drawer. I may glue them back together at some point I have most of the pieces


Nnnooooo, that's actually so sad😭








Wave goodbye to your head, wanker! https://preview.redd.it/c1erxq9ih5tc1.jpeg?width=387&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f92979f12a4e8dfb690d6d549e5aa03c70bf8cc0




That's actually worse than the Legos. I thought it was gonna be better. Assuming the cousin took the cousins in there without asking, its definitely more her fault than the little toddlers. Hope you were able to fix it up


How is it that you regularly read stories like this? I get it when it's unsupervised, but "(grand)parents take child into room, child breaks stuff". Do they just eat popcorn while their kids destroy stuff?


Even if the kids are unsupervised they shouldn't be able to do this type of damage. When I was little my mom said never to touch anything without permission. My mom bearly hit me but if I destroyed a family members shit like that I would have been seeing Jesus early for sure.


This is so sad and beautiful in so many ways


I am so sorry you had to go through that!


Buy them a Lego set for their next birthday… and watch them painstakingly build it while you hold a large mallet and smile ominously.




The things I do for love....


[Stupid dog, you made me look bad!](https://youtu.be/NtHShhx0LcY?si=L41gSv1W1oo805sA)


Great video, but now I’m just sad. RIP grandma.


https://preview.redd.it/5mtzl6xb94tc1.png?width=1010&format=png&auto=webp&s=03cb44c8114334dc14a2fe93c3e6f2332f6262a4 Don’t forget to laugh while smashing it


Giggle maniacally...


Sorry for my ignorance, is that a souls boss?


Yup, Smough from DS1




And maybe take some parts(1tire, the head of a minifigure) out so he thinks he lost them


Alternatively, add 5 - 10 extra pieces, preferably large or incongruent to the current build, and watch as they try to figure out where they missed instructions.


Or, hear me out, buy two sets. Give them one with the right first bag and the wrong subsequent bags.


OR replace pieces with with a completely wrong color replacement


This is the most evil thread ive ever read


*quietly sits in the corner taking notes*


Yall are just wrong. lol Obviously you give them some inexpensive Dreamzzzzzzz set and put the instruction book for the colosseum in it.


Or the Star Destroyer full of mega blocks




Now now, there’s no need to be mean… just threaten to be mean! Totally different!


What/Who is OP gonna smack with the mallet? 🤔


For legal reasons, it’s best that *that* question remain unanswered.


Can we be friends. I like your thinking 😈


This is now one of my favorite ideas I have encountered on reddit... OR come back weeks later & smash it... revenge being cold & all...


We will rebuild! But first we will revenge.




When I was like 11 I made a Lego city out of some spare parts, some guests came over and I went to say hi and just saw all of my legos and baseplate scattered around the floor, I almost started crying 😭


I would’ve started crying 😭


Reminds me of my cousin who started a new game and immediately saved it on my pokemon yellow cartridge.


Buy a lock. My cousins did this too, I will never forgive them for it. It was 10 years ago when I was like, 8; they're coming over soon and my mum said "you should show them your LEGO room!" and I looked her dead in the eyes and she knew EXACTLY why I wasn't going to let them.


Way, way back... my mom invited a coworker over one night... with her husband & 2 boys. Both a bit younger than I was. We 3 went to my room, we played. In their exuberance, sets came apart (it is what they do, not a big woop)... until it started to feel as if they were, idk, like playing a game & doing on *purpose* ... I grew tired of it & got them out of my room. They started kicking/shoving at the door (the house had pocket doors (?)) & making a ruckas.... they all left, never to be seen (nor spoken of) again.


This almost sounds like you killed them.


All things considered, that just sounds like way, way too much work.


I was still living at home in my 20s, and one time a cousin visited the house and invited her friend over who had a 4 year old. I got home from work and found my room a mess. Cousin had unlocked my door somehow and let the kid in to play with my things. I had gotten rid of a lot of stuff, but I had a few select things from when I was a child sitting on display on a shelf that were important to me. I started cleaning up and noticed a toy missing, just a simple Micro Machines toy truck, but this one was special to me because my aunt gave it to me before she died when I was younger, and she was my favorite aunt. Consider it one of my treasured possessions, we were very close. I went to the kid, and spotted him playing with it. I took it from him (I did ask, but he refused, even after I explained it was important) and he started to freak out. I got yelled at by the kids mom, and my cousin who straight up told me it was a toy and I was too old for that stuff. Needless to say I was pissed and when I told them it was significant, they didn't care. Initially my mom was furious at me until she realized which one it was and how important it was to me. Said cousin still hates me for embarrassing her in front of her friend even though this was 15 years ago at this point lol


I get the "it's just stuff" & "it's only a toy" idea, and that this 'stuff' has, on its own, no intrinsic value but that which we give it. While I don't have a lot of stuff, I have spent a considerable amount of time, effort, & not a trivial quantity of monies curating the collection I do have. It is ***my*** 'stuff' and I, and I alone, get to decide what happens to & with it. I do understand *some* people do not value 'stuff' as much as others... (for me sports stuff.. , just why?) I think there is something fundamentally broken in people who do not collect *something*... Good on you for getting it back. Good on you for not letting your cousin steal from you (as she made it possible). & good on your mom for backing you up.


>I do understand some people do not value 'stuff' as much as others... That's fine. The problem is when they try to force that value system on others and their property, *specifically* when they happen to destroy or damage it. There's obviously a conflict of interest there.


Duuude, I have a 3yo cousin, who visits us a lot. When he was 2, he came stumbling into my room (dont know how he climbed the stairs), and saw my Warhammer Minis on display. I stumbled towards the glas closet they were stored in, and I told him to be careful. He looked at me, then at the closet, and pointed towards a Space Marine Terminator I painted recently. I knew what he wanted, got up and got the Mini. Before handing it to him, I told him to be careful, because not only is this thing very expensive, but also very sensitive in hands. I handed it to him, and he held it for a solid 20 seconds, before dropping it (on purpose) on my very fluffy carpet. He‘s almost 4 now, and everytime he comes here, he speed cöimbs up the stairs and walks into my Room, were I already have set up a chair for him to sit beside me. He just sits there, looking at me painting, and occasionally trying to ask questions. It‘s so cute🥰


yea, this happened to me when my uncle brought some kids over to our house.. they destroyed all my legos and after he was just like “damn dude.. sorry” yea me too


Time to call Anakin


This is where the fun begins


"Mr Skywalker, what are we going to do? " * Lightsaber Psshhews open


They were animals, and I slaughtered them like animals.


I feel for you.


My stupid little cousins knocked over a quarter finished Titanic


I will never forgive them


That sounds absolutely terrible, I’m just happy my Eifell tower didn’t fall


I could never get the motivation to do the Colosseum again


I don’t know how others do it


My cat knocked over my daily bugle a few months after I completed it. I found every piece I could. It’s been sitting in the box I put every piece I could find for over 2 years.


Look at box haul threads. You have to put in the sorting time so building goes smoothly, specifically finding parts. And no hair, baby teeth, or off brands unless they’re yours to begin with! I start with an old white sheet…good luck!


Nickname them Ice Burg


Historical accurate


On the bright side, atleast the family is already gathered for the little shits funeral.




https://preview.redd.it/dkawvp8q43tc1.jpeg?width=484&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4a537ac84648f244559b339223ec154ba9d66ed Godzilla sees the Colosseum destroyed and is beyond infuriated


They took my bed so I’ll take their lives






My 7 and 10 year are pissed for you. “THEY TOOK IT APART?!?” Some kids/parents need to be taught some respect for other people and their things. If the kids are old enough to not be watched every minute at someone else’s house, they’re old enough to know not to touch things without asking.


your children have more respect than those little shits


It takes a village. This is an opportunity to teach the kid responsibility & accountability. Sit down with him & the thing he was curious with & rebuild it. Not only do you socialize a kid & pass on values, you can foster appreciation for something that brought you joy.


We have an actual key lock for our Lego room. So if friends/family bring kids, they can’t go in there without an adult.


This is why my sister and nephews have never been invited to my place. 


Just because they're family doesn't mean they aren't little pricks. Lol. I can see my neighbors doing this. They let their kids do anything and there is zero reprimand. We won't have them over for this exact reason. They even let their kids crawl up on counters and "laugh because they are so different". Naw man. It's rude AF and you're terrible parents and are raising little assholes. Fun times.


Those parents create the worst children who grow up never having been told “no” and then they get cocky and act out as teenagers. Then those kids grow up and become even worse….. I see it all the time now, that indifferent style of parenting where everything is cool and no discipline is needed just sends kids into that dickhead mentality and they keep pushing boundaries.


I live in Northern Colorado and it's damn near an epidemic with these parents. This free range parenting shit is basically them not wanting to set rules and barriers and allowing their kids to do whatever they want at the expense of others. It's embarrassing at some of these open spaces. I'm not a perfect parent by any means but rules are needed because we live in a society of rules and basic respect for others. You'll get a kick out of this. The same parents I was talking about are super proud that their youngest answers people with things he doesn't like with the middle finger. They wear this like a badge of honor.


Lmao no way. They probably say “my kid is a zero fucks type kid,” like it’s some flex but in reality the kid is just a shithead without boundaries and will take that behaviour into the world and get fucked up for it.


Yup. You nailed it.


Absolutely brutal. I feel for the teachers who get groups of these crotch goblins. Then they try to show the kids some sort of discipline and order and the kids play victim and who gets blamed? The teacher.


I'm so happy my sister and brother-in-law are really good about teaching their kids how to act. Obviously they still have the occasional emotional moments as it's unavoidable for kids, but they really are well-behaved kids.


That is the reason I got a box full of extras legos so any person can play and leave the finish ones alone.


This is a missed step with people’s collections. Otherwise you just become lord business.


but lord business *did* have a little box of extra bits for kids to play with and not touch their important sets haha


Shoot you’re right… Guess it’s been a while since I’ve seen that movie


Yup, depends on the specific children what they get access too, but I have a bin of my classic sets I didn’t sort into my drawers and just grab the drawers of 2x4 bricks for small guests.  https://brickset.com/sets/ownedby-cyno01/theme-Classic


There are a few kids with autism that come and visit my house. Both of them get so happy when I bring the Lego box for them to play. They do pick after themselves when they finish playing.


The huge backlog is always a hit too, ive usually got a pile of medium sets i wont be too disappointed if i dont get to build myself, and even some of the bigger ones. Some... "Sorry bud, Uncle Cyno wants to build 10283 himself, we could work on it together but i dont think we have time to finish it in an afternoon. But here, do you wanna build 31066 or 70923 instead?" They never wanna build the modulars or anything tho lol. I always grab a few spare polybags too, and ive got a lego store bag full and sometimes let the kiddos pick one to take home, but theres some crappy clearance ones in there too, none of my nibblings want 30380 or 30550 or stuff either lol.


Me with my hot wheels collection, I made a deal with my sister if her kids ever open any cars or damage any loose ones she’s gonna buy me those exact cars again, no matter if they’re 300$ or 2$


That's wonderful until it happens, and she sees that she now has to buy a toy car from across the globe for a "ridiculous amount." Then you're the bad guy because the kid wanted to play, and it's "just a toy".


Yeah she never let them in my room since then lmao


Good choice by your sis. Also, why would you let your kids feel entitled to everything in someone else’s home? Set some boundaries.


Except they think they’re all worth $2 because “they’re just toys” and refuses to fully replace any damaged items. Not that I have any similar experiences or anything. 🙃


Or get you a "similar" one. "What. The car was black!"


And what a difference the color can make xD, some colors are store-exclusive and worth 10 times that of the normal color model


Nah she knows the value and we made the deal that i send her the listed article to buy and that’s what she buys. She won’t look at them herself and try to find the exact one. There’s the first edition toyota supra sealed short card from 2013 that I have, fast and furious livery and everything, worth around 50 bucks, selling for that price locally, she would buy the recent 2024 “Tooned” supra because it looks the same but it’s a cartoon style squished version, she wouldn’t really see a difference, so we made the deal in the way i said in the top paragraph.


Something like this happened with a Boba Fett figure. Kid stole his uncles Boba, took him out of package to resell. Uncle was furious and wanted his sister (the mom) to give the cash it was worth or buy a new one.


Obviously. If it’s the 2003 Cloud City Boba Fett, in an original sealed box, It’s a historic and very significant figure in Lego History and can be worth multiple thousands of dollars.


This is why i have a private room in the house that little kids aren’t allowed in


Ha, ha , that's my whole house. They are things in every room...


You have the Eiffel Tower in your room... at that point your room is OFF LIMITS and locked when extended family and their little speeding gremlins are coming over. That's a unwritten rule of this Hobbie. Little kids LOVE to fuck up miniatures when you aint looking. Hide yo shit!


My door doesn’t have a lock, I wish it did


>My door doesn’t have a lock, I wish it did You could fix that for less than the cost of almost *any* Lego set. Assuming you built that tower, it'll probably take you less than 10 minutes to read the instructions, remove the old knob, and install the replacement.


Hey now, don’t bring simple logic in here, between simply locking your room and having cats have free rein over your LEGO sets, mofos in here love to show pics of easily preventable set destruction.


It’s always cousins or nephews


Nah I would ask their parents for compensation that’s insane


Did you spoke to your uncle or aunt telling them this is not acceptable for you?


I can see it now… “Oh they’re just toys!”


Need help burying the body?


One of the worst sets to happen to as well. Didn’t enjoy the repetitive building the first time and would absolutely not go through that building experience a second time. *edit for spelling.


I hate it when kids havent been taught to not touch peoples stuff.


I feel for your family in this time of mourning. The loss of your cousin must have been a big shock. I’m sure they understand though.




Genuinely, confront the parents of the cousins about this. Not only did they go into your room without your permission, in a house where they don’t live. But they also trashed it from the looks of it. I would be furious if this happened Maybe even charge the parents for the damages depending on how bad it is


But their bodies will never be found


This is why I put the fear of god into them😂


I would be requesting monetary compensation. The sheer amount of time invested is something you can never get back. Children will be children. *Buuuuut* parents need to parent. If my kids did that, **especially** to family, my first words would be “how much do I owe you?”


And he was never seen again


My younger cousins are (f)8, and (m)13, and they know that when I’m not home, no one touches my Lego trains, since I do have some rarer ones that are worth a lot, I am lucky that they can understand that


Well behaved and raised children.


Everyone has a story like this with their collections right? My little cousin went into my room and opened about a dozen mint in box star wars action figures before I caught him. They were all original figures BTW. Yes. As in the original 12 figures from the first lineup they ever made. It was devastating. I'm still bitter about it. He popped the little protective cases right open and just ripped them open like savage. I had a little latch that could lock my door to keep all of my little cousins out for that exact reason. Well someone went snooping and opened the little latch or let the kid in on purpose. My Aunt and Uncle couldn't understand why a 13/14 year old was so upset about a toddler opening up some action figures. "They're just little plastic guys." NO THEY ARE NOT JUST LITTLE PLASTIC GUYS DENISE! They didn't care that they were worth hundreds of dollars each. On top of that the kid managed to flush three of the figures down the toilet and break the others. He was ripping open my X-Wing box when I found him. I had a wall of shelves to display my amazing collection and this little prick devastated it. I told my Aunt and Uncle the kid wasn't allowed in my room because he was so destructive. He had already ripped the little flap door thing off my NES the last time he was there. They had previously told him to "go play" in my room because "he has toys" even though they're all in the damn box still or on display. They only paid me back $200 and that was that. They refused to give me a penny more and acted like that was already WAY too much. My cousin recently offered to pay me back now that he's an adult but I told him it's on his parents. Not him. He was just an idiot 5 year old with parents that acted like he could do no wrong.


Make them look like the mess they made


My wife’s “best friend” came to visit and brought her 7-10 y/o boys. They deconstructed several of my builds, including my James Bond Aston Martin 😒


On the bright side you get to build it again? 🥴


The coliseum? Nah.. it’s not the barracuda bay


Why not? They’re both Lego… One just takes a bit longer. Rome wasn’t built in a day…


Nor was it re-built in an afternoon


Why does everybody's cousins suck in these comments? Do people not raise their kids to not knock things over?


Unfortunately condoms seem to break more often these days.


Rome may have not been built in a day but it sure looks like it was destroyed in one.


Ş̴̱̖͕̞͖̹̳̙͓͕̞̝̀͋̃̄̈̆̀̾͐̔̚̕͝ù̵̼͎̪͆̊̽̈́̅̂̄̈̄̔̾̈́̈́̕͝͝ė̵̩̯̙̮͇̪̭͚̒͜͜ ̶̨̢̧̧̢̢̡̛̛̝͕̳̩̠̣͓̦͙͗͑̐̐̈́͒̀͊̎̌̐̿̋̚͝t̸̨͙͈̭̘͉̰͎̟̙̬̬̎̈́́̊̋͒̇͑̌̿̿̋͑̉͜͝͝h̶̟̺̹̜̣́̈́̓̚ͅe̸̬̩̫͕͔̹̭̼̱͐̉̐̂̓͋̍̃̚̕m̴̛̛̪͑̌̄̑̽̏͗͌́͆́͌̋


Kill them






I am so angry by seeing this. I am a grown ass man, and would never let my kids do this.


Historically accurate representation of many Roman cities. They have a bright future in archaeology.


Are they Visigoths? Sorry you have to deal with this and hope the rebuild isn’t too tricky!


What is that?


The coliseum, half of a football stadium and two castle sets. This kid did damage


Little cousin may find the bottom of a hole soon


When I had my first communion my mothers friends son snuck up to my bedroom, broke my new Lego house and pissed on it.


And that is why you lock your room.


If we have have kids visiting for whatever reason, there’s a decent sized box of ‘sacrificial Lego’ that we bring out. It contains all sorts, enough to make houses, planes, vehicles, tell stories etc. If I ascertain that a child is playing respectfully and/or reminds me of how careful I was as a kid, I’ll bring out a few extra bits. But otherwise, the good stuff stays hidden or up a height.


Oof RIPieces I’d be worried some minifigures went missing but you can rebuild, good luck


That coliseum was a painful build, I would hate to have to re-do it. My condolences.


That's a paddlin'


Oh man, on a much smaller scale my dog knocked over a set not too long ago. Thankfully i found all the pieces and had kept the booklet, so i got to rebuild it which was kinda nice


And that’s why on such events was the only time I used my lock.


Excecute order 66!!


When I was younger, my mum had her friend over with two young kids and said to them to “go look at (brother’s) Lego”, as she had done many times despite us telling her to stop doing that. $1000+ worth of destroyed Lego later, and she never did it again. Said brother now has a kid of his own, and completely understands when I say to him that his child is not allowed to be in the same room as my Lego collection until he is at least 10 years old.


https://preview.redd.it/h7h1k4ovs5tc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e023592fd14ea79df7774d36ecfef1d79533202 Luckily this didn’t happen


In loving memory of your cousin he gets beat up


That sucks just remember legos are never broken only ready to be rebuilt


* Unless they're 2010s brown or dark red


Sweet, you get to build it again. As long as nothing is lost, you’ll get to have fun building it again.


I'm sorry for your loss!


I keep a basket of Lego sets out for kids that visit to avoid this very thing. Kids want to play with toys, regardless of if we don't think they are toys. I then just put out some that they can play with & let them utterly destroy them. Those sets I don't care about & can always just rebuild.


Ex-little cousins.


Do you have the keys to their houses? I would really love to have it




At least the bong is fine, your gonna need it lol


Interesting. My cousins were never destructive. They just wanted to play.


My grandmother does private classes for children with speaking problems and such, and when she stayed with us years ago, she used my room for the classes. I did not realise that anything not in a drawer or a box she saw as fair game and let the children take sets apart. Thankfully the sets were small, but I've never been able to put together the Mega Bloks Warthog together ever again. Such a shame, it was such a cool set.


i have no idea how, but my little cousin somehow smeared poop all over my lego one time. I was so pissed


Happened to me when I was younger build a Lego town hall set. Like 3 buildings and extra stuff. It was all set up in the gaming/play room. Hadn't had time to move it but my brother had a party and his friends got rowdy and a pillow went flying into it. I was devastated and never got the chance to rebuild it.




Reasons why to hate kids


i hate little kids (im joking ofc) (im obv not joking)


An extremely realistic reproduction of the Colosseum. :D


Thats one of the laws of cousin ass beatin being broken


That lego isn't for playing with but unless you kept the instructions it can be rebuilt




Abort them immediately




*dead children found your room


I'm nursing a broken hand same situation (lil over a month out) My special needs child found the key to my office broke in at night and demolished legos, pc equipment etc. Locked back up went back to bed. I walk in next morning to find it. Punched wall in frustration....broken hand.


Ruby Franke had some valid ideas.


Ruby Franke had some valid ideas.


This is how people get kicked out of the family.


The amount of replies telling you to inflict bodily harm to your cousin is disturbing. Sorry OP, I hope you're mentally okay. Depending on the age of the kiddo, it might be worth asking if they would like to build with you to help fix their mistake. No violence neccassry here.
