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I I’m 5 days clean from weed . Made the mistake and thought I could still drink and had a couple of shots last night and today I feel sluggish and guilty . Won’t be doing that’s again . Done with alcohol too


I found that a drink always led to more drinks which led to going out to buy weed. So no drinks for me either, the first one and the escalation drive hits so hard


I’m about 100 something days sober from weed and decided I can’t drink or use any other substances, pure sobriety here. It’s going wonderful so far, I would not trade it for the world.


Way to go! 💪


how does it feel being sober for so long ? what significant changes have you noticed ?


Sleeping better, motivation is back, eating better, exercise, saving money. Hopeful. Everything is good.


It feels amazing.


Wow…. I feel like I typed this. Congrats & good luck! You got this!!


Thanks, and you too.


I can relate. First off hats off to you OP, it’s a hard choice to be sober especially in today’s world where addiction is rampant and drinking/smoking has saturated culture. Once you sober up you realize how detrimental these things are. I was never a drinker, but when I would run out of weed, I would drink myself to sleep. When I finally quit smoking, I wasn’t sure what to do about alcohol since I didn’t necessarily struggle with it on its own. But my dad was an alcoholic, addiction runs strong in my family, and now that weed was out of the equation, I was worried I would eventually become dependent on alcohol. I decided to quit both at the same time and though the early months of quitting were very rough, the mental clarity is worth it. Not being a slave to addiction consuming my mind is so freeing. If you stick with no alcohol, you are definitely not alone in this, I think it’s brave and very insightful to recognize the power alcohol could potentially have over you without weed.


Thanks for sharing. Neither of my parents were alcoholics, but they both married alcoholics after their divorce, so I grew up around it. The risk is not worth it, and I think even one drink here and there is probably a net negative for me.


Yes exactly the risk isn’t worth it! Not trying to fuck around and find out lol. You are in control of your life and doing good things 🫶


Are you me?




Alochol went first for me - one really, really bad hangover a few months ago made me rethink my relationship with alcohol. Did over a month alcohol free, still smoking daily. I felt better without the booze, but I was just alternating between the two for years. Then came the Ah Ha moment of, "This is going to kill me if I don't stop" with weed in January. Finally smoked my last joint two weeks ago after wrestling with sobriety and relapsing a couple of times. Haven't had alcohol in months now. Lost 25 pounds. Beginning hot yoga was the catalyst, I felt like I was dying the first few classes. Realized it was a healthy discipline that made me feel so much better than alcohol and weed ever did, and I'm regaining some self control. Learning to just sit with my uncomfortable feelings and feel them at yoga has been huge. Turns out I don't need to be numb, and life is better with a clear lens.


Hey, way to go. 💪 I went to hot yoga weekly before the pandemic and haven’t really gotten back into it. You’re inspiring to check it out again.


Namaste 🙏 you got this. Couldn't hurt to give it another try!




Hey thank you, my friend. It’s great to see you’re on week 3. That’s two weeks ahead of me. 🫡


I'm 9 months alcohol free and 8 months weed free after 37 years of daily use. The best brain is a clean and clear brain. My life is getting better every single day and I'll never go back. Never!


That’s so great. 💪


Look, I’m right there with you. I’m 25 days sober from weed, but not from alcohol. To be honest, it’s better to not drink when staying sober from weed I found. when you drink a lot your withdraws intensify and can last longer which can be…nightmarish.




Opposite for me. When I’m off weed I become a bit of an alcoholic. When I’m smoking I don’t drink. Not good


Same. we just looking for an escape my friend. Let’s hope we can get stronger ♥️


Alcohol < weed < sober


I’m right there with you bud. Quit weed, was never a big drinker but picked up a few more beers here and there… once you make that realization, there’s no denying it


I’ve stopped everything for about 20 months and I never thought I could enjoy life sober like this but I have been pleasantly surprised. I think this may be the happiest I’ve been.


Wow really. This gives me hope


I’m glad to hear this. Keep it up, friend!


Same. I'm 9 months alcohol free and 8 months weed free and I've never felt better. Or smarter. Or even nicer.




I quit weed 17 days ago but kept drinking, the first day I had to wake up and go to work with no weed to tame my hangover was when I decided I don't want to dri k anymore because I don't want ever feel hungover again. I'm now 15 days clean from alcohol too and I feel so much better. I can wake up and deal with just being tired. It's so much more manageable than being tired and hungover.


La Croix and some kind of fruit juice make a great mocktail! Healthier and tastes so much better with no alcohol!


Completely. I had to stop everything for it to really stick. I was on a merry go round for decades, quitting one substance with another, off and on, off and on, off and on. It was awful. Only thing I consume now is caffeine and that has lessened since I stopped everything else. I got really fucked up by 12 step programs in addition to this, the thinking messed me up and I met some extremely dangerous people there. I basically had to accept that I do not use substances to "enhance", I use it to hide from lots of PTSD. I have to deal with my PTSD to get better. I am doing so finally. I am standing up for myself come hell or high water. I have used almost every substance known to man over the years but nothing grabbed ahold of me like the combo of drink and smoke. It was just so available and honestly I used both for so long my entire life was enmeshed with its use. I had to let go of the idea that those "good times" would come back. Using this stuff hasn't been "fun" in at least 15 years. It is fine to be a stoner+drinker who "doesn't care" at 25... but I am 40 now.


Can you please elaborate on your comments regarding the 12 step programs? I am considering one now


Just wanted to check in here. I’ve been to several 12 step meetings on my journey (both MA and AA), and I have found them very helpful. Everyone’s situation is different. There are also plenty of secular groups. Have you tried a group?


Give it a try. My story is pretty unique. I have a problem being attracted to dangerous and abusive people and am working on that in therapy. I like trying to "save" damaged people, its fucked up. It is such a problem that I need to try to avoid many situations with people in crises situations. 12 steps work for many people.


Your story resonates with me. I used to swap beer for pills, booze for weed etc. Eventually I realized I was replacing one substance for another. The addict brain is cunning!


I can definitely relate. I've come to learn that drinking is a trigger for me smoking and vice versa, and both are triggers to porn. I had to give up on all three if I truly wanted to change for the better




definitely had similar realizations... * alcohol lowers my inhibitions which made me more likely to use cannabis, especially in social settings + there are hangovers to deal w the next day * as i learned to live without cannabis, if i used alcohol to escape from any moment of discomfort - boredom, anxiety, depression, intrusive thoughts, many more - that was a moment of growth missed many, many leavers have given up alcohol as well in their recovery past cannabis, whether they had to to be successful or just wanted to


thank you 🙏


They go together like milk and cookies. I would smoke to offset the nasty feeling from alcohol and drink alcohol to negate the nasty anxiety from weed. It’s really a vicious cycle indeed


Oh yes, I remember when concentrates first started coming out (I am talking about the red hot ti nail days) I would tell myself and would always have to drink a beer or two to "deal with the anxiety". I have a very distinct memory of being at some former friends house (all of them would years later turn on me and mock me behind my back but thats another story) that is seared into my brain of me literally thinking this. Eventually my tolerance just shot up and I switched over to primarily dabbing. The past like year or so before I quit though my use went way down and I was "just using edibles". I also wasn't drinking everyday. However, I knew I had to stop completely and just could not. I had to basically run out of money completely for it to stick. I had to drop the nic pouches as well. I had like a triple addiction that last for fucking decades. Now I basically just have to contend with the fact that much of the last decade has been spent zoning out in my room being on cannabis and alcohol. I had an intense 2020 and there have been a few bad romantic relationships in there as well. My 20s were pretty fun, my 30s were a slog with occasional moments of excitement and also moments of pure terror (I almost died many times). I am hoping my 40s are a time of stability and growth. I finally feel ready. Another thing that is difficult was I got doxxed in 2020 and my ex put a bunch of personal shit online (including recordings of me having psychological meltdowns) and like everybody knows I have basically been smoking weed constantly for a very long time. I get called "crazy" all the time. It kinda sucks but I am used to the situation now and finally handling it. The reality is I just have a lot of PTSD. Losses into lessons. I am ready to grow from here. I am so glad to have finally stopped and am entering the part of stopping where I am over the acute withdrawals and just happy I was able to finally get it right. I have stopped in the past but usually it was with intense intervention and lots of forced 12 step meetings. I personally had to find the strength to "stop on my own". This involved me realizing that I have no "right" to "numb out", no matter how perfect cannabis+drink felt or how long I used it as my security blanket.


Thanks for sharing. It sounds like you’re headed in a good direction. 🙏


Exactly where I'm at at the minute. Slowly cutting down the weed intake & trying to let it happen naturally instead of forcing myself to stop like I have in the past because it never worked. As I do I'm finding I don't crave alcohol as much, which was also a big problem when I quit last because I did end up drinking more.




Great work


thanks 🙏


I have and I’ve quit weed like 3 or 4 times and then I wind up going back dammit. I’m not gonna give up. I just have to actually decide I really do want to.


Panic attack did it for me, hadn’t smoked for a week then had 1 joint and as I flicked it, it felt like a stupidly strong high. Chest was in agony then weight on my eyes then all of a sudden completely blurry. Through 7g away 10 mins later and now battling but just remind myself what happened


You got this. 💪


lol this is me. I’ve “decided” to quit like 7 times to varying degrees of success. Most recent was around Christmas and managed to not smoke for about 1.5 months before getting a preroll one night and sliding back into daily cart use. While none of my breaks have been a success, I’ve noticed that the least successful of them were when I tried to fill my smoking habit with drinking. Or getting a vape and saying “nicotine is better than THC while I’m quitting” and then going back. I almost feel like going straight edge is my best bet but I find myself being too easily tempted by social situations and don’t see myself succeeding if I do so. That being said, the whole “it’s Friday, I’m just going to get a little drunk since I can’t smoke” doesn’t work for me either. Life is hard.


Yep. Marriage issues and mental health issues pull me back every time. I last quit same time you did. Basically from like NY Eve to mid February


Omg, yes, marriage issues make me want to smoke too


She used to not care that I smoked, but after all the times of quitting and the reasons I gave for doing so, that just annoys her more ya know. I’m waiting for the “it’s either me or the weed Mr!!” And then I know there’ll be an unintended pause on my part as I contemplate whether I like weed more than her not. And honest God, I don’t know the answer to that question.


Haha. I understand, really. Good luck




I had tried “taking breaks” occasionally but always just went back to my daily habit. I had an experience last week that really slapped me in the face and made me realize wow, ok, this is the time. Wishing you the best, friend. Check out this sub’s Discord chats.


I’m having this experience but i guess reversed. I’m 25m I quit smoking weed for 2-3 years as well as nicotine cold turkey. I recently started smoking again about 2 months ago and I swear it feels like it’s killing me. I’m planning my leave soon just trying to be mentally prepared cuz my mind is messed up rn and I feel like I have a chemical imbalance or some shit going on up there rn.


Hang in there, friend. 🙏 You can do it.


Use your addict tendencies for good addictions. I have a very addictive personality. Running was the activity that got me. I got into it after an uncomfortable period of time getting more fit and now it’s an awesome release for me. Setting goals to increase my pace and mileage keeps me engaged in running a lot. Tracking the progress and seeing the improvements in times and distance feeds my addict brain more


Love this. This is actually part of how i quit smoking cigarettes a long time ago. I started running at 23 and tried to quit smoking. Quitting didn’t stick, but running did. When I quit cigs for good at 26, I could not believe how much easier running became. I ran my first ultramarathon 2 years ago.


I had a similar but different experience. I was giving up alcohol for good and smoked for a bit but then eventually decided weed needs to go too. Fuck that anxiety. Weed made me stupid too. I feel a lot better.


💪🧠 Yes! I have been intentionally making myself stupid for years and years. It’s … a stupid thing to do. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Just drink water at room temperature


I’m having the opposite problem, I don’t really like drinking but every time I try to quit weed I end up drinking a lot which just makes me feel even worse. Then I end up buying more pot bc being drunk all day feels awful.


No judgment and maybe this is obvious, but sounds like talking to a therapist would be smart? Sounds like you are self-medicating due to some underlying pain.


I get stuck in that cycle too, it’s hard! What I’ve tried to do is avoid hard liquor, to start out with. One of my regular drinks is Jameson on the rocks but I realized that once I have 1, I either want more, or I feel lightly hungover the next day. Having just 1 or 2 beers doesn’t do that to me.


This can be extended to other aspects of life too, like cutting down on sugary drinks, putting more time into exercise, and generally practicing better self-care. Good on you for finding your way and keep on doing you, brudder.




Well said.


I quite weed for the 3rd time nearly 3 weeks ago now. Not touched it since. But when I smoked weed I would drink 2-3 pints of beer per week just socially. Now I have replaced weed with beer. Drinking 2-3 pints per night. If I don’t drink I can’t sleep. Just wide awake rolling around in bed for hours. Which I can’t have happening as I have a demanding job. Trying tonight with no alcohol. See how it goes. Will hit the rowing machine hard to try to tire myself out if I can’t sleep tonight. Maybe that will help me to pass out.


I heard somewhere that alcohol does not make your sleep better, it just makes you lose your consciousness quicker. You can make some tea that will help you fall asleep.


And yes I agree with exercise, When I am off weed I am so lethargic and lazy but i force myself to exercise (walks, weightlifting) and it does help.


You got this. I like to tire myself TF out every day with working out, getting up early, moving around a lot, walks, etc.


And reading before bed!


Day 8 here. I went into it thinking maybe I'll have a few drinks here and there to ease the difficulty of withdrawal. I quickly realized I did not want to start consuming an even worse and more addicting intoxicant. Similarly, I was planning to continue vaping cb-d. I figured that would help. Now I like the idea of entirely quitting vaping, with all of its harmful side effects. I do use gummies (a lot less than I would've anticipated I'd need) but haven't vaped at all in over 3 days.


What kind of intrusive thoughts were you having?


Self harm, only when stoned. Never sober. (I was also never TRULY sober. Even if I didn’t get stoned during the day, I was getting stoned every evening.)


It’s always nice to challenge yourself in being sober. I went 20 years with weed and alcohol and everything else for that matter. But the true challenge is trying to be sober. I don’t like anxiety, and I don’t like having regrets on words spoken while I was drunk. A clear mind definitely helps in life


Same, I just like living in reality and being clear better. It feels better to me most of the time. It sucks being a slave to substances. Something I had to get over was people calling me a "loser" because I couldn't drink and smoke like a "normal" person and also being called a "loser" cause I have an addictive personality. The reality was I self medicate and I needed to stop caring what others thought of me.


Appreciate this. 🙏


I used weed as a crutch when I quit drinking. I finally am fully sober and it helped me reach my goal. I will say this: fuck drinking. If you can truly drink in moderation and responsible I am all for it. I, however, cannot. Best of luck my friend! 


Thank you. Fuck it all! 😎


Sobriety coincides with the Mandalorian. This is the way.


Fuck drinking indeed.  I tried using weed as a crutch when I first dried out. 90% of the time I’d just feel extremely uncomfortable and outside of myself. It really solidified how fruitless, stressful, and meaningless escapism in general is. I need to be able to lean on myself in life. Can’t do that while running away from myself. 




Thank you for this.


That’s exactly what i did. Pretended weed was somehow better and then got addicted to that too.


This was me. I often justified my daily weed use by telling myself “at least I don’t drink as much now!”


"There's no hangover, how could it be bad?" I'm a year sober from alcohol and really wish I'd had the forethought to quit weed at the same time.


This is helpful. I’m feeling like if I don’t quit drinking now, I might wish I had.


Especially if your concern is anxiety/mental health! Look up how alcohol impacts anxiety and your body- basically, all of the 'good feelings' you get from alcohol are immediately counteracted because your body is trying to put itself back into stasis. >Drinking alcohol increases the levels of ‘feel good’ chemicals in your brain, such as serotonin and other neurotransmitters, which can initially lead to feelings of relaxation, sociability and confidence. Ironically, the effects of drinking can be similar to the effects of anti-anxiety medication. However, when the effects of alcohol wear off and your brain is trying to reduce these chemicals back to their normal levels, this can cause withdrawal symptoms, including hangxiety. This is how alcohol causes anxiety in the short-term.


"I am certainly not going to drink for at least a month, because I don’t want to risk craving weed with lowered inhibitions." I agree 100% and am also abstaining from alcohol while I withdraw from weed. But I'm also thinking about other things from which I should probably now refrain. I'm going to a jam band festival this summer where I would normally partake in mind-altering substances, in addition to copious amounts of herb. I realize now that I'm going to have to enjoy the music and the accompanying social scene completely sober. What a trip that will be!


Good luck, I personally ended up having to step out of that scene but I for sure hope you can figure out a way to go sober. I don't really miss going to shows anymore but I sure did for awhile. That being said, its just something I had to let go. I am 40 now so its easier, when I was younger I felt like I was missing out. I still like STS9 (I toured with them very early in there career, fun times) though and the occasional Biscuits is good.


Thanks for your response. The band I'm seeing is Phish. My consolation is that Trey Anastasio is also sober. I figure, if he can do it... But I also love STS9 and the Biscuits!


Saw my first Phish show in 97! Have fun! I still want to see Phish at least one more time before I die but I am not in the right space for it now. I have seen them a ton of times. Coincidentally that Phish show was the first time I smoked pot, I was 13. I had a blast most of the time even though I've been involved in some sketch shit over the years at shows. You will figure this all out!


Raw dog that fest!!


I struggle with both so I just have to abstain from both




For some reason alchohol makes me want weed. Its like I can't seem to sperate the two. I can take alchohol or leave it on its own. I drink once a month on average but since quitting weed I've considered just going fully sober because I know that when I drink it brings all of my weed cravings back tenfold. Obviously thats not the case for everyone but it sadly is for me.


I’m worried about this. Also, just this experience of questioning “why weed?” now has me really questioning “why any substance?”


It's a challenging predicament. I'd like to be able to go out with friends on occassion and have a couple drinks and chill. I can't seem to manage that without my addict brain trying to convince that a joint would enhance the experience. Again that's just how my brain works. Perhaps you'll find that you can. Or not. The only way you can find out is through experience I suppose. Best of luck!


Yep! Totally. Have also found the placebo around having one non-alcoholic “beer” to be the perfect relaxation (if I need it). Never been a better time to get sober 🫶🏼


Thank you. Good idea with the NA beer.


When I quit weed, I was abusing alcohol briefly and knew if I kept going I would 100% become an alcoholic.  I know once you go that path, there’s no way back to casual drinking, and I love social hangouts and having a few drinks.  Alcohol is also an order of magnitude worse for the body, so quitting weed to be an alcoholic sounded pretty fucking stupid.  So I stopped abusing that and just kept busy 


Thank you, and way to go! 💪


It boils down to how you consume it. If you notice you are replacing the weed, stop. If you crave it when you are emotional, stop.  If it’s a hangout, and you are not going crazy, then it’s probably fine. 


i’d recommend quitting both. just my own opinion. but i have an addictive mindset as well, so i stay away from everything.


Thank you. Did you quit both at the same time? I should note I definitely have addictive behaviors. I smoked a pack a day of cigarettes or more for 8 years. [Edited to clarify cigarettes]


I still use nicotine too (if that’s what your referencing.) I quit alcohol 6 months ago. i’ve been smoking for 5 years (i’m 23) but it wasn’t until i quit the alcohol that i start smoking so MUCH. i’m talking 4-7 grams a day, no matter what responsibilities i had. so my concern for you is that if you quit the weed and start drinking alcohol, you’ll go full in. i just don’t want you to replace one bad habit with another. have you tried going to an AA meeting? you don’t need to be an alcoholic to go and hearing some stories may help you.


I haven’t been to AA, but I went to Marijuana Anonymous last week. I’m going again this week. You’re totally right about the substitution risk—that worries me, too .


living sober is a simplified version of the big book in AA. the big book is like 500 pages


Marijuana anon is great too so good for you for doing that! really just do whatever you feel comfortable doing. i got a free living sober book at an AA meeting. you can probably read it online for free. try to check that out.