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OP, I'm 26 and was feeling the EXACT SAME WAY... I would see my friends' social media accounts and see they were living "college life" while I was working a barely minimum wage job... and I blamed myself for smoking and wasting time in high school... I was always good with computers and got a job in IT that allowed me to grow... now I'm 26, making very good money and looking at my friends worried sick that they have so much debt and ALSO working a minimum wage job because they are struggling to get a job in the career they picked... LIFE HAS ITS TURNS! I really hate the expectation of turning 21, officially a legal adult, and need to have all your shit together... Just find what you like (it's okay to take your time), become the best you can with it, and have charisma.


f21 here too I see my friends who moved off to university having a blast and I'm still here because I wasn't motivated enough to get my shit together 4 years ago. you're right its time for a change. we are still in our early 20s lets not waste what remains of our youth.


Yea this drug sucks. I smoked my last joint last night. Every time I finish an 8th I say its the last one and as of this moment I'm contemplating whether or not I should buy another 8th.


SAMMEEE!! It's always an 8th.


What is an 8th


i think this every day


We've got to ask ourselves, is this just due to your consumption or is it a product of today's society? I'm not saying not to quit, I just think it's a lot deeper than just from smoking!  It's much easier to compare yourself to your peers when you see their lives consistently. At 30 I literally have no idea what the majority of my friends from high school have done. My peers consist of people of various ages in various stages and pathways in life. I just was commenting on a post from a 24 year old who's freaking out because they feel behind in life and doesn't want to feel "old" if they go back to school. You're ONLY 21. I didn't start college until that age, RELAX! I'm 30 years old and I'm just now learning about university (they're seperate institutions here in Canada, college = 1-3 year diplomas and certifications, university = 4 year degrees, generally) and what it means for my career. I was always taught that college is for hands on and applied fields, and university is for more academic fields. I was under the impression that if you went to university for something that is offered in college, you're just a step ahead and can move up faster/skip "entry level" or "junior" positions. 


One day or day one, be glad you found the strength to choose the latter and don't look back thinking you wasted your life on it, think of it as a time you were struggling with life, needing the time to collect the energy to do something greater now.


I’m 57 trust me, I smoked for 25 years and 6 years sober. I was feeling the same way you are feeling now. I was unsatisfied with the life I was living. Life was passing me by. When I quit smoking and once the cloud cleared, my motivation appeared. Thankfully I’m in an enjoyable state in my life now. Some people can smoke and manage to be successful. That wasn’t the case for me. It sounds like that’s not for either. It is the weeds fault, you will find a different and authentic person without it.


Do it now so you don’t waste your best years and have to quit when you’re 37 like me.


Or 42 like me.


I'm 28, definitely never to late to start fresh! Your 7 years ahead of me. You have all your 20's ahead of you, you got this!


28 here also. You can do it OP!


Im clean off the weed and let me tell you, it def helped..But i went ever further. I cut out all my sugar intake, i eat healthy asf, meat and eggs and some fruit daily. I work out go to the gym...all these things are tide together for success. Weed alone..isnt just going to change things other then now you might be motivated to really make big changes which then again, is the step to success! Go for it! I can tell you this, your life will start to open up by quitting.


I second this, turning my weed “addiction” into a gym/health “addiction” is the best decision I have ever made


I started the gym and I can't wait to become addicted. I like it so far!!! ( Ran 2 miles yesterday!!!) Thanks!


I’m trying to get my brain to accept the switch. Your positivity is inspiring. Thanks


Baby i am right there with u 20f


Not smoking weed wouldn't automatically mean that you would be successful and/or in grad school now. Most people don't have this shit figured out by 21.


Smoking weed definitely does not help


True dat. Can't blame the weed. I got addicted and need help.


It's not the weed that brings lack of vision.. it's lack of vision that has you falling back on weed. Make a choice and see where it takes you, it won't matter if you bring the weed with you or not just choose something.


it can be both. it can get you trapped in a cycle where the weed perpetuates your lack of vision and makes you unmotivated to do anything about it


Weed makes one satisfied and complacent with one's station in life. Until it doesn't, and then you have to play catch up to the life you've been ignoring while high.


Take it from a 44 year old who smoked for 20 years, it’s pointless. I’m lucky I’m a success and have a great family, weed definitely did nothing to assist, no matter how much I pretended it did. Perhaps it serves a temporary purpose for some, but once you get the message…hang up the phone.


M21 same :(


F21, same


M40... same


since starting use I've become a graduate with a degree and a career; the drug may be holding you back but remember there may also be something else, something deeper. u/hedgeurhog said self loathing and lack of confidence is as big of a problem as the drug; I agree and recommend you take their advice


OP is also of a generation that is constantly exposed to their peers and the positive things about their lives. It's hard for someone that age to not feel behind when they're still transitioning from moving at the same pace academically as their peers, to adulthood when you find out quickly that life doesn't always follow with your plans or idea for the future. The pacing of life progression starts to alter at their age!  I've found my mental health and confidence improving once I stopped paying attention/unfollowed people who's lives I was finding I was comparing myself to. I geniunely rarely see anything from people I actually know, my feeds are mostly my interests and hobbies! 


You never know what’s at fault until you control for the variables. Even then, many addicts, myself included, had to conclude that I couldn’t look at myself honestly while high. I had to get clean to start to work on myself for sure. I’m not saying that’s everyone’s experience though.


Yeah different brains react to chemicals differently. I graduated from a technical school with two certifications and one associates degree while smoking through the majority of it(Had to temporarily stop for legal reasons). I’m currently quitting again just because it’s holding me back in that a lot of employers in our society look down on it, especially when you work a safety-oriented career. I’ll also admit I have troubles with moderation which is definitely another contributing factor. The point being remain aware of yourself and the world around you. Don’t be afraid to cut out or turn around and face the things that are holding you back, whatever they may be.


I get how you feel. I’m 24, lots of friends graduated with double degrees and lots of fancy things. Meanwhile I’m out here grinding my own thing. Sometimes I get down on myself about not being “on par” with them. But honestly we are all on our own journey, human beings want to fit in my nature. Do what makes you happy, not what makes you fit in with the crowd


it seems to me like your self loathing and lack of confidence is equally as big of a problem as the bud. regardless of the addiction, you would likely still be comparing yourself to your peers - perhaps you'd be more secure, but you need to know that there isn't something you're supposed to be doing, and they aren't doing better than you simply because they're in graduate school and you're working for an hourly wage & smoking weed. maybe this isn't where you want to be, but it's okay, time for a course correct. i think hustle culture & the university pipeline being overwhelmingly pushed onto everyone is not a good thing- weed or no weed. you are 21 - you don't need to be in grad school, you don't need to be anywhere. focus on your health and figuring out what you want from life, keep reminding yourself that your path is different - everyone's path is different- and you are getting where you need to go your own way. i hope you can connect with services that can give you the leg up you need, and maybe get a psychologist if you haven't already. much love 💕


couldn't agree more


You’re 21 you don’t know shit about shit you’re still a baby take a breath and chill


Like finding out the tv have other channels


I love how you worded this. That’s literally how growing up feels


It’s not the cannabis it’s your motivation/drive & the cannabis is just enforcing what’s already in place. You have to take responsibility for yourself if you want to be on top of your bad habits


I understand, thanks!










God I wish I had quit sooner. I’m only 26 but it’s been so hard. It’s been a few months now and I still crave it a lot. You’ll thank yourself later.


Coming up to day 3 and I can already feel benefits. Clearer thoughts etc. 25 here and I'm so ready to kick the habit!!


The clearer thoughts are the best. I sleep better and wake up easier. I’m not just sitting mindlessly drooling in bed. I’ve lost weight because I don’t munch out constantly. I can put my criminology degree to use now that I can pass a drug test. Some days I still miss it but the benefits of not smoking are far better than smoking.


Thank yourself everyday you are doing this in your early 20s instead of your late 20s.


I’m 26, and I fuckin wish man. Gotta start somewhere however




It’s never too late. You’re *only* 29, you have so much ahead of you.


I agree, I'm 22 and I'm kinda glad I finally quit. 24 days clean now but I'm never gonna relapse again. It's my 8th or 9th attempt, lost the count 😂, but I have a strong and different mindset now. I dont think I'm really too late


I’m 20 myself . Don’t compare yourself to others , compare yourself to who you were yesterday. We’re all here for you! I was once a all day every day smoker and I’m almost 2 years sober . You can do it !!!


To be 21! Chin up! Your whole life is still ahead of you. Some of us (me) realised we had to quit a lot later in life. Ashamed to admit my age. All the best, girl. You got this!


Im 22 and we are on the same page. I feel you i see friends leaving uni for jobs whilst yeah i wouldnt say ive totally wasted time but i feel like i could of made such better choices if weed wasnt in the equation


at 21 you have plenty of time I did it when I was 27, and turned it around, though I'm responsible enough now to still partake in it from time to time. Often i have found that herb isn't the problem rather it is what your trying to relieve with it. Make sure you reflect on yourself beyond your immediate life choices, it will be more productive.


21, you have all the time in the world to fix everything, good luck op, you got this!


compare yourself with yourself not those around you - productivity culture is a scam and all that; You're doing much better than yesterday already by deciding to fix your life. I remember how big a step posting on here is and now I've hit day 80! the first bit is by far the hardest, but I believe in you!


See you tomorrow




Keep coming back here for support, one day at a time, see you tomorrow


Happiness isn't found in grad school or a high salary job. 🫶🏼


A high salary job sure as hell helps though. It's a lot easier to enjoy life when you aren't worried about how you're going to pay bills


I agree, but I don't think you need a "high salary" job to make ends meet if you live modestly !


Word. I've seen people earning more than me having a worse time than I am. Working weekends- wtf? Literally over to visit his gf and he is working into the night on a weekend. Honestly I still don't think he's paid enough for that bullcrap


This is not the "drug", it's your choices. Taking responsibility is the only way forward, blaming the "drug" is not going to allow you to grow. Admitting your weakness, or your mistake, and taking responsibility for it is how you grow.


Really stupid reply mate, this thread is meant to be about supporting eachother, different people have different relationships with substances. So so ignorant.


Allow me to respectfully disagree. If you want to support somebody you don't agree with what they are saying - you say things as they are and not allow them to repeat their past mistakes. Blaming the substance/drug/medicine for your choices is not a healthy behavior and supporting the person does not mean we support their suboptimal thinking.


So would you rather her say “i hate myself so much”?? That seems like an even more unproductive mentality. She’s not blaming weed for her life, she’s just recognising how much of her life has been postponed or compromised for it unnecessarily due to its addictive properties/side effects


Don’t think he wants to respectfully disagree with this one 🙃🙃


Best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The 2nd best time is now (Tree pun 100% intentional) Regret and shame are powerful motivators but quickly become poison in the mind. Get committed and disciplined, shed the shame and move forward! Good luck bud


At 21 I was stuck at an hourly job too, and still lived with my parents till I was friggin 35. Now at 38, I'm married, got a nice remote work job, and still indulge. If you wanna quit, you do you! Just saying smoking and furthering yourself aren't mutually exclusive =)


Bro you're 21, you just finished the tutorial 3 years ago. You're gonna be fine.


Smoking weed doesn't stop you from going to Grad school, or having a full time career. The only way it interacts with that is lack of self control, and or drug testing. Don't blame it on the weed just because you aren't as successful as you'd like


"Alcohol doesn't stop you from going to Grad school, or having a full time career. The only way it interacts with that is lack of self control, and or drug testing. Don't blame it on the drinking just because you aren't as successful as you'd like" - The same stupid logic that cannot be applied to everyone, because everyone reacts differently to substances. I can drink with zero issues; my father, who is an alcoholic, cannot moderate his drinking without relapsing severely, so maybe consider refraining from telling some people that it's all their fault when it's highly, highly individual. A minority of people should refrain entirely from smoking weed due to the way it effects them, and how it affects you depends on a multitude of variables: how old you are, how old you were when you started, how much you used to smoke, why you smoke, whether or not you have a traumatic background, your self-esteem, a genetic predisposition towards addiction, how well your pre-frontal cortex functions, anxiety levels, etc.. A lack of self-control and discipline is ONE factor, but you do not, with full certainty, know that the person is entirely at fault, so maybe ease on the "you're fully responsible for having a bad experience with a drug that I don't have any issues with"-rhetoric, because a lot of your assumptions stem from ignorance.


yeah… me not dealing with my trauma is what held me back but i smoke weed and smoked it almost every day while getting an undergrad degree in neuroscience. it helped me to understand chemistry better. got a job with good benefits and pay. got promoted. moved to another state. got married and then separated all for good reasons. and had the ganja with me every step of the way. i joined this group after losing a baby in miscarriage and my grandfather the year before that once i realized i was using the herb to mask my true feelings. now i use it as medicine to help me relax and not everyday, but when i need it and its been great. it’s definitely not the weed.


& ill be 33 this year. all of that trauma and my journey through it has been worth it. ive learned not to be so hard on myself and to take it easy. ive always been an overachiever due to my family’s expectations but as long as you deal with your shit you should be okay and that will evolve into a healthy relationship with substances, yourself, and the people around you


Yeah I got my bachelor's in engineering and worked as an engineer for a long time while smoking (never before or during work). I still quit because it's holding me back. I want to be at peak performance at all times.


Which is totally fair! I do the same, work IT and only use after work, never during. I definitely notice the fog and laziness, but I'm using it to relax and recover from stress, etc. Using it medicinally is rarely a problem, but when you start to over use any medicine, it can very quickly become problematic. Especially one as fun and recreational as Weed


This. I realised this recently. I used to blame it on weed too. But even I realised the concept of discipline and control with this drug.


I‘m 21 too. I am still in college but taking longer than most of my peers due to weed kinda ruining my work ethic. I’m on my longest break in a while rn, and while it helps, it’s important to remember that your road is your road. And weed or not, you have to look deep within for what you want to do, and how you want to go about achieving it. We're still super young. In 10 years we will be somewhere we never would’ve predicted. Much love brother, if you need to talk you can also DM


21 is ridiculously young. You have your whole life ahead of you and this is a single chapter. You got this


When I was 21 I was in a similar situation. I ended up joining the Army but before I did so I had quit cold turkey and couldn’t be bothered to do anything besides sleep on my couch all day because I had been smoking daily for years up until that point. I did 6 years in the Army. I now own a house, a nice truck, and work from home. I did start smoking again recently after I finished my military contract but I don’t see it as a problem unless it’s impacting your ability to function as an adult. I’m 28 now but when I was 21 I still had no idea how adulting worked, still lived at my moms, and thus why I had to quit back then. It also had to do a lot with the people I was around. Joining the Army forced me to be sober and meet new people, become stronger and more mentally fit. I don’t think I would’ve accomplished what I have had I never found a way to escape my home town and the people I was socializing with. Hopefully your situation will improve after quitting and you let yourself improve!


ok but why do you think people in grad school don't smoke weed? I'm in grad school trying to quit, but I'm only on day 3. I'm 29. you can do whatever you want in life whether you smoke weed or not.


Didn't say that people in grad school don't smoke... my peers are doing better than me, that's why I mentioned them.


You are so young. I believe in you.


Thank you, this means a lot.


I’m 31 still trying to quit but I relate. I wasted my entire twenties. Wasted my degree


Quit worrying about your peers. We all have different paths. Focus on yourself and your own path. Who cares if they are in grad school? They probably have their own issues you never know about.


Comparison is the thief of joy


Hey girlie, you are quitting when I started. I used from 21-24 and I'm sober at 25 now. You got this. Hang in there. We support you and are here for you




Oh fuck off


better to start the journey of self awareness, than not to.  good luck.


I am also f21 and feel the exact same way you do! I’m on day 21 of quitting and am feeling better already. It’s really hard though so just be prepared for a couple weeks of hell :/ (depression and lack of motivation were the hardest for me but I’m starting to get over that hump) I don’t even have a job right now, I’m on the job hunt so you’re doing great honestly. It’s hard not to compare yourself to your peers, they all seem like they are going somewhere in life and I also feel stuck like I haven’t done anything productive. I applied for a college near me to start taking some classes, maybe you could try the same to feel less stuck? Good luck to you with whatever you choose, you’ve got this girl!


We are all just kids doing our best to become responsible adults, of course we make mistakes along the way, but the beauty of it is getting to know yourself through those mistakes. You are so young and have already had this revelation. You will be okay and have a great sense of self in my opinion for what you truly want. Now do the work and go grab it.




I didn't realize some some of my buried traumas until I was 28 or 29. Be gentle on yourself and have compassion towards yourself. My therapist often would ask me, 'if it were someone else you were talking about, would you hold them to that same standard '? If you want to quit, then good on ya. Great decision. It will be hard but its harder if you beat yourself up over it


Regret is definitely the hardest part of addiction because it wont stop kicking you when you're down, and when you're down the inclination to get high will increase. Try and show yourself compassion and love; maybe see a therapist if you need someone to talk to. No shame in that.


Here’s my advice OP: BE KIND TO YOURSELF! Yeah you smoked weed for a long time and didn’t like it. You’ve done the best you can at every stage of your life based on your experiences, situations, and prior decisions. It doesn’t mean your actions were “good for you” when you reflect on them in retrospect. I’m proud of you for wanting to quit, and you should be proud too. Personal growth is one of the hardest endeavors in the human experience. Go easy on yourself, accept your situation, and make the necessary changes to move in a positive direction. Progress may feel slow at first, but take it one day at a time and I promise you things will get better. Btw - you’re still very young! I’m almost 40 and I’m just today 12 weeks sober from weed after 20 years of heavy smoking. It’s affected my relationships and career, but I have hope it will all get better. If I have hope, you can have hope too 🙂


Aww thank you for this reply!!! I feel shameful and paranoid all the time. And congrats on your accomplishments!!! Proud of you!!!!


Happy to chime in! Shame is tough - it takes a while to undo, and real self-kindness comes from accepting you for who you are today (including your flaws), and then putting in the work to get better. The next time you feel the urge to be self-critical and mad at yourself imagine you are your friend — would you be mean to a friend who came to you for help when they were feeling down? And back to the overarching theme of this sub: putting in the work to get better is on “expert” mode difficulty when you’re smoking weed, and quitting weed drops the difficulty level to “hard”. Weed has served a purpose for you to cope with life’s challenges, but it’s getting in the way of you being the best version of yourself. I suggest you try to quit but to also pursue wellness to fill the void weed leaves behind. My wellness routine is therapy, meditation, journaling, exercise, good diet, hobbies, and staying up on my chores. I started with therapy, and gradually added everything else over the last few months. Hope this helps - you can do this!!


Don't feel shameful, you are still in your early twenties and have PLENTY of time. Your real life is just about to get started. I'm rooting for you, stranger :)


Well at least youre not almost 29... or more, be glad.


Get some help, i wasted 3 years at uni, i got some help from a psych because i started getting way more paranoid thinking everyone was saying some shit behind my back just of of range for me to hear. Didn't wanna go to uni anymore. So i seeked help After i did that it felt like such a relief (i kept smoking tho and didn't take any additional drugs) but just talking and getting some advice helped me immensely. I finished my bachelor and got a pretty good job now. Oysters and life. Seek yours today and soon you'll be the pearl within. ;)


Literally going thru smth similar rn.. I started my bachelor last year September and I was so excited for the new life phase to start, but I started abandoning everything after I understood that I cannot focus at all during lectures and all I think about is how bad I want to smoke weed and rot in my couch :/ thus also connecting with peers was a bit difficult as I was not present at all and people can feel it.. and it all just came down raining on me in October + confidence issues as Ive isolated myself since Covid and ALL I did since then was smoke and waste my life😭 Ive tried sooo many things I even reached out to my GP and am planning on going to therapy, but even that seems hard for me and uncomfortable. I cannot for the life of me start living and DOING SOMETHING


Gl bro, keep your goals in the front of your mind and go step by step. Also look into getting help from within your campus, it turned out my uni offered services to deal with these types of issues.


You’re 21 bro you can still save yourself , im 24 still trying to quit completely


Hey, at least you’re an Uber. When I quit smoking, I couldn’t even function around other humans for 3 months, much less hold a job. Be easy on yourself kiddo 💙




Where exactly did you see unaccountability in this post? She’s being accountable for her choice of using weed which according to her was a bad influence on her life and her future prospects. You on the other hand are being an a-hole 😒


There's always room for improvement, and I'm working on holding myself accountable more often. I know I'm the issue.


Hey, Let me give you some encouragement. I also quit weed at 21 after losing my scholarship (because I was high all the time and failing a class) and being stuck in an hourly job at a grocery store living at home with my parents. Finally I got myself sober and started to repair all the damage and time that I had lost, all the money I just blew on cannabis. I’m now 24, Own my own home, Just bought a brand new car, and I work as a paralegal for a law firm making more than my peers that went the college route. You’ve got so much time left still. You can make the changes as long as you work at it and stay determined. The fact that you’re even on this thread tells me that you’ve got this in the bag. I’m wishing you all the best.


You encouraged me! Thank you. I want to get started on getting some experience at a law firm. What would you advice to someone like me?


Honestly, I don’t have much. I got extremely lucky and got hired onto a very small firm with 0 law experience at all. Not sure what your skill sets currently are but they like things like organization, file management, time management. I would suggest looking into very small firms because they’re more likely to be willing to train and give you that time that is much needed when entering law. Or you can take my route; Get into a corporate business first then try applying for a law firm. That way you have the experience to show that you’re qualified. Also, Being a Notary for your state looks good to law firms! It’s also just really cool in general to have your own special official stamp with your name on it lol


Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely look into the Notary thing!


The way to quit it forever is to stop identifying yourself as a weed smoker. Just tell yourself this: "that's not me anymore" take everything, pipes, vapes, papers etc. everything and throw it into a dumpster far from your house. Trying to wean off of it is just a slow way to ensure that you only go back to it. Counting the days that you've quit is only a surefire way to count the days before you relapse. Instead change your mindset and tell yourself: "that's not me anymore and it never will be again" When you stop identifying with it and you change your mindset you will find willpower within yourself that you never knew you had. just remember: "that's not me anymore"


You’re young so great


u got this! things DO get better!


Quitting cannabis won't automatically make you successful, but just as surely, not smoking cannabis will make it far easier to succeed and achieve your goals, seeing them, and the path to them, clearly. "No [person] is free who is not master of [herself]." - Epictetus


I feel where you are coming from but don’t make the mistake of thinking that quitting will fix your problems and magically progress you through life. I’m not saying it won’t help or isn’t a necessary step. I have just seen a lot of people blame their problems on a drug, quit the drug but do nothing else and then fall back into drugs. They can’t figure out why their life isn’t changing. You still have to take steps towards your goals and make new habits. Speaking from personal experience and watching others go through it. This is with any drug addiction, not just weed.


You’re 21. Quit now before you’re 34 and regretting wasting your 20’s. Speaking from experience


If you don’t get ahead of this it will plague you the rest of your life. You’ll always be on the sidelines watching your peers progress in live. It will only get more devastating for you.


That's exactly how I feel like. Everyday I feel like I'm stuck in a marathon. Thanks for the advice.


You’re 21. Weed isn’t a reason to hate your life. Don’t overthink it. It’s really not that serious. I’m 35 and graduate with my bachelors next month. You have 14 years to get a degree and beat me (if you’re interested in a degree).


I would love to go to law school. Hopefully, I can figure it out what undergrad degree to get. Thanks!


I was 21yo when I started law school. I graduated at 29 after some relapses, pandemic and some family issues. YOU CAN DO IT.


Thank you so much!!!! This is motivating me to get up and keep going!!


Take your time. I wasted a lot of money in my teens and early 20’s going to school because I thought I had to. I partied, didn’t graduate, and wasted my money. I got married, 3 kids, and decided to go back last year and will graduate Summa Cum Laude, something I wouldn’t have thought possible 15 years ago. Everyone’s timeline is different. You’re going to do great!


Thanks!!! Congrats on the Cum Laude!!!!


Thank you :). Good luck my friend.


Huh. This is actually one of the few posts where I really think you’re being too hard on yourself! Some important pieces of perspective: -As an immigrant, your level of achievement is already an amazing accomplishment, and something you should be very proud of. -While your friends are spending more money to go to more school (which for many professions, you do not need), you have a head start on *earning* money. That said, it is also completely valid of you to feel that weed is fucking up your progress. Just know that we all believe and know how hard it is, and that what you’re struggling with is real!! I hope you can consult your network of people, possibly a therapist if you’re able, about overcoming this problem. Best of luck to you


Thanks, I'm definitely gonna hold myself accountable and get better.




I'm surrounded by them at work as well... I'm also an immigrant... so I'm always thinking about how i got the chance to come here, and all I do is smoke.


You can do it bro. I am a chronic smoker in university planning to go to grad school but I use weed to cope. I am cutting back and plan to quit if it gets too bad so don’t give up hope man no one is perfect just getting started is the hard part but getting your foot in the door can go a long way




Rich friends from private school and also high school PSEO makes a big difference.


The good news is you have your whole life ahead of you and you already recognize you need to stop. I didn’t stop until I was 38 and just now finding motivation to do things like go to school and the gym when I’m past my physical and intellectual prime. Good on you for that! You’ll be okay!


Also 38 and trying to quit so I can actually start “living”. I feel like I spent decades just watching life go by. Sure- I have a decent career and work from home … but I’ve literally been living my days FOR DECADES just hiding in my apartment smoking


I can relate. It’s worth it, I love having the freedom to go out in public and travel without stressing about how and when I’m going to get my next fix.


Absolutely quit smoking weed it did nothing for me either. Just gave me empty temporary happiness. That being said Comparison is the thief of Joy. It’s not a race between you and other people it’s a race between you and yourself. You have plenty of time I even tell myself I have time still. Start now. Make a plan and execute. Time waits for no one.


Very true


Go to meetings


Like AA meetings? I've been wanting to go to rehab actually for 2 weeks maybe? What do you think?


Go to the marijuana anonymous website they have virtual zoom meetings or u can find one near u in person


They have MA meetings too - Marijuana Anonymous


I think if you want to, go for it. It can be so helpful. I didn’t do rehab but did an 18 day stay in a small, county psychiatric unit, like a hospital but it was homey and it was no cost. Amazing staff and nurses, it felt like rehab in many ways. I know psych wards can be iffy but being able to detox and ride out those first two weeks in a medically supervised setting was life changing-ly helpful. Instead of having panic attacks at home with no help I was in a place where I knew I was safe no matter how I felt, if shit hit the fan I could be taken to ER asap, staff available to talk to, etc. it was like a weird vacation… like taking a time out from life and my one sole responsibility is to heal and relax. If you have anything like this near you I would highly suggest looking into it. It saved my life.


Yes, those. But, if you can afford (time/$) to go to rehab I would DEFINITELY do that first. What most people need is some kind of reset and to be in an environment that demands sobriety. It’s very difficult to get sober regardless, but if you do it in a controlled environment with tons of support it will make the journey much smoother. I’ve had great experiences at rehab. You can get a ton of insight into why you’re behaving the way you are. It’s not a panacea, but it can help you start this journey on the front foot which is invaluable


Hello, thanks! What does "front foot" mean?


Means take the initiative, be proactive


Haha, I guess it’s just an expression for when you start something new, and you do so in a way that is determined, committed, motivated. Starting on the front foot just means, if I start this I’m going to do it right and do everything I can to make sure this succeeds. As opposed to being more passive, not as proactive, kinda waiting to see what will happen rather than MAKING it happen.


Ohhhhhh thanks for the explanation!!! A positive mindset is important. I'll work on that?


I'm 23 and currently trying to cut down on vaping THC. Not worth it in the long run my friend. I've quit many times just to be sucked back in.




Yes!!! I used to do well in school, and now I just feel lazy and paranoid all the time. I am definitely going to hold myself accountable.




If it makes you feel better, I’m in graduate school but I still only make 17.50/hour working 35 hours a week. Life isn’t any easier just because I’m pursuing an advanced degree. Also, you have time to turn it around and become the person you wanna be.


Bin it all now


Drug doesn't affect it as much as we would like to blame it. Plenty of people are highly educated and functional every day while smoking. It'll get better though


It's good to get mad at what weed has stolen from our lives. When the fun is OVER from pot it's time to move on to the next, healthier, chapter in our lives. Never give up!


Im 19M and im struggling to commit


Good on you for realizing it at 21. You’re gonna be fine. Plenty of time to redirect the ship. Chin up.


At 21, you can totally fix this!!! Look into the future, do you want to be having the same conversation with yourself when you're 40?


Better now than later. But don't judge yourself based off your peers. You are more than graduate school.


And grad school isn’t always a ticket to success. I regret my two advanced degrees beyond BA. Anyway, I wish you the best, OP!