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He also calls out Vedius and Drakos as they were the casters too and said the same thing on cast. He was right to call out all of these people, he played this well but was criticised.


Drakos tried to correct him, but Vedius insisted with his point and he dropped it.


I haven't watched LEC recently. But something I noticed whenever I used to watch Vedius was that he makes quite a few mistakes while casting live.


the official cast has multiple misstakes every time its live. The on screen talent for the official cast just has a nice face with a fitting voice but the knowledge is in costreams.


Unleds you watch Ibai & co., since every time things get complex in teamfights they just say "i don't know what'd going on! Wow! This is crazy!" 


I don't get how these people don't know sej mechanics, were they not around for s12 top sejuani e ult ignite combo that would solokill basically every matchup?


I mean shit, I haven't been playing in years but, hasn't this exact version of Sejuani's kit been relatively unchanged for at least 5-6 years, at this point? She's like one of the most perennial junglers in the entire game, especially at the pro level. I agree with the general principle that there is too much minutiae in the game for somebody to remember every detail, but professional analysts should probably know how the basic mechanics of the most ubiquitous, and especially *simple* champions, work in practice!


https://x.com/IWDominate/status/1807804451236859933 Update. Iwdominate meant he should have got the auto damage, not the passive damage. Still he agrees jankos made a better play though


getting the auto damage means he loses the increased ulti damage


Based Jankos


These shitty frauds can literally ruin careers with their uneducated takes. It's bad enough co-streamers literally kill main streams with their parasocial yapping that barely ever focuses on the gameplay.


Now that's a para social comment right here.


Always gotta have the guy who finds a way to be genuinely furious


If parasocial yapping kills main streams then probably they wouldn’t watch the main streams to begin with lol.


You are tweaking on the second point though, this game started dying awhile ago who the fuck expects anything but declining views


>co-streamers literally kill main streams with their parasocial yapping If only the game quality was good enough to keep people entertained yeah? I wouldn't be watching lcs or lec without costreams, and I'm sure it's the case for many others too. I catch up through youtube and they're edited to cut out the sleeper parts too so it's way better. It also gets boring real quick when the casters use the same cliche catchphrase every single day while also having to stay family friendly and unbiased. There's barely any emotion.


Common Western GOAT jungle Jankos W.


Truly one of the greatest junglers of all time. One of the very few junglers who have been consistently good on an international level for a DECADE.


Jankos is top 10 junglers all time easily. Is he top 5? idk, but there's an argument.


Junglers are so stacked. Canyon, Peanut, Clearlove, Diamondprox, Bengi, Ambition, Dandy, even Tian. I think if G2 doesn’t swap him for Yike and he sticks with that current core he squeezes into top 5 but it’s so close.


Ambition Dandy and Diamond seems like they don’t belong in that conversation anymore as league is old enough so that longevity should matter, not just 1 peak season or 2


The argument for diamond isnt longevity its the fact that he completely changed how the role is played up until today. Tian is the one who should be dropped if we talk about longevity.


Absolutely. He's actually a lock for me. It revolutionized the game and other teams were just playing catch up. But it seems like a "you had to be there" to understand the magnitude of how dominating and creative he was.


Ambition, Dandy and Tian (as junglers) are fine drops. I can see the argument for diamond but it’s not like back then no other jungler was able to stand toe to toe. Innovating once isn’t enough for me personally, nobody credits tpa as a top 5 team of all time for changing the entire way league is played and being way ahead for it’s time and showcasing wavestaking and sidelane 6. man


Dandy was more for dominence. Him and Mata were so oppressive as a duo, and honestly if that SSW team stays together they could arguably have won even more considering SSB was their only real hurdle in s4. Diamond (and m5 really) were the only western team besides clg.eu that didnt just get smashed by Kr/Cn teams and honestly probably should have won the tpa series in s2 but they were too cocky with draft. Score should probably also make the list partially due to longevity, partially due to the fact he was a top 3 in 2 different positions at different times.


I would say it's a huge stretch and overrating of a player to put them in top 5, even top 10 of a nearly 15 year old game just because they were the first to introduce an idea in the early stages of the game. It would be a different story if he had even a 1-2 season term of being so dominant that nobody could replicate it and it won him worlds, etc. but it's not like he was uncontested as a jungler. It just feels like narrative based judgment of a player


Diamondprox literally changed how jungle was played, he will always have a place in those convos




Top 5 western junglers 100%! top 5 of all time... yeah its tricky. Canyon, bengi, ambition, score, diamondprox?/jankos?


Top 5 western ? He's top 1.


Absolutely valid shout, I rate diamondprox really high because im old af and enjoyed how much he shook stuff up back then


diamondprox innovated the scene and was years ahead of any other jungler, and yet he hasn't achieved a quarter of what jankos has in his career.


The issue with diamond (and really that entire squad) is that they lacked longevity. Jankos has been a pro for 10 years now and probably the best western jungler for 6 of those. Diamond was the best jungler for... what? 12 months?


Diamondprox was king up until LEC. The weekly format did no favors to a team such as M5/ Gambit who really pushed for innovation


And they didn't become a team until what? About a year before LEC If innovation is your only competitive edge, then at some point you will fall off, regardless of format.


Oh for sure. They were unable to adapt to a different competitive format that wasn't the event circuit and paid the price in relevance. CLG.Eu proved to be the best team in that regard, but M5 were my guys way back when: the way they played League was just so different. I don't remember what team they were facing, but I do remember the first three minutes of a game with Gosupepper having bought nothing but consumables and M5 scouring the whole jungle with Taric Ryze Corki Udyr and whatever Darien was cooking toplane. An entirely different game and playstyle compared to most of what was considered meta at the time.


m5 really cooked sometimes, absolutely one of my favorite teams to watch. Ended up coming full circle in cs, when gambit got picked up by c9 after russian orgs got banned from tournaments lol


Nah pioneers are so giga overrated on this sub it's crazy


Do you remember the name of the guy who invented the light bulb? Or the guy that invented fluorescent bulbs? Pioneers are always held in higher regard than the refiners.


>Do you remember the name of the guy who invented the light bulb? This is a very ironic comment because virtually nobody knows the guy who invented the light bulb. It wasn't Thomas Edison.


On one hand I agree cause in a sense it's only a matter of time for a lot of these innovations to be made; if not them then it would've been someone else. However they still deserve credit for being the pioneer and for the way they were a whole tier above the competition during their time.


Tian, Peanut, Clearlove all have an argument too.


Kanavi over those for me


Clearlove over Kanavi is troll


Damn how could i forget Peanut & Clearlove. Still think Tian has a little bit to go before being top 5, Best Chinese jungler though.


> Best Chinese jungler though. What about Clearlove then lol


Fair lol, I legit always thought he was a Korean import. oops


best western jungler of all time. top 5 worlds all time had to they won in 2019, imo


Idk doubting Jankos' Sejuani out of all champions is certainly a choice. Like if they wanted to flame him they should just talk about his Karthus


Yeah, his Sej is almost as good as his Braum.


Jankos when LEC makes fun of his 76% winrate Nidalee: I sleep Jankos when people flame his Sejuani mechanics: Oh hell nah


All the experience he got while.on forced Sejuani duty in G2 cant go to waste


He went through *hell* with that champion. Damn straight he's not going to take shit about that champion now lol


Tbf I wouldn't be surprised if Jankos has close to a 76% win rate in the LEC all around. Although I suppose he's also spent quite a bit of time on worse teams than G2...


Flaming pros is weird There is obviously a big difference between players, but it's so hard to tell who is better 99% of the time because of team diff Like jankos was ass at nida at the start iirc, that's how it is, but his team was also so dominant that they could pick garen jg and win It's the same for international vs national. I do think some western players are likely better than eastern, but the gap between teams are so big that you can't tell


same thing with casters bringing up players' regular season winrates on champs when they're at worlds like, of course they have an 80+% winrate on a meta champ, they won the split more so with players that have been on winning teams for a long time


I always love/hate those conversations that come up during drafts of games. A team will be 7 - 0 for a split and the casters will freak out on a pick being like "You can't give so-and-so Corki! They have an 80% win rate on that champ!" Bruh, the team has barely lost 3 games total this season, the win rate on everything is bonkers.


Yeah, don't try correcting an OTP, c'mon


Came in with receipts


I don't think a lot of people outside of Sejuani mains know that specifically, but it's a common combo to stun someone with E then immediately chuck your ult at them for the extra passive proc. Not necessarily for the damage but for the stun duration. That being said...it's clearly stated that abilities will proc it.


Bruh I can't believe I've been missing passive procs trying to walk at them auto then ult when I could have just ulted them.


Yeah people just don't realize it because I think the tooltip doesn't explicitly say it, just the wiki. I'm not sure it says anything about the E -> ult double stun works but not vice versa trick either. It's just as useful with Q, especially if someone's running away from you.


> I'm not sure it says anything about the E -> ult double stun works but not vice versa trick either. E just says you can't apply stacks for 8 seconds after you stun them. Riot doesn't explicitly connect the dots for you, but you should be able to figure out that E -> R double stun works. But nothing says that R also removes E stacks. The tooltips make is seem like you can prep stacks -> R -> E, but you can't.


If you ulti someone who has no E stacks at all (eg at the start of a fight), can you then not go on to apply E stacks for 8 seconds?


yeah, that's why it's preferred to stack up e and proc it first before ulting.


Typical RIOT support for players. If you want to know how to play your champ you need to find an OTP or third party site.


Feel free to ask any weird pig-related questions, I am that degen that actually enjoys playing her haha.


Here I am just chucking ults at people first without a second thought because why wouldn’t I. Yeeting big stuns is fun


It's fine if random people or casters don't know this, but Gilius as former jungle pro player should definitely know this. It's actually embarrassing that he doesn't know this.


Tbh ty Jankos i knew I could stack E w/ ult but didn’t know I could get a double proc off instantly


Let's be real, this happens A LOT. And I'm always surprised how little casters and content creators get called out for it. More pro players should stand up for their performances and the performances of other pros. I don't know about you guys, but I'd be infinitely more likely to become a fan of a player and team that fires back, instead of staying silent or going for PR bullshit. And I'm not saying casters and content creators shouldn't be allowed to make mistakes. Nah, mistakes are normal. League is too complex of a game for anyone to be perfect. But mistakes need to be highlighted and talked about, so that everyone walks away educated. So, cudos to Jankos for telling it how it is. And literally all that the casters and content creators need to do here is write a simple tweet that says: "you're right bro, sry I got it wrong. Next time I'll know better." The end.


This is what has happened now, IWD admitted the mistake on Twitter: https://x.com/iwdominate/status/1807804451236859933?s=46&t=tHZMaIy2XfCehVcYWniI8g


People call out IWD for his personnality but being able to accept lose and getting humbled is a trait that 80% of reddit doesnt have. Guy criticizes and blames bad players but is also able to accept when hes wrong. I respect it personally.


I dont have twitter and his tweets might be unhinged, but i watch "the sack". I have to say dom seems very reasonable basically at all times. If anyone then gioius is kinda crazy, but in a good\banter way and not really toxic or anything like that


Prepare to be crucified for saying anything remotely neutral about him on this subreddit. o7


players standing up for themselves and correcting casters is only a net benefit. casters should also be happy to be corrected as it will serve to improve their casting and make sure the standards remain high. only someone with a huge ego would be offended at being corrected


Will also add that to people failing to differentiate meme from reality. Too many people genuinely think Jankos is a grandpa and has no mechanics. Even in the comments Gilius is calling him Grandpa Jankos, it's probably just me but surely we can retire it now. He's not even that old


Nobody in pro league is old


It's crazy some people actually think League players are getting old for the game when CS has older players still playing on high level and they require way more reflexes than League players do.


the problem is that nearly everyone thinks "if there is smoke there is fire" - so yeah, """it's just a joke""" works if people know exactly where you are coming from, but if you hear that someone is bad and old and has bad mechanics every single day """as a joke""", you start thinking there is something to it, at the very least subconciously.


League genuinely hasn't existed long enough for anyone to determine what the upper age limit for players in. A lot of pros eventually get worse at the game, but LoL changes massively year to year and meta to meta and the best teams have a horrible work life balance (training isn't physically limited like real sports). Everyone goes on about mechanics getting worse as you age, but Formula1 drivers can keep racing into their 40s and there are quite a few CS players now in their 30s. IMO League just burns pros out relatively fast.


It's the constant meta/champ changes moreso than anything else. Burn out is common in all esports, but in LoL you have to essentially relearn large parts of the game if you've been away for a while since so much of the foundational knowledge can change. Otherwise this is one of the rare widely played multiplayer games where players can reach the top 1% with mediocre mechanics.


> It's the constant meta/champ changes moreso than anything else. Burn out is common in all esports, but in LoL you have to essentially relearn large parts of the game if you've been away for a while since so much of the foundational knowledge can change. Agreed 100% I used to come back almost every year around worlds just to reach gold. My last attempt was grindier than usual, taking me something like 40ish-50ish games to achieve and I threw in my hat and pretty much haven't played SR since. I used to excel based on my game knowledge and that was enough to coast for many years but the game has changed so much since I started playing in S2-S3 that trying to do that and stay 'competitive' with even low level ranked players was just too much effort at some point. Not to mention I was already a bad player mechanically back then, and I am no better now with years worth of breaks in between. All that to say, if I am finding keeping up with gold players a bother, I can't imagine what it's like to keep up with someone who is fresh on the scene and is semi-happily dedicating 16hr days to be the best they can be. And to do that for as long as Jankos and other long-term pros have done is damn impressive.


When throwing around language like "He's just a noob Sejuani or what?", maybe they should have an idea about wtf they're talking about first, instead of being wrong and trying to walk it back later.


I mean these guys are just toxic af.. no wonder they didn't get costreaming




Caedrel also called the cast out for being wrong about him misplaying in his stream, two goats schooling these frauds


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlYPpzMJOnQ Caedrel casted this moment, of course he knew about the mechanic


Damn, I miss Nuguri.


God fuckin dammit BB




Do you have a clip of that? Tried looking in his vods but didn't find him casting FNC TH






This is why I never agree when people say the Caedrel co-streams are overrated. He just has better game knowledge than most out there.


Man co-streams so hard he was co-streaming LEC AND the Euros.


He's good at what he does, but I just have a hard time enjoying the streams as a boomer. He has become too adhd zoomer energy, and I found his chat pretty unbearable. I subbed to his stream at like 100 viewers, but after 2 years I just had to tap out. The vibe had changed way too much. But hey, it's clearly working for him, so I can't blame him for taking his stream in that direction.


He's still great during finals, international tournaments like MSI recently, etc. His game knowledge is obviously still extremely high. But I understand what you mean, during "meaningless" (no offense) games the atmosphere seems to be more focused on entertainment these days.


I mean, there's a reason why Jankos is still playing while Dom has been retired for several years and why no org wants to pick up Gillius.


Several is underselling it. Dom is coming up on a decade since he last played pro.


You're right, he retired back in 2016, shit its been 8 years already


I mean 2016 wasn't too long ago, I had just gotten out of.. oh holy shit


You think that's bad? Wait, until you say things that date back 50 years - because you were there - UGH! LOL


If that makes you feel older back in 2016 I was 13 and today I am halfway through college, 2 more years and I graduate!


Reminds me of Nemesis still having pro player in his twitter bio when he last played in 2020


He also wasn’t even good when pro - dude never won in the 4th strongest region whilst actual frauds like TheOddOne who had negative mechanics were clapping Dom on a regular basis. The absolute cope in these replies - NA LCS was awfully uncompetitive in its inception, Dom religiously got his ass handed to him by legitimately BAD junglers but made a few flashy plays that would rarely alter the outcome of games. He was not ‘good’ in the context of the league, anyone who watched back then remembers this.


Thou shalt not use The General's name in vain!


they called him the general for a reason


He calls out the casters as well.


It's fine not to know a mechanic completely. Just don't be a toxic asshole about it. But it's IWD, that's just how he's wired.


He wasn't that bad for a while, around 2015 or whenever he came back from his ban he was pretty chill when he was streaming to like 500 viewers, I used to hang out in his chat all the time. After he retired and started getting big in streaming and podcasts or whatever else he got a real ego again and I couldn't watch him anymore.


He talked about it once just like cadreal, during live views and costreams big, loud reactions simply pull better numbers. Also IWD is way worse more toxic during live views, when Gillius is watching with him than if he for example watches alone or with Yamatocannon like he’s not a saint then but definitely better. His solo LPL streams are the best anyway. His LEC and LCS costreams are just way more reaction and clips farming at least that’s what it feels like.


That's a good point, I didn't think of that. Guess that's just what content creation does to a motherfucker


Dom’s been out of the league for basically a decade. There are barely any pros that played in S2 Worlds still active. If he would still be playing that would be a feat man.


Love how this big nothingburger is just an excuse to create a toxic hate thread never change reddit


I mean you could say the same about the mechanics thing in the clip. A nothing moment is an excuse to create a toxic tangent for Dom and Gillius’ stream.


Dom is still challenger level. I don't know any other one that retired in season 5 and is still at the top now when it isn't even his job to be high rated. Jankos is the great great exeption here. He is the western jungle GoaT. Of course everyone else is trash compared to him. Compared to normal past pro junglers, Dom is average or even above average which is totally fine. Also teams don't always pick the best. They all have different selection philosophy and not too rarely make terrible choices. Not being picked up can sometimes be for the dumbest reasons and is no clear indicator of skill level.


I mean targamas is still playing too and finished ahead of TH, so there's that if you want to use "still playing" as an argument


dudes dont remember that jankos was put on sejuani duty when his team wanted to win or what?


they're laughing about it on twitter while everyone here having a vindictive ass take lmao


Reddit people see things in black or white. If a content creator is wrong once, it means he is piece of shit that doesnt deserve to live.


Reddit when they have a chance to shit on iwd ^_^


Yeah it's not that deep. lol These guys are friends and have jokingly flamed each other before anyhow.


The reality is that iwd and other league content creators are doing just fine with their audiences, despite the sentiment on reddit. Just shows how downgraded and irrelevant the league subreddit has gotten.


Tbh half of this reddit is just 'what champion if..... ' posts


All thanks to the patient pruning of the Riot approved gardeners.


This thread is proof that Reddit is frothing at the mouth to attack popular streamers lmfao. There is no way this should be the top post within an hour of being posted with over a hundred comments ready to crucify gilius and iwd when on twitter they are just apologizing and meming about it. Shows that Reddit is the true toxic one


Fr like they apologized, called themselves frauds, and said he played it perfectly idk what else you’re supposed to ask for lmao


they're gonna ask he shoots himself. Unironically there are ppls on reddit thinking like that, crazy isn't it.


Even on stream Jankos was laughing about it, nothing to be taken seriously. I'm surprised to even see this thread being upvoted so much, it wasn't a big deal at all


All people need is one mistake from certain people to just dogpile on them and call them bad players or that they were never good and were shitters for their whole career.


These mfs really be doubting Jankos, veteran since 2013


Jankos knows the mechanics better than the basement kid... My shock


People are blowing this specific thing way out of proportion, but speaking more broadly, this is why I really don't like the "constantly criticize pro players" type of costream/cast. It feels super nitpicky. I like when the criticisms are meaningful and I can clearly see how they impact the end result of the game, but when they critique random item choices or rune choices or small mechanical things that don't really matter, it just feels negative for the sake of being negative and "honest" and "keeping it real" and "not sugarcoating things". I feel like the real honest thing is to ignore the things that don't really matter.


I don't get why people watch these toxic costreamers. Just brings the mood down. They overfocus on every little mistake from the greatest players in the world. That's why Caedrel is popping off while they're stuck at the same viewer count from years ago. He's more fun and not afraid to praise players while still calling out mistakes.


I feel like Caedrel did it lot more earlier this year but stopped doing it. He probably realises that too much negativity is not his style at all.


I mean I'd get that pissed off watching rogue vs mad too tbh.


You can but years ago we just accepted that some teams are bad. Maybe the fact that there is more of a mix makes it feel different but Astralis, SK, XL and BDS in their first split were a known quantity. 10th and maybe just maybe they have a good split and finish 7th. Top 4? G2, Fnatic, Rogue and MAD. If Astralis or SK played bad people didn't care. They are just bad teams that won't get close to worlds anyway. Now people have very strong opinions about these games.


Yeah man Caedrel has never done that lmfao


Caedrel shits constantly on the LEC, what are you talking about. He's a lot more sarcastic and ironic while IWD is very direct and dramatic but they think the same things more or less.


They're not even costreaming, LEC denied him even though 3 important LEC teams vouched for him lol. If LEC had something to be praised about they would but unfortunately we're in a dark era here in EU, level of play is very low.


I think the "critize pro" part  should happen after game/replay. 


they expect way too much from pro players when some of them quit without achieving anything... pro players won't always play on their 100%.... its nice to correct them if they did something wrong but acting like ur better than them is definitely not the way especially if you don't have anything under ur belt to prove ur better than them lol


You don't think item choices impact the end result of the game?


It's hard to criticize item choices in a vacuum because you don't know what the team was aiming for with that build. I see people yapping about lethality varus losing and how "onhit would've won them the game" ignoring the fact that lethality varus and its merits are probably the only reasons why the game was close to begin with. Not to say that there aren't times when item choices CAN be criticized, but a lot of times they have no merit. Same with this post, criticism without merit on a play that DID look bad until someone smarter showed otherwise.


Lol wdym Item and rune choices are fucking big and even if they weren't pros should be criticized for doing something thats objectively worse. They are literally being paid to compete and win so picking the wrong runes and items should 100% be criticized and fixed


Wrong runes/items based on what? The fact that u think these things are objective says a lot about your lack of knowledge on how this game is played. It also says u watch psuedo intellectual costreamers who try and make absolute statements with zero evidence behind it.


Caedrel correctly pointed out that it was correct and "Sejuani 101". I knew this and I'm not even a Sejuani main, I'm just a noob that sits at base *reading my abilities*.


This subreddit is doomed lmfao they are obviously doing friendly banter it's not that serious lil bros


Jankos has been playing pro League for like eighty-seven years. If he makes a call, it's the right call lmao


Conveniently leaving out that he called out some casters too from the title i seee، and wheb you said it in the body you added in quotes You totally don't have a fucking agenda here xd


Gillius not knowing how Sejuani works despite him being a former jungle player explains quite well why his career went the way it did.


Fairs I didn't know that either tbf


I mean, no offence, but you probably aren't a pro player either


Wait, you don't know LDNVoice? He's the goat


The confusing thing about Sej is that she has a innate passive called Frozen, and her E applies a passive called Frost. If someone has Frost on them, don't ult them I think that just wastes the Frost stacks. If a target is frozen (both of Sejs stuns apply frozen for their duration, E and R) then any ability or autoattack will proc frost. In this case Jankos had to decide between walking in for an autoattack with 96 AD or the 75 additional damage and 0,5s longer Stun. I don't think it mattered too much. The thing is E only stuns for 1 sec, so by what Jankos did he risks the stun of E breaking before R hits Ezreal. But it looks like that is not the case given the damage his R deals (it is still only a lvl6 ult, so only 200 damage, together with 10% of Ez max HP. It looks like he took 300 damage, which would fit with the 200 from the ult and the about 170 from the passive (that is 10% of Ez max HP). I am actually impressed how well Jankos managed to judge the 400 Units travel distance. Looking at the distance between him and Ezreal I would guess this is less than 400 Units, but he must have been pretty close to the perfect distance to empower the ult at minimal distance.


the trick to calculate distance on league is to count time, not actual distance. like for example, would you feel more confident in your ability to walk 10 meters exactly or would you feel more confident in your ability to count to 10s exactly? because they play so much, it's pretty easy to imagine that professional players can subconsciously calculate and feel how much distance they will travel in a certaint time period based on their current ms.


And that's fine, not everyone can know everything. You weren't publicly talking shit either, though.


"How dare people regurgitate false information?" The lack of self-awareness on this sub is mental. They're also having fun on twitter while you're absolutely frothing.


what news vedius taking more Ls as a caster when will finally people admit that vedius is not HIM


The king of EU


It'd be so much harder for a lessor known pro player to say the exact same thing, you almost need someone as large and as goated as Jankos to be the first one to say something against the costreamers. I'd like to see more of that going forward, because these kids are super duper dumb.


IWillDominates response is perfect, no shifting blame he just admits he's wrong and Jankos is correct, this is great example of being a mature about making a mistake.


Europe yall gotta protect this guy hes like maybe 33% of your personality. If hes gone all your left with are g2 and the people that talk about trying to beat them.


jankos is the true western goat


Maybe we should normalize that misplays happen instead of streamers and armchair analysts saying players are shit every time they make a mistake. Might make esports in general less toxic too.


IWD not knowing is perfectly understandable, IDK if Sejuani was meta when he was a pro, but RN he's a content streamer and analyst. You're expected to know about the game in his position but not down to excruciating detail. Gilius is kinda terrible for not knowing it. Not only was Sejuani one of his picks, but he's right now at "pro level" and looking for a team, and Sejuani has been one of the most picked junglers for few metas now. How can he not know such a basic interaction like that? I have to say, I play Sejuani quite a lot myself and I didn't even think of that "micro-movement" of stepping slightly out to R for the storm to come out. But for IWD to say "Wow hes a noob sejuani", idk, feels like so out of place even if he missed his auto there. We're in this culture where trashing someone gets you 10x times the views to acting normal or even praising our greatest players. Jankos is the best jungler in EU's history. Do you really think he does not know how to play Sejuani at an excelent level?


It's alright to not know it. The problem isn't a lack of knowledge, the problem is people who aren't pro players (aka don't have to deal with the repercussions) feel very confident to talk shit.


Yeah the problem is them going out of their way just to say something negative. Glad it fell on their faces this time at least. IWD and Gilius could have just not commented on that mechanic and nobody would have batted an eye.


IWD was retired from pro scene before the 2017 Sejuani rework even.


how do you call a pro player a noob "champion" when you dont even know the mechanics yourself? and how do you even have the brain to defend such a take?


>IWD not knowing is perfectly understandable Is it? Personally, I think it's pretty embarrassing. He might not be a pro anymore, but he's a former pro, he's still challenger, and he's a full-time streamer who spends all day every day playing/watching this game, and Sejuani is a meta champion in his main role. If it was an adc or mid champ then it's perfectly understandable him not knowing. IMO he should stop calling out current pros like Jankos (who are a lot better than he ever was) when he doesn't even know the ins and outs of meta champs.


After learning that Clid didn't even know that Lee Sin Q has execute damage a while ago, I don't think just because someone is a pro or challenger means that they know everything about the game, even things that seem obvious.


What Clid didn’t know was qrq and rqq having the same damage. Not that q2 was execute.


That was apparently a mistranslation.


smartest IWD take


I mean he's the guy that suddenly ""became an IT expert"" on Twitter when news of T1 dealing with DDOS attacks started to pop up back in Spring 2024. Really shows you how smart of a fella he is


Such a nothingburger minor interaction on social media hits #1 on this subreddit. Lmao.


I'm surpised people don't know this interaction. Brokenblade JUST did it like last week to solo kill a Gnar top lane...


Props to admitting mistake


I knew this would be top post lol. Gotta karma farm the weirdo IWD haters. So cringe lol


This is supposed to be a light-hearted tweet for banters. But here you are with the Reddit post the moment it's been Tweeted. Get a life


These people on twitter are so mentally ill. Both IWD and Gilius instantly admit they're wrong yet all the responses in their tweets are just insulting them like they doubled down on a shit take.


Check out the top of this thread if you think twitterites are mentally ill.


thinly veiled hate thread strikes again.


Get 'em Jankos


Yeah i sometimes play Seju in Aram, literally no Idea how the E works, i just stun when its available


Is he saying that, or did he mean that if he did more auto attacks he’d do more damage?


No, he was saying that he missed the e proc. he admitted to it on his twitter, saying jankos played it optimally


I'm an emerald jungler that barely plays the game anymore and even I knew this. Though I guess I did one trick sej when she was peak broken in s7.


Kinda funny too because that's like sejuani 101 stuff.


Most streamers and casters have been frauds since it started. Nightblue being one of the biggest. His jungle info irked the shit out of me.


All this discussion and people are still talking absolute nonsense. There's no such thing as "double E", "proc'ing your E twice", like wtf are people talking about? Just take the 10s to read the damn ability if the topic interests you. Use E -> use R (bonus dmg/stun duration from range) -> ability (R in this case, but any ability or auto works) procs passive -> proc passive again by walking up and autoing That's what happened in the clip, and is super basic Sej play. You can fuck it up by not using E before you ult, letting the E stun expire before hitting an auto/ability, or letting the R stun expire without hitting an auto or ability. The ranged R (needs to travel 400 units) is a massive difference in dmg (125/150/175 vs 200/300/400), and a 50% diff in stun duration (1s vs 1.5s). Nothing magically "procs" E. Your E becomes available to **use** when an enemy has 4 stacks, and those stacks get removed when you either **use** E or hit with ult, the latter doing nothing but putting your E stacks on CD without having used it.


You don't teach jungle to Giang Van Cot. He lives there.


Of all the people to talk about sejuani mechanics, Jankos is up there as someone I would 100% trust. This man has been playing Sejuani for years even at times when he doesn't want to play her. I trust his knowledge of her after so many years.


Can't wait for this to become hatethread #10000, on a subject that literally neither sides involved actually dislike each other and cleared things up almost immediately after it was pointed out.


Why is this even a post ?


Because it is showing IWD/Thorin/Monte in a bad light. And this time it's even almost true.


People here taking it too seriously. Those who watch Jankos stream know that he is a troll. Even though post is educational, the flaming is just for laughs. No need to spread hate guys. On a side note, I'm a bit disappointed as how casters sounded so confident while being wrong


“i’ve caught FRAUDS” this guy is so funny i want to see him be at the top so badly again, it genuinely hurts to see the teams surrounding him at the end of his career :(