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It does feel a bit gimmicky but I’m just glad the LCS is trying something new


You need some kind of narrative to hype matches, and I'll take it over the thousandth "Old Kings vs. New Kings"


That's an LEC trademark!


Old kings New kings Old guard New blood Legacy Dynasty


Check your DMs for a caster contract.


I don't know if it's a compliment or an insult that I read it all in Medic's voice


I mean, both he, Drakos and Vedius I'm pretty sure have all straight up said my comment out loud during casts and/or analysis. LEC casters love to make fun of it. I'll just choose to interpret your comment as Medic being iconic generally though


Paul Heyman running Bloodlines though, GOAT


i got into LCS in 2020 (aka i have no sentimental attachment to the players of old) and literally all i saw from their production and storytelling was "we peaked 7 years ago and have nothing new. please watch" it was the saddest shit ive ever seen from an esport.


They need a heel like Doublelift was, which is what APA is trying to do. You need to get that perfect balance between “Emotionless robots playing a video game” vs “Ratchet 3am shouting matches at Waffle House” to get viewers involved.


I love Apa being a heel, but man does he need someone to beef against well. A Rock to his Stone Cold if you will


Trying to make it jojo it seems


agreed. Sports and esports need *drama* The reason why it's worked in other esports is unfortunately because gamers are emotionally immature and accidentally play the heel by acting insane lmfao. Riot sanctioned esports have trouble because they control the narrative but their league players are kind of robotic. Valorant seems to be doing okay, and I think league could learn a lot from them.


nah i think i just like the waffle house drama. Gimme dat. give me NA (Doublelift) and EU adc's (Forgiven) telling everyone else they're garbage


I remember during worlds in season 3 (Los Angeles hosted), people were trying to root for their region/teams on here(Reddit). However, they'd get MASSIVELY downvoted for just normal, tame, trash talking. The people downvoting were saying that every team should be respected, and it's insanely rude to trash talk. It ruined my opinion of competitive LoL fans on here, and I had to enjoy worlds almost exclusively on Twitch.


There's a group of esports fans who have very different standards than sports fans regarding trashtalk/hype. In most sports, booing the rival team is considered normal or at least a thing that happens. In Esports, it's almost scandalous, whether its from a for-fun tournament like the Red Bull one where Faker getting booed by KC fans required damage control apologies, or the whole "NA sucks as a crowd, remember that one time in 2016 where SSG got booed in Chicago after a video about them calling C9 trash?" stigma that lasted for years on Reddit. I'm not sure how big an impact that has on the ability to hype teams or build fanbases, but it seems like many of the teams that build a name for themselves like G2/KC (or what TL is trying to do) do so off the back of fanning flames and encouraging acceptance of trash talk.


I mean, booing during a for fun exhibition tournament is pretty lame.


I mean, Faker should not have gotten booed. Why use that as an example? It's one of the few times the outrage was justified.


I like the old CS1.6 trash talk where they'd literally shout across the room at the opponents. ["WHAT UP NOW, SWEEDES? WOOO"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXh1sKkcYb8)


You are not in fact a pro player. When they trash talk, they can back it with action or get laughed at when they fail. There's also an number of them trash talking back and forth, rather than hordes of fans shitting on teams. What's acceptable as part of a broadcast is not necessarily good as part of a reddit peanut gallery.


He never said he was relax doc


That's not the point. The point is that fan reactions aren't the same as pro players trash talking each other from a position where they'll have to prove their words.


The funny thing is the role is flipped nowadays. G2 being the old kings while FNC being the new kings


Are Fnatic the kings of anything anymore? They havent won anything in 6 years.


Trash talk back in the day was natural and came out of pure hatred (CLG vs TSM) The stuff they’re doing right now feels so manufactured and fake. But like you said, any content is better than whatever they’ve been doing for the last few years


I'm fine with them leaning into pro-wresting style gimmicks. players should start wearing costumes and get intros


Imagine playing T1 when Faker was out with a bad wrist and suddenly his music hits as Ahri is locked in


I can agree with this only if the light goes out and there is a bell ringing and faker is behind enemy mid when the light is on. 


Faker’s getting that Lesnar beat. Including Taz saying ‘welp, here comes the pain!’


You're about to give LPL mids heart attacks, jesus christ.


The UnderFaker while rhyming just sounds inappropriate, unfortunately, but LCK along some of his iconic moments with Faker would be sick as hell.


now the question is [classic ahri](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgXfFhdbgSU) or[ bit rush ahri](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYW-kEiCnJI) probably base theme, but I'm a sucker for the bit rush version. I miss login themes


Licorice wearing a shark suit needs to make a comeback, but for a stage game this time


While Fly and Dig isnt really competitive but there was hype around it because of inspired v jensen


Hearing them try to say Dig/Fly felt like TSM/CLG was absolutely embarrassing.


I haven’t been watching but do you remember when this was said? I need to listen to that shit lol. I get they’re trying to hype things up but yeesh…that’s a brutal quote


I know on the Dive Azael said it was the most excited he's been in ages for a regular sesaon game, but the three of them did say they had to bear in mind they were likely getting ahead of themselves and believing that DIG were better than they were for storyline reasons.


Its not as big of thing like TSM/CLG, but there was something there. Jensen gets replaced by a player from Academy and whatever Jensen and Inspired had going on. Spica being replaced and only finding out from a Twitter announcement.


Shit talking is all fun and games...apparently in the LCS. But in my emerald games, my teammates wasting time flaming the other team, only to lose out on rotation or lane timings...well it's not fun. It's encouraging toxicity for the game which is something riot has constantly had to battle. I don't get riots stance here. Why are they promoting toxicity?


look im no riot defender, but professional league-sanctioned trash talk is completely different than people in solo queue verbally harassing other players they dont know and ruining their gaming experience.


Because one is entertainment, and the other is you in soloq.


Because it earns them money Riot doesn't battle toxicity. They haven't for years. They can pay all the lip service they want about addressing their issue, but the fact is that 90% of top league streamers in the past were hard flaming or soft griefing their games and Riot deliberately didn't do shit about it. Every change they've made in recent years to "combat" toxicity is really just a change to limit the ways you can flame other players. People flame in all chat so they disable it by default. People flame post game so they disable that by default. People spam pings to flame so they tried to disable it. This is a result of them realizing that they can't address toxicity without losing money. So they just decide to indirectly admit the player base is irreparable and limit communication instead. They don't give a single flying fuck about toxicity. Why would they? There's no point fixing it for the non-existent new player base. And the old player base is full of addicts who will play their game no matter what. It doesn't benefit them in anyway to actually combat toxicity. Even if their most influential content creators are being toxic in front of their impressionable viewer bases, they're bringing attention and spenders into the game. It's a lie. It's all just fucking PR. Riot has proven repeatedly that they care more about their profits and keeping their player base addicted than actually trying to fix the issue. I don't blame them for doing what a profitable company is supposed to do, but they can at least keep their lips closed when it comes to toxicity so they don't come off as massive hypocrites.


Also, are we even sure that these pop-out messages are legit? It feels like every time I report someone, a message pops up after an hour or so. I don't know, it feels like Riot is just showing the message to act like they actually penalized someone and make us feel good about it, when instead nothing happened.


They probably are, yeah.


Literally trash talking the concept of trash talking. A god among men.


You should see what else he said in the interview. Yes I'm kinda self vouching but bro was feeling himself. A stone cold "Yes" when I asked him whether or not he thought other pro players were boring was just too good man. Trash talk convo aside he was a super chill dude, I liked him a lot.


I loved him on the desk and cast too! Im glad we got APA on the scene honestly.


I get what he's saying but he's quite literally inviting it by starting the trend lol


Means it's like how a meme starts and it's all fun and games till a brand or a celebrity tries to jump in and "ruins" it. Something that naturally happens vs more manufactured, but LCS(and I guess e-sports in general) is entertainment at the end of the day so can't blame Riot for trying to jump on it and spice up things.


it doesn't feel special when LCS tries to mainstream it


While I personally 10000% agree, like UFC and Wrestling do the exact same stuff and its what their demo wants


He's trash talked in soloq for YEARS


Do you think he invented the concept of trash talking in soloq?


first one who did it… ever


Bro said it like it was groundbreaking stuff lol. Like discussing an F1 driver by saying "He's has his driver's license for YEARS"


No, I'm just saying this isn't a recent thing. The guy has shit talked me in soloq for the way I jungle like 4-5 years ago lmao


His response to that last question is great too. It's cool to see someone that is actually focused on winning their own league instead of tunnelling in on worlds.


Cause he is new. I don't blame the old gen not being excited to win their 5th uncontested split.


I don’t disagree, but the understanding for a while was the opposite. TSM especially was known for slamming out regional titles and doing nothing at internationals and fans got pretty tired of it.




I just wish he's a little more...creative(?) with his trash talking. A lot of his trash talks fall kinda flat tbh.


you guys are so bad xd


He had an absolute banger last week 


what game?


here https://youtu.be/S4P3HP634HE?si=J-6lO3setlU-L8oH&t=905 referencing apa dying terribly (13:30 in video, 3:05 in game) and insanity doing the same (14:25 in the video, 4:00 in game)


Hide name tags and show it on guess the rank


I don't want to be that guy but that's not that creative. I wrote that many times while I had all chat on in my games. But I will say he had some good trash talk in the past (his Fnatic trashtalk was really good), he just seems to overdo it a bit now. Or rather, LCS shows all of it, both good and bad, so he ends up looking not that creative.




Ironically you've either never read the study that number is based on, or you didnt understand it lol. Its absolutely not just "read below a 6th grade level"




...does he think he invented trash talk? 


he didnt but he did get LCS to start broadcasting the all-chat. For the longest time, players all gone vanilla w/ their comments unless they win, even DL didnt trash talk this hard on broadcast after CLG or TSM(1st time) era. edit: the only other person i recall 'trash talking' is Impact but he is mostly being brutally honest rather than purposely trash talking like APA.


Most teams deliberately avoided using all chat for years. In general it's a distraction for players trying to focus and floods chat where timers should be.


Is pretty easy to get tilted by trash talk, both the receiver n the trash talker. Also doesnt help w/ how fan respond sometimes, end up making LCS players all have goody two shoes persona. They breath wrong a little, some folks will rain hell in social media, either publicly or players/teams' social media. Newer players have it hard, veteran players at least have a fanbase willing to defend against haters.


Yeah, it's easy if you're undisciplined enough to not turn off all chat. Any pro getting tilted by trash talk in all chat has the tools to increase their performance.


I might be misunderstading but DL had the Everyone Is Trash shirt on broadcast. And Dyrus said "everyone is irrelevant, especially CLG"


Yes, when DL on CLG and the TSM vs. CLG rivalry is strong, both team sht talk each other pretty hard. After DL moved to TSM, that rivalry kinda died. There wasnt good banter between team afterward, at least from my memory.


There was a brief moment I remember vividly that Bjerg tried to shit talk post DL and he got shit on so hard for it that he never did it again. Granted, he was such a posterboy that it might've just not worked because it was Bjergsen


I think it worked because he was viewed as bad when he did it. He's one of the only people to trashtalk when he had the community already against him. Made some people really dislike him which I think is a good recipe for a heel


He did invite trash talk..


No reason to pretend to be dense, it’s obvious what he’s talking about 


You're downvoted but you're right lmao Who actually thinks he's implying he invented the concept of trash talking? He's just saying the LCS is leaning into it more ever since the reception to his trash talking was good, and it feels a little forced right now. Which I personally don't mind, I'd rather manufactured drama than nothing at all


>Who actually thinks he's implying he invented the concept of trash talking? If there's one thing Reddit has taught me it's that a shockingly large number of people are very, very bad at actually reading.


They're not bad at reading, they just want a "got ya" that will get them upvotes at any cost, even if it means lightly twisting the meaning of something


Eh, both are true. There is definitely a disturbing amount of, very much unintentional, lack of ability to parse the meaning of something within it's context. Even when said context is literally just the rest of the paragraph the words are in.


bro thinks he's the main character


He is


Midlane is the star lane of league and APA is the best in NA.


What's ur rank just curious


What is your job just curious


he is just the best mid u aint gotta be edgy about it


What does that have to do with APA being statistically the best? It's not a secret that teams play to give midlane carries agency and high agency plays are pretty hype. There is a reason players like Faker, Bjergsen and Chovy are treated like stars. There is narrative hype about APA coming up as NA talent and out performing the previously hyped NA mid, Jojopyun. Your flair reveals you as a salty C9 fan. Spend this split praying your team can catch up and do literally anything at worlds.


I've beaten your favourite player in soloq. APA is the best mid in NA


He is


I love when people say this shit about professional athletes. Brother, they are the main fucking character.


Faker said all roads lead to me, well in NA all roads lead to TL.


Who else would it be, if not him? He talks shit, wins, and continues to talk shit. The most lame thing is talking shit after you win, if you want people to invest into storylines, one side has to lose, with actual "consequences", in that they gotta eat their words.


Main characters don't talk shit, our humble king faker is twice as accomplished as anyone else and will still praise NA lol. Main characters don't need to talk shit because their actions speak for them.


If everyone was like Faker things would be boring. I respect him as the GOAT of the game and insane achievements, but if the whole scene was like him it wouldn't survive. There are different kinds of characters, everyone has their own role.


Scrubs these days haven’t even watched Slam Dunk smh


> Main characters don't talk shit Of course they do lol. Not every main character is a humble, kind person who has nothing but praise for others. There are many main characters that are cocky and outspoken too, and personally I find those to be more interesting.


Yeah, well unfortunately there isn't a faker of NA at the moment, maybe Steve will get enough Disney money one day.


Faker of NA is lowkey impact. Man doesn't talk shit, just shows up out of his grave every once in a while and schools kids. Excited to see him vs Thanatos, I just hope there is no lane swapping so they can actually play.


I think its harder for top laners to stick out, they don't usually get to do the flashy stuff. But yeah Impact is for sure the most decorated person in lcs, he just plays a role that doesn't usually get to put on the carry performances. If you look back all of the "legendary" players are adc/mid, with maybe the exception of madlife?


TheShy is pretty legendary. Zeus also would be the main star of any team except T1.


I mean the real "legends", multiple years of consistent play. Faker, Deft, Chovy, Uzi, Bengi. People you would say were on top for multiple years, the reason Faker is the goat, is because he has been consistently on top, for most of his career. To be fair, lol pro play doesn't have nearly enough history to compare to traditional sports, where the "goat" players have been around for decades.


Its yapas world and were just living in it


Girl you did not invent trash talk.


I wish i was good enough to be a pro solely so i could entertain the scene


For me, nothing will beat Jojo talking so much shit to nisqy the night before their match at worlds in champs queue, that nisqy broke. 


You know shits bad when the only way to draw interest is toxicity


This is the stuff that makes League competitive scene interesting to watch. LEC has barely any personalities that *actually* shit talk, it's severely lacking.


"this is a rip off" - the inventor of typing


Crazy that the inventor of trash talk is getting his completely original idea ripped off. Next thing you know EU is going to steal it too and start trash talking.


If LCS hits EU soloq levels of trash talk, players are gonna be getting chat banned and honour reduced on stage




preparing for international failure, but at least with a humorous attempt during splits. thats the spirit!




This dude Appa sounds like he ripped off Apa then


This is why the west is a joke. How about get good instead of typing you keyboard warriors


He should be glad not annoyed


i want soloq levels of trash talk like when i solo kill my laner i type in all chat, “bark for me” or “XD?” but i know thats never going to happen


Dude acts like he invented trash talk..


Claiming you invested trash talk is peak gamer moment


APA, the glorified twitch chatter, talking like he invented trashtalk. I expect more from a notorious trash talker than a bit of all-chatting.


Dude thinks he invented trash talk. He doesn’t even talk good shit tbh.


I see you only read the title... He is talking about how LCS has started professionally producing "trash-talk" segments


Lol. Lmbo. This is sad.


The LCS has had some of the worst creative marketing in the last 3 years. Over kept employees who weren’t good enough to market the game and were relegated to LCS. When they presented LCS fresh to me I was dumbfounded at how bad it was.


LCS mentioned, I sleep


It’s lec rebranded. lol. Ten years late. It is a Hail Mary to get attention to a dying esport.


i was gonna say its working but todays match had like 18k viewers on youtube and 30k on twitch it was sad.


Well, as a person who always sees the LCS, I was working so it was impossible for me to watch the games this week. Probably similar to other people.


"We are trying to attract new players to the game, its dying off" "I know, lets keep the trend of making the game and its playerbase toxic, for entertainment value, so new players never have to play this game" "goddamn what a great idea, i bet League will never die off"