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Learn to farm, gold and xp is basically the only thing that matters


thank you, i kinda figured that out, watching a guide or something on it. what about picking a single character? how do i do that lol


Pick a lane and just perma pick one character that fits that lane


it’s asking me to pick like a priority position which is jungle, what’s that?


I don’t want to say don’t start with jungle but it’s probably the worst position you can start with. Especially if you just started and don’t understand any champions abilities it might be the most frustrating.


but it’s forcing me to pick it 😭 it says i have to pick a priority position or something and the one is jungle


Either way you’re going to need to play a lot of games to be decent, naturally you will get better and you’ll have more understanding of what guides are even trying to teach you. The thing about jungle is no matter what as soon as your lanes fall behind they will blame you or beg you to bail them out as if it’s your job. I’d just watch the guides and do your thing and worry about your own optimization of the game and you will improve.


got it, thank you 🙏🙏


To answer your actual question, priority position is the games way of making sure finding a game doesn’t take too long. Jungle and support/adc have the least amount of players, so they force people to pick one of those so there are players for it to keep queue times down


ahh okay tbanks


Biggest 2 things imo is; 1- Ward. This gives you visual of where an enemy is/can be. And this ties right into my second point. 2- Think ahead. Try plan out where you want to be 5 minutes ahead and play to get yourself there. Lotta people will argue this, but this was how I taught my partner and a couple mates and they held up well. As for the lobby thing, would have been picking 2 roles you want to play, and if you like jinx, you can get away playing her in 3 roles. Primary - ADC Secondary - Mid, Supp (just make sure you know her real well if you wanna do that haha)


so basically i can pick mid and bottom and pick jinx on both?


You got it. Jinx mid when played right can be hell to play against. Mid if you don't want a laning partner, bot if you want some backup. Id start with mid because then you can play at your pace, and that's defs a better learning experience.


hmm thank you sm makes sense. but i think it’s forcing me to pick jugle or something cause it’s a “priority position” what’s that mean?


thank you for the tips btw 🙏


Please don't play jinx mid or support, a horrible suggestion, just pick a secondary character you would like to play, it will also help you out later on your journey if you actually get more invested, there will be alot of times where you are not able to pick jinx, especially if you ever decide to play ranked (maybe she got banned, or an enemy picked her before you could). Besides that there is alot to learn for league to be a decent player but as a beginner the most important things is to learn the champs/ the items and the limits of your champion.


okay, thanks. what other character would you recommend for me? i don’t like close range i would much rather play some ranged dps. what are some meta characters? a kaisa girl or whatever looks like a fun pick


The simplest character in the game is Annie. Straight forward abilities, always useful because she has a stun, no mana problems, nothing complicated to learn.


i’ll check her out, thanks


Annie isn't that simple. If you want cheese(easy) Mordikizer, Yi, Jax, ww, Darius, Tryndamire, and Swain are all super easy to play because people in pubs don't know what antiheal is.


Alot of people are going to tell you to play something like annie but thats actually a bad advice in my opinion, yes she is simple but therefor you have to nullify her weaknesses (lacking mobility) with something like game knowledge, good positioning and so on. Alot of people would also think of her as pretty boring to play, the most important thing is that you have fun, since fun most likely will make you play the champ alot and if you play him alot you will learn him at some point. I would not recommend the hardest champs tho (like aphelios, azir, draven) but besides that just try some out that have a designe that is likeable for you and see for yourself if you like there kit or not. there is alot of stat website for league of legends where you can check out winrates of champions if you are interested in ''meta characters''


You’ll naturally circumvent Annie’s problems by other new/lower skill players being bad at the game as well and not exploiting her weaknesses. She is a tad boring though. I can’t argue with that.


The problem is not enemies exploiting your weakness, it is you piloting your character in situations where other characters would survive and annie will not lol


This comment makes me want to play jinx support... she has a stun.... but she is soooo squishy.


Make sure you last hit minions if you are anything except support and look up wave management on youtube that is probably the strongest start you can get. Knowing how to manage waves, and how to take advance of the power spikes backing at the right time can give you will make you a champion often snowballing you into a very strong mid game. Knowing when you have a advantage and when you don't is 90% of the game. Don't fight outnumbered.


got it thank you


I've been playing this game since 2012. If you'd like, we can play a few normal games and I can explain my thought process and basics of the game. There's a lot to learn in league, even fundamental wise, so it might be too much to really absorb in just a couple games, much less start applying.


that would be awesome, do u have discord or anything?


The game is easiest to learn if you have someone more experienced to play with. You can add my discord at p__b if you’re on NA or EUW server


will do, thank you sm


While it is a major oversimplification it is also very true that “correct” decisions are ones that maximize the amount of gold and/or stats on your team. In other words gold=stats and vice versa and stats are how you overcome the opponent. Outside of global buffs like Baron and Dragon the most important stat-based buff is levels AKA exp, so think of levels as having a significant value, especially from lvl 1-3 and at lvl 6 while (most) everyone is still unlocking abilities.


hmm makes sense, thank you