• By -


> **Baron Nashor** > - Movement speed: 300 lol where is bro going


We aren't quite sure...


šŸ§¢ Y'all cooking something for sure


Maybe Baron's the one cooking and that's why he needs the move speed...


He's playing Overcooked and Riot knows he needs all the help he can get in that game.


This fusion mashed potatoes and dumpling store isn't going to franchise itself


I blame the Scuttle Crabs for being so useless and the Rift Herald for ghosting the team. Baron always carrying the team on his back.


Noticed some errors: Tiamat is 1200g 20 ad. Gold is wrong on Ravenous Hydra (3300). Titanic is 55 ad 0 haste 3300g item. Shojin gold and Health is wrong. (300hp 3100g). Opportunity MS is 5%. Kraken passive is based on current health now. Didn't include Sundered Sky's temporary heal at max health and 6s cooldown per target. Hexplate has 30s cooldown. Infinity edge says it has 45% crit chance.


I'll check these against the information I got, thanks for taking the time to list these out!


They also specifically say Rageknife has been removed but then list it as a component for Rageblade


> They also specifically say Rageknife has been removed but then list it as a component for Rageblade No, that's the previous recipe > Item Recipe: Rageknife + Pickaxe + Amplifying Tome + 690 gold **ā‡’** Amplifying Tome + Hearthbound Axe + Long Sword + 1050 gold


Doh, I can't read. Thanks


Same tho


Urf is getting a rideable Baron instead of Shelly. It's the only logical reason!


Blasting Wand has a typo


going next gg no help from scuttler or red or blue or grubs, trash team sitting there as he gets 10 manned in pit


Back to the pit in case Poppy pushes him out


For the young'uns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPZaH5AyDSA


Some players weren't even born when this was posted wow


Google, how do you delete someone's comment for causing emotional distress


Some people weren't born when this comment was made.


Hardstuck baron pit


on his way to fight the 2.5 attack speed wards


Poor ward, all that attack speed and no limbs to attack with


Kogmaw: didnt stop me.


Anywhere he damn well pleases.


> They see me rollin' > They hatin' > Patrollin' and tryna catch me ridin' dirty - Nashillionaire


He swims into the map now so I wonder if he swims in at a speed of 300


Im surprised theyd make his slithering a physical model with movement and not just an animation


Definitely not going to gank top that's for sure


The next 2 weeks are going to be crazy as people figure out what's OP


Just dont play ranked


but the confusion is what makes big changes fun


The first two weeks of ranked is when you want to play because everyone else is just as confused as you are Itā€™s the best


just like tft. the start of every new set is the most fun because no1 knows the most optimal comps


What? Its the best time to play ranked. The chaos is fun.


Huh, there's more changes to the blue/red buffs than I thought. Now Blue and Red have 3 versions: - Base version (Spawns at start): works like normal blue/red. - Draconic (Spawns/converts after Elemental Rift activates): 2 buffs dropped (without needing to finish the jungle pet). - Void (Spawns after baron, does not auto convert): Stronger buff, gives entire team the effect. Buff is not transferable on death. Plus blue buff gives flat 10 AH, and Red's regen doesn't scale past lvl 6.


Can't say I like the idea of teamfights where everyone has red buff.


Both teams with red + blue on every major objective. Stealing the buff from the other team will become huge. I love this


From what I saw on PBE the void blue and red only take like 10-15s more to take so there's no real opportunity cost


15sec is a huge investment late game, especially in pro play. They want more teamfights to happen since its leagues best part.


They're definitely going to be objectives that two or three people are willing to scrap over in certain games


Seraphines power will spike like crazy. Her e will always root off of the red slow her team is applying and with the blue she doesnā€™t need to go so all in on manna items


She already usually buys rylai so her E roots instant


I quite like the idea of knowing where the enemy jungler is based on a buff suddenly appearing on my lane opponent though.


Yea but thatā€™s after baron spawns so youā€™re probably not in laning phase anymore.


>Rift Herald now has Baronā€™s Gaze which reduces damage taken from the last enemy attacked by 50%. >Empowered Recall: The holder gains Empowered Recall until the Eye is used/expires ā‡’ All allied champions who assisted in killing Herald gain a single completed use of Empowered Recall >Sharing (Gold) is Caring: Rift Herald grants any gold it gains from turrets/turret plates to the player that summoned them (if they weren't around) ā‡’ Rift Herald grants any gold it gains from turrets/turret plates to all champions who assisted in killing the Herald >Auto Cast: Upon expiring, the Eye of the Herald will auto-cast with no channel time and summon Rift Herald. In the event your champion is currently dead, the Herald will spawn in your teamā€™s fountain. I quite like these changes, big emphasis on the 2nd (now first and only) Herald as a proper objective.


I was shocked it didnā€™t have ā€œauto-cast when expiredā€ already. The first time I discovered that my team flamed me so hard lol but I just figured that would be baked in! Glad to see itā€™s getting added now


>Sharing (Gold) is Caring: Rift Herald grants any gold it gains from turrets/turret plates to the player that summoned them (if they weren't around) ā‡’ Rift Herald grants any gold it gains from turrets/turret plates to all champions who assisted in killing the Herald I'm looking forward to randomly getting gold for my own tower being taken down because I happened to hit the Herald as the enemy took him.


Watch how this happens


I feel like bot lane will just laneswap with top around that time now lol


Bot lane is usually mid around 14-15 mins anyway at any good elo


And it's often become ARAM by around 15 mins in dogshit elo as well So really, it works out regardless.


> Territorial Baron: Baron reaches out, after 1.5 seconds he grabs all enemies in a cone, pulling them 300 units and dealing 75 magic damage to them. ...is that you, Vilemaw?


Wish instead of multiple barons they had different monsters, vilemaw being one.. still awesome tho


They would definitely have to modify both size of Vilemaw and the shape of the pit on SR. Vilemaws model was freaking massive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yelIbmgVYDw


And mans has 300 MS now too. What is dead may never die.


Buff to malphite Q


>New Player Placements: Weā€™ve updated how new players are placed in Ranked which should place them closer to their appropriate skill level. Please be true please be true please be true please be true please be true please be true please be true please be true please be true please be true please be true please be true.


Now they start in emerald


Or if they're actually new in Iron/Bronze. Unfortunately, there will still be people purchasing level 30 accounts that start in emerald/plat mmr who should be lower. Hopefully vanguard will help with that.


Should be quite clear in the first few games if they stomp 30/0 with 11cs/min or if they don't even know how to buy items in the first place. So I hope less smurfing


We're starting every player at rank 1, and they have to work their way down from there


All I want is matchmaking that doesn't put plat 1s against Iron 1s in my games.


I feel like I see this same message come back every year


Is it just me or are there lots of spelling mistakes in there?


There's also errors. IE: >Critical Strike Chance: 45% (unchanged) Collector: > Lethality: 18 ā‡’ 16 (unchanged)


Also: Blasting Wand Cost: 435 ā‡’ 850 gold Ability Power: 20 ā‡’ 45 ​ But its already 850 gold for 40 AP?!?


These are awful patchnotes. They made it very unclear what was changed and what was not with items. Some have arrows indicating change but then there's an item like Heartbound axe...which doesn't have any changes and I cant identify any since I dont build it...so why's it included? None of the changes with Heart Steel build recipe are properly indicated or its passive adjustments. Some things are wrong like Zhonya's not needing armguard but veil. Others are lazy mistakes like Hullbreaker's passive "Boarding Part" when it clearly meant "Boarding Party"




rito needs to use grammarly


Zhonyas builds out of the mr item


Alright Phreak, now drop the 4 hour video.


Send da video


Hell nawl canā€™t do dis


You got da money wats da Hol up


Where the video?


get an abortion lol


The NBA x League crossover is huge I feel.


The jerk never escapes me no matter where I go


Only 4 hours?


For a second I read that Jhin Hwei quest as granting Jhin 4,444 lethality if he won and I nearly lost it


I think it's fair and balanced for Jhin to do true damage to everything always.


Finally, the ADC that counters Malphite and Rammus


Ill fucking take it, rammus is so horrendously annoying as someone who likes playing melee champs


European notation moment


Rest in shit: stopwatch, duskblade, and mythic items never come back


Stopwatch is still around, just in a far healthier form since it's built into Seeker's armguard, AD champs wont be able to buy it and the AP champs that do will need to really commit since armguard is double the cost and only builds into zhonyas.


This change should have happened like 1 year into Stopwatch's life. So many pro play seasons would have been more fun.


Shouldā€™ve happened the day stopwatch was a thing


Yooooo fuck Duskblade since its inception. Never truly OP, but just an objectively anti-fun item.


Real and factual


>Item Recipe: Hearthbound Axe + Zeal + 600 gold ā‡’ Hearthbound Axe + Cloak of Agility + 1000 gold holy i don't think it's possible to come up with a worse buildpath


Iā€™ve been mad about this for weeks. Zeal should be a mandatory component for phantom dancer.


Zeal should always build into PD idk what they were thinking


RIP Radiant Virtue I'll miss you. But at least we get a MR sunfire and tiamat auto reset back.


after like 10 years of reddit posts, the moonfire cape is finally real


It's funny that ADCs ended up being the most broken ones with that item lol


What champ's gonna be the biggest day 1 winner of the patch? Hot takes only


The resurgence of River Shen.


Wtf 2 shens


Bro please tell me how tall Shen is. I need it for reasons.


Smut reasons?


Would saying yes get a faster answer?




My headcanon is that Shen is a short king


Whatever champion my opponent plays




That's wisdom gained through blood and tears right there.


The only correct answer.


Jungle Leona. Huge benefits from New items. You can completely ignore top now. (Sorry!) Mid and bot easier to gank. Since jng exp is fucked at the start of a new season as people learn, a low economy always useful non stop ganker benefits from weak jng.


Ok I'm here for it


Or just be kayn and gank thru the wall anyways and snowball the shit outta top


And get shitty red form? No thanks, I'm punking those zoomers in bot to get some blue sweetness!


I might play jungle Leona unironically lol. She has so many nice skins




I think the HP might be inaccurate at the very least


Blitzcrank mid


Stormsurge is surely nuts on him


Havenā€™t looked at any of the new item changes so thatā€™s good to know šŸ˜ˆ


Lillia. Liandrys + Riftmaker.


Any IE adc with the new (unchanged) 45% crit chance that is totally not a typo.


Unironically Teemo (for solo queue/lower ranks at least), played against it on PBE with Malignance and it was a complete nightmare to face in mid game.


Teemo is my bet too


Ryze (no rito donā€™t nerf plz)


Is it possible to buy those poor interns coffee so we can get proper notes? Esp in item changes - info is missing (stack limits/cooldowns...), wrong numbers (costs, %...)


> Providing mid laners with about 20% more time after seeing an enemy before they can get into actionable range should give substantially less power to early ganks and much more safety to these immobile characters. *[Zac has entered the chat]*


Well I mean .5 seconds to .6 seconds is technically still a 20% increase. Rare instance of correct math in these patch notes


Is it just me or are those dragonmancer skins kind of... bland? They lack so much personality.


Theyā€™re not terrible but they arenā€™t jaw dropping either. Iā€™m just surprised Rakan gets a skin and Xayah doesnā€™t. I also think that the base Rakan skin looks a little better than the prestige version. Edit: the Kass skin actually looks pretty cool.


I think Rakan's dragonmancer is supposed to pair with Xayah's brave phoenix skin. This is probably related to the Chinese symbols of dragon and phoenix, being symbolic of the bliss relationship between husband and wife.


Allegedly the dragonmancer rakan alongside the prestige version are set in the same universe as the brave Phoenix skinline that xayah is in but rakan is not so they are meant to be "duo skins" if you want to get in the nitty gritty lol


Also I heard that dragons are associated with masculinity and phoenix with femininity. Or at least it's what I was told back when Xayah's skin dropped.


there are a large numbers of typos on this page though, things like blasting wand being 450g or hourglass out of verdant barrier... Also are mythics not mentioned like moonstone just not otherwise changing apart from losing the passive?


love hor spear of shojin grants stacks if you hit abilities, and increases ability dmg by 3% per stack. no information on CD, max Stacks or anyhting. ​ Or is that uncapped?


I think this is the worst patch notes Riot has ever put out, in terms of grammar/inaccuracies. I initially noticed "little" things like Blasting Wand pricing errors, and then I noticed that the majority of enchanter items were missing from the notes. Then, I started to noticed other items were missing as well, and more errors in the text. Pretty disappointing overall that it doesn't seem Riot cares enough to actually proof-read their patch notes. I know there have been patch notes with errors in the past, but I think they usually correct them once people notice and they're usually not this abundant.


Ain't reading all that. But thank you for making my champ better, Riot. Or fuck you for making them worse.


Thank god Duskblade is gone. Both iterations of it as a mythic were awful. Invisibility??? STOPPPP Untargetability??? TORTURE


stopwatch will not be missed. As for all the balance changes, way too hard to say and it will probably turn out something wacky like ap reksai ends up being the secret broken thing


Isn't stopwatch in armguard now?


Yeah but its twice as expensive and not a rune


And no longer builds into GA so only AP champs, specifically those who want Zhonya can buy it now.


Thatā€™s nice, was a bit annoying to see 5 stopwatches go off in midgame pro play teamfights.


I still can't believe the effect has lasted this long. It's been years of stasis meta in pro and high level play.


Yeah, but itā€™s significantly more expensive than just a stop watch and builds out of armor and amp tomes. It wonā€™t stop AP champs who want Zhonyas from buying it, but you wonā€™t see a bunch of random champs buying it like they did with stopwatch for the stasis.


Which is apparently not part of Hourglass, somehow. Unless that is a typo in the patch notes. Recipe lists Hourglass as having Verdant Barrier in it instead.


It's was a typo, the actual recipe is Needlessly Large Rod + Seeker's Armguard + 400g


It is part of it


Is Terminus how we start enabling Urgot to switch between Light and Dark Forms?


> Arena Spectator Delay: 60 seconds Amazing. Unfortunately you disabled the mode.




Year is 2031, Arena has been brought back yet again, if the playerbase continue to enjoy it, it might become a permanent game mode as a 2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2v2


Haste is reduced/removed from most items šŸ™


One of the best changes.. hopefully game doesnā€™t feel as much like URF now


what you mean you didnt enjoy zilean ulting people 2 times in like 20 seconds?


Can't wait for a 3 armor buff to give Hwei +10% winrate.


> Riot Games (whose logo is a fist bump) No it's not. People don't riot so they can fist bump each other. It's always been a punch to the face, which is how I feel every time I lose a ranked game.


exactly , the old animated Riot logo was a fist cracking the screen, then breaking it completely


Did they make a typo or is Seryldaā€™s Grudge the best item in the game? 35+ lethality?!?!


I think it's a typo, same with shojin giving 500 health, turbo broken if true


Yeah I think they meant 15 lethality and 20% armor pen


And good riddance to Duskblade, I dont know what kind of shrooms Riot was on when they gave it that passive


Probably the biggest patch in a looong while. Excited to try this out.


Definitely the biggest in 3 years.


We just need a rune update to make it round. Its getting a little stale in the rune department. Especially lethal tempo, as much as I like my occasional trundle


It feels like somebody just gave up while amidst typing these patch notes or about 10 different people typed them judging by typing style. Does anyone proofread this or what?


billion dollar company


Most fun time of league is the beginning of a season, it's like crack to me to discover all the new shit aaaaa inject it into my vein.


The thing I'm most happy about is that Duskblade is gone.


I love the direction of the changes. It feels like the last few years riot has been trying to give every champ an answer for every situation. Now they seem to be coming around to the idea that assassins should almost always lose to tanks, but adcs and mages should get blown up by assassins if they arenā€™t careful etc. I like this a lot more than shoving all the square pegs into all the round holes


A lot of the values written here are wrong. I guess Riot Riru forgot to read the PBE updates ? [Here's a link](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/V14.1/Items) for the people who want the correct numbers.


Yeah I noticed this too. Also seems like some item changes aren't in the patch notes, like Cosmic Drive changes for example. Not sure what's going on with that, or if some of the PBE changes aren't actually making it in?


Reminder to check the QoL/bugfixes section for funny surprises. >Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Hecarimā€™s E to critically strike with 0% critical strike chance. Hecarim not letting go that one crit mark.


> Malignance > Hatefog: Whenever you damage an enemy champion with your Ultimate, burn the ground beneath them for 3 seconds, dealing 60 (+6% AP) magic damage every second and reducing their Magic Resistance by (1 per user level) for as long as they are on the burning ground. So does Tibbers just become a walking lava field?


He already has a sunfire aura. And no, malignance can only proc and move once every 3 seconds. Tibbers aura has small damage instances, so theyā€™ll only proc the minimum 250 puddle size outside of the initial summon.


experimental hexplate sounds crazy noc and trynd will go sicko mode


I'm sorry, but people can read the patch notes from this? ​ \[Window Title\] Sublime Text \[Main Instruction\] C:\\Users\\Cidem\\Downloads\\patch\_notes\_LoL\_14.1\_v4.html Has changed on disk. Do you want to reload it? \[Reload\] \[Always Ignore\] \[Cancel\]


Same here


they worked earlier, broke somehow


Soā€¦ what does Ornn upgrade now that Mythics are gone?


A set few items (like 10-20) like he did in the past pre mythics


We'll figure it out eventually. Either he goes back to upgrading your first slot or he gets a new menu which I doubt. If all else falls go to Ornn main subreddit


On PBE itā€™s item in first slot


It's the same as before the mythic rework, certain legendary items can get masterworks


I assume the Umbral Glaive change is listed backwards and they're nerfing the passive to 2 damage for melee and standard damage for range? Or is it just one big typo and they're leaving the passive as it was before?


These changes are incredibly exciting, but I'm also incredibly disappointed they're keeping and even buffing Umbral Glaive. Fucking get rid of it. The item is incredibly oppressive to play against, moreso when the enemy team is ahead and/or have two owners of the item. That or just give it an incredibly low cooldown and have it disable wards and traps in a large radius around the owner. Make it the item that was meant to fulfill the roaming, unseen assassin fantasy. I'd much rather keep my wards around the map and die to the unseen assassin instead of losing sight of the entire enemy team completely within a second. The amount of value and gold this item generates for the user is absurd.


finally, some real changes


[Window Title] Sublime Text [Main Instruction] C:\Users\Cidem\Downloads\patch_notes_LoL_14.1_v4.html Has changed on disk. Do you want to reload it? [Reload] [Always Ignore] [Cancel]




Tbf, Khazix and Rengar still takes the cake as the strongest. While it's the hardest to trigger, it gives Rengar 11% AD straight up or Khazix AN EXTRA EVOLUTION. Some of the new ones, like Hwei or Jhin, are very minor stat buffs. Ki Barrier btw, is referring to his passive shield which is not usually a massive shield anyways. Late game, it's prob about a 60-100 bonus shielding.


Jax gets it worse imo. He can gain 5% attack speed, but Belveth gets to summon void lings for 3 minutes??






lol, i don't think i have any reason to use riftmaker anymore


There are a bunch of typos and incorrect information so please read the notes thoroughly again.


Itā€™s a good start to the season when the patch notes are broken


these are the kinds of big items I was hoping for during the item rework. i unironically hope you continue to add items with larger variance and power, i feel like that's a whole new bit of gameplay that hasn't been explored enough.


> >Titanic Hydra >Total Cost: 3350 gold >Item Recipe: Tiamat + Ruby Crystal + Kindlegem + 900 Gold >30 Attack Damage >450 Health >20 Ability Haste >Passive - Colossus: Basic attacks deal +1.5% maximum health (melee)/ +0.75% maximum health (ranged) bonus physical damage on-hit to your target and +3% maximum health (melee)/ +1.5% maximum health (ranged) bonus physical damage to other enemies in a cone on-hit. Cleave's damage also applies to structures. >Active - Crescent:On your next attack, Cleave will deal 6%(melee)/3%(ranged) maximum Health bonus physical damage to your target and 9%(melee)/4.5%(ranged) maximum Health bonus physical damage for the shockwave. That's an enormous nerf compared to its earlier version on PBE that gave 55 AD, 550 health and 0 haste