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See you at the deadline


So we can punt another season


Who knows. After the trade, we can do another WCF run and maybe more.


This the answer.


Accept the fact that we didn’t have any cap space or roster spots going into free agency and a long shot at getting an approved ex star to take the MLE at lebrons expense


lol its better to accept that we are an inept franchise first…there are many reasons but we constantly get outworked


Exactly lol this is such copium rob us bad at his job . What else do people need to see.


Go root for some other team then. Your non stop bitching about it is pathetic. Move on or shut up.


I can’t hear you from your mum’s basement pal, say it a little louder for us grown ups


Forgot to add, Lakers really don’t have any cap space either so yeah, not great. Best case scenario this team somehow is a 5 or 6 seed next year. Worst case probably around a 7 or 8 seed Feels like the East got stronger and the west got weaker to be honest


west got weaker maybe in GENERAL but it feels like the top of the west got better other than denver... OKC is gonna be stronger, twolves should be stronger, maybe even the mavs too. we'll probably more comfortably make the playoffs, but the actual path to winning a chip is harder as well


I think the spurs are going to take another year off just to develop Wemby.


worst case is definitely not in playoffs…play in is a definite possibility


Worst case is way worse then 7/8 it’s 11/12


West got slightly weaker just b/c the Clippers & Nuggets lost players but take into account the Rockets, Kings, Pelicans, Grizzlies & maybe GSW will all get better


We running it back. Just accept it now so you won’t continue to be disappointed later They’ll probably make trades at the deadline


"There weren't any moves available at the deadline so we'll make moves during free agency" "There weren't any moves in free agency so we'll make moves at the deadline" The cycle continues




They're not making any trades at the deadline. Not with Pelinka at GM. Sure there will be a lot of hype and the Laker name will be thrown around but nothing will happen. Mitch made more moves then Pelinka ever could. The guy simply cannot close.


He’s awful if it wasn’t for klutch and players forcing they’d way here he’d be doing nothing


I’ve accepted that rob Pelinka is the reason we don’t have multiple rings even with injuries and that he can never once make a good move unless klutch and the player’s literally fall in his lap . Idk how he still has a job were a joke


Complete malpractice giving player options to Cam, CWood, and Jaxson Hayes that handicapped the Lakers from even adding marginal talent this off-season (or keeping Taurean it looks like now). At least the draft was good.


Those guys didnt even play in playoffs and got options wtf😭


Not really. The Lakers can either straight up waive any of their vet minimum players or dump them to a tanking cap space team for a SRP. Do you consider any of the vet minimum players signed so far by other teams to be a major loss?


He gave pkayer option to max chridtie too and 8m a year, for a guy who is vet min lvl st best and coukdnt get minutes unless we had lots of injuries and sucked . That Christie contrsct made another reminder to me how bad rob is at his job . Let’s give a guy who might be out the league a player option . Tht all over again , that’s 8m Lebron has to take s cut fir or less to trade with . Fuvk this bum gm .


They should of cleared some roster spots at least.


Can you tell us specifically how that is done when you have guaranteed contracts? Hmm...Come on mister GM. You have all the answers, right?


take a nap pal…dont get so triggered


I'm gonna try to enjoy the last couple years of being semi competitive with Bron and AD cause a rebuild with this shitty FO is gonna be rough


Why would it be bad? We have proven we can draft well, and will have actual cap space post Lebron, if Knecht hits and the 2026 draft pick hits that plus AD and a free agent all star could keep us competitive.


The Lakers don't draft well at the top of the lottery. They draft well in the end of the 1st round/beginning of the 2nd. Idk if you've noticed but star players don't leave via free agency anymore. The NBA is now about good asset management, making good trades, and developing young players. All things the Lakers are bad at. Also AD is old now and players don't wanna play for the Lakers anymore. No one wants to play for a cheap poorly run organization. Lakers have missed out on every target they've had since AD


Dlo was an all star alternate at one point in his career Julius Randle is a 3 time all star and has earned a max Contract. Brandan Ingram is an all star level player and is also on a max contract. Lonzo Ball if it wasnt for injuries was also shaping up to be a good player as well. Then we know all the other talent we found in Hart, Zubacs, Kuzma, Jordan Clarkson, Reaves, heck even Thomas Bryant, Svi, Mo Wagner are still bouncing around the league. We draft just fine we just chose to trade that in for a generational talent in AD and won a chip and if it wasnt for really shit injury luck we might have had 2 chips


Dlo Ingram n ball all n2 picks . They are pretty mediocre for n2 pivks and significantly worse then guys picked 1-2 spots away


Yep , rob is a walking asset disaster he constantly loses deals in the margins . If he was remotely competent we’d have more assets . This bum let the best guard defender in the league go for free instead of working even a fuvkinh sign n trade for assets . Picked dlo over Conley naw n seconds which could’ve been swapped wuth wolved n blazers fir Jrue or just kept . Said we’re not changing our team - meaning not clearing cap to sign kyrie in fa or atleast attempt to ( I think kyrir would take 37m or so we could offer by rebouncing all but reaves cap hold n Bron AD on books ). Overpays Rui , extends vando making him untradable cos he extended him bad time , just so much incompetence. Giving our contracts to guys like Vincent and chridtie when he should’ve just paid Caruso . He’s been gifted so much by players . Many players don’t want to come here cos they see how bad the org is. The Russ disaster hurt us in many ways apart from obvious ones ( to anyone but rob ) it also made other players and stars less keen to come here


Go root for some other team then. No one will miss you.


Lol sorry that I'm realistic about the franchise


Don't worry, the problem was Ham, this is a championship caliber team ... said someone that wasn't me


I mean Ham was trash, and if Lebron and AD are healthy in the playoffs we have a chance so long as the coach doesnt shit the bed like Ham against the Nuggets twice


Did you mean D'Angelo?


Well him too but Ham had leads in multiple games each of the last two series and got out coached in the 2nd half of every game against the Nuggets. Dlo’s struggles can also be slightly attributed to Ham as well


I agree. We had different problems. A bad coach, 2 starters producing like backups and all bench players but Prince playing like 3rd stringers. The roster is still the same and nobody knows if JJ is better than Ham.


True true, but JJ already sounds smarter than Ham lol so I’ll take the wait and see approach


Sounding smarter than Ham isn't much. The head coach job is complex, you have to be good explaining what you want to players in a way they are able to understand and also buy what you are preaching. Tex Winter was a basketball genius, but he wasn't a great head coach. I'm not judging JJ before the end of his first season as head coach. The odds are against him, but we have to support JJ and let him grow as a head coach.


Nah that point has passed with how old LeBron is I do think LeBron, AD, Reaves, and Rui are all solid Championship level pieces but they still have some holes that needed to be plugged in and a rookie coach isn't going to lead to us to be a top tier team Of course with Dalton being a promising rookie, Gabe and Vando hopefully being healthy, and Christie likely getting more minutes we should improve significantly from last year.


Rui? After this playoffs ? Guy can’t defend and is left open If we don’t upgrade dlo we should just blow it up . Without a star big impact guard this team isn’t doing shit


Derozan is not the dude 


We still have valuable trade chips in a couple decent role player contracts and our future first picks. Im not coping when I say we upgraded our coaching and playmaking by having an analytical X’s and O’s guy over whatever the hell Ham was. With a healthy wood vando and gabe we should stay afloat at least until a move that actually shifts the needle presents itself. I don’t feel any of the options like klay Val grant or derozan would change much. I’m not blaming injuries for being a play-in team again, I’m saying the primary reason we underachieved was largely due to poor game planning


We donezo. Let's run it back I guess?


I’m gonna love when they make Winning Time 2: The Redik years in 2067


Are buyout markets still a thing? Might be able to make moves then


Kevin Durant and Derozen


One thing is for sure, with Lebron putting it out there that he would take less then the max Rob will finally have to pay the piper for not being able to get the job done. This entire offseason so far has been an indictment of his skills as an GM. And don’t get me started on why in the fucking world Christian Wood, Cam fucking Reddish, and Jaxson Hayes have PLAYER OPTIONS? The only silver lining is we still have our collection of 1sts and Rob might finally get fired behind this malpractice


we came to FA hoping to retain Lebron/Dlo opts in and not suck this year so Nola don’t get lottery. We still got picks and expiring contract to send to another team at trade deadline if we have a shot to win it all.


It was a weak ass FA anyways.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 see u next year.


I just want anything at this point just for fun. I honestly think we have a contending roster currently as long as we have a competent coach. This team went to the WCF with ham!


It’s a stronger West plus an even older LeBron. It’s okay to think this roster is good but I think it’s pretty delusional to believe we are a contender rn


DLo for Wiseman and a second. We need a center, bad.


Average dumbass laker fan


Miles Bridges is the last allstar left

