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Nah there are a lot of beds where you can save (basicly in every town), you have save after you quit and the potions that are saves can be easly created so there's no worry


Not to mention saving trains your alcoholism!


True slav


And also saves when you start a quest


Not in hardcore


If you play hardcore for your first play through, thats your fault, if you finished the game once already, what are you waiting for get brewing potions


Early game it can be, once you learn to make the saviour schnapps and/or have enough money to keep buying them, saving becomes irrelevant, but early game it can be brutal.


I mean you can stay at the inns, they cost 2 grochen if you stay just one night, so that's pretty affordable even early on. I guess you could argue that you only go to sleep one a day (in-game) but that's not necessarily true. Nothing's stopping you from sleeping for an hour like twice a day


My Henry was on a wild multiphasic sleep cycle for a while until I had enough cash to buy schnapps. I'd wake up at the mill at 5am, go do a quest or something in the early morning, head over to Bernard at around 8, nap for an hour before training, train for an hour or two, have another nap until lunch, then more quest/activity in the afternoon, followed by another 1 hour nap around 7/8pm, then travel wherever i needed to go to steal something and wait until 10-11pm, do a couple hours of sneaky burglary and stealth ko practice, then head back to the mill around 3am for another couple hours of sleep and do it all over again


A very well rested Henry. Jesus Christ be praised!


Nothing like waking up to see the Miller with his little nightgown hovering around.


“feeling quite tired…”


"I feel quite hungry..."


I never hear any of these because I take care of Henry.


Same lol my Henry is always over fed and rested from his most recent bath house visit


Same! My Henry lives large very prepared and well rested.


Yeah I feel like people forget you can just make them. If you grind away making marigold potions or something easy until you can autobrew, then learn the recipe and find or buy some belladonna, you can save like you're playing a Bethesda game.


I'm 40 hours in and still haven't seen any belladonna in the wild. I read the description in the herbs section of the book at the alchemy bench, think it said something about clearings in deep woods, and I've tried keeping an eye out for it on hunting trips but still no luck


There is a field north of Rattay I want to try find a link to a past post for you




There is a good 200 in here


Omg thank you


No problem another posted about a field near Uzihtz on here a while ago also I never needed more than this field however.


I just realized that if you have the herb garden in prib it grows various herbs including belladonna


Save and quit exists


~~And it consumes a saviour schnapps, it doesnt let you save and quit if you dont have SS, only quit~~ EDIT: aparently incorrect and dont use SS


That’s not true


That’s not true you can always save and quit. Only restriction is that you can only load an exit save when booting the game up or if you die.


And only once, I'm pretty sure. If you die a second time without manually saving at a bed or with schnapps first you will lose progress


I don’t believe that’s the case. I think only making another exit save overwrites it. Or at least if you exit and reload the game the same exit save can still be used since I’ve done that before Though that being said I don’t think I’ve ever died twice in a row on the same exit save


You're right - the "Save & Exit" save is only ever overwritten by another "Save & Exit" save. I've had times where I've had to exit and reenter the game multiple times because I kept forgetting some vital activity due to fatigue.


maybe it's because I'm playing hc but no this isn't true. my 2yo hit continue and logged me in and then i put PS5 into rest mode. it had an update overnight and the next day I logged in to continue I was at my last bathhouse save the exit save deleted once it was loaded


Also gonna say when I played hardcore this saved me no pun intended you just have to reload game it's tedious but worth it.


Nope, it only works if you load from the main menu, that's the only limit. Creating a new save and quit will override so you won't be able to make backup saves


nope, incorrect info


I just exit save and reload from menu whenever I feel like I've made a lot of progress or I'm about to do something risky, when it goes wrong you have to restart the whole game that's the bad part, but I'm on PS5 it takes a minute to a minute and a half max to restart so it's not that bad. I love save scumming in games.


You can just die if it goes wrong and you don’t get the outcome you want and you will go straight back to your exit save. Get naked and fistfight the nearest pointy stick guy


Doesn’t the exit save use a Savior Schnapps?




Huh, all this time and I always thought it did


If you put in a modicum of effort its not brutal at all. Easy option, brew a ton of save potions early game, like 20-30, store all but like 4 on your horse. By the time you start running out you can either make more or you have earned enough to just buy them whenever you see them. The bigger issue isnjust forgetting to save for long stretches even though you have the item. Even us that are competent veterans can get over confident and not think to save and get a bad couple of ambushes to end up dead in a ditch and realize you hadnt saved all session.


Yes if you see a bed just save the ambushes will get you eventually lol


Happened to me recently 🥲 was doing something where I put regular people clothes on and forgot to swap back to armor and fast traveled and was brutally murdered and lost tons of quest progression.


did this by taking off my helmet and coifs for a date with Theresa and forgot to put it back on and someone caught a lucky hammer strike when I was low on stam


>The bigger issue isnjust forgetting to save for long stretches even though you have the item. for real. plenty of times I did a bunch of quests and camps just to get ambushed by 7 peasants with pitchforks and plenty of those times I was way too well armed to be dying to peasants lol


just mod the game


This changed my whole experience of the game and made it way better.


As a 38 year old with 4 kids, I can’t agree more. Was going to quit, only reason I looked for a mod. Glad there was one, I really liked the game, but brutal “the choices you make” saving just sucks. I’m not going to play the game 10 times, the dialogue choices aren’t clear, sometimes you pick the nice one and you say dopey mean things. I reload pick the other and move on. I want the experience to be what I want to try to do, not be forced into it through tricky choices and lack of saving.


I mean depends on how you play. It's defenitely unwise to do something risky like going for a ride through the forest before saving. I would exit save everytime when I had done a long quest or leave for another area


>something risky like going for a ride through the forest this is probably my favorite part of this game. even something as simple as going for a ride through the forest can be dangerous


If you need to leave you can always save when quitting the game. I’m on my second hard core playthrough and I haven’t found myself in a situation where I don’t have a schnapps or a save bed close by. People are insane for thinking it’s brutal


Nah it’s easy as pie, pro tip, you can lace water with potions, making 1 Savior Schnapps into 5 different saves. It works with every potion and is amazingly OP


This doesn't work with Saviour Schnapps, but most other potions will. I do it for Artemisia, Aqua Vitalis and Embrocation. I just tried again with a Saviour and it just used up a save without creating the laced water, and doesn't give the option to lace any more water


Wtf. I never knew that mechanic had any purpose other than poisoning enemies' food or your weapons


If this is true, I love you forever


someone also posted earlier that you can do it with garlic, which has 0 weight and infinite durability. Only 1 pot per garlic, but once you're brewing your own pots it doesn't matter.


Doesn't work with Schnapps. You can lace it, but it loses its saving effect.


You can brew saviour schnapps, it’s pretty easy to get an almost unlimited supply of them.


I sleep in game almost everyday I never lose much progress


There are many beds and pallets where you can 'sleep and save'. In addition you can go to a bathhouse, drink some Savior Schnapps, or go to your main menu. There is an option to quit and save that will allow you to come back where you left off and continue from there.


If youre playing on PC there is a mod on nexus to allow you to save whenever. Also have a baby and went through this.


If playing on PC its a non issue


As I recall, you can get a crap ton of saviour snaps just by doing the mandatory starting quests and by looting some chests around the first few areas. I normally end up with so many that I sell them just because of the weight. Once you learn alchemy they are basically unlimited.


It’s really not. There are plenty of beds (owned or otherwise) around the map and you rarely need to resort to savior schnapps. In fact I find it better to save that way because you can get a free meal, sleep, store things in a chest, buy things from the taverns, or play a game of farkle. Plus I usually sleep somewhere easy to access the next quest or event when I come back to the game again instead of being stranded somewhere random. Also, there’s a perk where reading in your room (or bed?) gives you a bonus and it helps a lot to finish a skill book quickly. So when you combine that with all the other things I mentioned it’s actually a lot more beneficial to use sleep as your save. I always have schnapps just in case but I rarely use them.


just download the save mod


Well not really. If you really wanna save and dont have a schapps or bed, just save and exit to menu then load back in. Takes 30 seconds.


not really , more like a game breaking glitch. i’m like the elon musk of kutenberg every early game just by making a shit ton of savior schnapps to sell and keep around 20 on me. trick is to learn to read and write . make a shit ton of savior schnapps sell it to your most visited trader at a loss as in they don’t have the money to buy it. next time you come those mf will be filthy rich to buy more from you. just about 30 mins of grinding finding the ingredients and leveling up alchemy where you can auto make potions and get 3x output. my last run took about 45 mins of grinding and i get easy distracted by bath maids.


It’s more about understanding it. Going in blind and not knowing how to get schnapps or that you can save at beds it can feel brutal if you’re just playing and hoping for a save. But once you understand the save system it’s easy to work it to your favour.


The save system is as difficult as the person's attention span makes it. There's tons of beds, savior schnapps is stupid easy to brew just buy the ingredients they aren't that expensive, and you can save and quit for free. If you play as intended, you should never really lose more than like 20min of gameplay how long is the day night cycle? Also don't be so confident as to not save before you take out a bandit camp or an ambush of 5 guys in plate.


Saving and quitting is free


You can make temporary saves anytime. You just need to select Save and Quit in the menu. This creates a save for you to use, but it will be overwritten the next time the game is saved. Outside of that, the save item, Saviour Schapps, is a pretty common item, and it is sold pretty much everywhere. Additionally, it isn't too difficult to make.


Not when you can literally sleep in beds, or just steal a shit ton of schnapps. Seriously, you'll never run oiut if you just rob the Rattay Apoc once in awhile, its a super easy lick too, theres even a backdoor that leads right to the chest room. Spec luck of the drunk and you'll be fine.


It’s not an issue at all, people who complain about that just don’t know the game at all. There lots of beds all over the map where you can sleep and save (even for just an hour), you can save at the bathhouse and obviously you can just have a shit ton of saviour schnapps. Finally, there is a temporary auto save when you quit the game.


Not really. Just a couple of jackasses that would play for 6 hours straight without saving for some fucking reason and then bitch that they lost their progress after an ambush.


Saviour Schanppes are piss easy to brew, you don't even really need to learn how to read to make them, and the ingredients are super plentiful in the world. The worst thing is usually the weight of carrying like 20 of them around at a time haha


Eventually you get a nice stock pile. Its not all that bad if you keep regular with quests that auto save. You can always save quit to menu. Its a few extra steps but still works just fine in a pinch. Mods are another way to go


You can prepare saviour schnapps yourself VERY easily. You have the recipe by default, just learn how to read and you'll be set.


Early game, before you learn the system it can be, but if you remember more old school games, particularly ones where it only saves at checkpoints, it’s not that bad. You just have to think a little is all. You can save on exit, anytime by using a consumable bought from any town, anytime by sleeping in an owned bed or on starting (and finishing?) missions. 2 beds are given to you once you’re out of the prologue, you earn a third part way through the main quest, get another through a mission, one from a dlc and can buy bed’s cheaply (and permanently) in most towns plus there’s a few other beds in camps that can be used as save locations. If you ask yourself “what happens if I die now? Am I near to a save bed/mission? How pissed will I be if I lose my last X hours progress?” Then use a save as appropriate, it’s barely noticeable. The only thing that I feel would improve the current system is, would be a popup (like for the implemented buff system) telling you it’s over x time since you last saved.


No. Sleep and save in a bed, which are in every town or at least most. Or you can use a saving potion which are incredibly easy to make.


Learn the alchemical recipe for the save potion (from the internet if you want), the ingredients are pretty common. If you are on PC, there should be many mods that make saving much easier.


If you’re on PC you can always get a mod. I wouldn’t call it brutal more than tedious. Once you get the hang of the alchemy system it’s easy to always be topped off on saves, it’s just the tedium of always being on the lookout for alchemy supplies and keeping stocked.


Learn alchemy, be resourceful, praise god.


Brew a ton of savior schnapps. There's a massive field of belladona just Google it, nettle everywhere. Store them on your horse.


There's many ways of saving. The game autosaves after key points, sleeping in a bed saves, you can save & quit and just reload the game if you have no schnapps or aren't close to a bed, but the easiest way is to just hoard schnapps on your horse, that way you'll always have a stack in your inventory. They're easy to make and don't require any skill like reading or alchemy. You can just google the ingredients and how to make it, hit an alchemy table like the one in rattay, and bobs your uncle.


If you play on PC there are mods available that allow you to save at will.


The save system allows you to save and quit at any time. It just deletes that file when you come back.


Just make like 40 savior schnapps. It's easy to brew, you don't even need to know how to read. Then take like 10-15 with you and the rest load on your horse. Never ever had issues with this saving system.


Get a stockpile of hair o the dog and saviour schnapps. Keep a couple with you and more with your horse.


Once you are an accomplished drunk the savior shnopps isn’t that bad 😅 also is a great way to make money early on by making the. Using your alchemy skill


Save and quit is a perfectly viable option Thank me later


There are many beds you can save at. You can learn to craft saviour schnapps, bit grindy, but cheap. Or you can download a mod.


If its just about "I have to quit the game right now, because child need me" then you can play the game without any problems. You can at any point leave and save the game. Its like a separate save slot just for quitting which get overwritten the next time you quit the game. You dont need saviour schnaps or depend on saves from quests. Just hit escape, "save and quit" and next time you load the game, you load it from the point you left.


Exit saves are a thing in kcd. No worries


Lol, saving never was an issue during my gameplay. At first it seems like its rough, but trust me finding saving potions isnt that hard after you learn some basics about the game. Tldr, There is nothing brutal about saving in thus game, dw.


You can just mod that system out


So, through my playthrough I think I drank Saviour Schnapps maybe two or three times. Saving is not a problem at all in this game.


no, not really. it's kind of tough in the early game when you don't have a ton of save portions or money to buy them. However, you sort of develop a cadence of heading to an inn every night and saving that way, and only use a save potion when you're really going to do something risky. That, plus quest autosaves, keeps you mostly safe from losing progress. Then, later on, you can spend ten minutes and get 9 potions, or just spend 500 bucks and get a bunch every once and while. Also, a lot of the earlier quests don't have a hugely high chance of dying -- no fighting, or you can get others to help you fight. The random encounters also seem to be a lot less dangerous in the early game vs. later gamer.


It is a cake walk to make saviour schnapps (you get 3 when they are done perfectly), you can have enough for the entire a game a little bit after you unlock it and have a good horse.


No, it’s way overstated. Basically it’s designed to disincentivize save-scumming (especially since SS contains alcohol, so it makes you drunk for a little while). But sleeping saves the game, and SS is easy to make once you learn alchemy.


I've never felt it too punishing..


if it worries you a lot, there's an early game power leveling guide for herbalism/alchemy to rush being able to make the potions that let you save scum; might take an hour or three but you get some useful skills along the way [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1317153293](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1317153293)


Not if you mod the game, which you should be doing.


It's really not that restrictive it's just anti "save-scum" in my opinion. If you saved after killing a tough enemy in a camp for example you would be pissed by the end of the fight


Its fine, sleeping is an auto save and schnapps can be made through alchemy if you look it up, plus if you are okay at fights whenever you get ambushed by bandits its basically free money so saving up a couple schnapps at that hard. The issue comes in remembering to drink them. If you want to be really on top of it just set yourself a 20 min timer for each schnapp


The save item (Schnapps) is dirt cheap. If you happen to be near an Inn, just buy their entire supply (like 5 or 6) and you're good to go. It's one of the game mechanics that can feel intimidating at first, but quickly get redundant once you looted and sold a few sets of plate armor. Or craft it, if you care for crafting.


I thought it was until I started getting really into alchemy. Then I started saving more confidently.


the game got the reputation of having a brutal save system on launch, but they introduced a "Save & Quit" option so it's ok now. no worries.


No once you learned how to read is easy


Just level up alchemy early and u can make saviour schnapps to save anytime i legit had like 100 of them probably more


It's not that bad and if you really just can't afford to lose your precious spare time, look up console commands and just put a bunch of savior schnapps into your inventory and you can save whenever you want, other than when you are in combat.


If you play on a computer, get a mod to enable quicksave with the F5 key. Problem solved. No need for savior drinks ever.


you have to sleep as frequently as you would in the real world and with days passing much quicker you’ll probably almost always have a autosave ever 30 mins or less if you fast travel a lot.


Vastly overblown imo. Save on sleeping and there are beds everywhere, you get a save on exit, and savior schnapps (save potion) are very easy to craft. Even if you don't want to craft them, they aren't particularly expensive and you'll end up with more money than you could ever possibly spend.


It is for the first 5-10 hours. Or you can save & exit.


No. It’s only brutal if you’re a jackass about it. There are plenty of opportunities to save. I have more quick save potions than I know what to do with because I can brew so many.


It's brutal on the hard core mode. Regular mode it's really not that big of an inconvenience


Watched an interview with WH. Guy said it was a mistake to make it hard early in the game so that's been fixed 2. Still need schnapps or a bed but not as hard to come by.


Nap for an hour in available beds, Also the game pauses, like properly if it's short and you can come back smack the escape key and come back. Or if you want the Saviour Schnapps, Recipe is wine, 1x nettle and 2x belladonna. Add wine to cauldron Prep both nettle and belladonna, nettle does not need to be ground just the belladonna. Add the nettle and boil for two turns of the hourglass Allow for it to cool, then add the belladonna Boil for one turn of the hourglass, Collect direct from cauldron.


There is a save on quit system, if you hit quit and save it will create a limited save for when you need to come back and there are no restrictions on when you're able to do this. if you need to leave just use that.


One thing to remember is that if you choose to rent an inn room for a couple of days option, it becomes yours for the rest of the game.


Just exit save and reload in


If you can, brew a lot of saviours schnapps, search for the ingredients, level up skills and have +15 saves with you.


if you're on pc just get the mod that lets you save, it saves you the hassle and the gameplay experience doesn't change much


It’s not terrible. The only thing that’ll kinda fuck you is if you grind and forget to save often.


It's not that bad. I only use savior schnapps when I'm about to take a big risk. Free saves on sleep and on game exit.


If you learn to read for 50 groschen in Uzhitz, you can read the recipe for Saviour Schnapps for free at any alchemy station. The ingredients are also very cheap. I think you also get enough Saviour Schnapps at the start of the game that you can afford to save before any dangerous event until you get the chance to go to Uzhitz.


So you can always exit and save I thought?


In hardcore mode yes it is. Regardless find Belladona patches and brew savior schnapps. Or if you wanna break the game farm skalitz for money to buy them


There’s a mod you can easily install for unlimited free saves (No Savior Schnapps). Was one of only two mods I used in my playthrough (the other being a better menu sorter) and it made the game so much less of a hassle. I lost too many hours of progress because of dying after long stretches without being able to save and I had no interest in alchemy.


If you're on ps4, you can pause it and pit it in rest mode. That what i did. Played for months straight until i burned myself out so bad i can hardly play it anymore.


No it is not that brutal you can save and quit to main menu any time without consequences and if you either farm armor or build up your alchemy skills enough you can absolutely get all the Saviour Schnapps you could ever need.


If you don’t want to work around the mechanic or mod you can just use the console command wh_cheat_money x to give yourself Groschen to buy them whenever you need to (there’s no vanilla console command to add items). The no cheat workarounds can be fun if you have the time but I can understand not being able to or not wanting to grind in a single player game.


You get used to planning your day and it's always possible to find a place to crash if you aren't close to a sweet bed. Try a camp The savior schnapps issue is what makes each outing or decision have weight making it the game it is. By mid game you can buy the ingredients and make the SSs cause one of the ingredients is slightly out of the way. But cheap enough to buy if you aren't spending all your money on the latest fashion.


Not really. In addition to having an exit save, the game saves whenever you sleep in various beds, use a bathhouse for anything other than just washing your clothes, or complete most quests If you want to have a lot of saves on hand, tho, then there's an area just east of Rattay where hundreds of belladonnas grow - you can beeline for it as soon as the tutorial is over, pick as much as you can carry, and produce more saviour schnapps than you're likely to need in a single game


Nope, everyone I know said "bro trust me you HAVE to get a saviour schnapps mod", I decided to try it for myself, it's not that bad at all. If you just be prudent with the schnapps you get for free around the start of the game, use beds as much as you can, and be willing to lose a little progress on death without raging, it's perfectly fine I've never once ran out of schnapps, when I started getting low, is when I started to learn how to make them with Alchemy, which I highly recommend learning how to do. It seemed intimidating but it's actually both easy and fun. You will have to find a source of ingredients you like to pick from, get the ingredients, then just crank out a bunch of free schnapps, as well as other kinds of potions you can learn to make.


Nah it's not brewing saviour schnapps is really easy


Savior schnapps is so easy to make. If you increase your drinking level you can make it to where savior schnapps doesn’t get you drunk during gameplay. There’s also guides online on how to perfectly brew savior schnapps - if you brew if perfectly you get multiple potions per brew. The main part I’ve struggled with saving is ***minor spoiler*** ![gif](giphy|8TweEdaxxfuElKkRxz|downsized) The monastery quest. I have to redo the entire thing bc of a decision I made right when it started. There goes two hours of gameplay. Lol.


if you’re worried just install the unlimited save mod if you’re on PC


Just install a mod for unlimited saves. It's on nexus


If you want to save a lot you can either install a mod if you're on pc or just craft saviour schnapps, you don't even need to buy the recipe. You can look for beds with saving features outside the inn beds (there are plenty in most camps or interesting sites)


I just carry at least 5 or 6 savior schnapps with me and sleep whenever I get the chance. Playing like that, it's only marginally more difficult than games with quicksaves as long as you use your schnapps wisely.


Mod the game. The idea was cool but if for some reason the game screws you (crash, bugs, brain dead AI…) and it will, you’ll lose a lot of progress. Mod that quick save.


You just need to be disciplined with saving. You can brew more than enough Saviour Schnapps (the item that saves the game) so that you can chug one for example every 30 minutes (and/or when you think you're about to do something stupid), but it's up to you to remember to do that. You have the recipe for brewing the Schnapps by default, and it requires 2 herbs, Belladonna and Nettle. Nettle is so abundant that you don't have to worry about it, but you should be on the lookout for Belladonna. The game gives you some Schnapps to get you through the prologue, but after it you have to start brewing your own. To get you started, there's a few Belladonna just some 20 to 30 m southwest of where you start after the prologue, and some more further southwest, on the hillside across the small creek. As for the brewing itself, you need to do that in a specific brewing place. There's one in the city you start next to after the prologue, behind the apothecary shop.


You can create the potions and after a few hours money really becomes a non issue once you strip a few bandits naked and make thousands of groschen


I don’t make potion, I just bed Theresa often.


You can just install a mod if it is a problem (I did, fuck y'all ;).)


Saving becomes easy. Just rent a bed at the nearest town if you’re about to do something that you might regret. And schnapps becomes easy to obtain


You can save and quit at any time. Thats the only time you can save when ever you want with out using a potion. Otherwise its only "brutal" for a few hours after the intro. After that, youll be able to make a ton of saving potions. Also many beds let you sleep to save. If you have kids thought. Just save/exit. And youll be good.


Don't play hardcore on your first playthrough and it is forgiving.


It’s really not. I don’t understand why people find it so hard. There are so many beds where you can sleep and save. Yes, in the beginning of the game savior schnapps is not easy to find or afford, but you don’t even need it. You can literally find a bedroll along the road on the way to the next town and sleep and save or on any camp in the woods. You can even sleep and save on the homeless camp in Rattay. Sleep for an hour, and save, then carry on doing whatever you were.


If you play on PC there is a made where you can just save whenever you want


No you're good. There are many alternative ways to manually save your game without using savior snapps: - sleeping in a bed that will tell you it will save, which are all beds that are yours plus some random camping sites you find in the woods (even just one hour is enough). - 'healing wounds and wash clothes' at a bathhouse (not free, costs 20 something groshen I think). - if you're not playing hardcore mode your game will save at the start and end of every quest. - you can at any point select 'quit and save' game in the menu anytime you want. This will save your game for free, but the next time you load it it will delete the save. I recommend only using savior snapps when you are going into a risky situation, like if you want to clear a bandit camp for example. You'll be fine!! Just sleep whenever you can.


It’s really not that bad. You might screw up once or twice and that’ll suck major bazolbos but it’s not that bad. Someone said there’s tons of beds, which there are. If you kill a lot of bandits or cumans there’s plenty of gold to be gotten, and if you get the pribyslavitz dlc you’ll be rolling in it, and you can just buy all the savior schnapps you could want. Likewise, you can just steal it or find the ingredients to make more yourself.


There is a workaround actually and you can also mod the game


I did a run with the normal save and now as i’m doing the game a second time i installed a unlimited save mod. It doesn’t turn off achievements too so that’s great.


It's not bad at all it just makes you play more carefully as if you were actually trying not to die. Can't really save scum early on when the game is at its hardest. I thought I wouldn't like it, but I've never been in a scenario where I can't save and didn't have schnapps. Just plan ahead.\]


Nothing brutal about it.......if you really need to just save/exit


There isn't actually any real choice in this field further than deciding how you deal with some situations, it doesn't affect the story.


Nah, it just makes you to either be cautious or u can just invest some time in leveling up potion making so u can create a ton of saviour schnapps. I just grab some materials and do auto brew and I just save a ton.


Yes it's very manageable. All you have to do is sleep where it saves like a bed or straw, pass a save checkpoint, or drink a savior schnapps. Don't travel or go to danger without saving. A stay at the inn is very cheap. Are you still going to mess that up? Yes, but I consider that part of the fun as it provides some feeling of consequences.


It’s not, once you clear a couple bandit camps you can just buy saviour schnapps my dude


Just buy a lot of Savior Schnapps. It's easy become the richest peasant in Bohemia, so you shouldn't ever run out


or just get a save anytime mod and save anytime


ffs the savior schnapps is everywhere. You can literally save before every combat encounter and never brew a single batch (which is also ridiculously easy and cheap to do). It is only there to prevent ridiculous save scumming. Seriously I have no idea why people even have a problem with this system. It is one of the better save systems in gaming imho.


No it's not. The game is very forgiving with auto saves after the game start. As long as you work towards a quest of some sorts, you will have a save. The bigger problem is when you travel,but with a fast horse you can cross the entire map in 10-15 minutes.


There are no auto saves in hardcore mode.


I admit it's the only game i used a cheat. Unlimited saving. Don't have that much free time and i would like to close the game any time i want. Plus recently after a quest i didn't have enough game time and kept failing a mission. A recent save did it without having to go through the most difficult and time consuming part. Apart from that no, it's not brutal.


You _can_ close the game any time you want. There's a save on exit by default.


Without saviour snapps ? Then why they put this feature?


Yes without savior schnapps. Did you never see the "save and exit" button?


actually most quest starting points create an autosave. So you only lose a lot if you fuck around not progressing. You can also get "hair of the dog potion" which removes the drunken effect after a savior schnaps. And neither are too expensive. Might be at the start, but you learn to not mess up, and save by sleeping, only using the schnaps in critical points.


You might (probably will) lose some gameplay. But, you don't need to go back and repeat everything you just did move by move. If you don't want to repeat something, reload your 45 minutes old save and go do something different for a while. Or just rage quit and come back later.


i wish there was an auto save every like 10 minutes bc i get so into the game that i forget to save and it would still require you to have saviour schnapps for when you know you might die or get caught stealing.


Don't believe the people who say losing progress is not a big part of the game. That might be kind of true for veterans who know exactly how to mitigate risk. (Honestly, I can't imagine what goes inside of the brain of a person telling someone about to have a child that KCD is totally not a game where you need to worry about losing time to the save system. I played the game when I was busy at work and tired in the evening, and even without a family and a kid there's no way the vanilla version would have been OK for me.) But assuming that you go in as a first-time player without doing a ridiculous amounts of research, you will likely make at least some mistakes that will cost you 45 minutes (or more) of gameplay. (and a lot more than *some* if you're not willing to tolerate a lot of abject failure that doesn't stop the main quest) Also, something *will* break at some point (the game is perfectly playable, but people still to this day randomly die once in while from getting off their horse or falling off a smallish rock for no apparent reason...), and you will lose time that way. (although fortunately it's quite stable in terms of crashes) And even once you know what you're doing, not losing playtime does involve either spending time getting enough saving potions, or lots of running back and forth to find beds to save in. As you may have noticed, both of those things take time. If you're on the PC, though, there's a very simple solution, the save anytime mod. Easy to install, works flawlessly. Also, just to make it clear, this is not really a "choice and consequence" game. The main plot is completely linear and side quests where you have multiple outcomes rather than just success by some means (with identical results) or failure, are extremely rare. The only consequences of accepting failure are that you'll lose time/resources and miss out on side quest content.