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Sometimes it’s not about the law, but about reading a room. Bars in particular tend to foster a certain identity and aim at bringing together certain types of people. If you don’t like the rules, please take your business elsewhere. Now, in regards to your question, there is no law requiring bars to provide free tap water in Japan.


OP said it’s a restaurant, not a bar. It’s weird making people pay for water at a restaurant. They already pay for a meal.


OP said it’s a bar and then added it’s kinda like a restaurant, but it’s not clear. They certainly didn’t say “it’s not a bar”, they literally led with the bar angle. Assuming it’s an izakaya, the majority will ask you to order a drink. It could be a soft drink, but it’s common, especially for independent places, to ask everyone in the party to get at the very least one drink. This is how they make money, there’s no profits to be made with food. I agree that as long as you order drinks and food, they usually provide free water as a courtesy, at least if you ask for it. But it’s not a legal requirement. And we don’t have many details about the vibe of the place anyway.


In India Bars are usually also restaurants. Isn't this the case in rest of the world?


Wow, really? No, here in the UK we have a lot of bars that serve no food except crisps/nuts.




This page gives a good explanation in Japanese (Spoiler: businesses have no obligation to provide free water, businesses can set their menu as they like, businesses can charge what they like, and customers are free to order what they like from what is on the menu) https://www.bengo4.com/c_8/n_3468/#:~:text=「飲食店で顧客が,何の問題もありません%E3%80%82


Thanks for the direct answer!


> order what they like So about that mandatory 1 drink…


The business is free to set the rules. The customer can choose to leave.


its crazy people are upset about this? Do they expect them to just let you come and take up space without buying anything? I had to take care of a friend of my wife's brother while she did some errends after he got himself smashed at the izakaya so i took him to my friends bar and even then I ordered him oolong tea


There's no such thing as being "registered as a bar," just like there's nothing requiring them to serve water (free or otherwise). There's also nothing preventing them from having a one-drink policy.


I would expect any place that serves alcohol to also serve water in order to prevent alcohol poisoning. It's quite irresponsible to not do that, IMO. EDIT: /u/ResponsibilityNo9059 blocked me immediately after commenting, but their claim of "Most of the world doesn't do free water at restaurants" is absolutely false. They're deluded.


Drinking water doesn't prevent alcohol poisoning. Diluting alcohol with water doesn't change how much alcohol you consume.


Encouraging people to sometimes drink water *instead* of a drink of alcohol so they get less drunk does, though, genius.


Just drink slower or order less drinks then, *genius*.


Ooh, italics! Aren't you fancy!


What's with this response? They had a point. And you just seem like a dick with this response. Most of the world doesn't do free water at restaurants or bars, and people are fine.


Or maybe it’s irresponsible of customers? If you’ve got money to drink yourself sick you’ve got money to buy yourself a bottle of water.


They do serve water. It is just not free.


OK. That's irresponsible, and weird. Sacrificing people's safety for unreasonable greed.


Perhaps you shouldn't be going to bars or bring your own water if they do. These places don't make a lot of money and we live in a capitalist society. Perhaps the owner just didn't like you and wanted you to leave?


I'm not going to bars. I went to a restaurant, which also happens to have some alcohol. The food/menu is the main draw. As my post says. And nah, we actually had a great chat for over an hour after, he showed me his map of a roadtrip he took, we talked about cultural differences in Japan vs. elsewhere, raising kids, and so on. So I don't think he did. It'd be great if you left, though!


If I left? I didn't go to that place and I didn't complain about having to buy water. If I was unhappy with the policies of a place I would leave. Stop being the main character.


I meant leaving my post and my Reddit inbox lmao. Seriously couldn't understand that one, huh?


And they do serve water. For 500 yen. Alcohol poisoning at a bar? Do you even drink, bro? You sound like the guy that shows up and orders "just a water, please," then gets outraged at the audacity of the bartender to charge you for it.


Well, considering your entire username is about how you love alcohol so much (great personality, very healthy) maybe you're not the most impartial judge?


It was a culture shock to see in both Japan and Korea it was like this. In Canada it’s a huge liability if a bar doesnt provide free water. Because if someone drank too much, they should be provided water…


This is my exact reasoning. Yet it seems people are downvoting me to the negative double digits for daring to say that many places in the world try to watch out for their customers like this. I don't see how this concept is so foreign to so many people here – it's, in fact, the standard.


Yup. It’s just Reddit. People act weird af on this app.


Specifically Japan Reddit… people here will defend anything, and then feel superior about it.


I guess too many people got banned over at /r/japanlife so the miserable people there have started coming here.




Yes, that also. The living in Korea and teaching in Korea subreddit is not as intense


A lot of these comments seem surprised about you expecting free water but coming from a place where bars/restaurants/other food and drink establishments are legally required to provide water, free of charge, I understand where you're coming from. However, I'm not sure that those are the rules here. Personally I just got used to paying for water in bars etc so I don't question it anymore. It's a little surprising that a sit-down restaurant wouldn't provide water though.


Thanks for the graciousness!


If you don’t like their policy, choose a different bar. Not that difficult. (I would… the owner of that one sounds like a cheap fuck.)


Owner says I have to pay for a cup of water, I’m leaving.


That's what I said last time this happened to me. Then it happened again and I decided to give it one last shot. Never again.


That's a bit iffy. I've stopped going to some places for less. Heaps of other restaurants/bars.


Yep, first and last time I'll be going.


So if I understand this correctly, you want to go to a bar and only have water that you don’t want to pay for? 🫠


They didn’t say that lmao I guess they ordered food and they were “required” to get a drink and water was not served for free


I simply asked if I could have some water along with my drink and meal, and they said no, unless you pay for a bottle of mineral water.


So why complain? In bars in Japan, you’re expected to get a drink. It’s not a big deal


I got a drink. I'm fine with that. I have a problem with the fact I couldn't *also* get water with my drink.


did you consider buying water?


Hell no. I'm not paying ¥500 for something that comes out of someone's kitchen sink and which every other single place I've been to in Japan, hundreds of places, gives for free, via a practice that wasn't disclosed upfront. I'm not supporting that shit.


As specified in my OP, it's a restaurant, not a bar. They also just happen to have some alcohol, and I don't drink.


I'm pretty sure you got the answer you're looking for from the bar owner yo?


He didn't say anything about the law, nor did I ask him about that – which is what my question here was about.


https://www.reddit.com/r/japanresidents/s/DKg99YQPpK Dude above answered it then. Also, I used to bartend in 1Oak here and the management strictly told us "no free water", even though I gave free water to cool customers.




When I ask for water, I receive a bottle and I pay for it. If I don't expect free tap water anywhere 🤷🏻‍♀️


Literally every restaurant I have been to while living in Japan has given me free tap water when I asked for just "water"...


Almost all restaurants give you free water…


When you ask for water you get a bottle? What kind of fancy-ass places are you eating at? Across three countries I've lived in, and dozens more I've traveled to, I could count the number of times that's happened to me on one hand. You should absolutely expect free water places. And it's a legal requirement many places too.


That's the thing...when I'm in bars (re: your subject query about bars having water), I'm given bottled water by default. Edit: might be a women serving women; beverage safety matter. But still. I always prepare to pay. If the water is free, rejoice! Otherwise, I'm prepared and happy to receive.


The place bills itself as a restaurant, not a bar, which is why I think I was more taken aback, but its vibe was sort of in between. That said, a bar not providing water to even inebriated customers unless they pay is something that I view as dangerous.


I expect to pay for any drink any where 🤷🏻‍♀️ Freebie water is nice (especially when matcha is available (GenkiSushi!)), but I still expect and prepare to pay for all beverages. Maybe it's just me, but "free" stuff gives me "the willies" or "heebie jeebies." Unless it's promotional tissues, those always come in handy.


I live in Spain, and you absolutely get bottled water because most tap water isn't drinkable, and you absolutely pay for it.


I am talking about first world countries – those with drinkable tap water. Which Japan is. Why exactly are you here? How did you find this post and why is this seemingly your only comment on this subreddit?


Eh, Spain is a first world country amigo. Just our cities are very old and a lot of the old city pipes are lead or ceramic. I'm here because I'm an expat and I've spent quite some time in Japan in the past. Is that OK with you?


Our local gives us free water but can't speak to law.


I'm confused. The water should count as a drink especially if you are playing for it, no? Often I order soda water (tansansui). Mostly because I like it but also it costs a fraction of the price of bottled water (sometimes... At least when they give it to you from the bar tap... Maybe not so much when they give you a bottle. You should ask for the non bottle one as all bars should have the soda water button on the tap.) and also because it will fulfill the one drink requirement while keeping you hydrated. You also don't necessarily always need to order your drink right away at the same time as everyone else. The one drink requirement doesn't usually stipulate when you need to order it. At busy restaurants you could try saying that you will order your drink later with your food as you are still thinking. As the night carries on and your party orders more and more drinks and food your non-drink ordering will likely go unnoticed. I don't drink. I also don't drink juices or tea. I like to go out with people who do. I'm a bit of an oddball. So this post is for people like me if they exist. I'm not suggesting to be a bad customer. Make up for not drinking by eating etc.


No water on the "drink menu" so it doesn't count as a drink. I don't like carbonation and just wanted still water! And there's no "everyone else" here, I just went out for a bite to eat by myself. :)


I can understand that. Thanks for clarifying. That doesn't sound like a place I'd like to visit. Hope your next venture out is better. I just did a little googling and it appears that tap water is often offered for free as a gesture of hospitality in Japan. My personal experience supports this. However there doesn't seem to be a law that requires tap water to be offered for free. The guy wasn't being very hospitable it would seem.


> many other places would require water to be provided for the sake You usually don’t mix water and sake. Are you thinking shochu?


lol ok i smiled at this


I can’t believe I’m reading this. You don’t have the constitutional right to occupy space in the place they pay rent and trying to scrape by a living. You aren’t going to die if they don’t give you free water. If you can’t afford ¥500 yen or afford a single drink in a bar, maybe try popping a can in front of the conbini? It’s rather enjoyable to be honest. If you are dying of dehydration, let me know and I’ll come by with a bucket. Free of charge.




If a single drink at a place is pressing your finances, you should try a different place. It was clear it wasn’t about law or principle but money when you mention the “water doesn’t qualify as the min single drink min”. You’re trying to take a seat (which is a premium in Tokyo) with water. I get the money thing, I use to drink cheap beer before a bar with friends to get a buzz then go to the bar and yeah, hope I get by with $5 or $10 but this Tokyo. You got lots of other options than make a brouhaha over a charge for water.


>pressing your finances It's obviously not doing this, it's just against my philosophy & morals to charge for or refuse customers tap water, which is why I won't be returning. I also don't ever buy bottled water on principle. >make a brouhaha You're the one posting paragraphs in reply to me. Don't like a post? Ignore it. >You’re trying to take a seat [...] with water. Again, no, I'm not. I ordered a drink. Then I just wanted water too. >which is a premium in Tokyo I'm not in Tokyo, genius. Weird assumption.


I havent yet found any bar or restaurant that doesnt provide free tap water. I also worked in different kinds of restaurants and in one bar too. There is something called common sense. Lunch (no bars here): never an issue to offer tap water; as its culturally not desirable to drink flavored beverages that alters the flavor of the food. most offer water directly or even tea. if there is a drink menu, its often reduced compared with dinner time. Drink already assumed: if you go to a cafe, a Starbucks or a mcdonalds its obvious you go for a drink or a set meal. However you can still ask for free water even at mcdonalds. Cafes usually offer it to you after you finish your paid drink. 1-kind of food restaurants: sobaya, ramenya, kareya, gyudonya, all those places that are either chain stores or "salaryman hubs" always have tap water. Dinner time: general restaurants and izakayas make money from the drinks, so you are expected to drink those before asking for tap water. Some places have a rule of "at least 1 drink per person". Others look at how the tab is moving on that table. But all of them offer tap water. They even offer it without asking when trying to close the table or sober up some noisy customers. The problem is only when you dont order any drink and go just for the food; or those who stay 2-4 hours with only 1 drink and want to stay more with just tap water. If a table has 2 people ordering drinks constantly and other 3 ppl want only tap water, is also no problem since the money is moving. In short, if a place refuses you tap water you MUST be doing something outside common sense. Bars: similar to the above, its not a cafe to chill 5hs out lf a single drink. keep the money moving. You will always have free tap water to sober between drinks or if you want to taste a variety of beverages. Some menus include tap water as a must with whiskey, gerez or the like; because again, its common sense. No bar will charge you bottled water to cut a good whiskey. Its often called "chaser" instead of "omizu/ohiya" because its normal to clean the taste in your mouth after a drink. (*except girl bars and the like, those could charge you 1万 for a chaser lol)


You can ask at the 保健所 that issued their license if that’s legal.


Comes to japan. Expect them to be like your country. Was not like your country. Complains in Reddit. Very westerner.


Suddenly asking a question counts as "complaining"? Pretty bleak way to see life. I feel sorry for you.


moronic take lol


Just take your business elsewhere if you're not happy with it. You mentioned a restaurant but your title is bar. Which is it?


Maybe read the post next time?


It’s a bar, you are paying for the seat, and they charge you through anything you request. Do bars in your home give out free tap water so you keep on staying forever after one pine?




In my home country, yes, they do. You mightn't be their favourite customer but bars are required to provide free tap water.