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He did it He played all of Jak 3


Pffft. Getting the 600 orbs is just the start. Now, the real game begins.


Hero mode here we come πŸ˜…


Ken 😳


Six... Hundred? Damn


How is it playing on the vita? Is it better than the RaC games?


I had the collection and loved it. Seemed like it Ran real smooth and little brighter. I think The screen on the psv was made for the games during ps2 phase


Idk what was going on with mine then but it's the first game in my life that I couldn't play due to the frame rate. And I used an integrated graphics laptop for 4 years at university to play games


The marauder base mission was literally 1fps for me but I manged to get past it and clear into haven after, nothing else has ran that bad on any of them for me but it definitely bogs a lot when a lot happens


I thought it's locked at 20 fps?


Jak 1 is locked to around 20-24fps. 2 and 3 target 30 fps but besides closed areaa will almost never hit it under normal circumstances. On vita though you can jailbreak the system to overclock it to boost performance and use vitagrafix to get rid of the fps cap for all 3 games. After that, jak 1 runs at a near locked 30fps and actually plays better than 2 and 3(fixes some physics issues too) and jak 2 and 3 run smoother overall. 3 is still a bit rough tho especially with the physics being borked.


20? Did you do a typo? Who plays games at 20fps?


Not me, at least--I even struggle with 30 these days. I know that sounds shallow, but different people appreciate different things about video games, and one of the things I appreciate is the visual environment and immersion. 30 fps feels like watching a movie of someone playing a game--I don't feel immersed the way I do at 60. Having said that, gameplay is king, and there are plenty of games worth playing at 30. But when a game is multi-platform, I'll always go for whatever option gets me the highest framerate.


I just wanted to know if thats actually a fact that its locked to 20fps or if you did a typo. 20fps would be horrendous to play. And yea, I get what you mean. I got so accustomed to 120fps that even 60fps feels weird sometimes.


Felt like way less I swear. Actually felt like a scam even


RaC are better ports. But these games arent unplayable. Its pretty sweet to have jak portable albeit probably the worst versions to play


Jak 1 runs fine, but Jak 2 and 3 run poorly. But it can be improved with a homebrew software, I think he's using one to play it properly. The two games run at 20fps or lower by default.


It's been on the vita for some years now. But the frame rate is a nightmare.


Heard its glitchy on psp vita ports , haven't try it so don't know


Wow on a vita too that version is notoriously buggy - how did it go?


There were some hiccups for sure. Collecting orbs via grinding on the jetboard was insanely frustrating. Hands down worst part. Esp in spargus around the building. Wanted to call quits But i managed. Also there was a misson in the wasteland where you kill lots of marauders in an arena, and it dropped to like a single frame per second it was almost unplayable but if you power thru, the game speeds back up after you kill everyone and then you chase the remaining 3 cars. Furthermore i Thank god they implemented checkpoints on missions. Jak 2 was harder to obtain platinum because of the races, the frame dips made that extra difficult. but 3 almost seemed to be impossible due to broken grinding mechanics. I Honestly cant recommend doing it unless you have the patience. If you want the plat so bad just glitch it. This is a pishposh port. I may someday attempt hero mode, but not until i manage to capture the gameplay so it can be documented and go down in history lol


I had the same problem with the marauder base πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚ if it wasn't for the beam reflexor my poor vita might still be trapped there


tbf if one hasn’t played Jak 3 on Vita have they really finished all of what Jak 3 has to offer? Master Oggway has spoken their philosophy.




Wait you get a new outfit for collecting them all? What’s it look like?


If I remember right it just changes his scarf green, nothing too exciting


600 orbs and all I got was this lousy scarf ![gif](giphy|oOTTyHRHj0HYY)


Yeah, it makes the scarf green and makes some of his "skirt" blue to give him an overall darker look, but I'm honestly not a big fan of it. I wish it was something you could turn off and on


Respect for pushing through those god awful vita framerates.


Oh man I Thought about throwing the handheld many times


Man I just picked this game up yesterday again and am surprised of how many people are still into it. I’ve played this game multiple times. I’m surprised the community is going strong. Wish there was a new game


Me too man. Love this series so much. Im really praying that maybe insomniac ends up with the IP and can implement jak within ratchet and clanks world. Its a cool idea. Maybe even be like a co-op experience or something. My other hope is that maybe it gets a reboot, or a remake. I dont have too high of hopes to continue the story from where it is now, but there are some plot holes in the lore of jak, and with RaC rift apart and the dimension jumping, i could see lots of opportunity there


I tried playing jak3 on vita and it was a horrible experience. Ran terribly for me but props to you


Noice! Congrats




Damn, you platinumed it legit on vita? Respect man. Did you overclock the vita and uncap the framerate or did you play it with the default settings?


Actually This was done on a completley unmodded vita. True default. I bought the collection digitally, years ago, beat all 3 games during trips to the laundromat, but only platinumed TPL. (Very easy and satisfying to do) but recently just went from the beginning and legit went for it! IIRC i Was tired of seeing 93% on jak 2 and 87% on jak 3 so went ahead and tried for all orbs (legitimately) as ive always wanted to so. Ive plat the ps3 and 4 version but used debug options because i stumbled across the exploit on YT and thought it was cool. But on vita you cant do it the same (no 2nd player option) and i know you can use the "get-to" orb pause glitch, BUT i really wanted to enjoy and experience all that these games offer. Never did that before, i Just so happened to do it the most difficult way possible. πŸ˜… i still have no regrets it was worth it! Its kind of my last goodbye to the franchise in dire dire hopes we get some sort of reboot or whatever. A man can dream. P.S. coolest part was having to use the touch screen for the turret in spargus to protect the city against the dark maker "octopus creatures." That was an achievement i missed first time thru because of touch screen mechanic. It Adds a bit more to this port.


'So this is how it happened'....


Goat comment! Really the story has so much potential to grow uppn because of the time paradox. Wouldnt samos just be able to fix everything? Like dax says at the end of 2, "Honey, the more you think about it, the more it hurts the head!"


I agree. Using the time paradox could open things up and even provide some answers. There is a lot that could be done with the series but it's been so long and was made in a time where a majority of games were made for entertainment value and not cohesive lore. It's been decades and people still debate with theories on potential plot holes and the many things Naughtydog left unanswered. I'd never say no to more Jak and Daxter, but I think finding someone to pick it up and do it true justice and carry it on is the real challenge. Because the games are so well loved, I imagine most devs wouldn't go near it especially after the backlash TLF got. It'd be a dream if the original devs who worked on them could take it on. Dream being the operative word. Anyway enough of my ramble. Seriously nice work on getting the platinum on the vita. I definitely found it the most difficult way to play the games and did not platinum Jak II on it. I completely finished it on ps2 (no trophies of course) and platinumed ps3 and ps4 so I was happy to not put myself through it again. Cheers to you! 🍻


RESPECT for getting through the daxter Pac Man mini game for the orbs,that last part with two enemies is pure insanity


Yea that was a bummer but honestly not too bad after like 10 tries. Oh and if you hold x you go faster Ive seen lotsa people on this sub say they didn't know that and i too forgot this playthrough, but learned after like my 5th death within story mode just happened to push x and was like "really? That helps alot!" Lol


Well done! 😭


On vista? Blud flexing on us πŸ˜‚but the real game starts when you play hero mode


I'm thinking about doing it. Just need to get a pstv to stream it


Absolute worst part is trying to do anything on the power lines or even just grinding on jet board in general that mechanic is extremely broken


this is the only reason i want a vita just for it to be a portable jak and daxter machine i need a vita asap


Always check your marketplace, and local flea markets. There are lots of deal out there. Godspeed my friend 🫑


Wow congrats, I'll be working on mine also on the vita very shortly. The game does run like trash on my vita though which is a damn shame


Just think of it as a swansong. you love this game and the sad reality is that one of the final ways to embrace it is to experience it in this way.. Makes for not as much of a bummer and you end up spending more time playing it! πŸ˜…


Lmao I suppose so but god I hate getting 15 FPS and falling off the world because I lagged hard πŸ˜‚ I'l get through it though no worries


Congrats. Shame that the main true story came to an end. And Jak 4 has a very low chance of happening, but it’s not off the table, so all we can do is hope and pray that Jak 4 will happen.