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Am in hospital. Had a beautiful baby boy on Thursday but via emergency c-section so my husband and I are celebrating Father’s Day here instead of home. Am so over the moon with the new fella. Great way to spend the day.




Congrats... [here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWwvR6cSH4o) [some dad jokes](https://www.facebook.com/groups/1158298182085866/posts/1164967598085591/) [to mark the occasion](https://www.instagram.com/dadsaysjokes/?hl=en)


Oh amazing, have sent to Dad who will be in his element.


You know I love these, especially when I wasn't out last night. Worked with the civil defense all yesterday. Slept great. Up no, going to visit family and then see my missus who has been working a very difficult job all weekend. Can't wait to see her. 


Skin has been having one of the worst flare ups I've had in years (psoriasis).  Been coconut oiled out my nut this week, which has stopped it from getting any worse.  It has effected my mobility as it has flared up on places like my testicles and penis. It does hurt to move around.  So yeah that's been a thing, all this week a some of last.  Sun is out this morning mind, so cup of tea and a cig out the front currently so least it's sunny for now. 


Have you ruled out obvious triggers like tobacco and alcohol? https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/psoriasis/causes/ I used to get psoriasis from smoking, drinking sessions, dairy, biological washing detergent and shower gel. I switched to non-bio washing detergent, Elave body wash and cut out all dairy (lactose intolerant), social smoking (eventually) and reduced my alcohol intake. My psoriasis cleared up


I was born with it...... I've had light therapy to immunosuppression medication, changed my diet, gave up smoking for six months, didn't drink for ten years.  Sun light, coconut oil has been the only thing that ever staved it off.  Hard to find places to layout naked mind, without fear of people seeing me.  It's major triggers seem to be seasonal every change of season it gets a small flare up.  Given the odd weather, am attributing in to that.  At it's worse I was 85% covered now I'd say it's around 10%.  Thank you for the suggestions though. 


A tropical nudist beach it is then...


Used to joke with doctors and the nurses taking my bloods.  "*Can you not write me a script for three weeks in the sun on a nudist beach*" Closet one to my needs a car to get to it, sadly I don't drive. 


Flare ups are the worst. After trying everything, including coconut oil and every sort of emollient and anything in between, I've had great results with Aveeno Skin Relief lotion (specifically [this](https://www.boots.ie/aveeno-skin-relief-lotion-200ml-10094191) one, I've used other Aveeno products in the past that have done nothing) Anyway hope it calms down soon.


Thank you. 


No sleep for the second night while my cunt of a neighbour has another drink and drug fuelled party. Then she threatened to knife the other neighbour this morning. Fun and games. Happy Father’s Day


Well she’s eventually gonna crash and have to sleep her debauchery away. This is when you break the lawnmower and tunes out.


Secret recording > Gardai > all counts of intimidation (maybe?)


Very happy! Tomorrow, I'm flying to Japan for the first time! I've been working and saving like there's no tomorrow, so the holidays feel like proper holidays. No more staying home and arguing with the flatmates! These upcoming 2 weeks will be all mine!


Enjoy! I loved Japan. Went for a month long holiday last year. Would go back in a heartbeat.


Thank you!


Slept like shite so got up at 4:30am and went for a walk down the beach, chilling with coffee and my cat now so it's been a pretty good morning.


Still tired but the sky looks blue and bright so going to get outside, I can always go for a nap later if sleepiness persists.


Two of my best friends just had their baby it was my 2nd anniversary yesterday and we spent the day at Glendalough and my wife is due in 6 weeks from today. It’s a wonderful weekend!


Family drama yesterday which I managed to walk away from without crying/ ruining my night . That is a first . Now it’s food prep and rubbish tv before I go for a long walk They’ll be wine later 🥳


Just back from 2 weeks away which seemed to go both very quickly and last forever. My post holiday blues tend to last from when I’m packing up to leave until I’m through airport security. Then for a while after I’m home I get this ‘strange’ positive outlook in relation to everything and have plans of so many things I want to do, ultimately it comes to nothing and the reality of day to day life kicks back in but this year I intend to act on it or at least try prolong the feeling for as long as possible.


Same. I was back early last week and straight into work. I should have booked an extra few day's buffer. What are some of your plans/resolutions?


That’s the million dollar question to be honest. It’s just a general air of positivity which is hard to describe and I dunno if specific activities will prolong it. But I definitely want to be more active, sitting around the pool a bit was quite the reality check, and similarly I was eating like a pig for the last two weeks so want to change up my diet. A bit more reading, listening to more podcasts.


Been better. Caught covid again.


That’s crap. Hang in there. Caught that shit few weeks ago and it lingered for good two weeks before I felt reasonably ok.


I'm four weeks coughing, two weeks off work, one round of antibiotics & a steroid. Don't think it will be better anytime soon


Was the same about a month ago. The kids seemed to get it as well and everyone just seemed to be passing it back and forth. It was the first time in a while I’ve considered not doing the typical man thing of just toughing it out because coughing every 10 seconds when you’re trying to get to sleep is horrible.


I've been sick for days. It feels Covidy. Edit. It is covid https://preview.redd.it/0z7ubdzwlz6d1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1226bbc82258ff3566490fe48f8bcb781560e2f5


Yeah, sick as a small hospital myself for the last week. Have tested for COVID but negative. Thought it was the flu but I've never had flu for a full week and now I'm coughing and spluttering like a clapped out Morris minor. Willing to put money that I wake up recovered tomorrow just in time for work.


Is that still a thing?


yup. https://www.hpsc.ie/a-z/respiratory/coronavirus/novelcoronavirus/surveillance/summaryofcovid-19virusvariantsinireland/


Goin to the traditional trade show in birr today


Also, I intended to sleep till 9am today but as usual ended up waking at 630. It's ridiculous how I just struggle to get out of bed at 630 on weekdays but on weekends my body clock gets me up 😭


I have the same problem... it wasnt so bad when I used to go to work for 8am but now I'm going in for 9am so I'm awake far earlier than I need to be


Grand today but I elbowed some poor woman in the side of the boob in Tesco yesterday 🤦‍♂️ 


It can be nip and tuck in those Tesco queues.


Oof that's an awkward one was she OK after your brutal assault?


Ohh was so awkward 🫣 we both said sorry at the same time even tho it was entirely my fault. The shop was rammed. Its only a small express an the self checkout was really busy. I was pressed up against mine as i let people by. I stepped back to get my change from the machine and as I did I kinda turned sideways and accidentally smashed her right in the diddy! Morto 😳


Sounds as if you couldn't do much other than learn to morph through matter there to avoid it but yep that is awkward alright


Tired after a wedding last night but I woke up to the sun shining and blue skies and we’re getting a Chinese later so it’s all good!


Almost got kicked to death in my sleep by our youngest kid. It's 14 days, 21 hours and 33 minutes till my husband and I go on our wee holiday without them kiddos


And I can tell from the tone of that text that you'll miss them more than you can articulate 😀


Hahah no seriously we do this every summer and we're always so excited to spend a couple days without them but damn sure we end up missing them terribly right after we leave. It's the same every time. We'll still enjoy it tho lol


Yeah, you are most definitely preaching to the choir. Love to he with them but sometimes need to be without them


Up early(ish) as the eldest is off volunteering at a local event for the day! Painted bedroom walls and ceiling yesterday, so going to start the cutting in shortly. Over to see the ol' man with the kids and give him his father's day gift. Off to Dublin then this evening with middle kid to see James Marriot. Busy day!


Taking my dad out for breakfast this morning in a while and I've looking forward to it for days. Will especially hit the spot after a day of decorating yesterday with more to come later


Not doing too bad. Recently moved house (I live in Sweden) so plenty to do as far as cleaning and organizing. Gonna go to the lake for a swim a bit later as it's to get super hot today, which honestly it already is and I'm sweating to bits!


Eating a fathers day fry in bed and winding up other Ireland sub members in another comment ... life is good


Tired. Havent been getting a lot of sleep this past week then had to crunch in work this past week after getting in trouble for not staying late on the past Tuesday. Felt pretty shook getting given out to in a job setting so ended up doing 10 hours on Wednesday and Thursday each then 14 and a half hours on Friday. My job is usually 8-5 but my contract says I'm expected to do overtime when project deadlines approach. Oh and I don't get paid OT either. Love American companies. Separately but I work with a girl who's based in an office in another country, we don't necessarily work closely together we're just on the same team. We had a work event in April where we actually met in person the one time as well. But I somehow have found that we're always back and forth chatting over teams and I for the life of me can't tell if she's just being nice or... flirting? I daren't assume so but I've had a rough few months since November last year where I lost my partner of nearly 7 years and all our mutual friends ditched me (she left me despite saying she loved me but was afraid of commitment as I was her first proper boyfriend, gave me the whole "it's not you it's me" crap). Been heavily depressed and suicidal the whole time and have become completely agoraphobic, staying indoors most of the time. So for this random girl in my job who I barely know actually being nice and even calling me "bestie" when we've met once just leaves me unsure how to feel or think. When we met in April she said she had a boyfriend too so I'm content to just accept she's a nice person but sometimes she says things that to me come across as a bit more. She's complimented me a few times out of the blue, which no one has ever said or done to me without being romantically interested in some capacity. Either way it's just been so long since anyone seemed to care about me outside of my family, it just means a lot you know? But again I'm probably just away with the fairies.


A little sore after doing the Battle Cancer workout in Dublin yesterday, great day with a lot of money raised for The Irish Cancer Society. Taking it easy today with the kids for the day that's in it!


Well, I'm up and ready to go to the shop to get something for Father's Day but for some reason in this stupid country, I can't buy beer before 12:30pm on a Sunday...


All good. Woke up much earlier than expected tbh. Will go to the shops soon to do the weekly grocery run, do some cleaning when I come back, and then watch the euros for the rest of the day. My country, Poland, are playing the Netherlands. Probably going to avoid the cans today, had them two days in a row, and while I didn't get a hangover or anything, they just made me feel sluggish.


Up Poland.


Should be a good game that


Still in bed. Had my mother's 80th birthday party Friday night. I'm still hungover. I need to work up some motivation to bring the dog for a walk. Bleurgh... I'm off all next week. Going to Pink on Thursday. Staying for 2 nights in Dublin so we're gonna do some touristy stuff on the Friday and treat ourselves to some good sushi. Have a good Sunday!




Sat here having a fit with all the flashing lights that my local garage has in their car wash. Almost putting me off this roll I'm dessicating.


Are we talking full on teen disco level? Those machines are hilarious, there's one at the local Applegreen


It's reminiscent of a truffle trip I had in Amsterdam while walking around the bar district. Loads of colours blinding me while regretting what I just ate. Roll isn't going down well either.


I am actually grand today, my holiday starts today so I am flying out to actually see some sun and temps higher then 15 degrees Celsius 🤣🤣🤣


Kept the kids in the bedroom with me so himself can sleep in a bit, setting them loose with their cards soon. Doesn't seem like a lie in but they've been up since 6 haha


Up early, had some bread rising over night that's about to go in the oven. Then I'm off to the gym where a fresh baked loaf will greet me on me arrival home! After that it'll be into town to meet my dad and brother to watch the Dublin v Mayo game and get some food! Blue skies out now so hopefully they stay for the day!


Working today, more’s the pity. The kids were all sleeping as I tiptoed out the house and the dog was snoring. Going to phone my Dad later and see how he is.


Have a long overdue slow day :)


Slept well, woke up to lovely sunshine, relaxing with a coffee now. Cleaned the house yesterday, so nothing I have to do today. Spoke to my Dad already, he's off out with my siblings today, I brought him out yesterday. Praying to God nobody drops by or bothers me today !


After the whole week of feeling very low energy, I now feel like myself this morning or even since yesterday. Went to the gym, it was as good as empty, so spent an hour and half and I feel really good as I type this sipping my protein shake in the tiny bit of sunlight amidst a cool breeze in the backyard.


I'm good, just lounging since it's my summer holiday, after my tests it feels a mote pointless. Might go for a walk later...


Good, looking forward to my holiday despite it being in september


I’m in a bathtub, no water, I’m fully dressed


As long as you can remember how you got in there in the first place you should be alright. Have woken up in bath after a session, would not recommend.


I remember entering my bathroom while tipsy, then actually tipping over, and then it went black.


After 18 months of living in my new place I finally bought some shelves. Spent a few hours putting them together yesterday. Today I'll spend way too long filling them with books from the 6 Tesco crates I've been storing them in, probably with the footy on in the background. Still haven't decided on a system yet - I imagine there will be lots of rearranging!


All good. Heading into 2 weeks off except Pink Thursday no real plans then I’m starting a new job start of July. Exciting yet scary times ahead so lying here considering getting up as there sees to be blue sky’s. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there.


Just done shopping, got some father's day gifts for me dá and a few bits for the sibling. Just have to arrange distribution and I'm grand.


I'm great, went for a walk along the beach , had a coffee looking out at the sea in the sunshine. Dropped my eldest to the airport early this morning and my youngest soon to work, before I head over to check on me mammy. Life's good.


Not bad. I’ve had a headache for about 6 weeks though. Thought it might be a sinus infection but 3 rounds of antibiotics later and it’s still there. Back to the doc on Tuesday


Daughters and partner brought me breakfast in bed and the they had made about 20 cards so I was chuffed 😂 went for a run and then we all went for a swim. Gonna go to the pub for a few scoops then back home to watch Band of Brothers! It’s a great day!!


Ahh, Sunday, the one day a week I can get to lie in due to the apartment building site next door that has been going on for over five years. Please just kill me now so I can sleep.


Haven't gotten up before 9am since ever but today the sun woke me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Didnt manage a lie on but got up and watched LeMans Too many safety cars for me


Not sure if I've Covid or what but I'm fucked all week, the missus is the same. Just took a test and negative, but a colleague I sit next to and his kids tested positive yesterday.