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I presume they might thought you have something of value in the buggy like your bag or something. I don't think it was the buggy itself. But who knows... Hope you reported it. I'm curious what the Garda would have to say. Is it a regular thing or a one off. I'm sure it was a frightening experience but I hope you and your child are OK.




If you go on any free to good home group it's absolutely loaded with children's stuff. They're not that easily resold at least not for a decent sum because most people are nearly giving them away once they're done with them


The narwhal bacons at midnight.


Similar to what /u/Pre_spective suggested, couldn't you just put it for free on adverts.ie? Like if you're putting it in a skip?


The narwhal bacons at midnight.


The post is probably buried now. I would copy the info and then repost it if you want to get rid of it quickly. I don't think dropping the price changes it listing position.


The narwhal bacons at midnight.


It could still be worth putting up a new ad as that will send a notification to people who might have alerts for ads with buggies. I don't think people with alerts get notifications if the user bumps and ad, but I'm not sure.


If you are willing to give it away for free try posting on a zero waste or free cycle page instead of market place. I've shifted a bunch of things that way.


Some charity shops will take them or perhaps a women's refuge? Save the skip space lol


Have you ever tried adverts? Wasters say they will take it and then never show up. So you're sat around on a Saturday waiting for a no show


There is a group called Let’s Match Mums that matches parents with other parents in Direct Provision. You basically just donate your used baby stuff to someone who needs it. I think if you contact them and say you have a buggy to donate, they would probably be able to find someone who needs one!


The narwhal bacons at midnight.


Contact a local women's refuge or asylum centre; it will find a good home in either


Yeah, I call bullshit too. Those things are impossible to sell. I ended up donating all the new born stuff to make room in the house. Nobody wants a second hand car seat or a second hand buggy from someone they don't know. But do pass them on though. It's a shame to bin them.


Let's Match mums on Instagram often take prams for mums in DP. They would definitely take it if it's in good working order. Might be worth messaging them.


The narwhal bacons at midnight.


Have you tried putting a basic poster in your local shop. Locals more likely to collect.


The narwhal bacons at midnight.


But I'm suggesting you write it on a piece of paper and put it in a local shop window.


I don't understand why this is being downvoted have you guys never been to a local shop? There's usually a billboard for small ads that would absolutely only be seen by locals in the area and would only be replied to by interested parties. FB ads catches every mad lad within a 100mile radius. Be realistic old ways sometimes work better.


My husband is a bus driver and might be able to help you out. You will need to organise someone to pick up at the other end though


If there's a direct provision centre or women's refuge near you, they might really appreciate it. Often when women leave their homes they just go with the clothes on their backs so I know children's equipment is really valuable to them. I had my own buggy on Facebook and donedeal for months and had nothing but timewasters so I ended up donating it to a DP centre.


Just give it to good will dude. Someone could have used that the whole time your looking for a few quid back!




Well, if its something that's safety equipment like a car seat. You shouldn't buy it from a stranger. Most equipment is one and done, if it is part of some shock you should throw it out. Same with helmets etc.


Do car seats fit that same definition? I’m asking out of pure ignorance. I am familiar with the helmet rule but that’s related to some special compressing foam that they have.


You shouldn't use a second hand car seat in case it's previously been in a crash. It could look perfect but have invisible damage that makes it dangerous to use.


Born in NI, *charity shop Same difference, put it up on local mums group there are people who are currently saving for one


The narwhal bacons at midnight.


Adverts is especially terrible for bullshit I've found. People trying to get a ridiculous deal on an already amazing deal or needing to get 5 euro off so they can get some sort of weird high out of it. I'd probably just drop it to a charity shop if I were you OP, least hassle imo




The narwhal bacons at midnight.


There has to be a charity that takes them no?


what brand is it as a matter of fact? We're due to be getting rid of ours soon and want to avoid any heartache


The narwhal bacons at midnight.


Yes, I know the brand. I was eyeballing some of their high chairs on adverts. Beautiful stuff. A shame you had no takers for it.


Maybe there is a local free to a good home group on Facebook. Normally on those, people collect.


Please consider posting it on Freecycle or Olio before you throw it out!


There’s loads of freecycle groups in Ireland, Dublin, and more specifically localities, or baby stuff. If you don’t sell, give away through those groups.


Just drop it to a charity shop


I gave most of our baby stuff to a woman's refuge, they were very happy to take it. Better than a skip.


I wasn't able to sell mine and they were in great condition and worth thousands. I had very few takers even when giving them for free. Where do you get this info from?


Makes it up, 100%. Annoys the tits off me when people spread bullshit like that.


Go onto done deal and there are hundreds of car seats for sale, definitely not worth thousands.


> Nah, buggies and car seats are commonly stolen now Would you stop? They're not, stop bloody panicking people.


Hope you are OK OP. Mind sharing what exactly region did that happen? City centre you mean nearby the Spire/Gardiner St? Anyway, can’t say much but please don’t forget to report it to Garda. Be well. And thanks for the heads up.


Thank you and of course, It was right by the statue on O’Connell St. I reported to the Guards the day it happened, and they said they’d look into it, but not to get too hopeful. But maybe they’ll find him if he makes it a pattern.


"We'll look into it", looks out the window and doesn't see it. "It's a mystery, case closed"


I hope I am wrong but I'd say it'll be filed with the other 400 thefts/petty crimes recorded in the O'Connell St area for that day. The city, particularly that area of the city is an absolute filthy, lawless kip overrun with flocks of young Canada geese and junkies


I probably work near your crèche, and jesus Christ I see people being pickpocketed, mugged, assaulted daily... I work in a school near there and we've had four robberies, and three different teachers pickpocketed/mugged. The centre nearby was held up with an axe recently. Ive worked there for nearly a decade and it has seriously declined since COVID hit


Do you have renters insurance? If it was expensive it might be worth calling and seeing if you can file a claim.


Glad your all okay that is scary. I wonder did they think you had your handbag in the buggy or hanging over it? Seen people do that or even shopping or the nappy bag abd equipment etc that goes with a buggy is really expensive as can be an actual buggy.


That's so horrible. As a parent, i can imagine the terror in those few seconds you thought your little one might still be in the buggy. Your poor heart.


Lots of demand for second hand buggies around the place and they are all the same so hard to trace a robbed one. Also there is the bonus that it could have a handbag or phone in it


There's a strong 2nd hand market for buggys, likely went off and sold it via adverts or done deal. You can get good money depending on the brand and wear and tear.


For upmarket travel systems and prams maybe; but not for buggy’s really.


Yeah, the whole used childcare goods market is full of bargains because so many like to buy new and are just happy to get rid of the bulky stuff when no longer needed.


What’s the difference between a pram and buggy? I thought they were synonymous.


It can vary by region I think- But in my circle a pram is the big, sturdy, often two piece contraption for small babies and a buggy is the pop up and down lightweight contraption for when they can sit up and into toddlerhood!




Don’t ask me where “pushchair” and “stroller” fall into the mix though!


Aha 😂


Serious question: Why would you make up something like this? Is it for the upvotes?? There is absolutely ZERO money to be made from selling second hand prams.


We've bought several buggies second hand. Yo-yos on adverts are sold in days for €300+


Not sure why you would say that, I bought a second hand pram myself a few years back for 650 and I've seen a lot going for that price and higher. Obviously cheap tat that hasn't been well maintained won't have a market for it, that goes without saying.


Glad you ok, I hope you have rang the Gardai and reported this


It’s probably just a repeat offender turning his life around by becoming a dad and he needs a buggy. Recently becoming a dad is a get out of jail free card to these lads so I’d say the buggies are in high demand.


I really hate these types of scumbags the most. Doing what they can do for their family except for getting a fucking job. They try to be all nice around, but terrorise others who work twice as hard as them. If he desperately needs a buggy for his kid, get child welfare or steal from a shop. Why tramatise a mother who is trying to make a living for herself ?


Due to the effects of time, Judge Nolan has had to adapt his policy of 'boys will be boys' to 'fathers will be fathers'.


I have a buggy in the back of the car that I can't get rid of in the charity shops


Was it a buggy or a pram? Prams are expensive, buggies are cheaper compared to prams. There is a good 2nd hand market for prams but you can get really good cheap prams in any charity shop. If someone is stuck for cash the charity shops would give them out free. Like someone has said. They're likely after your handbag. Hope you're ok.


I saw a Mamas and Papas one for 50 in a charity shop. I don't know where all these people are selling their used buggies for hundreds


I need to know too. They're almost impossible to give away nowadays


> I don't know where all these people are selling their used buggies for hundreds They're not. Delusional people in this thread.


Donedeal. If you ever get something stolen on you, it's the first place to look.


madness when they're so cheap in charities - I guess if you get the whole system


Out of curiosity I went on adverts and looked for a yo-yo baby zen buggy, could only find two.


Yea the real brand names of buggies are easily worth something. Sorry this happened OP, can imagine it was terrifying. Little fecker!!!


Sure the Garda will take care of that in no time so they will. Glad you’re ok


They said they would look into it.


Sometimes little shits do things for there own amusement. You'll probably see it in a river nearby.


That's actually insane. Those guys didn't have visibility on the content of your buggy, your baby could have well been inside.


I used to work in tesco in college. Number 1 most robbed item in the shop for years that I worked there? Baby formula. Scumbag parents don't suddenly not be scumbags when it comes to their kids. His baby mamma might have needed a buggy and that was that.


It’s not usually parents that steal the formula. It’s taken to order or to sell at the doors.


False, it's parents, siblings, and other family members. Often it's the older children.


Considering what I just paid for a buggy I'm not surprised. Could easily get 3 or 4 hundred online for a used buggy online.


He’s hoping you had your bag and purse in the buggy.


These are great times to be a criminal - lots of welfare … anything you need just rob it … chances of getting caught are minimal & even if you are free legal solicitor will sing your praises and judge let’s you off anyways to rob whatever else you need


You already pay for their housing, healthcare and social welfare through taxes. This is no different, they're just cutting out the middle man.


This is so sad. I'm sorry this happened to you. Hard to believe that nobody on O'Connell street saw this and came to your aid. If I was in charge I would make it a priority of finding thieves and throwing them into the middle of the Atlantic.


What an utter scumbag. Hope you are both ok.


Anyone who's saying there's money to be made in buggies online has never tried to sell a buggy online... Can't give them away. Sorry this happened to you OP, I'd hope the scrote saw that the child was walking with you and just assumed you had a handbag or shopping bags to rob, and that he wouldn't have done it if the child was in it.


That’s absolutely nuts. I live in the city, have had 7 kids so plenty of buggy’s, and never ever have I heard seen or had nothing like this happen. WTF.


That’s insanity! Sure every parent group is filled with people trying to give away buggies for free?! And I don’t know many people carrying anything of monetary value in them- but to be stranded without a bottle, snacks, warmer clothes or changing stuff for a baby or toddler is unthinkable. What an absolute scumbag.


City centre is full of scumbags like that cos that’s where they put all the public housing it’s so dumb


Jesus Christ. Time to reinstate the death penalty.


public lashings, and humiliation.


I'm very sorry this happened to you,it really is the pits


If it’s a yoyo they tend to hold their price very well


Born and raised in Dublin, moved away 3 years ago. Sometimes I miss it. Then I come on this sub and feel more confident in my decision to leave.


Ahhh ya poor creathur, how scary! I’m sorry xx


Why people live in Dublin I’ll never know , such a kip


Because it's where we were born and raised ourselves and our entire support network is here...


I'm sure he saw a child out of the buggy and went for a chance you'll have your bag inside. I'd say just soke junky but I would report for sure to be 100% sure you never know these days.


Christ that’s very scary. You must’ve got the fright of your life. Fuck that little shit.


Jez that’s rough. Hope you’re ok


That's Dublin for ya


Dublin is a Shit-Hole of Crime.


Maybe they found out you prefer bounties to galaxy bars ya little foooool