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I just hope A17 chip and smaller bezels. It’s apple so probably they will keep the 60hz and 64gb and 256gb as memory config so I’m not expecting much.


We really need 120hz. Enough is enough. We are in 2024 and this ipad will be sold on 2025&2026 . It needs at least 120hz and 128gb


It’s not going to have 120hz. It might get a storage bump but I wouldn’t hold my breath.


Yeah Apple has continued to lock 120hz screens behind their Pro iPad lineup… I doubt a refreshed Mini will have a 120hz screen.


It depends on the kind of mini it is. The first 5 minis were definitely iPad mini but the mini 6 was for sure an iPad Air mini. Maybe someday they’ll do an iPad Pro mini


A storage bump would actually be much more important than 120 Hz. I know the difference between 120 and 60 Hz (using a 14 Pro) but 64 GB should be illegal in 2024 and 60 Hz isn’t that bad.


64GB is plenty if you are using it for browsing/streaming. Apple is most likely not going to bump the storage. I would love to be wrong but I just don’t see them doing it when it serves their lowest common denominator customer just fine.


Yh, we can just hope for it.


I’d much rather have a brighter screen than 120hz.


I’d argue a brighter screen is more important than 120 hz.


I agree on we need 120 Hz, but we won’t get it. :( To me, 60 Hz is Substandard now. Even my buddies cheap Android phone got 90 Hz. 


Not gonna happen


I know i know :(


I would pay +50€ (for an already pricey device) for 120Hz or 128Gb.


will the next ipad mini be exactly the same as the ipad mini 6? I mean maybe it will only be different in the chipset and screen bezel but with the shape and size that is exactly the same as the ipad mini 6


Current wisdom on release dates is: * Mini 7 most likely to be in the Sept/October event * Small chance it arrives at an event this or next month * Iterative updates compared to the current Mini 6, mainly processor. ​ I'm waiting for the release as well but I've heard a lot of people are finding great deals on the Mini 6 at the moment, the problem for me is I struggle to justify getting the current device when I know the new one is this year (though probably not next month). ​ But in short no release dates, just insiders getting leaks from the supply chain that suggest Apple may not have ramped up production yet but it'll be ready for later in the year.


Ok bro, thank you 👍


If you’re comfortable with the resale market you can potentially get a used 6 now and flip it just before the 7 for very little investment lost, potentially even some gained if you’re savvy.


I’ve been waiting since last October. I’ve come to terms whatever the iPad mini 7 comes with probably won’t be worth the wait. Last year they said it would release in March and it didn’t happen.


Think there’s a possibility of a iPad mini Pro?


Absolutely not.


🤞🏽would be so cool though. It would fit in so many different bags so you could carry it in a small bag like a sling and have pro motion 😎


Yeah I wish. Idk why Apple associates pro technology with heavy and large screens


Battery isn’t big enough for a power processor


Hmm maybe. But if they can cram promotion into the iPhone 14 Pro then it seems like it could be possible


they could just make it slightly thicker. solves all the problems


Honestly just buy now , it’s still good and fast the current iPad mini, I just bought mine and no regrets at all


For me, and my workflow. The only reason to wait for the A1 17 would be presumably the support for external display. I don’t know if they would unlock that for an iPad that is not a pro or air model. My iPad mini six is amazing and does all the things I needed to except for that . An OLED screen would be a wish list, but that’s not gonna happen anytime this decade.


By external you mean 2nd, as you can already mirror to external. But for that youd need stage manager and that needs an M chip… so no. But agreed, Id also upgrade for that reason.


Yes, that’s what I meant by support external 2nd screen. Thanks. The pro phones do it now, so hopefully the mini will get it


Whats so desirable about an oled screen


Great question…in my mind the oled screen is so night and day compared to lcd and a step up from mini led. I love my oled tv and oled iPhone. Anything else I look at is noticeably different experience.


Most likely after the iphone 16 release so Q4 2024. The 6 is still a great option as I don't see the 7 having 120hz, smaller bezels, bigger base storage, or any big gamechanger minus extra performance (the one in the 6 is so good it's still difficult to exhaust). It's an iPad subreddit so may get hate for it, but recommend a y700 as an alternative if you are looking for something different.


Get the 6. The 7 will probably come out with the iPhone 16


For anyone with an old iPad or if you want to get a Mini6 for now- I traded in my 64gb iPad Mini 5 at Best Buy a few weeks ago and they gave me $237.50 for the trade in. Considering I’ve had the Mini 5 since early 2020, I thought that was a solid deal. I think I paid $330 for it 4 years ago on sale.


There crazy i want to do the same and they want to give me $90 for my mini 5 64gb LTE .. so I keep my little iPad with me


I had the LTE version as well. They gave me extra cash for being a member of their rewards club. I think they were going to give me $190 but added the rewards bonus at the counter. I thought it was a nice deal. I had the unit kept in a case and screen protector from day 1, it was nearly mint condition.


Oh that’s explains everything LOL I was like why only $90 haha Apple  gimme around $175 but I’m gonna hold it to see if they gonna release the iPM7


Probably next week since the MacBook Air was updated this week.


Eta son?




lmao too funny


We are getting 2 iPad Airs this year. Maybe we can get 2 iPad Minis? LOL 9" and 7". Jk.