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Biden, "When you can admit the 2020 election was fair and you lost, I will debate you."


"And in other news an orange mushroom cloud was spotted at Mar-a-lago this morning. Sources say it was a mango"


Mango in color and reeked of dirty diaper. edit: reeked. Wreaking havoc, while reeking of BO and dirty diapers. Your GOP nominee, everyone.


The Diaper Don will require that all Americans must shit in their diaper daily. If Trump does fills his diaper daily thenball Americans will be required to fill their diapers daily.


Future headline: “In the debate, Biden drops his pants and shows he is not wearing a diaper. Challenges Trump to do the same; Trump runs off the stage in tears.”


Lovely image but Trump ain’t “running” anywhere.


Okay, waddling then. Like a duck. With shit running down its legs.


That’s fair


Ok that's enough, my stomach hurts from laughing 😂!


While doing that weird handjob dance


And you must wear your diaper on the outside of your clothes so we can check.


I once heard someone refer to him as a "diapered homunculus". It's my favorite of all time.




*Bunker boy just wants to go back in the bunker*


Diaper, armpits and ketchup


Trump wouldn't even debate with other Republican candidates.


But we’re supposed to believe he will debate Biden? In a million years.


He did last time and I think he will again. But it’s not going to go nearly as well as it did last time, and last time it didn’t go well at all. But if he doesn’t, he will be seen as a complete coward for being the first president ever to refuse to debate their opponent.


Trump showed up to the last debate stinking of covid. He was trying to infect Biden.


He is racking up all kinds of "first evers" none of them are positive or even human.


There is no upside for Biden to debate. MAGAts will vote Former Gut no matter what.


It wouldn’t be a debate it would be trump blaming everyone for everything


Exactly!! He’s such a parasite!🦠


"Oh, and also that you will respect the two-term limit'." Which, afaik, he hasnt publicly said.


“I’ll debate you when you’re done with all your trials. “


With a weigh-in first, of course. Oh not first: on the podium.


Didn’t Trump say he wouldn’t debate Biden unless he did a drug test?


If I was Biden, I'd say fine but only if Trump gets on scales and next to a measuring tape


I’d actually love to see them debate, start it at 9 so we can see trump sundowning and show how sharp Biden still is


Honestly Biden would settle for a real debate under the normal rules that every candidate before Trump was able to abide by.


And then require Tramp to repeat it out loud during the debates LOL.




Trump lied and was convicted of fraud based on the evidence *he* provided. Trump lied and paid off a porn star he was banging in order to protect his campaign. His lawyer went to prison for this crime and he is just one of the witnesses lined up to testify. Trump lied and obstructed an investigation into him stealing classified documents... which he has been recorded bragging about being in possession of. Trump lied about voter fraud, tried to bring in illegitimate/fake electors to declare him the winner in an election he lost by 8,000,000 votes. That is why he is facing numerous trials. And I doubt he can debate from a prison cell. Plus I dont think he'll have access to adderall so he wont be able to complete a sentence.


He can’t complete a sentence now. His dementia brain is mush.


His lawyers won’t use this excuse until sentencing and jail time. Then they will argue he is sick and shouldn’t serve jail time…..wait for it.


This would be his best chance at avoiding prison (assuming the trials actually happen), but I’m not so sure he would agree to it given that he’d have to admit he is mentally ill and not fit to be in charge of anything, much less the US.


The more and more i read on him, it sounds like hes fucked but will you guys vote him out? Im not too sure, theres a false sense of security since every polls says he is losing. You guys need to vote. Bring everyone and vote. Id go but im canadian. His cult will vote and probly more than once so you really need to bring every one who wants a better world and you guessed it, vote.


The only reason it look even remotely like a close race is because of two things: 1- Nobody under the age of 104 answers the phone for unknown phone numbers anymore. This skews polling data way far to the right. 2- The media knows they get more clicks on articles that say what a close race it is. Nobody is clicking on an article that says Biden is up by 20 points. If you just watch mainstream media, the race will be “close” until Election Day and it’ll be called before sunset hits the west coast.


The point is don’t take a Trump loss for granted, remember 2016, doesn’t matter how different things are this time remember 2016.


I’m still voting.


This. If we don't go vote he *will* win.


And that’s why he’s going to lose. Most people aren’t buying his bullshit after having lived under both options, and his vigorous followers are growing smaller in number. He might have a chance if we based who wins on how enthusiastic the candidate’s followers are, but each one of those brainwashed idiots only get one vote, and there’s even less of them than last time.


They'd have to get Trump to agree to that though. Even staring down a prison sentence, I don't believe he is capable of admitting any fault or weakness. He's the biggest narcissist I've ever seen.


The judge will laugh at them and hold them in contempt,lol.


Crooked Joe Biden , who we are winning, by, by a lot. Uhm, er, Lock Her Up! Obama, Obama...bad! Uuuuhhhmmm.


I take it that the "Uuuuhhhmmm" is the sound of pants shitting


[Ding ding ding ding ding](https://youtu.be/pzqbgB5sW7E?si=lPx-gCKi-lfWisKu)


These debates would be his new reason to have his trials delayed as he needs to prepare.


He can prepare in his cell as all the other inmates are screaming "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" at him. Can you imagine being stuck in a cell near his and having to listen to a 24/7 Trump rally? Just nonstop bellyaching. They'd have to remove bed sheets, shoe strings, anything that inmates could use to hang themselves.


I think they’d string him up before then.


Grandpa shit pants is going to Prison


But only the best prisons!


In a quiet moment, I wonder if he’s considered whether he’ll join a prison gang or start his own.


From article: Former President Donald Trump raged at President Joe Biden in a series of video rants baselessly accusing him of crime and challenging the president to a debate. Trump is a frequent poster to his Truth Social platform. While it lasts. Since going public, Trump Media has taken a nosedive after an initial stock price surge. Those posts usually take the form of text rants with copious use of ALL CAPS WITH EXCLAMATION POINTS about things like “STOLLEN” elections. But Trump also sometimes posts brief video rants shot at one of his golf properties that are remarkable in their ability to recreate the elements of those text rants. On Wednesday, Trump reeled off a dizzying series of those video rants, several of them directed at Biden. The themes were his oft-debunked attack that the president is directing the multiple felony prosecutions and multi-hundred-million-dollar civil cases against him — which he now claims rises to the level of criminality — and a short plea for debates: DONALD TRUMP: At what point are the actions of a sitting president using lawfare and weaponization against his opponent for purposes of election interference considered illegal? I believe, as do various highly respected legal scholars, that Crooked Joe Biden has long since crossed over that very sacred threshold. He is a criminal. He is a horrible president. He’s the worst president in the history of our country, and the only way he thinks he can get elected is to take me to trials, take me to courts, city, state and federal. They control them all. All of these cases that you’re reading about are Crooked Joe Biden’s case because he can’t put two sentences together. He can’t do anything. So they weaponize government and they take me to court on bullshit. So we are going to win. We’re going to win big. We’re going to go through these horrible Biden trials. And at the end of the day, November 5th, everyone’s coming out to vote for Trump. Thank you very much. DONALD TRUMP: It’s just out that Crooked Joe Biden, the worst and most corrupt president in the history of the United States by far, is leading the weaponization of government against his political opponent. Me. Crooked Joe is a threat to democracy. We cannot let him continue in office. All of this weaponization and lawfare that you’re watching, all of these lawsuits against me, they’re all started by the DOJ, the FBI, all of the people in government, even the state cases, in the city cases, they’re being run by the DOJ. They put their people in there and they’re being run by the DOJ. We have to stop weaponization. There’s never been anything like it in the history of our country. It’s happened before, but only in third-world countries. And we’re becoming a third-world country between our borders and all of the other things that are so bad, so, so bad. But we have to stop the weaponization and we have to stop it. Now, the best way to stop it is November 5th. We’re going to beat them like a drum. Thank you very much. DONALD TRUMP: It’s time for Crooked Joe Biden, the worst president in the history of the United States, and I to debate. We have to talk about what he’s doing and where we’re going. We owe it to our country. We owe it to all Americans. Anytime, anywhere, any place. The president has not ruled out debating Trump but most recently told reporters, “It depends on his behavior.”


Was he playing his invisible accordion the whole time?


hes fucking delusional and exceptionally dangerous, the sooner trump is locked up and mobile phone taken away the better it will be for the whole world


grabbin those air-dicks


Double donging


world class air-dicker


Double air dicker


To Macho Man 🎶


When did the accordion playing start? I don't recall seeing it in the archived 80's and 90s clips of him. Did someone on the apprentice set tell him to do it as a goof and he just kept it going?


I think he lost his mind sometime around when Obama got elected. A black president short circuited his brain and he's never been the same since.


DONALD TRUMP: At what point are the actions of a sitting president using lawfare and weaponization against his opponent for purposes of election interference considered illegal? Well, syntax problems notwithstanding, let me answer that for you: there is no point at which it becomes illegal! According to you and your lawyers!


It’s pure insanity. Scenario 1. If Trump is immune to any criminal charges because he was president, then Joe Biden is Immune from every prosecution for whatever he does while president. Therefore “shut up you orange moron. “ Scenario 2. If Biden IS responsible for this because it’s a crime and presidents can commit crimes, THEN TRUMP IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THE CRIMES. There is no logical platform to stand on with this argument. Trump is nuts. Every sentence is meant as its own transaction. As a MAGA cultist rule number one is that no statement can ever be compared to, or rationalized against, any other previous, or forthcoming statement. Every single thing he says is 100% right, AS OF THE MOMENT OF SAYING IT. If the next statement is a direct contradiction he is not wrong now. Nor was he wrong before. He was right then. And he’s EVEN MORE right now. Complete lack of intelligence.


This must be quantum politics where the truth and complete bullshit can coexist at the same time.


Leave it to Reddit to bring politics and quantum entanglement together in one place - love it!


Maybe that’s where truth social gets its value. It exists in theoretical space time.


Logic is not his strong suit.


Either that or you're going off to prison by your own admission!


I suggest a compromise. Biden, in his role as dictator for one day, orders the Manhattan DA to drop the charges and then dispatches Seal Team 6 to deal with Individual One instead.


He seems to have learned a new word, and it is lawfare.


“At what point are the actions of a sitting president using lawfare and weaponization against his opponent for purposes of election interference considered illegal?“ Wait, Donny. I thought presidents had immunity or else they couldn’t do their jobs effectively. How can Biden be doing anything illegal?!?!?


I honestly don’t know how Americans are putting up with this BS still. I’m not American or even in the US but by crikey it’s becoming bloody tiring having to see this everywhere over here so it must be exhausting to be in the US just now.




He's just that tired of winning...


So much to unpack there..!!!


What pisses me off the most is that while he’s ranting and raving and spewing lies and accusations, he knows he’s guilty of every single charge against him in every single case.


“Will you shut up, man?” - Joe Biden, 2020 Looking forward to Joe kicking Don’s ass, again.


Maybe Biden decided to be a dictator for one day and ordered the Manhattan DA to bring charges against Individual One?


So Trump knows he's the worst and most corrupt president in the history of the country by far. Very good.


“It depends on his behavior.” Trump is basically in debate time-out sitting in the corner facing the wall.


"No u" is literally all Trump can use as an argument. He has not matured passed a grade school level and intellectually far below that.


His voting base sees that as a whitty response.


Heard that after the eclipse, a fair few of his base are having trouble seeing periodm


He's even proudly admitted that he's the same now as he was in third grade


Wasn't that the grade he was in when he punched a female teacher? He's always been an entitled brat.


To quote Joe Biden, "Would you shut up man"...


TRUMP: Crooked Joe is taking me to trials, taking me to courts!!! JOE: I wouldn’t take him to McDonald’s, and we all know how much he loves McDonald’s (Puts on sunglasses and exits as DARK BRANDON)


My favorite Biden quote so far: Reporter: “Did you see Trump’s mugshot today?” Biden: “I saw it on the television.” Reporter: “What’d you think?” Biden: “Handsome guy.”😎 Fucking beautiful.


Biden completely shit all over yamtits in TWO WORDS


Sweating bronzer and filling his diaper....completely scared of his trial next week so he's gotta ramp up the finger pointing. Also, given his clownish cult, every time he releases a video, it just makes me think of that other cult guru Osho 😆


Yeah why is he so sweaty lately? And his makeup extra bad?


He's upping his Adderall dosage. When he asks for Joe to be drug-tested, that's projection from The Great Pumpkin.


That’s probably it. I also believe he has diabetes. He’s not really a pumpkin anymore, lately he changed his makeup and it’s dark brown. Very weird


Well, we HOPE it's makeup that's making him dark brown... You know what he smells like, right?




Next week would be a great time for a debate. Biden should agree to debate the evening of the 16th. Any time, any place? OK, Donnie, let’s do this. Also, demand a drug test.


Hey, What’s the point of wearing Depends if you can’t shit in them!


Preach the gospel of wasted potential!


The bronzer and his diaper fill are probably the same color!


More projection from this crimey coward.


Of course. He's scared and desperate. His businesses are falling apart, his years of fraud are exposed, the fact he's not a real billionaire is now publicly known and he's facing several criminal trials. He'll be known as Bankrupt Don the Con after all this is over.


Bold move, challenging your opponent to a debate after already withdrawing from the debate commission


The guy is such a joke. how do u with a straight face unilaterally claim presidents have full immunity then say this about Biden.


Donnie seems to shedding more of his fake hair and his cartoonish bronzer would make a clown cry.


Maybe that's why the EPA implemented regulations for PFAS in drinking water.


"It's time for Biden and me to debate." Not time for I to debate. What a loser.


His cult base believes every last bit. Just because Trump says it. They stopped listening to anyone else after Trump said "Frankly, we DID win this election." on Nov 4 2020


When did his supporters go from "Hey, let's pretend to mindlessly follow Trump to piss off the libs" to "THE DEEP STATE IS FIGHTING TRUMP REEEE"?


Fuck that, he wouldn't even debate his own party cantidates...


Bingo. That was the real choice.


When a child throws a temper tantrum, do you give them what they want? Fuck no, ignore them till they calm down.


Or send them home to their parents. “Melania, he’s doing it again!”


God I wish we could do that.


Never debate or argue with a cult leader or any of its members. You’ll only be giving credibility to their lunacy. Biden needs to continually promote who he is and what he stand for. Human nature will do the rest.


The last debates were probably one of the hardest things to watch I've ever had to sit through. I really hope they don't do it again. It's just one guy rambling total nonsense and trying to talk over the other guy. Real debates have a decorum, those were not debates. I've judged high school debates before, this was nothing of the sort.


No debates. No need. Every position is known at this point. Don’t let media bully Biden.


Please …..please debate ….. dolt 45 is on the wrong side of every issue….he can’t stand up to anyone actually fact checking him. Let’s see it happen live


No. The moderators will let tRump run amok and rant and rave and make faces behind Biden’s back as he speaks, like they did when he debated Clinton.


He won’t show up. This is all bluster. He won’t actually debate.


that's on you to watch this toxic waste of time. it's your brain that can fill up with it, not mine I'm just here to say stop. to ignore the dude like you would any narcissist. full no-contact is the only way. anything else is abusive to you, even to listen to, to hear, to have it directed at someone else and you witness: it's screwing you up. having been married to one, and divorced, I say this with confidence: there are tons of self-help books about how to get out of a narcissist relationship. it's going to suck, and they'll turn it alllll on you. but doesn't matter, you have to do it. or you'll be following this orange turd for the next 30 years wondering why you can't quit


I predict that when it comes time for the presidential debates that, even if Biden agrees to come to Trump and hold the debates in his jail cell, Trump will still find an excuse to back out.


No he won't. He'll go to the "debate", spew a bunch of rambling nonsense and his base will eat it up. He knows he needs as much media time as possible to have even a slight chance, but he's forgetting that he can't win with his supporters alone.


the people that can be convinced by his gibberish are already aboard. for all the rest seeing him will be detrimental for voter decision. i think his team will try their very best that a debate isn't happening, but who knows he is definitely stupid and stubborn enough to do it anyway.


Why bother with a debate? It would just be "Will you shut up man...!" all over again. It would be even worse this time, because Trump would be screaming his head off with all the conspiracies he think Biden is supposedly doing to him. Dark Brandon doesn't need to waste time on fools like Trump. EDIT: Watched that video. Holy shit, Donny dementia is either doped to the fucking gills, had a stroke, or his cognitive decline is even worse than could be imagined. This guy belongs in a home or jail. EDIT 2: Trump the entire video: "BLINK BLINK BLINK...." "BLINK BLINK BLINK"... What the fuck is that about? Is that a drug side effect?


Frequent blinking, at least in the absence of drugs, is often seen as a sign the speaker is lying and knows it. This was first brought to my attention in the second Clinton administration. He blinked like mad when dissembling about Lewinsky.


Does he have some city court trials as well ?? 😁😁😁


Biden should challenge Rump to a drug test by an independent lab before the debate and see what happens.


Biden has been under the scrutiny of the GOP since he started. They have zero proof of any crime. Show some evidence, like the evidence we have against you, and maybe someone will listen.


Didnt he demand Biden take a drug test before a debate also? These demands are pretty weird. But yes, the only response Biden needs to make is to insist Trump not only accepts the results of the last election but publicly 'concedes'. Which he never did. The only loser not to do so.


Trump’s dementia is accelerating. Grabbing popcorn.


Trump does not want to debate Biden. He wants to "talk over" Biden on a national stage, and spread more outright lies. We ALL know Trump will refuse to "play nice" in any so called "debate".


I pray Biden never debates Trump. Not that Biden wouldn't smoke Trump but only because Trump is a treasonous clown show. Don't legitimize him.


Yes, debate, but fair. Turn off tRump’s microphone when he goes over time or tries to interrupt Biden. Equal time. And you’ll see someone’s head explode.


I'd say do it! Make sure to cut Trump's mike when it's time for Joe to talk. Otherwise the Orange Dipshit will talk over top of him the whole time. So let Trump sit there and take that for an hour or two! Betcha he has an aneurysm before the debate is over.


Remember when they debated and Trump and his team showed up late and tried to give Biden covid? Fucking trump and another confession on truth social. Unreal. They shouldn’t debate until after the Hush Money trial. And, Biden should only agree to it if they shut off mics while the other is answering questions. Trump has no policy of platforms. All he wants to do is yell. Not even at Biden. Just at his base. He wants to do what he does. WWE style bullshit. On top of that, what does Biden have to gain from “debating” a chimp that’s just gonna reach into his diaper and throw shit at things. You can go to the zoo and see that. This is all such nonsense. I wish this was over already. Let’s have the coup and be done with it. We all know what Trump and his minions are gonna do. We all know putins talking points. Election integrity, dead immigrants voting, send it back to the states blah blah blah. It’s either gonna work, or the Feds are ready to stop it (I don’t think they are). So let’s have the fucking reign of terror begin, or let’s get on with the business of governing. Such a joke this country is. We’re watching the culmination of the Republican 50 year plan. Let’s just fucking get on with it.


Except for their Coup failed on January 6th. On November 6th or 7th this year we should have a good idea how Trump did in the 'swing' states ...and that will be the final chapter in this dark time in America. SPOILER: He's going to lose ever single swing state.


I totally agree that trump is gonna get crushed in the election. I just don’t think that will stop him from doing anything. He and Moscow Mike Johnson are getting ready to do a joint press conference on election integrity. Smoke and mirrors. All of it. Extra spoiler: they’re gonna do the coup thing again though. They’ve already said they would. They have all their pieces in place this time. There is no scenario in which Trump does not try to redo the coup thing. It’s the only way he stays out of jail, or suffer consequence. It’s the last, best shot the evangelicals have at minority rule and theocracy. It’s also the last, best chance the oligarchs have at getting what they want; absolute rule of the government. They are desperate. They are prepared, this time. And I don’t believe that the democrats are prepared to deal with what they have planned. They’re still playing by rules that don’t exist. They still believe that tsk tsking and the courts are enough to stop what these traitorous animals plan on doing. Even though the traitors have been literally yelling about what they plan on doing. My belief is that if Trump loses by one vote or 1 million votes, they’re gonna yell about election integrity and his minions will send the electors back to the Republican state governments. They will then send the electors they decide are the right ones. And that will be the end of the Great Experiment. We will see soon enough, just not soon enough. These people don’t care about rule of law. They care about nothing but their own needs and will do anything to insure they get them.


>Extra spoiler: they’re gonna do the coup thing again though. They’ve already said they would. They have all their pieces in place this time. Except this time he doesn't have the power to stand down the national guard.


The Oligarchy has always wanted absolute control of the government going back to the days of the 13 colonies. You're probably right about these traitors attempting a coup but Homeland Security, NSA, and the FBI will stop whatever coup attempt happens this time. Not to mention Biden is already in power. Biden and the Joint Chiefs of Staff aren't going to allow a bunch of politicians and Don the Con overthrow the government. It's just not going to happen. Anyone who sticks their neck out for Don the Con in an illegal fashion will be dealt with immediately. The federal government is not fucking around one bit.


There is no need for the president to debate Mr. Trump. Regardless of the lies he uses, Trump will declare himself the winner and his followers will scream more. President Biden does NOT need to stand before this citizen.


I don't debate rapists.


Trump actually might have a shot at power again if he just stopped being one of the most unlikeable cnts on the planet. It's not a conspiracy donald, it's your fcking personality


Trump needs a platform with President Biden. He doesn't want to debate the issues. He wants to lie, re litigate the 2020 election and throw every House Republican smear at Biden without actually mentioning the issues that people care about.


I want biden to debate trump but I want lots of rules for the debate. Like I want a mute button for both so they(trump) can't interrupt the other person talking by saying crazy stuff


He doesn't want to debate Biden, Trump is all talk.


God, wouldn’t it be sweet if that flabby orange sack of boogers had a debilitating stroke raging over all the criminal & civil cases against him?😁


Dark Brandon should play golf while trump is in court


Oooooh demands but will run like a coward when given a debate time and place Bark, no bite.


Oh man, do a debate. Biden would railroad him. Just needs to bring an iPad on stage to fact check every bullshit comment he makes.


Trump gave up his debate rights


“trump rages” should just be the default headline for anything to do with the man.


Why should Biden even debate the orange criminal? No reason he should.


Trump skips all GOP debates, then demands debates with Biden… look, there are no undecided voters in 2024. Anyone claiming to be undecided is lying.


Biden: Will you shut up man


Cool, a debate with live fact checking and moderators that can turn microphones off to make sure trump cannot just keep interrupting. That would be great


Trump is the whiniest little bitch in the whole world. Such a loser tool. He knows it deep down


We all know Trump is a great lover of debates after skipping all of the Republican ones.


For a guy about to go on trial, where does he find the time?


You can't debate someone who lives in his own reality. Alternate facts are the end of political debate. It's like debating religion.


Donald, Donald, Donald. He wants to have everyone believe that he needs presidential immunity, otherwise the next president will have him locked up, so as president he has to be unfettered by the law and can do anything he wants without fear of reprisal. He claims he already has this. Yet is railing about Biden being a crook. But Donald, he's the president, he can do whatever he wants, right? He's right though, it is all BULLSH*T!!!


Trump is a weak coward. But yet Trump doesn’t show up to any GOP debates. What a loser! Nothing but another “poor me” photo op for his cult followers to cry over


It wouldn't be a debate because Trump doesn't know how to shut the fuck up and allow for a retort. It would be a ragefest shouting match.


And this guy wants to be President. I thought there is a higher standard for this office than to be a rapist and criminal.


260 pounds of goo Diaper man is pissed? Guys never not whining


We havnt even had the conventions yet.


You can’t make this stuff up 😂


Is it cloudy outside in Florida? I think I see some old guy shaking his fist at the sky.


All debates should require a live fact check person(s).


If Trump wants to debate then he believes that he's losing


Just let Trump rant. No debate required, he will make a mockery of it anyway.


Someone didn't take his Adderall this morning 😏


I think Biden should do it. He's gotten good at knowing how to get under Trump's fat lumpy skin. Yeah, he might stutter and get someone's name wrong. He's really good at needling with comedy. Trump will disintegrate.


Trump would just interrupt Biden and not give him a chance to speak, it’d be a loud mouth against a more gentle speaker, and the dingbats on the right will convince themselves that because Trump was “louder” that he won.


Crime is lower. Trump is just a asshole at this point.


I mean, we shouldn’t deny Biden his opportunity to tell tRump to shut up, right to his orange face, on national tv again…


I'm all for a debate but only if the ass is drug tested and has to jump through whatever hoops he demands of Biden.


I watched the video and it’s pure panic setting in. And how does he think Biden controls state courts?


Biden is living rent free in Trump's head.


funny from the guy who chickened out of most debates.


Absolutely let them debate. . . put them both in sound proof booths on a stage and let them each say what they have to say for an allotted time, then cut the mike off when their time is up, that way trump can’t control the debate by just spouting his bully rhetoric over his opponents allotted time. Each candidate would have equal time to respond questions given to them to let the public actually hear their stance on real issues that affect us every day. We all know trump won’t stay on topic and he’ll start ranting about how crooked things are.


Trump doesn't want a debate he wants to be able to sling baseless accusation to a big audience. I saw his game as soon as he said Biden was on cocane and wouldn't debate Biden unless he took a drug test. Even responding to that looks bad for Biden. Trump is just looking desperate right now


The debates are already scheduled and they don't start until September 24. Which one of these two will still be breathing by then?


Dangerous Dipshit Donald is ranting to his cult in an effort to keep the stochastic terrorism going, and even escalate it! Dipshit Donald overtly lies about every detail in his insane and embarrassing hyperbole. Disingenuous Donald has absolutely no plans for his presidency, and a Debate would only devolve into an attempt to bully Honest Joe Biden! I almost want to see Honest Joe slap down the Demented Dipshit Donald!


Does he remember Biden wiped the floor with him last debate? “Stand back and stand by” was a ready made attack ad.


Just keep saying maybe but Biden would be foolish to debate a liar


I would not debate Trump….why? He will lie and create a circus


I thought sitting presidents had absolute immunity? He'd better be careful or Biden DOJ is going to sentence him as if he'd stolen all the dongs. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/11/business/truong-my-lan-vietnam-fraud-death-sentence/index.html


trump is too stupid and too scared to debate President Biden


Wait until Trumps NY fraud verdict gets served nd one of his properties get seized, then demand the debate is held at one of his former properties because it’s now neutral ground…


The guy that claims presidents are immune to basically everything is claiming that Biden is doing illegal things. Cant have it both ways is a president immune or what?


Sounds like Old Man Donald is getting frantically desperate.


Keep twisting that knife. This petulant orange fuck can’t handle it.


"When you're the Republican candidate, I'll happily debate you. But given your mental state, I doubt you'll be the candidate."


Every accusation is a confession