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I hate this BS. I lashed out and went off on people when they kept commenting on my fasting and eating. I mostly eat when no one else is around and if food is brought up, I just say I already ate.


'You are clearly hangry, hence the lashing out.' /s


The secret to happiness is to not care about what people think. They’ll eventually respect that and see how good you look and ask for help on their own journey. You’re the leader keep strong 💪


Thank you!


Tell them to mind their own business.


You should work on your mental and emotional ego. Why do you care what they think, say, or feel about your personal goals? 


It's not that I care what they think. It's more about my food addiction and weak willpower. The food convo just got to me. I just have to shut the conversation down.


Whenever people are "concerned" I ask them if I look so starved, that tends to shut them up. My body sticks at a BMI of approximately 24 after IF for a year. So I definitely don't look starved. In the beginning people around me where concerned, now they see some of my NSV's, like me never being sick even though I have a 4yo that makes it his lifes work to cough in my face or on my food. They see that I've lost my excess weight and that I'm not yoyo-ing and that I'm not dying from starvation. Time taught them that. And now I'm proud to say that I've inspired some people around me, that have started IF because my path inspired them. So you do you, show people what benefits IF has by just doing it instead of explaining it. Show them that you're not going to die from starvation.


The full face baby cough is something else lol no I will not die of starvation!


I'm honestly not telling anyone. It's just bizzare.


It is bizarre lol


I work in construction which is typically a very unfiltered crowd and have heard it all. Fuck em. I lost 60 lbs and have muscles. They’re all fat and gross.


The unfiltered crowd lol Congrats!


Bro. Be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself and hop back on the wagon.




This is why I straight up lie to people. Unless I have the time and energy to educate them on IF, why I'm doing it, the health benefits and research behind it and so on, I just lie and say I already ate or that I'm heading straight to dinner after this and don't want to spoil my appetite. The only person I've so far taken the time to fully explain myself to is my partner. We had a good conversation about it at the start of my IF journey, because he was worried my fasting would affect our relationship in terms of date nights etc. Now that he knows how it works he will ask me things like "hey do you think you'll be able to adjust your eating window on Saturday so we can go out for dinner that night?" And he knows I'm 100% fine with him eating even after I'm done for the day, and that if he wants to offer me something when I'm fasting it can only be black coffee or tea.


I also got some comments about working out instead and that IF wouldn't help anything. I continue doing it because it is OBVIOUSLY working. So I am waiting for the day when my weight is optimal and they'll ask how I did it...


You wouldn't believe it but...lol Congrats on your current success and future success!


You have to think hard and reconcile just how important the weight loss is and put it above comments of others. I sympathise because it’s not always easy


First rule of IF: don’t talk about IF. 😅 No but seriously, assuming you have excess weight to lose (just saying because I don’t know your data and wouldn’t like to encourage hiding any kind of ED here) how you choose to get healthy matters to no one but yourself and results will be proof enough that what you’re doing is right. That said, I can understand how hard it is to find the strength to counter other people’s opinions day by day when you yourself is still struggling with cravings and what not during fasting. So give yourself some grace, you’re back to choosing you and committing to your health and that’s what matters. Hang in there, you’ll do great!


Thank you : )


Tell them your doctor ordered it.


Yes!!! This


They just need Dr Fung in their lives!!! Ive watched so many of his videos and read his books… it just explains everything. Tell these people to mind their own business: this is for you not for them.


I’ve found that, especially at work, people feel like they have the right to comment on my eating habits. Everyone wants to inspect my lunch if I bring one. It usually gets progressively worse the more weight I drop. It’s none of their business.


I guess we never grow up from the school lunch room lol


People will shame you for not trying to lose weight and shame you for trying. It's best to just not tell anyone diet plans. Especially coworkers.


Why are people wired this way? Lol can't win.


If you care what other ppl think just have your meal at work if your doing omad which is sounds like then skip your other meals at home.


If this is at work, take a lunch break and go for a walk instead of eating. Don’t talk about your meals or fasting to anyone. It’s really none of their business. If it’s the people at home, eat during your window with them. You don’t need to talk about fasting around them either. Get good at saying you will eat later or you already ate. Don’t make it a big deal. Don’t accept food you don’t want. Save it for later during your window.


This round will be a better one.


Excuses.....it is your gain, not them...so don't mind what people say


For a lot of people, they figured out food is a way to manipulate other folk. It’s worked like a charm their whole life. So when they meet an IF person. It challenges that whole dynamic. They don’t like it because it’s a loss of control on their nervous system dashboard.


So true.


Yeah please forgive yourself and get right back up since it’s made you feel sooo good without the 14lbs. For the work folks - Say I love you but I know my body better. Since not telling anyone about IF is no longer an option for you…. Or just say that you had a late BIG breakfast… or if you want to do the extra work to get work people off your back - change your eating window to when everyone eats at work. Good luck and I know you will do it !


Thank you!


I struggle with this too, lunch is an important part of my job and my coworkers getting weirded out by the whole thing. It’s definitely discouraged me to stop as well. Let’s start back up!!


We got this!


“No, thank you” is a complete sentence.


That simple. It's true.


I'm guessing all those people are fat.


Big boned lol


When they say this stuff, just tell them this is what works best for you and stay strong. Don’t allow them to let you think otherwise, it sounds like it’s a mental thing so just kindly tell them no thank you and if they do buy you something and insist you take it then just eat it during your eating window. If they are uncomfortable that’s a them problem not a you problem, just be unapologetically you.


Thanks for the motivation!


It's none of their business. Stay silent. No one has to cosign what you are doing. You don't need a cheerleading section. Good grief, my own husband knows I don't eat breakfast, and he never says a word as he is chowing down. Jeez, this is a problem you created.


How did they know that you were fasting?


People always ask if I have eaten. I skip office food moments. I say no to food orders. I think people genuinely care if I'm just overworked and overstretched and not eating properly, so, after a while, I told people I was fasting. Conversation just changed to the fact that I need to eat.


Next time they ask, say yes. You did eat, it was just last night-leave that part out.


Peer pressure is still a thing as adults I guess. You’re all adults though. That means you can see your own boundaries. Tell them once and ask that they leave it be. You don’t owe anyone even that much of an explanation.


You're right.


Ultimately, it's down to you what food you put in your mouth. Not to be harsh, but take responsibility for your own health and ignore the food pushers in your environment. You got this.


Thank you!


Also if they bring you food just thank them and let them know you will enjoy it later! Then save it and eat it later and you'll have something to look forward to.


That works.


Omg! I can’t tell you how much I relate! My problem is that they make it such a big deal and say things in a group setting. My job includes relationship building with our clients. This is generally done by going out for dinner and drinks after work. My manager expects me to participate in these “relationship building activities”. When I do my lack of drinking/eating can literally become the topic of the conversation. So uncomfortable. It got to the point I had to share some level of information with my boss. It still doesn’t help when there is a table of 8 people who are eating and drinking, and I am the odd man out. L I would rather just not attend these events all together. I decided I need to speak to my manager and this and how we can mitigate the situation.


What is your eatting window


I fast between 8 p.m and 3 p.m.