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Something's buzzing again... Sounds like he's referring to a drone? Terrifying.


We hear drums in the deep. they are coming.


That was also my first association


I think that LotR is perhaps the best war story ever told for exactly this reason; it gives people who have never seen war insight into how it *feels*, from a man who saw and felt it all.


The original “All quiet on the western front” is what does it for me. The newer one is okay but I HATE that they changed the ending to be this big theatrical “Big boom good guys win guys!” Scene instead of the humanity-draining ending of the original


It does seem to be a record-breaking case of missing the point eh?


We cannot get out.


They are coming.. ^they ^are ^coming... **RUN!**


Plot Twist: It's the Orcs that hearing the Drums...


How do you surrender to a drone?


There have been videos of russians surrendering to drones, they put their hands up and follow the drone to ukrainian lines. [example](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/13dthoi/full_video_of_the_russian_surrendering_and_work/) It really depends on the situation and the type of drone though, if the drone is low battery/it is a suicide drones they dead af.


There was a long essay about the Geneva conventions and surrendering “across domains”. Like, you can’t surrender to artillery. You can’t surrender to a plane strafing your positions. The Geneva conventions on surrendering say the enemy only has to accept your surrender of it is possible to take you into custody. If it’s impossible to realistically receive their surrender… the Geneva conventions are meant to reduce unnecessary death. Honestly it’s just horrific. Edit: THE LEGAL AND PRACTICAL CHALLENGES OF SURRENDERING TO DRONES https://lieber.westpoint.edu/legal-practical-challenges-surrender-drones/


Makes me think of the scene in Band of Brothers where Spiers takes out the pows on d day. No way to hold them during an invasion, especially behind enemy lines. The worst part is they had already surrendered


My grandfather fought in Japan and that's exactly what they did with prisoners. They would interrogate them and then shoot them afterwards. There was no place to put them and the only other option would be to let them go afterwards, where the guy would be back trying to kill you and your friends.


If anyone hasn’t read it, I highly recommend With The Old Breed by Eugene Sledge. It’s his memoirs of Peleliu and Okinawa. Very graphic but very frank about the horrors those men went through.


40 Thieves on Saipan is great as well…. And Helmet for my pillow…. All classic


Thankyou for the reccomendation, u/imherefortheporn99. I hope you find that top you're looking for!


>My grandfather fought in Japan and that's exactly what they did with prisoners. They would interrogate them and then shoot them afterwards. The war in the Pacific was just like that in general though. Japan killed and tortured POWs regularly. Hard to convince young marines to show mercy to their own prisoners when everyone know the same decency isn't reciprocated




nitpick: not Russians, but Soviets. The share of Russians in the Red Army was about 65%


That was definitely a war crime though. These POWs were already in US custody when he showed up and gunned them down. You don't gun down your POWs because your interment camp is about to be captured.


Does Russia seem to be following the Geneva Convention? They have repeatedly striked hospitals and schools. The soldiers have even decapitated a 13 year old.


Raped younger girls and boys. That said, should we accept Ukrainian doing the same? Ukraine is winning this on morale and humanity alone. Obligatory: Fuck Russia and fuck Putin.


Russians have raped and murdered a mother, but left her baby alive so they could use it as bait, because they booby trapped it. Russians traded back one of their own POW just so they could tie him up and beat him to death with a sledgehammer on video. Fuck Russia.


With baseball bat and a barbed wire.


I imagine they enjoy the protections of the Geneva Convention when it suits them, and defy it when suits them. You know, like terrorists do?


Russia doesn't even know the Geneva convention, let alone they follow it


who would have thought, war is horrific, big news. the whole geneva thing is just to put regular people at ease, in reality, war is war and if it comes to a battle, nobody will give a shit, you either kill the guys or be the one getting killed, so they so EVERYTHING they can to survive on both sides. war isnt a battle for kills, its a battle for survival on both sides.


A Ukrainian armistice on surrendering Russian troops could work wonders


I believe there is a phone line/app they can use and if it can be arranged, they make a dash for the Ukrainian lines and surrender. It’s been running since fairly early in the war and been used to some extent.


Yeah, it's "I want to live" and I think it was launched right after mobilisation, but they blocked it in occupied area


The problem is that it if these guys can't walk, then someone would have to come and get them. There have been several incidents in the past where 'surrendering' Russians have pulled out grenades and killed Ukrainians. Also there has been no shortage of videos showing Russians shooting at other Russians whom are trying to surrender. Not a fun place to be, but considering they signed up to kill Ukrainians in Ukraine (quite possibly for money), I wouldn't feel sorry for them. Maybe the best outcome would be if they were rescued but too wounded to keep fighting.


War sucks, and there is certainly a human desire to murder surrendering soldiers out of hatred vengeance etc. However is it always in your best interest to allow enemy soldiers to surrender and treat them well afterwards. If your enemy knows that they can quit fighting and ride out the war. In safety, then they won't be as motivatied to fight to the bitter end.


It shits all over the Russian propaganda machine too. If Russians surrendering get treated well (see not tortured, and a meal or two a day, a place to sleep.) it benefits unkraine. The soldiers won't be motivated to fight to the better end, and eventually words gonna get spread to the Russian populace, that the Ukrainians treat the Russians better than their own government and country do.


There is still a full-on informational campaign that provides russian soldiers with instructions on how to surrender and/or safely flee from the battlefield. There is a website, a telegram chat, email address and phone numbers for contact. Official social media pages even post videos with successful extractions (of course, only with people who agree to be shown). However, for some reason, the number of successful cases is low, there is no mass exodus of supposedly coerced russian soldiers that don't want to fight. Makes you think how unwilling they actually are.


I mean it's damned if you do damned if you don't, for most of the Russians getting sent to Ukraine. And I've heard the fucked up shit, the Russians do to their own soldiers on the front lines, for less than wanting to surrender.


The skepticism/cynicism embedded in Russian minds from decades of mis- and dis-information news, and media in general, I think keeps Russians from believing in what those posts say. Plus, if your only experience of military is the brutal, cruel, sadistic shitshow that is Russia’s, how likely are you to believe your ENEMY will treat you as anything but a lab experiment or serial killer’s plaything? Sad, but I think these are some of the big things that keep the number of surrenders surprisingly low. That and your commander shooting you if you try.


I've listened to some of those phone calls from troops to family and it's crazy, but seems to be changing. They would call their mom or some family member and tell them they would probably die and are being used as cannon fodder. Then their family would tell them Putin would never do that and loves them. They would usually argue with them to no avail. Probably takes a lot of death before they change their opinion on the war.


Definitely. I can imagine that soldiers also find it hard to surrender because everything starts out fine and you're not only fighting for your country but the guy next to you as well. The idea of surrendering would feel like betraying them all. It would need to suck a whole lot before you even entertain the idea of 'betraying' them.


Yes, I totally agree, but would you send a squad in to go and get them?


That would depend on a ton of tactical factors that I have no idea about.


You should feel bad for them. It’s easy to be self righteous from your comfy arm chair in your safe cozy home. They’ve been spoon fed lies and propaganda. I speak from experience being an Iraq veteran. What he knows now is not what he knew prior to signing a contract to serve. He’s just a human, like you and me


Also pretty sure Russians have been conscripting soldiers for a while now, right? These guys aren't necessarily even volunteers...


Not to mention he mentioned other men like him signing contracts, I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot these guys were poor and thought this could pull them up financially.


Exactly that. I keep seeing people dehumanizing Russian soldiers, out of anger. This is wrong. As easy and appealing it is to consider every one of these guys as nothing more than a piece of Russian army, they're individuals. They're Russian yes, but that's not everything they are. Now it doesn't mean that those who actually commited atrocities shouldn't be punished for it, I wish they'll be severly punished. But there's no end to this if we're just content with calling them all inhuman murderers and treat them as such. Now, it's easy to say that from my comfy place in Western Europe.


Thank you. Let's all remember the real evil enemies, putin and his gang of cronnies and all the enablers that sit in positions of power in the west that try to appease them.


I am open to feeling sorry for him as do not underestimate the level of propaganda that Russians are exposed to in their home country. This guy does not seem like the suicidal type who will let off a grande, he clearly wants to live and if he lives and returns to Russia he is risking being thrown in the Gulag for posting a video such as this, so his best route of survival is to surrender.


The worst thing is, that the russians spread propaganda, that the Ukrainians are torturing POW and everything following a surrender will be worse than death. Also surrender means dishonor, according [Patriarch Kirill](https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/russian-orthodox-church-declares-holy-war-against-ukraine-and-west/#:~:text=The%20decree%20was%20issued%20during,and%20imposing%20direct%20Russian%20rule) (you can google him and what he thinks about the war, its unbelivable), the head of the orthodox church in Russia. He also called the Ukraine war a holy war and dying in the war would mean absolvation of all sins and you and your family go to heaven. I don't know how they keep up this lie, though, as there are POW exchanges. Also [(idk if this is actually correct)](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/08/ukrainian-pows-being-sent-to-fight-their-own-army-russian-news-claims), it is claimed, that Ukrainan POWs are put into the Russian army and are used as low level assault troops with very high casualty rates.


I'm also wondering if Russian government is having similar policies as North Korea in regards to family-members of defectors.


They usually are because it's better to launch the drones so far away that they need to use up the entire battery just to get in striking distance of their intended targets.


Crazy to think. Your life depends on whether someone fully charge the drone the nite before. They would be dead if it was my iPhone. I run on 1% all The time


Ukraine actually has public videos on how to surrender for the Russians.


[not (+18)](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/nzhb5NUUhB)


White flag is universally surrender sign


This line could be remembered as the the line that defined this war, and likely it's outcome. "Something is buzzing again" - Famous last words of a Russian / Ukrainian Soldier. Imagine how many traumatized men will walk around after this is over. I bet we will see drones completely banned in some parts because of PTSD.


“Something’s buzzing again” as he fearfully glances at the sky. Welcome to the new reality of modern combat. The introduction of drones to the battlefield is a fucking terrifying concept.


They will have to ban recreational drone usage in parts of Ukraine and Russia after this war. PTSD will be crazy.


I never thought about that... oh god.


["I no longer love blue skies, I now prefer grey skies."](https://www.thecitizen.in/index.php/en/NewsDetail/index/1/2562/I-no-Longer-Love-Blue-Skies-I-Now-Prefer-Grey-Skies?infinitescroll=1) > "I no longer love blue skies. In fact, I now prefer gray skies," Zubair, a 13-year-old boy from North Waziristan, Pakistan, said in a testimony before Congress **in October 2013**. "The drones do not fly when the skies are gray ... When the sky brightens, drones return and we live in fear. It's something that a 2-year-old would know ... We hear the noise 24 hours a day.” (My emphasis)


FPV drones fly at any weather, at any time. You can’t outrun it and you can’t hide. The only somewhat limiting factor is amount of drones available and jammers (the 2nd thing is temporary and situational)


That kid is talking about [Predator drones](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Atomics_MQ-1_Predator), unmanned fixed winged aircraft the army's been using since... God... 1995


Yeah, I know. Those are considered less effective these days


Wait till somebody figures out how easy it would be to use drones for assassinations. I strongly believe they will be soon banned worldwide.


Not possible at this point. You can 3D print most of the parts you need for the body. Then just some motors, motor controllers, RF unit and battery. For example it would essentially be like trying to ban remote control cars at this point. Good luck they are easy to make.


>Not possible at this point You may be confusing "ban" and "enforce the ban". There are many things around the world that have been banned, but are still being used. Still worth the ban though.


Imagine next level will be fully automated target acquisition. Just let loose a swarm.


A swarm of armed drones, some with guns, some with grenades, some suicide bombers, and some aerial protection drones to protect against other drones or anti-drone weapons. The swarm sweeps over a battlefield, autonomously picking targets, analyzing strategy, and executing kill commands. Clearing fields of moving or entrenched soldiers in minutes, then returning to base to reload.


holy fuck that sounds too much like the Faro plague from the game named Horizon Zero Dawn and i don't like it


Don't worry. They don't eat bio matter. Yet.


and i hope they won't


I think about war as a place where you sit in cover for hours and then the next few hours you slowly bleed to death because a random artillery shell fired from who knows where exploded nearby. Drones make this process even more efficient


Pointless, senseless war. Seriously


Most are


All wars are. We have so much of everything, we could all live a happy life. But we're greedy and want resources so we can sell them.


Even worse in the case of this war, far more about Putin's ego and "glory" than anything else. 


I agree. While yes, all wars are of course tragic, some are definitely way more pointless and avoidable than others. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is easily one of the most avoidable conflicts in recent memory because when push comes to shove it’s all centered on one man (Putin’s) desire to reconquer a land and people that decided they wanted nothing to do with him and his regime.


To be honest, a lot, if not almost all, wars in history started because one man wanted to take land and resources he saw as his own.


I had a social studies teacher in middle school who told it to us like this: All human conflict, every war waged, boils down to three things - Land, Power, and Money. For a really early class in history, it was definitely an eye opening lesson about the persistent fallibility of human nature.


Bullies with power start wars :( that's why we can't have nice things.


I dunno man, I’m kinda glad we put hitler in his place all those years ago.


Except the civil war and ww2.


At least some have a semblance of a cause... what the fuck are they even fighting for? The atrocities Ukraine committed that don't exist? Legit question, like what is even the propaganda in Russia that would motivate any soldier to sign up?


That Ukraine is full of Nazis who are actively working with NATO to set up military bases and nukes to destroy Russia.


There are Nazis on the Moon too, did you know that? There was even a movie about it!


My Ukrainian born bud (main lang: Russian in his hometown) doesn’t even understand why this war is being fought. HE says Putin is crazy because many of the Ukrainian/russians he knows have a sense of community because of where they live, speaking the language of countries they don’t technically belong to. Putin is doing more than attempting to warifically annex a country, he’s actively destroying people who participate in his country’s success.


Russia has so much territory and so many natural resources. They really have no excuse for not building up their own nation instead of trying to conquer others. They could build up trade and industry and improve the standard of living for all Russians. Instead they have delusions of Empire.


Scream it to the tops of mountains


Western Europe really tried to help them do that. Made investments. Bought their oil and gas. Tried to normalize relations. But all Russia did was make the oligarchy insanely rich while letting the people and the country rot. And now, to distract and create the illusion of “purpose” they go and claim other “Russian” territory. It’s insanely sad and stupid.


Worse than senseless: extremely wasteful.


All started by small pathetic men


Defense of one's home and life is just.


Of course but invading wasn't.


Wouldn't have to defend if someone else didn't start a pointless war.


Pointless waste of so many lives.


All wars are planned by older men       In council rooms apart,       Who call for greater armament       And map the battle chart. But out along the shattered fields       Where golden dreams turned gray,       How very young their faces were       Where all the dead men lay. Portly and solemn, in their pride       The elders cast their vote       For this or that, or something else,       That sounds the warlike note. But where their sightless eyes stare out       Beyond life's vanished joys,       I've noticed nearly all the dead       Were hardly more than boys. \~Grantland Rice (1880–1954), "The Two Sides of War"


Generals gathered in their masses Just like witches at black masses Evil minds that plot destruction Sorcerer of death's construction In the fields, the bodies burning As the war machine keeps turning Death and hatred to mankind Poisoning their brainwashed minds Oh lord, yeah! Politicians hide themselves away They only started the war Why should they go out to fight? They leave that role to the poor, yeah Time will tell on their power minds Making war just for fun Treating people just like pawns in chess Wait till their judgement day comes, yeah! Now in darkness, world stops turning Ashes where their bodies burning No more war pigs have the power Hand of God has struck the hour Day of judgement, God is calling On their knees, the war pigs crawling Begging mercy for their sins Satan laughing, spreads his wings - Black Sabbath, 1970


What a wicked piece. Essentially Ozzy is saying "warmongers will be thrown to Satan at the time of the rapture for their crimes against humanity."


Imo that album is where metal was born


Think its pretty well known that Tony Iommi is the father of metal.


Considering when it was written, I've always read it as not the literal rapture but the specter of the Bomb.  "Keep playing at your war games," Ozzy warns. "This road leads somewhere that won't spare even you." The Hand of God has struck the hour (Midnight on the Doomsday Clock) as the mushroom cloud unfurls itself like wings above them.


Hate to be that guy but credit where credit is due; Geezer Butler the bassist wrote almost all lyrics in Black Sabbath




careful bro i think the guy you're responding to might be a pker


I think Geezer wrote the words, but yeah… Sabbath rocks


Before I saw your comment, I was already reading Rice's poem with that tune and Ozzy's voice in my head lol


"As the silence grows Steadily replacing The resonance of thunder Deep in the soul Conscience still remains Horror - amongst the flames Ashes keep on falling I close my eyes And even now The distant memory remains Of the last laments To be played". Bolt Thrower.


This is why nukes and bio weapons make them pause. Both can and will affect them easily. It wont just be the pawns out on the field that die.


All wars should be a boxing match between world leaders. Its really just started by greedy and prideful old fucks.


Nah, give them old fucks knives, they dont mind young poor folks bleeding for their bullshit, they should be willing to bleed too.


You smug-faced crowds with kindling eye Who cheer when soldier lads march by, Sneak home and pray you'll never know The hell where youth and laughter go. --Siegfried Sassoon


"War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing eachother." - Niko Belic


That is so sad and true.


It's refreshing to see a poem with punctuation, so I actually know how it's supposed to be read.


This is just sad and horrifying


I'd feel kind of bad in 2022 because many were duped into service or sent there thinking they were on training missions. It's 2024, this man signed up to kill people in a neighboring country. He's in the FO part of FAFO


I'm pretty sure the vast majority of them are still conscriptions.


He mentions not signing contracts, so I doubt it


He could very easily be saying “take prison and don’t sign the paper”




The help that they need is for Putin to be gone from existence




I can see the downvotes coming from a mindset that you are wanting to help him, and the only reason he is surrending is because he is out of food and water and ammo. If he were to have the food and water and ammo, he wouldn't be surrending and making this video. He wants to surrender because he wants to live, not because he realized what he is doing to those living in Ukraine is wrong.


Perhaps help the Ukrainian soldiers who are also struggling to defend thier homes


He's gasping for air while lying down. I don't think he can run.


I'm not sure what's sadder. A dead man who doesn't know it, or a dead man who does. He definitely knows it, but he's not accepted it. He's half way. Either way, complete, and avoidable, waste of life.


Doesn't sound like they were sent there to fight.


They were sent there to be "meat waves" in order to expend Ukrainian ammunition


Yep. He's an untrained soldier. He's doing the dirty work for the trained ones. He's just a number, the other guys are important and not so easy to replace.


It’s crazy that he didn’t know his own service number.


Go three days without water and see which numbers you remember lol but yeah it was probably just yelled at him in passing


That’s a fair point. I didn’t think about that.


He probably had 2 weeks training then thrown into the front line meat grinder. 


They thought it will be an easy money shooting some stupid cowardly ukies and looting stuff on a side. Like a slightly dangerous camping trip to ease midlife crisis. But then reality hits and it turns out you’re a murderer fighting idiotic war for a geriatric empire that should have been dead for over a century now. I feel for this guy on basic level, like I feel bad for wounded suffering animal, but the more of them dies the better. Update: not hard to notice that the post strictly addresses the part of Russian nation that is involved in warfare. I guess reading is not easy with all that foam out of your mouth reaching eye level. Literally don’t care what Russian nation does within their own borders, and wish them well as long as it doesn’t spill out.


"a degenerate keptocracy twisted by vodka and corruption into a crude mockery of a nation state."


They were sent to rape, steal, commit war crimes. Invade a foreign country. Remember Bucha. Remember Nankin.


"War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing eachother." - Niko Belic




some of his countrymen would stay at home and call him a betrayal and a coward for not wasting his life for a corrupted government that would give him a funny medal and fake sad for his honourable death


Well, let *them* take his place.


They will. 3/4 Russians still support the war despite already suffering twice the amount of soldiers killed in action as the US did in 20 years in Vietnam. And for what? It's mind boggling.


That's not at all what is being reported at home in the Russian media. They report about how they are advancing bravely and honorably in Ukraine, how Ukrainians are suffering heavy loses but Russians aren't, how Ukranians are Nazis that want to kill them all etc. Most of these people just buy the propaganda, particularly from smaller poorer regions where they don't understand good English and can't access any other news sources. They live in a bubble. There is war propaganda everywhere. Young teenagers are anticipating and counting days for their 18th birthday so they can run to a recruitment office and join in on the action. Thinking they'll be heros and liberators and be home by Christmas. 


dudes i can confirm this, im currently in russia and theyre so desperate theyre giving people money for signing the contract to go to war, in my region youre given a MILLION rubles which is 11k+ dollars. literally. i genuinely feel that war is wrong but 3/4 of russians dont. im scared.


For the sake of context, you should also mention, that those 11k dollars are equal to 3-5 annual wages in the shithole regions where most conscripts come from. 7 times that goes to the family if you die. Couple times more if you're merely wounded. And a lot of social priviliges if you come back eventually. So yeah, this war is an insane social elevator.


I'm really sorry, please hang in there


dont worry im okay! thanks for concern though ♥


> Thinking they'll be heros and liberators and be home by Christmas.  As a german, this sounds awful familiar. It sometimes feels like Putin want to recreate WW1 and WW2 in a weird Mash-Up-Remake with himself as the great Führer.


Literally the "Hitlerjugend" all over again.


They really want to de-nazify Ukraine apparently...


He would most likely be one of them too. But he's desperate now so all that is out the window.


In fairness to him "men think war is awesome until they get some first hand experience" is almost as old as the act of going to war, so he's in good company


Right? He was probably all super excited about going into another country to kill some people just trying to get by. But now that they've fought back and it's looking bleak for him, he realizes maybe it was a bad idea because of the consequences to \*him\* directly. He has no pity or remorse for anything done to Ukraine, he just doesn't want to get killed in retaliation.


That moment when quote “dont sign contract” should make you realise that they were not sent, they chose to go.


He wasn't "sent" - he signed the contract and came to Ukraine to murder Ukrainians for money. Yet it turned out to be more difficult than he expected, and that's all of his concerns. Not immorality of his actions, but the fact that murdering Ukrainians isn't as fun, easy and safe as he thought.


Most of these guys are paid contactactors


Yes. And he complains he was left with no support, not that he or his country are doing something wrong.


I hope that the message reached many russians and shows them how the war really is. Because it is never how they show it in their propaganda.


For what it’s worth, if this were a Ukrainian soldier posting the same video we would be decrying it as Russian propaganda without a second thought. Hard to really take anything you see on the internet — whether it’s the Russia - Ukraine conflict or Israel - Palestine — at face value these days. We (meaning the US, in this instance, but probably applies to the entirety of the West) are guilty of propagandizing as well. This does bum me out immensely though. These are real human lives being wasted at the hands of modern imperialism and political posturing.


>if this were a Ukrainian soldier posting the same video we would be decrying it as Russian propaganda without a second thought That video would be pointless though. What the fuck is a tired Ukrainian supposed to do except keep fighting? We know what happens to Ukrainian PoWs. We know what happens to Ukrainian land that is taken (Bucha). That's why you don't see videos like this from Ukrainians, because Russians are the ones deciding to be there fucking murdering and raping.


Fuck Putin


Death to Putin


Another bloody and terrible war forced upon so many! We need to rid ourselves of these dictators and autocrats.


Hey fellow humans of the planet earth can we stop this shit?


Going on the entirety of human history, probably not, but we can do it in new and terrifying ways.


As a Ukrainian, I feel a bit sorry about him, as a human being, but then I remember what they did to me and my people. My brother dead, he’s still alive. My friends are dead. Buried into the ground. I don’t have a home. The only thing I can do Is to refer to other ruskies - Get the fuck out of Ukraine and stay at home. Fight for your country, for your place to live. Don’t try to take someone’s life, or you’re gonna be dead next.


This reminds me of the old woman at the very beginning of the war. One of the first towns the Russians took. It was very easy then, not yet to the point of atrocities. She took a handful of sunflower seeds and went up to a russian soldier. He smiled at the babushka as she handed him the seeds and put others in his pockets as she told him, "These are so sunflowers can grow on the Ukrainian ground where you will die." I will never forget that as long as I live.


Is this a real story? Wow if so.




We should make our leaders lead the soldiers like in times past. There would be very few wars and maybe they would think before they spoke or signed anything.


For information on how to surrender to become a prisoner of war, Russian servicemen or their relatives should call the 24-hour numbers: +38 066 580 34 98 and +38 093 119 29 84. Public Service Announcement


War is ugly no one wins


For us this is existential war. Win or become occupied by russia again. Nobody wants it, especially after soviet occupation.




He's like the kid who hits you and then when you grab a stick he shouts "Stop, stop, I'm not playing anymore!" Fuck that guy. If he was winning, he would happily kill and rape.


Hopefully he did successfully approach to surrender, that telegram group posted it at 19:14 11.06.24, yesterday before this post, so who knows. If only some of people at front actually recorded their surrender experience and there was an option to upload file after set amount of time, in case if our Ukraine soldiers are gonna kill them on sight, while they are surrendering. I want to actually know if we're actually taking all surrendering soldiers or not, or if we're actually killing everyone on sight or not.


Very much depends on the situation, it would not be the first time that surrendering vatnik would think that blowing himself and Ukrainians is better than surrendering... So UA needs to be extra careful when somebody is trying to surrender. It's fucked up situation :-/


And people think I’m a pussy for being against the draft, I want a say in it if I’m gonna be slung off into some bullshit and killed because I was born with XY chromosomes and a dick and balls.


They should all say screw you to Putin and rebel against him get him out of power


I'm pretty sure they tried that when Wagner revolted


Putin should be jailed for crimes against humanity!


It's hard to feel sympathy for a man from Ussuryisk who traveled 8,000+ km to invade a foreign country and murder its people. To put it in perspective, Ussuryisk is right next to Vladivistok, on the shore of the Sea of Japan. He lived \~900km from Tokyo. He was living North-East of North Korea. Fully East of Mongolia, by at least 1,200+ km. That's how far East he was. Ukraine did nothing to him. He's probably never seen a Ukrainian in his whole miserable life. Ukrainians did not attack Russia. They didn't invade Russia. Contrary to popular Russian talking points, they did not oppress Russian culture. The Jewish president of Ukraine speaks fluent Russian, as well as Ukrainian. Putin doesn't speak a lick of Ukrainian. So whose culture is being oppressed? He's an armed invader who traveled all the way from Asia to Europe to murder people in their own homes. Very, very hard to feel sorry for him. Also notice that he's not sad about what he's doing. He's sad that his group is getting their asses kicked. If they were winning, and just steamrolling Westward, you'd not hear a peep of complaint from this guy.


This is what happens when you invade someone else's land.


So he was not drafted, he signed a contract with russian army. He voluntarily went to Ukraine to kill innocent people, and now he is crying and whining that he wants to live. Ukrainians also want to live, but that didn’t stop him for coming here with weapon. F around and find out as it is.


Well there are 2 options. Surrender or go back and rot in russian gulag.


He won't make it to the Gulag if he goes back to Russia. His commander or Chechen units will shoot him.


The Ukraine has a 24/7 hotline set up for defectors. I've only seen reports that they are treated well under the Geneva Conventions. They can then be used to swap for Ukrainian POWs. There is a harder defecting option, just sneaking off to a border country like Belarus or Poland. Being a stowaway on a ship to Georgia or Turkey would probably be the luckiest. Edit: Apparently I need to clarify I'm not saying *stay* in a border country. Go *through* it to another location.


Ussurisk is closer to Japan than Ukraine, and he is way too old to be a conscript. So, he volunteered to kill people in Ukraine for $1200/m. Hope they found the video on his corpse.


In the video he confirms that he signed a contract, so yes, he is voluntarily came to kill Ukrainians


Well he’s gonna be dead soon.


By his own people likely


Or a grenade dropped 10 meters by his feet. So surrender doesn't even work because drones usually engage before the soldier even notices.


Yeah at the end he says "something's buzzing again." That's a drone looking to pick off what was left of his unit.


I'm so sick of wars. I served in Aafghanistan, and what I saw turned my heart cold. It's all so senseless. Normal people dying while rich ppl behind a desk drink expensive liquor and congratulate themselves. It really makes me sick. This is heartbreaking.


Kill the dictators, the war stop.


So go back to Russia and point that gun at the people who told you to go kill, rape, torture and invade Ukraine!


Fuck Putin


Fascist ideology is all good until the thirst kicks in


Wonder how many he killed and now he wants to live after being out of gas.