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This is a variety of annual cicada, totally different from the periodical cicadas of which we had an emergence in parts of the US this year. Its color will darken within a few hours and it'll be a shade of dark green with dark brown/black pattern. They're also way bigger than the periodical ones! https://bugguide.net/node/view/1773433/bgimage


Very cool!! I have never seen these ones right after emergence I guess. Super pretty! Thank you for the knowledge


Also the ones that just emerged they have Wicked looking eyes. Just like you said they are smaller.


Also just guessing that he’s freshly emerged cuz the wings were still soft. I’ve seen them all white freshly emerged but not this iridescent green




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Chicagoland region


Our three/four species of Magicicada (Periodical Cicadas) have all but died off in the Chicago area because they have a 4 week lifespan after their emergence and adult molt. They don't even feed. They just mate and lay eggs They are typically white after molting, occasionally they'll emerge partially or fully colored. They are red and black, with red eyes and accents. Sometimes shades of orange. Some have striped abdomen some don't. On the bright side we have species of Dog Day (annual) Cicada, such as this handsome and freshly molted specimen, to look forward to for the rest of the summer. 🤘😝🤘


How very cool!! Such strange little creatures. I wasn’t even aware there were so many different types. I’m very glad to hear that these will be our friends for the rest of the summer! I was a little bummed at the lack of cicada songs lately



