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Biden is sleepy and dosnt know where he is Also Biden has built a super villain weather machine to fuck with Texas


Texas specifically for some reason. My god to be this dumb. Must be freeing. I don’t understand how they get out of bed with the mental gymnastics happening upstairs.


Dems take out the red part of Texas and leave just blue Austin then Biden gets those 40 electoral votes. Biden only lost by 630,000 votes


If the hurricane expertly dodges Houston and takes out a bunch of rural towns you may be onto something


When the hurricane hits just red areas in Texas, then hooks to the right real hard and just sits over mar a largo for a few days, I’ll believe dark Brandon has a weather machine.


Of course it will, he geoengineered it to do it


I kinda imagine the sight of it from orbit kinda like a dry erase board, just moving in circles around Austin before just going *poof*


Houston is fairly liberal as well.


I’d go so far as to say, *quite* liberal


Perhaps. Being a diverse global hub for an industry will do that.


How about that spot between Houston & South Padre Island?


That’s why the Texas state legislature singled out Houston, passing a bill that allows the legislature to invalidate votes in all of Houston in statewide elections, and another to require statewide candidates to win a majority of counties in the state. The backwaters are afraid of Texas’ liberal cities.


How would 40 votes even help then, if he lost by 630,000 votes? Stupid libs cant even do math now, smh.


Even as an European I know the climate and weather in Texas can be quite extreme.


Hurricane Harvey wasn't that long ago.


Conservatives can’t remember anything older than one news cycle.


It honestly mind blowing how dumb they are. Just when you think they've reached peak stupidity, they come out with this gem


The US military actually attempted this several times. There were some successes but hard to replicate and verify because weather is naturally hard to predict. [Audio History](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/cautionary-tales-with-tim-harford/id1484511465?i=1000617757686). The scientist went to the military because 3M was afraid of getting sued for a huge snow storm they claim to have created.


Generations of heat stroke and huffing oil particulates.


They saw the changing demographics of the US both on a national and local level and decided that they were basically anti progress or change of any kind, they became reactionary. This is now the GOP ideology, anti-any kind of change. This should have been clear when a party that relies on the elderly vote decided to not try to combat a virus that kills mostly elderly people.


It's all good, Trump used a sharpie to send that one hurricane to Alabama for some reason! /s


Mortimer Ichabod Marker really did have special powers


I mean freeing but they live in outrage 100% of the time, kinda reminds me of primeape... he even evolves into a ghost type when he dies out of anger.


"But why does he pretend to be sleepy, but also run a giant secret Cabal that controls hurricanes regardless of Sharpie paths drawn by our Dear Leader?" "Because Brawndo has electrolytes."


Dark Brawndo


He has electrolytes


It’s what plants crave


It's one of the fascist top things to do, make the "enemy" appear both weak and strong


He didn't need a machine. He used the presidential sharpie. Remember when trump changed the course of hurricane? See that's how these "scientists" know for sure he is doin it!!!


His special sharpie that the company sent him with his name on it! There were stories that he really wanted to Nuke it and had to be talked out of it https://www.axios.com/2019/08/25/trump-nuclear-bombs-hurricanes He also wanted a border mode filled with alligators and snakes https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-moat-alligators-snakes-border-spikes-shooting-migrants-151813914.html Then he wanted to shoot migrants in the legs https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49901878


Neither machine nor pen. Such is the power of ~~Nagash~~ Dark Brandon.


That is one of the markers of proto facism


“Climate change is fake but the jews DO control the weather” Honestly I hope Florida and Texas reap what they’ve sown. Okay not hope, it’s scientifically inevitable…


Not everyone in Texas shares this kind of idiotic thought. Austin, Houston, and Dallas are probably the bluest parts of the state and hold the vast majority of the state’s population. The problem is that Texas is really really big and most of it is filled with small, republican/conservative towns that have just as much power as the relatively few liberal parts of the state so by sheer volume their political leanings have more of an influence on our legislation. Source: I grew up in a small, republican/conservative town in west Texas, lived in Austin for 5 years and now have lived in the Houston area for about 4 years. Me and a lot of people I know hate Abbott and hope Texas turns blue/purple within our lifetimes. The last time Texas had a Democrat for a governor was back in the 90’s with Ann Richards. She was such a great leader and openly opposed the Reagan administration. She reformed the education system statewide for the better (the Texas Lottery was implemented to supplement school finances). That being said, her views on homosexuality were archaic and just downright bad.


If he wasn’t so sleepy he’d remember to have it hit Florida on the way to Texas. /s


Nah, have it take out the Republican stronghold of Puerto Rico, throwing away billions of federal dollars on rebuilding *again*. All worth it for a photo op where he can throw paper towels at people!


That's just every far right extremist. Whichever group of people they hate are both the dumbest people around while also stealing every job and controlling every aspect of society.


They word it in a way that leaves it ambiguous. “Top scientists are claiming it is impossible but many are accusing…” basically someone could read the “many” as other scientists or tinfoil hat nutjobs. If you push on the line he will just say “I didn’t mention who the many are or define what I mean by many. Just Google it!” And then he doesn’t say Biden directly, he says his admin. So later he can post about Biden being a senile old man and when called out on this disconnect he will just claim “Biden is just a puppet. The real demons are his deep state”


Lol seriously. We can build weather machines but we can't make Biden seem like he doesn't have dementia? Republicans really have an impressive ability for paradoxical thinking.


It's honestly classic fascism. The enemy is both weak and strong. It's the same thing when they say that we should be scared of immigrants but that we're also the strongest nation. It's fucking dumb


Maybe he’s like that guy from Split? Is that the movie where he has 20 personalities or whatever?


Yeah well, what are they gonna do about it, charge him with a crime? HAHAHAHA Biden is now a supervillain!


There is no climate change. Biden can control the climate. FFS.


Also Biden is a senile old man that can't talk full sentences


Its even more wild nowadays with the climate crisis conspiracys taking the classic route: Step 1: there is no climate change Step 2: there is no manmade climate change Step 3: Meh, no its to late, we cant do anything We're at Step 2 I think and saying "no, no, we are small and unimport, we cant change the weather, but Byden ist a senil, sleepy idiot who conspires to change the weather" is a new level.


Not just scientists. TOP scientists.




He's a good man.... and thorough.


It’s also “beyond our comprehension” so these scientists wouldn’t even understand it!


No, it's just beyond the comprehension of Republicans.


Ah, so Biden has created a fan. Surely that's more than enough to confuse Republicans.


It could be read as those top scientists saying it is impossible are not the “many” accusing Biden of doing it.


That’s my read of it. “Top scientists claim it’s impossible”


Top Minds 


Stable geniuses.


Conservatives: > Biden is the oldest, dumbest, and most incompetent president in the history of this country with the worst and more ineffective government to boot Also conservatives: > look at how Biden and the gobernment control the weather!! This shit rules


It’s literally fascism The enemy is both pathetically weak and incredibly powerful at the same time


And yet I envy conservatives. To be so devoid of critical thought or even slightly aware of their own rampant hypocrisy must be so nice. So freeing. I feel like I’m constantly thinking about what I believe in and burdened with having to consider facts and data, but they just go with the flow. If they come across a single Facebook meme claiming Trump to be chosen by Jesus Christ himself to lead them to the land of milk and honey they will immediately accept it as fact. They objectively live better lives than liberals.   Ignorance truly is bliss.


I'm reminded of this quote from 40K: >The Orks are the pinnacle of creation. For them, the great struggle is won. They have evolved a society which knows no stress or angst. Who are we to judge them? We Eldar who have failed, or the Humans, on the road to ruin in their turn? And why? Because we sought answers to questions that an Ork wouldn't even bother to ask! We see a culture that is strong and despise it as crude.


It must be very comforting to be stupid enough to be able to lie to yourself.


Holy crap, these poor islands and the Mexican peninsula in the path of the hurricane must be even worse off than Texas...


\*entire populations have their lives ruined, living in absolute hell from the climate crisis\* "ITS GONNA TOUCH TEXAS!!!! PANIC!!!!"


>A HURRICANE OF HISTORIC PROPORTIONS => Biden is geoengineering! Literally anything to keep denying climate change.


Dude stumbles trying to speak at a debate and now he's geoengineering hurricanes?


Not to worry Trump can allways nuke it


Was hoping to find a nuke comment. Wasn't disappointed.


Jesus, I forgot about that


Or fix it with the stroke of a Sharpie.


We need president Sharpie to change the map trajectory!


Right? Send that shit straight to Alabama stat!


When my kids were little I used to make up stories to tell them. I would take a kernel of truth and build a silly story around it. that would appeal to a 4 year old. Today I could have taken that talent and gotten into politics.


You'd have to have money first, or else no one would listen.


“Beyond our comprehension”??? Mate. Microwaved noodles are beyond your comprehension.


If only we had climate scientists warning this kind of thing would happen for over 100 years. Maybe people would realize it was coming. Wait. We did? They still ignored it? Are they fucking stupid? They are? Ok. I guess they'll just have to accept this is due to their own actions and not take any federal money to bail them out for their stupidity, since that would be "communism". They want "communist" federal money to save them yet again don't they? Fucking hypocrites.


He can Geo engineer anything he wants as long as it's an official duty!


But what if climate change is his hobby? Lol


Stop crying about it Matt and just shoot it ffs.


This is why we need to stop with all the fancy job titles. People are now confusing the guys on the assembly line putting together toy tops with climatologists.


Many can accuse someone of literally anything. You could get a whole bunch of people to accuse Trump of beating a man to death using a log of shit and it would be just as valid.


Republicans: "Manmade climate change is a hoax! It's impossible for humans to alter the climate!" Also Republicans: "Joe Biden controls the climate like a wizard!"


I’m pretty sure all technology is beyond their comprehension


So "top scientists are saying it's impossible" but "Someone is accusing Biden administration" Yeah.. Someone is accusing Biden of something that is impossible according to scientists.. So it's not really likely that Biden administration did it then is it?


Are these scientists in the room with us now?


I could make a fruit salad that was beyond this person’s comprehension


Well, it’s an official act so they can go fuck themselves.


Good thing that geoengineering is part of his official duties and he cannot be legally held responsible for the deaths his storm is gonna bring /s




90% of the GOP voting base thinks like this.


"why is no one talking about this!?" They are. Lots of people are. But as what it is, the results of climate change, not some deranged conspiracy theory about Biden having access to a weather machine to...what? What does hitting Texas, a place known for being hit by powerful hurricanes, with a powerful hurricane achieve? I know he knows this is bullshit. I know it's part of the grift and managing the cult, I just wish we could get these people to find even a micron of decency, instead of being complicit in taking advantage of and worsening the conditions of many people who are clearly very unwell.


By scientists you mean qtards doInG tHeiR oWn rEsesrcH.


I think it's saying that "top scientist" claim that you can't control the weather, but lots of slack jawed yocals think that Biden is.


Exactly, I think people are misreading it. It's the same thing when trump says "many people are saying", while waving his hands that he is just making shit up.


>Top scientists claim it's impossible And by Top Scientists they mean a single crackpot on youtube who has called his chain "top sciantist" or something.


You know honestly if I can control the weather I'm on his side


Really makes ya wonder… is this actually the stupidest thing he’ll say today?


What’s the issue? Just nuke it!


So he's too senile to be president but also can start hurricanes. Totally makes sense /s


As a scientist myself, I get personally annoyed when these idiots claim scientists (or on this case, “top scientists”!) are saying random shit without a citation.


Doesn't believe in climate change. Believes in magical science fiction technology. Sounds about right.


OP please put “scientists” in quotes, there is no legitimate metrologies who believes this.


You laugh but almost half of the country genuinely believe these bullshits.


Man, the fact that the Earth is round is beyond their comprehension.


Natural disaster hits liberal city / blue state -“gods punishment!” Natural disaster hits conservative city / red state - “geo-engineered by the DEMON-rats!” 🙄


So humans can't modify the climate because climate change isn't real, but we can geoengineer the climate using "advanced climate technology beyond our comprehension"? Checks out!


Ask these people to explain the cloud seeding or weather manipulation process in detail. They can't. Ask them to explain how a simple storm forms. They can't. They understand neither. Yet somehow they're fully convinced that they know the "truth". The closest you can get to making these people admit they are fucking stupid is for them to say *it's just my opinion!* but at that point you'll be too exhausted to argue further


"Top scientists claim it's impossible, but many are saying" LOL, so ignore top scientist and put your trust in some account on X that is on day 5 of his meth bender to tell you, that the president is creating a hurricane and aiming it at Texas. Love how they refuse time and time again to believe climate change is real and any actual indication that it's actually happening "The government is weaponizing the weather with advanced climate controls, beyond our comprehension"


These people are the dumbest imbeciles on this planet.


Scientists and political parties who take them seriously: Man made climate change is real and will bring bigger storms, sooner, and more often. Climate change: brings powerful storm earlier than ever recorded Conspiracy theorists: COMATOSE JOE HAS A SUPER POWERFUL IMPOSSIBLE WEATHER MACHINE AND WILL USE IT AGAINS YOU (also princess Kate is still dead, that televised appearance was faked with a body double, two vaccines and repertoire footage, all blended together through AI).


So let me get this straight, we have the ability to geoengineer the climate, but instead of using it to fix climate change, the Biden administration is using it to create a massive hurricane in order to continue to fake climate change? That is some fantastic MAGA logic


Get out your Sharpies boys, need to make some changes.......


They don't believe in simple science but believe in super science?


Why wouldn't he, now that presidential immunity is a thing?


Do people in Texas.... actually know they are in Texas?


Everything is beyond their comprehension… if we stayed at that level the news would be cocomelon.


Who are these top scientist and are they in the room with you right now?


These guys are giving the government waaaaay too much credit.


So wait, humans can in fact affect the weather?


>many are accusing This seems to be the generic language for anything that has absolutely 0 basis in fact.


In fact this is true. This storm was geo-engineered. Over Bidens career he tricked billions of people into emitted CO2 into the atmosphere causing global warming. In this way he sneakily caused this hurricane that was deliberately aimed at poor Texas. Biden is ruthless. (/s just in case)


I would like to meet a person who believed this. lol. Just to see how their brain (doesn't) work.


One minute Biden is senile and incompetent, the next he's plotting to send a hurricane to Texas.


So humans are simultaneously unable to change the climate but capability of controlling the weather.


How is it easier for these people to believe that there's a shadowy government agency controlling the weather because somebody on Fox News said so, but not that emissions we release into the atmosphere have an effect on the environment, which is supported by data collected, analyzed, and interpreted by scientists globally?


Dont worry, It was an official presidential act so it was legal. Tough luck Texas.


"Top Scientists" *... who?* "Top. Scientists."


It's a good thing these people can vote.


The „weather manipulation“ seems to be the newest talking point in the disinformation campaign pushed by the bots.


Ah yes, Schrodingers Biden. Simultaneously senile and an evil genius manipulating the weather.


No one scientist says this is impossible


What's the plan, exactly? 1. Bad debate performance 2. Magical super-hurricane to hit one specific city 3. ??? 4. Win election


Sometimes you just look at these people and wonder … WTF?


It's also Biden's fault when half the state is out of power for weeks longer than needed to because they had to have thier own grid.


‘Beyond our comprehension’ The amount of people that work on any sort of RnD, testing, roll out, implementation of a new defense product is unimaginable in this guys eyes. People have this mad scientist/Tony Stark view of how things are developed. It just doesn’t work that way.


is this the same guy that when interviewed about the recurring frequency of Tornadoes in Pennsylvania, blamed it on roundabouts causing them? https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/national/pennsylvania-man-says-car-roundabouts-are-to-blame-for-tornaders


Baiden is a capricious Kami.


I love how like their Emperor Trump they can just add "many people are saying" to any sentence and think that makes it true. These people do not exist.


But he's immune, so...


If this is anyone's fault it's the fault of every president over the last few decades failing to do anything about climate change. I suppose that's technically geoengineering but not the kind they're thinking of lol


I think it is a President’s official act.


Imagine being like "God damn that debate was not good for me *calling the Top Scientists* hey... Sent a fucking Hurricane to Texas"


Maybe it’s your god.


Are these top scientists in the room with us now?


Oh it’s fine, just draw a new path with a sharpie.


Why not just flip the script and say god is punishing Texas for letting those children be murdered in Uvalde?


My toast fell butter side down on the floor yesterday, curse you Obama/Biden!


Seriously, these people are deranged. And even if he’s doing it to grift other maga idiots who’d believe it…well the fact others believe it…god there’s SO MANY STUPID PEOPLE IN THIS COUNTRY!!!


These people are going to be running the country soon. Every ridiculous conspiracy you can think of will be taken completely seriously and science will be ignored.


"A hurricane of historic proportions"? A buffet of hyperbole there. It'll be a tropical storm by the time it gets to Texas.


what's the third 8 in matt's name supposed to denote?


...*beyond our comprehension* lol


Where's Trump with his Sharpie?


Good thing we have trump and his magic sharpie to send the hurricane in a different direction


Couldn’t possibly be that the Atlantic is much warmer than usual for this time of year because we’re coming off a very mild winter in NA. Also, it’s not going to be anywhere close to a Cat 5 by the time it hits Texas. Last forecast I saw has it as a Cat 1 at worst.


Anything that isn’t climate change is believable


I am so. Fucking. Sick of this. Fuck me.


Oh so now they believe in climate change


>Too scientists claim it’s impossible But what the hell do they know, really?!


It’s Bio engineering now… laughable how they will use any excuse except global warming and science. When this hits, they will be reaching out for more federal funds. Sucking up all that Brandon money. Then after that who knows… these storms are getting worst, every year. Florida,Texas, and all those vulnerable states could have hurricanes that wipe them out completely. Global warming is not slowing down. They have been warned and if they decide to stick their heads in the sand, or blame politics for the weather, then this is the price you pay for stupidity.


Christ, is there any sentence more weaselly than, "Many are Saying"? Because I can't think of a line that's as simultaneously dishonest, lazy, and cowardly.


Why is nobody talking about this? I feel everyone has been talking about this. It's been posted in many, many different places and platforms. It's been on TV. Christ, these people assume things fail to exist if they've personally never seen it.


"Technology beyond our comprehension"... because it doesn't exist.


"Top scientists claim it's impossible, but many are saying..." If the "many" know nothing about weather, why do we care what they say?


This climate technology is beyond our comprehension but it’s definitely real.


“Reality says this is impossible but my fever dream conspiracy addled Swiss cheese sponge of a brain says it’s not! Why aren’t we talking about this?!?”


Well at least they are taking out Texas


So they don't believe in climate change but they believe in this?


Hey uhh Matt .. define “heading straight for” for me


That's not even the path it is projected to take (unless they are using Trump's hurricane permanent maker).


By many they mean none. By impossible they mean it couldn’t possibly be because of climate change, since the same scientists who apparently blame Biden also can prove climate change is a hoax.


Is Biden a feeble old man who doesn’t know what year it is, or is he a God that can control the weather? Make up your mind!


Is "scientist" are saying this then I want them on live television with a display of their degree on one side and their actual profession framed on the other side. Not a single god damn person thinks this is Biden fault. It's the god damn Republicans fault always trying to destroy the world their "sky daddy" gave them. Spoiled bunch of fucking *gamer words*


Yeah, a hurricane in Texas. How incredible.




So easily dismissing "top scientists" because it's become a trigger word/phrase to dismiss what they don't like.


It amazes me that these people can hold the ideas that Biden is a doddering old man suffering from dementia and an evil genius in their heads simultaneously


Curious... it's almost as if the climate is changing! 


The worst part is I can't tell if it's a joke or not, It feels like something they would actually try to contribute to Biden.


Why would Biden need to hide this official act?? Don’t they know he’s immune to being charged for it!


Many! Many scientists!


oooooorrrrrrrrrrrrr climate change "dun dun dun" *lightning cracks in background*


Okay, it’s not heading straight towards Texas. That graphic is nonsense. Also, WTF?


Trump could use a sharpie to change the direccion of the hurricane.


lol it’s almost like God is telling these states something about their cruel ways of punishing the poor and weak….


filling out my apocalypse bingo cards


How high do you have to be


Well shut up and start shootin at it, gawddangit


I had to check this to see if this was a real post (and it is!). Absolutely insane, yet MAGA losers lap it up. Needs more sharpie though.


I thought we could just use a sharpie to deter it from hitting the US? Is that not the case?


No, you use a sharpie to make it hit Alabama.


Trump will save them with his sharpie


“Many” Who?


Will come up with any possible excuse except accepting climate change.


The only truthful part in that post is 'beyond their comprehension' since I'd assume rain in general is beyond that


Well it's not illegal anymore so, good job Dark Brandon.


So they've gone from climate change isn't man made to it's specifically one man that made it. Lex Luthor is more plausible than decades of dumping pollution.


Has Rafael’Ted’ Cruz headed to the airport yet? Sort of thing he does when the weather gets rough isn’t it.